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June 24, 1953 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1953-06-24

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Book Burning

"Can't Have You Breaking Out"


S AID the turtle to the owl:
"How dast you to have a book? Prince
John is moughty touchy about anybody 'cept
HIM knowin' how to read.
Natheless, here it be!
Phoo-it's blank! What you mean nathe-
Aha! Bein' as it's dangerous.to got books,
I writes 'em as I needs em'-THERE! This
one says that Robin Hood aint no duke.
You is a honest to goodness varlet,
Gran'ma. What's you up to, varlet?
Setting fire to the book I writ-Prince
John pays me two dollars for every one I
Soun's like you must be in the money.
No--I gotta work night and day. Prince
John fines me two dollars fer ever' one I
writes. It keeps me busy as a beaver. Writin'
'em an' burning' em, writin' em an' burnin'
'em. Whoosh-the book-keepin' alone is a
full time job. Who owes who? Who owes
what? Always a argumint. I jes' writ some-
thin' called the "Merchant of Venice." Think
I'll sign a fancy name-how's Shakespeare
Jes' like Shaksper.
Hard to spell anyways - I'l' make it:
Francis Bacon. Easier to real an' all.
Burnin' up should save a lot of argumint
some day.
It'll save me two dollars right now."
* * * *
A whimsical cheer for Mr. Kelly.
Unfortunately not even Walt Kelly can
save us from a lot of argument. The world
has been arguing about book burning-liter-
al and figurative-for centuries.
Whether the Arab conquerers of Alexan-
dria in Egypt in 642 A.D. shoveled the books
of the famous libraries into the furnaces of
the public baths is one of the disputed
points in history.
Book burning was an idea cooked up
by the Chinese according to one authority.
The Ts'in Emperor Shi Hwang-ti, third
century B.C. is said to have ordered con-
fiscation and burning of all the works of
philosophers before him and all works
dealing with the past.
Life magazine wryly editorialized a few
weeks ago: "On May 12, just after the 20th
Anniversary of the Nazi book burning, the
New York Daily Worker carried a remi-
niscent story of how the Nazis had 'looted'
libraries and carried truckloads of literature
listed as un-German.
'The Hitler hoodlums reached far into
the past and even gathered in the 1905 pac-
ifist novel "Lay Down Your Arms," for Which
Bertha von Suttner Won the Nobel Prize.'
"In Communist East Germany, last No-
vember," Life continued, "The Institute for
Matters Relating to Libraries issued a direc-
tive. It listed for removal from library
shelves all books 'of open pacifist tendencies
and those injurious to the training of our
children for active defense."'"

"Guess the title of one book," asked the
Life editor. "Lay Down Your Arms. Other
Commie castouts from East Germany's
public shelves were Erich Remarque's "All
Quiet on the Western Front" and Three
Soldiers by John Dos Passos, both of which
had been booted out by the Nazis 20 years
Book burners of the world, unite,"
shouted the editorial's finale.
If the bookburners of the world heed the
cry-unite for bigger and better holocausts,
the goosesteppers and the East German cen-
sors will find themselves in the company of
such self-righteous non-thinkers as one or
two United States senators, assorted U.S. in-
formation center officials, the San Antonio
Minute Women an countless librarians the
world over.
Such subleties as placing Marx and Lillian
Hellman authored books on backroom
shelves and requiring notes from instructors
before copies of the Communist Manifesto
are released to university students doing re-
search work are common practice. Outright
bonfires in information centers are not
marshmallow roasts.
Three or four paragraphs in a commence-
ment address at Dartmouth College by Pres-
ident Eisenhower in which he urged the
graduates that they not become "book burn-
ers" were seized upon by the press and given
full play. These few paragraphs were chosen
for attention for two reasons. They were
almost the only meaty statements in an ad-
lib, kind of easy going commencement-type
speech. Secondly, they were an outcry
against disease which is spreading like bu-
bonic plague.
There is no logic comprehensible in ap-
propriating funds to purchase Communist
propaganda to line the shelves of U.S. In-
formation center libraries. These Centers
are set up to make information on the U.S.
available in foreign countries.
But wholesale removal of books on
chess or gardening by men and women who
have been silent before investigation com-
mittees is sheer outrage.
As for keeping Communist literature on
shelves marked "restricted" or "classified"
here in our own counrty, we are flouting a
basic premise.
The bliss brought on by ignorance is a
vacuum. The more we know about commu-
nism, Communism and the other taboo isms,
the better equipped we will be to form ju-
dicious opinions.
"That it (censorship) will be primely to
the discouragement of all learning, and the
stop of Truth, not only by disexercising and,
blunting our abilities in what we know al-
ready, but by hindring and cropping the
discovery that might bee yet further made
both in religious and civill Wisdome," quoth
-Gayle Greene

