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July 20, 1954 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1954-07-20

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1VFSDA5.,. JULY 20, 1954


Sen. McCarthy: A Symptom
Of a Confused Age

"What Are You Doing With Your Second Chances?"

"McCARTHYISM" is bigger than the Senator
from Wisconsin or the Republican Party.
Politicians say that Senator McCarthy is causing
national confusion from his attacks on Commun-
ists. This view places the cart before the horse. For
McCarthy is not the cause of the current muddled
anti-communist climate in the country but he is
rather feeding upon it.
This national state of confusion about coping with
the Communists in our society has manifested itself
in many ways.
For example, in June of this year newspaper
accounts related aspects of this confusion. At a
GM plant workers beat up and expelled for them-
selves a fellow worker suspected of being a Red.
Shortly afterwards another story told about Flint
Union Men mauling a Red suspect.
Another example of the lack of logic in dealing
with security risks appeared in the recent tax over-
haul bill passed by Congress. It required'that phil-
anthropic organizations like the Rockefeller or Car-
negie Foundations should not hand out funds to
suspected disloyal individuals or groups.
This amendment proposed by Senator Pat Mc-
Carren, Democrat from Nevada, would require in-
timidating loyalty checks on much of the founda-
tions' work.
Senator Joseph McCarthy has ridden this wave
of confusion to power by finding this tempo of
thought and entrenching himself within it.
When McCarthy makes an emotionalized ap-
peal he by-passes the Republican Party mechan-
ism and goes with his slogans and bag of tricks
directly to the American people.
Reports from recent public opinion polls and the
reactions of many of the Senator's Republican col-
leagues indicate that the strength of McCarthy is
Whether or not this means that "McCarthyism"
-the manifestation of this national confusion
which no political party has a monopoly on-is de-
clining poses a question unanswerable at present.
But Democrats, who will make Communism an
issue this November, are not going to distinguish be-
tween the symptom and the underlying disease. The
symptom is the Junior Senator from Wisconsin aid-
ed by his own political craftiness. The disease is the
unhealthy approach to the existence of American
Communism which has been tagged with the name
of "McCarthyism."
Between now and election time Eisenhower and
Republicans will be unmercifully scorned for not
bottling up their "problem child" McCarthy. This
will lead to charges by Democrats that the Repub-
licans are inadequate to continue to lead the coun-
try because of their inability to cope effectively with

What they overlook is that simply purging Mc-
Carthy from the party would not eliminate "Mc-
Carthyism" from the land. Instead it would just
serve to lower our great President, if he should at-
tack McCarthy, to the level of the Senator's own
unscrupulous political play and serving to make any
cleavage in the Party more substantial. The Demo-
crats would thoroughly enjoy this.
But they also like the idea of McCarthy as a
coming campaign issue because the confusion he
breeds would serve to cloud the other myths of
their campaign. Besides, McCarthy is riper now
than ever for political exploitation in view of
the growing unfavorable feeling toward him.
Any projected renunciation of McCarthy by the
President or the whole Republican Party would raise
several weighty questions. Recent public opinion
polls show that now 34 per cent of the country
is favorable to him even though 45 per cent regards
him with disfavor.
Alienation of such a large voting segment would
amount to political suicide.
Then there is the question of the legislative pow-
ers and the executive powers as defined by the
Constitution. Under our system of government the
President wears two hats. One as the chief execu-
tive -of the whole country and the other as the
leader of his political party.
As the executive head Eisenhower lacks the
power to intervene in any of the Senator's activi-
ties. As the political leader he could, in view of
Sen. McCarthy's large followng, injure the coun-
try and party more by speaking out than by
remaining still and letting McCarthy hang him-
The answer to the crafty Wisconsin political
thorn seems to be a middle-road policy of a sub-
tle and less sensational nature which indications
show is presently being pursued. ,
Recently the Internal Security Commission was
created within the Justice Department to weed
Communists out of the government. This takes over
some of what would be Mr. McCarthy's pursuits.
Also, the Administration recently stripped McCar-
thy of more power after his efforts to investigate
the CIA. General Mark Clark at the head of the
Hoover Commission Task Force will do the job in-
These and other events seem to show that Eisen-
hower is acting to deflate Sen. McCarthy. It takes
time because McCarthy has grown fat on the per-
iod in which we live, a period full of trials and
threats which have left in their wake a confusion
in the public mind. Out of this, McCarthy has
emerged perhaps for no other reason than a focus
for frustration.
-Baert Brand

