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July 30, 1953 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1953-07-30

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WITH THE advent of the Korean truce the
problem of United States recognition of
Communist China looms ever greater.
Now that the military argument against
recognition has been removed, the obvious
move at this point would be to include recog-
nition as a part of the necessary changes of
policy which will undoubtedly be brought
about by the truce.
However, in view of the announcement by
Secretary of State Dulles Tuesday that the
United States will fight the admission of
Red China to the United Nations-even to
the point of employing the veto-it is safe to
assume that such a policy of recognition will
not be forthcoming.,
Advocates for non-recognition have ad-
vanced the argument that always before in
our foreign relations, political recognition
signified approval. And America does not
approve of any Communist government,
they say.
However, despite our past policy on the
matter, we will sooner or later be forced to
accept the fact that we cannot continue our
present head-in-the-sand attitude indefi-
In the first place, to ignore the existence
of a regime covering so large an area of
the earth, and with a certain influence over
other countries, is virtually impossible.
To claim that the Communist govern-
ment in China is shakey and therefore not
dependable is no argument at all. Many
times in the past when it has seemed ex-
pedient, the United States has extended
recognition to far weaker governments
than at present exists in China. And it has
denied recognition to stronger ones than
Chiang's Nationalists.
Secondly, and of equal importance, is the
possibility that Red China may even now be
preparing for a break with Moscow. If re-
cent reports of purges of pro-Moscow Com-
munists in the North Korean capital are
true, there is every possibility that the Ko-
reans and the Chinese may attempt a split
with Russia.
Such a split-similar to the one that oc-
curred in Yugoslavia, but of greater magni-
tude-would serve to weaken immeasurably
the world Communist movement. This would
entail obvious benefits for the United States,
and every possibility of weakness in the
solidarity of the Party should be explored-
and exploited.
With its constantly increasing influence,
the Chinese Communist government cannot
successfully be ignored by the U.S. with any
degree of success. Therefore, rather than run
away from a fact that must ultimately be
faced, it would be far wiser for the Ameri-
can government to negotiate with the Red
government now, before any armistice settle-
ment is reached, while we still have the up-
per hand in bargaining power.
-Fran Sheldon
PYGMALION, by G. B. Shaw, presented
by the Speech Department
HE REHEARSALS for "Pygmalion" prob-
ably bore a close resemblance to the
situation of the Cockney girl in the play;
it must have been trying times for Mid-
western college students to' imitate Cockney,
Welch, lower class and upper class English
accents. A Kentucky sharecropper in Ford's
factory would have had six months, perhaps,
before an attempt at a Henry Ford II cock-
tail party. These Speech Department play-
ers were not merely brave-they were quite
successful. Gwen Arner, playing the Cock-
ney flower girl, was especially convincing.
Arnold Stein, as her father, conquered his,
with ease. However, one wished that the

upper set were more upper crust. Only the
mother of the phonetics professor, acted by
Bernice Daniel, spoke with an accent high
enough to intimidate the middle class, an
accent worthy of a true phonetics master.
The tableaux scene of the first act came
off quite well. It caught us up in its quick
spirit and we were interested and amused.
It ended with one of Shaw's coincidence
parodies on coincidences. A straight playing
of it would have killed it. The actors knew
better. They enjoyed it and played it for all
it was worth.
With the second act, the spirit dwindled.
The pace was too slow. Shaw's fast come-
backs aren't particularly witty if his char-
acters have enough time to think of them
by themselves. The actors didn't know
what to do. Our Cockney girl could have
been bewildered; I was, by the picture on
the wall of teeth and connecting muscles,
by the machines and gadgets. There was
no need to keep her seated in the center
chair as a main character and it was
unpardonable to seat her father in it after
she went off stage. The pace seemed even
slower; Shaw's mechanics were under
lined for us in red.
The character of the phonetics man was
poorly conceived, and the fault was not
Shaw's. He was portrayed as a foolish and
vicious schoolboy, vicious because foolish.
He seemed terribly uncomfortable on the
piano, on the chair, anyplace. He lacked
the necessary sophistication, the necessary
gentlemanliness in spite of himself. Per-
s- n - hn.- of+e nnrtraval +ha ~.,min

