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August 06, 1953 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1953-08-06

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A Paper
in the Making.
FEW EVENTS excite the newspaperman
who exists in other people's life climaxes.
He will burst into an enthusiastic pitch of
activity at prospects of a "big story," but
more often than not, he is religated to dream
for long hours at the possibility of starting
his own newspaper-somewhere . .. some-
time . . . somehow .. .
When rumor begins its mad rush through
the professional conclaves, whispering the
actuality of a new (always perfect) paper
forming, even the most cautious reporter
joins his associates in endless talk of the
With the announcement that a syndicate
of twenty-one persons, led by former U. S.
Senator Blair Moody and Ann Arbor busi-
nessman Roger L. Stevens, have purchased
one of the largest printing organizations in
the mid-west, the newspaper industry is
musing whether Detroit is slated to have a
spanking new daily hawked on its battered
All indications are that this will be the
For a number of years, and particularly
since the last presidential election, serious
thought has been, given the problem of a
one party press. Most of the nation is ser-
viced with newspapers which if not out-.
and-out conservative in nature, are at least
controlled by factions which represent this
point of view.
With few exceptions newspapers of a more
liberal vent have not been able to exist.
Noteable among these which have are The
New York Times, The Washington Post,
The St. Louis Post-Dispatch, The Christian
Science Monitor and the New York Post, the
latter having been forced recently to turn
toward sensationalism in order to remain
The problems confronting a liberal jour-
nal are virtually insurmountable. The most
striking example of circulation and finan-
cial failure can be traced in the history of
a New York paper which began life under
the banner of PM about a decade ago.
Lack of public support and advertising
backing caused the journal to collapse in
a few years. It was quickly replaced by a
paper of similar political bent, The New
York Star, which had even a shorter
life span. This journal in turn was suc-
ceeded by The Daily Compass, less of a
factual sheet and more of an opinion pub-
lication. This too, failed.
If the prospective Detroit syndicate is
going to publish successfully it will be con-
fronted with a number of the problems
which ultimately caused the demise of the
PM-Star-Compass papers. Chief among
these, is whether or not, the people of De-
troit will support such a paper. No one can
answer this as yet.
In any event, a glance at the personage
in the new group will reassure many liberals
of the intentions of this perspective publi-
cation. It may well become the leading
spokesman for the Democratic party in the
state and possibly the only spokesman. With
Michigan Senatorial elections close at hand
the importance of this possible paper be-
comes even more significant in determining
its outcome.
--Mark Reader
Architecture Auditorium

STATE FAIR, with Jeanne Crain, Dick
Haymes, Vivian Blaine and Dana An-
THIS IS NOT exactly a musical to get
excited about. It has color, stars and a
couple of good tunes, but that's about all.
Of the Rodgers-Hammerstein songs
thrown in here and there, "It Might as Well
Be Spring" is the only one of any great
interest. It follows that the bulk of the scor-
ing should depend on that one melody.
The plot is so dominant that after a
while you begin to wonder if this is really
a musical. The only genuine singers, .
Haymes and Miss Blaine, are relegated to
sub-plot. And there are no big produc-
tion numbers.
The story concerns Miss Crain and broth-
er Dick meeting up with Andrews and Miss
Blaine respectively. It is even less absorbing
than the distant romance between two swine,
which is another thread in the scenario.
Aside from Donald Meek's delicious bit
as a pickle-taster, there is no humor in
the film. Miss Blaine (a redhead this
time) is not even allowed to ham up a few
light numbers. Much of the time her metal-
lic voice is struggling desperately with the
grotesque dialogue.
As for the bright spots, Jeanne Crain is
very pretty and wears some very pretty
dresses. And if you can stomach Dick
Haymes' equestrian physiognomy, he does
have an excellent voice.

