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July 21, 1954 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1954-07-21

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The Lesson of Indochina:
Russia's Strategy of Revolution

"I May Just Yank Out The Whole Thing"



WHETHER or not Mendes-France is successful
in concluding an acceptable Indochinese truce,
certain elements in the situation are relatively con-
stant and provide materials for some basic reflec-
It is unfortunate that in the United States the
label of "appeasement" has often been attached to
the French Premier's efforts to end the Indochinese
War. Mendes-France is clearly not an "appeaser."
Appearing before the French National Assembly
in his bid for the premiership, he stated that he
would not accept office if his election depended on
Communist votes.
For many years, Mendes-France has been a severe
critic of his country's policy in Indochina, which
he has characterized as unable to achieve either
victory or a reasonable settlement. He has said that
if the current peace negotiations fail, he will recom-
mend the sending of draftees to Indochina. Existing
French law forbids the dispatch of any but Regular
Army troops to the Far East-a course which Men-
des-France has repeatedly attacked in the past.
During the Geneva conference, the Premier has
consistently rejected Communist attempts to obtain
guarantees against an Asian security system simi-
lar to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, as
the price of an Indochinese settlement.
What is it, then, that leads such a man to seek
so earnestly for an Indochinese peace-one which
will, if obtained, leave Vietnamh partitioned be-
tween Communists in the north and the French in
the South?
It is the realization that the military, eco-
nomic and psychological costs of the Indochinese
war have long exceeded any benefits that France
and the non-Communist world can obtain from
its prosecution.
The total cost in money of the Indochinese war
--which is 8 years old-has exceeded the value of
all American aid tendered to France under the
Marshall Plan. That France has been "bled white"
by the war is not an idle phrase, when one con-
siders that a third of that nation's young military
officers, recently graduated from the French
equivalent of West Point, has been killed in In-
dochina. This is a frightful toll among those on
whom France must depend for military leader-
ship, the cost of which she will pay for years to
In domestic politics, the intense distaste with
which the French people regard the war in Indo-
china has given the large and well-entrenched
French Communist Party a powerful talking point:
they have managed to assume the role of peace
makers, and have made much political capital out
of their fierce denunciations of the war.
That the Communists' attitude towards Indo-
china springs not from their love for France but
rather their allegiance to the Soviet Union is not
as obvious to many Frenchmen as the fact that the
Indochinese war is clearly a liability which the non-
Communist parties have dealt with in a persistently
irresolute manner.
s* . s.
ALL THESE evil effects spring chiefly from the
hopelessness of France's military situation in
Indochina. No such surge of intense zeal fires the
non-Communist native population as motivates the
forces of Ho Chi Minh, the Communist leader.
A ghastly and unforgiveably short-sighted French
decision, after the Japanese defeat in World War
II, to impose again the tradition of exploitative col-
onialism in Indochina is what lies at the root of