3 3
A r
prflf{ 'PqE rAf'MJ. +Tn..T FdlT' e++

continuing on to "the cheese is in the pantry,"
At Hil1 Auditorium ..hd,,~ l "-
S 0S shades of Barbra Allen, and everything.
REPUTED to be the funniest woman in the world, Terming Spanish songery as "cheerful, but--
Anna Russell eats bananas on stage, looks like fidgety," Miss Russell proceeded to sing two. The
an opera singer, talks like British movies, and is first was South American and "polite." The second
the funniest woman in the world. was a "rude Flamenco," involving castanets, a rose
between the teeth and miscellaneous "oles" from
Last night's performance at Hill was a musical the accompanist. He, by the way, kept a straight
event to be passed over by all serious music lovers.
Within two husMs usl osiniul e face throughout the entire proceedings and seemed
Wihi tohours Miss Russell conscientiously de- oba nice guy..
molished every known mode of singing from "the to"Miserable" ad 'd be a Red Hot Mamma if it
art song" to "the modern art song" (My Heart Has Weren't for my Varicose Veins," were two of the
Dishpan Hands). She means businessselections calculated to demonstrate what "perfect-
It is impossible to say of her program that one ly revolting exhibitions in public," American popu-
number was better than another. To do that sort lar songs are.
of thing one must have some kind of objective After the intermission Miss. Russell rendered her
standard. Miss Russell has completely obliterated famed analysis of Wagner's ring cycle which con-
all objective standards. fers upon the Rhine Maidens the dubious distinc-
tion of being "acquatic Andrews sisters." Woton
I happened to like especially her folksong, Span- is referred to as "a crashing bore," Valhalla be-
ish songs and popular songs-possibly because I comes "the celestial Whitehouse"-nothing escapes.
detest most folk, Spanish and popular songs.
The other selections such as German Leider
Accompanying herself on an invisible Irish harp, (Night and Day); The English Art Song (Oh
Miss Russell conveyed the true spirit of the folk- Night Oh Day!), French Art Songs and Chan-
song as disseminated from generation to, genera- toosy songs were all equally mad and delightful.
tion, derived straight from the horse's mouth, that
belonging to the oldest member of the community And Anna Russell seems to be up on local matters.
who himself disseminates "the songs his mother In her eloquent address to a legendary Ladies So-
taught me." ciety for appreciating music even if you don't hap-
The song itself was a lunatic hodgepodge of all pen to like music, she did not fail to allude to a
the folksongs in the world beginning with: certain Inez Pilk of Daily fame. The audience seem-
ed gratified.
I gave my love a cherry that had no pit Anna Russell sings?
My love gave me a golden slipper that didn't fit, -Janet Malcolm
[ru * CURRENI'( mQVE1