The Purpose and Function
Of a University String Quartet


"Fine! Fine! Uaybe You'll Do Better Next"Time"
4 \/Ix



Professor of Violin and Chamber Music and First
violinist of the Stanley Quartet
ICHIGAN IS in the forefront of states,
widely scattered in all sections of the
country, currently participating in an extra-
ordinary cultural movement which offers
promise of a richer aesthetic experience for
those persons, particularly in smaller com-
munities, who do not happen to live in or
near the great urban centers of the eastern
and western seaboards. This is the decen-
tralization of the musical-talent industry,
and by 'industry' in this instance I mean the
merchandising of musical talent rather than
the manufacture of instruments or the pub-
lishing of music.
Not long ago, perhaps as recently as a
third of a century, chamber music was par-
celled out to the smaller communities of the
great industrial and agricultural states of
the Midwest in 'package' shipments from
New York. Traveling string quartets like the
Flonzaleys, the Kneisels, and the London
String Quartet, toured the country, occa-
sionally venturing into untried territory,
carrying with them Dvorak's American Quar-
tet, Tschaikowsky's Andante Cantabile, and
groups of shorter and lighter pieces for the
uninitiated listener. Even unusually lively
cities and towns could scarcely hope for an
imported chamber music concert more than
once every few years. Dependence of great
sections of the country upon the major
sources of supply was complete.
Today we are witnessing the disintegra-
tion of the old centralized supply system.
Smaller communities all over the country
are beginning to assert their independ-
ence of the big supply houses in matters of
talent merchandise. Regional supply
sources are rapidly developing and these
regional centers are serving large rural
and industrial areas hitherto almost with-
out access to top quality musical perform-
ance. Few tears will be shed for the New
York concert manager who has imperious-
ly dictated from a skyscraper office the
musical diet of hundreds of dependent and
helpless small communities. Deterioration
of urban-center control has resulted in a
decentralization, a diffusion of the talent
industry, and this has led to a most re-
warding surge of cultural activity in the
so-called 'hinterlands'
Educational institutions, notably universi-
ties and colleges, have played a major role
in this movement, and not alone in the
area of music. Theatre, opera, painting, and
dance are only a few of the arts which
have been brought directly to the people
of the country, and in substantial volume,
as a result of the process of decentraliza-
tion and through regional initiative and
leadership. The University of Michigan, with
its diverse and extraordinarily stimulating
musical activities, is not unique. Other
great universities of the Midwest, as else-
where throughout the country, are providing
a corresponding artistic leadership in their
respective areas,
* * * *
A QUARTER of a century ago the string
quartet-in-residence on the university
campus was unknown. Today the practice
of maintaining a resident chamber music
ensemble of professional calibre is common
among larger institutions. Even smaller uni-
versities and colleges, frequently situated in
isolated areas where a regional talent source
is critically important, are joining in this
movement. The Walden Quartet is at the
University of Illinois, the Berkshire Quar-
tet at Indiana University, the Pro Arte Quar-
tet at the University of Wisconsin, the Fine
Arte Quartet at Northwestern University,
the Stanley Quartet at the University of
Michigan, and the Griller Quartet at the
University of California. Colorado College
has the LaSalle Quartet, and the Universi-
ties of Alabama and Texas maintain string
quartets as do also Roosevelt College in
Chicago and Miami Uniyersity in Oxford,
Ohio. These are only a few of the institutions
which are providing constructive leadership

in bringing music and art to the small com-
What precisely do these resident quar-
tets do? What is their purpose and func-
tion? It may be observed that the pattern
of activity and service is much the same
in each locale, varying mainly when the
line is crossed from the privately endowed
institution to the state-supported univer.
sity. Service to the institution's students
and to the institution itself in a larger
sense is of primary importance. Service
to the whole community and to adjacent
areas might also be considered a proper
function of the resident quartet. In the
case of state universities, service on a
much wider scale is attempted, since the
institutions' obligations are to the state
as a whole rather than to restricted areas.
Above all it is the purpose of the resident
quartet to reach young people, since they
Reactionary Party,
LIBERAL DEMOCRATC have made a val-
liant record in support of the public

