(See Wage 8)
it itgan,
Latest Deadline in the State
Bill Passed
By House
Senate To Rule
On Cut Version
last night approved by a vote of
221-185 a trimmed-down version
of President Eisenhower's request
for authority to admit 240,000
"special quota" refugees from
communism and other immigrants
into the United States.
It set the. limit at 217,000.
THE SENATE put over until to-
day final action on its own ver-
sion of the legislation,.
It approved an amendment by
Sen. McCarran (D-Nev.) pro-
viding for the admission of
2,000 Chinese refugees and re-
ducing from 12,000 to 10,000 the
number of escapees residing in
Allied Western European coun-
tries who could enter the United
States under the bill.
The aliens would be admitted
within the next three years and
would be in addition to the regu-
lar quotas of newcomers from for-
eign lands.
AS PASSED by the House, the
special quota group would take in
4,000 orphans under ten years of
4 age, including 1,000 Korean War
waifs to be raised at the famous
' Bays Town in Nebraska.
The legislation was one of the
last big obstacles in the way of
congressional adjournment this
weekend and was listed as a
t "must" on the administration's
calendar for this session.
Some Congress members have
attacked the bill as. opening the
door to Red agents to infiltrate
this country.,
IsROPONENTS argued that in
admitting persons who have fled
from Communist lands, the United.
States would ease the strain on
refugee-swollen Western Europe
and enhance the prospects for
Before final passage, the
House three times voted against.
killing the measure.
Across the Capitol, Sen. Watkins
(R-Utah) quarterbacked the ad-
ministration's drive for passage.J
Watkins said every alien seek-1
ing admission would be thorough-1
ly screened by American investiga-
tive agencies.
Extremists Oust
Gang Up.To Vote 'No Confidence'
In Premier's Balanced Chamber
ROME-()-Foes of the left and right ganged up on Premier
Alcide De Gasperi's new pro-Western Government in the Chamber
of Deputies yesterday and overthrew it, 282-263.
Communists and Socialists teamed with Monarchists and Fascists
to vote "no confidence" in DeGasperi in the precariously balanced
* * * *
IT WAS THE FIRST such defeat for the premier, 72 years old,
who has held the reins of Italy's government since Dec. 10, 1945. The
new government, formed two weeks ago, was his eighth.
De Gasperi needed 273 votes to stay in office.'
Thirty-seven deputies, members of three small center parties
formerly allied with De Gasperi's majority Christian Democrat
Party, abstained. They could have provided the margin of victory.
ar Flares
In Indochinia
SAIGON, Indochina -. (4P) --
French Union forces hammered by
air, sea and land yesterday at a
3,000-man Vietminh regiment base
near the coast of Central Indo-
china north of Hue, the capital of
Annam province.
French officers said heavy
fighting had developed in this big-
gest action of the Indochinese War
since an armistice ended the
shooting in Korea.
THE FRENCH threw 10,000 men
into the assault, hoping to close
a ring around the Communist-led
troops before darkness gave the
enemy a chance to flee from en-
trenchments to nearby mountains.
Several battalions of the en-
emy already have been surround-
ed and are being pounded by
American-supplied B-26 bomb-
ers and by warships firing from
the South China Sea, the French
said. French tanks are also on
The Vietminh regiment has been
harrassing communications be-
tween Hue and Qupn Tri, 40 miles
to the north, for several months.
Though it has occupied several
villages, the fight was reported
centered 25 miles north of Hue.
The attack developed as Maurice
DeJean, former French ambassa-
dor to Tokyo, arrived in Saigon to
take up his job as France's new
commissioner general in Indo-
France is determined ,to bring
an end to the seven-year-old war
either through force or by nego-
tiation, DeJean said.
> Eight members of the 590-seat
chamber were absent.
Whoops of delight burst from
the Communist and extreme So-
cialist members when DeGasperi's
defeat was announced. Monarch-
ists and members of the Fascistl
Italian Social Movement greeted
the news with greater reserve, but
with obvious pleasure.
* * *
DE GASPERI, fatigued by al
long, impassioned plea for votes
just before the balloting, left the
chember immediately to turn in
his resignation to President Luigi
He told newsmen on leaving:
"The margin of my defeat
was very small. It was too bad
the coalition parties did not see
it a little bit more our way."
