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July 20, 1954 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1954-07-20

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* Si

Latest Deadline in the State SHOWERS



17,000 SENT HOME:

Western Powers




Pickets ShutDodgePlant

Deny Claims
' 'Workers Charge
Line Speedup
DETROIT 01-Pickets Monday
clos e d Chrysler Corporation's
Dodge plant, immediately idling
10,000 workers and causing the
firm to send 6,900 home from other
plants during the day.
An estimated 500 pickets ringed
the big Dodge plant in suburban
Hamtramck. The company termed
it a strike in violation of con-
tract. Dodge Local No. 3 of the
CIO United Auto Workers claimed
"each man is being asked to do
the work of two." The company
denied the speedup charge.
Appearance of the pickets fol-
lowed by a few hours Chrysler's
announcement that its plants would
be shut for varying periods, be-
ginning in August, for m o d e 1
changeover preparations. The trade
paper Automotive News said car
assemblies would be halted six to
seven weeks. Chrysler said merely
shutdowns would vary from plant
> to plant.
The picket-shut H a m t r a m c k
plant, known as Dodge Main, make
parts for other Chrysler divisions
as well as Dodge. Dodge Truck
sent 2,000 home during the day,
blaming a parts shortage and the
Plymouth plant, 3,500 and Dodge
forge 1,400.
St. Louis Strike
Another auto strike occurred at
St. Louis, Mo., where 2,000 quit
at the Ford Motor Co.'s Lincoln-
Mercury plant in a dispute over
production standards.
Details of the St. Louis dispute
were not immediately disclosed,
but a company spokesman said the
matter had been under negotiation
T for the last three months. Workers
there also are members of the CIO
United Auto Workers.
A Dodge spokesman said the
Hamtramck picket line stemmed
from disciplinary action against
two trim department employes who
were sent home last Thursday.The
company said they refused to do
work assigned them.
The vice-president of Local 3,C.
Patrick Quinn, said, "The men are
being overworked-each man is be-
ing asked to do the work of two:
A year ago there were 32,000 em-
ployes with the plant and now they
have only 10,000. But nearly as
much work is being turned out."
Ask Internat'l for Strike
Quinn said the International UAW
was asked Saturday for strike ac-
tion but approval was not given.
Chrysler issued this statement:
"This strike has been called by
Dodge Local 3 in direct violation
of written agreements between the
Chrysler Corp. and the UAW-CIO.
Proper bargaining procedures are
in existence for the voicing of
grievances and these procedures
have not broken down as charged
by the union local and are fully
available to carry out the purpose
for which they are intended.
"The strike is being called...to
protest the installation of improved
production methods and other pro-
cedures which were brought about
to effect a more efficient and eco-
nomical operation. No employe is
being asked to do more work than
he should reasonably be expected
to do."
Soviet Politics
Talk Set Today

Thomas B. Larson of the United
States Department of State and
seven professors will speak today
on "Soviet Internal Politics" in a
Russian Studies Seminar a n d
Round Table which is under the
auspices of the Russian Studies
The professors are experts either
in economy, history, political sci-
ence, geography, or Slavic langu-
ages and literature. Four are visit-
ing professors, and three are from
the University's summer faculty.
Larson, the principle seminar
speaker at 3 p.m. and at the Round
Table at 8 p.m., is an expert on
politics in the USSR. He is part of
A ~ h + f i Tlo cimn f la ', ? n- ---