Crime and Punishment

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following editorial is
reprinted in full from the Daily Illini, student
paper at the University of Illinois. It is their
evaluation of the recent action of the Board of
Regents which saw President George Stoddard
IT'S SICKENING to watch people play pol-
itics with our University.
It's disillusioning to see a man cut down
because he isn't afraid to fight for what he
believes in.
The move to fire George Stoddard as pres-
ident did not come as a mass wave of senti-
ment by students and faculty, because most
of us realized he was a man of high intel-
lectual attainment who carried a vision of
educational and cultural greatness for the
University of Illinois.
Mr. Stoddard may have made some ad-
ministrative mistakes. He may have acted
hastily in some instances. But whether
these mistakes were sufficient cause to fire
him remains open to serious question.
From the point of view of many faculty
members, whose opinions are printed else-
where, Mr. Stoddard's instances of "mis-
management" were not serious enough to
warrant such drastic action.
But in the minds of politicians and many
taxpayers, they apparently were.
These people did not like either Mr.
Stoddard's principles, or the way he stood
up for them. In a part of the country no-
torious for its isolationism, his belief in
the United Nations was odious. In a com-
munity not' noted for a democratic spirit,
his fight to keep the University free from
racial discrimination was dangerous. (Ov-
erheard in a local drugstore: "I didn't like
the way he kept feeding those niggers at
the Illini Union.")
In short, he was completly out of place
in the choking atmosphere of conservatism
and bigotry in the community, the legisla-
ture, and the state as a whole.
His dismissal means different things to
different men.
To liberals who agreed with him, it was
politics-dirty politics.

To "Stoddard-haters," for whom Red
Grange was the hatchet-man, it was about
To the Board of Trustees, it was, at worst,
a partisan desire to satisfy outraged poli-
ticians and to keep election promises. At best,
the dismissal was a simple matter of ex-
pediency. The Board realized that as long
as Mr. Stoddard was president, the Univer-
sity would have a hard time in a Republi-
can legislature. Getting anything from
money to academic freedom would be diffi-
cult. Therefore, the best way to keep the
University's progress from bogging down in
a mire of personal antagonism was to re-
move what was considered the source of
But even if this last attitude could be de-
fended, there is absolutely no excuse for the
manner in which the ax fell. Mr. Stoddard's
crimes do not justify the personal blow he
was forced to take.,
If the Board was dissatisfied, it could
at any time have sat down with the presi-
dent and told him what was wrong.
Or if the Board was determined to have
Mr. Stoddard's head, it could have given him
a few month's notice to allow him to look
for another job and figure out a face-saving
reason to resign.
As it is, the situation is embarrassing
for everyone. The Board may find it diffi-
cult to persuade a candidate for the job to
subject himself to possible similar indigni-
The damage has, however, been done.
It is water under the dam, so to speak.
Mr. Stoddard's successor is certainly wor-
thy of the position. He has had long ex-
perience in University affairs, and can be
counted upon to conduct his administra-
tion with tact and soundness.
But it will take a firm attitude to keep the
campus from turning into an intellectual col-
ony of Springfield. With the entire Univer-
sity back of him, we believe Acting-Presi-
dent Morey can keep that from happening.
-The Daily Illini