WASHINGTON-In view of Sen-
ator Flanders' insistence on a vote
on his anti-McCarthy resolution,
senatorial researchers have been
looking up the precedents for un-
seating or disciplining members of
the Senate.
There was one other case of
Senatorial censure in recent years,
two cases where senators have
been expelled from the Senate,
and one case where a senator was
on the point of expulsion when he
resigned. In the House of Repre-
resentatives there have been two1
cases this year where congress-
men were relieved of committee
chairmanships by a vote of their
fellow members-Clare Hoffman
of Michigan and Alvin Weichel of,
The senator who was censuredj
was Hiram Bingham of Connecti-
cut, Republican, who had brought
a representative of the Connecticut,
Manufacturers Association into a
closed hearing on the Smoot-Haw-
ley Tariff during the Hoover Ad-
ministration. Following a vote of
censure he was defeated the next
The two senators ousted were
Newberry, who previously served
William Vare of Pennsylvania and
Frank Smith of Illinois, both elec-
ted in 1926. Truman Newberry of
Michigan, elected in 1918,sfaced a
certain ouster when he resigned.
Henry Ford vs. Newberry
Of these, perhaps the most in-
teresting case is that of Senator
Newberry, who previously served
as secretary of the navy in the
cabinet of President Theodore;
Roosevelt.dNewberry ran against
Henry Ford and defeated him.
Ford, founder of the automobile
empire, ran on both the Republi-
can and Democratic tickets, lost
out to Newberry in the Republican
primary, then in the final election.
Woodrow Wilson, then president,
supported Ford - quite a change
from his grandson. Henry Ford II,
who has been asvigorous Republi-
After his defeat, Ford claimed
fraud and charged Newberry with
spending $500,000. The expenditure
of large amounts of money was
noted during the campaign by Ar-
thur Vandenberg, later a senator,
then editor of the Grand Rapids
Herald. Newberry was tried and
convicted of violating the corrupt
practices act, but the higher courts
set the conviction aside.
And when his case came before
the Senate he was finally seated
-even though his own financial
report showed the expenditure of
$195,000 which was considered an
exorbitant campaign fund in those
days. The vote was 46 to 43 with
all Democrats voting against him,
plus eight Republicans including
Borah of Idaho and Edge of New
Popular reaction to the Newber-
ry case was such that the Demo-
crats scored heavily in the 1922
congressional elections. Even Sen-
ator Townsend of Michigan, a Re-
publican who championed New-
berry, was defeated.
Eleven days after the election,
on Nov. 18, 1922, facing an almost
certain ouster, Newberry resigned.
Some Democratic senators see a
parallel in the McCarthy case to-
day and figure that a vote for
McCarthy on the Flanders resolu-
tion will boomerang against the
Republicans next November.
Private-Utulity Senator
The case against Sen. Frank
Smith of Illinois four years later
was based upon the fact that the

big utilities contributed $203,000 to
his Republican primary. The late
Sn;; Tnrii11 a rn +hi hi yooc

velt Cabinet, had originally sup-
ported him.
It was also in 1926 that William
Vare of Pennsylvania was elected
and also unseated-though after a
two - year debate.
Vare, the Republican boss of
Philadelphia sometimes called the
"ash-can statesman," had been
elected to the Senate after a pri-
mary battle with George Wharton
Pepper, a blue - stocking lawyer,
and Gov. Gifford Pinchot, a Teddy
Roosevelt Bull - Mooser. Vare was
backed by the Mellon interests of
Pittsburgh by , a cool campaign
kitty of $1,800,000. In addition,
Vare himself had spent $785,000.
Though he won both the primary
and the election, his Democratic
opponent, William B. Wilson, the
former coal miner who served as
secretary of labor in Woodrow
Wilson's Cabinet, challenged the
election, and after a long battle
Vare was voted out of the Senate
by his own colleagues.
Capital News Capsules
Knowland Scored - The Amer-
ican Embassy reports that Sen-
ator Knowland is responsible for
Prime Minister Churchill's sudden
decision to oppose Red China's ad-
mission to the United Nations.
Churchill was greatly alarmed at
Knowland's threat to pull th
United States out of the U.N. He
read about Knowland's stand while
he was on the SS Queen Elizabeth
en route home. The old British
warrior pondered over the speech,
and, fearing a U.S. return to iso-
lationism, he changed his mind be-
fore the boat docked and reluct-
antly announced he would not
press for Red China's membership
at this time.
Unhappy Alliance - General
"Wild Bill" Donovan, our cloak-
and-dagger ambassador to Thai-
land, has reported that the Thai
government is the most corrupt in
Southeast Asia - However, we're
forced to support it just the same
... Donovan was sent to this Asi-
atic listening post last year to or-
ganize our intelligence network.
His mission is now completed, and
he will return to Washington to
serve as a special adviser to Eis-
enhower. Meanwhile, Donovan re-
ports that top Thai officials freely
take graft.TAs anresult, much of
our aid to Thailand goes into their
private pockets. Nevertheless,
Donovan advised Washington that
Thailand must be kept a bulwark
for thesWest, and he recommended
a "crash" program to speed up
the arms flow.
Copywright 1954, by the Bell Syndicate
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan underthe
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.


