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July 14, 1953 - Image 1

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Latest Deadline in the State WR

VOL. LXIII, No. 16-S



Red Skeptics
Want More
Balk In Spite
Of Rhee's Pledge
SEOUL - (P) - Despite Unite(
States assurance that South Ko
rea's President Syngman Rhee ha
put down in writing his consen
to abide by a truce, the skeptica
Reds showed every sign yesterda:
of wanting more iron-clad guar
antees before they accept.
A broadcast last night by Rei
North Korea's Pyongyang radio
said "agreement on the Korear
truce appears to be in for a dela3
because of lack of sincerity or,
the part of the American side."
* * *
WHILE THE words went ou
over the air, up to 40,000 Re
troops in east-central Korea
launched the biggest offensive
since 1951.
The truce delegations met for
39 minutes yesterday and then
adjourned until 8 p.m. today.
There was no immediate indica-
tion of. what was discussed.
Outside the conference hut, i
appeared that the Reds were prob-
ing for more information and a
the same time declaring that sc
far UN command has not come
up with anything acceptable.
** *
IRONICALLY, the only concreti
announcement stemming from yes-
terday's truce session didn't dea
with armistice terms discussions
North Korean Gen. Nam II, the
chief Red truce delegate, lodged
a protest with the allied side
charging that Allied planes strafed
and bombed a prison camp norti
of Pyongyang last Friday.
Nam said the bombers killed
five UN prisoners and wounded
The UN side made no immediate
In a public statement yester-
day, Rhee said that for the pres-
ent "I do not intend to say or do
anything that could be inter-
preted as causing any difficul-
However, he made clear thai
while South Korea may change its
methods, it was not abandoning its
objective of unifying the country.
Press Group
Hits Regents'
'Closed Door'
LANSING - The fight for "free-
dom of information" got underway
again yesteday with Board of Re-
gents and the Michigan Press As-
sociation in opposite corners.
Aiming their attack at the Re-
gents' closed door policy MPA
chairman, H. E. Bailey of Adrian,
named a new "freedom of informa-
tion" committee to seek on-the-
spot coverage at the Board's ses-
* * ,
FORMER co-advocates of the
closed meeting, the Board of Agri-
culture, governing body of Michi-
gan State College, yielded to per-
suasion six months ago and agreed
to allow accredited newsmen to at-
tend board meetings.
The MSC Board, stipulated how-
ever, it could go into private exec-
utive session before meeting with
the press without having to dis-

close the nature of the executive
President Hatcher has said he
sees little difference between MSC
policy and the University's present
The Regents now hold private
sessions but are available to the
press for questioning after their
Heading the group of newsmen
who plan to seek on-the-spot cov-
erage is Brewster Campbell, exec-
utive city editor of the Detroit
Free Press.
Other members appointed to
the MPA committee are: George
R. Averill, of the Birmingham Ec-
centric, Richard M. Cook of the
Hastings Banner, John Lignian of
the Olivet Optic, Berkely Smith
of the Iosco County News, Ink
r White of the Clinton County Re-
publican News, Ralph N. Byers of
the Ann Arbor News, L. Earle Dav-
idson of the Coldwater Reporter,
E. C. Hayhow of the Hillsdale Dai-
lv News. Philip T. Rich of the

Food on Way,
Germans Told
U.S. Says Supplies Will Come
Regardless of Communist Wishes
The United States told hungry East Germans yesterday that
much-needed food is on the way to them.
According to the United Press, American spokesmen declared they
would get the supplies regardless of the wishes of their Communist
"THEY ARE GOING to get food one way or another," a State
Department official said.
The Voice of America beamed two short-wave German-lan-
guage commentaries to East Germany.

