1 1
Aftermath of
German Riots
THE PROCESSION of events set off by
demonstrations and riots against harsh
Communist rule in East Berlin and Red
satellites is enough to perplex even the most
experienced political analysis in this already
highly confused world. Many have consid-
ered the strikes by German workers. and
the rebelliousness of Poles and Hungarians,
as part of a normal reaction to oppression
in the most desperate degree.
Communist retaliation in the form of
espionage charges directed at the United
States apparently convinced no one. Even
the Reds have become so accustomed to the
procedure that they have assumed an apa-
thetic nonchalance toward the truth of,
their own accusations. Any criticism or
charge leveled by the Soviet becomes mean-
ingless by virtue of its source, which may
or may not be a tribute to United States
propaganda. The point is that whether
their accusation is correct or not, the Com-
munists are interested only in making it,
and would probably be more surprised than
anyone else if they did happen to be right.
Consequently, the charge of American
influence in the Berlin riots is ignored as
ridiculous. Actually, the fact that it is
ignored is even more ridiculous. Although
history has proven in her own inimitable
way that a people who have once tasted
liberty cannot live long without it, a fact
that could explain the minor revolts by
itself, there can be little doubt that the
striking workers had some outside provo-
That the riots were not a fortunate coin-
cidence is pointed out by their timeliness in
the cold war. The strikes were most likely
planned and carried out by anti-Communist
underground leaders with advice, and pos-
sibly instructions, from Allied representatives
in Europe. The purpose behind the. strikes,
if this was the case, were to steal some of
the initiative from the Reds in the war of
* * * *
WHATHER the main purposes of the
strikes will be successful remains to be
seen, for they were probably of the long-
range assortment, designed to wedge a thorn
into the Kremlin's side. However, the im-
mediate results of the riots may be helpful
to the United States in the cold war. That
workers, for whom Communism is supposed-
ly intended, revolt against the 'people's de-
mocracy' should prove to the world, and
especially to those whose grey matter is
turning pink, that Communism is merely
another addition to the century old list of
devices for gaining power and keeping it
in the greedy hands of a selected few. This
is a terrific blow to Soviet prestige and pro-
paanda power and simultaneously. a shot
in the arm for American infiuence.
Furthermore, the riots served as a
warning to Russia that not all is well on
the European front, and perhaps caused
no little =anxiety inside the Kremlin's re-
cently uneasy walls. They will most likely
strengthen the diplomatic positions of the
United Nations on the subjects of German
unification and the Austrian treaty. Also,
the United Nations have now been assured
of assistance from behind the Iron Curtain
.if there is ever a showdown between the
Soviet and the free world.
Developments following the riots have
also contributed to encouraging the United
States in the fight for freedom. The firing
squad executions by the Communists acting
in reprisal caused as much ill-feeling toward
Russia as the riots and no doubt increased
the resentment and hatred of the subjected
satellites toward Moscow.
THE ENSUING offer of $15,000,000 worth
of food for the starving Red subjects by
President Eisenhower-since a low food sup-
ply was enumerated as a cause of the riots-
and the subsequent refusal by both the
East German and Russian governments add
to American gains in the quiet, desperate
struggle. Eisenhower's shipment of the food
to Europe despite the rejection of his offer
should also have a tremendous psychological
effect on the millions of hungry languishing
under Red despotism.
Nevertheless, there is at least one bad
note in the composition of events. The
unrest evidenced by the riots makes it
imperative for the Soviet to pour new
vigor into its verbal campaign against
the United States. In fact, Communist
big-shots may have to go so far in trying
to blame its troubles on American imper-
ialists that they be obliged to back up
their charges by starting a 'defensive' war.
Although the Berlin riots may have mark-
ed the long-awaited turning-point in the
cold war, the United States must not fall
into the satisfaction that Russia is crack-
ing under the strain. Instead we must be
even more on guard against Soviet ambi-
tion, because their moves from now on may
be even more desperate and drastic.
