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July 20, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-07-20

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Latest Deadline in the State






* * *

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* * *

Democrat Party
Policy Changed
With its origins in the 19th century party of the "underdog,"
the modern Democratic Party has become the self-appointed cham-
pion of the "forgotten man."
At every anniversary banquet or rally, orators glowingly relate
how the Democrats evolved from the Jeffersonian Republican Party
which had arisen in defense of the ordinary citizen against the aris-
tocratic interests behind the Federalist Party.
HERE THE RESEMBLANCE between Jefferson and present day
Democrats ceases, for the third president was a firm believer that "the
least government is the best government." Indeed, he criticized the
Federalists under Washington and John Adams for spending too much
money and recommending too extensive government projects.
Following the two terms of Jefferson which lasted from 1800
to 1808, came a series of chief executives who either carried
through the Jeffersonian theories on government or moderately
returned to the Federalist tradition.
During the 1820's the various splinter groups sought alignment
among themselves. In 1824 the austere John Quincy Adams became
president after a particularly bitter election which was ultimately
decided by the House of Representatives.
Democrat Andrew Jackson had a plurality of electoral votes in
that election, but Adams was selected by the House. His term was
punctuated by constant attacks from. the Jackson forces and his
political dealings were not terribly astute.
THE RESULT WAS AN overwhelming victory for Jackson in 1828
In which the common people rallied around the popular hero of the
War of 1812.
America had elected its first real man of the people.
Jackson himself served two terms in The White House, and his
successor, Martin Van Buren, was president for one term. Unfor-
tunately for the party, Jackson's banking policies helped contribute
to a serious depression in the late 1830's.
THE RIVAL Whig Party capitalized on the economic crisis, run-
ning a popular way, hero William Henry Harrison who easily beat
Van Buren ir4 1840.
Harrison died after serving only a few months and his post
was taken over by John Tyler who some people thought turned
out to be more of a Democrat than a Whig. Tyler had the pleasure
-of seeing himself burned in effigy outside the White House on
several occasions, and in 1844 the Democrats came back in again
with James K. Polk.
With slavery becoming a burning issue, party leadership switched
back and forth until the "radical" Republicans rode in with Lincoln
in 1860. These were the darkest days for the Democrats - they were

Steel Peace
Talk Called
By Steelman
HST Demands
Strike Settlement
WASHINGTON - (3) - Philip.
Murray, president of the striking
CIO steelworkers, and chief ex-
ecutives of the steel industry
agreed to make another joint
peace effort today under prodding
from the White House.
In a carefully worded state-
ment, John R. Steelman, top mob-
ilization official, announced the
two sides would "make a further
effort to reach agreement." Au-
thoritative government sources
said Steelman had explicit assur-
ances from both Murray and in-
dustry that the meeting, set for
10 a.m. EST in Pittsburgh, would
be more than token-that a gen-
uine effort would be made to end
the 48-day strike.
* * *
MR. TRUMAN yesterday pinned
blame for the 48-day tie-up on
steel management alone, saying it
has spurned the Government's of-
fer of price increases "well in ex-
cess" of those required by law or
justified by the wages sought by
the United Steelworkers (CIO).
The peace appeal came in the
President's midyear economic
messages to Congress-to a Con-
gress not in session and there-
for unable, even if willing, to
reopen the mills by passing tle
new seizure law which Mr. Tru-
man has asked.
"The only practical method now
open for the steel dispute is bar-
gaining between the parties," the
message said. "I have continu-
ously urged that the parties recog-
nize the emergency confronting
the natiot.
"It is imperative that the par-
ties settle their differences im-
mediately, and resume the pro-
duction of steel-the loss of which
is now causing such great damage
to the national defense and to the
civilian economy."
. The steel crisis shadowed an
otherwise glowing report on the
nations economic health. Even
while carrying the defense bur-
den, the President said, "our bus-
iness system has been doing bet-
ter and our people have been liv-
ing better than ever before."
He painted this picture:
1-By 1960 national output can
be lifted another $100,000,000,000
above the present rate of $340,-
000,000,000. Four million civilian
workers can be added to the 62,-
500,000 now holding jobs.
2-A depression, which some
fear when arms spending is cut,
is "avoidable;" the proof, he said,
is in the record of steady growth
since World War II.
National League
Brooklyn 9, Pittsgurgh 1
Philadelphia 7, Cincinnati 3
Chicago 3, New York 0
American League
Philadelphia 5, Detroit 4
New York 4, Chicago 2
Cleveland 4, Boston 0

