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August 05, 1955 - Image 1

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LXV, No. 34S



Eisenhower May
Recall Congress
Lands Lawmakers' Foreigin Record
But Ternis Domestic 'Deficient'
WASHINGTON ()-President Dwight D. Eisenhower said yes-
erday he "has not by any manner of means dismissed the possibili-
y" of recalling Congress for a special session.
In a news conference review of "successes and failures" of the
ession that closed Wednesday morning, President Eisenhower laud-
d the lawmakers for a "bipartisan approach" and a "commendable"
ecord in the field of foreign affairs.
But in the domestic field, he said, it failed to enact some bills
'absolutely vital to our future."
Poissible Special Session
So, he said, in response to questions, "there is always the pos-





airmen Rest
[n Hospital
Before Trip

MANILA (A') - Eleven jubilant
United States airmen - released
from 21/2 years in Red China's
prisons - reached here yesterday
after defying Community "spy"
charges and telling of ordeals of
Well-fed on steaks since their
release at the British colony of
Hong Kong yesterday afternoon,
N they rested in an air-conditoned
hospital at Clark Field, just north
of Manila.
To Leave for Tokyo
They leave late today for Tokyo
on the next leg of their long-
awaited journey home and a res-
union with relatives. They will-
have a news conference in Tokyo
The men, although lean, were
pronounced "in fairly good
health." They told of better food
and treatment just before their
release Sunday from a Peiping
prison - a release that came as a
complete surprise to them.
Bamaer on Crutches
Maj. William H. Baumer, Lewis-
burg,-Pa., was on crutches. His
left leg was hurt when the air-
men's B29 was shot down over
North Korea Jan. 12, 1953. The
leg also has been badly frost-
The men was not permitted to
talk to newsmen at Clark Field,
but they told their stories briefly
at a news conference in Hong
Kong during which they spoke
bitterly of their "trial."
4 Arnold told newsmen "we were
on a routine leaflet mission
against six targets in Korea."
Arnold said the men bailed out
and became scattered. He was
picked up by Chinese Communist
troops the next morning.
Profits Zoom
As Chrysler
NEW YORK (P)-Chrysler Cor-
poration riding hard on the come-
back trail ,earned more than three
and half times as much money in
the first six months this year as
in all 12 months of 1954 when
its sales were slipping.
Reporting yesterday, K. T. Kell-
er, chairman, and L. L. Colbert,
president, announced that the big
automaker racked up a profit of
1 $70,010,642 for the first half of
1955, equal to $8.04 a share.
This compared with $15,791,660,
r. or $1.81 a share, for the first six
months of 1954 and with $18,517,-
000 for all of last year.
Contrary to expectations in some
quarters, directors at a meeting in
the towering Chrysler building
r here failed to raise the dividend
rate and declared the same divi-.
dend of 75 cents a share that had
been paid in the four previous
It is payable Sept. 13 to holders
of recordl Aug. 15. It was just a
year ago that the directors cut
the dividend to 75 cents from the
previous rate of $1.50.
The mid-year report to share
holders bristled with statistics re-
flecting Chrysler's recovery from
last year's doldrums. Sales of all
Chrysler Corp. products for the
first six months totaled $1,884,-
638,006, against $1,085,382,902 a
year earlier.

sibility" of a special session. But
he also said, and repeated, that
he has made no definite decision
on summoning the legislators
back to work later this year.
Of 13 measures President ti-
senhower listed as desirable a few
weeks ago, he said Congress en-
acted only four-military reserves,
housing, foreign aid appropria-
tions, and a minimum wage boost.
He listed four others that Con-
gress didn't pass as absolutely vi-
tal-school aid, health reinsur-
ance, highway construction, and
water resources.
Calls Congress Lax
On domestic legislation, he said,
Congress didn't make the prog-
ress it should have and he in-
tends to call the matter emphatic-
ally to its attention when it meets
again. The next regular session
would start Jan. 3, 1956.
The conference wheeled rapid-
ly from one subject to another.
It covered:
Bulganin-Soviet Premier Bul-
ganin did not, in President Ei-
senhower's view, close the door
to disarmament in calling the
President's armaments inspec-
tion plan impractical.
Bulganin did so in a speech
to the Russian Parliament-his
first official reaction to President
Eisenhower's proposal for an ex-
change of military installation
blueprints and aerial inspection.
President Eisenhower laid down
that plan at the recent Geneva
The President also told a news
conference he does not think the
new nuclear weapon tests by the
Soviet Union - announced early
yesterday by the United States
Atomic Energy Commission-ne-
cessarily mean any change in
what he called the more or less
conciliatory attitude shown by
the Soviets in recent months.
Hope for Cool
Weather Seen.
Cooler air from the Pacific
Northwest pushed into northwest-
ern sections of the Midwest today
as deaths attributed to the mid-
continent's long heat wave reached
The slow-moving cold front, only
hope of relief for millions of
sweltering Midwesterners, stretch-
ed from Lake Superior southwest-
ward through central Minnesota
and southwestern Nebraska.
The U. S. Weather Bureau said
there was a chance it might reach
Chicago by tomorrow and a chance
it. would move eastward north of
the city.
Chicago, meanwhile had a mid-
day reading of 96, the 10th straight
day of plus-90-degree tempera-

