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July 23, 1955 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1955-07-23

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Sixty-Fifth Year

;- s

Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only. This must be noted in all reprints.

A Question of Semantics

Being a liberal on this campus is a rather
risky business, because the world "liberal"
has become, in recent years, synonomous with
"left-wing." Thus, to be a liberal is to be
classified with left-wingers, Communists and
their sympathizers.
But the liberalism to which this writer holds
is that which is called "classical liberalism," and
was in vogue in the 19th century. It is this
kind of liberalism upon which this country was
founded. To adhere to this kind of liberalism is
really to be conservative, for it is to adhere to
principles of the past that have proven them-
selves reasonable.
Another interpretation of "liberalism" is one
denoting a looking for change, a progressive-
ness. This kind easily become radicalism. But
the liberal principles of freedom of speech and
the insistence that a man is innocent until
proven guilty are not new principles which
liberal-conservatives would thrust upon us, but
part of this nation's very essence. To fight for
them is to fight for a retention of what has
been -gained in the past. Those who would
change these principles are the real radicals,
whether of the left or of the right.
In the current controversy over the rights and
responsibilities of a university faculty, Profes-
sors Goddard, Paton, Coller, Boyce and O'Roke
argue that it is ."intolerable that any man,
under the delusions of academic freedom or
otherwise, should put his personal rights above
the welfare of the University." They would also
rectify the assumption that a man is innocent
until poven guilty. These would be radical
departures from American principles of democ-
racy, and, as such, cannot be considered as
advocacy of a conservative but of a radical
The conservatives, as one member of the
Senate Committee on the Responsibilities of
the Faculty to Society has said, are those who
defend established principles of freedom and
find themselves grouped with left-wingers for
their trouble.
For instance, in expanding his views, Prof.
Paton speaks of "the intemperance and intoler-
ance that is so frequently encountered by any-
one who can't see eye to eye - 100 per cent -
with the campus liberals'." Prof. Paton is
making the mistake of confusing liberal-con-
servatives with left-wingers.
The left-winger is not really interested in

democratic principles for themselves, but only
as they benefit the left-wingers and as they can
be used to disguise the left-wingers' true inten-
tions. Furthermore, the left-wingers always
take up the banner of freedom to confuse every-
one on just where everyone stands. Thosej
interested in the principles of freedom because
they have been part of this nation's history
and because it is imperative to keep them intact
for the nation's welfare (on campus, the Uni-
versity's welfare), are then accused of taking
the left-wing's line, when the reverse is true.
The Daily is vitally concerned with the main-
taining of academic freedom at the Uni-
versity for the University's own welfare and the
advancement of its principles and aims -- the
gaining and dissemination of knowledge, the
search for that which is true or reasonable,
and the freedom of every individual to seach
for himself.
We are not interested in having the campus
left-wingers take up the banner for academic
freedom.- Academic freedom is something that
has been established in our society as invalu-
able to the furthering and maintenance of
democracy and its chief principle that the
individual is of prime importance and that the
state exists only to create those conditions
which will allow the individual to develop him-
self fully within the limits of his capabilities.
This is not what left-wingers really want,
This principle is even more important in a
university than in the society as a whole. To
define a university-faculty relationship as an
employer-employe relationship or something
similar is to deny this principle. Obviously thet-e
are, on this campus, varying opinions on the
role of the faculty member. The place for dis-
cussing and debating the issue is the Faculty
Senate, where many faculty members have
complained this has not been possible in the
Perhaps a help to making the Senate a more
deliberative and fruitful group would be to
open its meetings to the press. What happens
there eventually finds its way into print any-
way, because there is a large number of
faculty members who realize that publicizing
the proceedings is not only desirable but
necessary. If the meetings were open to the
press, basic questions such as those involved
in the current controversy would not be put off
so easily, and it is important that they not be
put off much longer.