Delegate Battles
Approach Climax
CHICAGO-(N)--Democratic aspirants leaped at last yesterday
into a frenzied, full-scale scramble for the party presidential nomi-
Some gossip and guessing had it that President Truman's alter-
nate at the Democratic National Convention opening tomorrow might
vote for Averell Harriman on the first ballot. Other unofficial prophets
felt, though, that Vice President Barkley was building up strength on
the basis of his long party record, and that the White House nod
might go to him.
* * * *
HARRIMAN, Barkley and the others-Senators Richard Russell,
Estes Kefagver and Robert S. Kerr-pulled off the wraps and went
* ** "* ' 'to work in earnest as convention

CHICAGO BOUND-One of the members of the g rass roots movement which is reportedly going to
sweep the Democratic Convention paused briefly i n Ann Arbor yesterday. Hampered by the high
cost of living, he plans to bed down in a Chica go municipal park.
* * * * * * * *
Democrats' Congenial A ir Fills Hilton



Special To The Daily
CHICAGO-No sparks are fly-
ing between the Democrats at the
Conrad Hilton Hotel-so far.
With the convention due to be-
gin tomorrow, Coonskin Cappers,
Harrimanites, Stevensonians and
even Dixiecrat Russelmen seem


Tax Question
For Ballot
The controversial 10 per cent
amusement tax proposed by local
officials may legally be placed on
the Aug. 5 primary election ballot,
according to a decision by Circuit
Judge Archie D. McDonald.
The ruling, made Friday, re-
jected the claim of Butterfield
Theatres, Inc. that the Aug., 5 tax
proposal was essentially the same
measure that had been defeated
April 7, when the city had asked
general authority to levy excise
taxes, including an amusement
THE THEATRE firm had filed
suit against Ann Arbor, asking an
injunction to prevent the question
from appering on the Aug. 5 bal-
lot. R
Butterfield had cited a state
law prohibiting a municipality
from submitting the same pro-
position on the ballot within two
years of its defeat at the polls.
The .attorneys for the theatres
may appeal Judge McDonald's de-
cision to the Michigan Supreme
The Judge's statement upheld
the city's claim that the present
proposal is different in that it
seeks specific authority to impose
a 10 per cent tax on entertainment
of 26 cents or more, and that it
does not ask additional authority
to levy future excise taxes.

tolerant and actually friendly with
each other.
genial crowd provides is in direct
contrast to feeling the Republicans
provided here just two weeks ago
when the air was tense with bit-
Although none of the party
workers seem to expect their
conclave to build up to such a
point, harried Hilton employees
are wary.
"They haven't started yet -
they'll probably become just as
bad," they moan.
Meanwhile, activity is gaining
steady momentum in the various
headquarters where hundreds of
loyal Democrats have taken over
with all the flurry and color of
their Republican rivals.
* * *
UNDOUBTEDLY the most live-
ly spot is the eleventh floor where
Averill Harriman's forces have
moved in on the heels of the Re-
publican's choice, Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower. With an occasional
Short Truce
MUNSAN, Sunday, July 20-r3P)
--Allied and Red armistice nego-
tiators today held their shortest
meeting since secret sessions be-
gan July 4. It lasted just 12 min-
The negotiators agreed to meet
again tomorrow.
There was no indication of a
possible break in the critical dead-
lock over prisoner exchange.
At a liaison meeting earlier to-
day the Reds accused the United
Nations command of using prison-
ers of war as spies.
The charge was contained in a
letter from Gen. Nam Il, Senior
Red delegate, to Maj. Gen. Wil-
liam K. Harrison, top Allied nego-

