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August 04, 1955 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1955-08-04

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TI4r MrI143Uf Eu4
Sixty-Fifth Year

"Stand Back, Please - Lefs Keep The Aisles Clear"

r c

5;- --l

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.
at's Good for the University
Is ood for Ann Arbor

inmmmm _




Barkley Complains Texas
Favored by Ike, Rayburn




'EARLIER THIS WEEK, Mayor William E.
Brown, Jr., told the City Council that a
scheduled meeting between University and city
officials to settle street probleimas involved in
the former's development plans for the main
campus area would not be held for several
weeks. The request for the meeting arose from
the University's request that S. Thayer St. be-
tween E. Huron St. and E. Washington St.
be closed to allow the building of an addition
to the Ann Arbor High School building.
A bitter dispute was almost touched off by
the University's letter to the Board of Sduca-
tion specifying that S. Thayer be closed be--
fore the University bought the building for
$1,400,000. Rather than get into a heated con-
troversy on this one issue, both city and Uni-
versity officials decided to examine the prob-
lem in a long-range perspective, taking into
account the University's plans for the future.
The University, of course, had made a thor-
ough study of the high school building and had
found that it would not be worth buying un-
less an addition could be constructed on the
structure's east side, which would necessitate
the closing of S. Thayer St. It does seem a bit
mysterious, however, that the University wait-
ed so long to tell the city that S. Thayer St.
would have to be closed. The deal for the
building was tentatively completed and funds
were obtained, not without difficulty, from the,
Legislature before the condition of the street
closing was announced.
The city's problem is traffic. Any motorist
in Ann Arbor finds it easy to sympathize with
this problem. Streets are not wide enough, and
there are not enough streets to efficiently ac-
commodate the city's automobiles. Closing S.

Thayer St. would further aggravate the prob-
lem, police traffic bureau statistics show.
Mayor Brown does ont want to close S. Thay-
er St., but is probably aware that he eventu-
ally will see it closed. The University is bigger
than Ann Arbor-it's a state institution-and
Ann Arbor would not be nearly so big and
prosperous without the University. To prevent
the University from growing is to stifle Ann
Arbor's growth.
At the same time, the University is con-
scious of the city's traffic problem. As Uni-
versity President Harlan Hatcher has said, the
University intends to keep expansion in the
main campus area to an "absolute minimum"
to meet only "basic commitments."
There seems to be, on the surface, a conflict
between University growth and Ann Arbor's
well being. Actually, (to copy a well-worn e ts
pression) what's good for the University is
good' for Ann Arbor. The increase in traffic
problems brought about by University develop-
ment can be eliminated by the city, in the man-
ner suggested by President Hatcher.
The president claimed Ann Arbor's traffic
situation "needed a major operation." He sug-
gested that the city overhaul traffic routes
completely, and keep through traffic out of
the main campus area. This would make the
campus a campus, instead of just another part
of the city. This would also remove the diffi-
culty now involved in closing a street. As such,
it seems to be the best long-range solution to
both the city's traffic problem in .the campus
area and the University's expansion require-
ments which will continually increase as en-
rollment continues to soar.
If such a long-range solution were planned.
the answer to the present S. Thayer St. issue
would be a routine closing.


4: - I ,t-.0W--

Three Who Dominated Congress

Problem of Money Snags
Plans for 'U' Television

(Continued from Page One)
IN MANY respects, U-M TV has been a pioneer
in educational television since 1950. The
University's "TV Hour," over the past five
years, has offered 27 telecourses over WWJ-
TV onsuch subjects as child psychology, math-
ematics, physics, photography, medicine, per-
sonal finances, geology, political science, par-
liamentary procedure, speech and engineering.
This program has a regular audience in the
Detroit area of about 500,000, according to a
recent survey.
U-M TV also sends out more than 30 kine-
scoped programs a week to 13 stations around
the state. The University's kinescope facilities
have been utilized in recording several films
for national distribution through the Educa-
tional Television and Radio Center, located
here in Ann Arbor.
Additionally, U-M TV, in cooperation with
WPAG-TV, Ann Arbor, broadcasts "live" sev-
eral programs over that station, including
"ateline Ann Arbor," a tri-weekly summary of
local news, and "Storytime" for the kiddies.
As presently conceived, the studio also serves
as a "laboratory of the air," a kind of TV work-
shop for students enrolled in Speech Depart-
ment TV courses.
There is a divisio nof opinion, then, as to
whether the University should expand its pre-
sent program, placing the emphasis on kine-
scoped programs for distribution state-wide,
or persist in its efforts to establish a TV sta-