"Remember, Now---Don't Grow Any Bigger"
U v
; #




The Meaning of Hatred, II

VIENNA - A sullen, numb, yet ferocious
hatred for the soviet puppet regimes is
now unquestionably the chief political char-
acteristic of all the satellite states. In trying
to understand the real meaning of this phe-
nomenon of mass hatred, two facts are im-
First, short of a war, there can be no
really effective, organized, centrally directed
resistance movement in the satellites, as
long as the Red army supplies the Soviet
and satellite police apparatus with the es-
sential ingredient of naked force. In Czecho-
slovakia, there have been no less than for-
ty eight attempts to organize a national
resistance movement. All have been exposed
and crushed. More than ten similar attempts
in Hungary have met the same fate. There
is now no organized resistance movement
anywhere in the Soviet empire (except pos-
sibly in Poland).
The revolts in Eastern Germany, the
riots in Pilsen and Eastern Slovakia, the
peasant resistance in Hungary, have all
been genuinely spontaneous. They have
been responses to specific internal events
-the increase in work norms in Germany,
currency "reform" in Czechoslovakia, "re-
form" of the agricultural collectives in
In the German factories, to be sure, secret
cells did exist, patterned after the Commun-
ists' own secret cell system. These cells pro-
vided the leadership for the revolts in the
Soviet zone. Yet they lacked any concerted
plan, any arms, or any central direction,
other than that provided by RIAS, the
American radio station in Berlin. Secret
cells also undoubtedly exist in other satellite
factories. But as in Germany, such indi-
vidual, unarmed, and fragmented resistance
groups can be quickly and easily crushed by
the Red army.
*S *s *
THE SECOND fact follows from the first.
As long as the Red army holds Eastern
Europe, the satellite states will continue to
contribute very importantly to the Soviet
war potential. After the war, the Soviets em-
barked on a program of ruthless satellite in-
dustrialization and exploitation. In cold hard
terms of guns and steel, this program has
paid off handsomely.
By 1952, the Soviets had whipped the
satellites into nearly doubling steel pro-
duction-the best index of heavy indus-
trial output-over prewar. By 1955, the
Kremlin's plan calls for almost tripling
satelliate steel output. For purposes of
comparison, Western Germany, where eco-
nomic recovery has been so marked, has
just this year succeeded in equaling the
steel produced in the same area in 1936.
Most of the end products of this extra-
ordinary expansion-especially armaments-
go, of course, to the Soviet Union. To meet
the Kremlin's demands, the satellite pro-
consuls have been forced to exploit their
labor force in a manner to bring a blush to
the cheek of the most hard-hearted nine-
teenth century industrialist. The Kremlin
has thus, as it were, paid for guns with hat-

though there are now no effective resistance
movements in Eastern Europe, the human
material for such movements certainly ex-
ists. In the event of war-or in the unlikely
event that the United States decides on a
preventive showdown with the Soviet Un-
ion-this human material could certainly be
* * * *
THE SOVIETS themselves are clearly aware
of this possibility, as their constant out-
cry about "imperialist provocaterus" sug-
gests. Moreover, the Soviets must now also
be aware that their satellite "peoples' armies"
are doubtfully loyal. Since whole battalions
of the German satellite army refused to
leave their barracks in the June uprisings,
there have been strong indications that the
Kremlin has abandoned its plan for build-
ing an East German army on a.serious scale.
Some experts believe that the satellites
--especially East Germany, Czechoslo-
vakia, and Poland, in that order--no long-
er provide a secure base for a Soviet at-
tack on the west. This may well be over-1
optimistic, but it is surely sensible to sup-
pose that the seething hatred in the satel-.
lites represents a real potential military
asset to the west.
Short of war, however, the basic fact re-
mains-the satellite people cannot free them-
selves and the Kremlin can continue to ex-
ploit its rich European empire, as long as the
Red army holds Eastern Europe. Yet it is
surely important to understand that the Red
army is the base on which the whole, ar-
tificial Soviet satellite structure rests.
The intelligence experts agree that if, by
some miracle, the Red army is ever with-
drawn from the satellites, the Soviet em-
pire will begin to crumble rapidly, from its
western edges inward. The Germans have
already demonstrated that the German pup-
pet regime would not last a day without
Soviet tanks and Soviet troops. This does
not mean that the Red army is going to be
withdrawn in response to American exhor-
tation. Yet surely it does mean that we have
far more freedom of movement in the colds
war than our increasingly rigid policy allows
(Copyright, 1953, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
The One Eyed Press
When Truman used to get to Key West
For a rest
They all said "Yah-what a shirt- ne-
glecting the nation!"
But when Ike takes a day off (or three)
At Burning Tree
Everybody beams at such a deserved vaca-
When the former President smiled
Everybody got riled
And said "Imagine smiling in such a ser-
ious state of affairs."
But Ike can stretch a grin
Till the cows come in
And they call it "radiance," or courage in
a man of such cares.
When Truman made a mistake
They told him to go jump in the lake-

