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July 02, 1954 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1954-07-02

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FRIDAY, JULY 2, 19,5




Freshman Red-Hunter, Rep. Clardy

Daily Managing Editor
W HEN THE three faculty members were suspend-
ed, the University community split wide open
with controversy.
Before summer school is over President Hatcher
will announce his decision on the cases. No matter
what that decision is, somebody will be disatis-
fled and the controversy will rage again.
What's ironic is that a man of the caliber of
Rep. Kit Clardy has so disrupted the normal func-
tioning of a great university.
How has such a little man gotten into a posi-
tion of power?
"Life" magazine explained it quite accurately
"his one main interest is to get publicity as a Red-
hunter . .. as a freshman congressman he managed
to wrangle a prized assignment on the Un-American
Activities Committee."
And the hunting's been good for Mr. Clardy.
While he hasn't informed the public very much
about how the Communist Party operates in edu-
cation and labor, he has managed to dredge up
enough names to make any freshman Red-hunter
Certainly Rep. Clardy is not a Joe McCarthy al-
though he probably would like to be. Those who
saw him at the hearings carried away a picture of
a parental extrovert, bluff and hardy, who is in-
terested in men not issues, and is anything but
However, the content of his ideas and his meth-
ods are not much better than those of the Senator's.
In his '52 election to Congress he used the smear
tactic to defeat his opponent.
"I don't say my opponent is a Communist,"
Clardy said, "but after all he is a member of
the Americans for Democratic Action."
The ADA is a liberal, anti-communist organi-
zation and despite all attempts of the McCarthyites
to put it in the Russian camp, it remains stubbornly
In a series of interviews with The Daily, Rep.
Clardy again revealed his careless thinking process.

"Take the name of the Russian government," he
said, "the Union of Soviet Socialistic Republics.
There's the word 'socialist' right in the name."
Somehow, this proves to the Congressman that
"socialism and Communism are two sides of the
same coin and socialists are a menace to this coun-
Anyone who disagrees with his committee is a
"left-wing muddlehead" with Communist leanings.
His attitude towards the American public is worth.
"The public doesn't fully understand the prob-
lem of Communism but it doesn't really matter
that they know all about it. All they have to know
is that there is a danger."
This sort of man doesn't want an informed ra-
tional public ... all he cares about is that people
are mad, scared and indignant enough to support
him as he takes to the chase.
His insight is priceless. "I'm sure all the attacks
on my committee made by such organizations as
the ACLU, the left wing press and other muddle-
heads are the result of a planned campaign be-
cause what they say is all alike."
A few days ago when Jack Lucas, former 'U'
student testified before the Un-American Activities
Committee in Washington, Clardy managed to get
his name in the papers by telling Lucas that "I
don't believe you've really given up your Com-
munist ideas."
Lucas, after cooperating with the Committee had
said he did not believe in the work of the Com-
mittee and that "a board of social scientists" should
investigate Communists.
Rep. Clardy is also sponsor of a bill to outlaw
the Communist Party despite the fact that the
Eisenhower Administration is against such a bill.
The bill probably won't pass. But Congressman
Clardy will make political capital out of it.
Because Clardy started his career late in life
he probably will never be more than a sophomore
But when one looks at the damage he's done as
a freshman, that's not such a comforting thought.

"Who's Ahead in the Defense Department?"
Nor -() 414
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d*9 . li E +r~.l B ar4


Unemployment Statistics
Speak for the GOP

WITH THE November Congressional elections ap-
proaching, we should start considering the
issues at hand and remove any clouds of misun-
derstanding about them.
For over 20 years unemployment has been an
issue in every national election. Charges that the
GOP is unable to handle unemployment have been
made against Republican office seekers with great
And now, in 1954, it seems a safe bet that un-
employment will again rear its ugly head as a.
political issue.
Therefore, a few facts and figures about it would
be well worth reviewing.
The current political picture of unemployment-
starts in 1932 and 1933, when a change in ad-
ministration occurred. These were the roughest
years with over 12 million unemployed in each.
In 1934, over 11 million persons in the civilian
labor force were without work. Then the picture
brightened with a gradual drop in 1937 for a pre-
war low of 7,700,000 unemployed. Things were
worse for the next three years and 8,100,000 were
jobless in 1940.
The war and post war employment picture was
highly favorable-that is until the dip of 1949. The
monthly average of unemployment for that year