British Act
For Return
Of Soldier
Egyptian Takes
Tommy in Suez
ISMAILIA, Egypt --(A')-Brit-
ish soldiers clamped an iron ring
of armored cars and machine guns
around this strategic Suez Canal
zone town yesterday to force the
return of a missing Tommy.
The British here charged that
the soldier, Leading Aircraftsman
A. V. Rigden, was abducted last
Thursday by what they called an
Egyptian "bad boy," and called on
Egypt to return him by 2 a.m. yes-
*, * *
THE EGYPTIAN government.
denied it knew anything about his
disappearance. When the deadline
passed without a sign of Rigden,
300 British troops moved into po-
sition and announced they would
search all civilians entering and
leaving Ismailia until he returns.
The Egyptians took prompt
counter-measures, moving units
of the Egyptian Army to posts
around all government build-
ings in the town.

Red Foes Launch Biggest
Offensive in Two Years

t ..,.s,.,.- .. ..,,... _.... ,.,.,,.. . .. ,.,,...

Hits Senate
By The Associated Press
- Sen. Monroney (R-Okla.) hotly
attacked the investigative methods
of Sen. McCarthy (R-Wis.) on the
Senate floor yesterday and chal-
lenged the wisdom of letting M-
Carthy investigate the supersecret
Central Intelligence Agency.
An inquiry into the CIA, he
said, would "disclose to our ene-
mies information that even the
best spy apparatus of the Krem-
lin" could not get.
THE OKLAHOMA senator, in a
speech bristling with scorn, de-
manded that the senators stand
up and be counted in a showdown
on the McCarthy issue.
The entire Senate, he said,
should be willing to take "full
responsibility" for the acts of
McCarthy's Senate investiga-
tions sub-committee, from which
all three Democratic members
have walked out, and for all
other Senate committees.
"We cannot wash our hands of
this ultimate responsibility," Mon-
.roney declared. "Every senator
should assume the responsibility
of voting for or against a Mc-
Carthy investigation of the CIA."
* * *
EARLIER in the day, McCar-
thy reported he had uncovered
evidence of "an alleged $150,000
shakedown" against a friendly
foreign government by State De-
partment employes under former
Secretary Acheson's regime.
The San Diego Union said
yesterday one of its reporters
provided original information
for this case.
Gene Fuson, the reporter, said
one of the State Department em-
ployes named in the matter was
involved in the case of Alger Hiss.
Army Studies
Cut in Arms
of the Army Stevens said yester-
day all Army production schedules
are being studied to see if fur-
ther downward adjustments are
He disavowed any slowdown in
ammunition making until "safe"
reserves are built up at home and
Stevens said the ammunition
situation in Korea today is "ex-
cellent," with a 90-day supply
level in the Far East Command.
But he said more reserves would
be needed in the United States,
in Europe and elsewhere.
"The Army is ready to deal ade-
quately with any situation that
might arise from an armistice int
Korea," he said.

The commentaries said the first
shipments would leave New York
this week-probably Thursday.
IT ADDED that West German
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer had
suggested to President Eisenhow-
er that food be distributed through
churches and charitable organi-
"Presumably this method of
distribution can still be used,"
the broadcast said.
White House Press Secretary
James C. Hagerty said shipments
also would be sent to the East-
West frontier in Germany.
* * *
MEANWHILE the Associated
Press reported that Communist
Premier Otto Grotewohl issued a
desperate appeal yesterday to the
entire East German population to
work on the farms to overcome
"deficiencies in cultivation and
preparation for the harvst."
The appeal, an admission of a
worsening food shortage in the
Red-ruled satellite, came after a
special Cabinet session and while
East Germans boiled with anger
against the Kremlin's refusal of
the American offer of food.
The Russian action stirred anti-
Communist fury throughout the
zone, for it means that the Rus-
sians would play politics with
Peace Policy
For Russia
To Continue
VIENNA-(')-The Cominform
Indicated yesterday the Kremlin's
foreign policy is unchanged by the
fall of Lavrenti Beria and that
Russia's immediate aims are three-
fold: a unified Germany, Ameri-
can withdrawal from Japan and
admission of Red China to the
The Cominform is the Commun-
ist Information Bureau. It co-or-
dinates the policies of the Com-
munist-bloc countries.
* * *
THE LATEST issue of its weekly
policy publication to reach Vienna
instructed world Communist par-
ties to launch a propaganda cam-
paign to convince people of "the
consistent peace policy of the So-
viet Government."
Western diplomats here said
the editorial appeared to have
been written after Beria's arrest
and probably had Kremlin
approval. They regarded this
as confirmation that Russia's
"peace offensive" is still on.
The Cominform journal told
Communists to press for the "his-
torically important" program of
the Communist-run World Peace
world "peace movement" must
press for an end to the arms drive
and to "internal interference in
the internal affairs of other;