He referred to the Democratic
Socialists, Republicans and Liber-
als who stood for election as a bloc
with the Christian Democrats, but
decided not to vote with them.
The crisis may lead to a new
general election.
De Gasperi's speech to the
chamber was primarily a rebuttal
to a week-long attack on his past
middle-of-the-road cabinet, a firm
supporter of the North Atlantic
Treaty Alliance and the proposed
one-army European Defense Com-
Wright Dies
At 'U'Hospital
Municipal Judge George S.
Wright of Monroe died yesterday
in University Hospital after a brief
The 78 year old judge was a
native of Maple Rapids and grad -
uated from the University law
school in 1905. He started his prac-
tice in Milan and went to Monroe
in 1919.
Wright was appointed to the
municipal bench in 1938 and re-
elected four times. Surviving are
his wife, Mary E., and a son, Paul.
Dulles Firm
Against Red
China in UN
Says U.S. Would
Veto if Necessary
of State Dulles gave notice yester-
day that the United States will not
htrade admission of Red China into
the United Nations for Korean uni-
He said that if necessary this
country may use the veto to bar
the Peiping regime.
DULLES LAID down this policy
in announcing he is leaving Sun-
day by plane for Seoul to consult
President Syngman Rhee in prep-
aration for the Korean peace con-
ference. He has asked a bi-parti-
san group of four senators to go
with him to help negotiate with
Rhee a promised United States-
South Korean security treaty.
At the peace conference,
scheduled to be held by late Oc-
tober, Dulles said he would not
be prepared to agree to the uni-
fication of divided Korea at the
price of bringing Communist
China into the UN and above all
into the Security Council.
At a news conference Dulles told
a questioner that if membership
for Red China should reach a Se-
curity Council vote, the United
States will consider itself free
to reverse its previous position
against wielding a veto to block
the admission or recognition of ap-
plicant nations.
He added that his government
would be reluctant to do this and
doubted it would be necessary be-
cause so many other nationsshare
the American opposition to the
Peiping regime.
a * "
THE SECRETARY'S flying trip
to Seoul, expected to require about
a week, carries out his pledge of
an early meeting with Rhee. This
promise was announced during ne-
gotiations to prevail upon the
South Korean leader to go along
with the armistice.
A major purpose of the Seoul
meeting is to work out the Unit-
ed States-South Korean security
Because any such compact re-
quires Senate ratification, Dulles
said he has asked Sen. Knowland
(R-Calif.), the acting majority
leader; and Sens. Smith ,R-NJ),
Lyndon Johnson (D-Tex.) and
Russell (D-Ga.) to go with him.
DULLES FOR the first time
stated two points about the Ko-
rean situation that had recently
become widely known. One was
that if the political conference
turns out to be a Communist sham
the United States after 90 days
will join South Korea in walking
out and considering what to do
The other was that the United
States-South Korea security
treaty may contain a provision
for retaining American bases and
forces on Republic of Korea ter-
Dulles took the position that
would not obligate this country to
keep bases and forces in Korea.
He told a questioner that such a
provision thus would not conflict
with any separate settlement
which might be worked out with
the Communists to withdraw all
foreign military forces from Korea.4
* *
* *
opfor POW
..{i..: , .:
--AP wire Photo
MILITARY ARMISTICE COMMISSION MEETS-Maj. Gen. Blackshear M. Bryan, left, exchanges
credentials with North Korean Lieut. Gen. Lee Sang Cho at the opening session of the military ar-
misice commission at the Panmunjom conference house. At Lee's left is Chinese General Ting Kuo
Jo and at Ting's left, Chinese Gen. Tsai Cheng Wen.
Berlin Pur ges Continue in Cabinet
Meet Today
To Continue
Truce Plans~
Forces Withdraw
.From Battleline
By The Assocted Press
The joint Allied-Communist Ar-
mistice Commission agreed at its
first session yesterday to start the
eagerly awaited exchange of 74,00
Communist prisoners for 12,763
Allied prisoners, including 3,313
Americans, Aug. 5.
The commission meets- for a
second time today to rush safe-
guards for enforcing the truce.
MEANTIME Red Cross teams
from Allied and Communist sides
were arriving in Korea. They will
be allowed to visit prisoner camps
in both North and South Korea.
