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July 13, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-07-13

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Latest Deadline in the State

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Tradition Marks
(EDITOR'S NOTE: This is the third in a series of interpretive articles
dealing with impressions of Europe today. The author, next year's Daily
City Editor, is working in Europe during the summer as a free-lance writer.)
Special To The Daily
LONDON-"It may not be democratic," he said, "but after all,
you take away tradition and what have you left?"
We were sitting in London's "public" schools club beneath the
ancient seals of England's secondary institutions. He was a Win-
chester alumnus and pointed at Richard the Lion-Hearted's coat
of)arms on the opposite wall.
"That's ours," he said proudly. And he continued, oblivious to

GOP Committee
Headship Goes
Michigan Party Leader Chosen
By Eisenhower To Lead Campaign
CHICAGO-(F-Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower put a firm hand on
the controls of the Republican party machinery yesterday with the
selection of Arthur Summerfield of Michigan as National Chairman.
Supported by the presidential, nominee's assurance that he will
work closely with the National Committee, Summerfileld made it plain
at a subsequent news conference that he expects to be over-all com
mander of the general election campaign.
EISENHOWER TOLD the Committee members, whose ranks were
swelled by the addition of 32 state chairmen under a new rule, that
they will not be forgotten in the November election drive, as they
sometimes have in the past.
Referring to the difficulties the Committee had with the opera-
tion of independent clubs when the late Wendell L. Willkie was run-
' * '" dning 12 years ago, Eisenhower
WatQ is said:
"I assure you that the exper-
ience of 1940, which I understand
has unhappy memories for some
Nominaton of you, is not going to be re-


the open-mouthed amazement of
an American state university stu-

Set Stage
For Fight
WASHINGTON -- (P) -- T h e
Democrats take over political cen-
ter stage next week in a wide open
scramble to pick a man to beat
Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower.
The "Ins," aiming at a sixth
straight Presidential victoroy, con-
cede that they face the hottest
election battle in 20 years as they
head for their own nominating
convention opening in Chicago
July 21. The picking will be done
in the same Chicago Amphitheater
where the nerve-frazzled, strife-
torn Republicans named Eisen-
hower as the GOP challenger Fri-
.* * *
UNLIKE the GOP hassle which
was a two-man contest between
Eisenhower and Senator Robert
A. Taft, the Democrats have can-
didates everywhere they look, with
20 names figuring in the race.
Seven are avowed aspirants. The
others figure as dark horse possi-
Two big question marks now
hovering over the Democratic con-
vention are these:
1. Will Gov. Adlai Stevenson
bf Illinois be available for the
presidential nomination?
President Truman reputedly fa-
vors Stevenson, but some -politi-
.cal big-wigs say Stevenson has
been 'so coy about running that
Truman may switch -to Averell
* * *

a s
IN ENGLAND, it seems, the
"public" schools are really private
schools, and vice versa. It is the
mark of a man that he can walk
into this club, with an Oxford de-
gree to boot. It is a tradition of
preparation for professional and
civil service.
The color and design of the tie
you wear apparently has some re-
lationship to income and savior
faire. An American can't help
question it, but as he talks to pro-
ducts of these schools, it is hard
to loathe the system.
Englishmen are pretty sure
they get a better education than
Americans. For one thing, it
usually takes a little longer. For
another, despite large enroll-
ments, most college classes are
'of a give-and-take seminar type.
When a jovial blond-haired col-
lege student asked us what we
were "reading" at the University,
we just looked perplexed. But
that's the word they use, and it
is symbolic of a more responsible
or lax program of education,
whichever way you want to look
at it.
Students here "read" (major in)
the line of their choosing with
examinations mostly on a very in-
frequent and oral basis. That's
the way it seems to work through
most of Europe.
DIFFERENCES in' educational
techniques are less surprising,
however, than the emphasis which'
the schools put on the tradition
of social superiority in both the
class and conversational sense.
Closest to it in America is the
practice of many New England
prep schools.
Alumni of Britain's top-notch
schools are, happily, trained for
important service, although
straight vocational teaching is
not as prevalent as in the states.
But some of them seem to be
characterized by a prestige which
requires little support other than
a tie, a diploma and a poised
The public schools club plays
host to both types, much like the
Harvard Club in America. One
Yankee ov~ here described the
building d-a place where men
walk in and die. He claims he
saw a man sit in one of the club's
seagging leather chairs for seven
hours without moving a finger.
Perhaps a sociologist would have
a better time of it over here. The
unspecialized observer can only
retain a vague feeling that class
consciousness, much as the Eng-
lish deny it, hits a focal point in
the whole educational milieu.

