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July 22, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-07-22

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Latest Deadline ina the State

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Burial Plans
For Moody

Armistice Gains
GnIZI avL T6I A l

Bill Passed



Ike s


Completed By Hous
U.S. Warns Ceasefire Violation
State Democrats Would Jeopardize World.Security Aims at H-
Eye McNamara - J Subversion
GENEVA OP)-The Geneva conference endorsed the Indochina
LANSING OP--Michigan demo- armistice Wednesday, with partitioned Viet Nam and the United States WASHINGTON ( -
crats laid plans Wednesday to bury abstaining. approved by voice vote
Blair Moody with honors and won- Red China hailed the agreement as a possible pattern for a President Eisenhower's
dered whether they would also be Korean settlement. strip U.S. citizenship
burying their hopes of defeating The United States warned grimly that any violation of the Indo- American convicted of
U.S. Sen. Homer Ferguson(R-Mich) china cease-fire would jeopardize international peace and security. teaching the overthrow
Mmv d th f 1Tmpr nDemoratic Wp-,.r t ~ rzna"P tt i- txi f ic ilnhil- nmi : ernment by violence.

The House
proposal to
from any
seeking or
of the gov- , ka y

TVA Power



I -



IwiOOJ J,1y, 01emel or . A e mu.J ~ (aU Ves Len represen a tves signet
senator who died at University delegates were jubilant over the
Hospital Tuesday afternoon, will

be buried Saturday. 7 1 1 0
His body will lie in state at IfldOCfltfa
Detroit's grey old City Hall from{
10 a.m. to 6 p.m. Re
Here Moody, City Hall reporter R d G ains
for the Detroit News, began the
meteoric journalistic career which D ss
made him an internationally known
newspaperman and finally led to 5~~I~3c s e
his appointment to the United
States Senate to succeed the late By JOHN M. IIIGHTOWER
Arthur H. Vandenberg. WASHINGTON (R) - The United
Funeral Services States and its allies lost a great
Funeral services will be at 11 battle Wednesday in the long con-
a.m. Saturday at the Hamilton flict with communism. They lost
Funeral Home in Detroit, to which because they could not command
the body already has been taken. the united will and the power to
A -Michigan National Guard unit; win the fight for northern Indo-
will provide a guard of honor. china.
Meanwhile, Michigan Democrats Their ranks were weakened by
.still reeled from the loss of the man divided counsel over how to pro-
who many thought had a good' ceed. The military effort was
chance to beat Ferguson this year weakened by their old failure fully
and the Republicans breathed gent- to solve the colonial problem. Their
le sighs of relief, diplomacy was frustrated as much
Republican leaders have been 'by their own differences as by the
conceding privately that Ferguson's wily manuevers of Vyacheslav
Molotov and Chou En-lai.
political stock was at a low ebb The negotiated peace which
and that Moody might have given French Premier Mendes-France
him a rough fight. signed with the Reds at Geneva
Ferguson had been told, leaders Wednesday morning recognized a
said, to return home quickly and state of affairs which in fact had
start rebuilding his fences if he passed beyond his control or that of
wanted to be reelected, such Allied leaders as Prime Mini-
Democrats, turned their eyes, ster Churchill and President Ei-
some with warmth and some with senhower.
stspicion, to the sole Democrat Hard Facts
left in the primary election race Eisenhower himself recognized
for senator. the hard facts of the defeat when
He is Patrick V. McNamara of he told his news conference a few
Detroit, an official of the AFL hours later that if any good can
Steamfitters Union, a former De- come out of this Southeast Asian
troit city councilman and a mem- experience it will be this-to get
ber of the Detroit Board of Edu- the free world to look facts in the
cation. face and see what must be done
McNamara will be the party's to save free peoples from Red
nominee, said many high placed conquest.
Der-ocrats who scoffed at reports At another point the President
the Democratic State Central said that he did not think the free
Committee will resort to a little- nations can continue to exist if
known state law and pick a "stick- they do not find a concerted and
er" candidate to replace Moody in positive plan to bind themselves
the primary. together so tightly that they will
There were indications that the be secure against Red assault
most die-hard of Moody's devoted either from inside or outside.
followers were finding his passing But-perhaps significantly-the
a bitter pill to swallow. Having President did not say what the
adopted a fierce partisan antag- elements of such a plan were or
onism to McNamara, they report- how it might be made so appeal-
edly were finding it hard to em- ing that all nations this side of
brace him and talked of a "sticker"' the Iron Curtain would enthusias-
substitute. tically join in.
-5- ..... .. :.- -LAme.ri Di lnmav



