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June 30, 1953 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1953-06-30

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TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1953

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qCt ti4 1r-te
MERRY OLD ENGLAND is currently re-
viewing the pros and cons of an old
English tradition, capital punishment. The
discussion started, as such discussions usual-
ly do, after the disclosure that a man had
been hanged for a murder that he might
not have committed.
Whenever such frustrating news is
brought out, a segment of the local citizenry
will undoubtedly harrangue for capital pun-
ishment's abolition. The argument, of
course, is that since all men are subject to
error no matter how virtuous they may be,
innocent men may hang and such deeds
cannot be remedied. Not only do dead men
fail to tell tales, they also do not accept
The practicality of such an argument
cannot be denied. It can only be defended
by the view that there are bound to be
injustices in any judicial system and that
unless the injustices become extreme it is
best to make the punishment fit the
crime rather than take a softie attitude.
When a man takes another's life, he
should be prepared to give his own, this
school of criminologists would say.
But whether we accept one or the other
of these arguments, there is more to the
issue than the possibility of convicting the
wrong killer. Even when the accused's guilt
has been proved within a shadow of a
doubt, even when the accused has issued a
bona fide confession, the death penalty
seems cruel and uncalled for.
As the Rosenbergs prepared to die in Sing
Sing's electric chair, many Americans be-
gan to think seriously about this for the
first time. Their death did not come quickly
after their trial, as have the executions of
most celebrated criminals. As their case
dragged along, Americans realized the
enormity of society's conception of justice,
equally as much as they realized the enorm-
ity of the Rosenberg's crime.
The gory descriptions in the newspapers
didn't help the cause of capital punishment,
either. The poor Rosenberg's weren't even
allowed to die in private.
But no matter how men are put to
death by their fellow men, the fact is that
man is putting an end to a mighty crea-
tion. Even if that creation has erred
grossly, society is merely repeating the
crime over again by executing the crim-
In the context of many of our states' and
nation's criminal codes, mercy is a naive
word. And yet mercy is an almost divine
concept, stemming from the realization of
man's nature as an imperfect creature.
It was unfortunate that so much blame
was thrown on the President prior to the
Rosenberg's execution. The man was trying
to enforce the law of the United States. It
is to the law that.our attentions should be
directed, not to the executives.
This law which accepts the slaughter of
human beings because of a vengeful con-
cept of justice, is as outdated as the rack
and the peine fort et dure. To change it
will be difficult because of many deeply
rooted conceptions of justice. For our other-
wise up to date judicial system to include
the medieval barbarisms of legal murder is
a situation that requires the attention of
our lawmakers

Grade System Revision

ODDLY ENOUGH, one topic which has
begun to be frowned on in campus con-
versation is that prominent part of the aca-
demic apparatus, the grading system. Sug-
gestions for its'improvement are likely to be
attacked as a "encouraging competition" or
"demonsrations of grade consciousness."
Looking at the topic realistically, it is ob-
vious that we will never return to the old
"pass, conditional or fail" system, abolished
here thirty or forty years ago. We've ac-
commodated ourselves to the outside world,
and have decided that if prospective em-
ployers, graduate schools and Phi Beta Kap-
pa chapters insist that we give grades, we
had better go along with them.
Granting the fact that we cannot, at least
at the present time, eliminate grading, the
sensible thing to do is to adopt a system
as well suited to our needs as possible. And
one of the most important of potential im-
provements, long overdue in the literary
college, is the addition of plus and minus
Crediting pluses and minuses in our
grades would help both by -eliminating
tension and by giving the student a grade
which would more accurately represent
the quality of his work than those re-
ceived under the present system.
Much of our final exam tension results
from the fear that a grade will be lowered
if the student doesn't make quite as good
a showing on the test as he might. The drop
is a full grade-and either you get it or
you don't.
There is no way of the professor's saying
"I know that you did well during the se-
mester, and I will take that into account
along with the fact that yo\ did poorly on
the exam." A decision must be made, and
either the student - gets credit for working
hard all semester, or his grade goes down
because he did poorly on the final.
A plus-minus system would do much to
eliminate the "either-or" aspect of grad-
ing. The instructor could indicate both that
a student's final exam grade was poor and.
that his work during the semester was

