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July 14, 1953 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1953-07-14

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TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1953

No Tax
EVERYBODY seems to agree that the tax
on excess corporation profits is a bad tax.
Yet Republican congressmen who were
against tax extensions in any form six
months ago and were fighting hard for a
mid-year reduction . in personal income
taxes took another loox at the national bud-
get and made an about face last week, voting
overwhelmingly for the President's requested
ectension of the excess profits tax.
Despite crucial reductions in Air Force
expenditures, and in many other depart-
J mets including a low budget for the new-
fly created Department of Health, Educa-
tion and Welfare, this move seemed neces-
As late as last September the then Secre-
tary of the Commerce Sawyer said that he
felt the tax should not be renewed and Sin-
clair Weeks, immediately after the an-
nouncement of his appointment as commerce
secretary said that he would like to see the
tax eliminated or if this seemed impossible
Yet recently the Eisenhower Adminis-
tration found itself plugging hard for an
extension of the tax until December and
opposing any attempt made for an earlier
expiration date.
It is- becoming clear to Republicans that
the party in power does not create tax neces-
sities, nor the world situation out of which
they grow. As long as we continue to follow
our present foreign policies, and the new ad-
ministration, fortunately, does not seem to
be making too many drastic changes in this
field, the tax situation, like many other prob-
lems which have been blamed on Truman ad-
ministration policy will continue' to exist in
the same degree as they have in the past.
Unless Eisenhower and his advisors real-
ize this and cease to dream u sucli phan-
tasies as "more defense for less money" they
will continue their floundering course for
another three years and the Democrats may
have some real blunders to blame them for
in 1956.
-Phyllis Lipsky
At the Michigan.. ..
ARENA, with Gig Young
A~fWTER A BALLOON explodes in your face
and you barely avoid a head-on collision
with a trailer truck, you are brought to the
stark awareness that you are watching a
three-dimension movie. Despite this spec-
tacular, publicity aimed introduction, Arena
settles down to an integrated, informative,
and entertaining film. The 3-D effect does-
n't dominate, but adds to the general ef-
fectiveness of this movie about the rodeo
and lives of the people who experience the
excitement, the glory, and the tragedy of
this rugged sport.
The story itself Is woven intimately
around the events of the rodeo. Gig
Young without the usual cliches of- the
American western, portrays convincingly
the role of a fearless brone-buster. Polly



Lydia Courte, pianist; Robert Courte,
LAST NIGHT'S recital of viola-piano mu-
sic was as charming and as .pleasant
as we have had in a long time. Magnifi-
cently placed, after two very serious and
profound faculty recitals, Raab-Dexter and
Stanley Quartet, and after a plethora of
nineteenth century music heard last spring,
its tone of straight-forward melody let free
to sing without any extra discourse not only
provided excellent summer fare but further-
more just the right change for our musical
The participants, Lydia and Robert
Courte, are a team of excellent musician-
ship, always well aware of what each other
is doing. Robert Courte has a very lovely
tone, fine technique, and his intonation,
which on occasion has been known to be
faulty, was last night at its best. Lydia
Courte is a pianist who also has fine tech-
nique. The clarity with, which she phrased
was delightful to behold. Sne always had a
proper percussive approach to compliment
the viola's innate intensity, and yet could
be lyric when answering the viola's plaintive
gestures, like in the Haydn Divertimento in
D major.
Perhaps the only point to question in-
terpretively was last movements, namely
those in the Haydn, the Sonatas by George
Wilson and Homer Keller, and the Diver-
timento in C major of Mozart. The-rapid
tempi, difficult for a viola to articulate by
nature, seemed to deprive the instrument
of its beautiful tone. Nevertheless the.
music demanded these tempi. It was an-
other case of sacrificing the instrument
for the sake of the music, which inci-
dentally this reviewer approves of, though
others rightfully may not.
The Wilson Sonata was the only work on
the program which could be called intense.
Without going again into this composer's
Bergan succeeds in giving an adequate
interpretation of shapely sophisticated
patron of sportsmen. Robert Horton, has-
been bronco-rider, and his wife, Jean
Hagen, succeed finally in establishing a
reconciliation of Gig Young and his wife,
Barbara Lawrence.
The 3D is handled with technical re-
straint, and the story is portrayed with
artistic simplicity. On top of this you have
the added attraction of witnessing the col-
orful action of an, apparently, unrehearsed
rodeo. This writer believes that Arena is an
encouraging preview of what we may expect
from future 3-D movies.
Short subjects accompanying this movie
include a 3-D cartoon and a colorful and
interesting short on Tahiti, paradise of the
south Pacific. You'll save 15 cents if you
bring your own 3D glasses along.
-Bill Whitney