TEAMMATES-Republican presidential nominee, Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower and the vice-presidential candidate, Senator Richard
Nixon of California, display their team spirit before the windup session of the Republican convention in Chicago as their wives smile
their approval.
* * * * * S * * *

Professor Reviews GOP Convention


General Eisenhower's astute
campaign strategy coupled with
several Taft blunders helped Ike
to capture the GOP nomination,
Prof. Samuel J. Eldersveld of the
political science department re-
ported yesterday.
Along with 14 other University
Britain Orders
Red Diplomat
LONDON -(P) - Britain today
ordered Soviet Diplomat Pavel
Kuznetsov to get out of the coun-
try within a week on grounds that
he had received official secrets
from a British Foreign Office
radio operator.
The radio operator, William
Marshall, was convicted Thurs-
day of passing to Kuznetsov se-
cret information of value to an
enemy and was sentenced to five
years in prison. Marshall, 24 years
old, took a liking for the Russian
way of life when he served as a
radio operator for, the British em-
bassy in Moscow in 1950.
- * * *
HE HAD A SERIES of meetings
here this spring with Kuznetsov,
for three years the second secre-
tary at the Russian embassy. Gov-
ernment agents arrested them to-
gether in a suburban park June
13. The stocky Russian was re-
leased when he proved his identity
and claimed diplomatic immunity.

political scientists, Prof. Elders-
veld made a study of delegate lea-
dership at the Republican Con-
vention this week. On July 21 the
group will return to Chicago to
make a similar study at the Dem-
ocratic National Convention.
WHEN THE GOP Convention
began last Monday, the Eisenhow-
er forces were not too well organ-
ized, Prof. Eldersveld said. Then
several Republican governors in-
cluding Dewey of New York, Ad-
ams of New Hampshire, McKeldin
of Maryland and Saltonstall of
Massachusetts stepped in to turn
Plane Spotters
To Begin Vi (ii
Truman made a bid yesterday for
more volunteers to man lookout
stations which will go on a round-
the -clock watch tomorrow against
air invaders.
In Michigan, 10,000 will join
in the operation. They will search
the skies for any enemy warplanes
which might slip through the con-
tinental radar screen for a sneak
attack which could set off World
War III.
Because of its vitally strategic
plants and waterways, Michigan
is a key state in the defense set-
up. From the Detroit River to
Copper Harbor on Lake Superior,
sharp-eyed volunteers will cease-
lessly scan the skies.

the Ike movement into a strategi-
cally sound organization.
On the other hand, he added,
Senator Taft's group pulled sev-
eral boners which led to his ne-
misis. One of these mistakes was
the Brown amendment to the
Eisenhower-backed motion on
seating delegates, he said.
Originally Brown, one of Taft's
campaign managers, had two al-
ternate motions to make, and was
to determine which would be the
smartest under the circumstances.
He decided to ask that Louisi-
ana's contested delegates be al-
lowed to vote on other contests,
but this turned out to be the
wrong move, for Eisenhower forces
defeated it with their first signifi-
cant show of strength.
* * *
the evident repudiation of "Old
Guard" leadership and the popu-
lar appeal of Eisenhower among
the delegates as other significant
considerations on the Convention.
In nearly every move, the
delegates showed that they
wanted the younger leadership
rather than retention of Party
control under the older leaders.
The 15 Michigan observers were
"surprisingly successful" in study-
ing delegate leadership, .he said.
They managed to interview from
35 to 40 of the 53 delegate chair-
In addition they attended most
of the sessions although they went
to Chicago without any passes.
"We managed to get in by estab-
lishing contacts with various dele-
gates," he said.