--Jim Dygert
COUNT the small liberties as they leap
over the stile and disappear, One by one-
One, To DifEer (those who believe in other
ways betray)
Two, To Listen (this lecture is canceled;
the thoughts might lead astray)
Three, To See (this movie is banned because
some call it obscene)
"Why, Ye.-- I Knew LavreuN'i"a"
NIGHT CLUB, a series of dramatic dem-
onstrations, adapting a story of Kather-
ine Brush, as presented by the Depart-
ments of English and Speech
AT WHAT is approximately the halfway
point in the programs scheduled for the
Popular Arts Symposium this summer, the
performance of a series of presentations
which demonstrate- the techniques of radio
and television seemed very much in order.
Last night, with the traditional efficiency
of these "popular" mediums, a short story by
Katherine Brush called "Night Club" re-
quired only ninety minutes to be polished off
in three different ways. It was a smooth and
revealing demonstration.
The program, of course, could be con-
sidered in terms of the merits of the orig-
inal story and the treatments of the
respective adaptations. However, per-
haps what was more striking about the
evening as a whole was the fundamental
ease and facility with which everything
was performed. That is only partly a com-
pliment. Amidst all the machinery and fine
technical equipment, it did not seem like
anybody took the time to step back and
ask. What does the story mean? Or even:
Is the story worth adapting at all?
Allowingonce more for the fact that this
was' merely a demonstration, there was the.
uncomfortable feeling throughout the pro-
gram that the various adaptations were not
only typical, but too typical. In moving,
cameras, adjusting recorded music, amid mak-.
in sound effects, the overall view seemed
lost by the director, the actors and every-
body concerned.
This should not have been, since there was
obviously no great problem in adapting a
story that has perfect unity of time and
place and, as Radio Director Willis remarked,
"talkable dialogue." In spite of that, both
adaptations missed the point of the story
which is basically the insensitivity of the
protagonist. In the stage version, this is
summed up by a closing line of the charac-
ter's:'"Nothing ever happens to me," which
is not an adequate substitute for the Mad-
ame Bovary escape into cheap fiction, the
character takes.
The radio version does a little better
here, unifying the tone of the story more
completely. But unfortunately Miss Brush's
removed cynicism is not well preserved
and the background music completely
missed its opportunity by employing Leon-
ard Bernstein instead of cheap brass.
The television demonstration, while in-
formative, merely indicated the obvious tech-
niques and the obvious solutions for obstacles
which arise. Aggressively demonstrated by
Edward Stasheff, program chairman, it de-
fined the various specialized devices used in
that medium.
The demonstrations, hence, came off
exactly as advertised. The people involved
handled their jobs as if they were fully fa-
miliar with them (the radio section being
particularly skillful.) However, I think it is
not out of placeto show a few more funda-
mental understandings. Art, even popular
art, is more than mere technique, self-con-
sciously displayed. So far at least, there has
not been much criticism of the "popular
arts" that have been talked about in the
various programs. Description and demon-
stration, yes; but little intelligent evalua-
Maybe we most need some solid training
in how to judge a thing.
-Bill Wiegand
ea \"
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Washington Merry-Go-RoundI
WASHINGTON-The diplomatic corps is
laying bets that the Kremlin will ban
Ambassador Charles E. Bohlen from return-
ing to Moscow as a result of John Foster
Dulles' boast that Bohlen knew Beria was
to be purged.
This not only put the U.S. ambassador in
the position of being a spy, but of being a
very good spy. Naturally the Russians don't
want the top secrets of the Politburo leak-
ing to us. any more than the White House
wants secrets of cabinet meetings.leaking to
the Russian embassy.
Once before, Moscow banned a top U.S.
diplomat, George Kennan, because he made
an unfortunate remark about Russia. So
the Dulles boast looks like a heaven-sent
opportunity to get rid of an American ex-
pert on Russia, who speaks the language
and really knows his way around. Incident-
ally, few U.S. diplomats are left who speak
Actually Bohlen did not get a real scoop
on Beria's purge. He merely reported what
other western ambassadors did, that Beria
was not at the Bolshoi theatre on June 27,
the same night that tanks rumbled into
Bohlen, a brilliant diplomat but never
averse to taking a rest, got caught by the
Beria incident en route to a vacation after
he had been at his new post only three
months. He was planning to sun himself on
the Majorca Islands when the purge of
Beria was announced. It may have been
to cover up the'vacation that Dulles boasted
about Bohlen's alleged Beria prediction.
