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July 31, 1954 - Image 2

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By DIANE D. AuWERTER urge all other groups to join with him in combat-
Daily Managing Editor ing this danger to the youth of our State."
THE PROBLEM of censoring literature has al- "It seems advisable to suggest, both to Inspector
ways been a touchy one. There is a group of Case and his bluecircling squad and to the vet-
"public-minded" citizens who are ready to have erans, that if protection of youth is their aim, a
censored and banned any work of literature which direct attack upon comic books featuring homi-
includes a smutty word, detaching it from the or- cide and sexual perversion is in order.
ganic whole of the book. On the further extreme, In the meantime, present censorship laws need
there are civil liberties grops ready to protest even some serious lookinginto. And, if thinking adults
the censorship of comic books which leading educa- really want their reading material censored for
tors have held to be dangerous and harmful to them, a group of literary experts might be picked
children. for the task. It would at least provide employment
Despite the difficulties of the book banning prob- for a large number of job-hunting English majors,
lem, however, certain things seem clear. First, that
neither the bookburners nor the civil liberties groups PERHAPS it's the heat, but the prevailing atmos-
have the solution, and second, that censorship as phere around the University this summer ap-
it is now practised is not particularly effective. pears one of complete apathy. Although this criti-
Moreover, in its present form, censorship is stand- cism is tossed out at periodic intervals; the Letters
Ing between the public and some fairly valuable lit- to the Editor (or the frequent absence of one) col-
erary works. umn has borne mute testimony to its existence.
Although there has been little to incite violent
Censorship as now practised generally consists reactions on campus this summer, the world
of a group of policemen-not illiterate but prob- and national news has certainly deserved reader
ably not too literary-reading paperbacked novels, comment. The impending decision of the Admin-
bluecireling sections which contain the forbidden istration on the suspended faculty members is
four letter words or too overt references to sex. also a wide open topic.
Such an examination obviously does not reveal The obvious conclusion seems to be that every-
anything of the nature of the book nor provide an one has been sleeping on the shores of Silver Lake
adequate basis for determining whether or not all summer-which really isn't such a bad idea,
the work is immoral. anyhow.
A major issue, however, is whether an adult read-- WHATEVER the Administration's stand on the
ership requires that its reading material be filtered, three suspended faculty members may be, a
There is little question that an element of selecti- certain amount of commendation is demanded for
vity needs to be made in childrens' books. Keeping the way that the decision is being reached. Al-
children away from strictly adult reading material though the length of time passed is hard on both
is a matter for parents and educators. Keeping the faculty members and the entire campus com-
adults away from so-called "offensive" reading ma- munity, the President's desire to avoid a hasty deci-
terial is another matter, one which is better left up sion and to completely review the facts of the in-
to the preference of the individuals. dividual cases is understandable.
This matter has recently been brought to atten- Discussion with members of the Administration
tion because of a letter sent by the Allied Veterans confirms the opinion that all factors are being
Council to Judge John A. Ricca of Detroit, in re- weighed and that public relations and the pres-
gard to a recent censorship test case brought be- sure of the legislature are not being given an
fore him. The letter read, in part: undue balance.
"We feel that Inspector Case (Detroit inspector It is to be hoped that from all this study, a deci-
in charge of book supervision) should be highly sion in favor of reinstating the three men will
commended... the organized veterans advocate and emerge.
A Discussion of Mass Media
WHAT ATTRACTS a child's attention or excites "Last, but not least, every effort should be made
him at the movies, in a newspaper or on the to improve comic strips and funny stories in child-
radio? What is he primarily interested in? What are ren's papers," Bauchard declares. "One cannot
his likes and dislikes? Strange as it may seem, these stress too strongly the poor quality of oomic strips
questions have never been answered scientifically, in papers for young people. While, in the case of
and this, in the opinion of a French press and radio both the superman and the Western or adven-
specialist, has serious repercussions on the modern ture story, draftsmen make use of the most radi-
entertainment offered to children. cal or brutal innovations (atomic bombs, flying
For as the expert, Philippe Bauchard points out, saucers, etc.), their lack of imagination in comic
it is useless to try to safeguard children without strips is truly appalling."
knowing what really endangers the or to set out Turning to films, the study has found that, with
to please the without knowing their tastes or un- the exception of a limited number of countries (the
derstanding their developent processes. United Kingdom, Czechslovakia, USSR), the prob-
What is needed, according to Mr. Bauchard, Is for lem of films for children has not yet been seriously
research on this topic to begin on a very large tackled. "The production of these films remains
scale, including observations, tests and experients in the hands of a few isolated specialists handi-
ethodically carried out in a nuber of countries over capped by deplorable working conditions and most
a period of years. inadequate financial backing," the study continues.
He says that a "clean sweep" should be made of Two of the main obstacles to the development of
"all preconceived ideas and prejudices, such as films for children are said to be the inadequacy of
that the cinema encourages juvenile delinquency, production and impediments in the way of free
that pornography is dangerous for the young or trade in films.
that accounts of crimes incite children to imitate "In the few countries where an effort has been
the criminals. In truth, we are forced to admit made to produce films specially intended for child-
that we know almost nothing about what affects ren and to organize cinema clubs and performances
the child. It is for non official bodies dealing for children, the results appear to have been most
with children, for the psychology departments o encouraging," Mr. Bauchard reports. "This does not
universities, or, failing them, for public authori- alter the fact that enterprises such as these at pres-
ties to initiate research which would enable us ent effect only a very small percentage of child-
to know how children react." ren, and that even the children who attend the spec-
ial performances continue to see a large number of
Bauchard, who has studied present-day enter- films for adults."
tainment for children in 12 countries, is author of aAsforadu ts-a
report, "The Child Audience," just published by the .As to any connection between films and juve-
nile delinquency, Mr. Bauchard considers that
United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural the cinema only exerts a really harmful influenceI
Urganization. This study is published as part of where the child himself is already, to some extent,
UNESCO's programme to assist in mprovng the use vulnerable. "A film seen by a child who is de-