good, and indicate it to the person who reads
the transcript as well as to the student
who reads the note of condolence at the
bottom of his postcard.
There is no objection, of course, to the
note on the postcard; if the student can-
not get a B, he at least likes to know that
the instructor thought well of his work.
But there is no reason for his not getting
credit for this good opinion.
An argument sometimes used by those
who condone the present system is that dur-
ing the student's college career, he will re-
ceive the benefit of the doubt as many times
as he will lose it. However, even a little
time spent at the University makes it ap-
parent that students tend to develop a cer-
tam degree of consistency with regard to
grades. One student will, in one course
after another, do B plus work, while anoth-
er will stick much closer to B minuses.
Adding precision to the grading system
would eliminate, to a large degree, the prob-
lem of the instructor who has to rate a
borderline student, and must do it more-
or-less arbitrarily. Since the divisions are
smaller, the decision itself is both less im-
portant and easier to make.
One often-raised question is whether any
instructor has precise enough knowledge
about any student's work to rate him any
more accurately than the present system
does-a comment often made to oppose the
Bus Ad School's system of numerical rat-
ings. Here, the fact remains that we now
credit him with the ability to make a much
larger decision-"B or C?"
While the Bus Ad School's system is,
perhaps, too specific, the literary college
might do well to look to Rackham, and
consider the merits of their plus-minus
Since grades are here to stay, such
thought by members of the literary college
administration might do a lot to improve
the reliability of grades, and thus promote
in the student, a much healthier attitude
towards them.
-Elli Rosenthal

'WelI, We Were Just Burning A Few Books,
" e.



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YhnteI'pretih9 the 7lek'

Associated Press News Analyst
THE United States, facing a world-wide
ring of delicate problems, today finds it-
self surrounded by uncertainty and inef-
fectiveness in practically every chancellery
upon which it depends for political support.
Illness had left Britain without either an
active Prime Minister or foreign secretary.
France was trying to get a new Cabinet
going, but it was one without any vigorous
program for tackling the problems which
beset this major European alley.
Italy's Premier De Gasperi dissolved his
Cabinet. Considerable maneuvering was ex-
pected before he could form a new one-if,
indeed, he can.
The Adenauer government of Western
Germany was surrounded by pre-election
uncertainties. Adenauer was under fire,
along with his friends of the North Atlan-
tic Alliance, particularly the United States,
for having been caught unprepared for ex-

ploitation of the recent anti-Communist up-
rising in Eastern Germany.
Japan, major strategic base for the Unit-
ed States in Asia, had a relatively stable
government, but was beginning to chafe
openly about U.S. restrictions on trade with
Red China, and was displaying considerable
jitters over the prospect that the U.S. would
soon call upon her to re-arm.
And the most trouble of all was being
Caused by one of the least of the allies-
South Korea.
THERE STILL can be limited wars in our
world, just as there is crime in our so-
ciety that la wenforcement agencies keep in
check. But there cannot be total victory ex-
cept at the price of total war. This man-
kind does not want, and the voice of man-
kind does not want, and the voice of man-
kind is so pewrful that it can make itself
heard even through so frail an institution as
the UN.
-The Reporter