relation to twelve tone music, this work is
however one of Wilson's best efforts in that
medium. The melodic lines have a graceful'
contour, always interesting in variation, and
the harmonic rhythm kept the work moving
On rehearing Homer Keller's Sonata, I
was struck by its aftinity to Darius Mil-
haud. Though it is a different personality
from Milhaud, it does have constant root
movement, a perpetual busyness, a delight
in the very simple and "catchy" theme, and
freedom from strong dynamic changes. It
was also an enjoyable piece of music. Both
the Wilson and Keller, by the way, were
given performances of which the composers
could be proud.
--Donald Harris
I ) 9 top,'etui9 y th e #
Associated Press News Analyst
tain have now been turned into a bar-
rier between the people of East Germany
and the food they need.
Soviet Russia, whose bureaucracy usually
moves so bumblingly in even the simplest
of matters, took only a few hours to de-
cide that she. had rather risk the wrath
of the subject people than to admit publicly
that any area under Communist control
needed help from the capitalist world.
Russia now claims she has aided East
Germany with food supplies and that she
will send more if necessary. No testimony
of that has come from any German source.
General knowledge of the bumbling Rus-
sian system raises the question of wheth-
er she could even if she would. All she
can do is cry that the food problem was
created by "Texas shirters" leading the
Berlin riots.
Russia looks from this distance like her
slip is showing again; that her weaknesses
are so widespread that she must try to save
face at all costs, even to the point of re-
fusing such a humanitarian gesture.
By the same token, her rapid and frantic
reaction to the food offer is sufficient to
indicate that the U.S. has struck one of
the most telling blows since the Berlin
blockade forced Russia badly out of position
in 1948.
It is an example of initiative in the
cold war.
It was a situation made to order. The
East Germans were crying for food. The
U.S. had plenty of it-enough in Europe to
start the ball rolling, warehouses full of
surplus at home. To offer aid was a tradi-
tional American reaction, regardless of the
cold war. To put Russia in the position of
either admitting that communism didn't
work or of denying food to the hungry was
a natural.
There has been one fault in the American
operation. It was too slow. It suggests that
Washington is not set to jump at such op-
portunities as they develop. Washington
needs to get its guns cocked.

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Eisenhower Showdown with McCarthy
Imminent as Investigation of Bundy Nears