vl, lA~ UU1111UILU~lli 11Glu.pressed or ill-assimilated to his social back--
Bauchard considers that the intellectual level of ground may expedite a process which will culmi-
papers, films and radio programmes for children, nateunaydepeivesatesrinl uch
with some exceptions, is not at all high. But still natein a depressive state or in delinquency," he
more disturbing, in his opinion, is the fact that e in t theli r r
although these media are mediocre, those for adults explanation or the cause of loss of equilibrium in
"may also, and to an even greater degree, exercise a juvenle."
a daagig inluece o yong popl.,,Reporting on radio Bauchard says it is not so
damaging influence on young people." much the children's broadcasts that have an un-
"It may well be that this influence-which is desirable effect on young people, but rather the
unavoidable, since one cannot forbid a child to radio programmes for adults as a whole. The lack
look at an illustrated paper left lying about by his of new ideas, the reliance on time-worn methods
parents, refuse to take a child to the cinema, or like variety and the failure to ascertain through
prevent him from listening to a radio programme surveys the reactions and tastes of children largely
with his family-is the most damaging to which explain the failure of broadcasts intended for them.
he can be subjected and, unfortunately, is in fact The only outstanding items in the field of child-
subjected," he points out. ren's broadcasts, in his opinion, are the few intro-
Reviewing children's papers, Bauchard concludes ducing music to children, and radio magazines and
that the "superman myth" should be abolished in songs for children.
favour of more "probable" human beings. "A reno- In country districts everywhere, Mr. Bauchard
vated Western, on the other hand, could be used notes, the radio as a medium of entertainment is all-
without the disastrous reactions provoked in child- pervading. Anything heard on the radio is taken as
ren by the superman." So long as stories taken from gospel truth, he states. It may also be harmful.
history do not distort the facts, they can be used The UNESCO study does not attempt to detail
to educate children, he continues. War stories the problems raised by television, since regular tele-
"should not exalt brutal force and wallow in per- casts for children have only been organized in the
fectly gratuitous scenes of horror," but should em- United States and Great Britain. But he does stress
phasize the social and human aspects of war. De- that there have been too few serious investigations
tective stories, too, should take new forms, with into children's reactions.
either humour or dramatic tension. --United Nations Press and Publications Bureau
College Deferments

High Noon In Washington

The News
Associated Press News nalyst

How Much Mileage
Is a Tax Bill Worth?