the tragedy on which Mendes-France is striving
to draw down the final curtain.
In negotiations in 1946 at Paris with Ho Chi
Minh, the French proved unable to adjust their
policies to the huge groundswell of revolt, affirma-
tive nationalism and anti-Western feeling that
arose after World War II and continues to run
high in Asia. They made no significant concessions
whatever to' native demands for progress towards
In 1946, Ho Chi Minh was neither a Commu-
nist nor committed to the policies of Moscow, but
primarily a native leader striving to obtain a
measure of self-determination for his people and
an end to colonial exploitation. His experience
with French intransigence sent him back to his
country embittered and despairing. His only
course, as he saw it, was to join with any move-
ment which promised aid in the struggle against
renewed colonialism. This the Communists were
only too eager to provide.
The Communists in Indochina thus captured
and still retain the slogans of independence, surging
nationalism and protest against foreign exploitE
tion. All the ardor and dedication that comes with
the cause of popular rebellion against oppression
was enlisted in the service of the greatest single
enemy of human freedom existing today-the Com-
munist Party of Russia. World history has rarely
witnessed so agonizing and pitiful a contradiction.
The West would be foolish to persist in attempts
to implement a policy that has so tragically mis-
carried. Only military force keeps the French in
Indochina, and it is most probable that a contin-
uation of the war would result either in a prolong-
ed stalemate or the total defeat of the French army.
Hence the sad but practical wisdom of obtaining
as advantageous a settlement as is possible, and
seeking a stabilization of the Indochinese situa-
* * * *
GREVIOUS as this turn of events has been, the
West may profit from its experience. We need
only glance 4t the contrast between Indochina
(where the French hung rigidly on) and India
(where the British surrendered sovereignty and got
out). Much of Indochina, whether or not Mendes-
France obtains a truce, will pass wholly into the
Communist world. But India, while avoiding total
commitment to the West, vigorously combats do-
mestic Communism, seeking to develop its resources
as an independent nation and within a democratic
The West must never again attempt to per-
petuate dying traditions. We must realize that the
Russians' most valuable technique of aggression
is their ability to pose as liberators and foment
revolution in the name of reform. We must not
permit the Communists to usurp that urge for
freedom and human dignity which was brought'
into the world by the functioning democracies
of America, Great Britain and France, and to use
it for the purpose of imperialist expansion.
If we mean to defend freedom, we must do a
world-wide job of it-and most imperatively in
those areas where underdevelopment, long exploi-
tation, and mass poverty have created irresistable
demands for new political and economic institu-
tions. It is intolerable that the Kremlin should con-
tinue to profit by its adroit and cynical manipula-
tion of Asia's cry for freedom.
-Allan Silver

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WASHINGTON - U.S. policy re-
garding Indochina has flip-flopped
almost as rapidly as John Foster
Dulles has shuttlecocked across
the Atlantic. However, out of these
trans-Atlantic trips and the latest
Dulles report to President Eisen-
hower the following policy now
seems in vogue:
To some extent, we are back in
somewhat the same .position re-
garding Indochina as last April
when Vice President Nixon warned
that we might have to send Amer-
ican troops to Indochina.
Reason is that we have now made
a definite commitment to back up
France in the Indochina War if the
Reds keep on fighting. Though we
have talked about this in the past
we have never made such a com-
mitment before.
What happened was that Prem-
ier Mendes-France told Dulles that
if the United States wanted a stiff
no-surrender policy in Indochina
we would have to share the re-
sponsibility. Dulles agreed. He al-
so agreed to a line partitioning
Indochina. But most important of
all, he agreed to back France all-
out if the Reds don't accept a rea-
sonable line.
Simultaneously, Dulles became
convinced that Mendes-France was
a sincere patriot, was trying to
salvage stability from the political
les got an extremely important
pledge from the French Premier-
namely, that France would join
the United European Army.
All this did not take place, how-
ever, without some unpleasant mo-
ments, and until after Mendes-
France had issued one of the blunt-
est threats ever served on a re-
cent American secretary of state.
The French Premier issued a
virtual ultimatum that either Dul-
les would come back to the Gen-
eva Conference or France would
pull out of the North Atlantic Pact
and adopt a neutralist attitude in
Europe. U. S. Ambassador Doug-
las D i11on, who conveyed the
French warning, told Dulles that
Mendes-France was not bluffing,
that he had better make the trip.
That was why the secretary of
state packed his baggage and
caught a plane to Paris in three
hours, later sending his undersec-
retary of state, Bedell Smith, to