Hopes Rise
For Strike
PITTSBURGH - (-P)-- Govern-
ment assurance that the steel in-
dustry will get a price increase
boosted hopes last night that a
settlement in the 41-day econ-
omy-defense crippling steel walk-
out is just around the corner.
News from Washington that
government officials have okayed
a price raise of' about $5 a ton
came as President Philip Murray
of theastriking CIO United Steel-
workers and his aides hustled from
one meeting to another with in-
dustry leaders.
THERE WAS NO immediate
comment from either side as to
the effect of the price boost on.
But it seemed certain the price
offer will serve to step up the
tempo of contract negotiations
since the industry has been
widely believed to be holding
back on a possible contract
agreement until it got some
assurance it could finance any
wage increases provided for in
the new pact.
Reports from Washington on
the price boost reached a down-
town Pittsburgh hotel as Murray
and industry representatives pre-
pared for a night session after
several hours of negotiations be-
fore a dinner recess.
Three top steel industry officials
asked the White House for a steel
price increase which brought im-
mediate speculation that negotia-
tions are headed for a showdown.
In Washington, it was learned
the government has agreed to a
price increase of at least $5 a
ton to compensate the industry
for wage increases asked by the
striking steelworkers.s
This developed from a four-
hour conference between Dr. John
R. Steelman, acting defense mo-
bilizer, and three high officials of
the United States Steel Corpora-
' But it was stated that. the in-
crease will not be announced offi-
cially until the industry and the
union reach an agreement on a
new contract.
* * *?
nomic Stabilizer John R. Putnam
were reported having reason to be-
lieve that a settlement in Pitts-
burgh union-management negoti-
ations is imminent.
A report from Ottawa indicates
that the strike has begun to bite
deeply into Canadian industry.
A survey by the Canadian Press
indicated that the industrially-
rich area of central Canada' was

A ttempts
CHICAGO-(RP--Sen. Robert A.
Taft, in the blasted ruins of his
third and biggest bid for the pres-
idency, vowed yesterday it was his
The famed "Mr. Republican,"
who had boasted just a few short
days ago that he had the GOP
nomination as good as in the bag,
reaffirmed his pledge of loyal sup-
port to the man who had snatch-
ed it from him, and told a reporter
"This is the last time I'll ever
run for President." °
"I'll be too old," he added with
a grin.
HE TURNED THEN with a wave
of the hand to girls of his staff
clustered dejectedly nearby, and
strode off calling back "well, good-
Former Gov. Harold E. Stas-
se nof Minnesota, whose forces
dramatically cast the votes that
gave the nomination to Gen.
Dwight D. Eisenhower, visited
Taft this morning.
Just what was said at the meet-
ing remained their secret, but the
suber-faced Stassen told a re-
porter after the brief interview "I
came to pay my respects to a great
man, a great American." He de-
clined to discuss it further.
WHAT PART will Taft play in
the campaign for Eisenhower?.
How far will he step back from
his famed role of "Mr. Republi-
can" in Senate affairs?
He told a reporter he doesn't
know the answers yet, himself.
Taft said he was sincere when
he stood Friday beside Eisenhower
in the tumultuous after-the-nom-
ination celebration and pledged
him loyal support.
Allies Accused
Of NewRaids
MUNSAN, Korea, Sunday, July
13-(AP)--Communist truce nego-
tiators said today that 13 Allied
prisoners of war were killed and
'2 injured when Allied warplanes
staged a night air attack on a
Communist prison camp.
Tife Red charge was contained
in a note from the senior Red
truce delegate, Gen. Nam II, to
Maj. Gen. William K. Harrison,
Chief Allied Negotiator.
The Reds claimed Allied planes
struck POW Camp No. 9, 'about
12 miles from Pyongyang, at 11
p.m. Friday night.
* s a
contained South Korean prisoners
of the Reds.
' Earlier allied reports said B-29
superforts attacked Pyongyang,
the North Korean capitol Fri-
day night, following a smashing
daylight attack by fighter-
bombers. The reports said all
pilots were given explicit direc-
tions on how to avoid the camp
and others near it.
The Reds said 13 were killed,

