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July 17, 1954 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1954-07-17

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The Indo-China Failure and
The Massive Retaliation Policy

"Le's Find Out How Truthful YOU Are"

JOHN FOSTER DULLES' latest move in regard to
the Indo-China mess causes some faint sur-
prise. That he conceded to the French their right
to negotiate a peace in Indochina is surprising. But,
since he had no other choice, the effect is lessened.
Despite the policy of "massive retaliation" and
its awesome threat of instant action against ag-
gression "at the weapons and places of our choos-
ing," the Chinese Communists, for all practical pur-
poses, have won Indochina. Sporadic but continuous
retreats, and procastination remindful df the Kor-
ean experience, have left the Reds in the happy
position of being able to dictate terms.
Whether intervention by the United States in
the name of the UN a couple years ago would have
written a different denouement to the Indochina
story will never be known. We Monday-morning
quarterbacks might think so, because we can shrug
off explanations pointing to a world atomic war:
Korea; too, was left divided by our fears of
large-scale warfare. Now our reluctance to pro-
voke the Communists into getting serious has
forced even the Republicans to back down. In a
way, it is a just desert for promising the Ameri-
can public no intervention and victory in Indo-

china at the same time, while the situation there
was staring them mockingly in the face.
A little reflection on what the Kremlin must
think of this sort of action, or lack of it, is not
at all encouraging. Ah, they say, smiling knowingly
to each other, all we have to do is continue to start
little wars and we'll keep on winning. In short, the
policy of massive retaliation has turned out to be
a giant bluff that doesn't work.
The United States has been what you would call
"playing it cool"-being extra careful, while still
talking tough. Not until the United States begins
to act as tough as she talks will the tide turn.
A bluff is good only until it is recognized.
Replacing our words with a little push would
possibly be the occasion for an atomic war, if it were
not for a pretty safe guess that Russia frowns on
one of those as much as we do. But, as things have
gone in Indochina, we have no choice except either
to take such a chance or painfully watch our own
grave be dug.
Oh, yes, one other alternative. The Reds could
force us into an atomic war, which would go all
right with the propaganda, but not so good with
the self-preservation.
-Jim Dygert



by J. B. White, Harper and Brothers, New York,
TJIO BE MADE honorary doctor of letters and law
in 1775, as was Samuel Johnson by Oxford,
was a signal honor, one a man of letters might re-
gard as the highest he could attain, a kind of
knighthood from those who wished themselves his
peers. Few men of English letters have lived up to
what one has every right to expect of a doctor with
so little difficulty or with so much gusto as Dr.
Johnson. These days doctorates are flung wildly
about; all one can say is that less emphasis is
placed on qualifications than in Dr. Jonhson's time.
The one happy choice in the hundreds who were
remembered on last June's honors lists at com-
mencements throughout the land: E. B. White. El-
wyn Brooks White was honored by Harvard Uni-
versity and by Colby college, Maine, in both in-
stances with the degree of Doctor of Humane Let-
ters. The selection of E. B. White has done much
to restore my faith in the perception of college
There can be little doubt that White's book,
The Second Tree From The Corner, printed this
spring, precipitated his awards. I use ."printed"
rather than the customarily used "published" be-
cause of a quotation from one of White's favorite
authors, Henry David Thoreau: "Much is published,
but little printed. We are in danger of forgetting
the language which all things and events speak
Withott metaphor, which alone is copious and stan-
dard." White used the quotation in a sly and subtle
piece called The Retort Transcendental. His book
Is definitely a printing event
It is composed of stories, poems, paragraphs,
and pieces, most of which first appeared in "The
New Yorker." White has been writing for "The
New Yorker" since its beginning. He has done
much to give the magazine its peculiar charm,
compounded from parts of urbane wisdom, subtle
high spirits, a hypersensitive eye and ear, and-
more than anything else-excellent writing. Com-
pounded, yes; and in such a way that it can only
be imitated, but never equalled.
His "Farewell, My Lovely," a goodbye to the Model-
T Ford, is included. There hasn't been a finer, more
nostalgically funny familiar essay written in this
century. No one is sorry that the "T"Bis gone, and
every reader will be glad that E. B. White was
around to record its demise for posterity.
When White collides head-on with the problems
of contemporary life, he has a way of exaggerating
that is pathetically amusing. His piece on sports,
"The Decline of Sport," jabs at regimented, com-
mercialized athletics played in giant stadia; "The
Morning of the Day They Did It," tells of the end
of the world by atomic blast, and his "About My-
self" illustrates the sorry pass to which big-brother
government, statistics, and red-tape, have brought
the individual.
One laughs, and in the middle of a chuckle catch-
es himself up short, slightly discomfited, with the
question, "My Goodness, what am I laughing at?"
White isn't a satirist, but a humorist v:hose wit
helps him, and his readers, get through the hazard-
ous business of living in a state which could be
almost perfect but isn't. Wit is the means this lat-
ter-day Puck points out "What Fools these mortals
be!" without ever despairing of the essential good-
ness of the fools:
"Spent . . . the morning studying the crisis in
the newspapers and watching apple-fall and
Muscles and Behavior
THE INACTIVE physical life into which Ameri-
can children are drifting has been causing
much concern to educators, health authorities and
defense planners. It also has a relation to delir-
quency, now warns the American Association of
Health, Physical Education and Recreation. Chil-
dren of today particularly need a healthy physical
outlet for the tensions of modern living, which may
otherwise be expressed in antisocial behavior. The
flabby muscled, passive child is likely to be a
graver problem in juvenile maladjustment than the
strong, active one.
It seems to be largely up to the schools to pro-
vide the two to four hours of physical activity a
Cavn +hat n hili rpmccnhnrn rrus-a -...