Us wIth misgivings but communist 41 311114--------------------
settlement. It turns north Viet . Goes to SenateIL Ch
;Nam's 13 million people over to This measure, which now goes
Red rule. to the Senate, was one of several
Red China's Premier Chou En- broad powers requested by Atty.
lai said the armistice "once again Gen. Brownell to combat subver- (om pronse Bil
testified that the forces for peace sion. In this field there were these
are irresistable." Chou, Soviet For- other 'developments Wednesday: yC Revenue
MiitrV.M ootvadt1. The House passed and sent
eign Mimster V. M. Molotov and#to the Senate a bill making bail
representatives of the Communist-uWASHINGTON (--A House-Sen-
led Vietminh all hailed the agree- jumpmg in cases involving a fed- ate conference committee agreed
ment as a "victory for peace." eral offense a separate crime, late Wednesday on a compromise
2. A House Judiciary subcom- bill overhauling almost all tax
Pro-West Protest mittee approved a bill to outlawlaws. It would reduce revenues an
The protests of the pro-Western the Communist party and similar f estimated $1,363,000,000 next year.
Viet Nam government over the di- organizations. It would make mem- Settling one much-debated issue,'
visionsof their country were all bership in such groups a felony. ttlnone m -eed ie,
but mothred.Vienamee Fo- Ithe committee agreed to permit
u Immunity Bill taxpayers to deduct from their tax
eign Minister Tran Van Do vainly 3. The House Judiciary Commit- bill 4 per cent of their income
attempted to incorporate in the fi- tee concluded hearings on a bill, from corporation dividends.
nal declaration reservations giving already passed by the Senate, to In addition, the first $50 of divi-
his government full freedom of ac- compel witnesses before congres- dends would be excluded from
tion. sional committees to testify by taxes.
A few hours later, he telegraphed granting them immunity from Authorities said this comprom-
his resignation to Vietnamese prosecution for wrongdoing they ise would cut taxes on dividends
Premier Ngo Dinh Diem in Saigon. may reveal in their testimony, about 204 million dollars the first
He angrily told a news conference Another proposal ticketed for year and 363 million dollars a year
that he had not even been given House action this week would cre- later, when it reaches full effect.