Unfortunately, the two got their wires
crossed. For, while Ambassador Bohlen in
Paris told newsmen he didn't think the
Beria matter would interfere with his Span-
ish vacation, the Secretary of State in
Washington was telling the press that Boh-
len had come to Paris because he knew
Beria was going to get out and so he would
be nearer Washington in case they wanted
to consult with him.
After that statement, the ambassador
had to go through with the deal. He took
the next plane home, leaving his family
in Paris, their summer clothes all packed
for a vacation off the coast of Spain.
Note-Some of Secretary Dulles' best
friends in the State Department are figur-
ing on how they can get him to say less
at the wrong time. His recent statement
about rearming Japan put the pro-U.S.
Yoshida government on the hot spot, played
into the hands of anti-Americans. Another
Dulles background statement about desert-
ing Chiang Kai-Shek brought a storm of
wrath from Congress, caused Dulles to ask
the White House to deny his own state-
latest request of the State Department was
to know what books it carried by Judge
Learned Hand, one of the most distinguished
jurists in the nation; Rev. A. Powell Davies,
noted Washington Unitarian; Elmer Davis
and Raymond Gram Swing, two commenta-
tors who have had the courage to criticize
IKE GOT INTO A friendly argument with
one of his best advisers on capitol hill
the other day over the politically dynamite-
laden question of increasing postal, rates.
Senator Frank Carlson of Kansas, one of
the stanchest and earliest Eisenhower sup-
porters, was called to the White House to be
sweet-talked into upping postage stamps,
but was reluctant to go along.
Meanwhile, another Kansan, Congress-
man Ed Rees of Emporia, Chairman of the
House Post Office Committee, got panicked
into introducing a bill upping first-class
mail from three to four cents, and airmail
from six to seven cents. This, Carlson didn't
like at all.
What happened was that Postmaster
General Summerfield originally proposed
raising airmail rates to eight cents, but
the air lines kicked up such a fuss that he
compromised at seven. He also proposed.
raising second-class rates on magazines,
newspapers, etc., by fifty per cent. This
brought a protest from some of the big
magazines. And since the Saturday Eve-
ning Post, Look, Life, and Time were
among Ike's best supporters, once again
Summerfield whittled down the increase
-to 42 per cent.
Meanwhile, Chairman Carlson of the Sen-
ate Post Office Committee felt that Sum-
merfield should delay the increased postage
until Congressional committees could make
a survey. On the other side of the capitol,
Chairman Rees, also of Kansas, feared it
would be bad politics to increase the price
of postage stamps and told his fellow Re-
publicans that he wouldn't introduce Sum-
merfield's postal bill unless he was pledged
congressional support in advance.
In fact, the two Kansans, Carlson and
Rees, entered into a pact not to introduce
the postal bills.
The other day, however, Ike personally
phoned both of them, asked them to drop
in for a talk. Whereupon Rees hastily in-
troduced the increased postal bill-thirty
minutes before he was due at the White
However, the White House meeting was
suddenly called off. This left Rees in the
position of having walked out on his agree-
ment with Carlson.
Later, the President did call in Carlson,
and for the first time the two old friends
disagreed. Ike asked Carlson to introduce
the postage increase, but Carlson felt the
bill should be delayed until hearings could
The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceeding publication (be-
fore 11 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXIII, No. 101
President and Mrs. Harlan Hatcher
cordially invite members of the sum-
mer faculty to an informal reception
honoring the visiting faculty on Fri-
day, the seventeenth of July, fron eight
until ten o'clock, In the Michigan
Tickets are available at the Lydia
Mendelssohn box office for the remain-
ing plays in the Department of Speech
summer series: The Country Girl and
Pygmalion, $1.20 - 90c - 60c; The Tales
of Hoffmann, produced with the School
of Music. $1.50 - $1.20 - 90c. Box office
open daily from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m.
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for Dropping Courses
Without Record will be Friday, July 17.
A course may be dropped only with the
permission of the classifier after con-
ference with the instructor.
Late permission for women students
who attended "Knickerbocker Holiday"
on Thursday, July 9, wil be no later
than 11:15 p.m. "11
Packing Party. Clothing for the Free
University of Berlin will be sorted and
packed at Lane Hall from 3 to 8 p.m.
Friday. Come for an hour or more.