-Daily-Sam Ching
RECIPE-For cooler exam study period, a minimum of clothing,
open windows, a cool drink and a fan are highly recommended.
Student Conference Plans
Full Program for Next ear

The Fifth International Student
Conference, which recently con-
cluded 11 days of lively debate in
Birmingham, England, has agreed
upon an ambitious program for
the coming year.
Two recent University graduates
were, present at the meeting.
Crawford Young, '53, directed the
publicity for the conference and
Harry Lunn, '54, president of the
National Students Association
headed the United States' delega-
One of the hottest debates of
the conference centered on the
.Plane Crash
bills "Thirty
An American Airlines plane, one
engine afire and desperately try-
ing for an emergency landing,
crashed in flames on this military
reservation yesterday with 30 per-
sons aboard. No hope was held
that any survived.
Maj. Warren Pauley, aviation
officer of Ft. Leonard Wood; said
at the scene there was no hope
for any survivors.
"I walked all around the plane,"
said Pauley, "and there's not a
soul alive."
Pauley said eight bodies, some
of women and children, were
strewn in the wake of the crash.
Ft. Leonard Wood is 130 miles
southwest of St. Louis, on the edge
of the foothills of the Ozark
The big Convair had taken off
from Springfield, Mo., only a short
time earlier. It was winging its
way from Tulsa, Okla., to Syra-
cuse, N. Y., under clear, blue skies.
Suddenly one of the engines
caught fire. Veteran pilot Capt.
Hugh Barron of Tulsa radioed that
the plane was afire and he was
going to attempt an emergency.
Pauley said the plane barely
cleared the reservation adminis-
tration buildings at a hieght of
about 200 feet. One wing was tip-
ped downward. Seconds later it
was torn off. And then the flam-
ing crash.

question of admitting the Spanish
delegation to the group.
The conference accepted the
Credential Committee's proposal
that the question of Spain's en-
trance be left pending until
until next year while an investiga-
tory commission visits the country.
According to Young, the Span-
ish question is very important as
it intertwines with the problem
presented by the Iron Curtain
countries. The conference mem-
bers believe it would be desirable
for the Iron Curtain groups to
attend, but present organization
of the conference makes their par-
ticipation impossible.
Young said that this was the
reason for the ' delay on the
Spanish question, as delegates
sought to find a method of ad-
mitting the government dominated
groups. The problem was also
complicated by the threat of a
number of the Latin American
delegation to walk out if Spain
was admitted in any capacity.
The conference decided that in-
ternal political questions, insofar
as they affect the student as a
student, are within their scope.
Decisions on these questions will
be made on the basis of unpredju-
diced evidence gathered by the
Conference's five member Research
and Investigation Commission.
In the field of travel and ex-
change, approval was expressed
for three student travel aids that
were made available for the first
time this year. These new aids
were an International student
identification card, a handbook on
student travel and a booklet on
student hostels and restaurants.
Trouble Inlaw
ZION, Ill. ()-Zion Police-
man Mel Bedford got a batter-
ing from his mother-in-law yes-
Bedford was standing nearby
when his mother-in-law, Mrs.
Eunice Michael, attempted to
park her car in front of her
home. As she swung the car
around, it hit a tree, glanced
off and pinned Bedford to an-
other tree.
Bedford suffered a fractured

