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July 21, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-07-21

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Latest Deadline in the State





Former Senator-
'Des Yesterday
At 'U'Hospital
Moody To Be Buried at Detroit
Friday or Saturday, Williams Says
Former Senator Blair Moody died at 3:55 p.m. yesterday at
University Hospital.
The governor's office said late last night that Moody will be
buried in Detroit Friday or Saturday.
A spokesman said Moody's body will be taken to the William
Hamilton*funeral home in Detroit.
At present no plans have been made for Moody's body to lie in
state in Lansing.
The death of the 52-year-old one-time Washington correspond-
ent was a shock to followers who believed he was recovering
. from an attack of virus pneu-















CJitation of
Davis Asked
By Velde
The House Un-American Activ-
ities Committee recommended con-
tempt citations yesterday for
H. Chandler Davis, instructor in'
the'mathematics department, and
seven other witnesses who appear-!
ed before the Clardy subcommit-
tee in Michigan last May.
The House will vote on the rec-
ommendations filed by Committee
Chairman Harold Velde (R-Ill.),
on Thursday. Contempt of Con-
gress carries a maximum one-year
prion term and a $1,000 fine.
Velde said the witnesses failed'
toinvoke the Fifth Amendment, or'
otherwise answered improperly.
Davis Repliesj
Prof. Davis who appeared with-
out council used only the First!
Amendment throughout his testi-
mony, issued the following state-'
ment.after the hearings: 4
"I exchange political iiis free-
ly with people vwho judge them on
their merits. I do not discuss pol-
itics with a sword over imw head:;
the First Amendment is intended
to keep coercion ,out of politics."
If the House approves the con-
tempt citations, the Attorney Gen-
eral will then bring the facts be-
fore a Grand Jury. And if the
Grand Jury votes an indictment of
cntempt the matter will -be
brought before a federal district
After the Lansing hearings Rep.
>Clardy said that he would rec-
ommend contempt citations for+
Davis as well as University stu-
dents Mike Sharpe, Grad, and Ed
Shaffer, Grad, and recently em-
phasized this point in a conver-;
sation with The Daily.
However, Sharpe and Shaffer
were not among those mentioned'
for contempt citations. The Uni-
versity had previously stated that
it would not take any action con-
cerning Sharpe and Shaffer if}
they were not cited for contempt.
Others Cited
Among the other Michigan wit-+
nesses cited for contempt vere:
Paul R. Baker, former Inkster
school teacher; Balza Baxter,l
state chairman of the Labor Youth I
League; Mrs. Evelyn Gladstone,;
ex-Garden City Girl Scout troop
leader; Curtis Davis an auto work-
er; Benjamin F. Kocel, officer of!
Glos Ludowy, Hamtramck for-,
eign language newspaper; and
Marvin Engel and Martin Trach-}
tenberg, Flint auto workers.
Nowak Named

A post mortem autopsy revealed
that his death was due to "inten-

Gets Cohn
Surine Moved
To Off ice ,bola
WASHINGTON (A -Senator Mc-
Carthy (R-Wis) Tuesday reluctant-
ly accepted the resignation of Roy
Cohn as chief counsel of the Sen-
ate Investigating subcommittee
and transferred Donald A. Surine,
another aide who has been under
The moves came in advance of
a showdown session of the subcom-
mittee, a majority of whose mem-
bers had demanded a staff "house-
Leveria Kept
Surine, a former FBI agent, wasI
one of two McCarthy subcommit-
tee assistants who have been re-
fused . clearance by the Defense

Both Sides Okay
Viet Nam Split
Agreements Must Be Signed By
Generals Before Being Effective
GENEVA (A)-French and Vietminh officers, enemies for eight
years of bitter warfare in Indochina, signed an armistice early
The cease-fire will split the big coastal state of Viet Nam be-
tween pro-western and communist-led regimes.
The agreement to halt the fighting on the jungled mountain
and rice paddy battlefields of Viet Nam and Laos was signed by
representatives of the two commands at 3:50 a.m. (8:50 p.m. CST,
The negotiators finally threshed out an agreement on the state
of Cambodia in a last-minute meeting that stretched past French Pre-
mier Pierre Mendes-France's self-imposed midnight deadline.
The Cambodia accord is scheduled to be initialed some time
Wednesday afternoon.
The British delegation anounced the conference - would convene
in plenary session at 3 p.m.-8 a.m. CST-to issue a declaration "tak-
ing note" of the cease-fire agreements.
The Palace of Nations here stillC--

