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June 25, 1953 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1953-06-25

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i/itor;d dote


The Farmer's Plight

HREE YEARS AGO today, millions of
unsuspecting Americans picked up their
morning papers to learn that the unfamil-
iar country of South Korea had been in-
vaded by their Red neighbors to the north.
Not too many of those people even knew
where Korea was and fewer knew the im-
plications of the news.
But with astounding rapidity President
Truman made clear how much importance
he attached to the invasion. As we look back
at June of 1950 we remember not only the
infamy of the Red aggression but the more
important reaction which it caused.
Korea proved to the free world once
and for all that its strength lay in world-.
wide collective security. After the United
Nations took action, soldiers from all over
the world flocked to the rocky terrain of
Korea to contain Communism on an in-
ternational scale. What's more the for-
merly sluggish defenders of freedom, rea-
lizing the threat, began a gigantic rearm-
ament program which had been needed'
all along.
Today, as we look back on the whole Kor-
ean episode, noting the truce difficulties,
noting the current battle line which isn't too
different from the original political boun-
dary, many of us ask just what Korea has
accomplished. Many Americans are struck
with the seeming futility of the huge oper-
It's often forgotten that our primary ob-
jective has been accomplished. The Com-
munist aggression has been checked. The
objectiyes of the Red warlords have been
completely frustrated. If the North Koreans
had any idea that a stalemate would have
ensued they would never have attacked.
By being taught that aggression would
be met with sturdy defenses, world com-
munism was forced back into retirement..
Korean type aggressions no longer hold
the glamour that they did on June 24,
The collective force of the free world has
been marshalled together to check Red ad-
vances. By cooperating, the free nations
have gained an important victory over Com-
munism on the battlefields of Korea. Their
swift action is a heavy hint that they will
do it again.
But there are many flaws in the day to
day operations of states that hamper the
cause of cooperation. When Rhees' take ar-
bitrary moves, when Americans try to ex-
ploit minor differences between the U.S.
and Britain, what otherwise could turn into
a happy success, often falls into silly little
pieces. Korea has shown what firm coopera-
tion can do. As we commemorate the be-
ginning of the action there, we should re-
member that strength comes from a re-
alization of basic common needs and from
there, cooperative planning.
At the State .. .
PALMS, with William Lundigan, Jane
Greer, Mitzi Gaynor, David Wayne, Glor-
ia DeHaven and Gene Lockhart.
THIS IS AN average musical, except there
isn't enough music.
Ordinarily, it's easy to overlook the in-
evitable plots in these things, but unfor-
tunately in this technicolor tidbit there
isn't much else. Save the standard "All of
Me," the songs which provide some relief
from the uninspired dialogue do no justice
to Harold Arlen.

In the long gaps between music, William
Lundigan, as the commanding officer of
frustrated occupation troops on a South
Pacific island, is chased after by three
Mitzi Gaynor, a pert but plain "native,"
does some amusing bumps. Gloria De-
Haven, who attempts a take-off on the in-
ternational set, is the only one who can
carry a tune. And, of course, Jane Greer
gets the guy.
Meanwhile, the soldiers, suffering from
acute glandular fever, take peeps at Ivory-
skinned female islanders through the barbed
wire. This sort of situation leads to mam-
moth complications which drag slowly to-
ward the happy moment when you can
-Barnes Connable
Who's The
Book Burner?
IKE'S ANTI-BOOK burning speech at
Dartmouth sounded fine. But who is
burning the books? Why, the State Depart-
ment in its Foreign Information Service
libraries around the globe is black-listing
U.S. authors. An order to stop this would

DWARFED BY international news, the
farm price program looms almost unno-
ticed as the Eisenhower administration's
number one domestic problem. It may prove
to be a major factor in influencing the ad-
ministration's chances in congressional elec-
tions next year.
The American farmer is caught in the
worst cost price squeeze since 1948 when
farm prices dropped 25 per cent. Farm price
levels are gradually falling off as the high
production costs resulting from the boom of
the rest of the economy remain steady.
As a result of this situation, the prospect
of increased production controls and in-
creased marketing controls to alleviate the
surplus of goods and thus raise farm prices,
comes as an additional sore spot to the inde-
pendent farmer. The fact that farm -real
estate sales have turned downward probably
doesn't encourage him too much either.
Articles in farm magazines offering hints
to wary farmers on "beating their way out of
the cost price squeeze" are prevalent and in-
advertantly reveal the seriousness of the sit-
uation. Such comments as "He knows that
the days of easy profits are past and belt-
tightening is in order," set the tenor.
In Michigan, farm products dropped an-
other two per cent in April and the farm-
er's purchasing power is now doyn to 94.
per cent of parity, that price set by the
government as the farmers take in a nor-
mal year. These figures would seem to
indicate that the government will have
to increase its price support program.
Urbanites can't sympathize readily with
the farmer's plight because there has been
a general drop in the cost of living. What
they don't realize is that this drop has come
primarily at the farmer's expense. While
the farm value of the "family market bas-
ket" of foods is off 12 per cent; the market-
ing costs for these items has dropped only
three per cent.
One of the major reasons for the price
calamity is that dwindling foreign markets
have ballooned the surplus in American mar-
kets. Farmers have lost more than one bil-
lion dollars worth of export business in the