ing Committee and sibustituted a
motion of censure. . .It was only
a few weeks ago that Majority
Leader Knowland made a speech
proposing the right to remove Sen-
ate committee chairmen when they
didn't cooperate. His speech was
then aimed at Langer of North
Dakota. Now that a resolution is
on the Senate floor to remove Mc-
Carthy as chairman, Knowland has
changed his mind.
Latin Yanqui
Twenty-two years ago a South
American ex-president arrived in
New Y o r k, penniless, an exile
from his country. He was Carlos
Davila, who, after serving four
years as ambassador in Washing-
ton, had taken over the presiden-
cy of Chile, finally was ousted. Un-
like many Latin-American presi-
dents, he left with no "nest egg,"
no secret funds in a foreign bank.
He had run a strictly honest ad-
ministration and left Chile with
only the clothes he had on.
Davila settled in New York and
made a living at his original pro-
fession - journalism. He became
one of the great interpreters of the
United States to Latin America,
pointed out that crime news did
not properly represent the USA,
that we had idealism, culture, mu-
sic, opera, literature.
Only three or four times during
his two decades in the United
States did Davila return to his na-
tive Chile. Once, when his wife,
dying of cancer wanted to return,
President Roosevelt put a flying
fortress at Davila's disposal, and
his wife arrived just in time for
one last breath of Chilean air.
Now married to an American,
Francis Adams of Virginia, Davila
has sometimes suffered because in
Latin America he is considered a
"Latin Yanqui." And the State De-
partment in turn thinks he's too in-
But after a year in Chile as
editor of La Nacion, Davila came
back to Washington last year to
become secretary general of the
Office of the American Republics.
This can be one of the most im-
portant jobs in the Western Hemi-
sphere-the job of welding the
Americas closer together. Under
Davila's direction it should go for-
ward with vigor.
Copywright 1954, by the Bell Syndicate

The News
The decision at Geneva to par-
tition Vietnam has many parallels
with the decision at Munich which
gave Czechoslovakia to Hitler.
Overwhelming in the long run
was the hard fact that the free
world was not in position to wage
an all-out defense of Indochina
without running the very grave
risk of a general war, and a gen-
eral war in Asia which was the
last thing it was in a position to
When the Russians were found
to have mobilized a powerful ex-
peditionary force too near Japan,
choices had to be made which
were just as bitter as the choices
given France and Britain in 1938.
There is, however, one vital dif-
ference between the Allied posi-
tion then and now-that is, there
is a difference if the Allies go
ahead with their plans for South-
east Asia.
When Chamberlain returned to
London in 1938 he spoke publicly
of "peace in our time." But his
"umbrella salute" was to become
the symbol of retreat, and an invi-
tation to new Hitler aggression.
In those days, Britain and France
clung to the hope that Hitler would
keep a bargain.
Now the Allies are dealing with
an enemy which has demonstrat-
ed time after time and almost
without exception that it will not
keep a bargain, and there is less
chance to retreat into false secur-
Britain, France and the United
States are reported agreed that
they must now go ahead in South-
east Asia with a twin for the
North Atlantic Treaty Organi-
The object is to avoid, as Eu-
rope has avoided since 1948, be-
ing faced with another decision
such as that regarding Indochina.
So far, the Communists have not
challenged real strength and de-
termination, nor moved in the
face of such an ultimatum as is
represented by NATO.
The Communists are, however,
establishing another festering sore
similar to those of Germany, Aus-
tria and Korea: If an end to the
last postwar shooting produces
any complacency among the Al-
lies, if they do not go through
with SATO, then more and greater
trouble will not be long in coming.
Ott the Spot!
SENATOR COOPR'S significant
differences with the Adminis-
tration position on electric power
in the Tennessee Valley ought to
give some pause to promoters of
the private contract. Mr. Cooper
has made what is probably the
clearest and simplest explanation
of the issues. He has pegged his
opposition to the Adminstration
plan on the most fundamental dis-
crepancy: an abuse of the author-
ity of the Atomic Energy Commis-
sion. Actually, under the Adminis-
tration plan the AEC would be used
to contract for private power, not
directly for its own needs, but for
Tennessee Valley Authority custo-
mers in the Memphis area. Fur-
thermore, there has been no com-
petitive bidding on the contract
which the President has directed
the AEC to enter into with the
private Dixon-Yates group.
Both Senators Cooper and Pas-

