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June 27, 1953 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1953-06-27

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I _______________________________________________________ I I

The Tax Squabble

AN unprecedented parliamentary move to
force through a continuation of the ex-
cess profits tax until December of this year
has been termed be Representative Daniel
Reed of New York, Chairman of the House
Ways and Means Committee, as destructive
of "the very foundations of our represen-
tative system of government."
In a move of desperation the President
and his congressional leaders were forced to
go over Reed's head and ask the Rules Com-
mittee to approve a compromise bill extend-
ing the tax, introduced by Rep. Sadlak of
Conn. This procedure has never been used
before in a revenue bill.
It was the New Yorker's steadfast refusal
to allow the issue to be voted. on by the elect-
ed representatives of the people which has
brought about the present crisis.
tee Chairman Leo Allen
Ever since Eisenhower in his State of the
Union Message first declared that balancing
the. budget would have to come before tax
cuts it has become clear that the budget
could not possibly be balanced this year or
next, if increases in the temporary corpora-
tion excess profits and personal income taxes
were allowed to expire by the end of this
One by one some of the most conserva-
tive of the Republican Congressional lead-
ers, Senators Taft and Bridges, Rep.
Charles Halleck and finally Rules Com-
mittee Chairman Leo Allen have gone
along with this view. Their position grad-
ually changed from, one of hoping to end
personal income tax increases (scheduled

to expire on Dec. 31) along with excess
profits taxes on June 30, to a decision to
extend both taxes to the end of the year.
But Reed in the interests of "Representa-
tional government" and because "I know I
am right" has refused to allow even a pre-
liminary discussion of the excess profits tax
extension in his committee. He has at the
same time refused to listen to all arguments
against his own bill for early expiration of
income taxes. The Rules committee at its
meeting Thursday voted to kill his bill.
But while the situation at the present
time looks like a major virtory for Eisen-
hower, one of the few he has achieved
since the opening of this session of con-
gress it is doubtful whether the setting up
of so drastic a precedent will meet with
house approval. Congressman are justifi-
ably reluctant to give the already over-
powerful Rules Committee the ability to
disregard a position taken by any one of
the other standing committees.
It is regretable that Reed has placed his
colleagues in such a prediciment, by refus-
ing to yield to pressures from Republican
Leaders and two pelsonal appeals from the
President. Many congressmen may find
themselves voting against a bill whose neces-
sity they clearly see.
It is paradoxical that Reed, who stead-
fastly refused to let other members of the
house express their opinion on the tax issue
through a vote, should now be joining many
of them in objecting to a parliamentary
move which it can be argued obstructs "our
representative system of government."
-Phyllis Lipsky
The hero of the Allied Artists is once
more Richard Carlson, who seems to have
involved himself in a number of these
stereoscopic ventures lately. As a whole, he
is not a very good actor, even under the
best circumstances. Veronica Hurst moves
nicely down the dank staircases and handles
a British accent with some aplomb. The
production has been "designed" and direct-
ed by William Cameron Menzies, a man
whose talents all seem to lie in the ar-
rangement of decor and assorted castle
entrapments. Even then, however, his hor-
ror is somewhat anemic; at least, thefright-
wigs and inflated circus-parade faces of his
werewolves are not precisely original gim-
micks in the transmission of terror.
Totally apart from the consideration of
this movie, it has been revealed that the
public pays a higher admission fee to see
the stereoscopic film not for any enlarge-
ment of profit to the immediate exhibitor,
but because of the expense of providing
the polaroid glasses with which the pic-
tures are viewed. The resultant squeeze,
operating on the exhibitorsuand inevit-
ably on the patrons means, of course, that
unless the 3-D picture gets better fast, it
Is only a matter of time before the opera-
tion collapses under its own weight. The
polaroid abuses, block-booking, other de-
structive consequences of the national dis-
tributional monopolies are mainly respon-
sible for the poor selection of movies at
the commercial houses lately.
The public can only hope that it is dark-
est before the dawn, and that the 3-D
"wide screen" revolution scheduled for fall
will save things before the price squeezes
smother everything.
-Bill Wiegand