WASHINGTON-Just two mem-
bers of the current Senate were
members of the 1929 Senate that
took the last vote of censure
against one of their own mem-
bers. They are: George of Georgia
and Hayden of Arizona, both Dem-
The man they both voted as
bringing "dishonor and disrepute
on the Senate" exactly 25 years
ago was Hiram Bingham of Con-.
necticut who had placed Charles
L. Eyanson, of the Connecticut
Manufacturers Association on his
Senate office staff and let him sit
in a meeting of the Senate Fi-
nance Committee.
The standards of the Senate
seemed considerably higher in
those days than during the cur-
rent debate over McCarthyof
Wisconsin. One year before, the
Senate had voted to expel two of
its own members, Vare, of Penn-
sylvania, and Smith, of Illinois, for
spending too much money in their
election campaigns.
Senators at that time felt keenly
about the prestige and dignity of
the body to which they belonged.
"The view I take of the ques-
tion," Senator George told the Sen-
ate, "is simply this : That the of-
ficial act of each one of us has a
publicaquality,aand that act isei-
ther in the interest of the public
good or it is contrary to the in-
terest of the public. It either pro-
motes confidence in the processes
of government or it tends to weak-
en public confidence in the proces-
ses of government."
Senator Bingham argued elo-
quently in his own defense.
"No senator is to be criticized,"
he said, "If he chooses to place
members of his family in these
clerical positions-if he appoints
cousins, nieces, sons or daugh-
Senator Smoot of Utah, a Re-
publican stalwart, introduced a
resolution calculated to spare
Bingham somewhat. It omitted his
name. But George and Hayden,
among others, were opposed.
"My interpretation of the reso-
lution is this," said George, re-
ftring to the Smoot amendment,
"and with this understanding I
shall vote against the substitute,
because I regard that as mean-
ingless, something like the poetry
at the head of Kipling's chapters,
it has not anything to do with the
real issue that has been raised
"We are concerning ourselves
with the public morals, with the
public interest, the quality of of-
ficial conduct and act, the man-
ner in which that conduct or that
act affects the public welfare."
"Flexible Flanders"
Vermont's rugged Sen. Ralph
Flanders, once head of the Federal
Reserve Bank of Boston, who owns
a thriving tool factory and has
developed 29 industrial patents,
good-naturedly complained that
Sen. Lyndon Johnson has been
pestering him.
Johnson has advised Flanders
not to be too rigid, to permit some
give-and-take regarding his resolu-
tion of censure against Senator
The persuasive senator from
Texas was so persistent with the
stubborn senator from Vermont
that Flanders remarked to a
friend: "It looks like lying-down
Lyndon wants me to be flexible
Knowland Reverses
Senator Knowland's buttonholing
of GOP senators to stifle the Flan-
ders resolution has got him on
something of a hot spot. For too

announced that the Senate should
abandon its present system under
which senior members of commit-
tees become chairmen.
"They should be chosen, in-
stead," Knowland said, "in accord
with the policies of the majority
No man has bucked the majority
party more than the senator from
Wisconsin. He has pilloried its
secretary of the Army, criticized
its secretary of state, set himself
above the President.
Nevertheless, Knowland has now
completely reversed his position of
February 24 and does not even
want the Senate to vote on a cen-
sure resolution by a fellow Re-
Paul Hoffman, the Republican
who rebuilt Europe as head of the
Marshall Plan, has been patiently
trudging round the Senate office
building telling Republican sena-
tors they must vote against Mc-
Carthy and for the Flanders reso-
lution .... Senator Potter of Mich-
igan, who had the courage to vote
against McCarthy on the firing of
Roy Cohn and Don Surine, says
privately he won't vote to censure
McCarthy unless his GOP col-
league, Homer Ferguson of Michi-
gan, also votes that way. Reason:
Homer is up for re-election and
Potter doesn't want to embarrass
him .... Senator Wiley of Wis-
consin, McCarthy's c o11 e a g u e,
plans to invoke rule 12 during the'
Flanders debate and won't vote
one way or the other regarding
his colleague from Wisconsin. Rule
12 permits a senator from the
same state to avoid taking a stand
on a colleague. Wiley will abstain
despite the fact he knows McCar-
thy is working against him be-
hind his back .... It was interest-
ing that the Communist Daily
Worker took the trouble to report
one of Senator McClellan's prima-
ry campaign speeches down in
Stuttgart, Ark. It quoted him as
saying that "the McCarthy matter
is not of such importance that it
should be permitted to block legis-
lation on important matters." (The
Daily Worker frequently distorts.)
Flanders conferred with Mc-
Clellan twice before he postponed
his earlier resolution of censure.
McClellan told his Arkansas col-
league, Senator Fulbright: "Bill,
you know I can't go against the
Flanders resolution."
Copywright 1954, by the Bell Syndicate