RAMEY, by Jack Farris, J. B. Lippin-
cott Co., $3.00, and DENHAM PROPER,
by Alfred Slote, G. B. Putnam and Sons,
KITH HOPWOOD award time just past,
it seems fitting and proper to report
on what happens to the winners of the sub-
stantial literary prizes given here every
spring; at least to report on what has hap-
pened to two of them, Jack Farris and Al-
fred Slote, both of whom have had first
novels published recently, Slote's by Put-
nam in March and Farris' in May by Lip-
pincott. These two books are part of a sud-
den flow from the printers of novels by Hop-
wood winners, which somewhat makes up
for the long drought award-recipients have
been experiencing in finding publishers.
Contrary to prevalent belief, a Hopwood
prize is no automatic guarantee of publica-
tion. Both "Ramey" and "Denham Proper"
have rated the honor by their many sub-
stantial qualities.
Grouping the two novels in one review
may seem incongruous, since in theme, the
books appear quite different. "Ramey" is
the story of the son of a hill preacher, told
with a rapt pastoral feeling for the mater-
ial. "Denham Proper," on the other hand,
deals with the rather tenuous social system
of a small town and its inhabitants. In the
Farris novel, the hero is a country boy in
his early teens; in the Slote book, the pro-
tagonist is a middle-aged man with social
standing and. a family.
These, however, are superficial differ-
ences. Both books are constructed dra-
matically and consider a human being
at a crisis of experience. Both offer the
protagonist a certain moral choice, and
in making the choice, both men, perhaps
significantly, attain a victory over them-
selves, thus reaffirming a central confi-
dence in man's ability to see his way
through, to find a reconciliation; and to
grow through the discovery.
Both Farris and Slote express themselves
without convolutions of style, but directly
and with no little force. This is particularly
refreshing since the native settings of both
novels commonly lend themselves to ex-
treme treatments, the ultra-poetic tenden-
cies of the folk story and the ultra-sophis-
ticated inclinations of the society novel
being well known. The relative straight-
forwardness of the characters in both of
these books have instear permitted the wri-
ter to approach his material with an un-
abashedness that might have seemed "slick"
had the authors been less honest. The ir-
resistible humanity, the flair for the people
of the place, make the concerns of the char-
acters in both novels serious and touching
* S *
THE MINOR FAULTS of the novels are
not flaws of creation so much as flaws
of conception. In "Ramey," a more careful
foreshadowing of the tragedy might have
strengthened the book. The fiber of the
pastoral joys could have been richer for a
few earlier contrasts; and evil when it
comes ira. relatively palpable thing-all
black, too simple perhaps, too unprepared.
The understanding that Ramey finds comes
consequently without the full effect a more
perfect structure would have given the
At that, Ramey, the boy, is such a fine
kid, his personality manages to weld the
book's larger purposes. The rural des-
criptions, particularly that of the coon
hunt, are vividly created, crisp and bril-
liant expositional writing. The dialogue
and narrative is steeped in the rural idiom,
well handled by the author throughout.
The theme of Slote's "Denham Proper,"
according to the author, is "the passing
down of spiritual debts from one generation
to another: making your son responsible for