was 3,400,000 with a high of over 4 million out of
work in July.
The first three months of 1950 witnessed over
4 million jobless with a tapering off to a 1950
average of 3,100,000.
The Eisenhower Administration has recently been
under fire because of unemployment. And natur-
ally any lack of jobs or threat of it is bad-but
compared to figures for the Truman administra-
tion Ike isn't doing so bad after all.
Not in one-month of 1953, his first year in office,
did unemployment go above 2,000,000 which is an
excellent score. And in August of 1953, 63,400,000
Americans were employed--the largest number in
So far this year, with no small number of poli-
ticians shouting unemployment, we find unemploy-
ment down from 3,700,000 in February to 3,300,000
in May.
This compares favorably to Mr. Truman's worst
month-4,700,000 in February of 1950.
It would seem then that Democrats who criticize
Republican competence to cope with unemploy-
ment should look at their own record on this issue
for the past 20 years and then look around for
another campaign crutch.
--Baert Brand


WASHINGTON - Here's the in-]
side story of Mrs. Eleanor Roose-+
velt's trip to Russia. The trip was+
proposed by Look publisher Gard-]
ner Cowles, who last year made a1
deal with Adlai Stevenson to re-
port on a trip around the world.]
Adlai, however, visited no Iron
Curtain countries.]
Mrs. Roosevelt's first reaction]
was: "I don't think I'll ever get a
visa. I've had so many set - tos,
with the Russians in the United]
Nations, I don't think they'll let
me in."
But application was made-for
her, plus a secretary, plus Look's+
European editor, William Atwood.
The visas came through for the
two ladies-but not for editor At-
wood. There was no rejection of
visa-just no answer.eCowles
cabledU.S. Ambassador "Chip"
Bohlen in Moscow, who put pres-
sure on the Foreign Office. Mrs.
Roosevelt wrote to the Soviet am-
bassador in Washington. No re-+
sponse to either.
Apparently the Soviets suspect
Atwood was being tied to Mrs.-
Roosevelt's apron strings for the
unavowed purpose of writing a
series of articles of his own.-
Atwood will not go. Mrs. Roose-
velt-who will be 70 years old this
year-took off without any male
assistance. She left under assur-
ance that she will be allowed to
travel widely through the country.
NOTE-For arranging this jun-
ket, Look has already received+
several cancellations of subscrip-
tions, while Democratic politicians
who want to promote the future of1
Franklin Roosevelt, Jr., aren't
(Note to editors-Mrs Roose-
velt is scheduled to leave9
Thursday, July 1.)
Backstage McCarthy Hassle ]
Top Republicans are still hassl-+
ing over the most important topic
insidethe party: what to do about
Joe McCarthy and whether to use
him in the coming election cam-
GOP Congressman Dick Simp-
son of Pennsylvania highlighted
the back-stage conflict when he
stated this week that McCarthy
would speak where wanted. This]
went directly contrary to the wish-]
es of the White House, but Ike]
doesn't seem to have , much in-
fluence with the party bosses these
Significantly both pro-McCarthy-+
ite Republicans cite the thumping
5-to-I victory of Sen. Margaret1
Chase Smith over a McCarthy-+
picked candidate to show that Joe+
has lost his political oomph. Pro-
McCarthyites quote the Associated
Press that Jones' landslide defeat
in Maine "couldn't be labeled that
for McCarthy" for he "was never
a real concrete issue through the
course of the campaign."
However, the AP, sometimes
charged by editors with leaning
over in McCarthy's direction, did-
n't dig into the Maine facts. Here
is the real political record which
the people of Maine knew about
when they voted and which, re-
gardless of the AP, shows that
McCarthy was up to his eyebrows
in the Maine race:
Maine Facts-In August last
year Senator McCarthy phoned ex-
Senator Brewster of Maine to ask
whether he or anyone else would
run against Mrs. Smith. Brewster
said he didn't think anyone would
want to try. McCarthy observed
that there was lots of out-of-state
money to support anyone who
would run against the lady ....
Aug. 25, Lee Mortimer reportedI
in the Portland Express that Sen-
ator McCarthy would go into

