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July 29, 1954 - Image 4

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1954-07-29

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{ J

Question Marks Erupt from Indochina
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - Every time
tate Department and Pentagon
lanners look at a map of Asia
hey see little but trouble.
,The - Geneva agreement, which
ft the Indo Chinese state of Viet
am divided at the 17th parallel,
1 their estimation was strictly a
cal truce that stopped the shoot-
g, between the French and Com-

As far as the experts are con-
serned, the major problems con
Mr~xing the Western world are to
hrevent the two other Indo Chi-
gese states of Laos and Cambodia
from being subverted from within
*r , turned into another battle-
They also fear that the sprawl-
ing island republic of Indonesia,
hich lacks a strong central gov-
rrnment and-which contains about
as imany political viewpoints as is-
lands, may be on the Communists'
time table soon.
All three of these Far Eastern
tates, contain large Chinese min-
&itY groups, and there are persis-
tent reports from Indonesia, which
is loosely governed at best, that
Beires of youths are being spirited
ut of the country for schooling
ythe Communists in China.
"fNone of these nations has a
nilitary force capable of coping
with anything more powerful than
a village uprising, and throughout
all three there are stirrings of re-
bentment against their, present
"o nfmi plight.
Further, the State Department
believes China will NOT be con-
ent much longer to suffer harass-
Ment from Formosa, now occupied
theChinese nationalists.
Should all of southeast Asia fall
waithin the Communist orbit, the
estern world undoubtedly will
hae' a long range problem with
w In the past Japan has obtained
umch of her food from the lush
das of the South. A considerable
portion of her trade has been in
the same area.
If these nations fall under red
sway, either the West will have to
find new markets for Japan or the
apanese will have to weigh the
"advatitages of entering the Com-
r uhist bloc since they must trade
6 survive.
At the western end of the Asian
. ap, neither the military nor the
M3porats find much to cheer
aeut. In fact, the State Depart-
over the past three or four
bIhths- has been warning that
e might break out in the
east at any time. *
exists in the Middle East
a power vacuum and considerable
Unrest among the native popula-
tions. There is a tremendous dif-
terenee between the haves and
have-nots in these countries.
Depite a strong Turkey and a
Moslem Pakistan, both rooted
trmiy on the sid of the free
world, the existence of widespr a d
poverty in other nations creates
th sort of situatiort in which the
comnulsts love to meddle.
India 1t NOT looked upon as a
potental trouble spot for, said one
diplmat: "She is too valuable to
the Communists as she is. Her pol-
fey of neutralism works to the ad-
vantage of the Chinese."
What About Africa?
Some believe that North and
South Africa may be in for con-
utderable internal trouble. The
French possessions and mandates
In North Africa, now alive with
natinalistic feeling and resent-
mcnt of imperialism, are consid-
ered ripe for internal subversion
by the communists.


Norton Tells
Of Theater
In Europe
Prof. Hugh Z. Norton of the
speech department spoke yester-
day under the auspices of the
speech department on the topic,
"Theater Student Abroad in 1953,"
Prof. Norton said that he went
abroad for three reasons: to study
theater criticism, to observe past
' evidences of the theater, and to
see performances being done to-
day in Europe.
In Paris, Norton studied the
criticisms of two infxuential critics
of the nineteenth century, Sarce
of France and Scott of England.
He also met Marcel Marceau, the
great French pantomimist.
de Medici Theater
Prof. Norton then went on to
northern Italy where, in Florence,
he was able to examine a theater
built by Cardinal de Medici in the
eighteenth century to honor a visit
from the Crown Prince of Austria.
The machinery of the theater
was built in such a way that one
man could raise the floor of the
auditorium up to the level of the
stage. This converted the theater
into a grand ballroom.
Prof. Norton observed that all
the stage machinery seemed to
have been taJen from a commer-
cial sailing ship, thus adhering
to the theory that the early con-
struction of theaters was borrowed
from the handiest practical source.
He s a w a performance o f