Report Cohn Resigns
NEW YORK (M)-Roy Cohn, storm center of the Senate Per-
manent Investigations subcommittee, was reported Monday to
have submitted his resignation as chief counsel.
Cohn, a New York lawyer, co-starred with Sen. Joseph R. Mc-
Carthy (R-Wis.) in recent Washington hearings in which the
Army accused them of bringing improper pressure in behalf of
Army Pvt. G. David Schine, former subcommittee aide.
The Chicago Tribune and the New York Daily Mirror quoted
Cohn as saying he had tendered his resignation. Cohn could not be
reached for comment on the reports. His family here said he was
out of town.
The Tribune in a dispatch from Washington quoted Cohn as
"I feel that my helpfulness to the subcommittee has been
brought to the vanishing point. In any future investigation in
which I appeared as chief counsel, all the slanders voiced against
me would be repeated to minimize the evidence presented."
In Washington, Sen. McCarthy said:
"I have received no resignation. If one was sent, I hope it
gets lost in the mails. I have urged that he not submit a resig-
Sen. McCarthy said "several" staff members have offered to
resign, but that "I have urged them not to" and that he expects
them to stay on the job.
Sen. McCarthy Opens
Defense Plant Probe
WASHINGTON (AP)-Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy (R-Wis) went
back to hunting Communists Monday, presiding at a brief but lively
hearing during which:
1.Charles Wojchowski, who works at the Allis Chalmers plant
in Boston, was ejected after making some references to "stool pigeons
and informers."
2. Lawrence W. Parrish, an employe of the Bethlehem Steel Co.
at Quincy, Mass., was excused as a witness because the subpoena

Southeastern Asia Organization

AEC -TContract
Declared 'Crooked
Sen. Gore Blasts Plan; Knowland
Predicts Administration Victory
WASHINGTON (A) - Sen. Gore (D-Tenn.) Monday described
a proposed Atomic Energy Commission power contract involving the
Tennessee Valley Authority as "a crooked deal."
If former President Harry Truman had proposed such a contract,
Gore said, "The top would have been blown off the Capitol" and
impeachment proceedings would have been started.
But the proposal is not less "scandalous" because it was offered
by a different Administration, Gore said in a Senate speech.
"It's a crooked deal," he -------------------

'Sen. Flanders
Waits Motion
WASHINGTON U-Sen. Flanders
(R-Vt) Monday postponed until
July 30 his attempt to force a
showdown Senate vote on his
resolution to condemn the investi-
gative tactics of Sen. McCarthy
His decision not to introduce the
censure m o t i o n Tuesday as
planned, Flanders said, stemmed
primarily from a desire that the
vote "be as massive and biparti-
san as possible."
In a statement, Flanders linked
the postponement to three factors:
1. A request by Democratic Sen.
McClellan, who is campaigning in
Arkansas for reelection, that con-
sideration be delayed until he can
be present. Flanders said McClel-
lan had suggested July 30 in a
weekend conference with him here.
The Arkansas primary will be held
July 27.
2. To give other senators "an
opportunity to examine thoroughly
the significance of the proposal and
to make the necessary arrange-
ments to be present."
3. Concern expressed by "the Re-
publican leadership" that debate
on the motion would delay for sev-
eral days President Eisenhower's
legislative program. Flanders said
he was "most unwilling to be a
party to such delay."

t served on him was meant for an-
other man with a similar name.
3. Two former undercover agents
for the FBI ticked off the names
of nine industrial workers, includ-
ing Wojchowski who they said are
Communists or had been members
of the party in the past.
Knows 133 Red Names
Sen. McCarthy repeated at the
hearings that he has the names of
133 persons who are apparently
Communists and who work in de-
fense plants. He said he used the
word "apparently" because some of
them may be FBI agents.
It was the first time in four
months that Sen. McCarthy has
presided at a public session of his
Senate Investigations subcommit-
tee. He yielded the chair to Sen.
Karl Mundt (R"-S.D.) during the
McCarthy-Army hearings, in
which he was involved as a prin-
Monday's leadoff witness was
James W. Glatis, who testified he
worked his way into the inner cir-
cles of the Communist apparatus
in the Boston area as an FBI
After Glatis had referred briefly
to Wojchowski being a fellow Red,
Sen. McCarthy interrupted him to
inquire if Wojchowski were pres-
A short, stocky young man with
a crew haircut arose and identi-
fied himself as Wojchowski. The
Senator asked him if he would like
to be sworn as a witness so he
could affirm or deny his Commu-
nist affiliations.