,; ,.,;:
: E
' i

-Daily-Mar] Crozier
.SOME CANDY, BOYS? . . ."-Prof. Claribel Baird, as Mrs. Larue in the speech department pro-
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Department to handle secret mat- duction of Mary Chase's "Mrs. McThing," offers refreshments to three "tough" characters in a little was thronged at 2:30 a.m. with of-
ters. The other, Thomas Lavenia, boy's "joy world"; the "Stinker," William Larse n-"Poison Eddie," Victor Hughes-and "Dirty ficials, civil servants and news-
was kept in his post, at least tem- Joe," Paul Rebillot. The performances will start promptly at 8 p.m. today through Saturday. Tickets men waiting for the ceremony
porarily. are still on sale at the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre box office for .1.50, $1.10 and 75 cents. . marking the signing of the Laos
THE LATE SEN. MOODY McCarthy announced that Surine and Viet Nam pacts and for the
was being transferred from the 'M resending of actual cease-fire orders
sive involvment of the lungs" Uni- post of assistant subcommittee 1rs0M C T hinT OTn T on ight to the field commanders.Officals
versity Hospital officials reported- counsel to McCarthy's Senate of- Oensaid it was being held up by the
There was no evidence of pri- fice payroll. - ---- --- ------ - - ----- -- - ---- - preparation of texts, including
mary heart disease according to This maneuvering beat to the By SUE GARFIELD translations.
Dr. Cyrus C. Sturgis, head of the punch members of McCarthy's TIree Ann Arbor residents will 1905 Cambridge, son of Prof. and sohn Theatre in the League for Field Commanders
department of internal medicine at subcommittee bent on a staff have leading roles in the University 1Mrs. Edward Stasheff, o f t e $1.50, $1.10 and 75 cents. The agreements also must be
University Hospital anduMoody's shakeup. The upshot was that pyoduction of Maiy Chase s bsoad- e department._signed by the field commanders
attendant physician. But a ter- when six of the seven subcommit- reei 8 pm today trouh "Mrs. McThing" ill be directed for both sides before they canbe
rific strain had been put on his tee members lunched together pstrda intdate A giwees come effective.
p atrsented theLdaMnesoh yMs ar adPo uh ea 4' 1
heart by the extensive chronic there was nothing that could be Z. Norton of the speech depart-; A Vietnamese official said the
virus pneumonia, he added, dnabufing ohrSre. Theatr'e in the League .Nro fte pehdpi cease-fire would become effective
us. done about firing Cohn or Surine. Sponsored by the speech depart-ment. Costumes will be taken care To Showdown Jl2for re"ulr unitsandfany
"He had been doing very satis- And a decision on Lavenia was of by Phyllis Pletcher, scenery by July 28 for regular unts and any-
factorily" the doctor commented. put off until a report comes in ment, the play will be given inJack E etc aid she s where from two or three weeks
conuncionwit th sumersesProf. Jack E. Bender and the busi- tX A'U Law
"Then suddenly he suffered a re- from the Defense Department re-' conjunction with the sume se, sge Br'e Nay U AEC Law ater for' guerrilla forces scattered
versal and died." garding its refusal to grant him ionprobuce a.L in the mountains and rice paddy
Shortly before he died Moodysecurity clearance for handling se- "Woman in the World of Man. Tickets for the performances are villages of the three French-asso-
oly weowh ha bed at cret correspondence. Claribel B a i r d, professor of ---! WASHINGTON UFi - The Senate ciated states.
speech, will portray the leading -- virtually agreed Tuesday night to
bedside constantly, that he had Requests Information character Mrs. LaRue. This sea- a showdown test Wednesday on a otian and British sources,
just had a good sleep and was McCarthy confirmed to reporters son maks the 20th anniversary of hotly fought provision in President anwhile, disclosed that chiefs of
feeling better. that both Surine and Lavenia have Prof Baird's participation in the ( . 1 Eisenhower's bill to revamp the al the delegations at the nine-par-
Stricken Last Month been refused such clearance. He University summer playbills. G iVCn to Unation's atomic. energy law. . conference had been ivited to
A candidate for the Democratic said he has asked Secretary of The little boy, Howay, will be At issue was a provision in the witness the signing. The hour for
Senatorial nomination from Mich- Defense Wilson for the reasons the -- ---- - - - ~ The University Medical School bill sanctioning President Eisen- the ce as nt fid, but
igan, Moody suffered a virus pneu-edtwomn wetr e no cseai'eSH rdd ne' Bk gyesteday announced receipt of a hower's order to the Atomic Ener- fore dawn.
monia attack with heart compi- B dpha'"e las osek urnes T aIKi $41,530 grant from the National gy Commission to contract for a The settlement for Viet Nam pro-
cations last month while cam- wen t staff. " Fund for Medical Education. private utility to supply elctric vides a military partition of the
paigmng at Hancock in theUpper when a reply comesin Slated The gift, announced by S. Sloan power in the Tennessee Valley. big coastal state, which bothsides
Peninsula. Hoevergn saidpthokDemneDpat- Colt, president of the fund, is un- Republican leader Knowland tactitly agree would become a
He was flown to University Hos- Psrestricted. Such grants, he contin- (Calif.) recessed the Senate after a political division as well.
pital yesterday morning from ment would not give McCarthy any Paul W. Briggs, Superintendent. ued, 'are used by the schools pri- day of nearly 12 hours. He said he French sources said the accord
Hancock Hospital after he had reasons for denying the clearances. of Bay City Public Schools, will marily to fill teaching vacancies, did so with the understanding there for Laos includes a provision for
apparently taken a turn for the speak on 'A School Admmistra- to create new faculty posts and to would be a vote Wednesday. ' two Communist troop assembly
worse.,Hart Tf tor Looks at Speech Education initiate courses in areas of recent The test will come on a provision zones. The sources insist, how-