A Defense of
Miss Snead
WOULD LIKE to defend Miss Snead. Miss
Snead is a teacher. She teaches grade
school arithmetic and geogrophy, high
school English, history and civics courses.
She gives the students the what of Julius
Caesor and a list of Latin verbs; she teach-
es children to pledge allegiance to the flag.
Now, many of us in college find that there
is more to the world than a combination
of whats. There is a thinking attitude that
is so important to learn and which is sadly
slighted on the secondary education level.
We find in a matter of a few years just
what should have been taught us in grade
and high school, and we criticize Miss Snead
for her failure to make us think.
By making this criticism of our pre-
vious education, we are suddenly finding
ourselves capable of analyzing things, of
finding out more than just lists of facts
and information without reasons behind
them, but we are not willing to give Miss
Snead the credit for any of our suddenly
discovered knowledge. But this newly
found ability has a background; Miss
Snead has accomplished something, des-
pite her shortcomings.
The failure of a sound basic education at
the high school and grade school level
seems not to lie entirely with the Miss
Sneads whereever they may be. The teacher
is a represenattive of the community, and
she has a responsibility to the community
which puts pressure on her to teach a cer-
tain way, even to teach certain things. Dis-
torted history, blind patriotism, these are
admittedly a part of secondary education
today, but because of a bit less academic
freedom today than some years back, Miss
Snead's community decides that a particu-
lar interpretation of history is most suitable
for innocent youngsters in her classes. Con-
stant probing by Congressional investiga-
tions scare Miss Snead more than they do
even college students.
Inadequate libraries cannot be attri-
buted to the "unthinking, uncaring mind"
of Miss Snead, for her local Board of Edu-
cation decides book-buying policy, and
investigations committees decide book-
burning policy.
The shell education received in high school
needs deeper analysis than putting the bur-
den of poorly educated pupils on Miss Snead.
She certainly seems to be making an efort.
Instead, the social system surrounding the
educational system would merit the sugges-
gested examination.
-Pat Roelofs



U.S. Population Continues
Rapid Growth, Survey Says


The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceeding publication (be-
fore 11 a.m. on Saturday).
Vol. LXII, No. 5S

English Department Graduate


t the Michigan.. ..
THE MAZE, with Richard Carlson
IT HAS SEEMED for quite a few months
now that the quality of the three-dimen-
sional movie had nowhere to go but up.
Allied Artists, an outfit of uncertain lineage,
however, has crossed up the law of averages
and proved that an extra. dimension still
continues the best bet for assuring extra
boredom. Hard as it is to believe, "The
Maze" is probably the worst of the 3-D
moviies so far.
Dressed as a Gothic tale of terror, it
trails its dismal way through the halls
and avenues of a Scottish castle inhabited
by a mysterious "something" that clanks
its chains in an upstairs room after dark-
ness falls. The identiy of the monster is
apparently well-known to the erstwhile
master of the manor and his two faith-
ful lackeys; but this trio is dumbfounded
Into grim silence when anybody brings up
the subject. Among the curious are the
fiancee of the young master and her old
aunt. They are locked in their rooms at
night, told that they must positively not
look in "the maze," where the nosy
cleaning woman vanished, and other such.
In the best traditions of Gothic heroines,
however, their persistence is eventually
rewarded with a healthy encounter with
the monster who seems considerably more
frightened of them than he was of the
cleaning woman. Without revealing the
sacrosanct denouement, it can be re-
ported that the curse of Craven Castle
turns out to be considerably less trying
than all the specious mugging of the
people concerned might have led one to
Architecture Auditorium
SEVEN SINNERS, with Marlene Diet-
rich, John Wayne, Broderick Crawford,
Mischa Auer.
THE PRODUCERS seem to have been con-
tent to leave "The Seven Sinners" a
minor picture, though there is much to it
that might have helped to make it a major
one. Aside from the spectacular and really
exciting brawling, and the antics and in-
volvements of the right and left hand men
Surrounding Marlene, that is, Broderick
Crawford and Mischa Auer, there is the
eternal Dietrich herself, as an ace. Here
too she is an angel of sin, an open-eyed
and mascaraed beauty who knows how to
move every limb and muscle to secure the
most luxuriously feminine effects, and who
has been around and knows the score, yet
who remains carefree, uncynical, and aris-
tocratic. Despite the excellent supports and
some mighty fine moments, the audience is
more than likely to sympathize with flus-
tered and complaining Billy Gilbert, who is
always a step or so behind his emotions,
and who good naturedly but bewilderedly
tries to find out who is boss, and never
knows. He noses the important question
near the beginning-is Dietrich the siren
night club singer "too much?" Can she and
the United States Navy live together? The
producers don't seem to be sure, and this
may leave the audience taking a different
vew frowmes.

