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July 22, 1954 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1954-07-22

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The Outlook of Germany
U pon European Defense

IN LONDON American and British politicians are
working on one of the hottest problems in post-
war European politics: German rearmament. They
tried to find a way to save the last vestiges of the
EDC; that unborn but so often already dreamed of
child of the Allies' post-war politicos. The facts
shall not be explained here, they are well repre-
sented and covered over and over again in the
papers recently. But I will try to present common
German viewpoints about the problem and leave
out any personal opinion.
That the majority of the Germans are not so
poorly politically orientated as most foreign ob-
servers expected them to be was demonstrated in
the last election. That the Neo-Fascistic groups and
the Communistic Party do not play the dangerous
role that sensational headlines screamed they do
was demonstrated through the election results (no
Communist and Neo-Fascist could win a seat in the
German Bundestag). And that political activity in
Germany is uncensored and free was attested to
by more than one foreign observer. German society
is certainly deeply interested in its position in this
East-West fight.
In the spotlight of many discussions is the ques-
tion of reunion or rearmament. First, should Ger-
many seek through the methods of negotiation to
become reunified with .its East German brothers
(and this would mean negotiations with the Soviet
controlled East German government). Secondly,
should West-Germany follow the line of Dr. Ade-
nauer, who recommends strongly, through integra-
tion into the European Defense Community, that
Germany aim toward a strong base, from which
negotiations with the Soviets would be more suc-
cessfully done on a higher level than the West
German government ever could do on its own.
The opposition, represented formally through
the Social Democratic Party is calling first for a
reunion through any non-discriminatory step which
will not overlook other problems. When Mr. Ollen-
hauer, the leader of the SPC, took. his position
against the recent development in London, opposing
the plan that the British and Americans should
still get certain rights in emergency cases to back
up the Democratic system in the West German
Bundesrepublick, he expressed an important atti-
tude of the German population. This segment fears
strong-arm politics which could lead to an increase
of tension between East and West, thus bringing
harm and disaster for the single individual. This
may sound like primitive politics, but the tendency
for neutrality of the man on the street is better
understood when we take a close look at the social
situation through which the individual German
had to struggle and is still mired. Millions of refu-
gees only after years of hardship found a better
living standard. Regardless of who enables him to
work and to clothe himself as a respectable person
in a free environment, material and personal se-
curity means the most to him.
What is this dwarf West German problem in
the face of the Cold War between those two gi-
ants-the United States and the Soviet Union?
Who brought economic health to this land? Who
represents security when the industrial and mili-
tary might of America ceases? These people re-
member the power of the American Air Force
which resulted in total destruction of large areas
of West Germany. As soldiers they were confront-
ed with the Soviet army. As POW's they lived and
worked in Soviet factories and are still not im-
pressed by the Proletarian "paradise."
Perhaps it is a misleading conclusion, but it is
the opinion of this man on the street that "the
Soviets would retreat again" and that their in-