Moody's death left Patrick V S ethis afternoon at 3 p.m. in Rack- scientific advances. by Sen. Anderson (D-NM) which ever, the settlement will maintain
McNamara of Detroit unopposed H reFrd v N -I ham Amphitheater as part of the Stressing the many services per- would let the Atomic Energy Com- the state's integrity.
for the Democratic nomination. Cere rlti li;Speech Assembly sponsored by the formed by the medical schools, I mission contract for electric power An air of excitement hung over
Department of Speech. Colt pointed out that free medical only if it is for direct pse by one the palace, once home of the
Gov. G. Mennen Williams ap- Philip A. Hart, the Democratic An assembly is held each week care valued at $100,000,000 is pro- of its atomic installations or plants. League of Nations. Extra police
pointed Moody to the Senate in candidate for lieutenant governor, in an effort to bring speakers of vided by the schools through their If that were accepted by the Sen- were on duty and the inner court-
April, 1951, to fill a vacancy creat- will speak before the Democratic ;note to the campus. associated teaching hospitals and ate it would nullify the presiden- yard blazed with unaccustomed
ed by the death of Republican City Committee at 8 p.m. Friday. According to Prof. G. E. Dens- clinics. - tial order for a contract with a spotlights. Palace guards carried
Senator Arthur H. Vandenberg. The meeting, which will be open more, chairman of the speech ac- Approximately 80 m e d i c a 1 private utility which would supply a huge horned ceremonial inkwell,
Though he had not belonged to the public, will be held at the partmen. "Paul W. Briggs is a schools received grants, amounting power to the Tennessee Valley Au- presented to the League by Ethio-
previously to any party, Moody home of the city chairman, Mrs. man who will bring a real mes- to a total of $2,176,904. Wayne Uni- I thority to replace TVA power used pia in 1924, from the League Mu-
said that he became a Democrat Edwin E. Moise, at 547 Elm St. sage to the student." versity received $23,603. i by the AEC. seum into, the hall for the signing.
on the day of his appointment to The United States, which refuses
the Senate by Gov. Williams. SURVEY ESFADCHti -.to endorse any extension of Com-
'Liberal Objectives'S RVE: munist-held areas, was standing
"Speaking generally, I agree ! aside from the budding settlement
with the broad, liberal objectives I D1 , and the pro-Western Vietnamese
which have marked the recovery OJiiyT I O ro T Ti u c regime was attaching reservations
of the United States from the low to it.
levels of depression under the lead-
ership of Democratic Presidents," By PAT ROELOFS Study of the independent voter and comparison of, independents Art Lecture
he said at the time. A study made by the University Survey Research Center of the Ito party identifiers is the aim of Robert E. Agger, who is on the faculty L cue
However, he expressed his sup- 1952 election is being used for further research by eight post-doctoral at the University of North Carolina. Agger will attempt to learn Panel SIa ted
port of the foreign polcy ideas of fellows in the field of political science during this Summer Session whether Eisenhower's personality or a feeling of civic responsibility
hIse w d ted 52n his As part of a seminar in political behavior research supported byRaeinduced independent voters to go to the polls in 1952. . "Women and Dimensions in Art"
first attempt at election by Charles a grant from the Ford Foundation, the eight men from eight univer- According to the findings of the Survey, independents were as will be the subject of a lecture by
W. Potter, then a Republican con- sities in the country have each chosen a research project for which active as party identifiers in the 1952 election. It was also learned Irene Rice Pereira, an artist from
gressman from Michigan. data will be taken from the 1952 survey, that there are more independent voters among persons with a col- New York City, scheduled for 4:15
"The news of Blair Moody's Major variables in the nation-wide survey that lege education than those with less education. - p.m. today in Aud. A. Angell Hall
deahcomsrsattr-lya prtofethssecalsume
untimely udeathtcomes as a tre-ThUrvratyses in heation-tdo ste motiataion include party The Unversity's representative in the Seminar is John P. White, sssion program "sWoman in ther
me'ndous shock to the people of urdeeto eut.madto t oe oiainm.d at whio is studying the labor vote. Included in his project is the question, Weo oga."Wo nte
Michigan and to me," Governor identification, candidate orientation, issue orientation, politcal ef- do laborers identify with a certain party, usually Democratic, because World of Man.
Wiltficacy, feeling of "citizen duty," and pressure from associates. olbrr dniywt eti pry sal eortc eas The Artists Values and Pe-
Williams commented last night at Ithey are laborers or because of other factors such as religion? spectives" will be discussed by a
Beaver Island. These variables and other data obtained from the 2,000 people Although his project is not yet completed, Stephen E. Sarasohn panel at 7:45 p.m. in Aud. A,
"In Moody's passing the people interviewed in the pre-election and post-election survey are being from Wayne University has already found from the data that some Angell Hall.
of Michigan lose one of their most used by the men on their respective projects. Each of them hopes people who knew they would benefit financially if Stevenson were Panel participants include: Prof.
servants. His brief career in the elected voted for Eisenhower in the 1952 election. He hopes to find Henry D. Aiken of the philosophy
hiHunches May Be Proven the reason for this as well as other answers relating to politics and department, visiting from Har-
ho t of ainiei ir , inie own stAtp The eight men interviewed at a press conference held yesterday'economics. ard; Aine B. Saarinen, art
*A~CSU ~f aL,1i~kteconomics. Vvard;uaAtine B.-------n-en,-ar--