tore noted that this contract would
have the effect of rewriting by ex-
ecutive action the basic functions
of TVA as determined by Congress.
Mr. Cooper's proposal for an al-
ternative means of financing TVA's
needs for additional power plants
through the sale of bonds seems
to us to have much merit. But any
change in the scope of TVA opera-
tions ought to be made openly by
Congress. There is special reason
to hold up any precipitate action,
as Senator Cooper suggested, in
order to give the new TVA admin-
istrator, when he is appointed, a
chance to survey the situation.
An amendment by Senator An-
derson would block the Dixon-Yates
contract unless it were rewritten
to eliminate reimbursement forI
Federal income taxes and to pro-
vide that power be furnished di-
rectly to the Atomic Energy Com-
mission. The Administration will be
very foolish indeed if it permits
this amendment to come to a vote.
For either the Administration will
lose, or it will hand the Democrats
a potent campaign issue, not only
in the Tennessee Valley, but else-
where in the country where public
power is in question. From the
standpoint of the Adiministration's
prestige it would be far better for
the President to compromise by
accepting Senator Cooper's sugges-
tion that the whole matter be
shelved pending study by the new
head of TVA.
-Washington Post

Johnny Guitar with Joan Craw-
ford and Sterling Hayden
This horsopus is a fitting adjunct
to the Women-in-the-World-of-Men-
kick the University is on this sum-
mer. It is essentially the tale of
a battle between a nice bad girl
(Joan Crawford) and a real louser
of a "nice" girl (Mercedes Mc-
IF ONE THINKS in broad terms
of the role played by the United
States since the war, three things
stand out.
First, the United States has done
more than any other country to
guarantee peace in the world.
Secondly, America remains the
foremost country in the w o r 1 d
whose ideal, in the words of its
own Constitution, is to "promote
the general welfare and secure the
blessings of liberty to ourselves and
our posterity." Thirdly, the United
States has done more than any
country in the world to help others
and secure their health, prosperity
and welfare.
Do we not sometimes too easily
assume that, because the United
States did these things, she was
bound to do them anyway? The
assumption is false. It would have
been, easy for all the Kennicotts
to retire to their Gopher Prairies,
as they did after the First World
War, and there forget about all
the torments and troubles in the
distant continents of Europe and
Asia. Or it would have been easy
for America to take the MacArthur
line and "go it alone."
-The Manchester Guardian


The rest of the large cast is
male but they don't really do much.
They either ride with the vengeful
posse headed by Miss McCam-
bridge ordodgebthe vengeful posse
with Joan Crawford.
Ostensibly the hero of the
piece is Johnny Guitar. To
be sure, he saves Joan Craw-
ford of a death worse than
fate at the hands of the posse
but the episode seems to be
invented only to give him some-
thing to do.
The rest of the time Joan is
thoroughly capable of taking care
of herself in the World of Men
and Johnny Guitar hulks in the
background, muttering something
like "You want I should throw him
in the river, boss?" at every cri-
Mercedes McCambridge is, It
anything, even more at home in
a man's world. She persuades a
large posse of obviously reluctant
men to hang our girl Joan,
Emmy, as played by Miss Mo-
Cambridge, is a splendid villain-
ess. She is just crazy enough to
account for her nastiness but not
so crazy that we can forgive her
for being such a pot.
This filum is one of the new
high-toned westerns that have
recently been galloping into the
wide western spaces opened up
by movies like Shane and High
But whereas Shane elevated the
cowboy cliche to mythic stature
and High Noon presented a moral
delemna that could stand independ-
ently of its wild and woolly locale,
Johnny Guitar is content simply
to take the standard bill of goods
and act it to the hilt amid posh
Offered with the feature is a
Disney short; a Fantasia-like treat-
ment of Dorsey's quintet. It is exe-
--Don Malcolm