press about apparent Signal Corps
espionage. Senatorial observers
are not supposed to talk to the
press, and this was an obvious
build-up for Jones.
Jones strategy - November 12.
McCarthy went further and em-
braced Lloyd Stover, the man who
became campaign manager for
for Jones. Stover was then a lob-
byist for the American Trucking
Association, but McCarthy invited
him to go to New York to help in-
vestigate General Electric. Jones
also went along ... Nov. 13, Mc-
Carthy arrived in Portland, ac-
companied by Jones and Stover
... Nov. 14, McCarthy spoke be-
fore VFW, with Jones and Stover
much in the spotlight... Nov. 15,
McCarthy gave a repeat perform-
ance in Bangor, again with Jones
and Stove in evidence ... The first
week of January a group gathered
at Stover's apartment in Washing-
ton at night to talk about Jones'
candidacy. It was agreed that Mc-
Carthy would hold hearings, pre-
ferably in Maine so Jones could
cross-question witnesses. Seven
thousand dollars more was to be
raised to get Stover's name around
the state, so later he could run for
Congress. McCarthy was to give
advice from the sidelines.
Jones denies--Jan. 25, Jones is-
sued a press release that he did
not intend to run for the Senate.
This followed exposure by this
writer of his aforementioned se-
cret strategy. . . Feb. 22, Jones
announced his candidacy. He told
newsmen McCarthy would help
him and would speak for him in
Sanford and Lewiston on March 6
and 7. Next day McCarthy admit-
ted he had a sp.eaking engagement
in Maine on March 7, said he was
canceling because of laryngitis ...
Feb. 25, McCarthy and Jones'
campaign manager Stover were
seen conferring in the Carroll
Arms Hotel in Washington ...
When the campaign first started,
Jones made McCarthyism an is-
sue. He was for it . , . But as the
Army-McCarthy hearings progress-
ed, Jones played down McCarthy
more and more, though he con-
tinued aping McCarthy's manner-
isms ...,Hard as he tried to play
McCarthy downshowever, the peo-
ple of Maine remembered. They
knew the early antecedents of the
Jones candidacy.
So, the Associated Press to the
contrary, McCarthy was an issue
in Mrs. Smith's landslide re-elec-
tion, and that is something GOP
campaign advisers are pondering
Copyright, 1954, by the Bell Syndicate
Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Dianne AuWerter...Co-Managing Editor
Alice B. Silver..... Co-Managing Editor
Becky Conrad.............Night Editor
Rona Friedman..........Night Editor
Wally Eberhard ...... .Night Editor
Russ AuWerter..........Night Editor
Sue Garfield........Women's Editor
Hanley Gurwin........Sports Editor
Jack Horwtz...... Assoc, Sports Editor
E.J.'Smith......Assoc. Sports Editor
Business Staff
Dick Alstrom.......Business Manager
Lois Pollak......Circulation Manager
Bob Kovaks........Advertising Manager

Arabs, Israel
And the West
Associated Press News Analyst
The United States and Britain, if
they were firm enough, could stop
this constant border shooting be-
tween Jordan and Israel.
It might not be diplamticaly,
polite, but it would be effective.
The two big powers, along withr
France, are supposed to be guar-
antors of the truce between Israel
and the Arab states obtained under
United Nations mediation.They
have done very little to live up
to their obligation.
Their influence is not so great,
or is completely lacking, among
other members of the ArabI
League. But the situation in Jor-
dan and Israel is clear.
The very establishment of the,
Jewish State in Israel depend-
ed upon and resulted from United
States aid in the beginning.
When Israel was established, the
Arabs were driven out of one of
the richest areas they occupied,
and they took up hatred almost
as a religion.
Israel is heavily dependent upon
money from American Zionists for
her existanee until she can be-
come self-supporting.
Jordan's army is, for many prac-
tical purposes, a child of Britain.
It is supported by British funds
and run by a Britisher,
The United States, like any
other nation, has the power to
control exports, including money.
By exercising the powers they
already have, Britain and the
United States could merely tell
the two states to stop the shoot-
ing and the odds were very heavy
that they would have to do so.
But don't expect it to be done.
The Cult of
The Informer
against the credibility of Paul
Crouch in an immigration hearing
give the Department of Justice ex-'
tra reason to investigate thorough-
ly the man it is employing as a
paid informer. Mr. Crouch is an
admitted former member of the
Communist Party who has been
used as a witness by the Depart-
ment of Justice on many occasions
to testify about his past associa-
tions. The 19 affidavits filed on
behalf of Cartoonist Jacob Burck
allege numerous misstatements of
fact by Mr. Crouch in his varied
testimony as a $25-a-day immigra-
gration witness.
Perhaps the most serious dis-
crepancies in Mr. Crouch's per-
formance have been brought out
by Columnists Joseph and Stewart
Alsop. In a recent column they
pointed out that Mr. Crouch had
given testimony in Philadelphia
directly opposite to what he had
said under oath in the 1949 trial
of Harry Bridges. At that earlier
trial Mr. Crouch was asked re-
peatedly whether he knew one
David Davis, a member of the
National Committee of the Com-
munist Party. Mr. Crouch denied
any knowledge of Davis. Yet, less
than 4% years later, Mr. Crouch
made 29 separate statements, also
under oath, about his long-time
association with Davis.
Similar conflicts are to be found
in several other statements made
by Mr. Crouch under oath. These
are relevant because of the charg-
es he had made against Dr. J.
Robert Oppenheimer and his
testimony in the deportation case
against Jacob Burck (although,
when asked to pick Mr. Burck out,
he identified another man). This