The News
AP Foreign News Analyst
The United States has learned
a lot of hard lessons in the Indo-
china debacle. One lesson useful
in Washington is this: Beware
wishful thinking.
When I was in Indochina and
elsewhere in Southeast Asia recent-
ly, it struck me that some Ameri-
can diplomatic and militaryper-
sonnel had developed the habit of
assessing situations not as they
were but as somebody in Wash-1
ington thought they should be.
One competent man in Indo-
china was sending home blister-..
ing reports on his view of the situ-
ation there. He painted it just as
black as it was. He had little faith
in French ability to hold off dis-
aster, and he told Washington
about it. He was recalled.
But there were others in Saigon
and Hanoi who were saying-at1
least to me-that victory was with-E
in the grasp of the French. They
had it all figured out neatly. It
took a catastrophe at Dien Bien
Phu to change their minds.
I was assured by these Ameri-,
cans that the monsoon rains would4
interrupt the fighting at Dien BienI
Phu, that the Communists could
not fight on in the rain at that
pace, that there would be a long1
lull during which the French would,
build up for their autumn opera-
tion which was to be launched as
the Navarre plan for victory.-
Gen. Henri Navarre, the French
commander in chief, apparently]
planned to launch a large-scale of-1
fensive in the autumn with mas-i
sive American help in the form1
of equipment and supplies. Every-1
body knew about the Navarre plan,1
including the Communists. The sad,
thing about it was that the Commu-1
nists didn't see fit to alter their
There will be other dangerous1
situations popping up in Asia from
here on. If Washington is to be
kept abreast of events in time,
the need surely is for the ablest
men available, who would be in-
structed to report the hard facts
without any sugar-coating or any
tender regard for the preconceived
notion of somebody sitting behind
a desk at home.-
A Iternative
NOT THE LEAST of Premier
Mendes-France's problems, as
he seeks an Indochina truce at
Geneva, is the attitude o f t h e
French Assembly toward the Eu-
ropean Defense Community. It has
been said that if M. Mendes-France
is successful in negotiating an
honorable truce, so great will be,
the rejoicing that the Assembly will
give him almost anything he wants.
That could be the case-although
Mr. Molotov, whose aim of frus-
trating Western European defense
remains unchanged, also could
trim his own course to meet this
possibility. In any event, the mere
hope of favorable French action
on EDC is an unreliable base for
the policy of other Western na-
tions on German rearmament. In1
the circumstances the British -
American plan to separate the
German peace treaty, or contrac-
tual agreement, from EDC, is the1
counsel of realism.1
M. Mendes-France is said to
hope that changes in the EDC trea-4
ty can be held to minor reserva-i
tions that would not require re-

negotiation with other countries.
That will be difficult, to say the
least, for EDC in its present form
has been accepted by four of the
six partners as well as, by impli-
cation, the United States and Brit-
ain. Yet if minor reservations a-
bout the status of the French army
can make EDC acceptable to the
Assembly, that way still may be
preferable to other courses of ac-
tion. The Benelux countries, and
Secretary Dulles and Foreign Sec-
retary Eden, have recognized that
there are no wholly satisfactory
alternatives to EDC. Chancellor
Adenauer has said virtually the
same thing.
Why is it that EDC is preferable
to any alternative? Certainly not
because of the military arrange-
ments themselves. If military con-
siderations alone were to govern,
EDC, with its international com-
mand groupings, and language dif-
ficulties, would be discarded as
unwieldy. The argument for EDC
is that no other plan would knit
Germany so well into Western
But if EDC remains the most
desirable objective, at the same
time it is never wise to allow pol-
icy to rest on a dead-end. The one
inescapable fact is that the Ger-
mans are growing restive, and that
Chancellor Adenauer would have
grave difficulty keeping his people
in line beyond this summer. Ger-
many will be rearmed as a neces-
sity, preferably through EDC, but
if not that way through NATO or'
through nmn hiatieral means