past year and no pickup is expected in for-
eign markets for U.S. farmers. Meanwhile
the Foreign Agricultural Service of the De-
partment of Agriculture is exploring every
possible method of finding. farm markets
In the midst of sliding farm prices, new
Secretary of Agriculture Ezra Benson came
out with his reduced price support program
or "more flexible price support" as, Mr. Ben-
son chooses to phrase it. He also favored
relaxing marketing and production controls,
an action which would result in an immedi-
ate deluge.of surplus on the markets, but
which according to the economic principle
of supply and demand would soon iron it-
self out. Holding the last action conceivable
is very idealistic, but its practical possibility
seems nil owing to the necessity the gov-
ernment has felt in keeping the farmers on
its artiflical economic program for so long
a time.
Because of the obvious impossibility of
following such a program as Benson's,
farmers began losiig faith in him and the
administration. Letters poured in to Ben-
son's office and to congressmen resulting
in the enactment of more legislation con-
tradicting Benson's position than support-
ing it. Congress has appropriated more
money than Benson wanted to both the
conservation program and the agricultural
Mr. Benson has been forced because of
both political and economic pressure to con-
cede his former position and is now back-
ing up price help and enforcing marketing
and production controls. It would seem that
he is now following the farm program of the
Truman Administration to a "T.''
Hoyever, while Benson is regaining favor,
in Congress for his revised stand, the na-
tion's farmers are looking on guardedly to
see what the administration will do to alle-
viate their sliding standards of living. It
seems that the situation as it now stands
requires a new and more original piece of
farm legislation than the Republicans have
offered to date.
-Elsie Kuffler

"I'm Getting A Little Tired Of This Honeymoon"
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Pakistan Gets wheat

"AND YEARS OF plenteousness were
known in the land of Egypt. And- the
years of dearth came, but in all the land of
Egypt there was bread. And all countries
'came into Egypt for to buy corn; because
that famine was so sore in all lands . .."
Thus have come first India, most recently
Pakistan to the United States for wheat.
The wheat for India bill wended a lengthy
tortuous path through the Legislature be-
fore it was finally ratified.
A similar move to send a million tons of
wheat to a starving Pakistani nation was
approved in comparatively short order Tues-
At the same time the 37 million bushels
of wheat will help reduce the huge wheat
surplus gathered under the American gov-
ernment's price support program.
Considering our. own surplus and the
plight of famine stricken Pakistan, a stra-
tegic sore spot in Asia, the opposition to the
gift as part of an "endless giveaway merry-
go-round" scarcely seems justified.
Pakistan to the Westerner is often "that
other India," the part that remained when
India achieved independence. It is made up
of two unequal sections separated by the
vast territory of India.
It is a Muslim nation still striving for
continued existence. The plan for splitting
India on a religious basis drew little en-
encouragement from Lord Louis;Mountbat-
ten, Nehru and Gandhi, who with the fa-
ther of Pakistan, Mohammed Ali Jinnah
were the architects of the division.

Nehru wrote in 1936: "Politically the idea
is absurd, economically it is fantastic . .
and even if many people believed in it, it
would still vanish at the touch of reality."
Yet actually, division based on religion
Is not unique. Though the peoples of
'Trans-Jordan and Israel are of the Se-
metic. race, it is the religious factor that
divided them. It is also religion which di-
vided Belgium and the Netherlands as
well as Eire and the Irish Free State.
Yet the Pakistani boundary lines have led
to startlingly uneven population division in
the two sections of Pakistan. West Pakis-
tan has 110 people to each square mile of
parched plain. The Eastern portion is a
swampy forest packed with 800 Pakistani
per square mile.-
East Pakistan trades profitably in jute
with India and trades raw cotton with Red
China while the narrow corridor of the
West, squeezed between a hostile Afganis-
tan and an unimical India is in a precari-
ous position. Slums and rickety children
are everywhere and water is at a premium,
yet East Pakistan has sufficient water sup-
ply due to 200 inch rains.
Unrest, tension over the disputed Kash-
mir region and famine have a tight hold
on the land.
Each gesture of help and good will on the
part of the West should have a strong effect
in turning toward the West Pakistani eyes
instead of backs.
-Gayle Greene