Strike Trend
On Upswing
Could Increase
Through Year
WASHINGTON (P)-Strike ac-.
tivity is increasing and the trend
may continue through the rest of
the year.
The reason is this: Labor un-
ions say their members rate a big-
ger share in the nation's prosper-
ity, while many employers say
they can't afford to meet the un-
ion's demands.
Government experts expressed
belief yesterday that this haggling
over the fruits of the industrial
boom is likely to grow more in-
tense in the remaining months of
May Match Present Agreements
They feel that unions all over
the country will be trying to
match the early summer settle-
ments in the auto and steel in-
dustries and that smaller and
perhaps less prosperous employers
may put up more resistance.
Secretary of Labor Mitchell re-
ported at a news conference yes-
terday that there were 2,075 work
stoppages during the first half of
this year, causing 11,200,000 man-
days of idleness. This compared
with 1,930 strikes and 9,010.000
idle days in the first half of 1954.
Figures Higher in Recent Years
The 1955 figures ,although high-
er than last year's postwat low,
ay'e well below most otne;"- recent
yearb. The 11,200,000 los, man-
days so far this year -.o Apare, for
example, with 32,700,fl00 during
the first six months of 1952.
What nave the strikes so far
phis year cost the wo:ker? t's
hard to say, but a rough esti-
mate, figuing averag., earnings
and average strike idleness, puts
the lost wage figure in the neigh-
tcrhood of 200 million dollars.
The government probably lost
20 to 25 million dollars in income
taxes due to the lost earnings.
P'rkers Benefits
What did the workers gain? In
many cases they woa pay in-
creases or other benefits they
might . ot have obtaqeci other-
wise. Ho ever, long strikes often
result in wage losses a w iker
can never make up.
There's a saying that, "Nobody
gains from a strike." On the oth-
er hand, it's also said that bar-
gaining relationships are some-
times strengthened or straight-
ened out by strikes so that in the
future there is more understand-
ing and mutual respect, less fuss
and more determined bargaining
to reach agreement without a
What have the 1955 strikes cost
employers? This is another intan-
gible, but it's safe to say the cost
has run into hundreds of millions
of dollars in lost business and

-Daily-Sam Ching
GUEST SPEAKER-Prof. Charles Issawi, United Nations' eco-
nomic expert, at right, chats with Arabic Studies instructor
Prof. George F. Hourani.
Issawvi Discusses NV.ear
East's Economic Future
"Leaders able to carry out the necessary economic reforms are
the most important factor in the future of the Near East," Charles
Issawi commented in a lecture here yesterday.
Issawi, a United Nations economic expert, and part-time professor
at Columbia University, covered the problems, recent trends and
future of economy of the Near East during his lecture sponsored by
the Near Eastern Studies Department.
"Correct use of tne labor resources of the area is one of the keys
to economic health," Issawi said. He pointed out the loss of labor
resources due to seasonal unemployment is a great problem in all of

Art Museum
Shows Prints
Featured at the Museum of Art
located in Alumni Memorial Hallf
galleries are four selections from1
the University's permanent art
They are contemporary paint-t
ings; contemporary drawings;
French drawing; and an exhibi-
tion of American contemporary
prints entitled "Life in America."]

the agricultural countries of the
middle east."
Issawi suggested that another
way to raise the national product
from the present low point of
about $200 per capita in the most
advanced countries is through the
elimination of illiteracy and im-
proving the skills of the popula-
Iwassi also recommended a large
scale rural electrification program
that would bring small industry
and modern conveniences to the
villages and hamlets of the Near