is the same Mr. Crouch who was
court-martialed and sent to Alca-
traz for seeking to form a secret
revolutionary organization while he
was in the Army, and who once
testified at the trial of another
I am in the habit of writ-,
ing letters, both to my friends
and to imaginary persons, some-
times to kings and foreign rul-
ers, and in this work, in writ-
ing these letters, I place myself
in all sorts of imaginary posi-
tions. I do this for the purpose
of developing my imaginary
Mr. Crouch has now indicated
that he will ask the FBI to in-
vestigate the "perjuries" in the
present affidavits. It seems to us
that the Department of Justice has
a special obligation to do the same
thing in the case of Mr. Crouch.
Particularly because some of the
persons Mr. Crouch has testified
against unquestionably are Com-
munists who have engaged in con-
spiracy, it is important for the
Government to have clean hands
in its prosecution. The cult of the
paid informer is at best a distaste-
ful thing for the Government to
encourage; it is doubly so when
the credibility of the informants
is in doubt. The Department of
Justice was badly burned by its
disgraceful performance in the
Lorwin case. We hope, for the sake
of truth, that the investigation
which Attorney General Brownell
says is proceeding in the Crouch

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the

Co-Existence Criticized
To the Editor:
THERE was an editorial in
Thursday's Daily that I would
like to comment on. It discussed
the policy of co-existence with
Russia approvingly.
Now, no sane person wants a
war. The fear of war is honorable
if motivated by an abhorence' of
mass slaughter. But it is craven if
motivated by an inability to stand
up and fight for the things that
make life worth living.
The continued spread of Com-
munism threatens what makes our
life worth living. Communism is
aggressive, conspiratorial, dishon-
est and powerful. The only langu-
age that will turn it back is that
of strength. That is what happen-
ed in Greece and Korea.
A policy of co-existence does not,
of necessity speak the language of
force. Therefore the Communists
will not listen to it.
Therefore, what a policy of co-
existence does is explicitly and
publicly surrender the only weapon
that makes any sense against
Communism: force. We may never
have to use force. But surrender-
ing it voluntarily in advance, we
increase the chances that we will
have to resort to it when Com-
munist encroachments become in-
It is good that the Russians fear
us, and fear our H-bombs. Thus
they will think twice before initia-
ting a drastic act of further ag-
gression. Fear is an ugly and un-
comfortable means of survival, but
there is little choice.
This is not sabre-rattling, but
simply not a throwing away of the
Let me make clear that I agree
that war would be catastrophic.
I also do not think that those who
advocate the policy of co-existence
are traitors or appeasers. They are
well - intentioned, loyal people
whom I think are making a mis-

take. They see the possibility of
war in almost everything affirma-
tive suggested in the field of for-
eign policy, and I think that the
Russians are as scared of war as
we are. Therefore I don't think
that the danger of war is as close
as the co-existence theory assumes
that it is.
-Danial Y. Yorkes
* * *
Bowl of Cherries
To the Editor:
I SEE THAT according to The
Daily copying the Saturday Re-
view (July 1) "life is just a bowl
of cherries and that everything is
fine and dandy because it is almost
impossible to escape the fact that
the United States has become a
great military power."
This much I will agree with The
Saturday Review author, because
I too have recently crossed the
country (like the Review's hypo-
thetical observant man) and have
seen the unhysteriaed faces and
have observed all the prosperity
and happiness.
But when the author says, "The
vapor trails of jet planes have be-
come so familiar that few natives
or travelers in the middle west take
the trouble to search for them in
the skies," I must disagree because
any one who has been around Ann
Arbor lately knows that when jets
start swooping down within two
feet of your roof then you start
looking up and who's to say we
Ann Arbor residents are a-typical?
So I wish that guy from the
Saturday Review would come to
Ann Arbor and learn what's what.
-Arnold T. Press
THOUGH men are no longer ter'-
rified by a total eclipse of ttte
sun, as they were in ancient times.
they are still awed. No celestial
spectacle can match this blotting
out of the sun. The sudden burst-
ing forth of the pearly corona is
a historic event in the life of any
-New York Times



