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LXV, No. 32S


Dixon Story Gets
Perjury Check
Kefauver Sees 'Glaring Conflicts'
In Dixon Subcommittee Testimony
WASHINGTON (A)-Edgar H. Dixson's story of negotiations
leading up to the Dixon-Yates contract was referred to the Justice
Department yesterday for a check on whether he has opened himself
to a perjury charge.
Sen. Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.) said there were glaring conflicts"
in testimony Dixon gave before a Senate subcommittee investigating
the controversial private power contract, now ordered canceled by
President Dwight D. Eisenhower.
Daniel James, Dixon's attorney, told Sen. Kefauver he resented
any implication that the utility magnate had not told a straight story.
"His testimony has been consistent

. Over I

Bill Pa



-Daily-Sam Ching
MUSICAL JOURNEYERS-George Dutter, student manager of
the University Men's Glee Club, and Prof. Philip A. Duey, club
conductor, discuss remembered experiences from the club's tour
of Europe. The tour began with a command. performance at The
Hague for Netherlands' Queen Juliana.
Duey, utter Recall
Glee Club ravels
The University Men's Glee Club tour of Europe this summer met
with enthusiastic receptions and keener interest than in the States,
both Prof. Philip A. Duey and student manager George Dutter agreed
Prof. Duey called this enthusiasm, particularly from college-age
Europeans, "A very good sign." An American information officer in
Germany told the Club that they were doing more valuable work
than diplomats.
The main purpose o fthe tour, Prof. Duey said, was intercultural

utler' Calls
ralbott Act

WASHINGTON (R)-Democrat-
ic National Chairman Paul M.
Butler yesterday pounced on Har-
old E. Talbott's resignation as sec-
retary of the air force as "a case
of unpunished unethical conduct."
He accused President Dwight D.
Eisenhower of sidestepping an
"unpleasant responsibility" with
his "friendly acceptance" Monday
night of Talbott's offer to step
Butler's acidly phrased state-
ment came out after several Re-
publican senators expressed doubt
the affair could be kept burning
as a political issue next year.
Case Just About Closed
As for the senate investigations
subcommittee's search into Tal-
bott's outside business interests,
Chairman J. L. McClellan (D-
Ark.) indicated the case was just
about closed.
Sen. McClellan told newsmen
the subcommittee would "have an
announcement within a day or
two," but added: "There is no im-
mediate probability that any fur-
ther hearings will be held in the
Talbott matter."
The subcommittee had been pri-
marily concerned with Talbott's
partnership in the New York man-
agement engineering firm of Paul
B. Mulliigan and Co., a connection
which earned him $132,032 in the
21 years he served as air secre-
Acknowledges Mistakes
Testifying before the Senate
group, Talbott had acknowledged
some mistakes of judgment but
denied steadfastly using his office
to promote business for the Mulli-
gan company. In resigning, he told
the President he remained "clear
in my mind and conscience" that
his activities had been within the
bounds of ethics.
EXperts View
State Future
Experts in several fields - in-
cluding utilities, engineering, soci-
ology, and natural resources -
cast an eye toward the future
- yesterday in a University of Michi-
gan panel discussion and evolved
a picture of "Michigan, 2000 A.D."
Chairman of the panel was Jus-
tin R. Whiting, chairman of the

exchange. Most American chorale
;roups make the mistake of sing-
ing European music to Europeans.
"They not only can sing their own
music better than we could, but
they're interested in hearing Am-
erican music."
Prof. Duey pointed to the im-
mense success of the touring com-
pany of Gershwin' "Porgy and
Bess" last year as another example
of the European popularity of
American music.
"One of the things about the
Club that amazed them was that
4merican students groups could
organize such a highly trained
musical group, approaching pro-
cessional standards, and that we'd
pay our own way to sing for Euro-
;eans." Each of the 40 men on
the tour paid $200 toward ex-
Europeans have nothing corres-
ponding to the glee club, Prof.
Duey and Dutter explained. "They
have singing societies for serious
:horal music, and in lighter mo-
ments they sing loud, raucous,
beer-hall type of songs, but they
have nothing between," Duey,
The Men's Glee Club spent 31
days on the continent, starting off
with a command performance at
The Hague for Queen Juliana of
the Netherlands. Their itinerary
included France, Switzerland,
Italy, Austria and Germany.
The group met their most en-
thusiastic audiences in Germany
md Austria. Both Prof. Duey and
Dutter agreed the most valuable
experiences for both the group and
the Europeans were the informal
neetings where they could get ac-
quainted on an individual basis.
"It was a tremendous experi-
mnce," he remarked, "getting to
see Europe in a clearer light than
we ever could with an average
ourist trip. We'd never have got-
en to talk to students so inti-