WASHINGTON-Winston Chur-f
chill has secretly offered to
give the most famous bastion of
the British empire, Gibraltar, to
NATO in order to bolster the de-
fense of Europe.
The British Prime Minister has
discussed this privately with U.S.
officials and is prepared to make a
formal presentation of the famed
British fortress at the Bermuda
conference. As far as is known,
the British do not plan to exact a
price for Gibraltar, though it's
possible certain payments will be
made for the fort's installations.
It's believed that Churchill will
have considerable support from
other British leaders because of
British hostility to the proposed
American hook-up with Dictator
Franco of Spain. If Gibraltar be-
comes a NATO base, Spanish bas-
es would not be so necessary.
Both the British and French
have been flatly opposed to
bringing Franco into the Euro-
pean defense pact and also have
frowned on the proposed deal
whereby the United States
would set up air and naval bas-
es in Spain.
Thanks to the powerful Span-
ish lobby headed by Charles Pat-
rick Clark who draws $100,000 a
year from Franco, Congress has
voted some $180,000,000 of aid to
Spain, part of it contingent on
Franco giving us bases. The Span-
ish dictator, however, has been
slow in coming to terms.
I N VARIOUS speeches during the
election campaign, both Gen-
eral Eisenhower and John Foster
Dulles emphasized the importance
of stirring up revolt behind the
iron curtain. They were so vig-
orous regarding this that at one
point Adlai Stevenson expressed
some differences of opinion.
For more than three weeks,
however, first the Czechs and
later the East Germans have
been staging the most violent,
bitter and significant oposition
to Red rule ever seen behind
the iron curtain.
During this time, various pro-
posals have been put forward by
the State Department to bolster
the courage of rioting Czechs and
Germans, but as of this writing
they have run up against a blank
wall at the White House.
The Yalta pact provides for free
elections among the satellite na-
tions behind the iron curtain, and
it would be an obvious and timely
move for the United States to em-
phasize this point now. We could
demand, and keep on demanding
that free elections be held.
We also have several million
tons of surplus wheat, plus ware-
houses of butter and other foods.
Some of them will spoil if not us-
ed this year. Yet if they were us-
ed appropriately in Berlin, the ef-
fect on the Russians would be de-
vastating. American food offered
to half-starved East Berlin would
be something the Russians would
have a hard time refusing. If they
did refuse, they would be more on
the spot than ever.
However, efforts to get the
Department of Agriculture to
move on this have failed.
Meanwhile, CARE, the very ef-
ficient food-distributing agency,
already has limited stocks of food
in near-by West Berlin. Donations
through CARE is one way Ameri-
cans who can't get their govern-
ment to move, can do something
on their own.
* *

job, later became Assistant Secre-
tary of State, finally served as
chairman of he advisory commit-
tee on the Point IV program-all
under the Democrats.
However, Nelson never got
away from the fact that he was
a Republican, and during the
Eisenhower campaign his fam-
ily contributed $85,000 to Ike's
campaign chest through the in-
teresting but legal system of
parlaying the money out among
wives, brother and sisters.
After the campaign, his uncle
Winthrop Aldrich was made am-
bassador to England, and Nelson
himself was offered various jobs
in the State Department which he
turned down. Now, however, he
has taken the new and somewhat
obscure post of Undersecretary of
Health, Education and Welfare, as
top aide to Secretary Oveta Culp
Hobby, only lady member Vf the
Reason for this choice is not
only the fact that the Rockefeller
family has done an outstanding
job in medical research, but also
the fact that Mrs. Hobby plans to
resign from the cabinet and run
for Governor of Texas.
As co-owner with her husband
of the Houston Post, Mrs. Hobby
has a following in Texas, and
would give Gov. Allan Shivers a
real race. If elected, she would be
the second woman governor of
Texas, the first having been the
famed Mrs. "Ma" Ferguson.
T MAY have been pure coinci-
dence but one night after the
Air Force canceled out Henry
Kaiser's multimillion-dollar mili-
tary plane contracts, Richard Bou-
telle, president of Fairchild Air-
craft, the company that was ol-
posing Kaiser, entertained royal-
ly for a big party of Air Force of-
ficers and other Pentagon brass.
Air Force regulation 30-30
states that no officer will "accep
any favor of gratuity . . . where
such favor or gratuity might in
fluence" a contract. Since the
party was held out in the open on
the Shoreham Terrace, there cer
tainly was nothing devious abou
Fairchild's free-dinner gratuity
Rather it looked like a big cele
bration. It will be interesting t
see, however, whether Fairchild
now picks up all of Kaiser's can
celed contracts.
WHAT JACK McCloy, forme
high commissioner of Ger
many, now head of the Chas
Bank, Says about the policies o:
Secretary of State John Foste
Dulles would sizzle newsprint . -
Oveta Hobby, the lady member o
the cabinet is being called "Evita.'
It's not because she's high-hand-
ed, but she runs the equivalen
department that Evita Peron ran
in Argentina-Health, Education
'and Welfare . . . Joe Feeney
who handled Harry Truman's con-
tacts with Congress, was ap
proached by Ike-advisers to help
with badly snarled contacts on
Capitol Hill. "Look," said Feeney
"I'm a Democrat; I'm not workin
for Republicans." . . . State De
partment officials say their hard
est personal problem is being toug
with Argentina when Peron is s
ably represented in Washingto
by Ambassador Paz and his wif
Nina . . . Frontier Magazine ha
measured the space given the Re
publican candidate for Mayor o
Los Angeles. Norris Poulson. b