Old Editors Speak Up
To the Editor:
Board of Regents in opening
sections of their hitherto secret
meetings to the press was an en-
couraging victory in the important
fight for freedom of information.
Congratulations are due to the
member of the Board for taking
this action, but the main credit
should go to the Michigan Press
Association and its Freedom of
Information Committee which ini-
tiated the drive to open the meet-
Although progress was slow to
come in their campaign, the MPA
committee persistently maintained
that the public had a right to know
as much as possible about the form-
ation of policy for the state's larg-
est educational institution. The
negotiations recognized that some
matters (security questions and
certain other confidential areas)
can only be considered in private,
and the final settlement reflected
this recognition.
Freedom of information is essen-
tial to a free society. This is re-
cognized by the press and organi-
zations such as MPA have done
a great deal to bring this crucial
truth before a sometimes indiffer-
ent public. At the same time, the
press, by and large, has a sense of
the responsibilities involved in this
important freedom to know, and the
professional newspaper organiza-
tions are concerned with promoting
this necessary responsibility. This
responsibility will be incumbant on
those newsmen who will cover the
Regent's meetings for the year
trial period. I am confident that
they will discharge this responsi-
bility to the public and the Board.
-Harry Lunn
Former Daily..
Managing Editor
To the Editors:
WATCHING THE rise and for-
tunes of Daily editorial writers
is a most interesting experience,
the summertime proves no excep-
tion. This summer a new name
blazes across The Daily horizon to
harass the Republicans and laud
the Democrats. Allan Silver has
relentlessly pursued the attack of
the "Grand Old Guard" and the
most recent assaults have reached
a near frenzied peak, with the Ad-
ministration, the President, cam-
paign myths of corruption, taxes
and McCarthy, and anything the
GOP might stand for being lev-
eled with mighty salvos.
I do not choose to debate the
issues in question, though if sur-
rounded by the material available
in a newspaper editorial office, I
am sure some sort of case can be
made for the Republicans. Rather,
I take issue with a common fault
of The Daily editorial page; lack
of objectivity. Daily writers, with-
out a definite editorial policy and
free to have nearly anything print-
ed that is written, often fail to
realize their responsibility to the
newspaper public. For just as Daily
pundits like to take pot shots at
editorial writers in other papers,
they fall victim to the same error
of not thoroughly analyzing the
opponents case, and of not keeping
their emotions in check. The writer
feels that Mr. Silver's devastating
broadsides and wide sweeping gen-
eralities appear to be as lacking in
objectivity as anything appearing
in the Daily in the last four years.
Not quite as distressing, but just
as distracting, is Mrs. Silver's
failure to realize that an effective
editorial writer does not write ma-
terial which might come out of


To the Editor:
THERE HAS BEEN some dis-
cussion in this column recently
concerning the rights of students
to criticize the representatives of
the state who have been elected
by the same taxpayers who sup-
port this university. To those who
question this right it should be
made clear that under our demo-
cratic system every citizen, 'wheth-
er a student or otherwise, has every
right to criticize his government.
I believe that the criticism of
these elected, and all elected of-
ficials, is integral to our system of
government. Our electoral system
was set up in such a way that
every two years we can, on the
basis of our citicism, choose offi-
cials who best represent our in-
terests. Our task as citizens is to
vote in the primary andthe regu-
lar elections with some idea of
whom we are voting for and why,
not merely to go to the polls and
blindly pick a candidate because
we like the way he cuts his hair.
In studying the record of the
incumbent we should consider
these factors regarding his legis-
lative practices: Did he vote for
lower taxes?; Has he supported
freer trade, housing programs,
FEPC legislation, or any civil
rights programs? In considering
those who have not held office in
the past we must look at their
platforms for endorsements of leg-
islation such as the above. This
kind of critical evaluation should
be a process kept up throughout
an official's term of office.
All citizens have not only the
right but the duty to realistically
evaluate how our government,
through our representatives, is
serving the needs of the citizens.
Democracy is not an absolute
which we can safely take for
granted, not is it a machine which
needs only to be started and from
time to time refueled, but rather
a process whose success is depend-
ent on our constant participation.
-Lois Giuliano, Grad
THE United States and Brit-
ain called together in London a
diplomatic study group to work out
alternative plans for both German
Sovereignty and German rearma-
ment in case the European De-
fense Community is further delayed
or fails entirely. They still hope
that France will ratify the treaty
in conformity with what appears
to be popular French sentiment,
and neither they nor Chancellor
Adenauer would object strongly if
France should attach reservation s
for later changes which experience
may dictate. But they are deter-
mined that German sovereignty
must be restored by autumn, in-
cluding the right to raise a Ger-
man army. That army could be
put under NATO, which would pro-
vide some control over it. But
NATO could not replace the safe-
guards of the European Defense
Community nor give any impetus
to European unification. Moreover,
France might even veto German
memberhip in NATO, to the com-
plete Balkanization of the Conti-
France faces a great responsi-
bility and a great opportunity.The
free world must hope that she will
give a good account of herself
before history.
-The New York Times


