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June 25, 1953 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1953-06-25

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Latest Deadline in the State T



to Air



J- ! Cancellation







Union Asks
Of Contract
Senate Group
Hits High Cost
By The Associated Press
Calling the Air Force cancella-
tion of the Kaiser Motor Corp.
cargo plane, contracts "unreason-
able and uncalled for," the United
Auto Workers lodged a "bitter
protest" with the Air Force yes-
The union represents more than
12,000 workers at the Willow Run
plant now engaged in air craft
In a telegram to Air Force secre-
tary Harold Talbott, the union
said, "We demand that you rescind
this cancellation and give the
UAW, as a representative of the
workers whose livelihood you have
endangered, an opportunity to be
EARLIER yesterday, the Air
SForce, in a surprise move cancel-
led 220 million dollars worth of
aircraft contracts with the Kai-
ser interests, target of hot criti-
cism on Capitol ill.
One of the contracts called for
the production of 159 "Flying
Boxcar" C119's which Sen.
Styles Bridges. (R-NH) charges
are costing the government five
times as much as the same type
of aircraft produced by the Fair-
child Engine and Airplane Corp.
at Hagerstown, Md.
The cancellation blow fell on
Kaiser and his son, Edgar, as they
were defending their production
record before a Senate armed serv-
ices subcommittee.
* * *.
THE SENIOR Kaiser held a
news conference later to announce
that, as Chairman of the Board of
the Kaiser Motor Corp., he wants
to "relinquish" anything the gov-
ernment does not want him to do.
He added the big Willow Run
plant, where the aircraft were
being produced, "stands as a
great living symbol to volume
mass production, and it is still
an asset to this nation."
* * *
TERMINATION of the con-
tracts, the Air Force said, was a
decision taken "completely inde-
pendently" of the Senate hear-
ings. A spokesman said the Kaisers
would be permitted to complete
planes now in the final assembly
At Willow Run It was report-
ed this would involve several
planes and several million dol-
lars worth of work.
In addition to the Flying Box-
mars, the Kaisers had a 220 million
dollar contract to build 244 C123's,
an assault transport plane. This
also was cancelled.
* * *
BRIDGES, chairman of the
Senate subcommittee, recessed the
investigation shortly after word
reached the hearing room the
contracts had been cancelled.
A brief closed-door session
was held with the Kaisers, at
which Bridges said they had
"informed the committee of
certain information which has
come to them informally." The
chairman said another hearing
would be held soon.
Before the hearing recessed,
Henry Kaiser offered to negotiate
a new fixed-price contract for the
production of C119's and C123's

at Willow Run. His company is
now working on a cost-plus-fixed
fee basis.
* * *





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-Daily-Felicia Browne
M SI * *
Coed Organizes Local
'Neurotics Anonymous'
Here we go gathering nuts in June!
Taking her cue from a newspaper article describing an organi-
zation built along the plan of Alcoholics Anonymous, but catering
strictly to neurotics, Lue Stinson, '54, decided the founding of such
a group here would be of great value to her large number of
neurotic friends.
* * * *
A PARTIALLY cured neurotic, herself, Miss Stinson began to find
too many of these friends using her apartment as a resting place,
and using visits as opportunities

World News
By The Associated Press
PARIS-Joseph Laniel, a vet-
eran politician who has acquired
a lot of friends and few enemies
among the deputies of the national
assembly, last night agreed to try
to become France's next premier.
* * .*.
LANSING - Gov. Williams
yesterday signed two appropria-
tion bills totalling $57,507,350,
including operating funds for
the state-supported colleges and
universities, with $18,116,000 al-
located to the University.
BERLIN - The Russians gave
their. puppet East German gov-
ernment a chance to save its neck
and stay in office yesterday-but
kept their guns pointed against
any new uprising by German
Prime Minister Otto Grotewohl
was allowed to announce his gov-
ernment will not resign, and thus
yield to the "provocateurs" of last
week's bloody revolt, but will stay
in office and carry out its "duty"
of correcting its 'mistakes.'
* * *
C. Kinsey, director of the Insti-
tute for Sexual Research at In-
diana University, yesterday enter-
ed an I.U. Medical Center hospital
in Indianapolis for "rest and a
physical checkup."
This announcement followed re-
ports that Christine Jorgenson, ex-
GI who claims a sex change
through surgery arrived in Bloom-
ington, Ind. by airplane and was
met at the airport by a representa-
tive of Dr. Kinsey.