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to' al members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceeding publication (be-
fore 11 a.m. on Saturday).
Vol. LXIII, No. 168
Applications for Fulbright Awards
for graduate study or research abroad
during the 1954-55 academic year are
now available. Countries in which
study grants are offered are Australia,
Austria, Belgium and Luxembourg,
Burma, Ceylon, Denmark, Egypt, Fin-
land, France, Germany, Greece, India,
Iraq. Italy, Japan, the Netherlands, New
Zealand, Norway, Pakistan, the Philip-
pines, Sweden; Thailand, the Union of
South Africa, and the United King-
dom. The grants are made for one aca-
demic year and include round-trip
transportation, tuition, a living allow-
ance and a small stipend for books and
equipment. All grants are made in for-
eign currencies.
Interested students who hold an A.B.
degree or who will receive such a de-
gree by June 1954, and who are pre-
sently enrolled in the University of
Michigan, should request application
forms for a Fulbright award at the
office of the Graduate School. The
closing date for receipt of applications
is October 31.
Persons not enrolled in a college or
university in the spring or fall of 1953
should direct inquiries and requests
for applications to the Institute of In-
ternational Education, U.S.uStudent
Program, 1 East 67th Street, New York
21, New York. The last date on which
applications will be issued by the In-
stitute is October 15.
Applications for Buenos Aires Con-
vention Awards for graduate study or
research in Latin America during the
1954-55 academic year are now available.
Countries in which study grants are
offered are Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Co-
lombia, Costa Rica, Cuba, Dominican
Republic, Guatemala, Haiti. Hondur-
as, Mexico, Nicaragua, Panama, Para-
guay, Peru and Venezuela. Grantees
are chosen by the host governmentof
each country from a panel presented
by the United States Government. The
United States Government pays travel
costs and host government's pay main-
tenance allowances and tuition fees,
Grants generally are for one academic
year, but some may extend for twelve
Interested students who hold an A.B.
degree or who will receive such a de-
gree by June, 1954, and who are pres-
ently enrolled in the University of
Michigan, should request application
forms for a Buenos Aires Convention
award at the office of the Graduate
School. The closing date for receipt of
applications is October 31.
Persons not enrolled in a college or
university in the spring or fall of 1953
should direct inquiries and requests
for applications to the Institute of
International Education, U.S. Student
Program, 1 East 67th Street, New York
21, New York. The last date on which
applications will be issued by the In-
stitute is October 15.
Student Organizations planning to be
active during the summer session must
register in the Office of Student Affairs
not later than July 3. Forms for reg-
istration are available in the Office of
Student Affairs, 1020 Administration
Use of the Daily Official Bulletin for
announcement of meetings and use of
meeting rooms in University Buildings
will be restricted to officially recog-
nized and registered student organiza-
For procedures and regulations re-
lating to student organizations, officers
are referred to University Regulations
Concerning Student Affairs, Conduct,
and Discipline aailable in the Office
of Student Affairs.
Summer Session Hours for Women:
Undergraduate women in the Summer
Session must be in their residences
by 11:00 p.m. Sunday through Thurs-
day, and by 12:30 a.m. Friday and Sat-
urday. Late permission will be issued
by individual house directors.
Women's Judiciary Council
Calling hours for men at women's
residences begin at 1:00 p.m., Monday
through Friday, or at a later hour if
houses so desire. Saturday and Sun-
day calling hours may be decided by
the individual houses.
Women's Judiciary Council
Season tickets for the Department of