brass band, a lot of curious, some
official people and a' peppy bunch
of lovely ladies handing out the
buttons, the floor is continually
More languid is Sen. Richard
Russel's ninth floor domain.
Biggest attraction there, besides
a big 'labor is safe with Russel'
sign, are sone flowing southern
accents attached to a crew of
Kefauver coonskins are flying
around the lobby and occasionally
they can be spotted outside the
Hilton. Vice-President A 1 b e n
Barkley's headquarters takes the
prize for the most quiet. When last
seen, it was not-too-full of elder
Away from the main glitter of
the convention, Chicago proper
seems to have soaked in little of
the excitement of the party head-
quarters. Among the natives, the
general feeling seems to be, "more
of the same-but not so exciting,"
and few buttons or exhibits have
appeared on the streets as they
did before the Republican fracas.
AS FOR politics-the field is
still wide open, and although the
paid help on all the staffs pro-
claim that their jobs will last till
November, even the observer can
tell there is nothing resembling
real confidence in any quarters.
While Republicans in both
major cliques were quick to say
they would win-the Deniocrats
spend their time telling the visi-
tors their candidates should
And despite Governor Adlai
Stevenson's noncommital stand,
some informed sources insist that
the draft Stevenson movement is
gaining momentum.
"There is a definite grass roots
movement on its way up." Ac-
cording to Tom Payne, president
of the Young Democrats and al-
ternate delegate at large from Mi-
"If it goes on like it is now, it
can take the man to Washington."

Due To Start
WASHINGTON - (-) - There
ought to be at least four dramatic
high spots in the Democratic con-
vention this coming week in Chi-
The first is due tomorrow night.
Gov. Paul A. Dever, of Massachu-
setts, will make the keynote speech.
If he follows President Truman's
wishes he will make a ringing call
to the Democrats to push right
ahead for more 'New Deal and
more Fair Deal measures.
* * *
THE SECOND high. spot is due
late Tuesday afternoon when the
credentials committee is scheduled
to report on the permanent dele-
gates to be seated.
The real Democratic family
fight is due to start Tuesday
night andproduce the third high
spot. Then the resolutions com-
mittee will report out the plat-
form on which the party will
Almost certainly there will be a
fiery debate on the civil rights
plank. This will have to include
some statement on FEPC, the Fair
Employment Practices Commis-
The next big piece of business
will be the nominations for the
Presidency. So that the fourth'
dramatic high spot-the voting
for a top candidate-may not come
until Friday, at either the after-
noon or evening session.

delegates swarmed into town by
every plane and train. They but-
tonholed. They jumped from news
conference to rally to TV show.
But before the National Con-
vention can swing into the busi-
ness of picking from among
them or perhaps some favorite
son, there may be a party-shak-
ing row over the seating of con-
tested Dixie delegates. There
could be another Southern bolt
along lines of the famous walk
that split the party four years
A furious scrap is on over the
decision of a contests subcommit-
tee, ratified later by the full
Democratic National Committee,
to let anti-Truman delegations
represent Mississippi and Texas
at the start of the convention.
Rival pro-Administration Delega-
tions challenged the decisions and
pledged a showdown fight on the
convention floor.
The row ripped away the veneer
of calm and outward unity that
had settled over the convention
SOME OF THE war-like spirit
seemed to be taking hold in the
camps Wof rival delegates. There
still was no name celling remi.nis-
cent of the Republican pre-cony
vention maneuvering two weeks
ago. But candidates stepped up
their pace.
Supporters of Harriman, the
Mutual Security director, let it
be known they were in touch
with the White House during
the day. They laid no claim to
any definite commitment from
the President. But they insisted
that new strength was flowing
to the Harriman banner.
Barkley backers claimed their
man was picking up power by the
minute, without any help from
outside the convention.
SEN. KEFAUVER got out a let-
ter to Harriman, Russell, Barkley
and Kerr proposing that they join
him in a formal pledge to sup-
port whatever platform the party
adopts-including the controver-
sial plank on civil rights.
Kefauver said "serious efforts"
are afoot to split the party over
the issue of civil rights and ra-
cial discrimination.
The Tennessean told reporters
he believes that even with a strong
anti-discrimination statement in
the. platform he could carry the
South as the party presidential
Kerr is making his big play for
secondary strength. His hope is
that all the other possibilities will
deadlock and he will have enough
second choice~ support to cop the
clination§ to get together in sec-
tional blocs in efforts to solidify
a bit of strength behind one man
or another in- a convention where
nobody has a clear edge.
The South already is lined up
fairly solidly behind Russell.
Party leaders of 15 Midwestern
states called a meeting for tonight
to see whether the 264 votes from
their area might be put behind a
But before the convention can
get around to candidate picking,
there is the row over delegate
contests to dispose of.

