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Latest Deadline in the State CONTINUED HOT

VOL. LXIV, No. 17S



Revision of Atomic
Energy Law Asked
Congressional Committee Seeks
Greater Sharing with Allied Nations
WASHINGTON (P)-A congressional committee said Tuesday that
"America's preponderance in atomic weapons" could foredoom a
Russian thrust into Europe or elsewhere, but that "our partners"
need more information about the weapons.
The Senate-House Committee on Atomic Energy made the declara-
tion in asking Congress to revise the 8-year-old atomic energy law.
It asked, as President Eisenhower has asked, that some exchange
of atomic secrets be allowed with friendly nations and that private

Problems of
The huge size of the Soviet Un-
ion poses many disadvantages as
well as advantages, John A. Mor-
rison, former chief of the USSR
division, Office of Strategic Serv-
ices, pointed out yesterday during
a publicround-table discussion.
Speaking on the "Geographic
r Bases of Soviet Power," Morrison
used land warfare as an example.
Though the bast size of the country
gives the Russians extra time for
strategic purposes, it also means
that they must keep huge armies
close to the frontiers, he explained.
Similar advazt' es and disad-
vantages apply to air warfare.
Transportation, also, due to the
large size of the Soviet Union,
works under a handicap, he pointed
out, even though the terrain favors
railway construction.
Railway expansion which made
breater strides under the Czarist
regime, has not kept up with the
rest of the economy, he asserted.
Steam Locomotives
Ninety-eight percent of the loco-
motives are steam and they are 20
percent less efficient during the
winter due to the extreme cold,
he pointed out.
"Although the system tends to
be overloaded, according to our
standards, it is possible under their
type of regime to do what other-
wise seems impossible." he said.
"During World War II, the Rus-
sians were able to use their trans-
portation system. much more ef-
ectively than many of us thought
possible in Washington, because
they cut civilian needs to t h e
bone," he explained.
"Coal isn't where the people
are," he said, adding that those
resources as well as much of the
iron ore are located in the thinly
populated Asiatic part of the Soviet
Union. 1937 statistics show that
20 percent of the fuel and power
outlet goes into transportation.
The most serious problem that
the Soviet Union has to face is
a growing population with a def-
initely limited food base, he as-
serted, because there is a short
growing season with danger of
frosts and poor or dry soil.
The recent tremendous irriga-
tion projects in the Soviet Union
are an inication of the shortage
of food,. he pointed out.
"Soviet Internal Politics" will be
the subject of the next public round
table discussion, given as part of
the special program in Russian
Studies, scheduled from July 20
and 22 which will be led by ThomasI
B. Larson of the Division of Re-
search, USSR, Department o f
Generation Seeks
Fall Manuscripts'
Generation, campus arts mag-
azine, has invited contributions
from summer school students for
its forthcoming fall issue,
Poetry, fiction and drama manu-
scripts will be welcome, as well,
as critical and descriptive essays,1
according to Ruth Misheloff, man-
*' aging editor. Students in fields
such as fine arts, the social scienc-
es or philosophy are encouraged
to submit essays which they con-
sider of interest, too.
Manuscripts may be brought or
mailed to the GENERATION office,
Student Publications Bldg., 420

Maynard Street. Persons wishing;
to inspect a copy of the most re-
cent issue may do so by requesting
it in the periodical room of the1
General Library or at any local
boksctor rewhere it sells fr th1-irt-