an opportunity to see the text of ate a commission on internal se- The House had approved a much
the cease-fire order. curity in industry to study and ree- more liberal cut amounting to 240 -Daily-Marl Crozier
The conference endorsement ommend means to keep Commu- million dollars the first year and IRENE PEREIA AND "NIGHT SEA JOURNEY"
came at the final meeting of the nests out of defense plants and la- eventually to 860 million dollars a,
nine-party Indochina parley. The bor unions. year. The Senate had voted 71-13+
talks ended at 5 p.m., just 17 hours to knock out all dividend tax relief'R elationship oA bstract
beyond the deadline set by French except about 46 million dollars pro-
Premier Pierre Mendes - France Eventsvddtruhte 5 xlso.
for a cease-fire. They began here Encourage Investments rt to R eality D iscussed
April 26. Republicans had advanced the
In its final declaration, the con- idea of dividend tax relief with the --
ference "took note" of the cease- main argument that it would en- By RUSS AU WERTER
___________________________of Architecture and Design said
fire agreements.signed earlier courage investments which would "Is abstract painting a with- in defense of abstract art, "I
Wednesday by French, Cambodian, "SOVIET INTERNAL POLI- result in job-creating business ex- drawal from reality?" was the piv- don't think it is a withdrawal from
Laotian and Communist-led Viet- TICS" will be discussed by Thomas pansion. Democratic critics said it ot question around which a spirited society, but rather an examination
minh officers to halt the 8-year- B. Larson of the Division of Re- was tax relief for the wealthy. discussion revolved at last night's into the fact of the complex world
old struggle in Viet Nam, Cambod- search. USSR, U.S. Department of The big bill, running almost six man panel discussion, featur- of the atom bomb."
la and Laos. State, at 3 p.m. in Rm. 407 Mason 1,000 pages, does not change ma- I ing New Yoxk artist Irene Rice
Hall.. jor tax rates but provides scores Pereia. As the discussion got around to
The accords provide for the neu- * I of tax reductions through new or Leading off the discussion which the function of art, Prof. Wilt add-
tralization of the three- Indochina THE SUMMER BIOLOGICAL bigger deductions for medical ex- followed her afternoon talk Miss ed, "Art is not supposed to give
states and the partition of VietI one an uplift nor to be a vitamin
sNam aong the 17tParallel. Tie symposium will hear a talk on the penses, depreciation of new plants Pereia stated, "Abstraction is a
Nam along the 17th Parallel. The mechanism of bacterial adapta- and equipment, child - care ex- reality. Abstractions,like ideas, can pill," but should discipline the ob-
French are scheduled to evacuate tion to drugs by Prof. Joshua Led- penses of working parents, soil be reality, bit cannot have physi- server to "look for many mean-
the big northern Indochia city of erberg of the University of Wis- conservation expenses, income off cal dimensions." hgs."
Hanoi and its port of Haiphong consin at 4 p.m., Rm. 2009 Public retired persons, dependents who Miss Pereia, whose paintings are1 Prof. Leo Goldberg of the astro-
within 300 days. Health School. make more than $600 a year, and of the abstract type, stressed the nomy department participating in
The United States, through Un- * * * other items. importance for the artist to trust the panel, in his own words, as a
dersecretary of State Walter Bed- KATHERINE ANN PORTER, 'Cornerstone' his intuitions. She said, "Even in "local custodian of space and time"
ell Smith, announced it would not noted author and visiting lecturer,d. science the brilliant ideas of New- said that the "Artist paints to con-
subscribe to the settlements. It will speak in "Defense of Circe" resd the bill the cornerstone of ton and Galileo were first intuited vey meaning and uses art because
pledged, however, to refrain from at 4:15 p.m., Rackham Lecture isrmete san of and then worked out." it is a better method than the
threats or use of force to disturb Hall. his domestic program. He said it Strike a Need Iwritten or spoken word."
te.* * *would spur business investment;Ne
them.*and economic growth and provide Confessing that she seldom has Objecting to the idea that art
"LINGUISTIC LESSONS from more and better jobs, and remove interest in other artists' work un- must communicate from one mind
Infants and Aphasics" will be the score an better jobsiond rove less they "strike a need in me," to another, Prof. Henry Aiken,
e Jsubject of a talk by Prof. Roman soes of undivisions fMiss Pereia said the "artist cre- visiting philosophy lecturer from
Eli. mess and individuals.
Jakobson of Harvard University The compromise bill, settling 553 ates for his own personal heeds 1 Harvard, said "The only symbols
at 7:30 p.m. in Rackham Amphi- differences between the House and and the audience views for their of relevance are those which please
So a er theater Senate versions, still must be ap- own particular needs. the viewer."f
* * *at versions til use ap- Aline B. Saarinen, New York Voicing ideas that were reacted
* * * proved by both the House and Sen- ..
DENTON, Ga. (A)-A pair of "MRS. McTHIN," presented by ate.fTimes art critic, said, commenting to vigorously by some members of
ducks that can't swim are liv- I the speech department, will con- In view of the substantial tax on the function of modern non- the audience and panel, Prof. Ai-
ing evidence of the drought in tinue its run. at Lydia Mendel-I reduction on stockholders' divi- representative art, "Awareness be- ken affirmed that an "artist
this area. ssohn. Curtain time is 8 p.m. dends-and the heavy Senate vote yond the senses has become most Idoesn't know his own work until
When they had reached the * * * against substantial relief in this important to the man of fhe twen- he becomes part of his own audi-
age of eight weeks without ever BETTY RICE will present a field-the compromise faced a pos- tieth century. Today the problems ence.
seeing a puddle big enough to piano recital under the auspices sibly stiff fight in the Senate. we deal with are beyond the simple "The artist makes his object,
paddle in, their 6-year-old own- of the music school at 8:30 p.m. In the House, where it faced less bounds of the senses." but the object has its own meaning.
er, Eddie Williams, decided it in Aud. A, Angell Hall. opposition, leaders said the com- Prof. Richard Wilt of the College Art is not a meeting of minds, but
was high time they got a * * promise probably would be called simply a seeing of the object.I'm
chance to' do what's supposed . THE NATIONAL ASSOCIATION up next week. . i Vgrateful to the artist for his work,
to come naturally to all ducks. for the Advancement of Colored In other last-stage action, the 'sf'ts(but I don't go to him for the mean-
He filled a tub with water, People will hear Conrad Hinds, Conference Committee agreed to WASHINGTON (A>)-The House ing of his art."
tossed them in and stood by to Grad., speak on "Discrimination knock out of th'e big revision pro- 1 voted 339-0 Wednesday to raise After a vigorous discussion con-
watch. And a good thing he did, in Panama" at 8 p.m. today at the gram and House-approved section compensation payments to dis- cerning art forms Prof. Aiken said
too. Eddie barely saved them Union. cutting taxes on income earned by abled veterans, and the only big "No art form is out of date, it
from drowning. Hinds Is a resident of Panama. corporations from foreign opera- objection raised was that the leg- simply waits for someone to put
1The meeting is open to the public. tions. islation isn't generous enough. it to use."