pany in Louisville, Ky., is looking for
Chemical Engineers, Chemists, and a
Mechanical Engineer. Men who will
graduate in August may apply as well
as those who have received their degree.
The Michigan Civil Service Commis-
sion has announced that examinations
will be given for the positions of Adult
Corrections Trainee I and Highway De-
signing Engineer II. Requirements for
the Corrections Trainee include a de-
gree with courses in Sociology, Psychol-
ogy, or Criminology. The Engineering
position requires an Engineering de-
gree plus 1 yr. of recent professional
highway design experience,
For applicationssand further infor-
mation about these and other open-
ings, contact the Bureau of Appoint-
ments 3528 Administration Bldg.,
Ext. 371. -
Professor Phillips Bradley of the
Graduate School of Citizenship and
Public Affairs of Syracuse UniversityI
will speak before the Social Science
Workshop at two o'clock, Room 429 MH,
on Thursday and Friday, Juneb25 and
26. His topic on Thursday will be "The
Use of the Newspaper in Teaching So-
cial Studies." On Friday he will dis-
cuss "Teaching Labor-Management Re-
lations in Social Studies Classes." Vis-
itors will be welcome.
Conference on Functions of a Com-
plex Variable: 10:00 a.m., "Topology of
R. S. Martin and level curves of the ,
Green's Function," by M. Brelot. 11:15,
"The Growth of Integral and Subhar-
monic Functions," by W. Hayman. West
Conference Room, R'ackham Building.
Today, at 4:15 p.m. in Auditorium A,
Angell Hal, Mr. Milton Caniff, Cartoon-
gst, will speak on Art and the Comic
Professor Fang-Kuel Li, of the De-
partment of Linguistics, University of
Washington, will speak today at 7:30
p.m. in Auditorium B, Angell' Hall. His
topic will be "Chinese Phonology, Old
and New."
Academic Notices
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics:
There will be an organization meeting
today at 12:00 o'clock noon in Room
3020 Angell Hall.
Doctoral Examination for Sanoh
Dharmgrongartama, Education; thesis:
"Proposals for Reorganizing the Cur-
riculum of the Secondary Schools of
Thailand," Thursday, June 25, 4015 Uni-
versity High School, at 3:15 p.m. Chair-
man S. E. Dimond.
The first Fresh Air Camp Clinic will
be held Friday, June 26. Dr. Ralph Rab-
inovitch will be the psychiatrist. Stu-
dents with aaprofessional interest are
welcome to attend. Main Lodge, Uni-
versity of Michigan Fresh Air Camp,
Patterson Lake, Eight o'clock.
Graduate Students expecti to re-
ceive the master's degree in August.
1953, must file a diploma application
with the Recorder of the Graduate
School by Monday, June 29. A student
will not be recommended for a degree
unless he has filed formal application
in the office of the Graduate School.
Carillon Recital by Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, 7:15 this eve-
ning. The program will open with three
Michigan songs, The Yellow and Blue,
Varsity and Victors. It will continue
with four old English songs, and two
modern carillon compositions by Karl
Magnuson (School of Music student)
and Piet Van den Broeck. Professor
Price will close the program with selec-
tions from Mozart's Don Giovanni,
Henry Purcell's Dido and Aeneas, and
Ponchielli's La Gioconda.
Carillon Recital, 7:15 Friday evening,
June 26, by Ronald Barnes, Carillon-
neur of the University of Kansas. His
program will include works by John
Pozdro, Gustav Mahler, Henry Purcell,
Katherine Mulky, Arthur Meulemans,
and Johann Sebastian Bach. John Poz-
dro and Katherine Mulky are mem-
bers of the faculty of the University of
Student Recital: Andrew Broekema,
Baritone, will present a recital at 8:30
Friday evening, June 26, in Auditorium,
Angell Hall, in partial fulfillment of
the- requirements for the Bachelor of
Music degree. A pupil of Arthur Hack-
ett, Mr. Broekema will sing works by
Caldara, Martini, Legrenzi, Schumann,
Duparc, and Copland. The program
will be open to the general public.
_ , *I ,- __