"You Sure We Don't Have Too Much Air In The Tires?"
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Diplomats Notice Change
In Communist Attitudes


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Ike Drops a Blockbuster at Geneva

Ike's Challenge to Bulganin

GENEVA (IP)-What happens if Bulganin says
That was the question diplomats and observ-
ers asked here today in the wake of President
Eisenhower's challenge to the Soviets to swap
military information with the United States.
Some informants said Eisenhower is ready
to order immediate negotiations if Bulganin
is willing.
There was a strong impression among western
delegates that the Soviet premier would not
agree. But the experts have become so used to
hearing the Russians say "no" over the past 10
years that their reasoning may be in a rut.
Some of the President's advisers feel that
sooner or later the Kremlin may agree to at
least a modified version of the Eisenhower
The President seems -to have put the Soviet
leader on the spot, from several points of view,
his proposition must be difficult for the Russian
premier and his Kremlin colleagues to deal
Here are some problems raised for Bulganin
by Eisenhower's statement yesterday:
Propaganda: If he turns down the President's
proposal for reciprocal blueprinting of military
establishments and aerial photographing, the
free world can say he was not willing to consider
the bold new move to break the East-West dis-
armament deadlock. That would hurt Soviet
propaganda which depicts Russia as the only
real worker for peace.
Military: Russia's military dispositions and
installations-protected by vast reaches of its
territory and a zoning system forbidden to
foreigners-are the most secret of any power.
America's arsenals, as Eisenhower told the
conference earlier this week, are constafitly
reported in the world press. Thus Russia has
relatively little to learn and much to give.
Internal: Despite changes since Stalin died,
the Kremlin clique still rules Russia with an
iron totalitarian hand. To permit Americans to
explore by plane the utmost reaches of this
shadowy land could have an incalculable effect
on the Soviet population. Russians must carry
T-he .Daily Staff
Managing Editors........................Ca Samra
Jim Dygert
Mary Lee Dingier, Marge Piercy, Ernest Theodossin
Dave Rorabacher......................... Sports Editor
Business Staff

internal passports under the Communist police
"movement control" setup. They would get
quite a jolt to see a group of Americans travel-
ing at will in areas forbidden to them.
Disarmament: Some western delegates be-
lieve the Russians really would like to cut their
arms load and help readjust international
burdens so that they could have greater freedom
from the fear of atomic war.
To the extent that such considerations in-
fluence their thinking, they may be reluctant
to reject outright an American initiative in this
Eisenhower's proposals, on the other hand,
may raise some problems for him if Bulganin
reacts favorably.
The President's associates have shrouded in
secrecy whatever detailed plans may exist to
back up his proposals. Although top officials
in Washington said last night the move was
based on a "position" paper drawn up by the
Joint Chiefs of Staff.
It has so far proved impossible to get authori-
tative answers to many obvious questions.
That could be because the experts really do
not yet know the answers or it could be because
they are under instructions not to talk.
But if the proposals get anywhere, they will
have to be answered-for the American Con-
gress and people, as well as the Russians.
These are some of the pertinent questions:
By what authority could the President' give
information on military establishments to any
foreign nation?
Would specific congressional authorization be
Would Russian planes manned by Russian
crews be based on American airfields with free-
dom to fly over military areas which are now
Does the President consider atomic installa-
tions "military establishments" on which blue-
prints should be traded with the Russians?
Would U. S. military bases in foreign lands
be included in the blueprinting and aerial
photographing process if the Russians so de-
sired? They have long protested the existence
of such bases.
American officials agree that, if the Russians
show interest, a considerable amount of nego-
tiation would be necessary before blueprints
and photographs start shuttling between the
U. S. and Soviet capitals.
New Books at the Library
Bodsworth, Fred - Last of the Curlews. New
York, Dodd, Mead & Co., 1955.
Bonner, Paul Hyde - Excelsior! New York,
G. Scribner's, 1955.
Bromfieli Tomis -- Frnm My ynpienens

Associated Press News Analyst
PRESIDENT Eisenhower h a s
dropped a blockbuster into the
Geneva Conference and perhaps
into American politics as well.
He proposes that Russia and the
United States give each other
blueprints of their military install-
ations and provide for cross-in-
spection by aerial photography.
Russia can hardly accept, unless
she is willing to change her whole
foreign policy which is based on
her power of attack, but will be in
an extremely embarrassing posi-
tion if she refuses.
The President might find him-
self in an extremely embarrassing
position if Russia did accept. The
school of intransigence .against
Russia in the United States, fear-
ful of being trapped if Russia is
trusted in any fashion, is perhaps
not large enough to kill ratifica-
tion of such an agreement in Con-
gress, but is sufficient to put up a
bitter fight.
How, they can ask, will aerial
inspection in Russia actually in-
sure that her own inspection rights
will not be used to prepare the
very attack which is feared, or that
the Russian blueprints will be hon-
est? And those will not be the on-
ly questions.
Eisenhower can reply, however,
that since it is incredible that the
United States would ever make a
surprise attack, it is a highly pro-
fitable thing to get some assur-
ance about Russia anyway. I
The entire proposal has a won-
derful appeal to that part of world
opinion which fears Russia or the