your mistakes as you were responsible for
your father's; the inheritance of unfulfilled
dreams, roads not taken, happiness not
gained. It is particularly the story of one
man's discovery of his debt to himself and
how he paid it."
* * *
TO ACCOMPLISH this, Slote follows Ro-
r bert Denham Manning through a few
important days at the autumnal equinox of
his life. In looking back and forward, Slote
focuses on a man resigning. It it, however,
not a resignation of despair, but one of un-
derstanding and a kind of contentment. The
novel shrewdly perceives the relationships
between parents and children with humor
and with mature seriousness. Its resolution
is particularly suitable and among the best
things in the book.
Somewhat overconstructed, the book
edges toward stageplay mechanics at
times. This cramps a few of the char-
acters who, one suspects, might have been
worth more than the author was able to
give to them. In other words, somewhat
too much attention is paid to machinery,
not enough to the people who provide the
climate in which the well-developed the-
sis is realized.
But what a good pair of first novels they

* -

DISTORTING history seems to acutest danger in Japan; a cer




THIS IS an omnibus review of a number
of recent Columbia releases, and as in
all such reviews the comments are frequent-
ly brief and necessarily unqualified. Among
these recordings are orchestral, chamber,
and vocal works by Bach, Beethoven, Ber-
lioz, Schubert and others.
Let's begin with the orchestral music.
Herbert von Karajan and the Vienna Phil-
harmonic give us three items from the
standard repertoire: Beethoven's Eighth and
Ninth Symphonies, and Schubert's Seventh
Symphony (in C Major). These are stan-
dard performances with the characteristic
Viennese idiosyncracies: moderate tempi,
balanced sound, and occasional sentimental-
ization. My Viennese friends assure me that
only the Viennese have the proper attitudes
to Beethoven, Mozart, Schubert and Brahms,
and that I've been spoiled by a surfeit of
Toscanini. Perhaps and maybe. Incidental-
ly, there is some fine singing in the Beetho-
ven Ninth by Julius Patzak and Hans Hot-
Berlioz's exciting and beautiful Romeo
and Juliet Symphony is well played by
Dimitri Mitropoulos and The Philharmon-
ic Symphony of New York. The only fault
with this performance is an occasional loss
of control: Mitropoulos sometimes con-
fuses passion and hysteria.
Labor Justice
THE DICTUM that it is up to labor to
clean its own house has sometimes been
offered as an excuse for doing nothing when
scandals have pointed to labor culpability in
racketeering. Now, however, a union pro-
poses that something tangible be done to as-
sure labor of a clean house. Alexander Rose
and Marx Lewis, top officers of the United
Hatters and Millinery Workers Union, have
obtained the support of their organization
to the creation by the American Federation
of Labor of a bureau "whose one function
shall be the receipt and investigation of
complaints of racketeering and other evil
doings in labor organizations." They believe
that labor's own department of justice would
be able to prod affiliates which fail to dis-
cipline wrongdoers or pursue malefactors.
We do not know whether this plan is
feasible as it stands or whether it would
require modification. We feel sure, however,