Trends Told
By Larson
Thomas B. Larson, of the Re-
search Division for the USSR of the
United States Department of State,
spoke yesterday on trends in"So-
viet Internal Politics" since the
death of Stalin in March 1953 at
an afternoon seminar and an eve-
ning round table discussion in a
special University Russian Studies
"There is a new style of leader-
ship in Soviet Russia called col-
lective leadership," said Larson.
"A central committee noW' takas
the place of the hero, Stalin. The
two major figures on this commit-
tee are Georgi Malenkov, top
government leader, and Khrush-
chev, top party leader.."
"Within a month of Stalin's
death, his myth had been buried,"
the speaker continued. "He is not
mentioned anymore in the news-
papers, for now the talk centers
around collective leadership."
- How to be Popular
Larson went on to say that the
Stalinistic policy of building up the
economy meant a lot of privation
for the population. If the new re-
gime takes measures to alleviate
the situation of the people, they
will undoubtedly be popular, he
continued. There has been an al-
teration in therinvestment policy
which puts more money into agri-
culture, trade, and light industry.
This is coupled with an ambitious
program to increase agricultural
"However, it is still too soon to
see the effects of the new regime's
policies," said the Soviet politics
expert. "The biggest question now
is, 'Will they continue to put re-
sources in the sectors which will
alleviate the situation of the popu-
lation?' "
Production at
Chrysler Stops
At Noon Today
DETROIT (A-Chrysler C o r p.
said Tuesday that all car and
truck production will be forced to
a standstill by noon Wednesday by
the strike of Dodge Main plant
The number idled by the strike
reached 31,000 as 3,000 more work-
ers at the Chrysler Kercheval plant
were told not to return Wednesday.
Some 500 pickets of Dodge Local
3 CIO United Auto Workers were
thrown up around the main plant
Monday idling 10,000. The company
then reported that the strike had
affected 10 other plants, mostly

DETROIT OF)-Two former Com-
munists Tuesday named former
State Senator Stanley Nowak as a
once active member of the Com-
munist Party who taught in a Red.
School and told how to organize
Communist cells.
They were witnesses in Nowak's
denaturalization trial before Fed-
eral Judge Frank S. Picard. The
government claims Nowak, a na-
tive of Poland, obtained citizenship ,
fraudulently in 1938 by concealing
membership in the C o m m u n-'


,1 1 U 111 .1111 W1 LiL 4 4 1 141 11V1YlY 4 4j1 3 V14 414 144 4 V1 4}
ist Party. but the sincere respect of his col- stressed that the importance of the survey conducted under the direc- Urbanite
The witnesses were D. William leagues in the Senate and the es- tion of the Survey Research Center was its measurable margin of A general movement of
of the Michign State College fa- teem of the whole nation," he con- error as well as its objectivity and accuracy. They feel that some effect on voting behavior is b
culty, and Clayton W. Fountain, .ue hunches in the field of political science will be proven or disproven the University of Tennessee

es and Suburbanitesf
urbanites into suburban areas 'and its
eing examined by William Goodman from
. Preliminary studies on this issue have

critic on the New York Times;
Prof. Leo Goldberg of the astro-
nomy department; Pi'of. Richard
Wilt of the art department and
Irene Rice Pereira.


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