There will be a representative from
The Procter & Gamble Co. of Cincin-
nati, Ohio, at the Bureau of Appoint-
ments on Thursday, July 23, to inter-
view August men graduates interested
in the company's opportunities in man-
agement accounting. Positions offered
in their Comptroller's Division include
accounting, auditing, tax, and inter-
pretive functions
The New York State Civil Service
Commission will hold examinations In
September for various positions in the
field of Bus. Ad., Conservation, Public-
ity, Engineering, Social Work, and
Health. Further Information may be
secured at the Bureau of Appointments.
The Baltimore & Ohio RailroAd Co.,
Baltimore, Md., has openings for Civil
Engineers in their Engineering Dept.
August graduates are eligible to apply.
The Michigan Civil Service Commis-
sion has announced an examination for
the position of Economic Research As-
sistant If. Requirements include 1 yr.
of experence in economic research plus
a degree with courses in Econ., Statis-
tics, Math., Bus. Ad. and/or Pub. Ad. or
a Master's degree in Econ. or Bus. Ad.
For applications, appointments, and
additional information about these and
other openings, contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 3528 Administration
Bldg., Ext. 371.
Summer Education Conference. Morn-
ing session, Schorling Auditorium: "The
Keen Edge," Frances Clarke Sayers, Vis-
iting Lecturer, School of Education and
Department of Library Science, 10:00
a.m.; panel discussion, 11:00 a.m.
Afternoon: special conferences, 2:00
p.m.: Social Foundations, "The Curric-
ulum and Needs of the World Communi-
ty"-a discussion, 2431 University Ele-
mentary School: speech correction, "The
Development of Speech in Children,"
H. Harlan Bloomer, Professor of Speech
and Director of the Speech Clinic;
"Speech Disorders in Children," D. E.
Morley, Assistant Professor of Speech
and Senior Therapist in the Speech
Clinic; "Speech Training for Children,"
Prudence Brown, Senior Clinician in
the Speech Clinic, 1022 University High
School; reading conference, "The De-
velopment of Reading Ability"-a dis-
cussion,. 1430 University Elementary
Symposium on Astrophysics. 1400
Chemistry Building "Analytical Rep-
resentation of Turbulence Motions," G.
K. Batchelor, University of Cambridge,
2:00 p.m.; "Main Sequence Stars," E.
E. Sapeter, Cornell University, 3:30
p.m. "Turbulence as a Polytropic Gas,"
G. K. Batchelor, 7:30 p.m.
Linguistic Forum. "When Did the
Long Consonants of English Become
Subphonemic," Hans Kurath, Professor
of English and Editor of the Middle
English Dictionary. 7:30 p.m., Rack-
ham Amphitheater.
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Gladys Tor-
res Lamoutte, Bacteriology; thesis: "A
Histochemical Study of the Phagocy-
tic Process," Friday, July 17, 1566 East
Medical Bldg., at 9:30 a.m. Chairman,
Ruth Lofgren.
Doctoral Examination for Samuel Ir-
win, Pharmacology; thesis: "Charac-
teristics of Depression, Antagonism, and
Development of Tolerance, Physical
Dependence and Neuropathology to
Morphine and Morphine-like Agents in
the Monkey (Macaca mulatta)," Fri-
day, July 17, 103 Pharmacology Bldg.,
at 10:00 a.m. Chairman, M. H. Seevers.
Student Recital. Beatrice Ulrich, Pi-
anist, will present a recital in par-
tial fulfillmeiit of the requirements for
the degree of Master of Music at 8:30
p.m. this evening in the Rackham As-
sembly Hal. It will include the works
of Bach, Mozart, Roy Harris, Brahms
and Chopin. Miss Ulrich is a pupil of
Mr. Brkman.
Carillon Recital. Percival Price, Uni-
versity Carillonneur, will present the
1953 Summer Evening Series No. 4, con-
cert at 7:15, this evening. It will in-
clude G. F. Handel's March from Judas
Maccabacus, Bell music from the Royal
Windsor MSS: Compositions; A Volin-
tary, or a Flight of Angels, Three Un-
named Pieces. Air, Sonata, Minuet, Two
Allegros Two Selections from Sosarmes,
Aria from Ariadne; Samua mBarber's
Suite for Carillon, adagio, scheretto,
andante, un poco niosso, allegro moto,
and Spirituals Nobody Knows de
Trouble I see, Bye and Bye, Were You
There, Go, Tell It on the Mountain
and all God's Chillun Got Wings.