United States will eventually start
a war which would be bound to be-
come general.
France's Premier Faure undoubt-
edly had this in mind when he
said he wished all the peoples of
the world could have been in the
chamber to hear the President.
It was getting down to business
with a vengeance.
By beginning with aerial sur-
veys, the President said, "we will
make more easily attainable a
comprehensive and effective sys-
tem of inspection and disarma-
ment, because what I propose, I

assure you, would be just a begin-
With those words, the President
took the ball on disarmament and
control of atomic weapons and ran
away with it.
Everyone wondered whether the
surprising statement had been pre-
viewed when the President confer-
red with Congressional leaders be-
fore his departure for Geneva. It
was doubted, since in such circum-
stances there is nearly always a
leak. The screams were expected

THERE IS, I believe, compelling
proof that we are operating at
an educational deficit. It is to be
found in many of the controversies
within the educational system. I
am not myself, of course, a pro-
fessional educator. But I do some
reading about education, and I
have been especially interested in
the problem of providing educa-
tion for the men and women who
must perform the highest func-
tions in our society-the elucida-
tion and the articulation of its
ideals, the advancement of know-
ledge, the making of high policy
in the government, and the leader-
ship of the people.
. We must lift ourselves as
promptly as we can to a new and
much higher level of interest, of
attention, of hard work, of care, of
concern, of expenditure, and of
dedication to the education of the
American people.

nal Deficit

GENEVA-After a week of sit-
ting opposite each other at the
conference table, drinking toasts
to friendship, waving at crowds
and posing for photographers, this
meeting "at the summit" is ad-
journing about the way everyone
expected-with a hopeful commu-
nique and pleasant promises for
the future.
The chief question therefore re-
mains now as at the start: is the
new smile on the Soviet's face
there to stay or is it a passing
fancy? Will the Kremlin take ad-
vantage of a truce in the war of
scowls by strengthening its in-
ternal politicaland militarytposi-
tion while we rest on the oars of
friendship? Or have we started a
new era of genuine understanding
and hands-across-the-iron cur-
tain cooperation?
No diplomat I have encountered
in Geneva is willing to answer
that question, but I have found
several-some of whom lived in
Russia-who are convinced of a
real change in the Kremlin and
that its leaders definitely do want
to cooperate with the west. How
long this will last they are not
sure, but they are convinced that
a much friendlier spirit prevails
in the Kremlin.
From comparing notes with dip-
lomats and watching the Rus-
sians, here are my own conclu-
sions on how the top Soviet lead-
ers function:
THE COUNTRY with the great-
est land mass in the world and
the largest army in the world is
now definitely governed by a com-
mittee and there's no important
friction inside that committee. It
wasismart politics to bring the
entire committee to Geneva for
two reasons-first, so the outside
world could see they didn't wear
horns, and second, so the Russian
delegates at Geneva wouldn't con-
tinually be asking Moscow for in-
structions. In Stalin's day, For-
eign Minister Molotov could make
no move at Geneva without call-
ing Moscow. In contrast this week,
Russian Government head Bul-
ganin, Foreign Minister Molotov,
Communist Party Chief Khrush-
chev and Defense Minister Zhu-
kov are all present here and able
to make joint decisions.
These four carefully put Bul-
ganin forward as the real head of
their government. Though Khru-
shchev is more talkative, waves to
crowds more, and seems to be en-
joying himself immensely, both he
and his colleagues were careful
that Bulganin took all the offi-
cial bows when the Big Four met,
at the Palais Des Nations. The
Russian seats were carefully ar-
ranged so that Bulganin sat in
the middle, Molotov on his right
and Khrushchev on the left, with
the other Russians seated at a
respectful distance away.
The men who rule Russia give
the impression of being quite hu-
man and not particularly smart.
Khrushchevacts like a small boy
who is abroad on his first visit
and is having a wonderful time.
He waves to girls as if he'd much
rather get out of his car and kiss
them than just wave. And he's
careful not to repeat his Belgrade
performance when the hard-
drinking Yugoslavs drank him off
his feet.
o GET A better picture of how
these new rulers of the Soviet
dictatorship behave, here is the
backstage story of what happened
when they dined with French
Premier Edgar Faure in his villa
on Lake Geneva.
Khrushchev took nothing to
drink, Bulganin drank port and a
few others of the Russians each
accepted one Scotch highball.