At Auditorium A...
Lydia Courte, pianist; Robert Courte, violist
Program: Bach: Partita in A minor; Ross Lee
Finney: Sonata; Beethoven: Notturno, Op. 42;
Mozart: Divertimento in C major
AN AUDIENCE which virtually filled Auditorium
A last night was rewarded with some excellent
music, superlatively played. It was an "offbeat"
recital in several respects. Mr. Courte's viola tone
is not an unusually warm or sensuous one. There is
a certain quality of roughness to his playing, and
one often has the impression that he is working
hard at the music. This last is probably a clue to
the peculiar quality of a Courte recital-he is a
musician who eschews a facile, slick approach to
the problems of performance, and plays the music
Agreement in Steel
IT IS GOOD news indeed that agreement on a
new contract has been reached between the Unit-
ed Steelworkers of America and the United States
Steel Corporation, a contract which will presumably
form the pattern for the industry as a whole.
Already all the major steel producers are re-
ported ready to accept its terms. Thus the threat
.of a steel strike, so ominous only a few days ago,
has been averted and the country can look ahead
to a period of continued stability and peaceful
labor relations in this key industry.
After the economic plateau of recent months,
the economic indicators of the past few weeks have
seemed to show the beginnings of a rise in pro-
duction and employment. The immediate effort of
a steel strike would have been to reverse this up-
ward trend. Given the delicate balance of the many
factors on which economic recovery depends, the
damage done by a steel strike might have been

with deep integrity. Mrs. Courte at all times match-
ed her husband's sensitivity to line and phrasing,
and produced an always beautiful piano sound. And
her technique was more than adequate for the
demands of the compositions. To summarize the
entire recital, I felt that the Courtes reached very
close to the essence of the music they played.
The execution of the Bach partita which began
the program was brilliant in the first movement,
lyrical in the second, and marked by a gentle
rhythmic lilt in the two dance-like movements
which conclude the work. The sonata by Mr. Fin-
ney has led me to consider revising a recent re-
mark to the effect that his Sonata No. 3 for
violin and piano is my favorite of his composi-
tions. The viola sonata is a direct and wonder-
fully songful piece. It all flows in a completely
spontaneous manner, as if the complex technique
which went into its composition (it is a twelve-
tone work) were a matter of no concern at all
to the composer. On first hearing, the final move-
ment seemed particularly interesting in that it
alternates (sometimes rather rapidly) between a
quick rhythmic movement and a slower, contem-
plative mood. This is a very difficult type of
movement to essay, and it seems that Mr. Fin-
ney has brought it off most successfully. The
performance was sympathetic and, it seemed, ex-
cellently paced. There were a few moments where
the piano tended to obscure the viola line, but
it must be admitted that the piano in Auditorium
A (I know from experience!) is brilliant and hard
to control dynamically. However, the piano writ-
ing in one spot may have been somewhat too
heavy for the low viola register.
The Beethoven Notturno, Op. 42 is an earlier work
than its opus number indicates. It was originally
Beethoven's Op. 8, a serenade for string trio, which
the composer later revised for viola and piano.
A series of six short movements (with the open-
ing movement repeated at the end) it is graceful,
diverting music of no great depth. But how few
composers have written entertainment music of
-iinh high- rnaihrI ,Thwrkr,, anriv a, hndlv a