will constitute the listening public of
Let us examine for a moment the situa-
tion on our own campus. The Stanley Quar-
tet was established by the University's Board
of Regents in June 1949. Since its inception
the Quartet has played approximately thirty
public concerts in Rackham Lecture Hall
(to an audience of probably twenty-four
thousand) and about fifty concerts else-
where in the state of Michigan. Out-state
appearances have been limited to three or
four concerts a season, and these have car-
ried the Stanley Quartet to Cleveland, Char-
leston, and Washington as well as to several
eastern and midwestern colleges. The Quar-
tet's repertory numbers some fifty multiple-
movement works, 70% drawn from the clas-
sical repertory and 30% from contemporary
literature.ft has given nine world premieres
and has specifically commissioned some half-
dozen works. (Statistical note for the cur-
ious: the Stanley Quartet rehearses about
316 hours a season).
* * * *
IN RANGE and diversity of activities the
season just past might be considered typi-
cal. In this period the tanley Quartet pre-
sented seven on-campus concerts, all open
to the public without charge. The Quartet
played eighteen concerts in fourteen other
Michigan communities. Many of these were
programs for young people, scheduled at
school and college assemblies. It might be
noted that all of the Quartet's concert acti-
vities outside of Ann Arbor but in the state
are handled through the University's Ex-
tension Service. During the season immed-
iately past the Quartet accepted fewer than
half a dozen engagements out of the state.
These were in eastern colleges and at the
Library of Congress in Washington.
Finally, the Quartet conducted a num-
ber of string clinics in Michigan schools,
appeared at several professional educa-
tional conferences, and recorded contem-
porary music in New York. This pattern
of activity allows the Quartet to present
on campus and in the course of a student
generation a major portion of the extra-
ordinary string quartet literature. Per-
formances elsewhere in the state are fully
in accord with the University' policy of
providing tangible services to the people
of Michigan.
Someone once remarked that a string
quartet concert is just an excuse for a party
afterward. Another wag has said that the
best part of an evening of amateur cham-
ber music making is the beer and cheese at
the end. Neither is correct. The Stanley
Quartet has found everywhere, even in
small communities, a profound desire to
hear good music, to hear better music, yes,
even to hear great music. There has been
a notion kicking around for generations
that chamber music is unapproachable, for-
bidding, lofty, beyond the grasp of ordinary
mortals; that it is esoteric, reserved for the
.trained musician. This false idea has done
I much to frighten people away, to create a
defeatist approach to chamber music. As
soon as people realize that chamber music
is simply music for the chamber, as against
music for the theater, for instance, or music
for the church, and that a Beethoven quar-
tet is no more forbidding than a Beethoven
symphony (the one being simply a sonata
for four stringed instruments and the other
a sonata for orchestra), they will find the
same characteristics (and delights) of mel-
ody, harmony, color and expressiveness in
this music as in the symphony, the con-
certo, or any other familiar form. All peo-
ple will respond to chamber music, once
this miserable barrier, which has so long
isolated them from an unsurpassed litera-
ture, has been torn aside. Here in our own
state the Stanley Quartet is doing all in its
power to bring to the people who earnestly
desire fine music the matchless chamber
music literature which, we believe, will most
fully satisfy their aesthetic aspirations.
(This is the sixth and final article in the Daily's
symposium on chamber music.)

IMalian .Dilemma
IN THE SEVEN YEARS that he has been
Premier of Italy, Alcid De Gasperi has
resigned his office and been reappointed sev-
en times. Last week Premier De Gasperi re-
signed for the eighth time. The resignation
followed the Premier's first parliamentary
defeat on a vote of confidence since he took
office. It is an open question whether he wilt
be reappointed.
Three weeks ago Premier De Gasperi
named an all-Christian Democratic Cabinet
and began negotiating for the support of
the Monarchists and/or the three smaller
parties. From the beginning the negotiations
went badly.
* * *
THE MONARCHISTS took issue with the
Premier's strong pro-Western foreign policy,
on the grounds that it compromised Italian
interests. The three center parties, having
suffered losses through association with the
Christian Democrats during the June elec-
tions, were reluctant to continue the associ-
'O.. 1.- ...--, .. ...7Y.r! ..1..cL 4i4 n c l it

