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July 30, 1955 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1955-07-30

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Difference in Rewards
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Latest Deadline in the State CLOUDY, LITTLE CHANGE

VOL. LXV, NO. 308



E isen~iho~wer *.*.::~.

Should Unite
Makes No Personal
Reference to Future
WASHINGTON (P) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower said yester-
day the Republicans would retain
control of the national adminis-
tration forever if they would unite
,behind the principles he advo-
President Eisenhower addressing
a pre-adjournment breakfast rally
of Republican senators and repre-
sentatives, gave no hint of whether
he plans to run for re-election next
year but some of his backers ap-
peared encouraged by his remarks.
Reporters were not admitted to
the Statler Hotel room where the
breakfast was served, but Presi-
dent Eisenhower's press secretary,
James C. Hagerty, gave them a
summary of his talk afterward.
No Mention of Campaign
Hagerty said the President
made no direct reference to next
year's presidential campaign "even
in passing." There was a chorus
of "We Want Ike" when the
President entered the room, and
many of the GOP lawmakers wore
big red, 'white and blue "Ike in
1956" buttons.
All but 11 of the 249 GOP sena-
'; ;tors and representatives were pres-
ent, along with members of the
Cabinet and White House staff.
Republican National Chairman
Leonard W. Hall arranged the
gathering and was host.
Stress Peace Hopes
President Eisenhower urged the
legislators to carry a positive
message back to their constituents
when Congress adjourns. He sug-
gested they stress renewed hopes
for world peace and these three
parts of his domestic program
which apparently will not get
through Congress this session:
highways, schools and health.
Hagerty quoted President Eis-
enhower as saying that from the
lay he began to weaken in his
concept that a soldier has no busi-
ness in politics his primary aim
has been to do all he could to
unify the Republican party behind
principles that tle people would
accept in trust and confidence.
If this is done, President Eisen-
lower said he believed the Repub-
lican party would "stay here for-
ever," because the GOP then
would be able to select candidates
with one purpose - the best in-
terests of the United States.
,Part Payment
Promised for
Israeli Plane
JERUSALEM ) - Communist
Bulgaria has promised partial pay-
ment, at least, for the Israel air-
liner its gunners shot down Wed-
nesday, a Foreign Office spokes-
man said yesterday.
The plane, which carried 12
Americans and 46 other persons
to a flaming death- on Red soil,
was a Lockheed-built Constella-
tion valued at about a million dol-
The Foreign Office spokesman
said a note handed Israeli Charge
d'Affaires Baruch Nir in Sofia
Thursday and received here yes-
terday declared the Bulgarian gov-
ernment's "readiness to take upon
itself the respective part of the
material damage which has been
caused, after it is duly estab-

The phrase about "the respective
part" suggested Bulgaria might
contend the El Al Israel Airlines
a crew, d.in crossing thefrontier,
shared blame with the Red anti-
aircraft gunners for what the
Bulgarians called "this deplorable
Red China set a new pattern
last year for settlement. of com-
mercial air incidents at the rim
of the Communist spliere. Peiping
apologized to Britain and paid $1,
027,600 for the destruction of a
British airliner by Communist
fighters and- the death of 10
persons aboard it off Hainan Is-
land July 23, 1954.
SSenators Urge
Extra Session

Ike R
George Holdv
Verbal Row
Senators Scrap
Over Resolution
an WASHINGTON (A)-All at once
of -the normally polite, honeyed tone
of the Senate vanished.
er- There stood white-haired Sen.
Walter George (D-Ga.), a senator
for 32 of his 77 years. He looked
grim, and he spoke bluntly, with
none of the usual senatorial flour-
And there stood Sen. Joseph Mc-h
Carthy (R-Wis.), who in eight
years in the Senate has made
more headlines than most legisla-
tors do in a lifetime. He, too, look-




--Daily-Sam Chi
U' EMBLEM-Ripening maize and azure blue are the colors of this new University of Michig
flag which was approved by the regents at their last meeting. Designed by Prof. Walter J. Gores
the College of Architecture and Design, the flag retains the University's basic symbols as mci
porated in the central seal. The bars of color symbolize the various schools and colleges.
Rowe iscusses Curriculu-m

The University's College of
Pharmacy is planning to add an-
other year to its present four-year
Beginning in the fall of 1958,
freshmen who enter the Univer-
sity with the intention of major-
ing in pharmacy will be required
to participate in a five-year pro-
gram. However, the revision will
not apply to transfer students

with advanced standing until
Commenting on the change,
Dean Thomas D. Rowe of the
College of Pharmacy observed that
the additional year would enable
students in the College to obtain
a broader education.
Increase in Electives
Instead of the 12 'hours of elec-
tives allowed for pharmacy majors
at the present time, the new