THE EISENHOWER administra-
tion has just added another
major surrender to the long tale
of its surrenders to the right, or
anti-Eisenhower wing of the Re-
publican party. The story is cur-
ious indeed. In brief, Assistant
Secretary Frank Nash is shortly
leaving the Defense Department.
Nash is theman who handles all
the intricate, vital foreign policy
ramifications of American defense
policy. The new Defense Depart-
ment team has no experience
whatever in the foreign policy as-
pect of their problem. Secretary
of Defense Charles E. Wilson sen-
sibly wanted an experienced man
to replace Nash.
The White House itself, speak-
ing with the authoritative voice
of presidential assistant Robert
Cutler, therefore nominated the
former Chief of the State Depart-
ment Policy Planning Staff, Paul
H. Nitze, Wilson assented and
asked Nitze to go to work im-
mediately as Nash's assistant.
Wilson further indicated that
Nitze would be promoted to As-
sistant Secretary when Nash left,
if the arrangement had proven
satisfactory in the interval. Nitze
accepted Wilson's offer, and took
up his new duties ten days ago.
At this point, however, a veto
was interposed by Sen. Robert
A. Taft. Ordinary Republican
patronage hunger, plus the pre-
judices of Sen. Joseph R. Mc-
Carthy's special Republican
clique, drove the Ohio Senator
to intervene. Taft admitted that
he had nothing whatever against
Nitze, a registered Republican
who made a large fortune as a
banker before becoming a bril-
liant civil servant. Taft only
argued that Nitze could not have
the job because he was a "hang-
over from the old regime," to
use the current phrase.
Efforts were made, through
Vice President Richard Nixon, to
get the veto withdrawn. But Taft
was determined to prevent any
repetition of the case of Charles
E. Bohlen, when the Eisenhower
administration was actually forc-
ed, for once in a way, to take a
stand and make a fight. "Clear it
with Bob" is now a firmer rule
than "clear it with Sidney."
Nitze, hearing of the trouble, vol-
unteered to release Secretary Wil-
son from their prior understand-
ing. Wilson .then sacrificed Nitze,
with the full knowledge of Presi-
dent Eisenhower.
Perhaps the best 'commentary
on this episode is an extremely
well vouched for story of an ex-
change between Robert Cutler and.
Under Secretary of State W. Be-
dell Smith. Cutler had brought
Bedell Smith a White House de-
cision that a nominee for another
important post was objectionable
because he served the Truman ad-
ministration. Smith remarked that
he was surprised to hear such an
objection, since he, Smith, was
also a survivor from the Truman
past. Cutler hastily explained that
Smith's case was different, where-
as Smith growled:
"And furthermore, Cutler, I
can tell you still another man
who's a hangover from the old
"Who's that, General?" asked
Cutler, unguardedly.
students of the College of Architecture
and Design.
Events Today
Summer Session Frech Club. There
will be a meeting of the French Club
today at 8:00 p.m., in the Michigan
League: Organization of the club, elec-
tion of officers; an informal talk in
French on France of today by Professor
Charles E. Koella, Director of the Club,
and a social hour. All students and
faculty members who are interested in
speaking or in learning to speak French
and singing French songs are cordially
invited to join.

Michigan Christian Fellowship: Bible
Study, 7:30 p.m., Lane Hail.
Sailing Club. The University of Mich-
igan Sailing Club will hold its open
meeting Thursday, June 25, at 7:30
p.m. in Room 3 S of the Michigan
Union. Plans for the summer program
will be discussed. Anyone interested
in sailing is invited to attend. Re-
freshments will be served.
Classical Studies Coffee Hour. All
students of the department, and oth-
ers who are interested, are invited to a
Coffee Hour on Thursday, June 25, at
4:15 p.m., in the West Conference Room
of the Rackham Building.
S.R.A. Lunch and Discussion, Thurs-
day, 12:15 noon at Lane Hall. Dr. Saveg
Shafaq, visiting professor from Iran in
Near Eastern Studies, will be speaker.
Topic: "The United Nations Through
the Eyes of the Middle East." Call res-
ervations to 3-1511 Ext. 2851.
Motion Picture, auspices of the SL
Cinema Guild. W. Somerset Maugham 's
Quartet. 7:00 and 9:00 p.m., Architec-
ture Auditorium, Thursday, June 25.
Coming Events
International Punch Hour, 4:45 to 6
p~m. Friday. Sponsored by the Office of
the Protestant Counselor to Foreign
Students and Lane Hall. Everyone wel-