Ideally, of course, University officials would
like to do both, but this would probably entail
a considerable expansion of equipment and
An alternative proposal suggests that the
University abandon its plan for a non-commer-
cial educational station and enter, instead on
an agreement with a commercial TV station to
cooperate in the presentation of educational
But ad hoc committee, which was chaired
by Arthur Brandon, Vice-President of Univer-
sity Relations, felt that the FCC's grant of a
non-commercial license to the University auto-
matically precludes commercial broadcasting.
There is, too, a hesitancy to accept advertising
on educational programs.
Whatever is finally agreed upon, however,
the important point is that educators, more
and more, are placing their trpst in the -value
of television as an educational tool and as a
means of reaching the public. It is believed
that educational TV, with all its potential as
a medium, will counteract the leveling ten-
dencies of commercial television, whose pro-
grams are often whittled down to imbecilic
norms-to the delight of the imbeciles.
"Basically," says Prof. Garrison, "television
has offered educators itself with its atom-like
explosive potentials for influencing attitudes,
stimulating drives to learn and changing radi-
cally the accepted patterns of teaching."
(NEXT: What kind of station?)

WASHINGTON (A)-Every ses-
sion of Congress produces at
least one dominant figure, domi-
nant in the sense of being effec-
tive or being in the spotlight. This
year's session produced three do-
minant men who were outstand-
ingly effective.
All three were Democrats: 77-
year-old Sen. Walter George of
Georgia; 73-year-old Sam Ray-
burn of Texas, speaker of the
House, and Sen. Lyndon John-
son of Texas, 47-year-old Demo-
cratic majority leader of the Sen-
Democrat George was Republi-
can President Eisenhower's chief
reliance in Congress on foreign af-
fairs. George is chairman of the
Senate Foreign Relations Commit-
tee. "
Johnson and Rayburn, as bosses
of their respective houses, ran
Congress. They got less public at-
tention than George but were
highly effective in a far wider
field than George's specialty.
They more than anyone else in
Congress, sterred through to pas-
sage the year's bundle of legisla-
tion of all kinds with a minimum
of fuss and feathers. This was one
of the least talkative sessions of

That these three men-ail quiet,
undramatic, unsensational-should
be the outstanding men in the
Capitol in 1955 is the best evidence
that this was a peaceful and busi-
nesslike year in Congress.
All three were creative in the
sense that they were for some-
thing: They backed programs.
Very often it's the men who
make a record for being against
something - like Sen. McCarthy
(R), Wis., who cheerfully attack-
ed both the Truman and Eisen-
hower Administrations-who are
dominant in the sense, that they
monopolize the spotlight.
The spotlight's full glow was on
McCarthy last year as it was ever
since 1950 when he began making
his charges of Communists in gov-
ernment. Lust year, however, he
had to share the center of the
stage with the two men who put
the skids under him: Flanders of
Vermont and Watkins of Utah,
both Republicans.
This year McCarthy, Flanders
and Watkins all disappeared back
into the comparative obscurity
from which the yhad emerged.
George's influence and prestige
on the side of Eisenhower came at.
a handy time for the President
whose own Republican Senate
leader, Knowland of California,
was frequently critical of his ideas
on foreign affairs,

As George, without bluster, took
full control in the foreign field
in the Senate, Knowland had less
and less to say and disappeared
further into the background.
George went down the line for
3isenhower and at least once seem-
ed to provide the nudge that push-
ed Eisenhower into actson. It was
George who first suggested thI-e
President meet with the Russians
a few weeks before Eisenhower,
::greed to it.
Johnson and Raybuney are as
fine a pair of profes4onals-in
getting legislation passej or block-
ed-as Co :egress has seen in at
least a generation. Both work
quietly behind the scenes lining
up votes and agreements.
Under Johnson's guidance the
Senate astonibed itself with the
amount of work it got done with
a minimum of argument.
Meet me at the summit, dear,.
High above the clouds,
Meet me where the gods consort
Far above the crowds.
* * *
Meet me at the summit, dear,
Fearfully to see
Whether in that godly court
Mortals can agree.
-The Reporter