The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


political headquarters if he ex-
pects to persuade the person seek-
ing facts and objective opinions.
-Eric W. Vetter
Former Daily City Editor

Right to Criticize




At the Michigan . .
HELL BELOW ZERO, with Alan Ladd and re-
alistic air conditioning.
THIS PICTURE is completely idiotic. Loads of
fun, though.
Alan Ladd takes a job as first mate of a whaling,
ship, the better to pursue the late-lamented-half-
owner-of-the-whaling-fleet's lovely daughter, who
(the daughter, I mean) thinks there is something
not quite tickety-boo about her father's demise.
The other half owner and his nasty son Eric try
to persuade her that it was suicide. Of them all,
Eric is the boy in a position to know about the death,
since he personally accomplished it with his own
two hands, and he says it was suicide.
But Ladd and his lady lightly brush aside this

ning around in one of the smaller boats, shooting
whales, as his lady love cheers him on.
But all good things must end and this excursion
comes to a shuddering halt as the catcher runs
aground in an ice floe. And who do they send to
bust them loose? Old Eric.
Eric does a great job, busting not only the ice,
but Ladd's catcher as well. However, one of Ladd's
crewmen shoots a harpoon into Eric's ship which--
for some reason I haven't been able to fathom--
causes it to blow up and sink.
Then Ladd and his lady friend chase Eric across
the cakes of ice, like in "Uncle Tom's Cabin." Cor-
nered at last, Eric turns and duels Alan Ladd with
ice axes. Ladd tips him off an ice cake and into
the freezing drink. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Alan Ladd and his girl friend embrace withrclum-
sy passion, hampered asthey are by their cold
weather garb. They see another ship coming to res-

Editorial Staff
Dianne AuWerter.....Managing
Becky Conrad.............Night
Rona Friedman..........Night
Wally Eberhard..........Nightl
Russ AuWerter..........Night
Sue Garfield .......... Women's
Hanley Gurwin...........SportsI
Jack Horwitz......Assoc. SportsI
E. J. Smith........Assoc. Sportsl

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication.
TUESDAY, JULY 20, 1954
VOL. LXIV, No. 21S
The University of Michigan Blood
Bank Club has arranged to have a Red
Cross mobile unit at the Student Health
Service on August 4, 1954, to take care
of staff members who wish to contri-
bute a pint of blood and thus become
members of the Blood Bank Club with
the privilege of drawing upon the bank
for themselves and their immediate
families in the event blood is needed.
The unit will be at the Health Service
from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and from
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Staff members
who are interested should contact the
Personnel Office, Room 3026, Ext. 2619.
Students intending to take the admis-
sion Test for Graduate Study in Busi-
ness on August 14 should leave their
names at the Information Desk in Room
150, School of Business Administration,
no later than Wednesday, July 28.

Cercle Francais: The Summer Session
Cercle Francais will meet weekly .on
wednesday evening at 8:00 through the
month of July, in the Michigan League.
A varied program of music, talk, games,
and discussions is planned. These meet-
ings are open to all students and resi-
dents of Ann Arbor who are interestM
in France and things French. No prev-
ious membership is necessary. All are
welcome. Consult the League bulletin
and the Daily for place, details, indi.
vidual programs.
La Petite Causette: An informal
French conversation group will meet
weekly through July in the Round-Up
Room of the League, T'hursdays at 3:30.
A faculty member and a native French
assistant will be present but there is no
formal program. Refreshments are avail-
able nearby, and all persons interested
in talking and hearing French are cor-
dially invited to come.



Business Staff
Dick Alstrom.........Business Manager
Lois Pollak........Circulation Manager
Bob Kovaks........Advertising Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1

Russian Studies Seminar and Round
Table, auspices of the Russian Studies
Program. "Soviet Internal Politics."
Thomas B. Larson, Division of Research,
USSR, United States Department of
State. Seminar: 3:00 p.m., 407 Mason
Hall. Round table: 8:00 p.m., Rackham
West Conference Room.
Fifth Summer Biological Symposium,
auspices of the Division of Biological
Science. "Seetive Mehanisms in Bac-




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