V oice Vote
Anderson Bayi
Defeated, 55-36
WASHINGTON (M - President
Eisenhower won a big victory
Wednesday night as the Senate.
upheld his plan for a new private
power plant in the Tennessee Val-
ley area.
First the chamber refused on a
vote of 55-36 to forbid the project.
Then, on motion of Sen.-Ferguson
(R-Mich) it adopted by voice vote
an amendment specifically au-
thorizing the undertaking.
The proposed ban on it had been
offered in another amendment, by
Sen. Anderson (D-NM), to the
pending bill which rewrites the
nation's atomic energy law.
Forty-four Republicans and 17
Democrats voted against the An-
derson amendment. It was sup-
ported by 33 Democrats, 2 Repub-
licans and Sen. Morse (Ind-Ore).
The Ferguson amendment sanc-
tioning the proposed electric power
contract was accepted with a roll-
Anderson's amendment would
have specified that the atomic En-
ergy Commission could contract
only for power served directly to
atomic installations.
Contract Concluded
The President has instructed
the AEC to conclude a 25--year
contract with a Southern utility
group for construction of a 1617-
million-dollar steam plant to fur-
nish power to the Memphis, Tn,,
The power would be served over
Tennessee Valley Authority TVA
lines, replacing TVA electricity
supplied to tie Paducah, Ky.,
atomic plant.
Anderson's admendment was de-
signed to kill the project by re-
stricting the AEC's contract au-
thority. It also called for a review
of all AEC power contracts by the
Senate-House Atomic Energy com-
The vote climaxed a stormy
eight-day debate, mainly on the
power issue, which is only part of
the big bill.
The measure provides mainly
for permitting private industry into
the atomic field and for releasing
some nuclear secrets to Allied
During the day the President
told his news conference that he
does not regard the AEC as an
independent commission but one
requiring his supervision. He re-
iterated that he is prepared to sup-
port TVA, as it now is, with his
full strength.
Big Factories,
Dams Called
Very Strategic
The construction of big dams
and factories in backward areas
is perhaps politically and socially,
as well as economically, wiser than
other types of industrialisation
requiring more labor, Prof. Greg-
ory Grossman suggested yesterday.
One of the economic reasons for
this, the visiting lecturer from the
University of California explained,
is the need for people to service
each laborer, which entails res-
taurants, shops, and transporta-
tion facilities.
The amount of service, he added,