WASHINGTON - Administration leaders admit privately that in t
some respects the hardest part of the Korean program now lies O
ahead. To confer on some of these problems and prepare for the U
political talks, Gen. Mark Clark has now been ordered home. o
Here are their three biggest headaches: SC
1. Preventing war from breaking out again. Obviously Syngman i
Rhee will try to precipitate war again if the political talks drag. He b
has virtually said so. Furthermore, the Communists have a powerful
build-up right behind the truce lines. They kept on massing troops :
even during the negotiations, which is why not many American troops K
can be sent home. A lot of American families will be disappointed W
regarding this. 2
2. Reconstruction of Korea. Few war areas have ever been t
more shattered than South Korea. And almost no effort was t
made by the Army to rebuild during the war. Unless a reconstruc- e
tion program is carried on wisely and quickly, the South Koreans a
might become so disillusioned that they could go Communist. r
Thus three years of warfare and countless sacrifice would be in
Superficial attempts at reconstruction have begun under UNKRA R
(UN Korean Reconstruction Administration) which is headed by Gen. r
John B. Coulter. But so far its personnel have chiefly ridden around
in ritzy cars, haven't come to grips with long-range rebuilding. i
One big problem sure to complicate the picture is whether or not B
we give Koreans what some administration leaders have called "creep- a
ing socialism" or what Senator Taft put across in the way of public A
housing. In brief, if we merely dole out funds by which Koreans canA
rebuild haphazard shacks, they are sure to be compared with the bign
housing programs which the Communists have built in China. Though
built by the Reds, these housing projects are similar to those built by
Mayor La Guardia in New York, Sen. Burnet Maybank when he was
Mayor of Charleston, S.C., and which Senator Taft provided for in
the housing act.n
What South Korea needs is long-range planning, includingG
water-power development, not a slapdash handout. Whether weL
like it or not, the Communists have made great changes in certain
Asiatic areas, such as Mongolia, and our reconstruction effortsz
will have competition.A
3. Revamping Korean politics. The trouble the U.S.A. had with
sincere, cantankerous Syngman Rhee regarding a truce points up thea
trouble we will also have with him in the future. This is partly ourv
fault. Long ago we should have recognized that Rhee, though an in-L
tense patriot, is also a dictator. If anyone crosses him, they may goC
to jail.
In 1949, the Korean National Assembly, exercising the traditional
right of congressional opposition, overrode some of Rhee's vetoes.
Immediately he arrested seven assemblymen, kept them arrested un-
til Congress got back in hand.
At that time the American embassy warned Washington thatr
Rhee was becoming a dictator, and that the U.S.A., as the economic
and political godfather of Korea, had better clip his wings, begin
building up a democratic system. But timid John Allison, in charget
of State Department Far Eastern Affairs, now promoted by Dulles
to be Ambassador to Japan, said no.
Two years later, Rhee did the same thing. When the NationalL
Assembly threatened his re-election, he arrested 103 assemblymen.
This time U.S. Charge D'affaires Allan Lightner wrote vigorous recom-
mendations to the State Department that Rhee was getting too big
for his britches, that the United States was in the position of subsi-
dizing a dictator, that we must begin building up a democratic system'
in Korea.
Again, timid John Allison in Washington and U. Alexis Johnson,
his State Department assistant, said no.
Thus, Washington was largely responsible for building up the
man who caused us so much trouble during the truce talks.
Rhee is shrewd, able, intensely devoted to his country, has suf-
fered so many years imprisonment and torture at the hands of the
Japanese that you can forgive him a great deal. But the fact remains
that he has wanted the war to drag on-figuring the United States,
eventually tired of a stalemate, would take the offensive and reunite
his country.
When you realize that Korea hasn't been divided since the 7th
century, you can appreciate his position. But the problem today is to
build up a disillusioned, disappointed people, both economically and
politically, in such a way as to prevent Communism. For there's a
real danger that Communism, which we fought a war to block, could
come to South Korea after all.
There's been a lot of speculation as to whether Arthur Eisenhower
consulted with his brother Ike before he lambasted Senator McCarthy
in the sensational interview he gave the Las Vegas Sun. The answer
is probably no.
Arthur Eisenhower is a Kansas City banker, with ideas of his
own, who shortly after Ike's election was smeared by a McCarthyistic
attack from Westbrook Pegler. Mr. Pegler used the guilt-by-associa-
tion technique of pointing out that A. Eisenhower occupied adjoining
rooms to Arthur Goldschmidt in the Waldorf Tower in New York.
The latter, a Republican, happens to have been a great Eisenhower
booster. But Pegler jumped on him as too liberal, and he jumped on
Arthur Eisenhower because they appeared to be friends.
Meanwhile Hank Greenspun, publisher of the Las Vegas Sun, has