industry be let into the atomic
power field.
The'report discussed, among oth-
er things:
Atomic Arsenal - "America's
preponderance in atomic.weapons
can offset the numerical superior-
ity of the Communist forces and
serve emphatic notice on the Sov-
iet' dictators that any attempt to
occupy free Europe, or to push
further anywhere into the free
world, would be foredoomed to fail-
"Yet, so long as our law pro-
hibits us from giving our partners
in these joint efforts for common
defense such atomic information
as is required for realistic military
planning, our own national secur-
ity suffers."
Sen. Hickenlooper, vice chairman
of the Senate-House Atomic Energy
Committee, told the Senate Tues-
day night "we still possess a vast
superiority" in xomic weapons, al-
though "traiors, spies" and cap-
tured Gerran scientists have en-
abled the Russians to cut "several
years" off of their atomic time-
Opening the fight for President
Eisenhower's new atomic energy
program which appeared to be
headed for sharp Senate debate,
Hickenlooper said a limited portion
of American knowledge of A-
weapons, should be shared with
Allied armies to permit "more re-
alistic defense planning" for the
North Atlantic Treaty Organiza-
He apparently tried to allay
some expressed fears that vital
secrets w o u 1 d be given away
through sharing military informa-
The committee, he said, had pro-
vided "carefully stipulated safe-
guards" to permit revealing infor-
mation on the "tactical employ-
ment of atomic weapons." The bill
bars revealing "important data on
the design and fabrication of the
nuclear part of atomic weapons.
.. (and) disclosure of detailed en-
gineering information on other sen-
sitive parts of our weapons."
The measure, Hickenlooper said,
authorizes the Atomic Energy
Commission to give full back-
ground security checks only to
those holding the most sensitive
jobs. The present law- calls for
these surveys of all atomic work-
I ke's Social
Security Bill
WASHINGTON iR) - The Senate
Finance Committee voted Tuesday
to make social security coverage
voluntary for 3,600,000 farm opera-
tors and 500,000 professional peo-
ple instead of compulsory as Pres-
ident Eisenhower asked.
The committee did not announce
the votes, which were the first tak-
en In its consideration of the ad-
ministration's bill liberalizing and
extending the social security sys-
But it was learned that there
were not enough votes in the com-
mittee in favor of compulsory cov-
Almost Eliminated
Instead, the question became
whether to eliminate the farm op-
erators and professional people en-
tirely. One member reported pri-
vately that at one point the com-
mittee voted to eliminate both
groups from the bill.
However, these decisions were
reconsidered andthe optional co-
erage was voted.
The House passed the bill in
about the form requested by the
president. It provided for compul-
sory coverage of the farm opera-

tors and all of the professional
people except about 150,000 doc-
The farm operators and profes-
cin 7 wn" n lnn iva r + e.. ___

Court Tells
U.S. To Pay
UN 'Loyalty'
Cases Reviewed
THE HAGUE, Netherlands N-
The World Court rejected U. S.
arguments and ruled Tuesday the
United Nations must pay $179,000
in compensation to 11 Americans
fired by the world organization in
connection with U. S. loyalty
This issue was the center of a
bitter controversy in the 60-mem-
ber U.N.. General Assembly last
fall, as a result of strenuous U.S.
objections to paying the awards.
It now goes back to the Assembly
for another round of debate.
The United States took the po-
sition the Assembly could-and
should-set aside the awards which
had been made by the U.N. Ad-
ministrative Tribunal, an appeals
body set up to review staff per-
sonnel problems. After a long de-
bate, the Assembly decided to ask
the international court for an ad-
visory opinion.
Row Expected
By a vote of 9-3 the court held
that the Assembly "has no rights
on any ground to refuse to give
effects to awards of compensation"
made by the Administrative Tri-
The court ruling was expected to
kick up a big political row in
At the time of the debate Ameri-
can sources said privately they be-
lieved Congress never would ap-
propriate money to pay compensa-
tion to persons whose loyalty was
in doubt. If the U.N. pays the
awards, the United States will owe
W third of the total.
The 11 involved refused to an-
swer questions asked by a federal
grand jury end other U.S. inves-
tigating bodies as to whether they
had ever been Communists.
Governors Up
Cost Estimate
For Highways
Governors pouring praise and pro-
test on a huge new presidential
highway building program upped
the cost estimate Tuesday to a pos-
sible 90 billion dollars.
Gov. Dan Thornton of Colorado,
chairman of the annual Governors
Conference in session here, men-
tioned that figure at a news con-
It appeared likely the conference
might act Wednesday on setting
up a special committee to consult
President Eisenhower on his 10-
year "grand plan" for a national
road network capable of meeting
defense needs in any atomic war
and transport problems of 200 mil-
lion people.
In outlining the program to the
governors, through notes read to
the conference Monday night by
Vice President Nixon, Eisenhower
spoke of a 50 billion dollar pro-
gram-in addition to "current nor-
mal expenses."
Thornton said he and other gov-
ernors figured these normal ex-
penses, by the states and federal
governments, would amount to an-
other 40 billions.
Governors were f a i r 1 y well
agreed that the country needs an
extra 50 billion of road building