Khrushchev did most of the
talking. When he didn't have an
interpreter near by, he just smiled
and pretended to understand, and
went around patting people on the
back whether they understood or
With Premier Faure, who speaks
some Russian but who had an in-
terpreter to help, Khrushchev had
an extended conversation.
"I am not an educated man,"
he told the French premier.
"It's said I am an educated
man," replied Faure, "but I'mj
sure we speak the same lan-
They reviewed the history of
Russian and French relations for
the last 10 years, their mistakes
and failures. At one point Khru-
shchev appeared to make an over-
ture to split France away from thej
western Allies, but got some ad-
vice from Faure in return.
"I should like to advise you not
to try to break the understanding
between the three western pow-
ers," Faure 'told him, at the start.
,"It's a very deep understanding-
so deep that we don't even have to
consult each other on fundamen-
tals We may riffer nn details.hut

North Africa, studied Russian. For
the last four months he has been
reading Pravda and, intalks with
the Russians at the dinner, he
found they echoed almost the ex-
act party line on international
problems as set forth in Pravda,
They also repeated over and over
to the point of monotiny. In brief,
they gave the impression of men
unsure of themselves-not at all
brilliant, unskilled in modern di-
plomacy, genuinely amateurish
alongside diplomats of other na-
As the dinner closed, Faure
proposed a toast not to Franco-
Russian friendship but to the
friendship between all the four
nations. "I drink to the same
thing," said Marshal Bulganin.
NOTE--In the end, Russian ar-
guments seemed to carry weight
with the French for Premier
Faure inserted in his speech two
sections which he hadn't discussed
with Dulles or Eden and which
upset them considerably: one for
budgetary control of armament
and the other for European col-
lective security superseding NATO.
In other words, the Russian ap-
peal-crude, monotonous and un-
educated as it was supposed to be
-was effective.
* * *
(NOTE-While Drew Pearson is
covering the Big Four conference
in Geneva, his staff is following
the news in Washington.)
Senate - House group that
pinches every penny going for
schools and hospitals, voted Pan
American Airways an outright
giveaway of $17,669,000 without
batting an eye the other day-a
startling increase of $12,500,000
over the original House-approved
handout.. The debate behind closed
doors lasted only 12 minutes, cost-
ing the taxpayers a million dol-
lars a minute.
Though the press and public
were barred, Texas' rawboned
Congressman A1b e r t Thomas
warned nervously: "Let's not pre-
tend that no one will notice what
we're doing here today. We're be-
ing watched. Some of those col-
umnists have gotten interested."
But Florida's scowling Sen.
Spessard Holland waved aside all
protests and pleaded for the extra
$12,500,000 as a "personal thing."
Referring to Illinois Sen. Paul
Douglas' angry Senate fight
against the Pan Am dole, Holland
asked the Senate-House conferees
to support the increase as a vote
of personal confidence in himself.
Douglas had charged on the
Senate floor:
1 That Pan Am is using the
taxayers' money to operate nine
luxury hotels throughout South
America. "What seems to be hap-
that we are subsidizing Pan Amer-
ican which, in turn, is subsidizing
its wholly owned hotel corporation
... It is very consoling that we
are able to afford these high-class
accommodations on the coast of
Brazil, but it is somewhat discon-
certing to find that, apparently,
American taxpayers are being
asked to pay indirectly for part
of the expense of them."
2. That the Pan Am subsidy in-
cludes $8,000,000 to pay the air-
line's federal income taxes. Point-
ing out that no other airline gets
its federal taxes. paid at public
expense, Douglas demanded:
"Why can't the subsidized airline
do what everyone else in the
country has to do and pay its own
federal income taxes out of its
own pocket?"
3. That Pan Am deserves no
more subsidies until it pays back
$..,800,000 that the Supreme
Court has ruled Pan Am owes
the government.
4. That Pan Am is the only
major airline still drawing gov-