Fish Avoid Man-y Smell

Two things that go with summer
like snowballs go with winter are
chiggers and fishing-.
And, according to a scientific
publication, chiggers c a n be re-
pelled. What's more, fish don't like
the odor of human beings.
Chemists have found that by ap-
plying dimethyl phthalate, inda-
lone or ethyl hexanediol to the
skin or clothing around sock tops,
trouser cuffs, waist, neck, and
shirt sleeves, 100 per cent protec-
tion against chiggers results.
As a spray, toxaphene or cholor-
'U' Sets Drift
.bottles Afloat
In Lake Huron
Some 500 "drift bottles" were set
afloat Tuesday in Lake Huron as
part of the University Great Lakes
Research Institute's study of lake
The bottles will probably drift
up on Lake Huron beaches around
the first week of August.
The bottles were put afloat at
a series of 98 stations throughout
the lake with the institute's six
boats taking care of the American
side. The Canadian waters were
covered by five boats from the
Ontario Department of Fisheries.1
Other agencies cooperating are
the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service
and the State Institute for Fisher-
ies Research.
Five bottles were set afloat atj
each station. Each one contained
a post card to be returned to the
University institute with such data

dane provides control for more
than a month, the report tells.
Hardware and garden stores sell
these repellents under a variety
of brand names.
Keep Away!
Persons using the spray are
warned to keep the chemicals
away from fruit trees or vegetable
gardens and to keep children away
from the air sprayed with repell-
ent for several hours to clear the
The proverbial "f i s h y smell"
isn't a one way feeling peculiar
to man. Fish don't like the smell
of humans either. Salmon for in-
stance will keep their distance if
they smell a fisherman wading in
upstream water.
In a test conducted recently by
Canadian ichthyologists, it was
found that the odor of human skin,
changed the migration rate of the
salmon. Fifty-four odors were used
in the test, but only these five pro-
duced a change in migration rate.
The five odors are all from mam-
mals considred to be ennemies of
Weaver Directs
Bioloov Workshop
Prof. Richard L. Weaver of the
School of Natural Resources, re-
cently selected to co-direct a work
conference on the Improvement of
Biology Teaching in High Schools
and Colleges, to be held at the Uni-
versity of Florida, August 28-Sep-
tember 6, has now nearly Complet-
ed the slate of participants to at-
Ninety- scientists, high school
teachers, school and college ad-

Crusades sfor women's rights-
Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Amelia
Bloomer and Lucretia Mott-will
be featured in the program "The
Declaration of Seneca Falls" to be
broadcast at 9:30 p.m. tomorrow
by WUOM-FM, University Broad-
casting Service.,
The show also will be aired at
the same time over the University
station in Flint, WFUM-FM.
The program will be presented
as the seventh in the series "A
Gallery of Women" produced by
WUOM in conjunction with the
special summer lecture series
"Woman in the World of Man."
Second Declaration
It was at Seneca Falls, N.Y.,
that the first convention for wom-
en's rights was held in 1848, and
Mrs. Stanton introduced the second
"Declaration of Independence."
Included in the bill w e r e de-
mands for women to receive: "the
sacred right to the elective fran-
chise ;" equal rights in universities,
share in political offices and hon-
ors; equality in marriage; and the
right to testify in courts of justice.
Helping her in the crusade was
"that Quaker agitator, Lucretia
Mott." Also in the fight was the
renowned Amelia Bloomer, Seneca
Falls' deputy postmaster and ori-
ginator of the shocking bloomers.
She defined her "dress" as com-
fortable, well suited to work or
sports and more modest, "espe-
cially on a windy day."
The battle for women's rights did
not end in Seneca Falls, for Mrs,
Stanton spent a lifetime fighting
for the cause.
Biological Station


Chiggers -Ca Be Choked;Crsdr



At the other extreme of the Af-
rican continent is the Union of
South Africa, with its policy of
rigid racial segregation. The South.
African government recently re-
ported that communists were fish-
ing heartily in these troubled wa-
Europe is considered by both the
military and the diplomats as the
spot least likely to become an im-
mediate sore spot, chiefly because
of the presence of strong western
forces and the obvious economic
advantages to the communists
trading with the west.'
While Europe is considered the
least likely trouble spot, the pros-
pect of an independent and re-
armed western Germany is NOT
expected to sit well with the Rus-
In the opinion of the experts,
one of Russia's prime driving forc-

es in the diplomatic field is to pre-
vent such a thing from coming to
What will happen if Western
Germany is granted independence
and is re-armed with the help of
the West is anybody's guess. There

is some doubt that Russia would
go to war over the issue, but there
is little doubt that she would step
tip the rearmament of eastern Ger-
many and thus lay the ground-
work for a series of possible dan-
gerous border clashes.