Before the first 24 hours of
uneasyrquiethad settled over the
battlefield, commanders had
started the withdrawal of op-
posing forces along the cease-fire
The pullback of the huge Allied
and Communist 'armies from the
Korean battleline was in full.
swing yesterday after some start-
ling displays of "friendship" by
Chinese Red troops.
WITHDRAWAL by each side one
and one forth miles from the de-
marcation line must be completed
by noon today under terms of the
No truce violations were re-
Inspection of the demilitarized
zones by joint Allied-Red observer,
teams will be made immediately
after the withdrawal is completed.
IN SEOUL, President Syngman
Rhee declared in a statement to
the Korean people that "the 16
United Nations participating in
the Korean War are determined
to fight with us jointly to punish
the aggressors" if the Republic
of Korea is invade dagain.
While displaying no optimsm
for a lasting peace, Rhee said
he was going along for a limited
time, to see if the UN was ca-
pable of persuading the Chi-
nese Reds to leave Korea and
unify the land through negoti-
He added, "If after the set pe-
riod of time, we succeed in this
objective, it shall be a really
great feat; but when we fail the
United Nations will join us in the
undertaking of unifying Korea."
Rhee has declared he would not
obstruct the truce for the first 90
days of a political conference due
to meet by Oct. 26, or sooner while
it wrestled with unification and
other peace problems. After that
time limit, he has threatened to
take independent action.
FIRST OF 10,000 tons of gift
food ordered delivered to South
Korea by President Eisenhower
was distributed yesterday in Pu
The Korean Civil Assistance
Command KCAC said in a release
that 600 tons of rice and C-rations
were trucked to wards in Pusan
for delivery to the 1,400,000 civil-
ians of that provisional capital.
Pocket Books
Topic of Talk
World News
By The Associated Press
NAIROBI, Kenya-A court in
Nyeri yesterday sentenced a Ki-
kuyu Tribesman to death for un-
lawfully possessing a revolver.
* *
OAK RIDGE, Tenn. -- Union
leaders agreed yesterday R to let
the government mediate a wage
dispute that had idled 6,000 work-
ers at two atomic plants.
* * *
TEMPLE, N.H. - Sen. Charles
W. Tobey, one of New England's
foremost statesmen, was buried
yesterday in a little cemetery
near his hilltop farm.
The 73 year old Republican
who began his political career as
selectman of this town of 400
persons was eulogized at simple
funeral services as a man "equal-
ly at home In leading a crusade
for Jesus Christ or in conduct-
ing a crusade against crime."
* * 4.
Appropriations Committee yes-
terday voted down a House-ap-
proved provision giving additional
tax relief to members of Congress.
* * *
DETROIT - Michigan's bingo
controversy waxed hotter last
In suburban River Rouge, the
City Commission appealed to
Gov. G. Mennen Williams and
Attorney General Frank G. Mil-
lard to declare a moratorium on
enforcement of the law prohib-
iting bingo parties and raffles
by charitable groups.
Earlier yesterday, one prose-;
cutor in Central Michigan said
he would refuse to ban bingo
and other games of chance put
on by charitable, civic and fra-
ternal organizations. Another
prosecutor said he considered
BERLIN---(RP) -Four East Ger-
man cabinet ministers were nam-
ed unofficially last night as the
next victims of the Communist
Walter Ulbricht, the party boss,
was plainly not satisfied with the
official scalps of ex-Justice Min-
ister Max Fechner and ex-Securi-
Group OK's
Defense Funds
ate-House conference committee
agreed yesterday on an appropria-
tion of $34,371,541,000 for the De-
fense Department in the current
fiscal year,
A *
CONGRESS completed action
on three other big money bills yes-
terday, voting to appropriate about
$2,600,000,000 for the operation of
more than 30 government depart-
ments. Sharp restrictions on the
public housing program were laid
down in one of the measures.
The compromise on defense
spending now goes back to the
House and Senate for final ap-
proval. Both branches may vote
on the bill today.
President Eisenhower asked for
new appropriations of $36,171,-
288,900 for the Army, Navy and
Air Force during the 12 months
ending next June 30.
ty Minister Wilhelm Zaisser
ready slung from his belt.
* * *
BACKED by Moscow as the lead-
er of East Germany's long-term
Sovietization, Ulbricht appeared on
the verge of firing these suspect-
ed rivals:
Among Foreign Minister An-
ton Ackermann, who sided with
Zalsser in a move recently to
force Ulbricht's own retirement.