ernment subsidies. The other big
airlines are able to get along on
the post office pay for flying the
mail. Pan Am, too, collects a gen-
erous $11,000,000 from the post
office. But influential friends in
Congress insist on presenting Pan
Am with an additional $17,769,000
as a public gift.
Douglas's arguments were ig-
nored, however, during the slap-
dash, 12-minute debate. The only
real argument was whether the
tiny, dependent airlines should be
given first priority.
"Wouldn't it be a good idea,"
suggested Congressman Sid Yates,
Illinois Democrat, "to put the
small local service airlines and
helicopters first?"
"There's no shortage of money,"
replied Holland generously. "Ev-
eryone can be taken care of."
" THINK I can.see what the sit-
uation is here," piped up Con-
gressman Dan Flood, Pennsylva-
nia Democrat. "Unbeknownst to
some of us, agreement has already
been reached as to how much
money shall be taken out of the
public treasury and given to cer-
tain airlines. But surely, gentle-
man +har rn iw n nann to

We have to do in the educa
tional system something very like
what we have done in the military
established during the past fifteen
years. We have to make a break-
through to a radically higher and
broader of what is needed and of
what can be done. Our educational
effort today, what we think we
can afford, what we think we can
do, how we feel entitled to treat
our schools and our teacher-all
of that-is still in approximately
the same position as was the mili-
tary effort of this country before
Pearl Harbor.
If ... in the crucial years which
are coming, our people remain as
unprepared as they are for their
responsibilities and their mission,
they may not be equal to the chal-
lenge, and if they do not succeed,
they may never have a second
chance in order to try again.
-Walter Lippmann



The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3553
Administration Building before 2 p.m.
the day preceding publication (be-
fore 10 a.m. on Saturday). Notice of
lectures, concerts and organization
meetings cannot be published oftener
than twice.
Mortgage Loans. The University is
interested in making first-mortgage
loans as investments of its trust funds.
The Investment Office, 3015 Adminis-
tration Building, will be glad to consult
with anyone considering building or
buying a home, or refinancing an exist-
ing mortgage or land contract. Ap-
pointments may be made by calling
Ext. 2606.
Veterans in training under Public
Laws 346 and 550 who expect to receive
a degree, change training institution,
or change course of study at the end
nf the nummer sessinn must make

graver WB-5 and Platemaker WB-4, and
Construction Superintendent GS 8-11.
U. s. civil Service announces employ-
ment opportunities primarily in Ill.,
Mich., and Wis. for the following:
Accountants, Auditors, Tax Collectors,
other Business and Econ. positions,
positions for Engrs. and other Scientific
personnel, Construction and Meat In-
spectors, Farm Mgt. Superv., Jr. Pro-
fessional Assist., Steno-Typist, and.
Shorthand Reporter.
For further information contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin.
Bldg., Ext. 371.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Genevieve
Bergetta Syverson, Education; thesis:
"An Analysis of the Numbers and
Sources of Frying Incidents of Certain
Groups of Kindergarten' Children,"
Mon., July 25, 2532 University Elemen-
tary School, at 4:00 p.m. Chairman,
B. O. Hughes.
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics.
Tues., July 26, at 1:00 p.m., in Room
3201 Angell Hall. Jack Meagher will
discuss a recent paper on "Transforma-
tions of Statistical Variables."

violin (her major instrument) with
Gilbert Ross. Open to the public.
Events Today
Heartbreak House, by George Bernard
Shaw, presented by the Department
of Speech, tonight at 8:00 p.m. in Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater. Tickets on sale
at the theater box office today from
10:00 a.m.-8:00 p.m. $1.50-$l.10-75c.
Rides to Sailing Club area at Base
Line Lake, leaving North end of Wo-
men's League. Sat., July 23, 10.00 a.mn.,.
12:00 n.; Sun., July 24, 10:00 a.m., 11:00
Coming Events
Graduate Outing club meets every
Sun. at 2:00 p.m. at the Northwest
entrance to Rackham. Wear old clothes,
bring a bathing suit. Final arrangements
will be made this Sun. for a canoe
trip July 30-31.
Westminister Student Fellowship.
Picnic with Geneva Fellowship Sun.,
July 24, leaving from Presbyterian
Church at 2:00 p.m. for Big Portage
Congregational-Disciples Guild. Sun.,
July 24, 8:00 p.m., Memorial Christian
Church. Guest speaker, Dr. Arnold
Nuc Pn.---r o- -, limnn +at h


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