leaf-fall in our city backyard, where nature is
cleverly boxed and has therefore an appearance
of special value, as of a jewel so precious that it
must always be suitably contained. The day was
clear, with a gentle wind, and the small leaves
descended singly and serenly, except now and
then when a breeze entered and caused a mo-
mentary rain of leaves-what one weather pro-
phet on the radio calls "inner mitten" showers.
A school of fish paraded slowly counterclockwise
in the fountain, and on the wall above us hung
seed pods of the polygonum vine. Our complaint
about the crisis is not that it is so appalling, but
that it is so trivial. The consequences of the
atomic cataclysm that are being relentlessly pub-
lished seem mild alongside the burning loveliness
of a: fall morning, or the flash of a south-bound
bird, or the wry smell of chrysanthemums in the
air. We examined everything said yesterday in
the council chambers of the mighty and could
find no single idea that was not trifling, not a
noble word of any calibre, not one unhurried
observation or natural thought. The newspaper
headline prophesying darkness is less moving
than the pool of daylight that overflows it from
the window, illuminating it. The light of day-
so hard at times to see, so convincing when seen."
Humor is a strange commodity, more difficult
to discuss than tragedy. White's "Some Remarks
on Humor" will do as much as anything in Eng-
lish to tell one what humor is and does, and in the
span of a few pages. Then read his preface to Don
Marquis, a first-rate critical examination, for am-
The poems that are included are wonderful. They
amuse one so much that he may fail to notice that
they have real merit as verse. The best, "Son of
the Queen Bee," on the unlikely theme of artificial
insemination in the animal world, a long poem by
light verse standards, never falters, but moves for-
ward with lilt and speed.
The book does not contain all that White has
written, but what he wants saved. Perhaps the
thing Mr. White does best is paragraphing. A para-
grapher writes notes, comments, reflections-any-
thing on any subject-because those who pay him
think what he has to say will be interesting, brief,
and on the hook in the composing room by an in-
flexible deadline. This may sound simple, but it
isn't. Think of being urbane, wise, observant, and
spirited-in prose of the first rank--day in and out
for years, deadline after deadline. E. B. White is
a rare man, indeed.
On reading, he has this to say:
"Reading is the work of the alert mind, is
demanding, and under ideal conditions produces
finally a sort of ecstasy. As in the sexual ex-
perience, there are never more than two persons
present in the act of reading-the writer, who is
the impregnator, and the reader who is the res-
pondent. This gives the experience of reading a
sublimity and power unequalled by any other
form of communication. It would be just as well,
we think, if educators clung to this great phe-
nomenon and did not get sidetracked, for al-
though books and reading may at times have
played too large a part in the educational process,
that is not what is happening today. Indeed, there
is very little true reading, and not nearly as much
writing as one would suppose from the towering
piles of pulpwood in the dooryard of our paper
mills. Readers and writers are scarce, as are pub-
lishers and reporters. The reports we get now-
adays are those of men who have not gone to
the scene of the accident, which is always far-
ther inside one's own head than it is conven-
ient to penetrate without galoshes . .."
The magic quality of White's paragraphs is that
they leave nothing more to be said. One realizes,
after a reading or two, that the last word is there
before him, beautifully expressed. "The Second Tree
From The Corner" is made of such excellence
E. B. White is about as unlike Dr. Johnson as
anyone can be. He's shy, a man one would ask his
dinner partner to identify at a literary gathering, if
one can imagine White being present. Still, E. B.
White wins, easily, my vote for the title of Doctor,
He writes so well that he alone makes other maga-
zines and writers with pretensions to intelligence
look muddy, confused, and verbose. He draws near
Johnson in this respect: He is a man who has liv-