W ASHINGTON-Moscow aftermaths-Big Three foreign ministers
meeting in Washington have done more talking about probable
results of Beria's exit from the Kremlin than anything else . . . One
certain result is: "A Big Four conference is out the window." Churchill
was its chief backer and now Churchill may shortly retire as Prime
Minister . . . Entirely aside from this, the Big Three foreign ministers
don't want to give the stamp of approval to Malenkov by meeting
with him at this time. Such a meeting would build him up in Russian
eyes, make him more powerful in the Kremlin . . . Our hope is for
more division in the Kremlin, not build-ups . . . Malenkov obviously
wanted the meeting with Ike and Churchill in the worst way. His
ambassador to Sweden urged the Swedish foreign office to promote
the meeting this summer-in Stockholm.
Ambassador Malik in London also called on Churchill to urge a
meeting this summer . .. Other Moscow aftermaths: more trouble is
expected in the Kremlin. However, no real collapse of Russia is
likely... Some of Beria's friends are bound to flee the Iron Curtain;
should give us a better chance to find out the real truth . . . Two big
alternatives worry allied diplomats: 1. Will the Russians be so busy
disagreeing that tension with the West will ease up?; or 2. Will Mal-
enkov be so jittery that he'll precipitate, war? None of the experts
knows the answer.
RUSSIANBLOOD-Over Stalin's bier. Marshal Beria de-
clared: "Our enemies think our loss will bring disorder in our
ranks. They will be disappointed."... Beria obviously knew better
because he was almost liquidated before Stalin died. He and Pre-
mier Malenkov have had a running feud for years. So have some
of the other Kremlin leaders .... Malenkov is half Russian, half
Tartar. Beria is a Georgian. He comes from the same Soviet
Republic as Stalin. Nikolai Bulganin is the only pure Russian
among the top leaders of the Kremlin ... Malenkov came to the
Kremlin in 1925 as Stalin's private secretary. He was recom-
mended to old Joe by Molotov and Kaganovich, now deputy pre-
mier and only Jewish member of the top command.
However, Malenkov didn't hesitate to turn against his sponsors
when they put their relatives on the Soviet payroll. He raised cain
because Molotov's wife, Polina, held a government job, and because
Kaganovich's two brothers and a woman relative also fed at the
Soviet trough. When Malenkov made a public speech denouncing
them, the relatives were fired and Molotov made a public confession
accusing himself of evil in not preventing his wife from holding high
office . . . On another occasion, Premier Malenkov almost came to
blows with Marshal Zhukov (Eisenhower's friend in Berlin). The
row took place in Stalin's villa at Sochi on the Black Sea. Stalin
personally separated them . . . After this Zhukov was banished from
Berlin and given an obscure command in Odessa. Zhukov's friendship
with Eisenhower was played up in the western press as the reason
for this semi-exile, but it was probably Malenkov's jealousy.
RIVAL ARMIES-In Russia the secret police has long been al-
most as powerful as the army. This was true under the Czar and is
even more true under the Communists. The secret police, until last
week headed by Beria, has its own tank divisions, modern weapons.
The Red army doesn't like the MVD, not merely because of compe-
tition but because the secret police has the power to arrest generals,
officers, enlisted men, sometimes executes them without trial . . . In
the hot and bitter rivalry between Beria and Malenkov, it was ob-
vious that the man who controlled the Red army would win . . .The
Red army has now backed Malenkov . . . At first, after Stalin died,
it looked as if Beria might win out. For on March 21, two weeks after
Stalin's death, Malenkov lost control of the Communist party . .
Shortly thereafter Beria fired top Communist officials in the key
countries of the Baltic, the Ukraine, and the Caucaus. About a year
before, he had been forced to purge some of his own friends in
Georgia, men he had known in his youth and whom he had appointed
to office. The purge was forced on him by Malenkov and Stalin .. .
But after Stalin's death he got revenge and kicked Malenkov's friends
out of their jobs in these key areas.
But from Malenkov's mother, who was a Tartar, the Premier
inherited ruthlessness and cunning. From his father, who was
Russian, he inherited forbearance and calculation. It is now ob-
vious that Malenkov waited, probably buttered up Marshall Bul-
ganin, who controls the Red army, Marhal Zhukov, with whom
he once rowed, and using his long experience as a chess player,
played them off against Beria, whom he hated.
EAST GERMAN TRIGGER-No one will know definitely for a
long time what finally tipped the scales against Beria. But probably
it was the East German riots plus the bog-down of Russian atomic
energy. Beria was in charge of the A-bomb program, was responsible
for policing East Germany, Czechoslovakia, the satellites . . . When
the uranium mines got flooded and Czech-German workers staged
riots and strikes, it played into Malenkov's hands, undoubtedly gave
him the excuse he had been waiting for ... Malenkov also had the
use of the top branch of the secret police,the Shmersh. This is the
super-duper outfit which spies even on members of the Politburo and
supersede's Beria's own secret police . . . For some weeks prior to
Stalin's death, Malenkov was fabricating Shmersh evidence in order
to liquidate Beria, while Beria was fabricating secret police evidence
in order to liquidate Malenkov . .. Prior to January, 1953, Stalin had
protected his fellow Georgian, Beria, from Malenkov. But two months
before he died, he switched over to Malenkov's side. This was during
the sordid, bloody, much confused haggle over the Soviet doctors who