"Dwight D. Eisenhower," said
Smith, with special emphasis.
In other words, in making war
on Nitze, the right wing Re-
publicans are making war on
the President himself. The Nit-
ze case also hints how far these
presidential enemies will go.
The signal for the attack on
the Nitze appointment was given
by the McCormick press, in an ar-
ticle showing the strongest in-
ternal evidence of borrowings
from closely guarded government
personnel files. There are good
reasons to think that the original
borrower from the files was one
of Sen. McCarthy's private espi
onage net. Nor could this surprise
the President.
In at least two other cases, the
White House has discovered and
removed McCarthy spies in the
Administration's midst - minor
government workers who were re-
porting to the Wisconsin Senator
on the daily doings of the Presi-
dent's highest subordintaes.
Thus the President had long
had the clearest warning as to
the character and intention of
Nitze's attackers. He has also
had the clearest proof of Ntze's
usefulness. The fact is that Nit.
ze was the chief ideological con-
tributor to Eisenhower's great
speech on peace aims to the Am.
erican Society ' of Newspaper
Editors. This speech was the
President's sole major success In
the foreign field since taking
office, and the President has
generously acknowledged Ntze's
part in it,
Finally, the sacrifice of Nite is
also a sacrifice of the vital ,prin.
ciple of continuity and experience
in American policy making. Nitze
is a conspicuous, unimpeachably
non-partisan member of the small
group of high civil servants' who
alone supply these indispensible
Ingredients, experience and con-
The clean sweep of the Joint
Chiefs of Staff, also made at Sen.
Taft's behest, has already estab-
lished the rule that our highest
military commanders are to be
political appointees. The Nitze
case similarly establishes the rule
that the American government
does not need knowledge, or train-
ing, or previous acquaintance with
the facts, in order to tackle the
hardest problem the world has ev-
er known. Altogether, this is a
surrender the President is likely
to regret before long.
(Copyright, 1953, N.Y. Her. Trib., Inc.)
A COMPLICATED tax scandal
has kept San Francisco in an
uproar since May, 1951, when it
first came to light. In San Fran-
cisco to investigate the matter,
the House Judiciary subcommittee
took the extraordinary step of
serving a subpoena on Federal
Judge Lewis E. Goodman. Judge
Goodman appeared but refused to
answer questions concerning the
courts on the ground that to do
so would make the judiciary sub-
servient to the legislature. All sev-
en of the Federal District Judges
of Northern California In a signed
statement presented to the - sub-
committee, expressed their unwill-
ingnessto testify "with respect to
any judicial proceedings."
"The Constitution," their let-
ter said, does not contemplate
that such matters be reviewed ,by
the legislative branch, but only
by the appropriate appellate tri-
bunals. The integrity of the fed-
eral 'courts, upon which liberty
and life depend, require that such
courts be maintained inviolate
against the changing moods of
public opinion."
Over the last four or five years,
as we have pointed out from time
to time, Congressional committees
have been asserting by implication

a power to review if not to reverse
the decisions of the federal jud-
ges. The San Francisco case is the
latest manifestation of this ten-
dency to make both the judicial
and executive branches of the gov-
ernment subservient not merely
to Congress but to particular com-
mittees. It is a dangerous trend.
-The Nation
SixtyThird Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of, the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staf
Harland Britz.......Managing Editor
Dick Lewis-......,....Sports Editor
Becky Conrad.............Night Editor
Gayle Greene......,.......Night Editor
Pat Roelofs................Night Editor
Fran Sheldon,.............Night Editor
Business Staff
Bob Miller.........Business Manager
Dick Aistrom......Circulation Manager










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/' 9


Associated Press News Analyst
WHOEVER FIRST said that the only thing
wrong with communism is that it does-
n't work was speaking, of course, about a
social, economic and political theory, not
about something that has been turned into
a weapon of Soviet power politics.
Nevertheless, communism with a small
"c" remains a tag by which millions of Eu-
ropean voters, largely in France and Italy,
express their protests against social and
economic conditions without regard for the
fact that by doing so they also help Soviet
power politics.
There is, therefore, double significance in
the East German demonstration that neith-
er brand of communism works, and that
Russia's only real hold is military.
The use of force to settle any sort of
argument is an admission by the user,
right off the bat, of fundamental defeat.
Force may be used for a long time, but
not forever. For it is not profitable, and
even the user eventually becomes weary
of it. By this token, the end of Russian
rule in East Germany can be foreseen.
The current crop of German puppets who

only that thousands of people in East Ger-
many were so desperate they were willing
to leave their homes, their savings and their
life work behind them and flee into the
Western Republic.
From this it was obvious, but not dem-
onstrable, that the more vigorous East.
Germans had formed an underground.
But against the background of all we
have heard about Communist ruthless-.
ness, the underground was hardly ex-
pected to have attained the cohesion and
smooth-working organization which it
demonstrated last week.
There was a small Communist-controlled
demonstration arranged by the puppet gov-
ernment to make it appear that it was mak-
ing social and economic concessions in res-
ponse to the popular will. The East Berlin-
ers joined in too wholeheartedly, and the
demonstration turned into something pretty
close to revolt.
Then the surprising thing happened. On
wheels that must have been secretly greas-
ed for a long time, the revolt spread through
East Germany. Industrial plants were burn-
ed. The same slogans were hurled against
Communist rule in a hundred cities and


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