in the next decade, slump or no
slump. But they were split over
who should carry it out and how.
Some went along with the presi-
dential suggestion of a federal-
state alliance. Others protested
that this would mean a continued
federal hand in highway projects
that ought to be left to the states.

Rev. Woods Discusses Woman's Role

House Returns
Ike's Health Bill
o Committee
Unexpected Move May Kill Chances
Of Legislative Action This Session
WASHINGTON (P)--The House balked suddenly at President
Eisenhower's health insurance program Tuesday sending it back to
the Interstate Commerce Committee on a roll call vote of 238-134.
Majority Leader Halleck (R-Ind.) acknowledged that the un-
expected move just about killed the chances of getting any action on
the legislation during this session of Congress.
With a personal introduction by President Eisenhower, Welfare
Secretary Oveta Culp Hobby went on the air last Friday to urge

-Daily-Mar Crozier
Consumer Expectations Discussed

A Washington Sub-Committee on
Economic Statistics yester d a y
heard Prof. Renis Likert, Director
of the University Social Research
Institute testify on "Consumer Ex-
Suggestions for improved econo-
mic statistics from experts in in-
dustry, labor, finance, agriculture
and food, consumer income, state
and local government, construc-
tion, retail trade, savings and in-
vestment were requested by the
Congressional group.
Prof. Likert told the Committee,
"By developing, testing and veri-
fying a theory of consumer be-
havior, we may make much faster
Prof. C. M. Yang of the Insti-
tute for Advanced Study will speak
on "High Energy Physics" at 9
a.m. at 2038 Randall Laboratory.
* * *
"TV-E d u c a t i o n 's Electron-
ic Weapon" will be the subject of
a talk by Garnet Garrison, director
of television, at 10 a.m. in Schor-
ling Aud., in connection with the
summer education conference.
* * *
Prof. Ernst Pulgram of the ro-
mance language department will
speak on "Sound Laws and Ex-
ceptions" at the linguistic institute
luncheon at 12:10 p.m. in the
* * *
The telling of chldren's stories
will be discussed by Frances Clarke
Sayers, formerly of the New York
Public Library, at a luncheon for
the summer education conference
at noon in the Union.
* * *
"Arabic Wisdom Literature" will
be the subject of a talk by Prof.
Franz Rosenthal of the University
of Pennsylvania at 4 p.m. in Aud.B'.
* * *
The fifth summer biological sym-
posium will be held at 8 p.m. in
Aud. C. "Adaptation in Bacteria"
will be the subject of a roundtable
* * *
A talk on "Community Status
for the School Teacher" will be
given at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A. In
the evening, a panel discussion on
juvenile delinquency is slated for
7:45 p.m. in Aud. A.