World News Roundup
By the Associated Press
SHENANDOAH, Iowa - Soviet farm delegation chief V. V. Mats-
kevich said here Friday the United States and the Soviet Union "must
look forward and not backward" in order to have good relations.
"If we go into the question of who wrote what about whom in
the past," he declared, "we'll never get anywhere."
Matskevich was speaking in private after a news conference he
gave at the soil conservation experimental farm near here.
( * * *

Adams Still
Not Talking
WASHINGTON (AP)-Chief pres-
idential aide Sherman Adams re-
fused for a second time yesterday
to testify in an investigation of
the, controversial Dixon - Yates
power contract.
Replying to a request that he
reconsider an earlier refusal,
Adams wrote Sen. Kefauver (D-
Tenn.), chairman of a Senate Ju-
diciary subcommittee:
"In my letter I made my posi-
tion clear, and that position has
not changed."
Yesterday's hearing also brought
a charge from Kefauver that a
Securities and Exchange Commis-
sion hearing on Dixon-Yates fi-
nancing was "a fraud and a sham."
Adams first refusal'to testify in;
the inquiry was made in a July 21
letter to Kefauver. He said Chair-
man J. Sinclair Armstrong of the
SEC and other government offi-
cials had testified or would testify
to all facts known to him. He also
cited his confidential relationship
to President Dwight D. Eisenhow-I
Kefauver's insistence that Ad-
ams testify grew out of disclosure
by Armstrong thatat Adams' re-
quest the SEC in June postponed
for three days the hearing on Dix-
on-Yates financing.
Armstrong ,related that Adams
wanted the delay to give Atty. Gen.
Brownell and other government
lawyers time to decide whether to
intervene in the case.
Waiting to testify before the
SEC at the time was Adolpie
Wenzell, who figured in the Dixon-
Yates negotiations as a Budget
Bureau consultantatthe same
time as he was a vice president of
the First Boston Corp. Kefauver
contends Wenzell played a dual
role, since First Boston, a New
York investment house, later be-
came the Dixon-Yates fiscal agent.

WASHINGTON - Congress, at
long last, appeared content yes-
terday .with a site the Air Force
has chosen for a jet fighter base
in northern Michigan.
Capitol Hill sources said the
months-old controversy e n d e d
with the Air Force's decision to
build the base in Kalkaska 'cotnty.
** *
WIESBADEN, Germany - All
18 passengers and crew of a U.S.
Air Force C47 transport were res-
cued Friday after ditching in the
Mediterranean, Air Force Euro-
pean headquarters announced.
An amphibious SA16 rescue
plane from Wheelus air base near
Tripoli, Libya, located the down-
ed transport and made the rescue
about 50 miles at sea, reports said.
* * *
DETROIT (UP) - The gigantic
CIO United Auto Workers union
today pleaded innocent to four
counts of violating the federal
corrupt practices act.
The formal plea before Federal
Judge Arthur A. Koscinski was en-
tered by Walter P. Reuther, UAW-
CIO President. He started with a
flourish of oratory which Judge
Koscinski cut off, saying, .'This is
no place for talk of that nature."

curricula will include 25 hours of
"In his first year of college,"
Dean Rowe noted, the student will
be registered in the College of
Literature Science and the Arts.
Then after completing a year of
pre-pharmacy he will enter pro-
fessional school."
The Dean expressed the beliefj
that the extended program which
will include courses in the social
sciences and humanities would
lead to the graduation. "not only
of better citizens, but *of better.
pharmacists as well."
A lessening of the students aca-
demic load is expected to be an-
other result of the new program.
"During some semesters," Dean
Rowe observed, "many of our
students are carrying 17 credit
hours and a total of thirty clock
hours." He explained that the
new program would cut the num-
ber of hours to an average of 15
per semester.
Hopes for Higher Grades
The dean said it was hoped that
the lighter work schedule would
result in higher .grades and "a
lower mortality rate" in the Col-
lege. He added that it would also
provide more opportunity for the
students to participate in extra-
curricular activities.
Dean Rowe revealed that at the
present time only seven CollegesI
of Pharmacy. including those at
Ohio State University and the
University of Minnesota employ
the five-year curriculum.
Housing Bill
Stripped Down
WASHINGTON (!)-The House
yesterday passed, 396-3, a stripped
down housing bill minus the new
public housing President Dwight
D. Eisenhower requested.
The measure then headed for
conference with a Senate measure
which has liberal public housing
provisions. Expectation was that
a compromise would emerge with
some public housing in it -
perhaps close to the 35,000 units
a year for two years that Presi-
i dent Eisenhower sought.