The Daily Official Bulletin is a
official publication of the Universityi
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceeding publication (be-
fore 11 a.m. on Saturday).
TUESDAY, JULY 14, 1953
VOL. LXIII, No. 99
President and Mrs. Harlan Hatcher
cordially invite members of the sum-
mer faculty to an informal reception
honoring the visiting faculty on Fri-
day, the seventeenth of July, from eight
until ten o'clock, in the Michigan
President and Mrs. Hatcher invite
all summer session students to an in-
formal reception at the Michigan League
Building on July 16 from 8:00 to 10:00
A representative from the San Diego
Public Schools will be in our office on
Wednesday, July 15, at 3:00 p.m. and
will be glad to meet candidates inter-
ested in elementary positions for the
coming year.
Requests have been received from To-
ledo, Ohio, for teachers of high school
English, mathematics, music, and a
male librarian. Interested candidates
should contact either the Bureau of
Appointments, Ext. 489, of Superin-
tendent Bowsher.
A request from a Michigan Junior
College for a man to teach Genera; En-
gineering has been received. Interested
candidates should contact the Bureau of
Appointments, 31511 Ext. 489.
Summer Education Conference. Morn-
ing, Schorling Auditorium: "What Must
the Secondary School Do to Be Saved?"
Earl C. Kelley, Professor of Secondary
Education, Wayne University, 10:00
a.m.; Panel discussion, 11:00 a.m.
Afternoon. Special conferences, 2:00
p.m.: Guidance conference, "Testing for
Guidance Purposes," Harold Seashore,
Director of Test Division, Psychological
Corporation, Kellogg Auditorium; spe-
cial education conference, 130 Business
Administration, "Emotional Problems
of Handicapped Children," Sara Dubo,
Assistant Professor of Psychiatry, Ar-
chitecture Auditorium; industrial con-
ference, coloquoum, West Conference
Room, Rackham Building; secondary
education conference, "Our Experiences
as Ford Fellows," Anna Yambrick, Flint
Public Schools, Letah Stewart, Owosso
Public Schools, 1022 University High
Ze ttem4
The Daily welcomes communica-
tions from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all
letters which are signed by the wri-
ter and in good taste. Letters ex-
ceeding 300 words in length, defama-
tory or libelous letters, and letters
which for any reason are not in good
taste will be condensed, edited or
withheld from publication at the
discretion of the editors.
Beria Purge .. .
To the Editor:
THE RECENT purge of Lavrenty
Beria should come as no sur-
prise. The Soviet Union is not,
strictly speaking, a police state,
but a party state. The system is, in
reality, a vast, unopposed, and in-
credibly cruel Tammany Hall.
While the police watch over all
phases of Russian life, the Party,
through its undercover cells, in
its turn infiltrates the, police. It
is no accident that every Soviet
police chief to date has been purg-
ed. Stalin's immense power was
derived from his position as Party
boss. Control of the Communist
Power and its patronage made him
unquestioned dictator of the USSR
years before he bothered to be-
come premier.
Their police can keep things

in check, but cannot lead, be-
cause you cannot push on the
reins. The function of the Par-
ty, on the other hand, is to make
up a policy that will not gener-
ate significant opposition, and
to hand out jobs. Its infiltra-
tion extends its patronage even
into the ranks of the police.
Beria's sin consisted in trying to
build up his own personal ma-
chine within the MVD, for his
own purposes. The uprisings
were an excuse to eliminate
The man who gets control of the
Communist Party will control
Russia. Molotov is but a prestige
figure. He may remain an im-
portant government administra-
tor, but will be removed whenever
the party leader thinks him dan-
gerous. Malenkov is not a party
boss, and will step into the region
of mist and snow which is not Si-
beria whenever it is desired, un-
less he can get control of the Par-
It is unlikely that Beria con-
nived at killing Malenkov through
having MVD troopers fire on Mal-
enkov's armored car. That is too
square-headed for anything but a