The attitude of India and other
Asiatic nations toward the United
States has seldom been as well
described as in the words of Am-
bassador George Allen that they
fear "the Americans are about to
acquire an empire in the Orient
in a fit of absent mindedness."
The ambassador to New Delhi
was telling,the Senate Foreign Re-
lations Committee that India and
most other nations of the area
would form an anti -Communist
security organization only if it
could originate among and be par-
ticipated in only by themselves.
They will not take the lead of, or
directly associate themselves with,
the Western Powers, he said.
This business of an American
advance toward control as well as
leadership of the free world, not
only Asia, has been a topic among
historical philosophers ever since
World War II. It was raised natur-
ally by the spectacle of a nation
so powerful that its efforts were
decisive in a war which covered
two-thirds of the world; with an
economy so strong that it alone
could set this same area back on
its feet in postwar years.
Never before has there been
a nation so powerful as the United
States. If it had wished, at the
end of World War II, it could have
subjugated the whole world. That
is a fact which has affected its
relations with every country ever
Not many have actually feared
American intent. What they have
feared is that the United States,
if she became hard pressed in her
conflict with the Communist sphere
might feel herself forced to tighten
the strings which aid arrange-
ments entail, requiring cooperation
in a war and robbing other states
of full freedom to act or not to
act as they see fit.
An actual demonstration of this
has been made in connection with
the warnings to France of discon-
tinued aid unless she goes ahead
with formation of the European
Defense Community.
America does feel that she must
have a world after her own heart
if she is to live in it safely, just
as does Russia.
But America did fall into her
present position of leadership dur-
ing a fit of absent-mindedness.
Power, once attained, becomes
a terrific test of the character of
the user. America thinks she wants
neighbors, not satellites, but other
peoples can hardly be blamed for
wondering how far she might
eventually be willing to go to en-
force her conception of neighbor-
British Politics
Gaitskell will defeat Mr. Bevan
in the election for the treasurer-
ship of the Labour party at the
party's annual conference at Scar-
borough next October; but it is
also clear that the conference's
vote on policy towards Germany
will be a desperately close thing.
Recently the National Union of
Mineworkers became the big un-
ion to instruct its delegates to the
conference to vote for Mr. Attlee's
policy of accepting German rearm-
ament within EDC;and the Amal-
gamated Engineering Union,which
is opposed to German rearma-
ment, rather surprisingly joined
the miners in throwing its votes
to Mr. Gaitskell for the treasurer-
ship. This has cleared the way for
some anxious counting of heads.
So far nearly 4 million trade
union votes have been committed
on Germany; everybody arrives
at a different tally according to
his definition of commitment, but
the safest generality is that they
have fallen almost equally on
either side. There remain another
1,000,000 or so union votes and the
1,250,000 constituency party votes
to come in. The constituency par-

ties will vote predominately Bevan-
ite. Mr. Attlee may get a majority
of the remaining 1,000,000 union
votes, but nobody knows whether
that majority will be large enough.
If thervote goes against him, he
will presumably plough a middle
course between ignoring it and
paying something more than lip
service to the fears ,underlying the
party's decision; but the effects
both on domestic politics and on
Britain's reputation abroad will be
In the contest for the treasurer-
ship the engineers' Brutus stroke
to Mr. Bevan means that Mr Gait-
skell is already assured of nearly
2,750,000 votes, and Mr. Bevan of
only some 600,000. Mr Bevan can
rely on winning most of the con-
stituency votes and some more
union support, but he cannot now
get within a million votes of Mr.
Gaitskell. Despite this, he has con-
firmed that he will continue in the
contest. This means he will lose
his seat on the executive and with
it the seniority that would have
made him vice-chairman of the
party this October and chairman
(an office of nuisance value rather
than influence) twelve months
later. After October Mr. Bevan