Yftterpl'etih9 the lk'


or ill is exceedingly great, and that men
must take careful heed of her, and pro-
nounce quarantines on her, though they
really mean on thmeselves; and if it takes
the full authority of the Navy to prevent
a beautiful woman from capturing its out-
standing officers (though one, John
Wayne, grows up slightly in the process)
-then it is indeed unfortunate that the
Navy be cast in the role of a priggish
counselor who represents the interests of
the proud mothers and their plain daugh-
ters-thus having its masculinity wholly
apronstringed, away from Woman, and
to the small minded women.
John Wayne, who represents the Navy, is
an American style, broadshouldered, smil-
ing, "quiet man." He is not inadequate for
the part, moreover, and his strength and
courtesy equip him for becoming either the
perfect husband for the lucky female, or
else the perfect fighter, competent but
clean, in a showdown for the honor of his
country and corps. And yet in the film
something goes wrong; the characters are
too good for the code, and the ending has
to be manipulated. He must become a mir-
acle man to escape the clutches both of love
and of death, so that he can keep faith with
his admiral ancestors. Oscar Homolka, the
villain, gives him a run for his money,
And the flame lit by Marlene, attracting
most of the mosquitoes of the south Pacific,
cannot be quenched so easily. A picture

Associated Press News Analyst
FRANCE has chosen a wealthy manufac-
turer to get her out of the mire of tax
timidity and over spending and to represent
her at the Bermuda conference.
French sources in the United States ad-
mitted yesterday that it was regrettable
that France should be represented at this
moment by a premier who is virtually un-
known in international affairs.
They pointed out, however, that though
most of his government connections have
been minor, he has been a member of Par-
liament for more than 20 years and is not
Amercian observers, too, were quick to
note that Joseph Laniel has been closely as-
sociated with Foreign Minister George Bi-
dault for many years, and that Bidault was
expected to succeed himself in the new Cab-
inet. This was accepted as a token of con-
tinuity in foreign policy, as was Laniel's out-
line of his plans before the Assembly which.
gave him a nice majority in approving him
for the task of creating a new cabinet.
Laniel was vague, but did mention ratifi-
cation of the European defense treaties as
part of his program. However, he still pre-
dicates it on a solution of the Saar dispute,
with Germany and closer ties between Brit-
ain and the new army of unity.
Foreign, policy, however, was not upper-
most in the minds of the French Parlia-
ment. Laniel's job is to stop the downward
glide of the franc, present an acceptable
tax program in a country where no tax
program is ever acceptable for very long,
and bring government expenditures near-
er into line with revenue.
Under the constitution, another Cabinet
crisis will result in dissolution of Parliament
and an election. That would put many mem-
bers in danger of their jobs.
And it would further disturb the economic
Peace and
T ALK of an irresistable "demobilization"
movement in the event of a Korean truce
similar to the "bring the boys home" move-
ment at the end of the second world war
comes at a time when the Office of Defense
Mobilization is reorganizing and stripping
down its bureau for the task of providing
the industrial economy with both the tools
and the plans for waging a potential World
War III.
One high ranking Pentagon official has
predicted that the sentiment for "bringing
the boys home" will overwhelm the Penta-