Museum of Art. Alumni Memorial
Hall. Popular Art in America (Jne 30
-August 7); California Water Color So-
ciety (July 1-August 1). 9 a.m. to 5
p.m. on weekdays; 2 to 5 p.m. on Sun-
days. The public is invited
General Library. Best sellers of the
twentieth century.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Gill-
man Collection of Antiques of Palestine.
Museums Building, rotunda exhibit.
Steps in the preparation of ethnolo-
gical dioramas.
Michigan Historical Collections. Mi-
chigan, year-round vacation land.
Clements Library. The good, the bad,
the popular.
Law Library. Elizabeth II and her em-
Architecture Building. Michigan Chil-
dren's Art Exhibition.
Events Today
President and Mrs. Hatcher invite the
summer session students to an infor-
mal reception at the Michigan League:
Building this evening from 8 until 10
Thursday Lunch Discussion at Lane
Hall, 12:15 noon. Bernard Pagel, doc-
toral candidate in astronomy at the
University of Cambridge, England, re-
source person. Topic: "Distance Out of
This World" in language the aveige
student understands. Call reservations
to 3-1511, extension 2851.
There will be a meeting of the Grad-
uate Student Council at 7:30 p.m. in
the East Conference Room of Rackham
Classical Studies Coffee Hour. Thurs-
day, July 16, 4:00 p.m., in the West Con-
ference Room of the Rackham Building.
Students of the department and all
others who are interested in the Clas-
sics are cordially invited.
Summer Session French Club. Meeting
at 8:00 p.m. in the Michigan League to
celebrate the French National Holiday.
Popular French songs; charades; danc-
ing. All students and Faculty members
interested are cordially invited.
Michigan Christian Fellowship Bible
Study at 7:30 p.m., Lane Hall. Topic:
I Prophecy Concerning Christ. II
Film Program. The Impressionable
Years, produced for the United States
Departnment of State, andTheLibrary,
A Family Affair, produced by the
Brooklyn Public Library. 2:00 and 3:00
p.m., Schorling Auditorium, Univers-
WASHINGTON-The Administration has won its fight over the ex-
cess profits tax, and the White House mood is not to look the
gift horse in the teeth. The President's legisltaive strategists are even
claiming a major success, just as they did after the fights over the
extension of the reciprocal trade act and the confirmation of Charles
E. Bohlen as Ambassador to Moscow.
Meanwhile, a good many of the more experienced Congressional
leaders, Republican as well as Democratic, are saying that this was
the kind of victory that ought to make a prudent commander think
twice. Their reasons tell a significant political story.
First, the President was not completely victorious in any of these
three major struggles of his first Congressional session. In the tax
fight, he asked for extension of the special corporate income tax and
excise taxes, as well as the excess profits tax. He had to forget about
his supplementary request, so the excise and corporate income tax
expiration will stare him in the face next year.
In the same manner, in the reciprocal trade fight, he had
to agree to the House project to pack the tariff commission. And
after the Bohlen fight he had to promise-or thought he had to
promise-to avoid such conflicts in future. None of these con-
cessions was trivial. The promise made after the Bohlen fight,
for instance, has just borne humiliating fruit, in the form of
Sen. Joseph R. McCarthy's successful veto of the impeccable Paul
H. Nitze's Defense Department appointment.
Second, the President should never have been forced to fight for
such requests as these, much less make compromises to win. On taxes
and reciprocal trade, he was only asking for time to reach a final
decision. The Bohlen nomination should have been wholly non-con-
In fact, you have to go all the way back to the unhappy Adminis-
tration of Ulysses S. Grant, in order to find another just-elected,
triumphantly popular American President running into this kind of
trouble with the Congress. This is a warning, in and of itself.
Third, and finally, such a warning bodes ill for the next
session of Congress, when the really big issues have got to be tack-
led. This is one of the really peculiar, much too little noticed
features of the Administration's performance to date. The truly
major issues have been put off. They have been referred to com-
missions. They have been taken under advisement. And they have
not been decided.
