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July 24, 1953 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1953-07-24

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T'AGS r70R


FRIDAY, JULY 24, 1953

i 1


Versatility Key To Daincer'7s Career
A * * * *

Ex-Chaplain of Scottish
University Visiting City

"To be a dancer in America, you
have to do everything nowadays,"
says Jeanne Parsons, Grad., at-
tractive veteran of musical comedy
and ballet who is finishing her
Master's degree in speech at the
University this summer.
"You can't just specialize in any
kind of dance. When you audition
you have to be a technical ballet
dancer, free modern dancer, and,
have a style of your own. You never
know what you will be asked to do,
but have to be able to do it when
you are."
* * *
THESE WORDS from the lips
of a trouper, who has danced vir-
tually every role in "Oklahoma"
and who will be dancing in the
Speech Department's forthcoming
production of "Tales of Hoffman,"
serve to dispel all thoughts that
there are still barriers between
show dance, modern dance, and
Miss Parsons, who has studied
under such - greats as Anthony
Tudor, Margaret Craske, Hanya
Holm, and Louis Horst, is a liv-
Finish Battle
On Color TV
NEW YORK-- (P) -The long
fight over color television was for-
mally ended yesterday as the Col-
umbia Broadcasting System said
it would go along with the pro-
posed new compatible system.
CBS said it would start sending
out some color programs to af-
filiated stations on an experimen-
tal basis Sept. 15.
Regular color telecasts for the
public must await Federal Com-
munications Commission action on
the new system.
In effect CBS joined hands with
its arch rival in color TV, Radio
Corporation of America, which pe-
titioned the FCC a.month ago to
approve the compatible standards
developed by the National Televi-
sion System Committee, an indus-
try wide group.
Indians To Hear
Calcutta Teacher
Prof. Amiya Chakravarty of the
English department at Calcutta
University will speak to the India
Students' Association at 7:30 p.m.
today in Rm. 3G of the Union.
The subject of his talk will be
"Tagore-The Poet- of India, with
Readings from his Poetry."

Parachuting with the British
Air Force, contact with the French
underground during World War
II, and five years of work with stu-
dents at the University of Glas-
gow are ajl included in the varied
background of the Rev. J. Frazer
McLuskey, a Scottish Minister,
who is visiting Ann Arbor this
Rev. McLuskey is one of ten Bri-
tish Ministers who are in the Uni-
ted States for eight weeks as part
of an exchange program between
the National Council of Churches
and the British Council of

ing daily and Sunday interde-
nominational services in the
university chapel, were all in-
cluded in the Chaplain's duties.
In comparing American and
Scottish University life Rev. Mc-
Luskey said one of the things
which impressed him was the scale
on which our activities are car-
ried out. The University of Glas-
gow Union, for example, is the
* * *


-Daily-Lon QuL
* * * * * *

ing example of all the rigor and
discipline that goes into the
making of a dancer.
In addition to the tremendous
amount of training required, and
the arduous life caused by con-
tinuous touring, she says that "you.
also have to be able to step into
any role at any time."
"ONE NIGHT in Boston when I
was playing "Oklahoma," I was
scheduled to do the 'can-can'
dance in the dream sequence. But
ten minutes before I was to go
on, I had to change costume and
do the role of the 'child with pig-
tails.' I had to understudy three
roles besides my own in that show."
The high point of her career
was last year. When the State
Department invited "Oklahoma"
along with the Jullard String
Quartet and Judith Anderson to
represent this country in the
Berlin Arts Festival.
Miss Parsons recalled that the
Russians "gave us a scathing re-
view. They said 'if this is an exam-
ple of theatre in America, it is
dead.' But we were all very happy
that they had reviewed us at all
as they didn't bother to review
any of the other American shows."
"THE GERMANS. loved us
though," she continued. "Their
shows are usually dark and gloomy,
and they were impressed with the
bright colors of "Oklahoma." One
Grad Mixer Today
The second graduate mixer-
dance of the summer session will
be held at 9 p.m. today in the As-
sembly Hall of the Rackham Bldg.
Admission to the dance will be
$.50. Refreshments will be served.
All graduate students are welcome
to attend.


critic said that it was like a 'Sun-
kist lemon advertisement.' "
In August when she receives her
degree, Miss Parsons is going to
Europe to resume her dancing ca-
reer. Although she doesn't mind
touring, "you get to be Sort of a
gypsy and get used to it," she wouldI
like to join a residence ballet com-
panyso she would be able to stay
in one place and work on her own1
Hawaiian Club
Student Asks
For Statehood
"Hawaii pays more taxes than
ten separate states, has three times
the national Korean casualty rate
and yet has no voting voice in the
federal government," reported Paul
Ng in an informal speech at Alice
Lloyd Hall yesterday.
Representing the campus Ha-
waii Club which handed out or-
chids to anyone who asked a ques-
tion on Hawaiian statehood, Ng
discussed these questions with ref-
erence to Hawaiian history as well
as the present political situation.
"We have found," he said," that
the northern and eastern states
generally favor Hawaiian state-
hood and the opposition is from
the southern states. Also at pres-
ent Hawaiian statehood is being
introduced to the Senate in the
same bill as the Alaskan statehood
which is not fair to either terri-
Ng praised the educational sys-
tem in Hawaii as well as the fi-
nancial situation of the territory.
He also mentioned that the Ha-
waiians voted over two to one in a
national plebiscite to be admitted
to the Union."
} p
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OUTSIDE OF a week in Ann
Arbor, most of his trip will be.
spent in the East. His itinerary
includes visits to Harvard and
Yale and a few smaller schools.
He will also deliver sermons at
churches in New York, Pennsyl-
vania, New Jersey, and New Eng-
As an army chaplain in a spe-
cial service unit during the war,
Rev. McLuskey was flown into
the center of occupied France
with a parachute regiment as a
prelude to the Allied invasion in
In conjunction with the Ma-
quis, the French resistance move-
ment, sabatoged German installa-
tions, blew up bridges and rail-
roads, and laid ambushes for re-
treating Nazi soldiers.
ON HIS return to Scotland he
resumed his position as Chaplain
of the University of Glasgow
which, except for a three year
leave of absence during the war,
he held from 1939 to 1947.
Work with students from ov-
erseas, social work with the uni-
versity settlement, and conduct-
Attention Plus:
Five Teachers
Per Student
A university with a staff five
times as large as its student body
may sound like an unusual phe-
nomenon to American students but
just such a situation does exist at
the Australian National University
in Canberra Australia.
Essentially a research institution
the National University has a staff
of about 200 and less than 40 stu-
The cause, of this situation is
that the University is set up to pro-
vide facilities for star graduates
from other Australian schools to
do their post graduate work in
Australia instead of going abroad.
Play To Continue
"Country Girl" the speech de-
partment's current presentation,
will continue its run at 8 p.m. to-
day and tomorrow at Lydia Men-
delssohn Theater.
Tickets for the Clifford Odets
drama are on sale at the Mendels-
sohn box office daily.
They are priced at $1.20, $.90
and $.60.