Among the chamber works are Beetho-
ven's last violin and piano sonata (opus 96)
played by Szigeti and Horszowski, Schubert's
Rondo Brilliant (played by Szigeti and Car-
lo Bussotti on the reverse of the Beethoven),
and Schubert's Trio in E Flat played by
Serkin and Adolf and Herman Busch.
Szigeti plays with his usual fine, rather dry,
but always expressive tone; Horszowski is
a superb partner. The Schubert Trio, long
and rich in melody, is rendered with grace
and power; this is full-bodied Schubert in
the great line of the C Major Quintet and
the G Major Quartet.
Claudia Muzio had one of the most extra-
ordinary voices of her time; it was distin-
guished in nearly every quality which makes
a great voice: range, power, flexibility, and
expressive control. Columbia has transcribed
a number of her 78 records to an LP disc;
this Muzio Song Recital is a rather hetero-
generous collection: Reger, Debussy, Delibes,
Pergolesi, and some undistinguished songs
by Italian composers unknown to me. Yet
despite the frequent triviality of what she
sings and the age of the recordings, Muzio
remains impressive.
Elizabeth Schwarzkopf sings Mozart's
motet, Exsultate Jubilate, and a group
of Mozart arias and songs on a single LP.
Schwarzkopf has a high, light voice (rem-
iniscent of Elizabeth Schumann) which
she handles with delicacy and clarity; in
the motet, which is really a vocal concer-
to, she exploits the instrumental quality
of her voice in a remarkable way.
Two other vocalists remain to be consid-
ered: Aksel Schiotz and Jennie Tourel. Des-
pite his recent illness Schiotz gives fine per-
formances of Beethoven's moving song cy-
cle An Die Ferne Geliebte and Bach's can-
tata Meine Seele Ruhmt and Preist. In the
Beethoven Schiotz is accompanied by Mie-
czyslaw Horszowski; in the Bach by mem-
bers of the Perpignan Festival group. With
this same group, conducted by Pablo Casals,
Jennie Tourel sings arias by Bach and Mo-
zart. Mozart's superb concert aria Ch'io mi
acordi di te is performed with fire and fi-
nesse by Miss Tourel; unfortunately the rec-
orded sound is muffled. On the reverse of
Miss Tourel's recital, Pablo Casals and Ru-
dolf Serkin impeccably perform Beethoven's
Variations on a Theme from Handel's 'Judas
Maccabaeus.' This Beethoven scarcely
plumbs the depths, but it is nevertheless de-
niĀ£'htfimusicnil as scl +ymtnofe Lyrmnt+.e+

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University.Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceeding publication (be-
fore 11 a.nt. on Saturday).
Vol. LXIII, No. 168
The Addison-Wesley Publishing Co-'
pany, Inc., of Cambridge, Mass., will
have two representatives at the Bureau
of Appointments on Wed. and Thurs.,
June 24 and 25. to talk with young
men, either June or August graduates,
who would be interested in entering
the book publishing business with their
firm as a field representative to cover
the southern states.
The B. F. Goodrich Chemical Com-
pany in Louisville/ Ky., is looking for
Chemical Engineers, Chemists, and a
Mechanical Engineer. Men who will
graduate in August may apply as well
as those who havereceived their degree.
The California Public Utilities Com-
mission is offering opportunities for em-
ployment to engineers who have at
least two years' experience in the field
of operation of utilities.
The U.S. Civil Service Commission
urgently needsmenrto fill positions of
Patrol Inspector (Trainee) in the Im-
migration and Naturatza'tion Service.
The Merit System Council of New
Mexico, Santa Fe, New Mexico, has an-
nounced examination dates for posi-
tions in the New Mexico Dept. of Pub-
lic Health as Senior Bacteriologist- Se-
rologist, Senior Assistant Bacteriolo-
gist-Serologist, and Junior Bacteriolo-
gist-Serologist. Graduates with majors
in science or chemistry may apply.
Carbide & Carbon Chemicals Co. in
Oak Ridge, 'Penn., has a number of
openings for men in the field of Bus.
Ad. or Accounting for a training pro-
gram in the General Office Manager's
office. These men should eventually be
placed in supervisory positions in the
Manufacturing Office Divisions of the
firm's Atomic Energy installations in
Oak Ridge, Tenn., and Paducah, Ken-
For appointments, applications, and
additional information about these and
other openings, contact the Bureau
of Appointments, 3528 Administration
Bldg., Ext. 371.
Season tickets for the Department of
Speech summer plays are available at
the Lydia Mendelssohn box office dai-
ly from 10 a.m. until 5 p.m. The sum-
mer play schedule includes THE MAD-
11; THE COUNTRY GIRL, July 22-25;
PYGMALION, July 29-August 1; and
with the School of Music, August 6, 7,
8, and 10. Season tickets are $6.00-
$4.74-$3.25. Tickets for individual per-
formances go on sale June 29. All per-
formances are at 8:00 p.m.
Professor Phillips Bradley of the
Graduate School of Citizenship and
Public Affairs of Syracuse University
will speak before the Social Science
Workshop at two o'clock, Room 429 MH,
on Thursday and Friday, June 25 and
26. His topic on Thursday will be "The
Use of the Newspaper in Teaching So-
cial Studies." On Friday he will dis-
cuss "Teaching Labor-Management Re-
lations in Social Studies Classes." vis-
itors will be welcome.
Thursday, June 25 at 7:30 p.m. in Au-
ditorium B, Angell Hall, Professor Fang-
Kue Li of the Department of Linguis-
tics, University of Washington, will
speak on "Chinese Phonology, Old and
Thursday, June 25, at 4:15 p.m., in
Auditorium A, Angell Hall, Milton Can-
iff, Cartoonist, will speak on Art and
the Comic Strip.
Academic Noticesj
Sports and Dance InstructionI
for Women
All women students are invited to
participate in sports and dance classes
offeredby therDepartment of Physical
Education for Women. There are
openings in: Archery; Badminton,
Modern Dance; Golf; Posture, Figure
and Carriage; Swimming and Tennis.
Register in Barbour Gymnasium, Office
There is no charge for use of equip-