dustrial power is not worth a penny. Moreover, so
the first group argues, Christianity and humanity
are dead in every totalitarian regime. It was thus
under Hitler and remains so under the Soviets. Why
not friendship with France? Why not a European
government which would solve many internal prob-
lems in Europe, besides building a strong block
against the Red wall? What are the politicians
waiting for? Here the EDC proponents split in their'
opinions. What happens if the French refuse to
join EDC, won't enter the European Community?
One part of this group prefers the road of friendly
negotiations. They would make concessions to
France to gain necessary French political support
for the European plan, since, after the establish-
ment of a European Union, questions of nationality
and national prestige would take a back seat. The
other part would leave France out completely in
an emergency. Then a national German army
would be established, under NATO control. But
West Germany has its place solely on the side of
the West not only in political questions.
Opponents to the course of the Government to-
wards the Anglo-American political sphere argue
in the following manner: Who are we working for?
Is it once more the Rhur Kapitalist supported by
American capital? They point at the high living
standard of certain groups and maintain: how can
these people have so much money when the whole
nation had to begin after the 1948 inflation with
40 DM per person (approximately $10 in exchange
rates). And, so they say, why not try to assume the
leadership of the neutral European states which'
could function as the third block, a good balancing
power between the United States and the Soviet
Union? Maybe the Soviets will go along with a
peaceful West Germany and establish a free, but
unarmed Germany which could serve as a buffer
for both sides. Through another step into strong-
armed politics, Germany will not win friends but
again very critical neighbors who will fear more
than trust her. But--and there is no doubt, this
group feels-German reunification can only come
with a freely elected all-German government, un-
influenced and uncontrolled by any alien power
or foreign party. So they too stand opposed to to-
talitarian methods still represented in the East
German government.
The last group is the left-wing of the non-Com-
munist parties. Heinemann and Wessel, as much
as the often named Niemoeller are in my opinion
the representatives of these groups. They claim that
only through Christian Socialism can we reach an
understanding with both sides. Why not listen to
both sides-why not attempt to make friends where-
ever peaceful thinking people live? As unrealistic
as this line of thought may be, among the socially
shattered middle class this idea carries a certain
popularity, but not so strong as might be assumed.
The latter group certainly opposes the German
army. They fear the old "officer spirit" and "Ka-
sernenhof-geist" may again rule German life.
This brief representation of thoughts current
among the German people may not be complete,
but it represents the main attitudes of beerhall po-
liticians as well as students. I am aware that the
arguments about reunification and rearmament
will represent certain stereotyped conclusions, but
I also know that as never before the younger gen-
eration is more critical toward any step taken by
the peoples' representatives in government than ev-
er before. This does not mean that the younger
generation is merely in opposition, but only that
they are more careful, because they have learned
from the past.
-Peter Kalinke

"They're Going By Awfully Fast, Aren't They?"
-- t om- r " _ " , ,. ' -
-- f

TEIThe Daily welcomes communica-
tions from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all
letters which are signed by the wri-
ter and in good taste. Letters ex-
ceeding 300 words in length, defama-
tory or libelous letters, and letters
which for any reason are not in good
taste will be condensed, edited or
withheld from publication at the
discretion of the editors.
Allan Silver's July 14th issue
of the Daily, "Republican Cam-
paign Myths: Corruption, Taxes,
and McCarthy."
All I want to say is "congratu-
lations!" After reading the editor-
ial the day before to which he
replied, I had exactly the same
feeling as he: I didn't know where
to start. It was good to have some-
one put into words all the things
I felt.
Keep up the fine writing.
--Judy Gregory

Of Rival Waters
UNDER THE HINDU LAW of invoke the aid of the World Bank.
Karma actions breed reactions This organization began by assem1
like a game of consequences with bling the engineers of both coun-
the original purpose lost to sight. tries to make a report. It was Mr.
This is the case with the Indo- Lilienthal's ccnclusion that the
Pakistan controversy over the wa- water reources of the Indus Basin
ters of the Indus Basin which ap- are ample for both countries, if
pears to be stalemated. they are developed properly. The
In the days of British ruile the engineers, being practical men,
flow of the Indus River system was supplied a technical foundation for
treated as a unit for general use t is conclusion. But it soon became
through irrigation works put up by evident that the Indus, unlike the
British engineers. The system is N not a connecting link in the,
one of the great enterprises left politics of th~e two countries it
behind. Independence, and with it serves, but simply another ele-
partition, gave Pakistan 18 million ment in what seems to be a peren-
out of 22 million acres irrigated nial quarrel,
in the Indus Basin, but left the The Law of Karma, perhaps!
headwaters of some of the largest At any rate, the World Bank,
canals under Indian control. The faced with the opposition of the
situation put the power in Indian two countries to acceptance of the
hands to apply a squeeze on Pakis- idea of the Indo-Pakistan engineers
tan. to set up a joint authority, tried
That India has used this power to make a fresh beginning. If the
to Pakistan's disadvantage has Indus must yield to the separatist
been charged not once but several status of the two countries, why
times, In 1948, in particular, ac- not apportion the existing water
cusations and denials were traded by rivers? There are six rivers in-
between Karachi and Delhi. There volved. Under the World Bank plan,
was indeed a stoppage of supplies Pakistan would have to make up
to the West Punjab region of Pa- from an outside source some of
kistan, and only a standstill agree- the Indus water diverted to India.
ment prevented r e a 1 political But even this proposal has run
trouble. Both sides, on the sugges- into a snag.
tion of David Lilienthal, agreed to---Washington Post