Sen. Knowland of California, the
Republican floor leader, said after
a meeting of GOP Congressional
leaders at the White House that
he hoped the voting could start
Monday, but there was no imme-
diate sign of any letup in the
Knowland declared there would
be no compromise on the bill and
predicted an Administration vic-
Gore's hours-long discourse, cen-
tered on President Eisenhower's
directive to AEC to negotiate
a contract with a private utility
known as the Dixon-Yates Group,
for 600,000 kilowatts of power to
be delivered to TVA at Memphis.
TVA would use this power to
serve customers in the Memphis
area and would continue to deliver
a similar amount of power to the
atomic plant at Paducah, Ky.
The proposal is a substitute for
TVA's plan to build a power plant
at Fulton, Tenn., 30 miles north-
east of Memphis, with funds it
asked Congress to appropriate.
Both the Budget Bureau and Con-
gress so far have refused to ap-
prove the appropriation.
Gore, who among others has
charged that the AEC does not
have authority under the law to
execute the proposed contract, at-
tacked an amendmenthby Sen. Fer-
guson (R-Mich) which would spe-
cifically authorize a contract for
replacement power to be supplied
to the TVA instead of directly to
an atomic plant.
,Justice Dept,.
OK's 3-Mile
Oil Boundary
WASHINGTON (An-The Justice
Department has advised the In-
terior Department to continue re-
garding three miles as the extent
of a state's ownership rights to
submerged lands off its border-
even in the case of Texas.
J. Reuel Armstrong, acting In-
terior Department solicitor, told a
reporter Monday that the Justice
Department's position is to leave
it to the courts to determine whtat
the boundaries are.
In the past, three miles-actually
3.4 miles-has been considered the
limit of State ownership in sub-
merged lands, but Texas claims
three leagues-10-miles-instead.
Florida has indicated it may take
a similar claim toward potentially
rich offshore-oil and gas lands.
Armstrong said the Interior De-
partment had been advised by the
Justice Department not to attempt
a new interpretation of the law
administratively but to leave the
matter to the courts.
Only last Friday, the White!
House said President Eisenhower
believes the historical boundaries
of Texas extend for three leagues.
The Administration's position on
the issue has become involved in
the TexasDemocratic primary.
Ralph Yarborough, an Austin at-C
torney who seeks to wrest the
Governor's chair from Allan Shiv-
ers, contends Shivers has been
"taken in" by the Republicans and
that the GOP is "welching" on
1952 tidelands promises. Shivers
supported Eisenhower in 1952.
Blackford Heads
icrinr Contron

Phony Wire
WASHINGTON (R) - The Senate
Banking Committee disclosed Mon-
day that someone signed the name
of Chairman Capehart (R-Ind) to a
"phony" telegram which brought
two St. Louis court officials here
to testify about a 1916 larceny
case against Clyde L. Powell, a
former federal housing official.
Atty. Gen. Brownell and the Fed-
eral Bureau of Investigation were
requested to launch an inquiry at
once to find out who sent the wire
asking the St. Louis men to come
to Washington. They were James
McAteer and T. J. Kavanaugh,
clerk and chief deputy clerk of
the criminal division of the St.
Louis Court.
Interrupts Probe
The incident interrupted the com-
mittee's investigation of a "wind-
fall" of nearly a million dollars
to backers of an Ohio housing
project. The group went into a
brief executive session beforenan-
nouncing the discovery of the false
Powell, former assistant commis-
sioner of the Federal Housing Ad-
ministration, resigned about the
time the housing investigation
broke in April. He has twice re-
fused to answer Capehart's ques-
tions, either about his official ac-
tions or his record of arrests be-
fore joining the FHA 20 years ago.
He pleaded his constitutional im-
munity from self incrimination.
Two witnesses were questioned
Monday about their backing of the
17 million dollar Page Manor
apartment house project near
Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio.
Link Cowen of Shawnee, Okla.,
who was brought to the hearing
room by Sen. Kerr (D-Okla) and
introduced to the committee as
"one of his state's outstanding
businessmen and citizens," and
David Muss, New York builder,
were heard,
They said the $908,000 cleared
on the 2,000-apartment project has
not been distributed finally among
the stockholder-owners, pending a
tax decision on the treatment of
this type of profit.
Col. Ready, he said, was to get
five per cent of the profits on any
job he brought to the builders'
group, and five per cent of the
stock in the corporation.