WASHINGTON-Important back-t
stage huddles have been taking;
place among both Democratic and
Republican senators regarding Joe
McCarthy. Upon these huddles will
depend the outcome of the big testi
vote on McCarthy which SenatorE
Flanders of Vermont is bringing;
to a head next week.
The huddling among Republican
senators has been to urge Flan-
ders not to force them to a vote.
Some senators, such as Saltonstall
of Massachusetts, have said:
"If you call for a vote it will
defeat me. For I'll have to votet
for your resolution."
What Saltonstall referred to was3
the strong McCarthy sentiment
among the Boston Irish and the'
fact that he faces a tough re-1
election fight. This was why he
ducked having the Army - Mc-
Carthy probe referred to his
Armed Services Committee as the
White House originally suggested.
However, Ralph Flanders is as
inflexible as the granite of his own
mountainous Vermont, a state
which voted Republican even dur-
ing the Roosevelt landslide of 1936.'
Like many other New England Re-7
publicans, Flanders believes that
the party should be purged of un-
Republican influences, and he con-t
siders McCarthy one of them. ,
By no means a radical, Flanders
began life as a machine-tool de-
signer, now owns his own factory,
is a millionaire. He was president
of the Bryant Chucking Grinder;
Co. until elected to the Senate, is'
director of various insurance com-;
panies, was president of the Fed-1
eral Reserve Bank of Boston, has
a distinguished record as an en-
And having watched McCarthy
from the sidelines for four years,
he is convinced the Republican;
Party cannot shirk the responsi-1
bility of voting for or against Mc-
Carthy's retention as chairman.
Flanders thinks he has 12 Re-
publican senators who will vote;
with him. Other senators say he is;
too optimistic. But whether right
or wrong, Flanders is determined
to call for a showdown vote.
Lyndon Says No
Backstage huddling among Dem-
ocratic senators is over how they
should line up on the Flanders'
vote. If most of them line up with'
Flanders, McCarthy will lose his
chairmanship. For they control
one-half the Senate.
However, the likable and elu-
sive leader of the Senate Demo-
crats, Lyndon Johnson of Texas,
has decreed otherwise.
Exactly two years ago, Johnsont
was in about the same position on'
about the same issue. A Senate
subcommittee had just adopted
unanimously the most devastating1
report on McCarthy's finances
ever made on a fellow senator.
And the big question was: "What
action should, Democratic sena-
tors take?"
Johnson ruled: "No action at
all." Other senators, such as Ful-'
bright of Arkansas and Hennings
of Missouri, believed the Senate
should face the issue of McCarthy-
ism then and there. So did Neely
of West Virginia,
Republicans were then busy chal-
lenging other senators, but not Mc-
Carthy. They challenged Demo-'
cratic Senator Chavez of New
Mexico and their own Republican
colleague, Langer of North Da-'
kota, by refusing to let them take'
their seats permanently as they
walked down the center aisle. They
faced the humiliation of being
seated subject to later vote andj
But as the senator from Wis-
consin walked up to the rostrum