WASHINGTON -- More facts
about Governor Dewey's important
conference with Senator Ives of
New York have now leaked out.
If what Dewey told Ives can be
taken seriously, the turbulent,
much spotlighted, efficient Gover-
nor of New York really wants to
retire to private life. And it looks
as if Dewey is serious.
For Dewey gave Ives a long
and vigorous lecture on why he,
Ives, should run for governor.
From the tone of Dewey's voice
and the vigor of his arguments he
really meant business. He told
Ives that the Republican Party
needed a strong candidate and that
Ives was the strongest on deck.
He intimated that th last thing
the Republicans could afford was
to see another Roosevelt occupy
the Executive Mansion in Albany
and get a leg up on the White
House. This must be blocked at
all costs, and Ives had the politi-
cal prestige and know-how to do
The senator from New York,
however, was not at all respon-
sive. He reminded Dewey that he
had served about half his life in
the New York legislature, and had
fulfilled his obligation to the party.
He pointed out that he hadn't
wanted to run for the Senate the
last time, and that he had every
expectation of withdrawing from
public life entirely at the end of
his present term.
Dewey argued further, but got
nowhere. Finally the Governor of
New York concluded the lengthy
talk with this remark:
"We'll see '.
"Yes, we'll see," replied Ives.
But the tone of Ives' voice made
it plain that his.mind was made
up and would not be -changed no
matter how much "seeing" Dewey

Jr., of the Delaware Supreme Court
to run in place of Frear. Tunnell,
son of a distinguished Democratic
senator who served in FDR's days,
is in a judicial position where he
can't engage in politics, but is will-
ing to accept a draft. And a draft
is strongly in the works.
There are only three counties in
the State of Delaware and so far
two of them have endorsed Judge
Tunnell. Only one county, Kent,
the smallest, home of Senator Fre-
ar, has endorsed him.
Taxes On Private Airplanes
Republican Congressmen are
planning some tax fireworks re-
garding businessmen who charge
off private airplanes, yachts, etc.,
as business expense. However,
Democrats aren't too happy about
the forthcoming hearing, claim
that it's chiefly a show to win
votes next November.
Tax Commissioner T. Coleman
Andrews is appearing before the
ways and means committee to
warn businessmen that hunting
and fishing trips in private air-
planes, plus boxes at the World
Series, cannot be charged off as
business expenses.
However, when Congressman
Robert Kean of New Jersey, the
subcommittee chairman, tried to
get approval for such a hearing
behind closed doors, Democratic
Congressman Thomas O'Brien of
Illinois exploded:
"Just a minute.. I can't see the
value of using committee machin-
ery in the closing days of Congress
to publicize Commissioner An-
drews. Why doesn't he use his own
"All Andrews has to do is call
in- the press and issue his state-
ment in the regular way. The
press would be delighted to pass
on his announcement to the pub-
lic. This subcommittee doesn't
even have a counsel to guide the
proceedings. Andrews would be
the whole show. He would be tell-
ing the world, 'Here's what I have
discovered about corporation tax
evasions in the last year.,
"Committee, members would be
sitting here, including Democrats,
helping to dramatize the Andrews
announcement," continued O'Bri-
en. "It is Mr. Andrews' job to
enforce the tax laws. It isn't our
job to give him any personal pub-
licity. Our job is confined to mak-!
ing public facts elicited by this
subcommittee, not by Commission-
er Andrews."
Result was that the subcommit-
tee overruled Chairman Kean by
voting to hear Andrews behind
closed doors. After that, a vote
will be taken on whether he should
be heard in public.
Copywright 1954, by the Bell Syndicate
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.