Polio Soars
As Marquette
Uses Serum
county reported its 25th polio case
of the year yesterday as physicians
nurses and volunteers gave their
9,000th shot of the paralysis pre-;
ventive, gamma globulin.,
The mass inoculation of the
county's estimated 10,000 to 12,000
children under 10 is scheduled to
end tomorrow. It started Wednes-
day, when 4,000 got shots-and
lollipops to take their minds off
stinging backsides.
The 25th to be stricken was a
farm youth brought to St. Luke's
hospital here.
Authorities estimated the coun-
ty's population of children under
10 at 10,000, but the Office of De-
fense Mobilization released 84,000
cubic centimeters of gamma glob-
ulin-just in case up to 12,000 are
So far "Operation Lollipop" has
moved like clockwork, despite
screeches and wails of reluctant
kiddies brought in by enthusiasti-
cally responding parents.
'U' High To Show
Conservation Info
Conservation teaching exhibits
will be on display today at Uni-
versity High School.
Information concerning plans
for school camping, teaching con-
servation, and resource problems
in the state is available for the
The exhibit was prepared> by
University students enrolled in
conservation of natural resources,
and the teaching of conservation
which are especially tailored for
such purposes.

(Continued from Page 2)
Rides Again," "Hippity Hopper," "Stu-
por Salesman," "Curtain Razor." Show-
ings at 7 and 9 p.m. Architecture Audi-
The Fresh Air Camp Clinic. Dr. Ralph
Rabinovitch will be the psychiatrist.
Students with a professional interest
are welcome to attend. Main Lodge,
University of Michigan Fresh Air Camp,
Patterson Lake, Eight o'clock.
At 8:30 p.m. there will be another in-
formal meeting to discuss things of
interest; sponsored by the Unitarian
stutlent group. Place, Unitarian Church,
1917 Washtenaw. For transport from
campus, meet at south entrance of
League at 8:15 p.m. Refreshments.
The second graduate mixer of the
summer, a record dance, will be held
this evening at 9:00 p.m. in the Assem-
bly Hall of Rackham Building. Admis-
sion will be fifty cents; refreshments
will be served.
Coming Events
Saturday Tour of Cranbook Schools,
sponsored by Lane Hall. Leave Lane
Hal at 9:30 a.m. Saturday; return after
attending Detroit Symphony Concert
in evening. Call reservations to 3-1511,
extension 2851.
Michigan Christian Fellowship Talent
Night. Saturday evening, 7:30 p.m.,
Lane Hall.
Michigan Christian Fellowship Meet-


center of activities for a student
body of 5,000 and its scale is far
less grandiose than ours.
His present post as Minister of
East Church in Broughty Ferry,
Scotland again brings him into
contact with student life because
it is located near St. Andrews Uni-
versity and the University of Dun-
Rev. McLuskey will speak at 4:15
p.m. today in the Lane Hall Li-
brary on "The State of Religion
in Britain."

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ing. Sunday afternoon. 4:00 p.m., Laue
Hall. The speaker will be the Reverend
Howard Icher from Bethany Baptist
Church in Detroit. Refreshments will
be served.
The Unitarian Student Group in
connection with the Adult Discussion
Group will present the fourth in a
series of discussions on the Bible to be
led by Professor Emeritus Leroy Wat-
erman, Sunday evening at 8:00 at the
Unitarian Church, 1917 washtenaw"
Avenue. For transportation from cam-
pus, meet at Lane Hall at 7:45. Re-
freshments will be served.
Congressional Disciples Guild will
meet in the Congregational Church
for supper at 6:00 p.m. Sunday even-
ing. Dr. Amiya Chakravarty, former
secretary to Rabindranath Tagore, and
counsel to the Indian delegation to
the United Nations, will speak on "The
Heritage of India." All those inter-
ested are cordially invited to attend
the program at 7:00 p.m.
Beginning next week Professor Alf
Sommerfelt, Professor of Linguistics
of the University of Oslo, will give a
series of lectures on language and cul-
Next Week, Wednesday through Sat-
urday, in the Lydit Mendelssohn Thea-
tre at 8:00 p.m. the Department of
Speech will present G. B. Shaw's hil-
arious comedy, Pygmalion. This Shavian
Cinderella story will be staged by
william P. Halstead with sets by Jack
E. Bender and costumes by Phyllis

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