SALINE MILL THEATRE contrast here is almost too great
ANGEL STREET . to make the transition believable.
The presence of Mr. Manning-
PERHAPS it is a bit early to ham should set the eerie mood for
judge Angel Street due to the the play, but Earl Matthews in
fact that it was in rehearsal while this role doesn't seem quite homo-
the players weresdoing another cidal enough. At times he seems
play. But as it stands now this cynical where he should have been
production is just fair. diabolical.
As all detective plays it suffers Ed Bordo as the inspector is
from altwo-dimensional effect, in- forced to mouth some of the most
duced by stereotyped characteri- melodramatic lines in the play. His
01g~eU~t1smpopm pUE suosVZ handling of such situations .leaves
dialogue. These defects in combi- much to be desired. The inspector
nation with a lack of adequate requires self-assurance but at
preparation make this play an un- timelar d n seems bumbling, par-
fortunate choice. ticularly in handling his stage bus-
Exemplifying its melodramatic inyd ss
characteristics the plot is set Many of the production's short-
aast teisbchgodosafoggycomings would be less noticeable if
against the background of a foggy the players would memdrize their
19th century London. While the tepaeswudmmrz hi
19thcenury ondn. Wilethelines. Time and again at crucial
fog swirls around outside a mur- lns ieadaana rca
derer attempts to drive his wife points lines were repeated or just
insane. The entrance of an old dropped, breaking the spell so nec-
police inspector thwarts this essary to this play's success.
scheme and leads to the criminal's Inadequate direction led to a
eventual capture. marked unnaturalness in handling
evenualcaptre.the usual stage business, and also
Florence Rupert as Mrs. Man- was reflected in some wooden ges-
ningham, the wife of the mur- tures by all the principals.
derer has the finest opportunity Technically, Angel Street is ex-
of anyone to develop her part, cellent. The sets are good, partic-
and she does this very well. From ularly the use of framed space to
the opening scene she lucidly create the illusion of walls. But
portrays a woman caught in a lighting could have been exploited
web of mental contradictions more fully to set the mood, and
which threaten to violate her several times slow cues spoiled a
sanity. Perhaps the only criti- dramatic effect.
cism that can be made is that With a week's more work this
she tends to underplay her part. production has the potentialities
This is revealed in the final scene to develop into a much better pla3
where Mrs. Naningham bursts than it is now.
forth in a flood of emotion. The - -Dick Wolf

WASHINGTON-Much more than the American people realize; the
prisoner world behind the Iron Curtain is watching the food
riots in East Germany. Also, more than the American people realize,
the Eisenhower administration has been holding backstage debates
regarding the next step to be taken in East Germany.
So far there's been no decision.
Two facts, however, are fairly clear:
No. 1-The East German food program is only a drop in the
bucket compared with what needs to be done in all the vast and rest-
less area behind the Iron Curtain.
No. 2-The Eisenhower administration was elected on a plat-
form of stirring up revolt behind the Iron Curtain. So vigorously did
Eisenhower and John Foster Dulles emphasize this during the poli-
tical campaign that Adlai Stevenson publicly chided them.
Once in office, however, the Eisenhower administration has been
bothered by doubting Thomases, do-nothing advisers, has moved with
exasperating caution.
THE PRESENT food program for East Germany was proposed by
this writer to certain State Department officials on June 23,
shortly after the Berlin riots started. Some officials were enthusias-
tic, some dubious.
"If the Russians won't let our surplus bread and butter enter
East Germany," it was proposed in one column, "then the Am-
erican radio station in Berlin, RIAS, can put them on the spot
by blaring the fact behind the Iron Curtain.
"All we have to do is put the bread and butter down in West
Berlin and let the East Germans come and get it. Several thousand
cross back and forth every day. I have crossed back and forth dozens
of times ...
This has now worked out exactly as predicted. Though it took
three weeks of backstage debate, press and radio comment, this idea
has now given the Kremlin its worst setback since the end of the
war. As states ina column of June 30, "if our millions of tons of sur-
plus food were used appropriately in Berlin, the effect on the Rus-
sians would be devastating ... if te Russians refused they would be
more on the spot than ever."
The Russians did refuse Eisenhower's offer of July 10 and they
are now on the spot in a manner which has lost them more prestige
than any other single move we have made.
DESPERATE, THE RUSSIANS ,are now blocking food distribution.
And the question is, what is our next move to be?
Here are a few suggestions:
1. Drop food by balloon in the rest of East Germany. If Red tanks
and troops continue to block the East Germans, give them a spectacu-
lar demonstration of Yankee ingenuity by dropping food parcels at
their front door. The God-given winds of the upper altitudes which
move from west to east are with us in regard to this-and this is
something tthe Kremlin can't change. We should use them.
The Junior Chamber of Commerce executive committee, meet-
ing last week at Tulsa, Okla., offered to take over this friendship
balloon food lift if the State Department had no objections.
2. Repeat the food program in other areas behind the Iron Cur-
tain. Vienna, like Berlin, is divided into sectors, so that people can
cross over from one zone to another. A similar program in Vienna
would have the same electrifying result in southern Europe that the
Berlin proram is having in nor-.I