What Party Lime?
Daily, Mr. Eric Vetter accused
an editorial writer of "parroting
the Democratic Party line." May
I point out that such an accusation
is a logical impossibility. Neither
the Democratic nor the Republican
Parties in this country have any
"line"-actually they are made up
not of consistent ideologies at all;
rather they are on a basis of almost
pure political power. Anyone who
has any occasion to doubt this fact
could merely compare the similar-
ity of Gov. Shivers of Texas, Gov.
James Byrnes of South Carolina,
Sen. Hubert Humphrey of Minne-
sota and former presidential can-
didate Adlai Stevenson-all Demo-
orats, yet each with a very differ-
ent point of view. The Republican
Party, too, has men of radically
varying opinions, indicated by Sen.
Flanders, Sen. McCarthy, Sen.
Knowland and President Eisen-
hower. Therefore, for anyone to
accuse another of parroting either
Democratic or Republican Party
lines shows merely the complete
political ignorance of the author
of such a charge.
Secondly, even if it were true
that Mr. Silver repeated any group
of views of a part of the liberal
wing of the Democratic Party,
what of it? Should a person be
silenced merely because his views
are held by prominent people in a
political party? If that were the
case, it seems obvious that no view
except the most illogical, absurd
and unconsidered ideas would ever
be published in The Daily.
Hopefully, Mr. Vetter will take
a somewhat logical consideration of
the situation before he pens another
letter to The Daily.-,
-Dorothy H. Myers
Prospective Daily
City Editor
I nerpreing
The News
Associated Press News Analyst
For the first time in nearly 20
years, with the exception of a few
months in 1936 and a few more in
1939, there is no full fledged war
going on in the world.
Yet not even in war-weary
France was there any great pop-
ular celebrating as the negotiators
at Geneva ended the Indochina
It merely marked another defeat
for the free world, another in the
long series of defeats in the strug-
gle with communism since World
War II.
France tried to make it appear
an "honorable" settlement. But it
was surrender, just the same, and
no settlement, either. It gives the
Communists a better base for their
attempt to conquer all Southeast
Asia. It gives them the Red River
Delta, with its great rice bowl, its
coal, iron and other rich natural
resources. It does not retract in
any way what the French and oth-
er students of world affairs have
always said, that he who holds
the Delta ultimately commands all
Southeast Asia.
The French always said they
would not desert their Indochinese
allies, But, to a large degree, they
Shave. Perhoaps 30 to 50 thousand
most active French supporters
among the Vietnamese will be
evacuated. Thousands of others
will be left behind to "choose"
their political fate two years
hence in an election which will
find them, under the usual Commu-
nist practice, dead or completely
Since World War II, four im-
portant wars have been fought,
and stopped after a fashion, in
Palestine, Greece, Korea and In-
dochina. The first outpost of com-
munism in the Western hemis-

phere, Guatemala, has been'
scotched. Britain appears to be
about to settle bitter political
struggles with Iran and Egypt. The
war with Russia is now strictly'
on a "cold" basis, which, however
disturbing, is better than fighting.
The atmosphere should be better



The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication.
VOL. LXIV, No. 22S
The Naval Aviation Cadet Procure-
ment Officer wrill he available in the
Main Lobby of Mason Hall between the
hours of 9 a.m. and 3-30 p.m. on 22 and
23 July 1954 to disseminate information
on the Naval Aviation Cadet Training
Program. Students are cordially invited
to ask qumestions about the opportunities
of Naval Aviation.
Late permission for women students
who attended the Anna Russell concert
on Monday, July 19 will be no later than
11:35 p.m.
Sutherland Paper Co., Kalamazoo,
Mich., is interested in hiring a woman
graduate to work in its Publications
Dept. The applicant should be interest-
ed in news writing and should be able
to do some creative thinking and writ-
ing. For additional information con-
cerning this and other employment op-
portunities, contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg.,
Ext. 371.
Invitations for the Master's breakfast