-Daily-Duane Poole
Plan Industry-Engineer
Information Program
Industry and the College of Engineering and Engineering Re-
search Institute will be involved in a new program just announced by
George Granger Brown, Dean of the engineering college.
The objective of the plan, to be known as the Industrial Pro-
gram, is to provide direct channels between industry and University
personnel for the communication of pertinent scientific and engi-
neering information as follows:
1. The University will provide summaries of non-confidential cor-
Srent research and development ac-

Williams Asks
College Plan
LANSING (R - Gov. G. Mennen
Williams prodded the presidents of
Michigan tax-supported colleges
Monday to come up with a long-
range expansion program.
Gov. Williams said the college
heads were agreed that their en-
rollments will at least double by
1970. Their current enrollments are
close to 100,000.
He noted that last year the same
group estimated they will need 44
million dollars in the next seven
years for expanded facilities and
132 million more between 1960 and
1970. The cost is higher now, he
Report Due Dec. 1
Gov. Williams told the presidents
to have their-report of needs ready
by Dec. 1 so that it could be
thoroughly aired before the public
and the legislature, which meets
in January.
After Labor Day, Gov. Williams
said, he plans to sit down with
the presidents again and get their
ideas on the part junior colleges
should play in the state educational
He asked the presidents to re-
port by Aug. 15 on what business,
industry, science and government
feels it needs in the way of trained
men in the future.

tivities within the college and the
Engineering Research Institute.
2. Technical bulletins, reprints
of research papers, and other per-
tinent data will be distributed to
all subscribers.
3. Technical meetings for the
discussion of scientific topics will
be arranged and an annual sym-
posium will be held for the presen-
tation of recent scientific and en-
gineering advances and investiga-
These services will enable indus-
try to meet more effectively the
challenges presented by industrial
competition and by new products
and processes.
"Through an enrichment of the
educational and research functions
of the University, the Industrial
Program will promote higher
standards of engineering educa-
tion, thus, in the long run, assuring
industry of ever-increasing returns
on the investment," Dean Brown
Industry will be asked to par-
ticipate in all phases of the pro-
gram through a subscription of
$5,000 per year for a period of
three years.
Publisher Dies
Publisher of the Coldwater Daily
Reporter L. Earle Davidson, 54
years old, died yesterday in Uni-
versity Hospital.
He had been ill for ten weeks
with a heart ailment.