fprogress toward understanding how
our economy operates than by nu-
merous operations of data collec-
tion that are intended to fulfill
"The goal of providing adequate
tools for the understanding and
prediction of economic fluctuations
will be achieved only if we act the
same way as the natural sciences
have; that is, if we devote a sub-I
stantial part of our efforts to basic
Annual Surveys
Understanding a n d predicting
changes in our economy is aided
by information obtained in annual
Surveys of Consumer Finances,
sponsored by the Federal Reserve
Board and carried out the Survey
Research Center Prof. Likert re-
ported. Knowledge of the distribu-
tion of income, liquid assets and
debts throughout the population
are important for effective under-
standing of the economy, he told
the Washington group. It is this'
kind of information the Survey
Research Center gets from the
United States people in its exten-
sive surveys.
Prof. Likert illustrated his dis-
cussion with the following state-
ment, drawn from a study by Prof.
George Katona, Director of the
Economic Behavior Program oft he
Survey Research Center: "At the
beginning of 1949, many persons
predicted a major depression.Busi-
ness had begun to slacken, and
numerous forecasters said that the
postwar 'pent-up demand' was ex-
hausted and that the current 'in-
ventory recession' would spiral in-
Correction .. .
The Daily wishes to correct the
misinformation given in y e s t e r-
day's edition regarding the death
of 18-year-old polio patient at the
Ann Arbor Convalescent Home.
Yesterday's paper incorrectly
stated that Albert Cisco died at
University Hospital.
An investigation was made as to
whether negligence was responsi-
ble for the death at the Convales-
cent Home.
City detectives, investigating the
case, said late yesterday that all
of the home's personnel have been
cleared of any criminal negligence
and that it apparently was an ac-
Cisco was found dead in an iron
lung about 7 a.m. Sunday. He ap-
parently died from lack of oxygen
because a valve was closed but
not locked by a night nurse.

to a full-fledged depression. A sur-
vey of consumers at the time
showed, however, that consumers
did not share the pessimism of the
forecasters and the business com-
He concluded the illustration by
saying, "The satisfaction of con-
sumers with their own financial
positions resulted in an increase
in total consumer expenditures in
1949 over 1948, and the effects of
the 'depression' were limited to
inventory runoffs. There have been
numerous other instances in which
the importance has been demon-
strated of taking account of the
attitudes,hexpectations and inten-
tions of the consumer study."
States' Jobless
Aid May Get
Federal Boost
WASHINGTON (P - The Senate
Tuesday night passed 78-3 an un-
employment compensation financ-
ing bill which will bring bigger
federal grants to the states. It act-
ed after rejecting an amendment
to boost the jobless aid benefits to
The measure now goes to con-
ference with the House, which
passed it in virtually the same
form last year.
Raised Scale Killed
The proposal of 16 Democrats
and Sen. Morse (Ind-Ore) to raise
the nationwide scale of unemploy-
ment compensation payments by
an estimated 40 per cent was voted
down 56-30 after several hours of
Backers of the amendment con-
tended that the benefits, which are
under control of the states, were
set in the 1930's and are inade-
quate by present standards.
Republican Senate leaders re-
plied that the states should be left
in control of the program-that to
write nationwide standards into
federal law would mean that Wash-
ington would take over control.
The amendment would have re-
quired payments for 26 weeks in all'
states and would have boosted the
present scale 'of benefits by about
$12 to $23 a week.
The principal purpose of the fi-
nancing bill is to earmark for the
first time all proceeds of the fed-
eral unemployment compensation
tax for the jobless aid program.

enactment of the bill, which w
Woods Calls
Greatest Art
The greatest creative activity of
all is motherhood and the greatest
artist is the mother.
This is the opinion of the Right
Reverend Frank Woods, Bishop-
Suffregan of Middleton, Diocese of
Manchester, England who spoke
yesterday as part of the series of
Women in the World of Man.
Bishop Woods, in his speech en-
titled "The Spiritual Influence of
Women," added, it "falls to women
to have a studio of living por-
traits." This task which is mostly
hers is the most rewarding and
satisfying work of creative artistry
for it is she who forms the char-
acter of the child, he said.
Not the Home Alone
Also, the Bishop said, the spiri-
tual values of women are not only
expressed in the home but as
teachers, prayers, nurses and suf-
Women make the best teachers,
he declared, because they can be
more personal than men and can
achieve impossible things through
the powers of patience and love
in the formative years of a child's
Spiritual Backbone
Bishop Woods said that women
are the spiritual backbone of every
congregation. Men are more self-
sufficient than women who know
their own weaknesses and are bet-
ter at praying, he added.
As for nursing, "Spiritual min-
istry is better given by women
than men," Bishop Woods said.
Women find fulfillment in nursing
and motherhood which are not far
apart, he declared,
Suffering achieves more for the
welfare of the world than all man-
made works, the Bishop said.
Women suffer the agonies of part-
ing when men go off to war and
other jobs and, he declared, it is
women who suffer the pains of
Vietminh Hits
Hanoi Outposts
HANOI, Indochina (P-The Viet-
minh built up pressure Tuesday
on French Union outposts shiedl-
ing Hanoi on three sides, as the
French slammed back with air
and tank attacks.
Civilians were moving out of Son
Tay, 25 miles northwest of here,
following severe mortar shelling of
French headquarters there by
Communist - led rebels Monday
There was no indication the
French garrison had yielded the
The Vietminh stepped up their
attacks all across the northern Red
River Delta defense line. Guerril-
las attacked a French highway
guard patrol between Son Tay and
Hanoi but were driven back when
a squadron of French tanks rushed
to the rescue from Son Tay.
U.S.-Britain May
Agree on Viet Nam
LONDON (/P)-An authoritative
British informant spread word
among newsmen Tuesday that the
United States and Britain are