Student Recital: Betty Rice, student
of piano with John Kollen, will per-
form works by Bach, Beethoven, De-
bussy, and Brahms, at 8:30 Thursday
evening, July 22, in Auditorium A, An- 6
gell Hall. The program is given in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the ,degree of Bachelor of Music, and.
will be open to the public.
Student Recital: Andrew Broekema,
baritone, will be heard at 8:30 Friday
evenling, July 23, in Auditorium A, An-«
gelI Hall, when he presents a recital in
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Master of Music degree. Mr.
Broekema is a pupil of Chase Baromeo
and has planned a program to include
works by Pert, Caldara, Scarlatti, Ca-
valli, Faure, Brahms, and Moussorgsky.
The general public is invited.
University Woodwind Quintet, Nelson
Haucustein, flute, Albert Luconi, clari-
net, Lare Wardrop, oboe, Ted Evans,
French horn, Lewis Cooper, bassoon,
with Sigurd Rascher, saxophone, and
Clyde Thompson, double bass, 8:30 Mon-
day evening, July 26, in the Rackham k
Lecture Hall. The program will include
works by Reicha, Piston, Charles Stain-
er, Jorgen Bentzon, Paul Pierne, and
Milhaud, and will be open to the gen-
eral public.
Clements Library. women and Woman
in Early America.
General Library. Women as Authors.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Egyp-
tian Antiquities-a loan exhibit from
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New 4,
York City.


are in the mail for those students who -
are candidates for the master's degree Michigan Historical Collections. The
at the close of the summer session. If University in 1904.
there are any such degree candidates Museum of Art. Three Women Paint-
who did not receive an invitation, they MuemoAr.Teew en ai-
may call for their tickets at the Office ers.
of the Summer Session, Room 3510, Ad-
Sministration Bldg. Events Today
Inte religious Cooperation. The last
Lof a series of lunch discussions led

4 ,


Kussanau auiess eminar, auspices o-
the Russian Studies Program. "Soviet
InernlPltc. ThmsB asn

Religious Affairs. Lane Hall, 12 noon to-


Lydia Mendelssohn ...
MRS. McTHING, presented by the Department
of Speech
MARY CHASE, author of this play, a few years
ago wrote "Harvey," the tremendously suc-
cessful fantasy about a man named Elwood P. Dodd
who kept seeing a six-foot-tall pookah named Har-
vey. Since then she has enjoyed two modest Broad-
way hits, "Mrs. McThing" and "Bernardine," a
comedy about teen-agers. The current Speech De-
partment production, her next-to-most-recent
work, is another fantasy, this time about a woman
named Mrs. Howard V. LaRue. Mrs. LaRue also sees
things, but since her illusions are shared by every-
body in the company, it is even more of a fantasy
than "Harvey." In my opinion, it is also even
more of a bore.
Its faults are common to most fantasies, shared
even by pseudo-sophisticated ones like "The
Madwoman of Chaillot," which the Speech De-
partment produced last summer. Aside from the
fact that these things do not seem to be the
Department's particular cup-of-tea, what's wrongj
with "Mrs. McThing" is basic in the play; it
thrives on a staple of belief in the naturalness
of children, the snobbishness of the rich, and the
colorfulness of the downtrodden. All these things
people believe almost by reflex but they like it
better when it is presented in the guise of some-
thing magic, a mantle that cloaks the fact that
something pretty standard is going on under-
"Entertainment," of course, has gotten by in the
past with even less substance, but to succeed, it
demands ts-emendous personality, stage energy, or
something which persuades the audience so strong-
ly of an essential humanity in what is going on that
they need not care too much whether this "human-
ity" has any particular relevance either to actual
reality or the "theatrical" reality being presented
on the stage. The Sneech Denartment's fails n