The Daily Official Bulletin is anb
official publication of the Universityt
of Michigan for which the MichiganI
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-F
bility. Publication in it is construe-r
tive notice to all members of theI
University. Notices shouldbe sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3516
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceeding publication (be-
fore 11 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXIII, No. 33-S
"Law School Admission Test: Candi-
dates taking the Law School Admission
Test on August 8, are requested to re-
port to Room 100, Hutchins Hall at
8:45 a.m., Saturday. The session will
last until 1:00 p.m."
Personal Requests
The Atlantic Refining Co. In Phila-
delphia, Pa., is seeking a man to fill
the position of Jr. Sanitary Engineer in
-the Waste Controi Dept. of their Phila-
delphia refinery.
The Michigan Civil Service Commis-
sion has announced examinations for
pcsitions in the fields of Psychiatry,
Medicine, Dentistry, and Public Health.
Southern Illinois University, Carbon-
dale, Ill., has a half-time position as
head resident in one of their Men's
Residence Hals available to a man pur-
suing a reduced graduate program.
Kenosha Youth Foundation, Wiscon-
sin's largest youth and community cen-
ter, is looking for an assistant to their
Physical Director. They need a young
man who could teach swimming classes
and handle gymnasium work for both
youth and adults. College graduates
with a major in physical education or
all-around athletes who have had train-
ing in that field are eligible to apply.
For additional information about
these and other openings, contact the
Bureau of Appointments. 3528 Admin-
istration Bldg., Ext. 371 or 489.
Lecture. Institute for Mathematics
Teachers: "Modern Developments in
Computation," John W. Carr, III, Uni-
versity of Michigan, 11:00 a.m., Room
130 Business Administration Bldg.
Lecture, auspices of the departments
of Sociology and Psychology. "The Am-
erican Family." Talcott Parsons, Chair-
man, Department of Social Relations,

Mr. Chakravarty will speak from his in-
timate knowledge of both Gandhi and
India. He will concentrate on the ends,
and means of Gandhi, and on the tech-
nique which has been called Conquest
by Love. Sponsored by SA and com-
nmittee for a Student Fellowship of
Reconciliation. Lane Hall at 8:30 p.m.
Academic Notices
Seminar in Applied Mathematics wili
meet today at 4:00 p.m. in Rm. 247 West
Engineering. Speaker: Doctor Herschel
Weill. Topic: Stability Criteria in the
Numerical Solution of Parabolic Partial
Differential Equations.'
Geometry Seminar: A discussion oft
quasi-projective Geometry. 7:00 p.m.,
Room 3001, Angell Hall, today.
Doctoral Examination for Stanley Ja-
cab Segal, Psychology; thesis: "TheI
Role of Personality Factors in Voca-
tional Choice: A Study of Accountants
and Creative Writers," Friday, August 7,f
7611 Haven Hall, at 10:00 a.m. Chair-
man, E. S. Bordin,
Doctoral Examination for Richard
Loyd Cutler, Psychology; thesis: "The
Relationship between the Therapist's
Personality and Certain Aspects of Psy-
chotherapy," Friday, August 7, 7611
Haven Hall, at 1:00 p.m. Chairman. E.t
S. Bordin,
Doctoral Examination for Howard
William Neill, Physics; thesis: "The
Infrared Spectrum and Structure of the
Cyclopropane Molecule," Friday, Aug-1
ust 7, 2038 Randall Lab., at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, G.B.B.M. Sutherland.
Doctoral Examination for Tori Taka-7
ki, Education; thesis: "Treatment of
Japan and Peoples of Japanese Des-
cent in Senior High School American
History Textbooks," Friday, August 7,
4024 University High School, at 4:00
p.m. Chairman, C. A. Eggertsen.
Carillon Recital: Percival Price, Uni-
versity Carillonneur, will present the
1953 Summer Evening Series No. 7,
concert at 7:15, this evening. It will in-
clude Arrangements of Instrumental
Words-Bach's, "Glockenspiel," Tocata,
Presto; Haydn's, Symphony mit dem
Paukenschlag, Andante, Chopin's Scher-
zo, Op. 39, Claude Debussy's, Claire de
lune, arrangement by Alan Ross; Ar-
rangements of Vocal Words, Schubert's,
Serenade, Brahms', Sappische Ode, Brit-
ten's, A ceremony of Carols, "There
is no rose." Carillon Compositions,