To Stop Red
Cease-Fire in
Indo-China Seen
GENEVA (A)-The three Western
Powers have agreed to form a
Southeast Asia Treaty Organiza-
tion to seal off that region from
further Communist penetration,
Western diplomatic sources said
Moraday night.
This information was given as a
high Western source declared the
"best advice" was that French
Premier Mendes-France, barring
an unforeseen last minute snag,
would achieve a cease-fire in In-
dochina by Tuesday midnight (5
p.m. CST), the deadline he has
Western informants said Britain,
France and the United States have
rejected outright Communist de-
mands that they give up plans for
SEATO as part of an Indochina
settlement, and will go ahead with
the Southeast Asian defense sys-
tem regardless of whether the Ge-
neva conference achieves an arm-
Bow to Molotov
However, Mendes-France and
IBritish Foreign Secretary Anthony
Eden were reported to have bowed
to Soviet Foreign Minister V. M.
Molotov's demands that the three
Indochinese states-Laos, Cambo-
dia and what is left of Viet Nam-
be left op.t of SEATO.
But officials said this "neutrali-
zation" of the three states would
not prevent SEATO from guaran-
teeing their frontiers.
Molotov and Chou En-Lai, Red
Chinese Premier-foreign minister,
were said to have agreed that some
French military personnel could
remain in the three states to ad-
vise on their defense. Whether the
Communists would demand in re-
turn the keeping of Chinese Com-
munist personnel in Ho Chi Minh's
northern part of Viet Nam was not
yet known.
Vietminh Confident
Pham Van Dong, foreign minis-
ter of the Vietminh rebels, said
he is "absolutely sure" an armi-
stice will be signed in Geneva.
This statement was made in a
news conference limited to French
newsmen, who related Dong was in
a friendly mood.
Western sources disclosed that
Mendes-France has submitted a
new compromise partition plan
based on the 18th Parallel as a
clearcut line across Viet Nam. Un-
der this plan, the French would
evacuate Hanoi and Haiphong, but
gradually enough to give anti-
Communist civilians time to leave.
The two cities and the Roman
Catholic areas of the Red River
Delta would be demilitarized. Sim-
ilar areas in rebel hands would
be demilitarized south of the paral-
lel. A neutral armistice commis-
sion would supervise the demilitar-
This was believed to be the high-
est price Mendes-France is pre-
pared to pay to get his ceasefire
in time. He promised the French
Parliament a month ago that he
would win a ceasefire in Indochina
by midnight July 20 or resign.
Quartet Set
To Play Today
The Stanley Quartet will present
the second in the series of Sum-
mer Session concertsat 8:30 p.m.
today in Rackham Lecture Hall.

Members of the quartet are
Prof. Gilbert Ross and Prof. Emil
Raab, violinists; Prof. Oliver Edel,
cellist; and Prof. Robert Courte,
violist; all of the music school.
Included in the program will be
Beethoven's "Quartet in B.-flat
major, Op. 18, No 6," Heitor Villa-
Lobos' "Quartet No. 14" and Beet-
hoven's "Quartet in A minor, Op.
The second number, which was
commissioned by the University
and dedicated to the Stanley Quar-
tet was first performed in March
in An. Ar,.

'Mrs. McThin g'Slated
To Open Tomorrow
When the curtain goes up on the Department of Speech pro-
duction of Mary Chase's "Mrs. McThing," at 8 p.m. tomorrow night,
Prof. Claribel Baird of the speech department will be observing her
20th anniversary of her first acting in Play Prodiction's summer
Prof. Baird acted for the University Repertory Players for the
first time during the summer of 1934, when she was a graduate stu-
dent writing for a master's degree in speech.
Prof. Baird returned to the University campus for two more
summer sessions before receiving her degree in 1936.
During that period she acted in "Moor Born," "Merrily We Roll
Along," "Othello," "The Kingdom of God," "John Gabriel Borkman,"
"Juno and the Paycock" and
"Chalk Dust."
One a Summer <
In the decade from 1937 to 1946,
Prof. Baird appeared in at leastf
one University play production
each summer.-
It was at the beginning of the
spring semester in 1948 that Prof.
Baird became a full-time mem-,
ber of the sneech denartment fac-


Chrome Penny Protest 'Tarnishes'

NEW YORK AP)-Brooklyn thea-
ter manager Albert Greene is
pleading Monday for the return of
24,000 shiny, chromium-plated pen-
nies, a bright tax protest gone
The pressures of the Secret Serv-
ice, a tot's tummyache and a few
other things were, frankly, too
Greene posted a notice in front
of his little neighborhood theater

change at his box office window
and by cooperative merchants.
Greene set up a three-foot imi-
tation of a whisky bottle at his
door and asked patrons to toss the
city tax, 3 cents in this case, into
the bottle, using the chrome pen-
The idea jingled along smoothly
for a few days.
But the U. S. Treasury became
disturbed by its pennies' new

But added Brisach:
"We did give Greene an oppor-
tunity to rectify the error because
of the technical nature of the of-
Greene has gotten back some
of the pennies via the bottle, but,
he isn't sure how many.
A young bicyclist swerved to
avoid a pedestrian the other day,
and found the bottle in his way.
Chrome pennies spilled in all di-,


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