to air their troubles.
Since listening had become
rather boring, she welcomed the
chance t. do some talking, and
decided to found a group built on
the motto "A fair chance to in-
trospect for all."
When asked about the ailments:
with which she has had to deal,
Miss Stinson remarked she has
found paranoiac tendencies the
most prevalent.
* * *
mented on the large number of
students at the University who
lack a fear of failure. Being un-
successful in anything they do,
they take failure in their stride
because they "just expect it." "So
much William Faulkner," she
Miss Stinson, in her studies of
neurosis- on the campus, has
come across one particularly in-
teresting sort of ailment, which
she labels the "Racoon Com-
Characterized by excessive clean-
liness, the "Racoon" is noticable
at a party for his insistence on
drinking only alcoholic beverages.
He will usually claim this cleans
the germ-laden glassware.
ON RECEIVING a bouquet of
flowers from a "Racoon," Miss
Stinson explains she was amazed
to see him first dip them in al-
cohol, to avoid having any but
dead insects in the house.
He is now in Washington, peti-
tioning for induction into the
Navy, since he feels that the salt
breezes will have a disinfectant
While extending an invitation to
her seminars to all practising neu-
rotics, Miss Stinson refused to di-
vulge their location. "Neurotics
will seek us out," she said.

Korea, EPT
Issues Pile
Up forIke
of trouble-at home and abroad-
piled up on President Eisenhower's
doorstep yesterday.
Biggest headache was Syngman
Rhee's stubborn refusal to co-op-
erate in a Korean truce and the
President was understood to have
called off his weekly news confer-
ence yesterday to avoid a discus-
sion of the Korean situation in its
present delicate state.
DOMESTIC troubles were head-
ed by a blockade in the House
Ways and Means Committee of
the administration's bill to extend
the excess profits tax for six
months from June 30.
Eisenhower wants the 800 mil-
lion dollars the extension will
raise to help balance the budget.
Rep. Daniel Reed, New York
Republican, calls the tax "m-
moral," however, and said flat-
ly yesterday he would refuse to
call his ways and means com-
mittee together to vote on an
House leaders decided to at-
tempt the drastic step of bypassing
Reed's committee with a petition
by a majority of its 25 members
to force a meeting. This maneuv-
er appeared to have failed late last
night when it was reliably report-
ed only seven GOP members of
the committee were willing to sign.
*R S *
AN EISENHOWTR appointment
went sour when Tom Lyon, 65, re-
quested his nomination as head of
the Bureau of Mines be withdrawn.
Secretary of the Interior McKay
seconded the motion after Lyon
acknowledged at a Senate hearing
Tuesday that he is drawing $5,000
a year pension from Anaconda
Copper Mining Co. and that he has
no sympathy with the federal
safety law he would be expected
to administer.
More trouble for the President
hove into view when the Republi-
can-dominated House Government
Operations Committee condemned
part of his plan to reorganize the
Defense Department as "another
step on the road toward control
by the military."
Canif f Slated
For Talk Today
On Comic Art
Art and the Comic Strip will be
in the spotlight at 4:15 p.m. to-
day when noted cartoonist Milton
Caniff takes the stage in Auditor-
ium A, Angell Hall to present the
first in a series of 13 summer lec-
tures on Popular Arts in America.
Creator of Terry and the Pirates
and Steve Canyon, Caniff was
named outstanding cartoonist of
the year in 1946 by the National
Cartoonists' Society and later
served as president of the group.
Caniff received the Sigma Del-
ta Chi, professional journalism
fraternity, bronze medal for his
newspaper cartooning.
During the last war, he wowed
GI audiences with his cartoons of
Male Call concerning the fasci-
nating Miss Lace.

-Daly-Fran Seldon
* * *'* * * I * *
Korean War Three Years Old Today

Three years ago today the
Korean War began.
One week ago hopes for a sat-
isfactory truce settlement faded
as South Korean president Syng-
man Rhee ordered the release of
27,000 North Korean and Com-
munist Chinese POWs, nearly half
the total number of 47,000.
* * *
PRESENT trends indicate the
war, until now limited to a UN-
Communist struggle, may soon
Senate Group
Hits Partisan.
Tariff_ Board
WASHINGTON - tom) - Demo-
crats and Republicans on the Sen-
ate Finance. Committee teamed
yesterday to bat down a plan to
convert the U.S. Tariff Commis-
sion into a Republican-dominated
The committee vote was a vic-
tory for Democrats who argued
the commission has historically
been bi-partisan and should re-
main so.
* * *
REJECTINGONE of two corn-
promise provisions to which the
administration agreed in its ef-
fort to push through Congress a
one-year extension of the Recipro-
cal Trade Act, the committee then
sent the bill to the Senate for ex-
pected passage, probably next
President Eisenhower had
asked for a straight one-year
extension of the present act,
which expired June 12. But
when the House Ways and
Means Committee seemed bent
on writing sharp new restric-
tions into the extension, a com-
promise was worked out.
As passed by the House, the bill
would have increased the tariff
commission's membership from six
to seven-in effect adding a fourth
Republican member-and reduced
from one year to nine months the
time in which the commission.
must act on petitions for emergen-
cy relief from industries which
feel they are hurt by lowered tar-
Fire College
To Start Blaze
Before the expectant eyes of
some 300 firemen and a hoard of
Ann Arbor "sidewalk fire fighters,"
a modest eight room frame house
at 306 Hill St. will be set on fire
at 4:30 p.m. today.
This demonstration is being held
in conjunction with the 25th an-