The Administration is largely composed of men who are inex-
perienced in government, or politics, 'or both. They cannot be blamed
for wanting time to make up their minds about the big issues. But
the practical effect of this delaying tactic will be to produce a really
hair-raising legislative program for the next Congressional session,
when all members will want to go home and mend their fences, for
the 1954 elections. The list tells the downright awe-inspiring story.
TAXATION: In the spring of next year, expiration of the spec-
ial excise and corporate income taxes will cost the government anoth-
er $3,000,000,000 of revenue-aL loss which the Treasury cannot afford.
In addition, the gigantic task of a general tax revision is now con-
templated for the next session.
AGRICULTURE: The crucial parity provisions of the farm sta-
tutes run out in 1954, and will have to be replaced. With a rural re-
cession in progress, nothing could be'more controversial.
FOREIGN ECONOMIC POLICY: The reciprocal trade act must
also be replaced. Foreign economic policy is an even hotter subject
than farm policy. y
SOCIAL SECURITY; The President has repeatedly promised to
broaden social security coverage, and is reported determined to keep
his promise before the 1954 election. This problem, like the tax and
foreign trade problems, will come before the House Ways and Means
Committee. There Rep. Daniel Reed, still angrily presides, still op-
posing the President's viewpoint on all three problems, and now
thirsting for revenge after his recent defeat.
DEFENSE AND THE BUDGET: This issue has also been-ducked
this year, by taking one-shot defense saving and blaming the re-
maining gap on the Truman administration. There is no space here
for the technicalities, but it can be confidently stated that the Presi-
dent will face a budgetary gap of at least 6.6 billion dollars, and
perhaps more, for fiscal 1955. He will then have to choose, publicly
and frankly, between three truly repellent alternatives-steeply in-
creasing taxes; or stripping the national defenses; or forgetting his
budget-balancing promises.
Any one who knows the ways of Congress can imagine the conse-
quences of a legislative program raising all these vital issues in an
election year.
(Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in length; defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the
Af ro-Amer'icans The white and yellow races of
To t Ei: -the world are regrouping for un-
To the Editor: ity and mutual understanding.
the "Colored" citizens of the Unfortunately the Nigro race is
UntdSaFRO-M CA" Is he still lagging behind. If the Afro-
dnied States. ("Coored" iro th Americans cannot redeem our race
desiredysubteritteloryNer' aby cooperating with Africans,
derogatory terminology used by wherein lies the hope for the pro-
the "white masters" to scorn the
Afr-Am s)gress of the Negro race? To those
Aro-Americans.) towho do not know how to solve this
Iomes"coore upenoplecarm problem I suggest, "Take pride in
some "colored" people claim Arcnafis o samaso
European ancestry To a liberal- African affairs, not as a means of
ist, who believes in racial inte- counter-racism but as a devise
gration there is nothing wrong for elevation of your own social
with such a claim. But how prestige."
many in this country believe in -F. Chigbu-Emene
racial integration? Afro-Ameri-
cans, as their true name depicts,
have African ancestry. Unfortu-
nately, as a result of coercion of
the "white masters," the undue
and unjust suppression of the
African contribution to world
civilization, and the tendency SixtyThird Year
for people to dissociate themsel- Edited and managed by students of
Yes from humiliation the Afro- the University of Michigan under the
Americans tend to deny their authority of the Board in Control Cf
African ancestry. The pity of Student Publications.
such an action is the lack of
pride in one's ancestry belittles Editorial Staff
him. Instead of reaching their fHarland Britz .......Managing editor
goal, ultimate conversion to the Dick Lewis. ............ Sports editor
white race, as postulated by Mr. Becky Cnrad........... .Night Editor
White who encouraged the col'- Gayle Greene........... Night Editor
Pat Roelofs ., .... Night Editor
ored to bathe in a mysterious Fran Sheldon............Night Editor
drug that destroys the pigmen-
tation of the skin and hence Business Staff
turns the individual white, the Bob Miller........Businese Manager
Afro-Americans are rewarded Dick Alstrom. .. Circulation Manager
with discrimination and segre- Dick Nyberg.'....Finance Manager
gation. The colored people will Jessica Tanner. Advertising Associate
continue to be in the lowest so- Bob Kovacs...Advertising Associate
** *
Alice Roosevelt Longworth says that when
Washington is bombed by the Russians the