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
ffical publication of the University
f Michigan for which the Michigan
)aily assumes no editorial responi-
Ility. Publication in it is construe-
Ie notice to all members of the
university. Notices should be sent in
YPEWRITTEN form to Room 351
ldminstration Building before 3 p.m.+
he day preceeding publication (be-
ore 11 a.m. on Saturday).
VOL. LXIII, No. 25-S
Candidates for the Master's Degree at
e end of the summer are reminded
call for their tickets to the Master's
reakfast by four o'clock, Friday, July
. Tickets are available at the Office of
e Summer Session. 3510 Administra-
on Building.
Mexican Government Scholarship Pro-
ram: The Mexican Government
hrough the Mexican-United States
'ommission on Cultural Cooperation,
fers seventeen grants to United States
tudents for study in Mexico during
he academic year beginning March 1,
54. Eleven scholarships are at the
raduate level, paying tuition and 800
esos monthly. Six undergraduate schol-
rships pay 700 pesos per month. Awards
re available in the following fields:
rndergraduate level: Physicai Anthro-
ology, Archaeology, Ethnology, Mexi-
an History, Architecture, Philosophy,
iterature; Graduate level: Physical An-
hropology, Archaeology, Ethnology,
exican History, Museography, Paint-
ng Biological Sciences, Pediatrics,
ropical Medicine, Cardiology.
Eligibility requirements are as fol-
ows: 1. United States citizenship. 2.
ufficient knowledge of Spanish to fol-
ow a full course of study or training. 3.
lood academic 'record. 4. Good moral
haracter, personality, and adaptabili-
y. 5. Broad knowledge of the culture
f the United States. 6. Good health.
Applications may be secured from the
.S. Student Program of the Institute
f International Education, 1 East 67th
tret, New York 21, New York. Apli-
ations must be filed, with all support-
ng documents, not later than Octo-
er 15, 1953.
Department of Astronomy. Visitors'
ight, Friday, July 31, 8:30 p.m. Dr
Kenneth M. Yoss, of Louisiana State
niversity, will speak on "Other Milky
Ways." After the illustrated lecture in
003 Angell Hall, the Students' Observa-
tory on the fifth floor will be open for
elescopic observation of a double star,
ebula, and star cluster, if the sky is
rear, or for inspection of the tele-
scopes and planetarium, If the sky is
loudy. Children are welcomed, but
nust be accompanied by adults.
Veterans eligible for education and
raining allowance under Public Law
50 (Korea G.I. Bill), whether they have
eceived Certificate for Education and
raining, (VA Form 7-1993) or not must
ign .Monthly Certification of Train-
ng, VA Form 7-1996a, in the Office of
eterans' Affairs, -555 Administration
Building, between July 31 and August
. For the convenience of those veter-
ans whose Sumer Session classes end
ugust 1, 1953 the Office of Veterans'
Affairs will be open the morning of
saturday, August 1 from 8 a.m. to 12
Law School Institute. "The New Busi-
ness Receipts Tax-A Discussion for the
General Practitioner" Rackham Lecture
Lecture Hal.
9:30 - 10:30 a.m.-Registration
10:30 a.m.-"Basic Discussion of the
Tax-Its Basis and Economic Theory"-
Alan Gornick, Tax Counsel and Director
of Tax Affairs, Ford Motor Company.
11:00 a.m. - "Computation of the
Tax Base: Intrastate Transactions"-
William J. Pierce, Univ. of Michigan
Law School.
2:00 p.m. - "Interstate Transactions
Covered by the Tax"-Paul G. Kaupe
and Samuel D. Estep, Univ. of Michigan
Law School.I
4:00 p.m. - "Administration of the
Tax as it Affects your Clients"- larence
Lock, Deputy Commissioner -of Reve
Fee: $5.00. Students and Faculty ad.
mitted free of charge upon presentation
of proper identification.
Popular Arts in America. "Science Fic
tion"--a panel. Otto Laporte, Profes
sor of Physics; Leo Goldberg, Chair
man of the Department of Astronomy
Arthur Carr, Assistant Professor o
English; Dean McLaughlin, a 1953 grad
uate of the College of Literature, Sci
ence, and the Arts and writer of sci
ence fiction. 4:15 p.m., Auditorium A
Angell Hall.
Linguistic Forum. "Society;and Lin
guistic Change," Alf Sommerfelt, Uni
versity of.Oslo, 7:30 p.m., Rackha