throughout," James said.
On motion of Sen. William
Lager (R-N.D.), however, the sub-
committee voted to refer the tran-
scropt to the Justice Department
for study.
Conflicts in Testimony
Sen. Kefauver, who heads the
inquiry group, said there were con-
flicts in the testimony Dixon gave
before the Securities and Exchange
Commission and the subcommittee,
particularly with the reference to
the activities of Adolphe H. Wen-
zell, a key figure in the probe.
As president of Middle South
Utilities, Inc., Dixon was one of
the principal promoters of a plan
to build a 107 million dollar pri-
vate power plan at West Mem-
phis, Ark., under federal auspices.
Wenzell was a Budget Bureau
consultant at the same time he
was serving as a vice president of
the First Boston Corp., a New
York financial house which'klater
became fiscal agent for the Dixon-
Yates interests on the contract.
Senators have suggested that
Wenzell's dual role during the
negotiations might have violated
the conflict of interests statute.
They have also accused the ad-
ministration of covering up Wen-
zell's role, although President
Eisenhower has said it was a per-
fectly proper one.
Must Prove Wrongdoing
With the Dixon-Yates contract
now out the window, the comp-
troller general's office has ad-
vised Sen. Kefauver's subcommittee
that the government can escape
liability for cancellation only if it
can prove there was wrongdoing.
Frank H. Weitzel, assistant
comptroller general, said in a long
opinion on the case that "ques-
tions of possible conflict of inter-
est and public policy" have been
raised at the Senate hearings.
"Without attempting to suggest
the particular course of adminis-
trative action in such circumstan-
ces," Weitzel wrote, "We believe
there should be considered appro-
priate means to protect the inter-
ests of the United States should it
develop that the government is
entitled to relief from liability on
the ground of public policy."
The Atomic Energy Commission
made the original contract with
NEW ULM, Minn. OP) - Ma-
sons walked off a house build-
ing job yesterday because it was
too hot.
Contractor George Arndt got
a thermometer for four car-
penters who remained with him
on the job. Itshowed 97 in the
Arndt placed it inside the
partially finished house. With-
in a half hour the mercury
climbed to 120 degrees and the
thermometer popped.
Arndt and the carpenters
went home.

U.S .-China
Begin Recess
GENEVA (P)-The United States
and Communist China talked
almost an hour yesterday about
the release of civilians to their
respective countries, then decided
on a 48-hour recess.
From the United States view-
point, the next big item in the
conversations here, aimed at eas-
ingfi tensions in the Far East, is
the release of 40 American civil-
ians. Eleven American fliers are
already o4\ their way to freedom.
Red China's Ambassador Wang
Ping-nan announced Monday at
his first meeting with United
States Ambassador U. Alexis John-
son the release of the fliers. That
gave a promising outlook to the
Break in Talks
The break in the talks was not
regarded as usual. It was consider-
ed likely both sides had found
it necessary to consult their gov-
ernments on proposals regarding
the return of the American civil-
ians detained in Red China and
Chinese nationals in the United
Dag Hammarskjold, secretary
general of the United Nations ar-
rived in Geneva late yesterday
from Sweden where he has been
vacationing. He said he probably
would see both the ambassadors
during a week's stay for the open-
ing of the U. N. conference here
on the peaceful uses of atomic
Hammarskjold said the Red
Chinese decision to release the
fliers was a "fine example of how
international cooperation in the
right spirit can yield solutions to
delicate problems."
Hopes for Solution
The secretary general, who vis-
ited Peiping early this year in an
effort to bring about their release,
said he was hopeful the meeting
here would bring about the solu-
tion of other problems at issue.
United States Secretary of State
John Foster Dulles disclosed in
Washington yesterday that John-
son also will make inquiries about
more than 400 American soldiers
missing without a trace as a re-
sult of the war in Korea.
Sec. Dulles said Johnson had
brought a list of these servicemen
to Geneva with him. Although
hope that many of the men are
alive is slight, Johnson will seek
what information is available from
the Chinese Communists.
Sec. Dulles clamped down on
obvious efforts by Wang to open
up the talks for a wide discussion
of point at issue between the
United States and Red China.