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceeding publication (be-
fore 11 a.m. on Saturday).
TUESDAY, JUNE 30, 1953
VOL. LXIII, No. 6s
Saturday, July 4, is an official holiday.
Classes will be held as usual on Friday,
July 3.
A meeting will be held at 3:00 p.m.
on Wednesday, July 1, in Room 25
Angell Hall, for all seniors and graduate
students who are interested in regis-
tering with the Bureau of Appointments
now for employment either after grad-
uation, after military service, or for
future promotions in any of the fol-
lowing fields: education, business, in-
dust'ry, technical, and government. Reg-
istration material will be given out at
the meeting.
Those students who have previously
registered with the Bureau of Appoint-
ments for employment and who are still
on campus are requested to contact the
Bureau as soon as possible at 3528 Ad-
ministration Building in order to bring
their records up to date. This action Is
necessary for effective service.
Recreational swimming - Women
Students. The Intramural Pool will be
open to women students for recreation-
al swimming every Tuesday and Thurs-
day evening at 8:15.
Do you know how to play bridge?
Come and learn at the League Instruc-
tor: Dr. Shoenfield $3.00 for 6 lessons.
If you don't know how to dance, come
to the League tomorrow evening at
7:00'clock for ballroom dancing an d
lessons. Just $2.50 for six lessons for
men; girls are admitted free.
Square Dancing, Lane Hall. Tnis eve-
ning at 7:30 to 10 p.m. Everyone wel-
Next week, July 8, 9, 10 and 11, the
Department of Speech will present Max-
well Anderson and Kurt Weill's delight-
fully satirical musical comedy, Knick-
er ocker Holiday. This popular musical
uses New Amsterdam in 1647 as the
setting for making fun of present day
political activities. "September Song" is
one of the popular tunes from Knick-
erbocker Holiday. Miss Esther SchIoz, of
the Detroit Public Schools and guest
instructor in the Women's Physical
Education Department, is creating and
directing the choreography, Paul Mller,
Grad. Music, is conducting the orches-
tra and chorus. The entire production
is under the direction of William P.
Halstead of the Department of Speech.
All performances are in the Lydia Men-
delssohn Theatre at 8:00 p.m.
Lydia Mendelssohn Box Office is op-
en from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. today. Sea-
son tickets for $6.00-$4.75-$3.25 are avail-
able as well as tickets for individual
performances. The tickets for indivi-
dual plays are $1.20-90c-60c and for the
opera and musical comedy $1.50-$1.20-
90c. The Department of Speech summer
play series includes The Madwoman of
Chaillot, Knickerbocker Holiday, The
Country Girl, Pygmalion and The Tales
of Hoffman.
Social events sponsored by student
organizations at which both men and
women are to be present must be ap-
proved by the Dean of Students. Appli-
cation forms and a copy of ,regulations
governing these events may be secured
in the Office of Student Affairs, 1020
Administration Building. Requests for
approval must be submitted to that of-
fice no later than noon of the Mon-
day before the event is scheduled. A
list of approved social events will be
published in the Daily Official Bulletin
r on Thursday of each week.
Exchange and Guest Dinners may be
held in organized student residences
(operating a dining room) between 5:30
p.m. - 8 p.m. for weekday dinners and
between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. for Sunday
dinners. These events must be an-
nounced to the Office of Student A-
fairs at least one day in advance of
the scheduled date. Guest chaperons are
not required.
Calling Hours for Women in Men'
tResidences. In University Men's Resi-
dence Halls, daily between 3 p.m. - 10:30
p.m.; Nelson International House, Fri-
day, 8 p.m.-12 p.m.; Saturday 2:30 p.m.-
S5:30 p.m. and from 8 p.m.-12 p.m.; Sun
day, 1 p.m.-10:30 p.m. This privilege ap-
- plies only to casual calls and not tc
t planned parties.
Women callers in men's residences are
- restricted to the main floor of the