In a move to patch up the
wide division in the party creat-
ed by Eisenhower's bitter fight
with Sen. Robert A. Taft of
Ohio, for the party nomination,
the National Committee divid-
ed up its honors among sup-
porters of the two major can-
didates and backers of Gov.
Earl Warren of California.
The nominee himself officially
resigned "with deep regret" from
the army yesterday.
Summerfild, who spilled some
of the vital votes from Michigan
that Eisenhower needed for the.
nomination, was chosen unani-
mously after a committee had con-
ferred with the General.
To Sinclair Weeks of Massachu-
setts, a late but active Eisenhower
recruit, went the chairmanship of
the party's finance committee.
* a
SUMMERFIELD made it clear
he is taking over general command
of the election campaign. He said
he may name an assistant later as
campaign director, but hasn't got
around to thinking about it yet.,
He said voluntary organiza-
tions, such as the Eisenhower-
for-tresident Committee headed
by Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge Jr.
of Massachusetts, will be expect-
ed to coordinate their work un-
der his group.
Summerfield was asked about
the role to be played in the gen-
eral election campaign by Gov.
Thomas E. Dewey of New York,
the 1944 and 1948 noiinee, who
was under bitter attack from the
Taft forces and who was booed by
the convention at times.
"I certainly hope Gov. Dewey
will do everything he can to help
carry the state of New York,"
Summerfield replied as reporters
roared with laughter.
He added that he will appre-
ciate "any suggestions the Gover-
nor can give."
The new national chairman in-
dicated he hopes the candidate
campaigns in the south, where Re-
publican candidates have neglect-
ed to go in recent years.
"For us not to campaign in
some of the Southern states which
have shown such tremendous in-
terest in General Eisenhower's
candidacy would be ill-advised,"
he said.
Widow's Farm
LAPEER, Mich. - (A)-Sheriff
Clark Gregory yesterday withdrew
his armed deputies from the 80-
acre Stevens farm, scene of La-
peer county's latest and roughest
eviction battle, and with them
went the newly-installed tenant
on the property.
"There has been nothing to in-
dicate there will be further trou-
ble " the sheriff said.
But Richard Newman, 26-year-
old Flint fireman who took over
the property after Friday's evic-
tion battle, apparently didn't
agree. He clamned a nadlock on

... in the lead
o * o
Harriman or someone else. Ste-
venson, who had seemingly left
the door open to a draft a week
ago, issued a statement Friday
that his position has not been al-
tered in any way by the outcome
of the GOP convention.
The Governor said he is a "can-
didate only for re-election as Gov-
ernor of Illinois and wants no oth-
er office."
2. Will the convention write
another strong civil rights plank
as it did in 1948 or compromise
the issue with Southerners
threatening another revolt?
Truman says there will be no
retreat on this vital question if he
can help it. He won in 1948 with-
out the solid South and he has
often recalled that with pride.
SENATOR Estes Kefauver of
Tennessee and Richard B. Russell
of Georgia sent such telegrams.
Senator Robert S. Kerr of Okla-
homa, a third candidate, com-
"General Eisenhower will find
as did Willkie and Dewey before
him that no matter how hard he

Prohibitionists Wage Spirited Fight

Though neve' a numerically'
powerful organization, the Prohi-'
bitionist Party at least saw its
cherished goal of compulsory ab-
stinence enacted extensively on
the local level and for 14 turbu-
lent years had it in effect nation-
Founded in 1869, the Party roll-
ed up its biggest vote in 1892 when
225,000 voted "dry." Despite their
continued bad showing at the
polls, however, the Prohibitionists
have persistently entered presi-
dential candidates in every elec-
tion since 1872.
THIS YEAR the drys nominated
Stuart Hamblen, a 43-year-old
cowboy singer and evangelist, as
their standard bearer.

S* * *

around the neck to public whip-
* * *
DESPITE public reaction against
intemperance Americans happily
tippled without too much inter-
ference until the nineteenth cen-
tury when several movements be-
gan aimed at stopping use of in-
toxicants entirely.
Foes of "demon. rum" busied
themselves with organizing tem-
perance societies. They attempt-
ed to elect dry legislators and
succeeded in getting a few in
Congress. More significant pres-
sure was brought to bear at the
local and state level where pro-
hibitionist laws were enacted.
Books such as "Ten Nights in a
Barroom" added fuel to the pro-
hibitionist fire.


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