WASHINGTON - Two of the
most distinguished members
of Congress are Senator Alben
Barkley of Kentucky, better
known as the Veep, and Speaker
Sam Rayburn of Texas, known af-
fectionately to many as "Mr.
Both came to Congress 42 years
ago when a new Democratic Pres-
ident, Woodrow Wilson, took con-
trol of Washington in 1913 after
almost sixty years of post-Civil
war Republican rule. Both men
snce then have risen to great
heights of power and prestige in
the Democratic party and the na-
tion. But they do not always
The other day, Barkley remark-
ed a bit plaintively:
"I am getting awfully tired of
passing legislation chiefly for the
benefit of Texas and Oklahoma."
What he referred to was the
ramrod tactics used to pass the
Harris bill through the House
and the proposal to jam it
through the Senate - a bill of
great help to Texas and Oklaho-
ma because it exempted natural
gas producers from federal regu-
lation when shipping gas north in
interstate commerce.
That bill, rammed through the
House of Representatives by a
narrow 209-203 squeak, was a
great personal triumph for Sam
Rayburn. But as his friend, the
Veep, hinted, it almost split the
Democratic Party in two.
This, together with the school
bill, which Sam Rayburn would
not pass, exposed to the public in
ugly detail the basic cleavage
within the Democratic Party.
T'S A CLEAVAGE its leaders
don't like to show and some-
,imes won't admit. But when "Mr.
Sam" throws the weight of his
great prestige into the well of the
House and asks fellow Democrats
to stand up and be counted for
or against him and Texas, while
simultaneously sidetracking the
school bill, then the cleavage real-
ly stands out.
It was a cleavage that had the
Democratic leader of the House,
John McCormack of Massachu-
setts, voting against and working
against the speaker of the House,
Sam Rayburn.
And it's a cleavage that the
Democrats will have to do some-
thing about if they even begin to
think about electing a President
in 1956.
TO GET the whole picture, you
have to go back to the Supreme
Court decision in the Truman Ad-
ministration that the Federal
Power Commission had the right
to regulate the price of natural
gas when transported in inter-
state commerce.
It was not too long ago that
Sam Rayburn vigorously opposed
his chief, President Roosevelt,
whein FDR, frowning on certain
Supreme Court decisions, tried to
pass a bill superseding the court.
But last week, Sam had forgotten
that. This time it was Mr. Sam
who didn't like the Supreme Court
decision, and this time it was he
who tried to pass legislation over-
ruling the court.
For quite a while Sam had
waited, hoping to get Eisenhower's
support. But Ike was cagey. The
Republicans had made commit-
ments to Texas gas tycoons, who
contributed so heavily to Ike's
campaign, but even so, Ike made a
statement putting himself on both
-sides of natural gas regulation.
So Rayburn in the end had to
go it alone. Despite the absence of
Eisenhower support, and despite
the frowns of his old contempo-
rary, ex-Vice President Barkley,
Mr. Sam threw his powerful pres-
tige behind the gas bill even

though it split the Democratic
Party right down the middle.
Northern Democrats, led by Mc-
Cormack and Torbert MacDonald
o f Massachusetts, buttonholed
Congressmen, persuaded seven
who were going to vote for nat-
ural gas to vote "no." But Sam
was busy on the other side. And
what they didn't know was that
Rayburn simultaneously persuad-
ed eight Congressmen who were
going to vote against natural gas
to be absent.
So he won by the slender mar-
gin of six votes.
One day later the housing bill
was up for debate. Mr. Sam pre-
sided. The housing bill provided
for 35,000 public housing units to
relieve slums in the big cities. But
Mr. Sam was not particularly in-
terested. Instead of buttonholing1
Conggessmen he sat placidly pre-
siding. The public housing units
were thrown out on their ear.
"When the peanut amendment
is up for debate, it becomes a1
party matter," remarked one bit-
ter Northern .Democrat, "Peanuts