Doctoral Examination for Sanoh
Dharmgrongartama, Education; thesis:
"Proposals for Reorganizing the Cur-
riculum of the Secondary Schools of
Thailand," Thursday, June 25, 4015 Uni-
versity High School, at 3:15 p.m. Chair-
man S. E. Dimond.
Seminar in Mathematical Statistics:
There will be an organization meeting
Thurs. June 25, at 12:00 noon in 3020
Angell Hall.
Meeting to arrange Mathematics
Seminars Wednesday. June 24, at 4:00
p.m. in room 3011 Angell Hal.
Events Toda y
The first of the regular Wednesday
luncheons sponsored by the Summer
Linguistic Program will be today at
12:10 p.m., in the second floor dining
room of the Michigan League.
La p'tite Causette: First meeting to-
day from 3:00 to 5:00 p.m. in the wing
if the north room of the Michigan
Union cafeteria. All students and fac-
ulty members interested to speak or to
learn informally to speak French are
cordially invited to join "La p'tite caus-
Museum of Art. Museum collections.
General Library. Best sellers of the
twentieth century.
Kelsey Museum of Archaeology. Gill-
man Collection of Antiquities of Pales-
Museums Building, rotunda exhibit.
Modern Mexican village ceramics.
Michigan Building,rotunda exhibit.
Modern Mexican village ceramics.
. Michigan Historical Collections. Mich-
igan, year-round vacation land.
Cements Library. The good, the bad,
the popular.
Law Library. Elizabeth II and her
Architecture Building. Lithographs by
students of the College of Architecture
and Design.
Coming Events
Summer Session French Club. There
will be a meeting of a French Club
every Thursday evening during the
first seven weeks of the Summer Ses-
sion. The first meeting will take place
Thursday, June 25, at 8:00 p.m. in
the Michigan League: Organization of
the club; election of officers; French
songs; a social hour; an informal talk
in French on France of today by Pro-
fessor Charles E. Koella. Director of
the club. All students and Faculty peo-
ple interested in speaking or in learn-
ing to speak French and in singing
French songs are cordially invited to
Sailing Club. The University of Mich-
igan Sailing Club will hold its open
meeting Thursday, June 25, at 7:30
p.m. in Room 3 S of the Michigan
Union. Plans for the summer program
will be discussed. Anyone interested
in sailing is invited to attend. Re-
freshments will be served.
Classical Studies Coffee Hour. All
students of the department, and oth-
ers who are interested, are invited to a
I Coffee Hour on Thursday, June 25, at
4:15 p.m., in the West Conference Room
of the Rackham Building.
S.R.A. Lunch and Discussion, Thurs-
day, 12:15 noon at Lane Hall. Dr. Saveg
Shafaq, visiting professor from Iran in
Near astern Studies, will be speaker.
Topic: "The United Nations Through
the Eyes of the Middle East." Call res-
ervations to 3-1511 Ext. 281.
International Punch Hour, Friday
4:45 to 6 p.m., sponsored by the Office
of the Protestant Counselor to Foreign
Students and Lane Hall. All students
Motion Picture, auspices of the SL
Cinema Guild. W. Somerset Maugham's
Quartet. 7:00 and 9:00 p.m., Architec-
ture Auditorium, Thursday, June 25.