performers, apparently sensing the tenuousness of
some of the events of the play, try to make up for
it by screeching and mugging. The sets were all
right, but not very inspired, nor very solid either.. I
have seldom seen stage flats that looked any more
like stage flats. Costuming seemed terrifically ob-
vious too. Although extremity may seem to be
called for in dressing up these roles, the caricatures
could probably have been somewhat subtler and
more of a piece. Particularly stale were the MacBeth
witch and the blue fairy (the two Mrs. McThings)
who appear in a heavenly offstage light at the top
of a flight of stairs near the final curtain.
The action of the play centers around a poor
little rich boy who is much misunderstood by his
Emily Post mother until the spell cast by the
witch-fairy mentioned above carries him away
to a world of gangsters. In time, his mother is
also transported to this society while two en-
chanted replicas of themselves remain in the
family manor to go through the motions of the
etiquette book. Needless to say, this unusual ex-
perience converts the mother causing her at the
end to adopt the witch-fairy's ragamuffin child
whose one desire is to "play with" the heir of
the manor.
The children who play this pint-sized gold-
digger and the young hero must consequently carry
a good deal of the production on their shoulders
and neither of them seem very concerned about it;
at least, they pretty much remain set pieces
throughout. Over-compensating for them are some
actors who play soft-hearted gangsters who quail
before the mob-leader's mother and in general
cavort like hopped-up Edward Bropheys. In gen-
eral, things go hard when Miss Baird is off the
stage although Victor Hughes and Paul Rebillot
have occasional good moments. Still the best dia-
logue in the play is a brief bit at the opening of
Act Two between Miss Baird and Harold Radford,
playing a chef. This is our first glimpse of the
rich Mrs. LaRue playing a kitchen slavey after
her imnpechle aristonertic h hovion in Act One.

N O T E - Republican leaders
agree that Senator Ives would be
the best shot to defeat Franklin
D. Roosevelt, Jr., Ives having run
more than a million votes ahead
of Eisenhower in 1952. If Ives
sticks to his guns, betting is that
Dewey will run again, especially
if Eisenhower makes a special re-
quest, which is more than likely.
Big Battle In Little State
A mighty political battle is brew-
ing in Delaware, the second tiniest
state in the Union and sometimes
called the Duchy of the Du Ponts.
Upon its outcome will in part de-
pend who controls the Senate in
the narrow-margined race this
Delaware is a state where the
Du Pont family, which controls
General Motors, Du Pont Chemi-
cals, United States Rubber, op-
erates an H-bomb plant, and owns
half a dozen other industries, ex-
ercises a paternal, sometimes du-
cal hand. And today it's alleged
that the Du Ponts are well satis-
fied with the likable little Demo-
cratic senator, Allen Frear, who
seeks re-election, though less sat-
isfied with the rambunctious, un-
controllable Republican Sen. John
Williams, re-elected last year.
Regardless of Du Pont satisfac-
tion, however, some of the Demo-
crats who have to renominate
Frear are not satisfied. Frear, one
of the nicest and least cantanker-
ous members of the Senate, has
attracted little attention in Con-
gress, except for voting Republic-
an on certain issues and winning
the accolade of the "Pay-Toilet
This was because, during price-
control days, Frear introduced a
bill permitting railroads to raise
the price of pay-toilets from a
nickel to 10 cents, after the office
of price stabilization had ruled that
they 'could not. The New York
Central was abiding by the OPS