There was no immediate
lence and the forces of the
governments settled down
watchful waiting.
Reaction was quick in
Cairo and London.
1, 1, *


r--Daily-Lon Qui
MEMORIES OF BASTILLE DAY-A Belgian and two French students recall July 14, 1789, and
the days of the French revolution when the tearing up of streets and side-walks was not so peace-
ful as the mild variety in front of Angell Hall.
Plane Crash Bodies Found in Gcific

PRESIDENT Naguib discussed
the situation for 21/ hours with
his Cabinet at an emergency meet-
ing. He met next with members of
Egypt's Army Revolutionary coun-
cil and was believed to have dis-
cussed Egypt's next move. Mem-
bers of both groups were tight-
lipped after the meetings.
Maj. Salah Salem, minister
for national guidance, denounc-
ed Britain's action by saying
Britain is now "a third-rate
power, morally and materially
defeated everywhere; in India,
Ireland, Iran, Pakistan, even
Salem called on the Egyptian
people to consider themselves in
"a major battle" but not to take
action against Britain until ord-
ered to do so.
In London, the British govern-
ment curtly dismissed Egypt's pro-
tests that she knows nothing about
the missing airman.
Minister of State Selwyn Lloyd
told the House of Commons the
British military authorities in the
Suez Canal zone "have strong
grounds for believing one of the
two Egyptians seen with Leading
Aircraftsman A. V. Rigden was an
officer and that the Egyptian
authorities therefore knew about
the incident."
Lab Building
President Harlan Hatcher will
preside over ground - breaking
ceremonies at 4 p.m. today for the
University's Radiation therapy
The laboratory, to be located be-
tween the University Hospital and
Kresge Research Bldg., will be
constructed underground. It will
be used to test the effectiveness of
radio-active Cobalt 66 and Cesium
137 in radiation therapy.
Fred J. Hodges, who will be in
charge of the new laboratory, will
speak briefly and Regent Vera
Bates will introduce several wo-
men who have been active with
the Alice Lloyd Memorial Fund of
the Michigan Membrial-Phoenix
project, a sponsor of the labora-


HONOLULU - (A) - A Navy
transport was picking up bodies
from the shark-infested waters
east of Wake Island yesterday
where a huge airliner plunged into
the Pacific Saturday night with
58 aboard.
The transport Barrett radioed
that it had recovered five bodies
and had sighted more.
"SHARKS are attacking the
bodies," it reported, making it dif-
ficult to estimate how many vic-
tims were nearby.
Three of the victims were bad-
ly burned and two were mangled,
Report Big
Three Agree
On Cold War
Big Three foreign ministers were
reported last night to have
reached a "wide field of agree-
ment" on cold war problems.
An American spokesman who re-
ported this declined to say, how-
ever, whether anyragreement on a
possible Big Four meeting with
Russia was in prospect.
A HIGH British official earlier
said his government is willing to
delay any top-level Big Four meet-
ing with Russian Premier Malen-
kov until after the West German
election scheduled for Sept. 6. But
Britain regards such a meeting as
inevitable, he said, and does not
believe it should be put off too
American - British - French
agreements drafted during the
current talks were reported dis-
cussed at a two-hour meeting
late yesterday afternoon and lat-
er cabled to London and Paris
for clearance.
Dulles in discussing Far East
problems, told his British and
French colleagues a Korean arm-
istice "is now possible if the Com-
munists want' one,"" a State De-
partment spokesman said.
During a three-hour morning
conference, Dulles gave a confi-
dential report on the recently
concluded American negotiations
with South Korea President
Syngman Rhee.
Dulles reportedly made it clear
that the United States will insist
on confining any post-armistice
political conference with the Reds
to Korean matters only.
In outlining the American view,
he also said the U.S. will continue
to oppose Communist China's
membership in the United Nations
as a price for any cease fire.
Ann Arbor Mother