Rejects U.S.
Peace Plan,
Backs Reds'
Scorns Blueprint
Swap Program
MOSCOW (P-Premier Nikolai
A. Bulganin yesterday dismissed
as unworkable President Dwight
D. Eisenhower's dramatic proposal
for mutual air inspection of mil-
tary establishments and exchange
of military blueprints.
He said Soviet proposals for
disarmament and nuclear weapon
control were more realistic.
The 1,500 deputies of the
U.SS.R.'s Supreme Soviet Parlia-
ment laughed when Bulganin said
President Eisenhower's proposal"
would be ineffective because both
countries had vast areas in which
anything could be hidden.
Speaks in Great Hall
Bulganin spoke in the Great
Hall of the Kremlin Palace, report-
ing to a special Supreme Soviet
session on the Genea summit
He said all four powers -
Britain, France, the Soviet Union
and the United States - displayed
at Geneva a desire to put an end
to the cold war. But he said the
arms race still was going on, "es-
pecially that of atomic weapons.'
As Bulganin spoke, the Atomic
Energy Commission in Washing-
ton announced the Russians had
resumed testing nuclear weapons
within the past few days, possibly
"the beginning of a new test
Ike Proposed Exchange
At Geneva, President Eisenhower
proposed on July 21 an exchange
of "a complete blueprint of mili-
tary establishments" to ease the
fear of war, adding he was ad-
vancing the plan to convince
everyone of "the great sincerity"
of the United States in approach-
ing the problem of world tensions.
Bulganin's plan, presented at
Geneva, calls for withdrawal of
the bulk of foreign forces from
both East and West Germany, pro-
hibition of nuclear weapons, and a
systeom of controls at key ports
and transportation cents to guard
against violations.
U. S Asks Inspection
The United States wants fool-
proof inspection, but the Soviet
Union has shied away from that,
and has held out for supervision
of. nuclear disarmament in the
United Nations Security Council,
where the big powers have'a veto.
Bulganin's report on Geneva oc-
cupied 95 minutes. Among the
diplomats in the gallery was Rus-
sian-speaking U. S. Ambassador
Charles E. Bohlen.
On the problem of divided Ger-
many, Bulganin said: "When dis-
cussing the German problem, two
different approaches were display-
ed at the Geneva conference. The
problem is whether the develop-
ment of Western Germany will
answer the interest of peace or if
it will adopt the policy of militari-
zation. The three Western powers
did not conceal the fact that they
wanted to draw a unified Germany
into a military bloc."
Tree Blight
Perils Elms
The Huron Clinton Metropolitan
Authority Is calling for full parti-
cipation by every land-owner in
the fight to save Michigan's elms.
The Authority is spending more
than $70,000 a year to save the
elms surrounding Detroit from

Dutch Elm disease. "In spite of
all that is being done to protect
public lands, the disease will not
be blotted out without protective
enforcement in unincorporated
districts," Hugh A. Lamley, chief
landscape architect said.
Lamley emphasized that unless
land-owners in rural and fringe
districts comply with the State
Department of Agriculture Regu-

World News Roundup
By The Associated Press
BONN, Germany - The Russians have offered to establish
diplomatic relations with West Germany with no strings attached.
A Soviet note published yesterday suggested Chancellor Konrad
Adenauer should come to Moscow to sew up the details at the end
of this month or the beginning of September.
If Adenauer agrees, as expected, to go so soon, his visit would
"take place before the Big Four
foreign ministers meet in Geneva


Costume Designer 'Unsung Heroine'


One of the "unsung heroines"
of the theatrical world is the
costume designer.
Performers, directors, producers,
choreographers - all get their
share of attention and remain
alive in the public's mind. But
the costume designer is some-
times grossly overlooked.
Costumiere Phyllis Pletcher,
who has done work for the speech
department for several years, ex-
plains it by saying, "It's a lot of
work, but we enjoy it."
Miss Pletcher generally begins
by reading the play through -
about three times to be exact.

"After I have a feel for the
characters, the play and the
period, then I spend a great deal
of time with the director to check
our impressions," she said. After
some two weeks of designing, dur-
ing which time Miss Pletcher pours
over fashion magazines, paintings,
illustrations - even an occasional
statue, she' is ready for a four
week construction stint. Miss
Pletcher is aided by her class
which she lectures and instructs
in laboratory periods.
When Miss PJletcher begins her
work, the performers are often
not yet selected. Therefore, there
are numerous changes - "I try
to. mak the costumernfit bh theh

the University at the end of the
summer for a much-needed rest,
and her chores, including teaching
and stage work, will be taken over
by Marjorie Smith, with whom she
has worked on the current music
school and speech department pro-
duction of "Fidelio," an eighteenth
century Bethoven opera.
Although Miss Smith has de-
signed the actual costumes. Miss
Pletcher has served as a sort of
behind-the-scenes helper.
The ladies had especial difficulty
with the prisoners' tattered cos-
tumes. At first sprayed with scene
paint, it was soon discovered that
the glue in the paint melted under

on Oct. 3.
Power Co., a private concern, was
authorized yesterday to undertake
a giant water power development
in the Hells Canyon country,
where public and private power
interest have been fighting for
dominance for years.
In a unanaimous decision reach-
ed on July 27 and made public
yesterday, the Federal Power Com-
mission granted the company a
50-year license to build three dams
along a 100-mile stretch of the
Snake River on the Idaho-Oregon
* * .*
Scientists were told yesterday they
must not rule out the possibility
of space ships some day whizzing
among the stars at speeds thou-
sands of times faster than the


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