they might put a candidate in the
race against him if he bucked Mc-
Carthy. So, as the Louisville
Courier-Journal pointed out, the
policies of the Democratic Party
in the Senate were shaped by the
election ambitions of one man
rather than the good of the nation.
These were the circumstances
under which McCarthyism was
ducked two years ago, and it was
this evasion that helped win for
the senator from Texas the nick-
name of "lyin'-down" Johnson.
Today Johnson faces no impor-
tant election opposition. The son
of a wealthy but nonpolitical oil-
man, Dudley Dougherty, is run-
ning against him, but will get no-
where. It will be a walkaway for
Lyndon. However the handsome
Texan has passed the word to
Democratic colleagues that the
vote on McCarthy is a Republican
battle, and the Democrats will not
line up one way or the other. A
majority will probably vote
against Flanders and inferentially
for McCarthy on the technicality
that seniority rule for committee
chairmanships must not be dis-
Mamie's Nightmare
Mamie Eisenhower had such a
terrifying dream the other after-
noon that she confided to friends
she wished she had never gone to
She took a short cat-nap while
Ike was out playing golf and
dreamed she had become blind.
The dream was so horrible that
she was white and nervous when
the President returned to the
White House.
Later she learned that two
guests had tiptoed through the
room while she was asleep.
"I wish to goodness they had
awakened me," she told her
* * *
WASHINGTON. - The question
of whether the Justice Department
should bring a monopoly suit
against the United Fruit Company
during the Guatemalan revolt went
all the way up to the Cabinet be-
forea decision was reached.
Inside fact is that the suit was
begun a long time abo by Assistant
Attorney General Graham Morison,
and when Attorney General Brown-
ell took over, United Fruit lawyers
remarked: "This is some of that
nonsense of the Democrats and
should be tossed out immediately."
However, Eisenhower' s new
trustbuster, Judge Stanley N.
Barnes, decided differently. It took
him about 30 minutes to decide
that there was a definite case
against United Fruit for its banana
monopoly in Central America.
When he took up the case, with
the new attorney general, however,
Brownell was cautious.
"Talk to the United Fruit law-
yers about it before you file suit,"
he advised. "Hear their side of the
story first."
Brownell was advised by subor-
dinates that it was not Justice De-
partment policy to confer with of-
fending parties when the govern-
ment had an airtight case. Never-
theless, in deference to Brownell's
instructions intermittent confer-
ences took placeabetweenUnited
Fruit attorneys and the antitrust
division for about a year.
This was what delayed action
until about the time of the Guate-
malan revolt. It was then that the
case was finally sent to President
Eisenhower himself. He in turn
took it up in a Cabinet meeting.
Secretary of State Dulles was all
for the suit. He felt it would show
the United States was not working
for United Fruit alone, but cham-
pioned smaller companies in Latin

The Daily welcomes communica-
tions from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all
letters which are signed by the wri-
ter and in good taste. Letters ex-
ceeding 300 words in length, defama-
tory or libelous letters, and letters
which for any reason are not in good
taste will be condensed, edited or
withheld from publication at the
discretion of the editors.
The Irony of It A ll. ..
To the Editors:
has shown sufficient interest in
the position of women in contem-
porary society to devote a summer
lecture series to this subject. In
view of this, it is ironic to note
that in practice the University con-
tinues to maintain a discrimina-
tory policy toward its own women
There are a large number of
senior women over twenty-one who
prefer to live in apartments but
who are restricted by a stringent
university housing policy. No un-
dergraduate men,above the fresh-
man level, h o w e v e r, are con-
strained by such regulations. The
reason given for the retention of
senior women in the dormitory sys-
tem is the acute shortage of apart-
ment available in Ann Arbor. This
is understandable, but the distrib-
ution of apartments could be made
more equitable by tightening hous-
ing policy in regard to at least
sophomore men and liberalizing
the regulations for senior women.
We feel this situation merits ser-
ious examination by the student
body and the Board of Governors.
-Betty Arnswald '54..
-Barbara Sklar '55
-Carol Hertz '55
Dramatic Arts Center .
To the Editor:
THE BOARD of Directors of the
newly organized Dramatic Arts
Center is pleased at the support
it got in Jerry Helman's editorial
last Friday. We are fully aware
of the problems ahead of us and
are doing everything possible to
make the venture a success. In
the election and selection of a
Board of Directors, great pais
havebeen taken to insure that we
have a balance of non-University
people as well as faculty; we be-
lieve that the project can succeed
only as a truly civic organization.
From the start the Board has in-
tended to appoint a student mem-
ber, thus representing another
large and important segment of
our audience.
Great care will be given to the
selection of plays. While the new
and experimental will be empha-
sized in part, we also are of the
opinion that the year's program
should have balance and should
allow for some "classic" plays.
There is some feeling that a slate
of plays completely devoted to ex-
perimental drama is too rich for
the blood of many theatre-goers.
Nor does this mean that we intend
to duplicate the efforts of the ex-
cellent and worthy organizations
already engaged in putting on
plays in Ann Arbor; our plays will
supplement theirs.
Financial support has been such
that we feel justified in going
ahead with plans. But in order to
assure the opening of the Center
this fall we must have the com-
plete backing of as many people
as possible, both in the form of
pledges for a reserve fund (which
will not be called in unless our
goal of $4000 is reached) and mem-
bership subscriptions ($10 for the
-Richard C. Boys
-Vice President,
Dramatic Arts Center