is the oil tycoons' threat to
change Rayburn's district. Ray-
burn comes from' one of the small-
est congressional districts in the
country, just north of allas, pop-
ulation 227,736. Just below Ray-
burn, allas bulges with a Congres-
sional district of 614,799, now Re-
publican . . . The Texas legisla-
ture, and especially the gas-oil
tycoons who control it, have been
threatening to add part of Dallas'
huge population on 'to Sam's dis-
trict-which would probably de-
feat him. But as long as Sam
shoves through what the gas-oil
tycoons want, he has nothing to
fear-even if it does raise the
price of gas to northern house-
wives. ..It will be interesting to
see what if any campaign contri-
butions from the gas-oil crowd
find their way into the campaign
of Congressman Sam Friedel of
Baltimore next year. It was Frie-
del who broke a tie in the House
Interstate Commerce Committee
to let the gas bill out. Mayor
D'Allessandro of Baltimore had
testified energetically against the
gas bill, and the people of Blti-
more certainlyhdon't relish higher
gas prices. Nevertheless, Friede,
who represents Baltimore, moved
to reconsider the 14-14 tie vote,
thus giving the Reyburn-Republi
can forces time to bring in two
extra votes.
HAPPY CHANDLER, ex-czar of
baseball, ex-governor of Ken,
tucky, and ex-Senator from Ken-
tucky. is trying hard not to be an
ex anymore. He's staging a cam-
paign in Kentucky this week end
to come back as Governor, but
how successful he will be is doubt-
ful . Happy, who loved the
limelight of the baseball arena,
started out bragging that his op-
ponent for governor wouldn't
carry a single county. Now admit.
tedly he isn't so sure. Neutral po-
liticos are even less sure . . . It
was in 1938 that Happy, then gov-
ernor of Kentucky, whipped his
potent political machine into try-
ing to defeat Alben Barkley, but
failed. FDR toured all through
Kentucky to support Alben
later Happy finally made it 'to
Washington, and had the time of
his life.vIe was a familiar figure
around the Mayflower Hotel at
cocktail time, got a free swimming
pool from a Kentucky contractor,
took Bob Hope ith a party of
touring Senators to see Prime
Minister Churchill, lost ten pounds
by going without second helpings,
and remarked, when seen on the
outskirts of Dewey's headquar-
ters: "I lust wanted to see the
man who will run against me next
time." . . . But as for concrete
achievements in Washington
well Happy added a lot of humor
but that was about all . . . When
he announced for governor this
year, Happy was considered a-sure
bet. But young Judge Bert Combs,
whom Senators Barkley and
Clements are supporting, has been
making terrific headway, and may
win when the votes are counted
on Saturday.
Glorified cop - In less peaceful
days, the present Premier of So-
viet Russia was just as bloody as
other Soviet comrades. A member
of the dread Cheka, firse secret
police of the Kremlin, he was so
tough in failing and executing
enemies of the regime that Stalin
promoted him to be Mayor of Mos-
cow . . . It was Bulganin who pi-
oneered Moscow's trolley buses,
started the famed subway, now a
show piece of the capital, and put
white - gloves on Moscow's traffic
cops . . . More important, it was
Bulganin who organized the civil-
ian defense of Moscow when Ike's
wartime. friend, Marshal Zhukov,
commanded the military defense.
Drafting men and women alike,

Bulganin sent them into the front
lines to defend the city. They died
like flies, but Moscow was saved
. Bulganin's chief job during
the war was as a political com-
missar, watching the army to
make sure it didn't drift away
from Stalin and Communism. His
colleague commissar at that time
was one Nikita Khrushchev, who
was attached to Marshal Kon-
iev's army. Bulganin was attached
to Zhukov's . ,. Significantly, dur-
ing the war both Koniev and Zhu-
kov wrote Stalin that Khrushchev
and Bulganin were undermining
Army discipline and must be re-
moved. Stalin did so . . . Today
Koniev and Zhukov are the top
leaders of the Red Army, but un-
der the two political leaders they
once caused to be removed.
Vyacheslav Molotov, neither re-
nowned for a sense of humor, have
become reasonably chummy since
their UN talks in San Francisco.
"Chummy" is not a word easily




Is Dulles Opening UN
Door to Chinese Reds?

AP News Analyst
SECRETARY DULLES, by saying Red China
could clear the way for negotiations on
major issues by renouncing the use of force,
seems to be telling Peiping that the door to
the United Nations and other concessions by
the West is not permanently barred.
The secretary, however, may have to be
satisfied with something less than the formal
renunciation he seems to have in mind.
The Daily Staff
Managing Editors -.. .......................Cal Samra
Jim Dygert
Mary Lee Dingler, Marge Piercy, Ernest Theodossin