ould have set up a government
reinsurance system to encourage
expansion of the health insurance
offered by private companies.
The bill had cleared the Inter-
state Committee without a record
vote, and as late as Tuesday after-
noon Republican leaders told news-
men they knew of no major opposi-
A storm blew up during three
hours of debate, however,
Too Soon
The main complaint against the
measure was that it was rushed
to a vote too soon, that members
didn't have time to digest the pro-
visions in its 40.printed pages, and
that it would not accomplish any-
thing for the masses of people who
don't have health insurance.
Mrs. Hobby, in her televised talk
for the bill, said it was neither so-
cialized medicine nor a handout
to the Insurance companies.
"This is a new approach toward
solving the health problems of the
American people," she said.
During Tuesday's debate sup-
porters of the measure acknowl-
edged it wouldn't make health in-
surance available to people now
unable to afford %, and wouldn't
make it coheaper for those who al-
ready have it.
The motion to send the bill back
to committee was made by Rep.
Williams (D-Miss) and supported
by members of both parties. The
committee could draft a new meas-
ure, but there is almost no chance
of this being done in the adjourn-
ment rush.
Voting to send the legislation
back to committee were 162 Demo-
crats, 75 Republicans and 1 inde-
pendent. Against the motion were
120 Republicans and 14 Democrats.
The bill had the backing of a
number of insurance groups but
was opposed by the American Med-
ical Assn.
State Department announced
Tuesday night that the United
States has recognized the new
government of Guatemala,
headed by Col. Carlos Castillo
Castillo heads a three-man
military junta which now rules
the Central American country.
He helped to overthrow a re-
gime which was strongly in-
fluenced by Communists.
Rev. Bloomer
To TalK Today
The Rt. Rev. Thomas Bloomer,
Lord Bishop of Carlisle, England
will speak on "Fact and Fancy"
at 3 p.m. today in the Rackham
Bishop Bloomer was appointed
to his position in 1946 and currently
heads a diocese which includes
more than 300 parishes and 320
clergy. Carlisle is one of the his-
toric sees in England, founded in
The bishop was recently admit-
ted to the English House of Lords.
Born and raised in Ireland, he
was educated at Trinity College,
Dublin. In 1943, he was made a
canonof Chelmsford Cathedral and
the following year, a chaplain to
His Majesty King George VI.
The lecture will be given under
the auspices of the speech depart-
ment and is open to the public.

Sherlock, Johnston Win Engineering Awards

Top awards of the American Society of Civil Engineers have
gone to members of the engineering college faculty.
Robert H. Sherlock, professor of civil engineering, has received
the Norman Medal, the first award, and Bruce G. Johnston, professor
of structural engineering has received the J. James R. Croes Medal,
the second award.
Norman Medal
The Norman Medal, established in 1872, is given to the author
of a paper judged by the American Society of Civil Engineers as
worthy of special commendation for its merit as a contribution to



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