Convention Program
Here is the official program
for tomorrow's first-day ses-
sions of the Democratic Na-
tional Convention:
Morning session: 11:30 a.m.
Call to order, Chairman
Frank E. McKinney of the
Democratic National Commit-
Addresses: Gov. Adlai E.
Stevenson of Illinois; Sen. Paul
H. Douglas of Illinois.
Adoption of temporary rules
and order of business.
Evening session: 8 p.m. EST.
Address, by McKinney.
Appointment of committees.
Keynote address by the tem-
porary convention chairman,
Gov. Paul A. Dever of Massa-

... days of party glory

... "underdog's" champion

out of the presidency until 1884. Their lowest point was reached in
1872 when they nominated no national ticket of their own.
The latter part of the 19th century was one of close party balance
wit hthe Democrats winning with Cleveland in 1884 and 1892 and
losing to the Republicans in 1892. After the election of McKinley on
the GOP ticket in 1896, the Democrats had another out of office
stretch which ran until Woodirow Wilson was elected in 1912.
During the early 20th century the GOP was being liberalized by
Teddy Roosevelt and the Democrats were more or less conservative.
Cleveland himself had been classified as a conservative and lost the
reins of leadership to William Jennings Bryan in 1896.
THE LIBERAL BRYAN capitalized on a popular issue-free silver
--and his own oratorical prowess to seize control for many years. He
made three unsuccessful trys for the presidency, but had the satis-
faction of getting the 1912 nomination for Wilson.
The scholarly Wilson was something new to American life
which had been conditioned to machine politics and "deals."
The first term was one of domestic reforms including the estab-
lishment of the Federal Reserve System and further anti-trust
Campaigning in 1916 on the motto "He kept us out of war," Wil-
son won a close election. As it turned out, America was unable to
keep out of World War I and Wilson became concerned both with its
successful prosecution and with formulating a plan for permanent
peace when hostilities were over.
But America was not willing to accept internationalism as ex-
nr.Rfind in hi. T-r c on tinn~- a n + teT. rn.ti+ s -min. of


Weather, Beards Topics of July Discussions

Several Nigerian students yes-
terday confirmed what many Ann
Arborites have long suspected -
that Ann Arbor is hotter in the
summer than parts of tropical
Adeleke Adeyemo, '53, pointed
out that the temperature in many
parts of Nigeria averages about 80
degrees and there is little of the
humidity that marks Ann Arbor's
summer weather.

sporting winter coats because of
the "breeze," Adeyemo said.
What impressed Anjorian Ane-;
mashaun most when he arrived in
the United States this spring was
t h e frequently-heard remark:
Isn't it a nice day! "At home," he
exclaimed, "It is always a nice day
-except of course for the four
month rainy season."
HOWEVER, Anemashaun feels
that having rain at a definite time
of the year is far superior to hav-

* * *

Summer in Ann Arbor has left
beard enthusiasts divided over the
desirability of sporting whiskers
during the hot weather.
Sigfried Feller represents the
staunch few who maintain that
wearing a beard during the sum-
mer is not as uncomfortable as the
layman might suppose.
* * * -
HE AND HIS supporters seek to
Lyivc meiu-ht tn theira roument h

er, because the first few weeks
prove irritating to the skin.
As Feller has had his beard, a
luxurious red affair, for nearly
two years this does not bother him
and he is apparently quite content
to stick out the summer with it.
Paul Hellenga, 1524, however,
was quick to announce that he
had recently shaved off his beard
because "it's too hot . and too
-r-r 11W erlaimnA faf 'hie haar



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