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July 29, 1953 - Image 5

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Michigan Daily, 1953-07-29

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__________________________________________________________________________________ II

-Daily-Lon Qut
RADIOCARBON LABORATORY-Earl McDaniel, Grad, labora-
tory physicist checks the geiger' counter as he prepares to deter-
mine the age of a carbon specimen which is protected from
outside interference by shields of lead and iron.
* * * *
Radiocarbon Dating Gives
[mportant Historical Data

Human history is now in the un-
ravelment process since science
can determine the age of material
by measuring its radiocarbon con-
As a result of this peacetime use
of atomic energy, the University,
through the Phoenix Project, is
part of a nationwide venture to
measure the age of materials chos-
en from widely separated parts of
the earth.
* * *
"THE GOAL of this past-dis-
covering project is the sketching
in of the major events over the
last 20,000 to 25,000 years," ac-
cording to Prof. Volney Jones .f
the anthropology department.
Dating objects of the distant
past is possible through the use
of. nuclear physics as a means
of extenting man's knowledge of
world history.
Radiocarbon, which exists in
equilibrium with the surroundings
of living animals and plants, dis-
appears at a known rate after
death. Thus, by placing material in
a Geiger tube, natural atomic en-
ergy yields the mystery of age.
* * *
AMONG startling facts being
discovered ,by radiocarbon dating
is the existence of man. in the pro-

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cess of hunting elephants in North
America long before the glaciers
began to melt.
"Past estimations concerning
the dating of the ice age and the
phenomenon of that glacial per-
iod are already undergoing
change," said Prof. Jones, a cur-
ator in the Museum of Anthro-
f A forest in Wisconsin, known to
have been buried as the ice began
to melt, was thought to have been
buried over 20,000 years ago. Ra-
diocarbon measurement shows that
the ice age began its withdraw only
12,000 years ago.
* * *
PROF. JONES pointed out that
by determining the climate from
stratification of pollen, and by dat-
ing the pollen from peat bogs, the
correlation of climatic conditions
to events may become known.
The use of nuclear physics in
this manner may bring answers
to questions concerning the time
and reason for the extinction of
such North American species as
the superbison and giant beavers.
Although radioactivity resulting
from atomic bomb explosions in-
terferes with the effectiveness of
measurement at other research
laboratories in the nation, experi-
mentation on campus has resulted
in a new process for measurement
which is more exact than that be-
ing used elsewhere, according to
Prof. Horace Crane of the physics
department, head of University re-
search in this field.
* * *.
INSTEAD of reducing materials
to carbon, which picks up radio-
activity from contaminated air,
the University laboratory now re-
duces materials being dated to a
carbon gas which is not affected by
contamination in the air.
The radiocarbon laboratory on
campus was the second to be
operated in the country, the first
was installed at the University
of Chicago in 1949, according to
Prof. Crane.
"In addition to dating extinction
of animals, the dating laboratory
is useful for varifying history by
checking the time of such an event
as the death of a pharoah through
the use of his preserved body," ex-
plained Prof. Jones.
Through the use of this new de-
vice, man may explore what has
been, and learn what is happening
to this continent. A clear picture
of the past may show the shape of
the future he noted.
Movie Group
Says Film Tax
WASHINGTON -(P)- A group
representing the nation's movie
industry contended yesterday that
the government stands to ,lose
roughly 100 million dollars in rev-
enue from theater tickets during
the coming year-whether or not
the 20 per cent admissions tax is
But, the Council of Motion Pic-
ture Organizations, Inc., said, the
loss will be greater if the tax stays.
A BILL to remove the levy from
movie tickets is before President
Eisenhower, who has until the end
of next week to act on it.
Officials of the council, which
covers all phases of the movie
industry, called a news confer-
ence to clear up what they term-
ed "misconceptions" concerning
the effect of the legilation

1960 Bid?
TORONTO - (') - Mayor
Allan Lamport said yesterday
plans are being made for 60,-
000-seat $2,000,000 civic stadi-
um at the Canadian National
Exhibition Grounds *to back
Toronto's bid for the 1960 Sum-
mer Olympic Games. He said
the stadium could be finished
next summer.
The proposed stadium would
support Toronto's bid for a ma-
jor league baseball francklise,
the mayor added.
Record Set
By Stratojet
FAIRFORD, England - ( P) -
A B47 Stratojet. bomber-borrow-
ing tactics of the old sailing ships
-zipped from Maine to England
yesterday in four and three fourths
It was man's fastest crossing of
the Atlantic from the United
States, 37 minutes faster than it
had ever been done before.
THE SIX-ENGINE Boeing-built
bomber latched on to previously
charted winds of up to 104 miles
an hour at altitudes of about six
miles to better the previous record
from the U.S. Air Force Base at
Limestone, in Northern Maine, to
this air base 80 miles west of Lon-
The average speed for the 2,-
925-mile flight was reckoned at
616 miles an hour.
At the same time, another B47
flew here from Goose Bay, Labra-
dor, some 2,480 miles, in four
hours, 14 minutes for an averag
speed of 611 miles an hour.,
The Air Force said this was the
fastest known time for the route.
A British-built'twin-engine Can-
berra jet bomber once flew much
the same route from Labrador at
an average speed of 605 miles an
Student Winis
iusic Contest
Dolores J. Lowry, '53SM, has
been chosen first in the lyric so-
prano division of the Cook coun-
ty, Illinois, vocal contest of the
ChicagolandMusic Festival.
Miss Lowry was graduated from
the University School of Music
this spring and will begin gradu-
ate work here next fall. While at
the University, Miss Lowry be-
came well known for the title role
in "Madame Butterfly" and Mar-
gurite in "Faust."
Miss Lowry will go on to the
Festival vocal semi-finals Aug. 22.
Here the two best women singers
will be chosen to sing before 80,-
000 people at the Festival,