depends on the standard of living
in the country. In the average
American city, he estimated, there
are from five to three people to
perform those services compared
to two for each Russian laborer.
Thus labor saving devices, which
mean fewer laborers, in turn mean
fewer servicers and probably there-
fore a lower total expenditure, he
Point With Pride
Ideologically, the big dam or fac-
tory is important in the backward
country. For the government can


This talk mushroomed in the ab- minecan i pi acy
sence of a public statement from The President sought to disavow
either Gov. Williams or Neil Staeb- responsibility for the French-nego-
ler, Democratic state chairman. tiations, under which many pro-
- --- - ductive acres and millions of hu-
man beings in Northern Viet Nam
S on Dienies fall under Red rule. He empha-
sized that this had been negotiated
by the nations which were actively
Mloody ished in the war-France, Cambodia,
Laos and Viet Nam.
To W ithdraw But he declined to criticize them'
by emphasizing also what has
come to be the central fact of
DETROIT U-'3Lir Moody Jr. American diplomacy throughout
Wednsday night dnied ie the past three critical months.
that his father wanted to withdraw 'This fact is that though the United
from the Democratic primary race States did not want such a settle-
b{ec, Use Ofill iali. ment it never succeeded in develop-
Politica' v rites !r ik Morris re- ing any alternative plan for nego-
ported in the D e t r o i t Times tiating an end to the fighting.
Wednesday that Democratic lead---
ers had persuaded Moody u stay C
in the campaign. $100 ,000 COLLECT
The former senator's son, in a
telegram to the Times, said.:
"My father wanted nothing moreP u
in life than to continue in the cam-'UP u
paign and return to the Senate.
He never wrote an announcement By DIANE D. AuWerter f
of withdrawal as your reporter Daily Managing Editor
claims. . .I know to my certain Stowed away in 94 large packing I
knowledge that my father was re- boxes, awaiting transference to a
covering, that his death was sud- building not yet built, is one of
den and entirely unexpected, that the world's finest collections of
he had no thought whatsoever of music.
retiring from the race and that The University yesterday an-
competent medical opinion gave I nounced that it had purchased the
him and his family every encour- famed Stellfeld Music Library for
ageinent.. . .My father was a $100,000 most of which came from
greatanewspaperman, a great sen- private funds.
ator and an honorable man. Any-:;r vtefns
one who knew my father knows he Assembled over a 50-year period
was not a quitter." by Jean-Auguste Stellfeld, inter-
The Times political writer re- nationally known jurist and musi-

rchases Wor
grant, first saw the collection on The
the invitation of the daughter ofI first w
the Antwerp jurist. numbe
The Belgian government report- packed
edly had hoped to acquire this cases
collection for the city of Antwerp,
but a delay in the maturing of Acco
plans led to the daughter, Madame library
Van Strydonck, considering private source
offers. which
Madame Strydonck had nearly littlet
accepted one offer, Prof. Cuyler history
said, but she felt a sale to the "InJ
University would fulfill her father's ternati

Id Famous Stellfeld Music Library

sale was closed during the
veek in May and the library,
ring thousands of books,was
d in 94 zinc-lined packing
for shipment to Ann Arbor.
Famed Scholars
ording to Prof. Cuyler, the
contains a large amount of
material not yet studied
will throw light on some
understood areas of music
fact, several scholars of in-
onal repute have already in-
d their desire to come here
the collection for research,"
also pointed out that this

"Despite encouraging announce-
ments to the public that his health
was improving, former Senator

cologist, the collection contains a
high percentage of items published1
before 1800, many rare editions and
sets of collected works of the majors

wishes that the collection be made
available to scholars and be kept

to use
she sa

rnrnnncarc of nil narinrlc .. . , .


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