liminary Examinations. The examina-
tions will be given this summer in the
following order: The Beginnings to
1550, July 18; 1550-1750, July 22; 1750-
1950, July 25; American Literature,
July 29. All persons planning to take
any of the examinations should notify
the Secretary of the Graduate Commit-
tee, R. C. Boys, 2622 Haven Hall, as
soon as possible.
Saturday, July 4, is an official holiday.
Classes will be held as usual on Friday,
July 3.
Tryouts for Tales of Hoffman: This
afternoon, from 2 to 4 o'clock, in Bar-
bour Gymnasium Dance Room, there
will be tryouts for girl dancers for the
Speech Department-Music School pro-
duction of "Tales of Hoffman" to be
presented August 6, 7, 8, and 10. Some
previous training is necessary. Bring
practice clothes.
Chorus for "Tales of Hoffman," first
meeting, 7 p.m., (Monday, June 29),
Room 214 Hill Auditorium. All interest-
ed students are welcome.
Season tickets for the Department of
Speech summer plays are available at
the Lydia Mendelssohn box officedai-
ly from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. The sum-
mer play schedule includes THE MAD-
11; THE COUNTRY GIRL, July 22-25;
PYGMALION, July 29-August 1; and
with the-School of Music, August 6, 7,
8, and 10. Season tickets are $6.00-
$4.74-$3.25. Tickets for individual per-
formances go on sale June 29. All per-
formances are at 8:00 p.m.
The League offers lessons in bridge
from 7:30 to 9:00 p.m. every Tuesday
until July 29. The fee will be $3.00sa
Social events sponsored by student
organizations at which both men and
women are to be present must be ap-
proved by the Dean of Students. Appli-
cation forms and a copy of regulations
governing these events may be secured
in the Office of Student Affairs, 1020
Administration Building. Requests for
approval must be submited to that of-.
flee no later than noon of the Mon-
day before the event is scheduled. A
list of approved social events will be
published in the Daily Official Bulletin
on Thursday of each week.
Exchange and Guest Dinners may be
held in organized student residences
(operating a dining room) between 5:30
p.m. - 8 p.m. for weekday dinners and
between 1 pm. and 3 p.m. for Sunday
dinners. These events must be an-
nounced to the Office of Student Af-
fairs at least one day in advance of
the scheduled date. Guest chaperons are
not required.
Calling Hours for Women in Men's
Residences. In University Men's Resi-
dence Halls, daily between 3 p.m. - 10:30
p.m.; Nelson International House, Fri-
day, 8 p.m.-12 p.m.; Saturday 2:30 p.m.-
5:30 p.m. and from 8 p.m.-12 p.m.; Sun-
day, 1 p.m.-10:30 p.m. This privilege ap-
plies only to casual calls and not to
planned parties.
Women callers in men's residences are
restricted to the main floor of the
Conference of American and Canadian
Slavicists today, 9:00 a.m., 2:00 p.m., 7:30
p.m., East Conference Room, Rackham
Conference on Functions of a Com-
plex Variable, 10:00 a.m. today Mr. C.
Loewner will talk on "Semi-groups of
Conformal Mappings." At 11:15 Mr. W.
Kaplan will talk on "Curve-families
and Reimann Surfaces" and at 11:45 Mr.
C. J. Titus will talk on "Combinatorial
Conditions that a Closed Curve be the
Image of the Boundary of the Disk
under a Light Inferior Mapping." West
Conference Room, Rackham Bldg.
On Monday, June 29, Mr. L. Sario
will speak on "Some Extremal Problems
on Riemann Surfaces," at 10:00 a.m.
and at 11:15 Mr. P. Rosembloom will
speak on "Polynominals in the Com-
plex Domain. I. Distribution of Values."
West Conference Room, Rackham
Monday, June 29. Symposium on X-
Ray Diffraction. Dr. P. P. Ewald of the
Arnn ,..,-- A nl ..nn -n -,- Tn --22.-- .rill