At the Conference on Functions of a
Complex Variable the topics of discus-
sion will be Some Extremal Problems on
Riemann Surfaces at 10:00 a.m., by Mr
L. Sario, and Polynomials in the Conn-
plex Domain. I. Distribution of Values,
by Mr. P. Rosenbloom, at 11:15. The
talks will be in West Conference Room,
Rackham Building.
Professor Robert L Livingston of Pur-
due University will speak at 10:00
o'clock this morning on The Structure
of Gaseous Molecules -The lecture will
be in Room 1400, Chemistry Building.
Dr. George Gamow will speak this af-
ternoon at 2 o-clock, in 1400 Chemistry
Building, on the A,B,C of General Rela-
tivity. There will be an evening semi-
nar at 7:30. Dr. Allan Sandage will
speak on Recent Studies of Giobular
Clusters, 1400 Chemistry Building.
Professor Robert H. Sherlock of the
Department ofbCivil Engineering will
lecture this afternoon at 4:00 o'clock in
Room 311 West Engineering Building.
His topic will be Meteorology and the
Structural Engineer.
Under the auspices of the Depart-
ments of Speech and Classical Studies
Dr. Robert S. C. Levens, Professor of
Classics, Oxford University, will speak
on The Women of Greek Tragedy, with
dramatized readings by Daphne Levens,
at 4:15 p.m., Auditorium A, Angell Hall.
In the Linguistic Forum Dr R. B.
LePage, of the University of the West
Indies, will speak on The English Lan-
guage Situation in the Caribbean, at
7:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater.
For the Radiation Biology Symposium
Dr. L. H. Gray (of the Radiotherapeutia
Research Unit) of Hammersmith Hospi-
tal, London, England, will speak on
Some Characteristics of Biological Da-
mage Induced by Ionizing Radiations.
The lecture will be in Room 1300
Chemistry Building, at 8:00 o'clock p.m.
Academic Notices
Social get-together for summer ses-
sion students interested in Industrial
Education, this evening at 8 p.m. In the
West Conference Room of the Rackham
Chemistry Department Seminar. Tues-
day, June 30, 7:30 p.m., Room 1300,
Chemistry."Mr. Joseph T. Leone will
speak on "Mechanism of the Electro-
reduction of Phenyl Ketones," and Mr.
Arthur Nersasian will speak on "Pre-
paration and Decomposition of Sym-
metrical Azo-Nitriles."
Doctoral Examination for William
Price Brown, Mathematics; thesis: "An
Algebra Related to the Orthogonal
Group," Wednesday, July 1, East Coun-
cil Room, Rackham Bldg., at 2:00 p.m.
Acting Chairman, C. J. Nesbitt.









Faculty Concert. Emil Raab, violinist,
and Benning Dexter, pianist, of thea
School of Music faculty, will be heard
at 8:30 this evening, In the Rackham
Lecture Hall. Their program will Include
Beethoven's Sonata in G, Op. 96, Stra-
vinsky's Duo Concertant, and Faure's
Sonata in A, Op. 13. It will be open to
the general public without charge.
Student Recital. Nancy Wright, stu-
dent of piano with Joseph Brinkman,
will play a recital in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music at 8:30 Wednesday eve-
ning, July 1, in the Rackham Assembly
Hall. Her program will include works
by Bach, Dello Joio and Chopin, and
will be open to the public.
Museum of Art. Museum collections.
General Ubrary. Best sellers of the
twentieth century.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Gill-
man Collection of Antiquities of Pales'
Museums Building, rotunda exhibit.
Modern Mexican village ceramics.
Michigan Historical Collections. Micb,-
igan, year-round vacation land.
Clements Library. The good, the bad,
the popular.
Law Library. Elizabeth II and her
Architecture Building. Lithographs by
students of the College of Architecture
and Design.
Coming Events
La p'tite causette meets Wednesday,
July 1, from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the
wing of the north room of the Michi-
gan Union cafeteria. All students in-
terested in speaking or learning to
speak French informally and Faculty
members interested are cordially invit-
Summer Session French Club: Meet-
ing Thursday, July 2, at 8:00 p.m. in
the Michigan League. Miss Yvonne
Guers, from France will speak on "L'
attitude de la jeune generation fran-
caise." French songs. Games. Students
and Faculty members interested are
cordially invited.
*PLAY, presented by the Department
of Speech. The Madwoman of Chaillot,
by Jean Giradoux, 8:00 p.m., Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre, Wednesdayeve-
ning, July 1.