What has happened so far at Geneva sug-
gests that Peiping and Moscow are following
the same tactics to an amazing degree-back-
ing away from their former aggressiveness for
purposes of their own, but making no hard
and fast commitments.
It looks like a play for time, probably for
regrouping o ftheir forces for a return engage-
ment of some undefined type. The real reasons
may not be known for a long time.
However, if Chinese reactions can be gauged
by the record to date, they are making their
sweetness and light play with imprisoned Am-
ericans in order to start the ball rolling toward
broader negotiations.
The Russians got their negotiations going
not by saying they would not shoot, but by
saying they didn't want to. Peiping is likely
to follow a very similar course.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University.. Notices should be sent
in TYPEWRITTEN form to Room
3553 Administration Building before
2 p.m. the day preceding publication
(before 10 a.m. on Saturday). Notice
of lectures, concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
Veterans who expect to receive edu-
cation and training allowance under
Public Law 550 (Korea G. I. Bill) must
fill in VA form 7-1996a, Monthly
Certification, in the office of veterans'
Affairs, 555 Administration Building.
between 8:00 a.m. Mon., Aug. 1 and
5:00 p.m. Fri., Aug. 5.
Use of MIDAC Computer. To support
faculty use of the MIDAC for research,
a fund of $10,000 has been set up in
the Graduate School. Initial alloca-
tions will be made immediately and
applications for funds should be made
to Prof. C. C. Craig, Room 106, Rackham
Building, telephone 2128.
Law School Admission Test.: Candi-
dates taking the Law School Admission
Test on Aug. 6 are requested to report
to Room 100. Hutchins Hall at 8:45
a.m. Sat.
Farmers Insurance Group, Detroit,
Mich., is looking for men, 27-37 years
of age, for Sas and Manament.

lic Health Dentists II, Public Health
Nurse I & II, Sanitary Engr., Serologist
I, X-ray Tech. I, Elem., Kindergarten,
Music, and Cec. Teaching; as well as
in the fields of Pharmacy, Medicine
and Accounting. Residence rule waived
for most.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 371.
Dr. Charles Issawi of Columbia Uni-
versity will speak on 'Economic Trends
in the Modern Near East' Thurs., Aug.
4 at 4:15 p.m., Aud. A, Ankell Hall,
auspices of the Department of Near
Eastern Studies. Open to the public.
Linguistic Forum. MacCurdy Burnet
of the State Teachers College, Salisbury,
Maryland, will speak on "English
Structure as an Aid in Rhetoric"
Thurs., Aug. 4, 7:30 p.m. in Rackham
Summer Session on Digital Computers
and Data Processors. "General Elec-
tric's IBM-650 in Schenectady," Ru-
dolph Haberman; "The CRD-102 Com-
puter at Gulf Research and Develop-
ment," D. Hoffman. Thurs., Aug. 4,
7:30 p.m., Aud. C, Mason Hall.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Robert
Firestone Emery, Economics; thesis:
"~Governmental Accounts for Econom-
ic Planning in Burma," Thurs., Aug.
4, 105 Economics Bldg., at 3:00 p.m.
Chairman, R. A. Musgrave.
Geometry Seminar will meet Thurs.,
Aug. 4, at 7:00 p.m. in room 3001 Angell
Hall. Dr. Buchi will speak on "An
Axiom System for Elementary Geom-

thesis of 9,10-Dihydro-9,10-Methanoan-
thracene," Fri., Aug. 5, 3003 Chemistry
Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chairman, W. R.
Doctoral Examination for Phil H.
Rogers, Electrical Engineering; thesis:
"Large Signal Analysis of Disturbed
Amplifiers," Fri., Aug. 5, 2084 East
Engineering Bldg., at 1:30 p.m. Chair-
man, H. W. Welch.
Student Recital. Marilyn Joyce Rop-
er, pianist, and pupil of Ava Com
Case, 8:30 Thurs., Aug. 4, in Rackham
Assembly Hall, works by Kuhnau,
Poulenc, Hindemith, and Mendel, in
partial fulfilimen of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Music.
(Music Literature). Open to the public.
Carillon Recital by Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, 7:15 p.m.
Thurs., Aug. 4; carillon compositions
by Prof. Price: Prelude 5, Fantaisie 4,
Andantes 3 and 7, Sonata for 43 Bells,
Air, and Ballet.
Student Recital by Kenneth Whitby,
tuba, 8:30 p.m. Fri., Aug. 5, in Aud. A,
Angell Hall, in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music (Wind Instruments).
Compositions by Galliard, Bach, Mozart,
Barat, Morel, Hindemith, Brahms,
Williams, and Lebedev. Open to the
general public. Whitby is a pupil of
Glenn Smith.
Events Today
The International Center Teas will be
held at Madelon Pound Home at 1024
Hill Street on Thursday from 4:30-5:30


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