of Physics, George Washington Uni-
versity, will speak on "Evolution of
Stars and Galaxies" at 2:00 p.m., June
29, in room 1400 Chemistry Building.
Monday, June 29, 4:00 p.m. Auditor-
ium B, Angell Hall. Conference of Eng-
lish Teachers. The Place of Visual Arts
in the Classroom will be the topic of
Thelm McCandles, Associatiop Profes-
sor of English, Michigan State Normal
Dr. Robert S. C. Levens, Professor of
Classics, Oxfor University, will lecture
at 4:15 p.m. M ay, June 29. in Audi-
torium A, An Hall.H is topic will
be "Plato and Aristotle as Critics."
Academic Notices
Graduate Students expecting to re-
ceive the master's degree in August,
1953, must file a diploma application
with the Recorder of the Graduate
School by Monday, June 29. A student
will not be recommended for a degree
unless he has filed formal application
in the office of the Graduate School.
Meeting for Students in Business Ed-
ucation: West Conference Room, Rack-
ham Building, Monday June 29, 7 to 9.
Come and meet the faculty and fellow
Social get-together for summer ses-
sion students interested in Industrial
Education, Tuesday evening June 30, at
8 p.m. in the West Conference Room of
the Rackham Building.
Student Recital. James Berry, pianist,
will be heard in a recital at 8:30 Mon-
day evening, June 29, in the Rackham
Assembly Hall. It will include works
by Respighi, Mozart, Chopin, and Shu-
bert and will open to the general pub-
lic. It is being played in partial fulfill-
ment of the requirements for the de-
gree of Master of Music. Mr. Berry is
a pupil of Joseph Brinkman.
Faculty Concert. Emil Raab, violinist,
and Benning Dexter, pianist, of t1e
School of Music faculty, will be heard
at 8:30 Tuesday evening, June 30, in
the Rackham Lecture Hall. Their pro-
gram will include Beethoven's Sonata
in G, Op. 96. Stravinsky's Duo Concert-
ant, and Faure's Sonata in A, Op. 13.
It will be open to the general public
without charge.
Student Recital. Nancy Wright, stu-
dent of piano with Joseph Brinkman,
will play a recital in partial fulfillment
of the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music at 8:30 Wednesday eve-
ning, July 1, in the Rackham Assembly
Hall. Her program will include works
by Bach, Dello Joio and Chopin, and
will be open to the public.
Museum of Art. Museum collections.
General Library. Best sellers of the
twentieth century.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Gill-
man Collection of Antiquities of Pales-
Museums Building, rotunda exhibit.
Modern Mexican village ceramics.
Michigan Historical Collections. Mich-
igan, year-round vacation land.
Clements Library. The good, the bad,
the popular.
Law Library. Elizabeth II and her
Architecture Building. Lithographs by
students of the College of Architecture
and Design.
Events Today
Motion Picture, auspices of the sL
Cinema Guild. "Seven Sinners." 7:00
and 9:00 p.m., Architecture Auditorium.
Reception for Foreign Students, aus-
pices of the International Center. 8:00
p.m., Rackham Assembly Hall.
Coming Events
Sunday, June 28: Services in the Ann
Arbor Churches.
Presbyterian Summer Student . Fel-
lowship meets at 5:30 p.m. Sunday,
June 28, at the church for a picnic sup-
per, followed by a discussion of The
Christian Imperative expressed through
church music, led by Professor James
sn d.A J ne 2- University Lutheran

AP Newsfeatures Staff Writer
ted States has been growing
16 per cent faster in the last sev-
eral years than in the decade bey.
fore the 1950 census.
This trend knocks into a cocked
hat the dire predictions prevalent
some years ago that America was
heading for a stationary or even
a declining population by about
A new survey by the Census
Bureau estimates the total U.S.
population in July, 1952 at 156,-
981,000-an increase of 5,802,000
over April, 1950. That is an in-
crease of 1.71 per cent a year,
Raps Wheat Bill .*.
To the Editor:

1 25:

States gift as an excellent step in
American foreign policy. On the
surface that is true; millions of
the world's inhabitants will con-
tinue to see Uncle Sam as Santa
Claus despite the difference in
whiskers and weight. But I would
like to point out that for two rea-
sons it is not only a shortsighted
but also an unkind act.
First of all there is the matter
of its benefit to Pakistan. Cer-
tainly it will help to relieve an
evil-famine. But as such it stands
in the same relation as pain re-
lieving drugs do to a surgical op-
eration. This gift of wheat will
remove the symptoms of a na-
tional disorder. But the disease
of economic inability of Pakistan
is not symptomatic-it is chronic.
By removing the outward sign of
Pakistan's basic weakness we are
preventing the one important
step which could solve the prob-
lems of both India and Pakistan
unification. If either is to survive
without continual implementation
from greater powers, then, cruel
as it sounds, a major economic
crisis must be permitted to give
reformers the necessary tools for
unification. In that sense then,
the United States is not allevia-
ting the situation, but prolonging
In addition, it is bad for the
United States. The Government
bought that wheat because the
farmers could not find a suitable
market for it. By giving it away
we are completely obliterating one
great market; thus necessitating
continued price support. If this
affected only one area, it might
be condoned. But such a move is
likely to have world-wide econo-
mic repercussions, not only on the
wheat market but also on all re-
lated markets. The end result of
such action if continued could be
disastrous for the world economy.
In that sense, American altruism
is fostering world depression.
Thus I think Miss Greene will
be able to see that the giving of
wheat to Pakistan is not a "Ges-
ture of help and good will" but
rather a stupid and short-sighted