At Rackham Auditorium . . .
Stanley Quartet; Gilbert Ross and Emil Raab,
violins; Robert Courte, viola; Oliver Edel, cello.
Program: Beethoven Quartet in B-flat major,
Op. 18, No. 6; Villa-Lobos Quartet No. 14; Bee-
thoven Quartet in A minor, Op. 132.
THE STANLEY group played another of its var-
ied and interestingly arranged programs last
night. It gave us an opportunity to revise or con-
firm certain opinions of the new Villa-Lobos work
(commissioned by the University and first per-
formed earlier this year), and to rehear the two
Beethoven quartets which effectively epitomize the
early and late styles of this composer.
The Beethoven B-flat quartet is perhaps one of
the most imaginative of the Opus 18 set. Its the-
matic material is fresh and striking, and the whole
composition is written with the assurance of one
who has already attained a mastery of his craft.
And, despite what you will hear in oversimplified
summaries of Beethoven's creative work, there is
not the least possibility of confusing this (or, for
that matter, any of the other Opus 18 quartets)
with those of Haydn or Mozart. There is an un-
mistakeable striking out in a new direction in this
quartet-a realization on Beethoven's part that it
was not for him to continue a great tradition, but
to form one of his own.
The performance of Op. 18, No. 6 is a difficult
one for me to criticize. I made the unhappy dis-
covery that there are areas in Rackham Lecture
Hall where one can hear comparatively little
sound from the stage. I sat near the right side
(facing the stage) of the aduitorium, and what
I heard was a small, rather pinched sound-the
aural equivalent of looking at an object through
the wrong end of a telescope. This, I am sure,
is the main reason why the performance seemed
uncommunicative to me, though I must report
that the players were rather often at odds as
regards intonation.
On second hearing the quartet by Villa-Lobos
strikes me as a bright, unpretentious work-one
which its composer probably does not distinguish
much in his own mind from the other 1500 or so
pieces that he (prolific fellow) has written. Ac-
tually, the work has several points in its favor.
The writing is clean and efficient, the sonorous tex-
ture is often very effective, and the work is not

The first movement of the Villa-Lobos begins
with an initially striking figure consisting of a
few notes tossed from one instrument to another,
descending from the first violin to the cello. It's
effective, but it hardly seems a strong basis for a
first movement. The fact that the movement holds
together somehow can probably be explained by
a certain rhythmic impulse and the conciseness of
the form. The second movement displays a rather
amusing juxtaposition of styles. Beginning with a
series of fugal entrances in a linear, chromatic
idiom, it soon progresses to a fairly banal tune in
romantic style, by way of some totally irrelevant
passages in parallel fifth. A rather curious mis-
mash, to say the least. The third movement makes
use of jagged, leaping melodic patterns, with ef-
fective string writing-the sort of thing that al-
most passes for real musical vitality. The final
movement says little that hasn't been said before,
but is 'a pleasant conclusion to the work. The
playing (heard from a more advantageous posi-
tion in the auditorium) was a real joy, and came
close to compensating for the shortcomings of the
work. The quartet played with technical aplomb,
and just the sort of vigor that the piece needs.
The A minor Qaurtet of Beethoven which con-
cluded the program is, of course, one of the great
ones. When I first heard it several years ago it
struck me as a very impressive work which some-
how managed to get along without any themes at
all. It take several hearings to be convinced that
Beethoven lavished some of his greatest .thematic
inspiration on this quartet. The ideas from first to
last are of the highest order, and the work as a
whole is full of the sounds that the deaf Beethoven
heard during his last years, and which no other
composer has ever approached. There may be
greater music--in any event there is other music
which I myself like as well. But Beethoven in
his last quartets (with the A minor as perhaps the
supreme example) reached a certain intensity
which goes beyond the intensity all music has to
some degree. It is solid, well-written music (as is
all of Beethoven's work), but with a certain qual-
ity that simply cannot be verbalized. Beethoven
could not have verablized it himself. If he could,
he might have been a writer instead of a composer.
But every time we hear this music, we come closer
to its essence, and to hear it is something to be
accounted as a privilege.