indicating the Transocean Air-
lines DC6B crashed with terrific
impact and burned or exploded.
"There is little hope of any sur-
vivors in view of the conditions of
bodies found," a doctor aboard the
Barrett said. One of the victims
had died from flash burns and
multiple fractures.
* .* *
-carrying 50 passengers, includ-
ing eight children under 10, and a
crew of eight-last was heard from
at 10:28 p.m. Saturday when it
made a routine position report 325
miles east of Wake. There was no
indication of any trouble.
Thetransport Barrett's crew
began pulling bodies out of the
sea at a point where it had
found three of the plane's five
rafts-the only means of sur-
vival for those aboard the ill-
fated DC6B.
Suitcases and women's shoes
floated about the ship.
Although hopes were slender,
the Hawaiian Sea Frontier ordered
planes to switch their search to
the area west of the Barrett's po-
* * *
"BARRETT is picking up bodies
crackled the terse radio message
which brought the first confirma-
tion of death among the 50 pas-
sengers and eight crewmen flying
from Guam to Oakland, Calif.
The Barrett's discoveries were
made only about 30 miles from the
point where the plane radioed late

Saturday night without any indi-
cation of trouble. Those aboard in-
cluded civilian workers, their wives
and children bound from Guam for
the U.S. for summer vacation.
Hope had been kindled that
some survivors might have man-
aged to get aboard four other
rafts when the Barrett reported
sighting a green flare just before
midnight Sunday. But it was only
a slender hope.
Postal Raise
Still Possible
WASHINGTON - (-) - The
Eisenhower administration's move
to raise postal rates this year
touched off a shouting, arm-wav-
ing uproar in the House Post Of-
fice Committee yesterday.
When the dust settled, the com-
mittee turned down by an 11 to 10
vote a proposal to shelve the rate
increase request until next year.
This meant public hearings will
continue, though it's doubtful
whether any further action will be
taken before Congress adjourns
afound the end of this month.
Postmaster General Summerfield
went before the committee to ar-
gue for the higher rates endorsed
by President Eisenhower - four
'cents instead of three for a first
class letter, with other increases
in postage for air mail, books,
newspapers and periodicals.

ROK Lines
Still Holding
Artillery Blasts
Called Incredible
SEOUL - () - Nearly 70,000
Chinese Reds struck last night l e-
hind. crashing artillery barrages
against 18 miles of the East Cen.-
tral Korean front in the mightiest
offensive in two years.
Late yesterday the mighty Red
onslaught, mounting in fury,
smashed two holes in the'- allied
main line and forced one South
Korean division to retreat.
* * *
THE SITUATION was described
as locally dangerous but not fatal.
The next few hours probably
would tell whether the South
Korean line could hold.
South Korean infantrymen
counterattacked immediately and
the situation was reported "still
under control."
Wave after wave of Chinese
troops crashed against the deep-
dug allied line between Kumhwa
and the Pukhan River.
stered by the shocking power of
"incredible" Red artillery bar-
"You've got to see that artil-
lery to believe it," a U.S. officer
with a South Korean division
Outpost after outpost crumbled
and melted away as the Red tide
rolled forw rd, smothering ith
bodies of South Korean rifle e.
Part of Finger Ridge was gone.
Many, other famed hI1T'psitions
were believed engulfed or in peril.
THE WEST half of the 18 mile
battle front was taking the heav-
iest blows. The hardest hit sec-
for was just northeast of Kumhwa
and Sniper Ridge.
The size and violence of the
Red onslaught-a throwback to
the old war of movement halt-
ed by two years of truce talks
-threatened to breach a major
gap in the Allied battle line.
Censorship prohibited disclosure
of the extent of the Red gain.
. "There were simply too many of
them for us to stop," a U. S. ad-
viser with the stricken South Ko-
rean division said. "They overran
some of our people and some of
them got behind us."
* *a
THREE OTHER South Korean
divisions were fighting for their
lives across a mountainous sector
from Kumhwa east to the Pukhan
No American divisions were un-
der attack.
At one point the Communsts
managed to shove infiltrators into
a rear area but there was no in!
dication how deep the break had
Senate, House
Pass Foreign
Aid Program
House and Senate approved a
$5,157,000,000 foreign aid program
yesterday but directed President
Eisenhower to withhold one bil
lion from six European countries