GREENE'S article of June
"Pakistan gets wheat" ob-
considers this United

compared with the annual in-
crease of 1.47 per cent during the
The population shifts in the
two and a quarter years covered
by the survey show a marked
geographic pattern. The ac-
companying map shows that the
west continues to be the fastest
growing part of the nation and
that the east south central states
are slumping.
But the Pacific states, which
had the fastest growing rate dur-
ing the. 1940's, have now yielded
this distinction to the mountain
states-particularly Arizona, Ne-
vada and Colorado.
Arizona is the fastest spurting
state in the nation. Its population
is expanding at the rate of 6.49
per cent a year. If it maintains
its present pace, Arizona will
double its population in 15 years.
But as any statistician can tell
you, figures can be very mislead-
ing. One set of figures rarely gives
the complete picture. And per-
centage increase is only part of
the story.
During the survey period, little
Arizona gained 110,000 people for
an estimated total of 859,000.
The biggest gain was chalked u
by California - 804,000 - but
against its 10,586,000 total in
April, 1950, this amounts to a per
centage increase of only 3.37.
Although the Pacific states
(California, Oregon and Wash
ington) have recently been
growing at a somewhat slower
rate than in the 1940's, their
population is still increasing at
about twice the national rate of
1.47. Between 1940 and 195
this sector had the phenome-
nal rate of 4.88 annually. Dur.
ing the new survey, the increase
was estimated at 2.96 per cent a
California, with nearly 11,400,.
000 people by the middle of 1952,
is now well entrenched as the sec-
ond largest state in the Union. If
present trends continue, it will be
challenging New York for the lead
by about 1970. New York picked
up 349,000 for a total of 15,179,00.
Not all the areas have been
gaining population since the last
census. Nine states had fewer
residents in mid-1952 than in
April 1950. Six are contiguous.
They are West Virginia, Kentucky,
Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi
and Arkansas.
The Deep South, in general, has
been losing people to other sec-
tions of the country. Of the three
remaining states with slumping
populations, two-Maine and Ver-
mont-are in New England. The
other is North Dakota which is
losing residents at the rate of 1.41
per cent a year.
From colonial times, American
migration has been generally
westward. That trend is still con-
tinuing. Along with this there has
been also a shift from rural to
urban areas and more recently
from metropolitan centers to sub-
urban communities.
SixtyThird Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harland Britz.........Managing Editor
Dick Lewis......... Sports Editor
Becky Conrad... ..........Night Editor
Gayle Greene........ ...Night Editor
Pat Roelofs.............Night Editor
Fran Sheldon............Night Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller...........Business Manager
Dick Alstrom. Circulation Manager
Dick Nyber.........Finance Manager

a ,.





unaay, dun u: uies y unra
Chapel, 1511 Washtenaw: Service at -Whitney Sawyer, Grad.
10:30 with sermon by the Rev. Alfred __________________
Scheips, "As Ambitious, Yet Contend-
ed." Gamma Delta, Lutheran Student Walt Disney's "Clock Cleaners." 8:00
Club: Supper-Program Sunday at 6:00, p.m., Sunday, June 28, Arcniteccure
with Air Force Chaplain Theodore Auditorium.
Kleinhans as speaker. Square Dancing Lessons at the
Sunday, June 28: Michigan Christian League, Monday evening, June 29, 7:30
Fellowship, 4 p.m. Open to the public. to 9:00 p.m. Instructor, Mr. John Redd.
Lane Hall. Everyone is invited. There is no chbarge.
Hillel Foundation, Open House Sun-
day, June 28. Dancing and refresh- La p'tite causette meets Montlay,. une
ments. All students welcome. 29 from 3:30 to 5:00 p.m. in the wing
Sunday, June 28, at 8:00 p.m. The of the north room of the Michigan
YT..;.-.-a..- 0 . ,-sf.-.. 4. - n -...- TTnion afetaeria. An, tst+dnt , Wanvil.

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