Stella Osborn, widow of former
Michigan governor Chase S. Os-
born, reported on the hearings
before the Senate Committee on
Foreign Relations on the Resolu-
tion for an Atlantic Exploratory
Convention at the League yester-
Speaking to the University
Chapter of the Atlantic Union
Committee, Mrs. Osborn, state
chairman of the Committee, told
how she and others testified in
favor of the resolution.
The resolution, now before both
houses of Congress, asks that
President Dwight D. Eisenhower
invite the democracies of NATO
ad other democracies to a conven-
tion where they were "to explore
and to report to what extent their
people might further unite within
the framework of .the United Na-
tio,ns, and agree to form, federally
or otherwise, a defense, economic
and political union.'F
Testimony in Favor
Mrs. Osborn reported that
among the witnesses who testified
in favor of the resolution at the
committee hearings were Senator
Estes Kefauver (D-Tenn.), Elmo
Roper, public opinion analyst, Dr.
Harold M. Urey, Nobel Prize win-
ner for his work on the atom bomb
and Garrett Norton, former as-
sistant secretary of state.
Sen. Kefauver presented sup-
porting statements from Gen.
Protests Initiate
Outburst, Strike
BUENOS AIRES, Argentina (R')
-A ' wave of protests over the
death of a Communist doctor dur-
ing police grilling brought an out-
break of student demonstrations
and a national strike of doctors
and dentists yesterday.
No injuries or arrests were re-
ported in early accounts of the
student demonstrations in Ros
ario, Mendoza and Parana.

George C. Marshall, the father of
the Schumann Plan, and the for-
eign ministers of Belgium, Canada
and the Netherlands. Against the
resolution were representatives of
the Veterans of Foreign Wars, For
America and the Wheel of Pro-
The University chapter yester-
day passed a resolution of appre-
ciation to Senator Walter F.
George (D-Ga.) for his interest in
arranging the hearings and to
Secretary of State John Foster
Dulles for his "constructive sug-
gestions for the amendment of
the resolution."
"Less Official Auspices"
Sec. Dulles, in a letter read at
the hearings, suggested the con-
vention asked by the resolution
be held "under less official aus-
pices" than by Presidential re-
quest. He added "it would be
inappropriate for the President
or the Congress to stipulate to
other countries how their dele-
gates be named."
Referring to the resolution's
specification that delegations to

BUTTONS BOOM IKE IN 1956-Sen. Karl E. Mundt (South Dakota), Rep. Leslie Arends (Illi-
nois), and Sen. George N. Bender (Ohio), left to right, flash big "Ike in '56" buttons as they at-
tend a Republican breakfast with the President at Washington, D.C.
Mrs. Osborn Reports on Hearings

an Atlantic Exploratory Conven-
tion "include members of their
principal political parties," Sec.
Dulles said;'"I call attention to
the fact that the largest single
political party in France is the
Communist Party."
In her testimony at the hear-
ings, Mrs. Osborn said, "The sup-
posed monolithic opposition of
patriotic organizations ishan illu-
sion. It is only the psychological
effect of the illusion that is dan-
gerous. Many members of these
organizations throughout the
country and in Congress are lead-
ing supporters of the Exploratory'
"In the past few weeks I have
talked to 63 Congressmen with
war service records and only seven
said they were opposed to explora-
tion with out NATO partners, and
some of the seven may yet be
induced to change their minds."
The Atlantic Union Committee
is a national organization which
sponsors the resolution. No further
action on the resolution is possible
in the presently ending session of