unless they unite behind an in-
ternational army.
Acting first, the House passed
by a roll-call vote of 221 to 109
a compromise bill worked out by
a special Senate-House committee.
The Senate followed quickly with
a voice vote of approval and with-
out further debate.
orization bill which sets a ceiling,
314 million dollars lower than
Eisenhower requested, on mutual
security spending for the fiscal
year ending next June 30.

Brooks Blasts Americans
,For Having Passive Mind

Salesmen, Cherish Home Television

"We are becoming targets for
every kind of propaganda."
John D. Brooks, director of the
New Lincoln School of New York
City charged yesterday in a talk
before the Summer Education
Conference that Americans are
developing passive minds.
POINTING OUT that the popu-
lar soap operas might better be
called "sporific operas," he claim-
ed that Americans tend to "hang
up their intellects along with their
hats and sit with slack jaw before
the television set."
He stressed the fact that "we
must develop the ability to fight
back with our minds when lis-
tening to a television program or
reading a magazine."
Citing as the most important
need in adjusting the public
school curriculum today the build-
ing of basic skills better than they
have ever been built before, Brooks
called democracy the most "dan-
gerous" form of government unless
everyone is constantly on the alert
to maintain it.

Calling today's curriculum, "as-
sembly line in operation," Brooks
said that "children are being re-
warded for acting alike, feeling
alike, loving and hating alike.
He called it the "job of the pub-
lic school to meet the rich indi-
vidual variations of Jew and Gen-
tile, poor and rich, rural child and
city child."
* * *
ON THE OTHER hand, however,
he indicated that "the public
schools have the right to indoc-
trinate for a common core of dem-
ocratic belief and practice."
He said that he had no fear
of proper indoctrinating for the
spirit of freedom of religion and
freedom of speech provided "we
leave our students free always
to modify, adjust and adapt."
The conference will continue to-
day with a talk by Prof. Earl C.
Kelly of Wayne University on
"What Must the Secondary School
Do to be Saved?" at 10 a.m. in
Schorling Auditorium followed by
a panel discussiin at 11 a.m.
There will be a series of special

If father is a sales clerk, the
family is more likely to have a
television set than if he were a
doctor or lawyer.
According to University's De-
troit Area Survey of television
ownership, 90% of the sales work-
ers interviewed had television in
their homes in comparison with
nnly 75% nf the nrnfinnn1 work-

Because television is potentially $2,000 annually was ownership
such an important factor in the lower thpn 50%.
life of the community, the study The generally wealthy sub-
conducted interviews in 1,157 urbs outlying Detroit showed a
conducteduinterviews rin 1,15 great majority of families with
Shomes during February and' television sets, compared to those
March. in the City of Detroit accord-
The presence of children is a ing to the survey.
sure indication of television on the Another finding related to eco-
premises, especially if they are nomic status is that high school

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