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication.
VOL. LXIV, No. 218
The University of Michigan Blood
Bank Club has arranged to have a Red
Cross mobile unit at the Student Health
Service on August 4, 1954, to take care
of staff members who wish to contri-
bute a pint of blood and thus become
members of the Blood Bank Club with
the~privilege of drawing upon the bank
for themselves and their immediate
families in the event blood is needed.
The unit will be at the Health Service
from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and from
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Staff members
who are interested should contact the
Personnel Office, Room 3026, Ext. 2619.
Students intending to take the admis-
sion Test for Graduate Study in Busi-
ness on August 14' should leave their
names at the Information Desk in Room
150, School of Business Administration,
no later than Wednesday, July 28.
Law School Admission Test: Applica-
tion blanks for the August 7 administra-
tion of thea baw School Admission Test
are now available at 110 Rackham Bujild-
ing. Application blanks are due in
Princeton, N.J. not later than July 28,
The Naval Aviation Cadet Procre-
ment Officer will be available in the
Main Lobby of Mason Hall between the
hours of 9 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. on 22 and
23 July 1954 to disseminate information
on the Naval Aviation Cadet Training
Program. Students are cordially invited
to ask questions about the opportunities
of Naval Aviation.
Schools of Education, Music, Natural
Resources and Public Health
Students, who received marks of I,
X, or "no reports" at the end of their
last semester or summer session of at-
tendance, will receive a grade of "E" in
the course or courses, unless this work
is made up by July 21 in the Schools of
Education, Music and Public Health.
In the School of Natural Resources the
date is July 16. Students, wishing an ex-
tension of time beyond this date in or-
der to make up this work, should file
a petition, addressed to the appro-
priate official of their school, with
Room 1513 Administration Building,
where it will be transmitted.
Sutherland Paper Co., Kalamazoo,
Mich., is interested in hiring a woman
graduate to work in its Publications
Dept. The applicant should be interest-
ed in news writing and should be able
to do some creative thinking and writ-
ing. For additional information con-
cerning this and other employment op-
portunities, contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg.,
Ext. 371.
Linguistics Institute Luncheon. "Prob-
lems in the Study of Mass Communica-
tions." Morris Janowitz, Associate Pro-
fessor of Sociology. 12:10 P.M., Michigan
Speech Assembly, auspices of the De-
partment of Speech. "A School Admin-
istrator Looks at Speech Education."
Paul W. Briggs, Superintendent, Bay
City Public Schools. 3:00 P.M., Rack-
ham Amphitheater.
Near East Lecture Series, auspices of