nibus revenue bill, which has
been called by President Eisen-
hower "the cornerstone" of his
domestic legislation program, has
now taken the last hurdle on its
appointed course. Last week a
Joint Committee of the two houses
of Congress worked out a com-
promise bill reconciling the dif-
ferences betweent he House and
Senate versions of the legislation.
Now both branchesrhave placed
their stamp of approval on the
conference bill and sent it to the
White House for the President's
The passage through the House
of the Conference Committee's bill
was smooth, swift and, compara-
tively speaking, uneventful, with
less than an hour consumed in dis-
cussion. This contrasts strikingly
with the bitterly controversial at-
mosphere in which it was de-
bated when it went to the House
floor from the Ways and Means
Committee last March. That was
when the Democrats were serious-
ly threatening to use the bill-
whose basic purpose was a recodi-
fication of the tax laws-as a vehi-
cle for indiscriminate election-year
tax reductions.
The President himself took to
the air on the night of March 15
to explain and defend the measure
and to head off the then imminent
danger that it might be mutilated
beyond recognition. It is well that
he did, for three days later the
opposition threw its weight behind
a proposal to raise personal ex-
emptions under the individual in-
come tax from $600 a person to
$700. This proposal was offered in
lieu of a provision dealing with

one of the longest-standing and
most widely recognized inequities
in the whole tax system-namely,
the double taxation oftcorporate
income distributed in the form of
dividends. Actually, the provision
called for little more than token
remedial action.
This long-overdue, but politically
vulnerable, provision was destined
to continue as the most contro-
versial item in the omnibus bill,
which would have been the most
important reform tax legislation
in a generation had it not even
touched upon the question of divi-
dent income. In the Senate it came
under severe attack, and by the
time the bill had passed in that
body the only vestige remaining
of the dividend income tax reform
was the exclusion of $50 from taxa-
Last week in Conference Com-
mittee this $50 provision was re-
tained, and provision was made
for a credit of 4 per cent for
taxes already paid by the corpora-
tion. When the conference bill
came before the House, Represen-
tative Cooper of Tennessee, rank-
ing Democratic member of the
Ways and Means Committee, pro-
posed that it be sent back to con-
ference with instructions to strike
out this provision. The proposal
was voted down, 227-169. From
there the House went on to ap-
prove the conference bill by the
overwhelming" vote of 315-77. Ap-
proval by the Senate of the bill
yesterday suggests that the politi-
cians have got about all.the mile-
age they can hope to get out of
this particular legislative hobgob-
--New York Times



4 1


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
. official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication.
VOL. LXIV, No. 28S
Veterans enrolled for sx-week ses-
sion only, who are eligible for educa-
tion and training allowance under Pub-
lic Law 550 (Korea GI. Bill), whether
they have received Certificate for Edu-
cation and Training, (VA Form 7-1993)
or not, may sign MONTHLY CERTIFI-
1996a, in the Office of Veterans' Affairs,
555 Administration Building, on July
30, between 8:00 a.m. and 5:00 p.m. and
on July 31, between 9:30 a.m. and
12:00 m.
D134, Spoken Language Training for
Teachers of Foreign Languages. Regis-
tration will be on Monday, 8:30 to 10:00
In Room_ 1415 Mason Hall (Language
Laboratory), at which time schedules
will be distributed.
The following student sponsored so-
cialactivities are approved for the com-
ing weekend:
July 31
Michigan Christian Fellowship
Phi Delta Phi
Phi Delta Phit
Mr. Clarence K. Stret, author of Un-
ion Now and Freedom Against Itself,
Editor of the magazine Freedom and
Union, and a long-time advocate of
federations among democratic peoples,
will speak on Monday, August 2, at
4:10 p.m. in Auditorium A on the sub-
ject: why Moscow Fears Atlantic Union.
This lecture, given under the spon-
sorship of the Department of Political
Science, is open to the public without
Art Print Loans must be returned to
Room 510 Admin. Bldg. on August 5-6
between the hours of 9-12 and 1-5 or
on Saturday, August 7 from 8-12. A
fine of twenty-five cents (25c) a day
will be charged for all overdue pictures.
Women's Swimming Pool-Recreation
Swimming Hours.
Saturday, July 31-2:30-4:30; 7:30-9:30
Sunday, August 1-3:00-5:00 (Co-ree-
During the week of August 2, the
hours for women are as follows: 5:00-
6:00 and 7:30-9:00-August 2-6, Monday
through Friday (Friday night will be
Family Night.)
The pool will close for the summer
on Saturday, August 7.
The Michigan Civil Service Commis-
sion has an immediate opening for a
stenographer to work in a state office
in Ann Arbor. Experience is preferable
but not essential; a degree is not re-
A local firm in the pharmaceutical
field has an opening for a young man
with some sales experience to call
upon the medical and drug profession.
United International Corp., New York
City, is interested in hiring young
men graduates for the firm's training
program for merchandising executives.
In themExport Department. The desire
for a career outside the United States
is a necessary requisite.
For additional information concern-
ing these and other employment oppor-
tunities, contact the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, 3528 Administration Bldg.
Ext. 371.