Division of Research, USSR, United
States Department of State. 3:00 p.m., La Petite Causette: An Informal
407 Mason Hall. French conversation group will meet
weekly through July in the Round-Up
Room of the League, Thursdays at 3:30.
Fifth Summer Biological Symposium, A faculty member and a native French
auspices of the Division of Biological assistant will be present but there is no
Sciences. "The Mechanism of Bacterial formal program. Refreshments are avail-
Adaptation to Drugs." Joshua Leder- able nearby, and allegDpatntoGntis ivr persons interested
berg, Department of Genetics, Univ-er- In talking and hearing French are cor-
sity of Wisconsin. 4:00 p.m., Auditorium dially invited to come.
C, Angell Hall.
Public Health Lecture-Film Series, the InternationalTCeta sponso ed by
auspices of the School of Public Health. ternational Student Association, will
"Marbles and Lollipops," "Age of Tur- be held in the Madelon Pound House,
moil," and "Social-Sex Attitudes of 1024 Hill Street, Thursday, July 22, at
Adolescence." 4:00 p.m., 2009 School of 14:30 until 6 o'clock,
Public Health. 4_nt___k
.WLectre Departmental Play, auspices of the
Woman in the World of Man tere Department of Speech. Mrs. McThing,
Series. "A Defense of Ci'rce." Katherine by Mary Ellen Chase. 8:00 p.m., Lydia
Anne Porter, Author-in-Residence. 4:15 Mendelssohn Theater.
p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall. ____
Sailing Club meets at 7 p.m. In the
Linguistic Institute Lecture. "Linguis- Union. Everyone welcome.
tic Lessons from Infants and Aphasics _
(II)." Roman Jakobson, Harvard Uni- Passior'for Life, a remarkable French
versity. 7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphithe- documentary film describing life and
ater. education in a small Provence village
and how it was reformed by an ex-
.d i ic s1lir school teacher will be shown
in Auditorium B. Haven Hall, Thursday,
Doctoral Examination for Anna Bar- July 22, at 4:15 P.M. and 8 P.M. This
bara Carlin, Education; thesis: "An is the climax and the final program of
Historical Investigation of the Rela- the Summer Film Festival on Compara-
tionship between Scientific Research tive Education. Everyone is welcome.
and Changes in Methods and Materials Come and bring your friends.
for Reading," Thursday, July 22, East
Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 2:15 NAACP presents Conrade Hinds, Grad.
p.m. Chairman, G. M. Wingo. Discussing "Discrimination in Panama"
at the Michigan Union, at 8 p.m
Doctoral Examination for Margaret
Moorer Going, English Language ,nd The Sociedad Hispanica of the De-
Literature; thesis: "John Cowper Powys, partment of Romance Languages of the
Novelist," Friday, July 23, 2601 Haven University will hold a meeting on
Hall, at 3:00 p.m. Chairman, A. L. Ba- Thursday, July 22, at 8ep.m.,in the
den. Kalamazoo Room of the Michigan Lea-
gue. Three short Spanish moving pic-
Seminar in Applied Mathematies will tures will be shown: CASTILLOS EN
meet Thursday, July 22, at 4:00 in Rm. ESPANA, CORAZON DE CASTILLA, and
247 West Engineering. Speaker: Mr. Jo- MADRID. The commentator will be Pro-
seph McCully. Topic: Laguerre Integral fessor Robert Lado, Associate Director
Transformations. I of the Engli'sh Language Institute. The
rmeetin" is open to all interested in the
Seminar in Lie Algebras ill meetev- spas anuage and culture.
ery Friday afternoon at 3 p.m. in room
3001 Angell Hall. Department of Chemistry Colloquium.
Th'ursday , J°u 22, 1954, 7:30 p.m., Room
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics 1300 Chemistry.:r. Ralph W.rRaiford,
will meet on Friday, July 23, 2 p.m., Jr., will speak on "Structure Determi-
Room 3201 A.H. Dr. Paul Ito will con- nation of Dehydration Products of o-
tinue his talk on Simultaneous mini- Acetyl- anr odrmyl-phenylaceticAcid
max estimation and Mr. Jack Meagher Phenzvlhycln razones amid Semicarbazones."'
will speak on Welch's approximate test Mr. Lynn J. Kirby will speak on, "A
on the difference of two means. Polarographic and Spectrophotornetric
Investigation of the Lower Oxidation



Editorial Staff
Dianne AuWerter.....Managing
Becky Conrad...........Night
Rona Friedman..........Night
Wally Eberhard..........Night
Russ AuWerter............Night
Sue Garfield...........women's
Hanley Gurwin.........Sports
Jack Horwitz......Assoc. Sports
E. J. Smith........ Assoc, Sports



Business Staff
Dick Alstrom.........Business Manager
Lois Pollak........Circulation Manager
Bob Kovaks........ Advertising Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1



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