be the most popular indoor
sport of our era. Few episodes of
recent history have been more
sported with by the distorters
than the Korean war. The best
way to celebrate the truce is to
set down a few of the more signi-
ficant facts that are currently ig-
nored or unknown.
In the first place, this long, bit-
ter, bloody, ugly, disappointing
war has in fact achieved the main
purpose which the American gov-
ernment had in view, when our
troops were ordered to join the
South Koreans just three years
After the French Revolution,
the Abbe Sieyes, an important po-
litical figure of those days, was
asked what he had done while
the guillotine ruled Paris and the
terror had France in its grip.
"Dear Madame," he told his ques-
tioner, "I survived." In the same
manner, in the darkest days of
the last war, Winston Churchill
told a man who grumbled that
Britain had nothing to gain by
the fighting. "You seem to forget
that survival can be an end in
The motive of the American
response to the Korean aggres-
sion was similarly unambitious.
The question that was debated
at the famous Blair House
meeting was not what we might
gainby entering the war on
the side of the South Koreans,
but what we would lose by not
entering it. The losses we might
expect from inaction were set
forth in a famous memorandum
prepared by George F. Kennan
the day after the Communists
crossed the 38th parallel, and
presented at the Blair House
meeting by Dean G. Acheson.
The prospective losses in the Far
East alone were appalling enough.
An early collapse of the resistance
to the Communists in Indo-China:
The eventual absorption of Siam,
Malaya and Burma into the So-
viet Empire; the probable tri-
umph of the Hukbalahap move-
ment in the Philippines; the
Boo mers and
AS SOON AS Harold Stassen
was appointed Director for
Mutual Security, he selected fifty-
six "evaluators" to look into the
Mutual Security Program in the
field. Most of them, for a change,
were businessmen, and only a
very few ever had had anything
to do with foreign aid or foreign
policy before. They were schedul-
ed for two days of briefing in
Washington, and some of them
couldn't make that because. of
directors' meetings. Then they
set off to evaluate what the gov-
ernment had been doing in the
foreign-aid business. In charge of
the expedition was Clarence Fran-
cis, Chairman of the Board of
General Foods.
One of the ideas back of this
project was that these men would
come home booming the Mutual
Security program, helping get
across to their communities how
important it is.
But just as the Administra-
tion was deciding to build up
the Mutual Security Agency as
the clearinghouse for all aid
programs, Clarence Francis, as
chief evaluator, brought out a
report recommending that most
of Stassen's job be "liquidated."
Just as the Administration was
hoping the Italian elections
would come out all right for the
Center coalition of Premier De
Gasperi, its evaluator for Italy,
Mr. Crawford, told therSenate
Foreign Relations Committee
that none of the aid ever given
by the United States to Italy

"will make any permanent im-
provement." The only thing he
found worth praising was the
fact that De Gasperi had streng-
thened the national police.
There are plenty of troubles in
Italy, for no way has yet been
found for the U.S., by giving aid,
to make in anotherhcountry the
structural changes that the wel-