tory. Professor W. B. Cheston (Uni-
versity of Minnesota) "Deuteron Indu-
ed Reactions."
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Robert New-
man Mooney, Classical Studies; thesis:
"Character Portrayal and Distortion in
Ammianus Marcellinus", Saturday, July
31, 2009 Angel Hall, at 9:30 a.m. Chair-
man, R. A. Pack.
Doctoral Examination for William
Herman Bos, Speech; thesis: "A Study
of the Preaching of Henry van DykeT
Tuesday, August 3, 3217 Angell Hall, at
1:00 p.m. Chairman, W. M. Sattler.
Student Recital: Robert Mark, bari-
tone, will present a recital at 8:30
Sunday evening, August 1, in Auditor-
ium A, Angell Hall, in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the e-
gree of Master of Music. Mr. Mark's
major is Music Education and e is!
giving the recital in lieu of thesis.
He is a pupil of Philip Duey. The pro-
gram will include compositions by
Carissimi, Monteverdi Cesti, Maza-
ferrata, Schubert, Vaughn Williams, and
Storace, and will be open to the public.
Harpsichord Recital by Alice Ehiers,
Rackham Lecture Hall, 8:30 Monday
evening, August 2, feature of the
"woman in the World of Man" series;
open to the general public without
charge. The program will include
Bach's Fifteen Two-Part Inventions,
Fifteen Three-Part Sinfonias, and Con-
certo in Italian Style for a Harpsichord
with Two Keyboards. Mme. Ehlers, Pro-
fessor-Emeritus of the University of
Southern California, is a Lecturer in
Musicology in the School of Music
for the Summer Session.
Stanley Quartet: The final program in
the summer series by the Stanley Quar?-
tet, Gilbert Ross and Emil Raab, violin-
ists, Robert Courte, violist, and Oliver
Edel, cellist, will be performed at 8:30
Tuesday evening, August 3, in the Rack-
ham Lecture Hall. The program will op-
en with Beethoven's Quartet in G 'ma-
jor, Op. 18, No. 2, and during the see-
ond half the group will play his Quar-
tet in B-flat major, Op. 130, with the
Great Fugue, Op. 133. The concert will
be open to the general public.
Clements Library. Museum Collections.
General Library. Women as Authors.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Egyp-
tian Antiquities-a loan exhibit from
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New
York City.
Michigan Historical Collections. The
University in 1904.
Museum of Art. Three Women Paint-
Events Today
Margaret Dorman's Free Art Class
will meet Saturday at 10:00 a.m. at Lane
Hall to visit the Toledo Art Museum.
We shall be back at 3:00 p.m. Arrange-
mentschave been made for lectures for
both children and adults. Lunch will
be eaten at the Museum. Bring your
own lunch. People not enrolled in the
class are welcome to join the group for
this trip.
Coming Events
Sunday, August 1
Services in Ann Arbor Churches.
Sunday morning 9 o'clock, Masters
Breakfast, Ballroom of the Michigan
Graduate Outing Club: will meet at
the back of the Rackham building on
Sunday at 2 p.m. to go to the lake. Ev-


-1 i1

Sixty-Fourth Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff

Dianne AuWerter.....Managing
Becky Conrad.............Night
Rona Friedman............Night
Wally Eberhard. .......Night
Russ AuWerter............Night
Sue Garfield.........Women's
Hanley Gurwin........Sports
Jack Horwitz......Assoc. Sports
E. J. Smith......Assoc. Sports
Business Staff





John A. Hannah, Assistant Secretary of Defense
for man power and personnel, rekindled congres-
sional interest in this phase of the draft. It hap-
pened at the hearing of the Senate committee con-
sidering Mr. Hannah's nomination as military man-
power boss.

into complete exemption. The "gimmick" is for a
student to get married and become a father while
protected by his college status.
Fact No. 3-It is easier for a youth whose parents
are well off to go to college than it is for the poor
boy. Scholarships help many bright youths with

Dick Astromi.......Business Manager
Lois Pollak......Circulation Manager
Bob Kovaks......Advertising Manager
Telephone NO 23-24-1

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