Symposium on Astrophysics. 1400
Chemistry Building. "General Ideas
about Turbulence and Statistical Hy-
drodynamics." G. K. Batchelor, Univers-
ity of Cambridge, England, 2:00 p.m.;
"Protonchain and Carbon Cycle," E. E.
Salpeter, Cornell University, 3:30 p.m.:
"The Internal Structure of Red Dwarf
Stars," Donald Osterbrock, Princeton
University Observatory, 7:30 p.m.
Lecture, auspices of the College of
Architecture and Design. "The Child as
Inventor," Robert Iglehart Department
of Art Education, New York Universi-
ty, 4:15 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater.,
Radiation Biology Symposium. "Con-
tributions of Radiation Experiments to
an Understanding of Bacteriophage,"
A. H. Doermann, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory. 4:15 p.m., 1300 Chemistry
Linguistic Forum, "Some Observa-
tions on Old English Spelling," Sher-
man M. Kuhn, Associate Professor of
English and Associate Editor of the
Middle English Dictionary. 7:30 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheater,
Department of Speech, Graduate Sym-
posium-Television, 4:00 p.m., East Con-
ference Room, Rackham Building,
Speaker, Edward Stasheff, Associate
Professor of Speech, University of Mich-
Sociedad Hispanica. A lecture in
Spanish on the subject "Andanzas folk-
loricas por Espana"il be given by Pro-,
fessor Aurelo M. Espinosa, Jr., of Stan-
ford University, visiting Professor in
the Department of Romance Languages,
on Wednesday, at 8 p.m., July 15, in
the East Conference Room of the Rack-
ham Building. This lecture is open to
the public.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics
will meet today at 1:00 p.m. In Room
3201 Angell Hall. Professor C. C. Craig
will speak.
Faculty Concerts. John Kollen, plan.
ist, will appear in the third faculty
concert at 8:30 this evening in the
Rackham Lecture Hall. His program
will include Mozart's Sonata in C major,
K. 330, Brahms' Sonata in F minor,
Op. 5, and Beethoven's Sonata in E-flat
major, Op. 31, No. 3. The general pub.
lic will be admitted without charge.
Student Recital. Fred Purser, Pianist,
will present a recital in partial fulfill.
ment of the requirements for the degree
of Master of Music at 8:30 p.m. wed-
nesday evening, July 15 in the Rack
ham Assembly Hall. It will Include
works by Bach, Beethoven, Hindemith
and Brahms. Mr. Purser is a student of
Mr. Brinkman.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Popular Art in America (June 30
-August,7); California Water Color So-
ciety (July 1-August 1). 9 a.m. to S
p.m. on weekdays; 2 to 5 p.m. on Sun-
days. The public is invited.
General Library. Best sellers of the
twentieth century.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Gill-
man Collection of Antiques of Palestine.
Museums Building, rotunda exhibit,
Steps in the preparation of ethnolo-
gical dioramas.
Michigan Historical Collections. Mi-
chigan, year-round vacation land.
.Clements Library. The good, the bad,
the popular.
Law Library. Elizabeth II and her em-
Architecture Building. Michigan Chil-
dren's Art Exhibition.
Events Today
Speech Luncheon. Student - faculty
luncheon, 12:15 p.m. Michigan League
dining room.
Socledad Hispanica. Every Tuesday
and Thursday, under the auspices of
the Sociedad Hispanica, a group of stu-
dents and faculty members interested
in speaking and hearing the Spanish
language meets from. 2 to 3:30 p.m. in
the wing of the North Room, Tap Room,
Michigan Union. All those interested in
practicing the spoken language are
cordially invited.
Square Dance at Lane Hall. 7:30 to
10:00 p.m. Everyone welcome.
Coming Events
Popular Arts in America will present
four versions of Katherine Brush's
Night Club in the Lydia Mendelssohn
Theatre at 8:00 p.m., Wednesday, July
15. Professor Claribei Baird will read
a cut version of the short story. Play

Production will stage the one act play
version. The Radio Department will.
present it as a radio drama. The Tele-
vision Department will demonstrate
the techniques necessary in the tele-
vision version. Seats are reserved, but
no admission will be charged. Two re-
served seats per person can be obtained
at the Lydia Mendelssohn box office,
10 a.m.-8 p.m.
Sixt'vThird Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications,
Editorial Staff
Harland Britz........,Managing Editor
Dick Lewis . ,........ Sports Editor
Becky Conrad............ Night Editor
Gayle Greene............Night Editor
Pat Roelofs . ..,. ... Night Editor
Fran Sheldon............Night Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller........Business Manager
Dick Astrom ... Circulation Manager
Dick Nyberg........Finance Manager
Jessica Tanner.. Advertising Associate
Bob Kovacs.......Advertising Associate