tain invasion of Formosa-these
were the obvious and easily pre-
dictable Far Eastern consequences
of letting the Kremlin get away
with its Korean attack.
By the same token, any such
showing of American weakness
would have had the most wide-
spread and uncontainable reper-
cussions in the Middle East and
Europe. All the weaker nations
would have adopted a policy of
scuttle-and-run. All the soft sit-
uations, as in the Middle East,
would have come apart. The most
strategic positions in the free
world would have been lost to the
Soviets. And we should have been
left with no choice but the choice
that faced the British after Mu-
nich-the choice between making
the best terms we could with a
more powerful enemy, or fighting
a war of despair on the worst
terms imaginable.
Such were the enormous priz-
es the Kremlin hoped to garner,
by showing its own power and
our weakness in Korea. Such
were the disastrous consequen-
ces which have now been avoid-
ed. Avoidance of disasters on
this scale must certainly be
considered a worthy object, even
for so painful and discouraging
a venture as the Korean war
has been. In this sense, indeed,
the war has been successful,
Many have argued, of course,
that we should have set ourselves
a bolder goal than the mere
avoidance of disasters. They have
maintained that once we had en-
tered the Korean war, we should
have gone on to impose a reason
able Far Eastern settlement by
force of arms. Certainly no one
can say that a simple cease-fire
in Korea, and a general return to
the status quo ante, is a reason-
able Far Eastern settlement.
Most of those who have so ar-
gued have been flagrantly dishon-
est, refusing to admit the heavy
costs and risks of their policy.
But there have been entirely hon-
est men among those calling for
bolder actions, such as Sen. Wil-
liam Knowland and Adm. Arthur
Radford. The other side in the
debate about the Korean war has
attacked these men, as they have
attacked Sen. Robert A. Taft, for
"sabotaging" the truce negotia-
tions by voicing inflammatory
This is almost certainly as silly
as the denunciations of the Kor-
ean war as a "useless" war. The
leaders in the Kremlin and at
Peking are hard-headed men, af-
ter all. They must have been
greatly impressed by the fact that
a large, influential and rapidly
growing group of Americans was
demanding stronger action in the
Far East. The Soviet and Chinese
policy-makers must have been
aware tha ta continuation of the
bloody stalemate in Korea would
involve very great risks for them.
The prospect that the Know-
and - Radford - Taft viewpoint
might soon become a majority
American viewpoint, was prob-
ably the major influence in get-
ting the Communists to give way
on the issue of the prisoners.
It is worth remembering that it
can be helpful to sound tough in
a negotiation. It is also worth re-
membering that it is dangerous to
look weak at any time. The im-
mediate cause of the Korean war,
beyond any doubt, was the Tru-
man-Johnson disarmament pro-
gram of 1949-50. The spectacle of
American disarmament was the
great temptation, that led the
Kremlin into the Korean gamble.
It is only to be hoped that a new
American disarmament program
will not produce another chal-
lenge from the Kremlin, which
will have to be met at infinitely
greater and more terrible cost.
(Copyright, 1953; N.Y. Her. Trib., Inc.)

tC. tI MYt t l







fare of the people demands. But
aid-through the Allied Commis-
sion, then the United Nations Re-
lief and Rehabilitation Adminis-
tration, and then the Marshall.-
Plan-certainly has caused "per- SixtyThird Year
manent improvement" of very Edited and managed by students of
large dimensions, as the merest the University of Michigan under the
glance at the indices of produc- 1 authority of the Board in Control of
tion will show . . . Student Publications.
The Italian Government could:,
hardly contain itself when it Editorial Staff
learned about Mr. Crawford's tes- Harland Britz.........Managing Editor
timony. Small wonder he didn't Dick Lewis. ......... Sports Editor
Becky Conrad...........,Night Editor
learn anything, a Rome spokes- Gayle Greene.............Night Editor
man said bitterly, since he had no Pat Roelofs......,.....Night Editor
contacts with the Italian Govern- Fran Sheldon..............Night Editor
ment and refused to talk to any
Italians. Business Staff
Iaans. Bob Miller ............Business Manager
No government program, cer- Dick Alstrom...,..Circulation Manager
tainly not Mutual Security, should Dick Nvberg.. ........Finance Manager



On Matt

MAN IS a noble animal, splendid
in ashes, and pompous in the
grave, solemnizing nativities and
deaths with equal lustre, not omit-
ting ceremonies of bravery, in the
infamy of his nature.
-Sir Thomas Browne
. * .,



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