Academic Notices
Probability Seminar will meet toda
at 1:00 o'clock,'7Room 3220 Angell Hal
Mr. Ronald Getoor will speak.
Seminar in Applied Mathematics wil
meet today at 4:00 o'clock, Room 24
West Engineering. Professor R. Nevan
linna will talk on Dirichlet's Problem
Geometry Seminar: Will meet tc
day at 7:60 p.m. in Room 3001 Angel
Hall. Mr. R. Reed will talk on Quasi
Projective Geometry.
Doctoral Examination for Sterlin
Harry Schoen, Business Administration
thesis: "Personnel Administration i
Forty-five Selected Small Manufactur
ing Companies," Friday, July 31, 31
School of Business Administration,a
9:00 a.m. Chairman, J. W. Riegel.
Doctoral Examination for Robez
Nelson Hollyer, Jr., Physics; thesis: "
Study of Attenuation in the Shoc
Tube," Friday, July31, west Counc
Room. Rackham Bldg., at 1:30 p.n
Chairman Otto Laporte.
Doctoral Examination for Paul Fran
cis Munger, Education; thesis: "Factor
Related to Persistence in College (
Students Who were Admitted to th
University of Toledo from the Low(
Third of Their Respective High Scho(
Classes," Friday, July 31, 4019 'Univei
sity High School, at 2:00 p.m. Chaii
man, H. C. Koch.
Doctoral Examination for Edwin Tin