WASHINGTON - The fall of Lavrenti
Beria may shake the world; but Ameri-
can domestic politics are rather more likely
to be shaken by a quite different event.
PresidIent Eisenhower has at last opened
hostilities against Senator Joseph R. Mc-
The decisive engagement will be the case
of William Bundy, the able official of the
Central Intelligence Agency who is Mc-
Carthy's newest target. The President shows
every sign of the firmest purpose to oppose
McCarhy on Bundy, even refusing to permit
Bundy to respond to McCarthy's subpoena.
If Eisenhower does not surrender in this
Bundy case, McCarthy will have a hard
choice. He will have to choose between
accepting public defeat, or unmasking his
real purposes by publicly attacking the
President himself. This can be, and may
well be, the final turning point.
The real opening of hostilities, how-
ever, was the President's incisive state-
ment denouncing the slander of the Pro-
testant clergy by McCarthy's pet investi-
gator, J. B. Matthews. The real interest
of this statement lies in a vital back-
ground fact. The White House actively
sought the opportunity, indeed created the
opportunity, to strike this hard blow at
the Wisconsin Senator.
It is an old story, now, how Matthews
charged that 7,000 Protestant clergymen
were secret agents of Moscow, and how
the members of McCarthy's committee
therefore protested Matthews' appointment
as head of the committee staff. But how
the White House seized upon the Matthews
issue is not an old story.

It is understood that Vice-President Rich-
ard Nixon also gave his approval.
Rather cleverly, the White House then
took steps to stimulate a telegram de-
nouncing Matthews from three leaders
of the Catholic, Protestant and Jewish
faiths, Monsignor John A. O'Brien, the
Rev. John Sutherland Bonnell and Rabbi
Maurice Eisendrath. This was to give
the President a reason to speak. Before
the planned answer to the invited tele-
gram could be published, the Vice-Presi-
dent hurriedly warned that Matthews was
about to be dropped by McCarthy. The
only White House reaction was to give
the press the President's fine statement
without further delay. In short, the in-
tention to strike at McCarthy was abund-
antly clear.
Meanwhile, the desire to create a diver-
sion drove Senator McCarthy to his attack
on Bundy. Bundy, who comes of a dis-
tinguished Massachusetts Republican fam-
ily, is Dean Acheson's son-in-law. As an
acquaintance of Alger Hiss, he gave $400
to the Hiss defense fund, so that the wrong
doer might be fairly tried. The only crimes
charged against Bundy are his marriage
to one of the most beautiful women in
Washington, and his adherence to the
American tradition that every man has a
right to a fair trial. To answer to these
crimes, Bundy was subpoenaed by Mc-

intelligence job. He said that he would have
to resign if the President could not protect
the CIA from such investigators as Mc-
Carthy. Eisenhower then promised to sup-
port Dulles to the limit.
McCarthy was warned that the Presi-,
dent had taken this position. Hence his
attempt to subpoena Bundy was-and is
--a frank, and open challenge to the
President. The matter was taken up in
the National Security Council on Thurs-
day. The decision was unanimously taken
to order Bundy not to respond to the
subpoena, under the doctrine of the sep-
arate powers of the Legislative and Execu-
tive branches.
McCarthy began his public attack on
Bundy before Vice-President Nixon could
inform him of the Security Council's deci-
sion-which might have made him draw
back. He has since tried, without result, to
blackguard and bully Allen Dulles into sub-
mission. There is no question that the Ad-
ministration will yield on the Bundy sub-
poena. But the faint hearts in the White
House are as usual urging "compromise"--
in this case, the transfer of Bundy to a less
sensitive job, which McCarthy would of
course claim as a complete victory.
Yet it is hard to believe that the President
will again appease the Wisconsin Senator.
Even in the case of Paul H. Nitze, whose
Defense Department appointment McCarthy
was allowed to veto, the President's approval
of the, veto seems to have been secured with-
out a full explanation of the facts. At any
rate, the President himself has now moved
to offer Nitze another high appointment,
also in the CIA.
In short, the real Eisenhower, the man
of courage and high principle, who does not
appease and will not yield to blackmail, at


* *


THE SIGNIFICANCE of the Bundy case
again lies in the background.. Some
time ago, McCarthy arrogantly presented
Allen Dulles, director of the Central Intel-
ligence Agency, with a list of ten alleged
"security risks," whom he "ordered" Dulles
to dismiss from the CIA. Six of these men,


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