Irene Rice Pereira, artist, New York
City. 4:15 P.M., Auditorium A, Angell
Panel discussion: "The Artist's Val-
ues and Perspectives." James B. Wal-
lace, Assistant Professor of Music Liter-
ature, moderator; Henry D. Aiken, Pro-
fessor of Philosophy, Harvard Univer-
sity; Leo Goldberg, Professor of Astron-
omy; Irene Rice Pereira, artist, New
York City; Aline B. Saarinen, Art Critic,
New York Times; Richard Wilt, Assist-
ant Professor of Drawing and Painting.
7:45 P.M., Auditorium A, Angell Hall.
The Economics Clam Chowder and
Marching Society: Professor Gregory
Grossman will be theguest speaker of
the Economic Department's graduate
discussion group this Wednesday. His
topic is: "Allocation of Capital Re-
sources in a Planned Economy Experi-
encing Rapid Economic Growth." An in-
formal discussion will follow. All inter.
ested in the problems of economic plan-
ning or underdeveloped nations are in-
vited. Refreshments. Wednesday, July
21. 8:00 p.m. Rackham Bldg.: West Con-
ference Room.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Lie Algebras: Will meet
every Wednesday and Friday afternoon
at 3 p.m. in Room 3001 Angell Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Anna Bar-
bara Carlin, Education; thesis: "An
Historical Investigation of the Rela-
tionship between Scientific Research
and Changes in Methods and Materials
for Reading," Thursday, July 22, East
Council Room, Rackham Bldg., at 2:15
p.m. Chairman, G. M. Wingo.
Carillon Recital: 7:15 Thursday even-
ing, July 22, by Percival Price, Univer-
sity Carillonneur. The program will con-
sist of compositions and arrangements
for carillon by Leen 't Hart, presently
Municipal Carillonneur of Delft, Leid-
en and Amersfoort, Netherlands, and
Director of the Carillon School of
Amersfoort. It will open with Suite for
Carillon, and continue with Prelude,
Song and Fugue on "Vie dat zichaelf
verheft temet," five folk songs, varia-
tions on "De winter is vergangen,"
and March for carillon.
Student Recital: Betty Rice, student
of piano with John Koilen, will per-
form works by Bach, Beethoven, De-
bussy, and Brahms, at 8:30 Thursday
evening, July 22, in Auditorium A, An-
gell Hall. The program is given in par-
tial fulfillment of the requirements for
the degree of Bachelor of Music, and
will be open to the public.
Clements Library. Women and Woman
in Early America.
General Library. Women as Authors.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Egyp-
tian Antiquities-a loan exhibit from
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New
York City.
Michigan Historical Collections. Th.
University in 1904.
Museum of Art. Three women Paint-
Events Today
Kaffeestunde: A German conversation
group will meet informally every Wed-
nesday at 3:15 p.m. in the south cafe-
teria of the Michigan Union. All per-
sons interested in speaking and hear-
ing German are cordially invited to at-
tend. Professors W. A. Reichart, A. J.
Gaiss, and H. Bergholz will be present
at the meeting on July 21.
Lutheran Student Association-Hill
and Forest Ave. Wednesday Tea and


Senate Inventor
Sen. Ralph Flanders of Vermont
was visited by many of his Re-
publican colleagues last week who
pleaded with him not to put the
Republican Party on the spot by 4 4 4 i IIA J
a vote on McCarthy. Among those
who called on him were Senators
Saltonstall of Massachusetts, Ives
of New York, and Margaret Chase
Smith of Maine.
The Vermonter, who has spent'
all his life as an engineer-indus-
trialist, remained adamant. He ,---i
even outlined to senators the
speech he planned to make and
told them that he was thinking of -
releasing the speech 24 hours in .
publish it in advance of delivery. Sixty-Fourth Year
His idea, he explained, was so that Edited and managed by students of
senators could read his speech be- the University of Michigan under the
fore the debate opened and would authority of the Board in Control of
forethe ebat opned nd wuldStudent Publications.
have a chance to understand it. _StudentPublications.
"That's a u n i q u e idea," ex- Editorial Staff
claimed Senator Smith of Maine. Dianne AuWerter.Managing Editor
"Why do you do that?" Becky Conrad...r........Night Editor
"Well, I am an inventor," re- Rona Friedman..........Night Editor
plied Flanders. "I have 29 patents. Wally Eberhard.........Night Editor
And I see no reason why some- Russ AuWerter.........Night Editor
thing new should not be invented Sue Garfield........Women's Editor
fthg nshudeo.b"nvned Hanley Gurwin.........Sports Editor
for the Senate. Jack Horwitz......Assoc. Sports Editor
McCarthy Merry-Go-Round E. J. Smith........Assoc. Sports Editor
Believe it or not, but McCarthy Business Stafft
has suddenly become camera-shy. Dick Aistrom.......Business Manager
After years of hugging the klieg Lois Pollak......Circulation Managert
lights, he now goes out the back Bob Kovaks......Advertising Manager
door to avoid TV cameramen..1
This is because publicity advisers Telephone NO 23-24-1
have warned Joe that his person-
ality came over badly on TV, that Memrnber





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