Plan Allows
For 45,000
Special Units
Martin Calls Bill
Basically Wrong
WASHINGTON () - Eleventh-
hour objections raised by the
White House yesterday failed to
prevent Congress from stamping
its final OK on the compromise
housing bill, with its provision for
45,000 public housing units in tke
next year.
Final action came on a roll call
vote of 187-168 in the House.
The White House objections to
language in the bill - some of it
inserted by members of President
Dwight D. Eisenhower's own party
--brought talk yesterday morning
that the President might veto the
bill and call Congress into special
session in the fall to pass another
one. But by afternoon any such
prospect had largely evaporated.
Represent Compromise
The 45,000 public housing units
represented a compromise. The
president had asked 70,000 over
a two-year period but when the
bill was originally before the House
Republicans teamed up with
Southern Democrats to knock out
all public housing.
When the compromise version
passed the Senate Monday, there
was no word of White House ob-
But yesterday morning Repub-
lican leaders of Congress visited
the White House, and said after-
ward that the bill was unsatis-
factory to the President and that
he "intimated" a special session
might be necessary if a satisfactory
one was not passed.
'Administrative \Wrong'
Rep. G. Martin, Jr., (R-Mass.),
minority leader, called the bill
"administratively wrong." When
reporters asked what was wrong
with it, Presidential Press Secre-
tary James C. Hagerty, broke in to
mention~ provision for insurance of
trailer camps, and federal money
for such local projects as sewers
and police and fire departments.
Sen. John A. Sparkman (D-Ala.)
commented that Congress had "ex-
pressed its will very firmly three
times" on the loans for community-
Sen. Sparkman told reporters
that any complain about the sec-
tion on trailer parks ought to be
taken up with the Republicans
who originated it.
Sen. Homer E. Capehart (R-
Ind.), who sponsored the trailer
provision, had no comment on the
administration objection.
PatrolsD eep
Special Vigil

HONG KONG () - British
patrols kept special watch on the
border yesterday night to welcome
11 American airmen, being freed
by Red China, if they show up
before their scheduled arrival to-
Peiping announced Monday the
airmen - crew of a B29 Super-
fortress shot down Jan. 12, 1953,
on what U. S. officials called a
routine leaflet-dropping mission
over North Korea - are expected
to reach Hong Kong tomorrow.
But officials of this British
crown colony believe the group,
sentenced last November to prison
terms ranging up to 10 years on
a charge of spying, may arrive
May Emerge Today
In any event Hong Kong is
hours ahead of central standard
time and news of the men's
tain may reach the United States
today, United States time.
In Washington the United States
Air Force announced the men will
be flown direct to the West Coast
after a stay of two or three days
in the Philippines.

World News Roundup

By The Associated Press
Voting Race .
JACKSON, Miss. - Four candi-
dates for governor of Mississippi
stepped off neck and neck in
early, scattered returns in the
democratic primary election yes-
Voters braved cloudy skies and
rain to take their choice among
five candidates who all promised
to keep Negroes out of white
A record vote was indicated for
the Democratic- primary. Long
ballots mean a trend in the gover-


New Ways of Beating the Heat'

nor's race may not be established
until today.
Russians Race . .
COPENHAGEN, Denumark -
Soviet Russia intends to beat the
United States in launching the
earth's first unmanned satellite.
That was the word brought
from Moscow yesterday by two
leading Russian scientists, here to
attend the sixth International As-
tronautical Congress.
Free Vaccine .
WASHINGTON (P)- Congress
late yesterday authorized the use
of federal money to provide Salk
polio vaccine to needy children.
Rep. J. P. Priest (D-Tenn.) said
it would allow free shots to "about
five million additional persons"
by next Feb. 15.
* * *
No Force . . .
WASHINGTON - Secretary of
State John Foster Dulles said yes-
terday Red China should issue a
declaration renouncing the use of
force. That, he said, would pave
the way for further negotiations
with the United States.
Sec. Dulles told his news con-
ference the United States refuses
to negotiateI, with any country
while a pistol, as he put it, is
pointed at its head. Peiping shows
signs of having laid down the pis-
told, he commented, but the thing
to do is to discard is permanently.

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