take a new direction with the Re-
public of South Korea as poten-
tial aggressor.
With his announcement Tues-
day that an armistice under pres-
ent conditions would necessitate
the withdrawal of all ROK troops
from the United Nations com-
mand, Rhee, political experts say,
almost certainly blocked any pos-
sibility that this so-called police
action be terminated early in its
fourth year of existence,
* * *
Begun June 25, 1950 when a
North Korean column crossed the
38th parallel, the war, has con-
tinued for 'three years, a struggle
accomplishing little of any prac-
tical value.
** * *
ALMOST immediately United
States forces were ordered into
action by President Truman, and
the UN Security Council called
on member nations to aid in re-
pelling the aggression.
For six weeks the combined
UN forces were pushed back un-
til they held only a small beach-
head at Pusan. Six more weeks
of desperate fighting, despair,
and finally reinforcement faced
the allies before they were able
to take the offensive in the form
of an amphibious landing on
Inchon and a push toward the
South Korean capital of Seoul.
The U.S. Eighth Army began a

simultaneous push out of Pusan.
Under pressure from two fronts
the Communist armies were forc-
ed to fall back.
* * *
IN OCTOBER the ROK troops
of South Korea crossed the 38th
parallel into Communist North
They were followed shortly by
the United Nations forces, auth-
orized by the UN General As-
sembly under the leadership of
General Douglas MacArthur.
By November of that year the
UN troops were grouped close to
the Manchurian border and there
was talk of a speedy end to hos-
See KOREAN, Page 4
Auigust Draft Cal
Shows Slight Rise,
LANSING - (P) - Col. Arthur
A. Holmes, state selective service
director, yesterday called on state
draft boards to induct 1,274 men
for military service in August.
The call is 37 more than that in
July, the lowest of the year and
also the lowest since June, 1952,
when the call dropped to 449.
Theo August call is still well be-
low the year's high of 2,650 called
in May.
Wayne County will furnish 469
of the August call and outstate
counties 805.

A TRUCE now might doom
South Korea to "the same disaster
suffered by the peoples of Czecho-
slovakia, Poland and China," Rhee
told the flag-waving multitudes.
In cities throughout South
Korea, huge throngs expected to
total more than a million, jam-
med the streets in response to
a government call for a mighty
show of defiance of any truce
that would leave the country di-
Hundreds of rifle-carrying Ko-
rean policemen guarded the.capi-
tol grounds in the heaviest pre-
cautions yet seen here against pos-
sible assassination attempts or dis-
* * *
ment issued before his public ap-
pearance in the Capitol Plaza,
Rhee reiterated that his country
could not accept the present truce
He said it would allow a mil.
lion-man Chinese Army to re-
main in North Korea and per-
mit "pro-Communist troops"
from India to enter South Korea
to supervise "explanations" to
balky Communist prisoners who
have said they do not wish to re-
turn to Communist territory.
Rhee has also opposed the truce
on the grounds it would leave Ko-
rea divided and has said his troops
would go north alone if need be to
unify the peninsula.
* * *
EARLIER dispatches said Rhee'
left the door ajar for compromise
as President Eisenhower's special
envoy hurried here to face the
balky South Korean President and
try to win him over to a truce.
But Rhee, just before his
scheduled meeting with U. S.
Assistant Secretary of State
Walter S. Robertson on this
third anniversary of the Korean
War, showed by new word and
action his government still was
prepared to fight on alone.
Rhee said so in a letter to Gen.
Mark Clark, UN Far East com-
mander, and in an interview.
He also formed a "war cabinet"
to help him work out plans should
the UN Command sign a truce,
with the Communists over South
Korea's protest.
Guild To Use
New Screen
New sound and projection equip-
ment and a large new screen will
be in evidence at the Student
Legislature Cinema Guild summer
The Cinema Guild will provide

Angry Mobs
t Capitol
Rhee Reiterates
'Go-it-alone' Plan
By The Associated Press
"e want tofight until death,"'
President Syngman Rhee shout-
ed yesterday to screaming hun-
dreds of thousands demonstrating
against a truce on this third an-
niversary of the Korean War.
The 78-year-old leader flung his
defiance against an impending ar-
mistice out over the tightly packed
throngs thunderously cheering his
dramatic appearance on the steps.
of the war-scarred capitol.


Willow Run Village Hit by KF Blow

Pessimism and gloom linger in
the air in Willow Run Village and
Ypsilanti after the sudden an-
nouncement that some 12,500 la-
borers may be jobless as a resiAlt
of Air Force cnce1ltions: f con-

when the huge bomber plant be-
gan operation in World War II.
Anticipating the next move is like
walking on glass for these workers
because of the uncertainty of
plant changeover to peacetime

and all of Ypsi's 17,000 people will
eventually be seriously effected.
* * *
ACCORDING to Prof. Harold
Levinson, teacher of courses in
labor and collective bargaining in
the University economic deDart-


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