BEHIND THE SCENES, one of the Presi-
dent's major campaign promises is get-
ting its acid test. If the policy of "liberat-
ing" the Soviet Union's European satellites
means anything at all, this is the moment
to try it. The highest policy makers in the
Administration are currently engaged in a
hot debate about "liberation's" meaning or
lack of meaning.
The near-uprising in Eastern Germany
is the immediate cause of the debate. Li-
berating East Germany is plainly not a
practical proposition, as long as Gen. Di-
brova has 200 tanks to deploy, on a couple
of hours notice, to quell a single riot in
Yet the pattern of the East German
disorders has made a very deep impres-
sion on the White House, on Secretary
of State John Foster Dulles, on the In-
telligence services, and on other policy
makers. What began with a phony dem-
onstration in Berlin became an immensely
dangerous general conflagration, involv-
ing most of the important East German
industrial centers.
Furthermore, neither the East German
people's police nor the Bereitschaften (the
East German satellite army) were trusted
to put out the fire. Soviet forces were used
for this purpose in all cases. The spread of
the disorders, the courage and depth of
feeling displayed by the rioters, the total.

pet government has been in a state of ob-
vious confusion, with authority ill-defined
and all the control machinery creaking un-
der the strain.
As in Germany, so in Czechoslovakia,
these are the "hunger months," just before
the harvest. Even for favored industrial
workers food is very short. The Czech cur-
rency reform has in effect condemned the
whole very large Czech middle class to slow
starvation. In short, all the materials are
present for a major explosion.
Most important of all, there are no So-
viet occupation forces in Czechoslovakia
to stop an explosion if it should begin.
Alone among the satellites, Czechoslo-
vakia does not have the Red army on its
back. Finally, the means are quite prob-
ably available to the West, to touch off
a Czech explosion if this is considered
desirable. An active underground is
known to exist. The country has many
listeners to the various radios, overt and
clandestine, that are beamed to the satel-
lite area. The right kind of encourage-
ment by simple radio propaganda might
well cause a full-scale explosion to occur
There is one grave difficulty, however.
Gottwald's cringing successor, Antonin Za-
potocky, would almost certainly "invite" the
Red army to return to Czechoslovakia, and
to "defend the people's democracy against
Western provocateurs." It is also almost
certain that the Red army would accept the

expert on psychological warfare, C. D. Jack-
son, would take the considerable risk of
giving full encouragement to the present
satellite unrest. According to report, the
liberators argue that the satellite resistance
movements must take their chance, and
that forcing the Red army to move, into
Czechoslovakia for instance, will amount
to a major victory in the cold war in any
Those who remember Gen. Bor make the
obvious reply, that it is both short-sight-
ed and cold-blooded to give encourage-
ment to the satellite resistance groups,
unless we are prepared to come to their
rescue. But being prepared to come to
their rescue of course means being pre-
pared to risk a war.
Whatever its outcome, this debate among
the policy makers indicates a melancholy
fact. Stalin's death and its sequels have
offered the West the kind of opportunity
that will not come again. The President,
the Secretary of State, and every other po-
licy maker in our government is aware that
if and when the new masters of the Kremlin
bring their empire back under full con-
trol, the danger to the West will continuous-
ly increase. They have the papers before
them, showing the increase of the Soviet's
atomic stockpile, the curve of Soviet arma-
ment build-up, and so on.
As yet, however, only feebleness and in-
decision have been shown in the face of
the present opportunity and the future dan-



Old and New . .
To the Editor:



The Old.. .
"0 NE OF the long standing tra-
ditions of the Union is that
no woman can enter by the front
door, but must use the north en-
trance. This tradition was broken
last year during the panty-raid, SixtyThird Year
but since then only occasionally Edited and managed by students of
by some uninformed coed." I am the University of Michigan under the
an informed coed, therefore I use authority of the Board in Control of
the front door of the Union. Un- Student Publications.
fortunately there are still a few
uninformed coeds who use the side Editorial Staf
door, but I am hoping that they Dckna L i........ pno gEditor
will soon join the ranks of the in- Becky Conrad...........Night Editor
formed. Gayle Greene..............Night Editor
And the New Pat Roelofs.. .........Night Editor
And the New ...Fran Sheldon.. :. ......... Night. Editor
The new tradition is located in
the center of the diag. It is an Business Staff
ugly combination of bronze and Bob Miller.........Business Manager
blue concrete, specially construct- Dick Alstrom..... Circulation Manager
.,. . ._ . u. _ Dick Nyberg.........Finance Manager

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