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication.
FRIDAY, JULY 2, 1954
The General Library and all the Divi-
sional Libraries will be closed on Mon-
day, July 5, 1954, a University holiday.
University Holiday. The University will
be closed Monday, July 5, in observance
of Independence Day.
There will be no square dancing les-
sons held on Palmer Field Monday night
because of the legal holiday. Square
dancing lessons will continue Monday,
July 12.
The Art Print Loan Collection office
in Room 510 Admin. Bldg. will be open
Monday through Friday from 8-12 for
the duration of the Summer Session.
Preliminary Examinations in English:
Applicants for the Ph.D. in English who
expect to take the preliminary exami-
nations this summer are requested to
leave their names with Dr. Ogden, 1634
Haven Hal. The examinations will be
given as follows: English Literature
from the Beginnings to 1550, Tuesday,
July 20; English Literature, 1550-1750,
Friday, July 23; English Literature, 1750-
1950, Tuesday, July 27; and American
Literature, Friday, July 30. The exami-
nations will be given in Room 2435,
Mason Hall, from 2 to 5 p.m.
Eli Lilly & Co., Indianapolis, Indiana,
has positions available for physical, or-
ganic, or pharmaceutical chemists, en-
gineers, and an industry analyst.
Cambridge-Panelyte Molded Plastics
Co., Cambridge, Ohio, has an opening
for a Mechanical Engineer to do design
work and some process engineering. Re-
cent or August men graduates are eli-
gible to apply.
Inter-Collegiate Press, Kansas City,
Missouri, manufacturers of announce-
ments, diplomas, yearbooks, stationery,
etc., is interested in hiring a man gra-
duate as a Salesman to represent the
firm in eastern Michigan.
For additional information concern-
ing these and other employment oppor-
tunities, contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments. 3528 Administration Bldg., Ext.
Near East Lecture Series. "Recent Ex-
cavations in South Arabia." William F.
Albright, Professor of Semitic Lang-
uages, Johns Hopkins University. 4:00
p.m.,'Auditorium B, Angel Hall.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Mat-hematical Statistics
will meet Fridays at 2 p.m. in Room
3201 AH. On July 2, Professor C. C.
Craig will speak on Scheffe's solution
of the Behrens-Fisher problem.


baritone, wil appear in recital at :30
Friday evening, July 2, in Auditorium A
of Angell Hail, presenting a program in
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Master of Music degree. It will
include works by Bach, Hugo Wolf,
verdi, a group of French and a group of
English songs, and will be open to the
general public. Mr. Hickfang studies
voice with Chase Baromeo.
Stanley Quartet Concert. The first
program in the summer series of con-
certs will be given at 8:30 Tuesday eve-
ning, July 6, in the Rackham Lecture
Hal. The Quartet, Gilbert Ross and
Emil Raab, violins, Robert Courte, vi-
ola, and Oliver Edel, cello, will open the
program with Beethoven's Quartet in 1
major, Op. 18, No. 3. This will be fol-
lowed by Quartet No. 5 by Raymond
Chevreuille, and after intermission the
group wil play Quartet in C-sharp min-
or, Op. 131 by Beethoven. The public
will be admitted without charge.
Clements Library. Rare astronomical
General Library. Women as Authors.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Egyp-
tian Antiquities-a loan exhibit from
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New
York City.
Michigan Historical Collections. The
University in 1904.
Museum of Art. Three Women Paint-
Museums Building, rotunda exhibit.
Indian costumes of the North American
.Events Today,
Lane Hall Punch Hour, Friday 4:30 to
5:45 p.m. All students cordially invited.
The Congregational-Disciples Guildr
7:30 p.m., Watermelon feast at the Guild
House, 438 Maynard Street. Please call
NO 3-5838 if you plan to come.
Clinic. The first Fresh Air Clinic will
be held Friday, July 2, 1954, 8:00 p.m.
at the Camp Lodge, Patterson Lake.
Students working professionally with
children are welcome to attend. Dr.
Ralph Rabinovitch, Director of the Chil-
dren's Unit, N.P.I. will be the Psychi-
Coming Events
Intercultural Outing at Saline Valley
Farms Youth Hostel. Discussion focus:
"Independence and How We Attained
It: American, Phillipine, Indian, and
others." Leave Saturday, 10:30, return
Monday 2 p.m. Swimming, folk dancing.
$4. Sponsored by Lane Hall. Reserva-
tion by Wednesday evening: NO 3-1511,
ext. 2851.
single graduate students and young
people of post-college age are invited to
join with the Fireside Forum group of
the First Methodist Church for a picnic
to a local lake on Sunday afternoon.
Meet at the back of the church at 2:30
with swimming equipment. Transpor-






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