1953 Summer Evening Series, No. 6,
carillon recital at 7:15 this eve-
ning. It will include Bender's, Fan-
fare, Canon and Ostinato for Caril-
lon, Song of the Tower Man, Variations
on "Nichts kann uns rauben," Franck's,
Chorale, from the Prelude, Chorale, and
Fugue for piano, Italian airs, Santa Lu-
cia, Amor di Pastorello, Funicula, Fu-
niculi, Orthodox church music: Rach-
maninov's, Psalm XXV and Bortnian-
sky's, "How glorious is Our Lord in
University Summer Session Orchestra
with Josef Blatt, Conductor and Ar-
lene Sollenberger, Contralto, will pre-
sent a concert at 8:30 this eve-
ning, in the Hill Auditorium. It
will include Bach's, Suite No. 1 in C
major, Ouverture, Courante, Gavotte
I and II, Forlane, Menuette I and: I,
Bourree I and II, Passeped I and 11,
Mahler's, Songs of asWayfarer, When
My Love is a Bride, Over Fields at
Break of Day, I Feel a Glowing Dagger,
The Two Eyes So Tender, (English trans.
Iation by Josef Blatt), Arlene Sollen-
berger, Contralto; Richard Strauss', Ser-
enade in E-fiat, Op. 7, for Wind Instru-
ments and Schubert's, Symphony No. 5
in F fiat, allegro, Andante con moto,
Menuetto, allegro molto, Allegro vi-
vace. The program will be open to the
general public without charge.
Museum of Art, Alumni Memorial
Hall. Popular Art in America (June 30
-August 7); California Water Color So-
ciety (July 1-August 1). 9 a.m. to 1
p.m. on weekdays; 2 to 5 p.m. on Sun-
days. The public is invited.
General Library. First Floor Corridor,
Incunabula: Books Printed in the Fif-
teenth Century.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Gil-
man Collection of Antiques of Palestine.
Museums Building, rotunda exhibit.
Steps in the preparation of ethnolo-
gical dioramas.
Michigan Historical Collections. M-
chigan, year-round vacation land.
Clements Library. The good, the bad,
the popular.
Law Library. Elizabeth II and her em-
Architecture Building. Michigan Chil-
dren's Art Exhibition.
Events Today
Lydia-Mendelssohn Box Office will be
open from 10 a.m. until 8 p.m. today.
Tickets for this week's play, Pygmal-
ion by George Bernard Shaw, are avail-
able at 60c - 90c and $1.20. All Depart-
ment of Speech plays begin promptly
at 8:00 p.m.
Tonight, promptly at 8:00 p.m. the De-
partment of Speech will present George
Bernard Shaw's hilarious laugh riot,
Pygmalion, in the Lydia, Menelssohn
Theatre. The production is under the
direction of William P. Halstead with
scenery by Jack E. Bender and costumes
by Phyllis Pletcher, all of the Depart-
ment of Speech.
Summer Session French Club meeting
tonight at 8:00 in the Michigan League.
Professor Charles E. Koella of the Ro-
mance Language Department, will give
an informal talk entitled: "L'humour
de Courteline." French popular songs.
All students and Faculty members in-
terested are cordially invited.
Classical Coffee Hour. 4:00 p.m., in
the west Conference Room of the Back-
ham Building. Professor Blake will
speak on "When Roman Meets Greek.
Students of the Department and all
others interested in the Classics are
cordially invited.
International Center, Weekly Tea, will
be held at Madelon Pound House, 1024
Hill Street, from 4:30 to 5:30.
Hillel Foundation. "Music Calling."
Classical Music played on high fidelity
system at 8 o'clock. Everyone welcome.
1Refreshments served.
SL Cinema Guild Summer Program.
rBasil Radford, Joan Greenwood in
'Tight Little Island." Cartoon: "Of
Thee I Sing." Showings at 7 and 9
p.m. Architecture Auditorium.
Michigan Christian Fellowship Bible
Study: The Teachings of Christ. 7:30
p.m. at Lane Hall.
Coming Events
Next week the Department of Speech
- and the School of Music will present
Jacques Offenbach's fantastic opera,
The Tales of Hoffman. Performances are
f scheduled for 8:00 p.m., Thursday, Fri-
- day, Saturday and Monday; August6,
- 7, 8 and 10. The widest selection of
- tickets is available for the Monday
, performance. There is no double cast-
ing in this summer's opera. Tickets are
- on sale at the Lydia Mendelssohn Box
Office for $1.50-$1.20-90c.

Michigan Christian Fellowship. Sat-
urday afternoon picnic at the Island.
Meet at Lane Hall at4:30 p.m. ?
A Fresh Air Camp Clinic will be held
y Friday, July 31. Dr. John T. Pitkin,
1- Director, Huron Valley Child Guidance
Clinic will be the psychiatrist. Students
with a professional interest are welcome
[1 to attend. Main Lodge, University of
7 Michigan Fresh Air Camp, Patterson
" Lake, Eight o'clock.
SixtyThird Year
6 Edited and managed by students of
at the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.



Editorial Staff
Harland Britz...,.....Managing
Dick Lewis .............ports
Becky Conrad,....**.****..Night
Gayle Greene..............Night
Pat Roelofs..............Night
Fran Sheldon...... ......ight


Business Staf
Bob Mi11er.............Business Manager
Dick Alstrom......Circulation Manager
Dick Nyberg........Finance Manager
Jessica Tanner... Advertising Associate
Bob Kovacs.......Advertising Associate


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