Orpheus in Hades in which the
entire effect was created by light-
ing alone. Norton said that there
were only four properties used in
the whole show.
In the scene where Orpheus flees
out of hell, taking his wife, the
unusual lighting was shown to its
greatest advantage. The two actors
were spotlighted individually with
a space of darkness between them,
and they pantomimed all their
gestures simultaneously. This unit-
ed the two great principles of light
and pantomime.
India's government has rejected
a demand for lower postal rates on


Open air classes in botany and

f _ __

as where and when found. The ministrators largly prom the ten zoology have attracted 75 students
bottles are numbered so the sci- southeastern states have been se- to the University Biological Station
entists can tell where each was set lected by Dr. Weaver and Dr. Sam- near Cheboygan, Mich.
afloat and how far it drifted. uel Meyer of the University of Established 46 years ago, it is
In addition to setting the bottles Florida, who is serving as co-direc- the largest such station in t h e
afloat, the scientists also took wa- j tor world. Covering 9,000 acres, the
ter samples and measurements of The conference, sponsored by; camp has many types of soil, tree
water temperature at each station. the National Association of Biology and water conditions, thereby sup-
"Drift bottles" will be released Teachers is being underwritten by porting a wealth of plant and ani-
for the third and last time around a grant of $15,000 from the Nation- mal life for the s t u d e n t-re-
August 28. al Science Foundation. I searchers.


(Continued from Page 2)
General Library. Women as Authors.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Egyp-
tian Antiquities--a loan exhibit from
the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New
York, City.
Michigan Historical Collections. The
University in 1904.
Museum of Art. Three Women Paint-

Events Today


Kinsey Report To Be Featured
In Concluding Week of Series

The Kinsey Report on women
will be featured next week as the
concluding part of'the special sum-
mer session, "Woman in the World
of Man."
Prof. George P. Murdock, chair-
man of the Yale University anthro-
pology department will discuss,
"The Second Kinsey Report in
World Perspective" at 4:15 p.m.
Tuesday in Aud. A.
Wednesday, both an afternoon
and an evening session will be
given over to discussion of the
highly controversial report.
Sex Education
Dr. Sophia Kleegman, New York
gynecologist and Kinsey consult-
ant, will discuss "Influence of
Kinsey Data on Sex Education'
at 4:15 p.m. in Aud. A.
- That evening, at 7:45 in the same
room, she will taxe part in a panel

discussion, "The Second Kinsey Re-
Other participants will be: Prof.!
Murdock and University faculty
members: Prof. N. Edd Miller of
the speech department, Prof. Roger
W. Heyns, of the psychology de-
partment, Prof. Douglas N. Mor-
gan, visiting lecturer in philosophy
and Prof. Alexander T. M. Wilson,
visiting lecturer in psychology.
Prof. Murdock is president-elect
of the American Anthropological
Association and past president of
the American Ethnological Society
and the Society foi Applied An-
thropology. He was recipient of the
Viking Fund medal and award in
general anthropology in 1949.
Dr. Kleegman is clinical profes-
sor of obstetrics and gynecology
at New York University College of

Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre Box Of-
fice is open continuously today from
10 a.m. until 5 p.m. for the sale of
tickets for the Department of Speech
summer playbill. Remaining on the ser-
ies are Sheridan's rehearsal farce, THE
CRITIC, July 28-31 and Mozart's opera,
5, 6, 7 and 9.
The International Tea, sponsored by
the International Center and the In-
terational Student Association, will be
held in the Madelon Pound House,
1024 Hill Street, Thursday, July 29. from
4:30 until 6 o'clock.
La Petite Causette: An Informal
French conversation group will meet
weekly through July in the Round-Up
Room of the League, Thursdays at 3:30.
A faculty member and a native French
assistant will be present but there is no
formal program. Refreshments are avail-
able nearby, and all persons interested
in talking and hearing French are cor-
dially invited to come.
Departmental Play, auspices of the
Department of Speech. THE CRITIC, by
Richard R. Sheridan. 8:00 p.m., Lydia
Mendelssohn Theater,.-
Coming Events
Sabbath services at Hillel Founda-
tion on Friday at 8 p.m. All students
are welcome.
Margaret Dorman's Free Art Class
will meet Saturday at 10:00 a.m. at Lane
Hall to visit the Toledo Art Museum.
We shall be back at 3:00 p.m. Arrange-
ments have been made for lectures for
both children and adults. Lunch will
be eaten at the Museum. Bring your
own lunch. People not enrolled in the
class are welcome to join the group for
this trip.



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White, black, red, orange,
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Costume Jewelry - rings... now 1.98 to 5.00
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Two groups of COSTUME JEWELRY 49c to 1.00
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Marvelous groups of SPRING COATS, SUITS
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BETTER DRESSES of all kinds
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B '






w wElI





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