Education Minister Else Zaisser,
devoted middle-class wife of the
former Red gestapo chief.
ter of construction of transport
equipment and agricultural ma-
chinery, whose real assignment has
been armament production,
Elli Schmidt, estranged wife
of Ackermann and head, of the
state trade and supply commis-
sion with the rank of minister.
The new purge may be confirmed
today when the Volkskammer par-
liament convenes to hear a govern-
ment declaration, including a-rep-
etition of its two-year-old propos-
al for direct negotiations with the
Bonn Republic on Germany's re-
* * *
THE COMMUNIST demand for
"all-German talks" has been turn-
ed down every time by Western
Chancellor Konrad Adenauer. He
holds the Eastern regime to be il-
legal and insists the first step to
German unity is the restoration
of political freedom in the Soviet
Meanwhile, Western food gifts
drew 130,000 hungry East Ger-
mans to the Allied sectors of
Berlin yesterday.
The flood of needy from Soviet-
occupied territory defied threats
of police eprisals.
Hospital Says
Aiing Taft
Grows Weaker
NEW YORK-( P)---New York
Hospital announced early last
night the condition of Sen. Taft
(R-Ohio) "continues to be unsat-
A 5 p.m. hospital bulletin said
the senator has been able to take
** *
Local Police Report Few
Bingo, Raffle Violations
While Detroit legislators seek to find the attitude of citizens on
legalization of gambling, An Arbor has had little trouble with illegal
games of bingo and raffles according to members of the local police
A member of the local police force said that the illegality of
bingo in the state cannot be changed unless a protest case arises
whereby prosecution or a change of state law would result.
* * s O
LOCAL residents have expressed
the feeling that church and com-
munity sponsored games of chance
are "minor, innocent and innocu-
ous" and hope that the ban will
be lifted soon.
The state-wide effort to clamp
down on gambling reached a cli-
max Monday when Wayne
County police chiefs agreed to,
give all raffling organizations
warnings to stop selling tickets
for chances on "dream homes"
and new automobiles or face ar-
Arrests will begin next Monday,
according to members of the De-
troit City Council.
The Council also proposed to
present Detroit voters a referen-
dum which would determine the
advisability of allowing charitable
organizations to sponsor "legaliz-
ed" gambling, such as raffles and
The vote would have no sig-
nificance other than to reflect
c eparmen To Give Pygmalion' Today
* * * *, <>
Metamorphosis in six months.
The problem of turning a cockney flower girl into an elegant
"duchess" in this relatively short period of time is solved by George
Bernard Shaw in his social comedy, "Pygmalion."
* * * *
OPENING at 8 p.m. today in Lydia Mendelssohn Theater, the
speech department presentation of the play will run through Saturday.
Adapting itself from the Greek myth of the sculptor who
fell in love with his own creation, the Shavian "Pygmalion" con-
cerns itself with a phonetics professor who offers an accelerated
course in the English language coupled with a thorough drill in
British social customs and a well-rehearsed stock of comments on
the two indispensables, weather and health, to a cockney gut-
WHEN, AT THE END of the allotted six months, Eliza Doolittle
is presented to English society successfully, the stuffy professor loses
..condition unsatisfactory j
* * *
"very little nourishment and is
generally weaker."
* * *
THE BULLETIN also said Taft
"is experiencing no pain and has
no fever."
A hospital spokesman said the
senator's wife, Martha, was
brought to his bedside during the
day, her first visit to him since
be entered the hospital.
Earlier in the day, the hospital
had said the Senator's physical
condition was deteriorating. The
hospital did not assess his actual
condition but merely stated:
"Sen. Taft's condition has de-
teriorated somewhat during the
last 24 hours. He is responding less
well to treatment and is not taking
food satisfactorily."
Taft turned over the job of Sen-
ate majority leader to Sen. Know-
An analysis of "Paper-Bound
Books and the Public Taste" by
Freeman Lewis, is on the docket
for the ninth lecture on "Popular
Arts in America" at 4:15 p.m. to-
day in Auditorium A, Angell Hall.
Executive vice-president of Poc-
ket Books, Inc., Lewis is a veteran
of 23 years in the publishing busi-
ness. He joined a publishing firm
immediately after graduation from
Harvard University in 1930 and
in 1932 worked for a reprint com-
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