_ c,(ie
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Ynterpethi9 thie lle
By WILLIAM L. RYAN head of the 20th French govern-
AP Foreign News Analyst ment since the war's end. Possibly
Washingrton's gudden flurry of he will get his ceasefire, but he


activity over prospective granting
of sovereignty to West Germany
seems to indicate that the capital
has little faith in the staying pow-
ers of the present French govern-
Administration leaders apparent-
ly have taken to heart a hard-
learned lesson which has emerged
from the Geneva conference; that
Moscow's European and Asian
strategy are enmeshed in a single,
global cold war strategy. Time aft-
er time Moscow has made it clear
the Kremlin considers the lessen-
ing of tensions in Europe and Asia
a single world problem.
Word now comes from Washing-
ton that the administration may
have to recall the Senate into spe-
cial session after its scheduled
July 31 adjournment, so that
change in the Bonn treaty with
Chancellor Adenauer's West Ger-
man government may be ratified.
That is, there is a good chance
that France will not ratify the Eu-
ropean Defense Community treaty,
and time is growing short. A
frightening global p i c t u r e is
In the old days of European im-
perialism, the Kaiser guaranteed
the western security of his cousin,
the Czar, while the Russians ad-
ventured about in the Far East.
Today the guarantee for Moscow
is a chain of bitter satellites, in-
cluding East Germany, with mili-
tary strength facing disunity. The
West's voice would be firmer in
Asia today if a determined collec-
tive defense in Europe was a real-
But France remains fearful of an
armed Germany and Communist
propaganda makes the most of it.
France has a choicevto make.
She can attempt to live with an
armed Germany within a frame-
work which will discourage a re-
currence of German military am-
bitions, or she can stand aside and
watch Germany being armed in an
arrangement wholly beyond
French influence.
If Premier Pierre Mendes -
France fails to get an "honorable"
cease-fire in Indochina by Tues-
day, he is pledged to resign as

is far from out of the woods then,
because Communist peace terms in
Indochina are likely to be harsh.
But one way of the other, Indo-
china must be out of the way be-
fore the French assembly will turn
its attention to EDC ratification--
and the National Assembly is
headed for adjournment Aug. 15,.
The Kremlin has a large stakge
in staving off EDC. Ratification by
France is the key to its effective
operation. Washington seems fullĀ§
aware of all the possibilities. The
plan to give West Germany sov-
ereignty and bring German troops
into an EDC army without France
is born of desperation over
France's dragging feet. Western
nations are becoming impatient,
knowing that the more the delay
the more Soviet influence and pow-
er are enhanced in Europe.
Today's Youth
IN THE years that have passed
since 1914 the entire complexion
of American living has altered and
nowhere is the change better ex-
emplified than in the attitude of
the young people of the nation.
In times gone by vacation was
vacation-a long holiday to be
passed at mountain or seaside re-
sort by the fortunate, in street
play or suburban spots by those
who had not the means to seek
plasure afar. Today, regardless of
social or financial position and re-
gardless of sex, high-school stu-
dents and collegians alike, with
the exception of the small group
of idle rich, everywhere seek jobs
for the vacation months, as ap-
prentices in publishing houses and
editorial offices, as clerks and mod-
els and salespeople in stores, as
waiters and waitresses in hotels,
on farms or in lumber camps, in
filling stations and summer camps,
anywhere and everywhere that
inexperienced help is acceptable.
Life wears too stern an aspect to-
day for even the young to be con-
tent to play it away; the future
is too insecure, the poesent too
-Saturday Review



The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m,
the day preceding publication.
VOL. LXIV, No. 20S
The University of Michigan Blood
Bank Club has arranged to have a Red
Cross mobile unit at the Student Health
Service on August 4, 1954, to take care
of staff members who wish to contri-
bute a pint of blood and thus become
members of the Blood Bank Club with
the privilege of drawing upon the bank
for themselves and their immediate
families in the event blood is needed,
The unit will be at the Health Service
from 10:00 a.m. to 12:00 noon and from
1:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. Staff members
who are interested should contact the
Personnel Office, Room 3026, Ext. 2619.
Seniors: College of LS&A; and Schools
of Education, Music, and Public Health:
Tentative lists of seniors for August
graduation have been posted on the
Registrar's bulletin board in the first
floor corridor, Administration Building.
Please notify the Recorder at Registrar's
window number 1, 1513 Administration
Building if any changes in your name
or degree are necessary.
Assista it Registrar
The following student sponsored so-
cial activities have been approved for
the following week-end:
July 17, 1954
Michigan Christian Fellowship
Phi Delta Phi