* * *

A large goldfish bowl with a
small window and human fish oc-
cupying the well lit under water
area characterizes the new wom-
en's -swimming pool now under
The pool, which will be ready for
use in November will be the larg-
est on campus and have the most
spacious facilities.
* * *
ACCORDING to Dr. Margaret
Bell, Chairman of the women's
physical education department,
larger facilities are needed, par-
ticularly with the expected in-
crease in freshman enroll'ment
next year.
The pool will be well equipped
for water shows, having a grand
stand with a capacity of 700,
stage lighting and equipment for
televising the shows.
The public address system can
be heard under water as well as
above the pool level.
At the present time the build-I
ing is two stories high and con-
tains only the pool and facilities
associated with it. However, fu-
ture plans for expansion include
space for other indoor sports.
THERE ARE two sets of swim-
mer facilities, one for students and
a second for visiting teams or oth-
er visitors.
The building also includes a
lobby for lounging.
Stowed away in a large storage
closet are lines for racing lanes, an
aluminum canoe for life saving
classes and other specialized equip-
SOON AFTER the pool opens
for use by student classes, Dr.
Bell hopes to put the staging f a-
cilities to use. Water shows will
probably be televised within three
or four months after the dedica-
tion of the building.
Spotlights focus on both the
three foot and the ten foot div-
ing boards and divers will find
that a twenty-two foot ceiling
leaves adequate room for high
A fifteen foot panel in the in-
structors office controls the light-
ing and sound facilities.
The pool itself is 75 by 44 feet,
wider than either the Union or
the Intra Mural Building pool.
At the diving end the pool is ten
feet deep, but non-swimmers will
find plenty of room to move around
in the shallow area, which begins
at'a depth of three and a half feet.
Flint Disaster
Fund Growes

Short Skirts
PARIS - -- Christian Dior
yesterday threw a bombshell into
the middle of the Paris fashion
openings by drastically shortening
skirts to barely below the knee.
He made radical changes also
in the waistline, and boldly an-
nounced the beginning of a new
cycle in feminine dress.
* * *
WHETHER women wilL, again
follow the lead of the man who
revolutionized fashions with the
new look remains to be seen. But
the newest Dior clothes bear so
little resemblance to those wom-
en are currently wearing that old
wardrobes will have to be thrown
out if the new style succeeds.
Lopping off skirts won't be
enough. There's a whole new
cut that drapes the waistline
loosely between the top of the
hips and the bottom of the
The designer's own name for
his 1953 creation is the "Live
Line." His two new silhouettes he
calls "Eiffel Tower" and "Cupo-
la." One is skimpily slim, the oth-
er bell-skirted.
IN A FASHION season which
began quietly with few changes
in last season's length 12 or 13
inches from the floor, Dior's open-
ing came like a thunderclap.
For the first time in many sea-
sons, the legs come into their
own, and a lady is permitted to
show her calves. The new length
looks to be about 16 or 17 inches
from the floor.


-Daily-Lon Qui
BIRDS EYE VIEW-The camera looks down on the 75 by 44 foot swimming pool. Workers on the far
right are wiring one of the porthole-like openings for underwater lighting.
U.S. Constitutional
' = \ ., > ii",
Study Published
A summary of "Proposed Amend-
4 wents to the Constitution of the
United States, January 3, 1947-
*41";;"n:January 3, 1953" has been com-
S'piled by Prof. Everett S. Brown of
the political science department.
Now available in book stores,
Prof. Brown's study shows that
the Constitution has been amend-
% 4 ed only 22 times.

Dior St

New Women's SwimmingPoolUnder Construction To F

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-Daily-Lon Qui
STUDYING BLUEPRINTS--William Netherton, superintendent of
construction, and John Foss, carpenter foreman, sit on the ledges
of the temporarily seatless grandstand looking over blueprints
for the women's swimming pool.

Lost Parcel
Causes Furor
In NYCBuses
NEW YORK - (A) -- A wom-
an forgot a parcel as she stepped
off a city bus at 3:15 p.m. yester-
Three hours later 60 patrolmen
in 30 radio cars were stopping all
buses on 1st and 2nd Aves. to
search for the missing package.

State Draft Quota
LANSING - (P) - Michigan
draft boards were ordered yester-
day to provide 1,206 men for the
armed services during September.
Col. Arthur A. Holmes, state se-
lective service director said the
call was the smallest since June,
Wayne county was asked for
4,720 men.


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* * *












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