ed grim.
Bitterness in Congress4
Before they had finished, the SIX-WEEK EXODUS-Two students load text
Senate heard some of the bitterest a
talk of this rather placid session' car and prepare to leave their. less fortunat
of Congress, including a curt com- behind to finish off the remainder of the eight
ment by George that "I shall not-
perjure myself" by referring to POSSIBBLE DEATH:
McCarthy as a good senator.
It began when McCarthy intro-
duced a resolution calling for they
Senate to resolve that Nationalist!
China should be included in the r
talks with Communist China that
begin in Geneva Monday. eturning Turn
George Heads Committee
The resolution naturally would SAN FRANCISCO (P) - Three American f
go to the Senate Foreign Rela- war in Korea came home yesterday not to heroes
tions Committee, of which George immediate arrest for betraying their country and th
is chairman. These were the men who had elected to stay
McCarthy said he was in a hur- Communists at the end of the Korean War, in1
ry for action on his proposal. life with the Reds
Geore: "f te comitte jtheir minds after two years ofliewtthRds
reachesgthe resolution in regular= Otho G. Bell, William A. Cowart and Lewis W.
order. I shall be glad to take it up. 90.minutes of joyful reunion with their relativ
Otherwise, I will not." President Cleveland docked at the end of the lo
McCarthy: "The senator indi- Kong.
cates a certain amount of hostility- Arrest Within Minutes
toward the resolution. I know the Then, within minutes after they had cleared1
senator from Georgia has sug- scanty possessions, the United States Army arres
gested that we hold these meet- - - - them in the b
ings without our Allies being pres- ' to the stocka
ent." s (N r across the Gol
George Denies Suggestion lCoIJurt C ~.. Itars Fiancisco.

S atellite.
x.'Experts* See'
H' Sa
' Basketball'
SPerfection De
In Three Years
WASHINGTON ) - President
Dwight D. Eisenhower disclosed
yesterday that the United States
' plans to launch history's first
manmade. earth-circling satellites
by the end of1958.
Still not perfected, the satellites
are envisaged by government
9 scientists as small globes, about
the size of basketballs. They would
be launched by rockets and circle
the earth once .every 90 minutes
at a speed of 18,000 miles per hour
and a height of 200 or 300 miles.
They are expected . to remain
aloft for days and perhaps weeks,
-Daiy-Sam Ching then spiral back down and disinte-
books into their grate as they hit the heavier at-
contmporries mosphere.
wek sonessiornr. sFor Scientific Purposes
In announcing that President
Eisenhower has appved the sat-
ellite project presidential press
secretary James C. Hagerty em-
phasized that it is for "entirely
iree scientific purposes."
Scientists of all nations, includ-
ing Russia, he said, will be able to
coats observe the space objects and will
receive all the scientific facts de-
veloped in the program.
ormer prisoners of Some members of Congress im-
s' welcomes, but to mediately objected to cutting Rus-
heir countrymen. sia in on grounds it might provide
y with the Chinese the Soviets with valuable informa-
1953, then changed tion for the race to develop inter-
continental guided missiles,
Griggs had a short Challenges Imagination
es when the liner Some applauded the project.
ng trip from Hong Others called it fantastic and said.
it challenges the imagination.
'1The satellites won't be in the
customs with their nature of much-discussed space
ted them and took platforms that might be used for
ack end of a truek both scientific and 'military pur-
de at Ft. Baker, poses. But they are expected to
den Gate froni San j.provide information of practical
value to mankind - information,'
fo xmple, that might lead to
inst the turncoats improved weather forecasting and
possible death sen- improved radio transmission,
They know it. Al- Scientists taking
isly shaken, none Scetssakn part in the
asoy prteshtk wnnprogram said that little is known
Leahy of tethn about the regions beyond the
. Leahy of the 6th Earth's close-down, denser atmos-
Marshal's office, pheric layers, which act as a
off the charges. partial shield against light, ultra-
ittle Emotion ' violet rays and cosmic rays from
ggs had perhaps the outer space, as well as meteorites.
charge read against
ng a general officer
States Army to de-
e were charged withV
fellow prisoners in ,
'ove their own situ- US uiRu S
eak Korean prisoner
d when he heard
d of depriving fel- WASHINGTON, (P)-The Civil
of food. Otherwise Aeronautics Board yesterday post-
uany emotion. don poned the planned Sept. 1 revoca-
turncoatsstood td tion of the operating authority of
hey hadn't sgreeted four large nonscheduled airlines
rs. Relatives of all making up North American Air-
rs Reaties f al °lines.
re. Te
ome of Bell. Griggs The CAB said it recognized
aves 17 Americans orth American' right, and an-
ina' of the 21 who nounced intention, to seek Judi-
there rather than cial review of the revocation order.
he end of the Kor- of last June 30.
It postponed the effcativeness of