open to the public. It is performed in
partialfulfillment of the requiremeIto
for the Master of Music degree. i~s*
Lowry is a pupil of Chase Baromeo.
July 19-Monday, 8:30 p.m. Hill Au-
ditorium. AnnaRussell, International
Mncert Comedienne, Concert. (Ticket
sale at Box Office, Hill Auditorium,
opens July 15. Mal.i orders accepted be-
ginning July 10.)
The Stanley Quartet, Gilbert Ros
and Emil Raab, violins, Robert Courte,
viola, and Oliver Edel, cello, will be
heard in the second concert in the sum-
mer series at 8:30 Tuesday evening, July
20, in the Rackham Lecture Hall. It wp1
include Beethoven's Quartet in B-flat
major, Op. 18, No. 6, villa-Lobos' Quar-
tet No. 14, and Beethoven's Quartet in
A minor, Op. 132, and will be open to
the public.
Clements Library. Women and Woman
in Early America.


Superintendent Clayton of North
Branch, Michigan, has teaching vacan-
I d ies in the following fields: art, vocal
music, men's physical education, kin-
E y '~xdergarten, and early elementary. The
starting salary is $3400 for inexperience.
For further information, please call the
Bureau of Appointments, 3523 Admin-
Sixty-Fourth Year istration Building, telephone NO 3-1511,
Edited and managed by students of ext. 489.
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.

General Library. Women as Authors.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Egyp-
tian Antiquities-a loan exhibit from
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New'
York City.
Michigan Historical Collections. The
University in 1904.
Museum of Art. Three Women PsAat-
Events Today
Intercultural Outing touSaline Valley
Farms Youth Hostel Saturday, July 17.
Leave Lane Hall at 9:30 a.m.; return by
8 p.m. Call NO 3-1511, ext. 2851 for de-
tails and reservation.
Michigan Christian Fellowship, Satur.
day, July 17,
You are invited to join us for a pic-
nic and outing at Silver Lake. We will
be leaving Lane Hall at 2 o'clock, p.m.
Food and transportation provided.
Please contact B. J. Cole at 3-1561 Ext.
3553 if you would like to go.
Coming Events
Sunday, July 18
Services in Ann Arbor Churches
Lutheran Student Association Meet-
ing Sunday 7:00 p.m. at the Student
Chapel, corner Hill and Forest Ave. The
Rev. Carl Schneuker, Graduate Student
and Missionary on Furlough from New
Guinea, will be the speaker.
Michigan Christian Fellowship, Sun-
day, July 18, 4:00 p.m. at Lane
Hall. We will have as a missionary
speaker, Mrs. Helen Gould, former mis-
sionary to China.Mrs. Gould and her
husband now have a Chinese church in
Detroit. Following the meeting there
will be a social period where we hope
to become more acquainted and get to
know each of you. We invite you and
urge you to come.
Russian Circle. The Russkii Chashka
Chayu, the Russian Coffee Hour, will


Editorial Staff
Dianne AuWerter.....Managing
Becky Conrad...........Night
Rona Friedman ........... Night
Wally Eberhard..........Night
Russ AuWerter............Night
Sue Garfield.........Women's
Hanley Gurwin.........Sports
Jack Horwitz...Assoc. Sports
E. J. Smith,....... Assoc. Sports

Saturday, Juily 17
..Summer Speech Conference, auspices
of the Department of Speech. Program
session. 9:00 a.m., Rackham Amphithe-


Luncheon. "Rhetoric and Politics."
Karl R. Wallace, Chairman, Department
of Speech, University of Illinois. 12:151
p.m., Michigan Union,
Academic N otices
Mathematics Colloquium. Dr. W. T,
van tartv s'in grleture "t"ni -

I s11CvanC~ MS , 6tn e~ce ru . i

~"~JI vrsiy OXUtrcfl. I~tnelans, i meet on Monday, July 19 at 3 p.m. in
Dick Aistrom........Business Manager speak on Cohomology concepts in con- the coffee shop of the Union, All those
Lois Pollak........Circulation Manager tinuous groups. Tuesday, July 20, 4:10 who are interested in speaking Russian
Bob Kovaks........Advertising Manager p.m., Room 3010 Angell Hall. in an informal setting are cordially in-
vited to attend. Beginners in Russian
Telephone NO 23-24-1 Concerts Ilanguage courses are especially asked to
__join the group in order to improve their
Student Recital: Boyd Halstead, pi- active command of the language.


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