Berlin program is having in nor-a
thern Europe.
3. Send food by balloon to other
Iron Curtain countries which are
not near Berlin and Vienna. Food
by balloon is a little more expen-
sive, but intensely dramatic-and
drama is needed to win the Cold
War. Furthermore, Poland, Czech-
oslovakia and other satellite coun-
tries that were invaded by Germ-
any, don't particularly love the
Germans, and don't like to see us
favoring the German people. For
us to concentrate on helping Ger-
many alone would be a serious
psychological error.
- 4. Demand that free elec-
tions be held in every Iron Cur-
tain country. In a formal note
to Moscow we should emphasize
the fact that the Yalta pact
gives these nations the right of
governments of their own choos-
ing and we should demand that
the United Nations supervise
free elections. Yalta has been
used against us in many res-
pects. We should not be so
slow about using it to our ad-
This is one of our biggest aces-
in-the-hole, and so far we have
completely missed the boat.
3. Move for a United States of
Europe. Most Europeans know they
are doomed both economically and
militarily if they remain small,
divided, independent countries.
The only way they can exist is to
emulate our example and unite.
THE DEATH of Stalin, the purge
of Beria, the restlessness be-
hind the Iron Curtain constitute
an opportunity ,which comes only
once in a lifetime. We can't wait
a year or a month or even a few
Speaking in Buffalo Aug. 27,
just about a year ago, John Fos-
ter Dulles promised that Eisen-
hower, if elected, would encourage
"quiet revolutions in Red-domi-
nated countries through such me-
thods as passive resistance, slow-
downs, industrial sabotage."
A n d Eisenhower himself,
speaking in Denver, Aug. 13,
said: "The United States must
try to obtain by peaceful means
the restoration to the captive
nations of Europe the right free-
ly and honestly to determine
their own fate and their own
form of government."
PRESIDENT Rojas Pinilla of Co-
lombia has made up his mind
to use whatever means may be re-
quired to settle the four-year con-
troversy with Peron over Raul Ha-

Birth of a Nation...
To the Editor:
I SHOULD like to comment on a
letter in last Friday's Daily
that objected to the showing of
The Birth of a Nation. It is en-
tirely fitting that such a movie
be part of the summer program,
The Popular Arts in America. The
film series in the program was
selected with great care by two
members of the faculty who were
interested solely in showing re-
presentative and important films.
They were given complete free-
dom of choice, as indeed the whole
program has been given a free
hand. There is no need to defend.
The Birth of a Nation as one of
the milestones in the history of
the movies. It is significant, for
example, that this last year The
Gothic Film Society selected it
for a similar reason, and the do-
cumentary shown last Monday
night in the Rackham Lecture
Hall named it as one of the great
movies of the past. To forbid the
showing of this movie would be
to bring into action the kind of
censorship our panel deplored a
few weeks ago. I shall truly be
worried -when the University of
Michigan does not permit the
showing of a movie like The Birth
of a Nation.
-Prof. Richard C.=Boys
The Popular Arts in America
Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff
Harland Britz.........Managing Editor
Dick Lewis,...............Sports Editor
Becky Conrad.............Night Editor"
Gayle Greene..............Night Editor
Pat Roelofs................Night Editor
Fran Sheldon..............Night Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller.........Business Manager
Dick Alstrom......Circulation Manager
Dick Nyberg........Finance Manager
Jessica Tanner...Advertising Associate
Bob Kovacs ......Advertising Associate




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