the revocation "Pendizg review by
the appropriate court of appeals,"
providing North American files a
court appeal petition before Aug.
30. and prosecutes it "expeditious-
Resign' ly and without any un'due delay."
l The CAB refused to postpone
ON ( P)-Two high- beyond Aug. 30, however, the ef-
epublican Senators fectiveness of its orde rto North
the resignation of American to cease its "knowing,
bott as Secretary of and wilful violation of the Civil
is "imminent." but Aeronautics Act."
If said that wasn't
nators, both mem- Degree Candidates
)P policy committee To Be Recognized
e, declined use of e
n connection with
Candidates for the master's de-
ched by phone at gree at the end of the University
the report "wasn't Summer Session will be honored
is'j iut a Tumor T tomorrow at'.the annual Masters


Here came a rather heated dis-
cussion over whether George eveh
had suggested such a thing. George1
insisted he hadn't, and he wound
up with :
"I care not what the senator'
from Wisconsin may thiik of the
senator from Georgia."
McCarthy: "I think he is a good
senator. I have always said that."

Union Head
Bridges was cleared yesterday of
a government charge that when
he obtained United States citizen-
ship in 1945 he committed fraud
by swearing he wasn't a Commu-

George: "Very well. I wish nist
could reciprocate the compliment,
Mr. President, but I shall not per- Federal District Judge Louis E.
jure myself with such a statement Goodman, W/ho heard the civil ac-
as that." tion without a jury, handed down
Mcarthy: "I think we are clear his .verdict in . a jammed court-
on this. The senator chooses to room.
engage in personal insults. I do The black-robed judge com-
not. I wish to make it clear that mented that the government had
when I offered the opinion that the to meet "an exacting standard"
senator from Georgia was a good to cancel Bridges' citizenship
senator, I was referring to morals, He' said the government "did
character, and such things. not meet this standard by the kind
George: "I thank the senator. I of witnesses it produced. Particu-
thank him very much. On the larly is this so, after abortive ef-
question of morality, I suppose I forts to prove the same issue in
can agree that the senator from different proceedings and after
Wisconsin is a good moral man." the passage of many years."

Charges aga
could lead to a
tence for each.
though obviou
uttered a worl
Capt. Walter R
Army Provost
formally read
Shaw Li
Bell and Grig
most damning(
the --"solicitir
of the United
sert." All thre
betraying their
efforts to impr
ation in the ble
of war camps..
Bell blinked
himself accuse
low prisonersc
no one showed
Earlier, the'
their ship's su
the families th
five or six yea
three were the
The return h
and Cowart le
still in Red C]
chose to goi
come back at t
ean War.
ly placed Re
said yesterday
Harold E. Tall
the Air Force
Talbott himse]
The two Se
bers of the GO
in the Senat
their names i
the report.
Talbott, rea
his home, said
true at 1I T

Campus Cooks Concoct Cuisine

Most of the male students who are doing their own cooking this
summer think the situation is pretty sad.
"It is almost enough to make man think about re-enlisting in
( the army," Andy Haigh, '58, commented. "I used to think that
C-rations were bad, but they can't hold a candle to some of the
stuff that I've whipped up this summer.
Len Schwartz, '57, claimed to be a fairly great cook. "I can eat
my own cooking and not starve to death," said Schwartz. Before he
left for dinner in a South U. restaurint, Schwartz revealed one of his
favorite dishes. "You cook a handfull of the instant type rice, then
mix in a couple of eggs and a fistfull of shredded lettuce leaves. Fry
the whole thing until it is slightly scorched around the edges and then
Cal Sandifer '56, observed "the chow in the co-ops is pretty good."
One of Sandifer's favorites is kiebasa and beans. "You boil the


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