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June 25, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-06-25

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1 . i







WASHINGTON-The real story behind
Gen. Dwight Eisenhower's Abilene
speech casts a lot of light on a problem
that has been puzzling a lot of people.
To be blunt about it, a lot of people are
asking, "What's happened to Ike?" In the
days before he became a Presidential can-
didate, the Eisenhower magic was singu-
larly reliable. Almost everything he did and
said electrically conveyed an impression of
major leadership-of a personality large
and forceful, warm and sincere. But now
the* magic works only about 80 per cent
of the time; and it has been particularly
absent when it was most needed, in the
big, important televised speeches.
The story of the Abilene speech tells
why. Both the general and his coali-
tion of political managers saw that this
opening gun of his personal campaign
might all but win the. battle. Eisenhow-
er envisioned it mainly as an expres-
sion of his own beliefs about America.
He worked long and alone on the first
draft, to get his real feelings into the
This is, of course, the inner essence of
the Eisenhower magic. He is not witty.
He is not remarkably original. His views
are the views of an average, common-sen-
sible intelligent man. What makes him big
is simply his deep, genuine belief in the vi-
tal, simple things, and what makes people
respond and warm to him is his power to
project this deep belief. No one who has
seen the first draft for Abilene, which Ei-
senhower sent to this country for criti-
cism, can doubt that it contained this es-
sence of the Eisenhower magic.
AS A SPEECH, this first draft was not
perfect, to be sure. It was too long. As
a concession to the political character of
the occasion, it included too much rather
threadbare verbiage on such standard top-
ics as the virtues of a balanced budget
and the evils of bureaucracy.
Yet the emotions of the man also came
through,, almost poetically, as when he
spoke of the founding fathers' strug-
gling to create a society of equal oppor-
tunity "out of the brambles of men's
passions and prejudices, out of the wil-
derness of nature." And satisfyingly
often, the speech rose to an elevated
note, far above the alternate mumbling
and shrillness that characterizes most
political oratory. Take, for example, his
short statement of the spiritual origin
of political libety:
"You cannot hold freedom in your hand,
any more than you can hold the soul of a,
man or a nation. Freedom is of the spirit,

and only by the spirit of men can it be ef-
fectively maintained."
This was the way to get across the
true image of Eisenhower as a national
leader. And at Abilene, it was far more
needful to get across this personal image
to the waiting nation than to deal with
specific political issues which would be
left until later.
Unfortunately, this need was not grasped
when Gen. Lucius D. Clay transmitted Ei-
senhower's first draft to the chieftains of
the Eisenhower coalition. These men, aft-
er all, are seasoned politicians. Every sea=
soned politician has his own notion of the
right kind of speech, which is, inevitably,
the kind of speech he makes himself. By
the same token, the virtues of the first
draft for Abilene lay precisely in the
patches where it least resembled the
speeches of other politicians.
back to Paris. Revision began, making
the speech much flatter, far more conven-
tional, with the Eisenhower quality tremen-
dously diluted. When the general reached
this country, there was some further tin-
kering, such as the addition of the much
too obviously political reference to the
Yalta Conference and the loss of China.
The result of this tinkering was what Ei-
senhower took out to Abilene for his bap-
tism in politics, which then turned out to
be total immersion.
Under the circumstances, it is hardly
surprising that the Eisenhower magic at
Abilene was confined to his unprepared
utterances and spontaneous contacts
with those who had assembled there. It
is a mark of Eisenhower's strength of
character that, he quickly sensed some-
thing had gone wrong and insisted, at
Detroit, on being himself. But the ques-
tion and answer method adopted for the
Detroit speech, although far better than
the careful contriving of the speech at
Abilene, still failed to project Eisenhow-
er's real largeness and strength.
There are signs, now, that the general
is" at last hitting his own stride. The Taft
forces, who are so rightfully fearful of the
Eisenhower magic, may well be smiling out
of the other sides of their mouths before
the convention. And for the millions who
have faith in Eisenhower as the man to
keep this country from flabbily subsiding
into a one-party system, and to give Amer-
ica the leadership America deserves, the
Abilene story proves that the stuff is in
the man, and is bound, eventually, to come
(Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (11 a.m.
on Saturday).
Season Tickets for the Summer Series
of Plays presented by the Department of
Speech are on sale at the Lydia Mendel-
ssohn box office now. A better seat
location Is obtained as well as a saving
made when buying a season ticket. The
series begins next Wednesday with
"Twelfth Night" by William Shake-
speare and will include "Harvey" by
Mary Chase, "Winterset" by Maxwell
Anderson, "Second Theshold" by Philip
Barry and an opera "The Merry Wives
of Windsor" by Otto Nicolai. The box
office is open daily from 10 a.m. to 5
p.m. except on Sundays.
House Presidents' and Directors'
meeting, Wednesday, June 25, 4:00 p.m.,
Michigan League. -Women's Judiciary
Women's Summer Closing Hours:
Sunday-Thursday, 11:00 p-r.; Friday-
Saturday, 12:30 a.m. The closing hour
Thursday, July 3, will be 12:30 a.m.be-
cause of the holiday the following day.
Women's Judiciary Council.
Disciplinary actions in cases of stu-
dent misconduct: From February 11,
1952, to May 19, 1952, 102 students were
heard by the Joint Judiciary Couci.
In 37 of these cases the Council found
no violation, and these findings were
approved by the Sub-Committee on
Discipline. In the remaining cases the
following disciplinary actions recom-
mended by the Joint Judiciary Council
were ordered by the Sub-Committee on
For Contributing to the Delinquency
of a Minor
1) By providing liquor: 3 students
fined $10 and warned; 1 student fined
$25 and warned; 1 student fined $20 and
warned; 1 student warned.
2) By furnishing identification: 2 stu-
dents warned after paying Municipal
Court fine of $54.30.
3) By organizing party at which li-
quor was served to minors: 1 student
fined $25 and warned.
4) And drinking in student quarters:
1 student fined $25 and warned: 1 stu-
dent fined $15 and warned.
For Use of Other's Identification in
Attempt to Purchase Intoxicants: 4 stu-
dents warned after paying Municipal
C urointef uCoednty;dfo : etao etaoinn
Court fine of $54.30; 1 student fined
$10 and warned.
For Use of Falsified Indentification in
Attempt to Purchase Intoxicants: 2 stu-
dents warned after paying Municipal
Court fine of $54.30; 1 student fined $25
and warned.
For Drinking in Student Quarters: 5
students fined $10 and warned; 3 stu-
dents (women) placed on social pro-
bation for 1 week; 2 students (women)
placed on social probation for 5 week-
ends; 1 student fined $20 and warned;
1 student warned.
For Drinking on a Public Street: 2
students fined $10 and warned; 2 stu-
dents warned after paying Municipal
Court fine of $9.30.
For Attending Non-Organizational
Party at Which Intoxicants Were Serv-
ed: 2 students fined $10 and warned; 3
students (women) placed on social pro-
bation for 3 weeks.
For Disorderly Conduct: 4 students
warned after paying Municipal Court
fine of $16.85; 1 student fined $10 and
warned after paying Municipal Court
fine of $16.85; 1 student placed on pro-
bation and warned after paying Muni-
cipai Court fine of $16.85; 1 student
placed on probation and warned after
paying Municipal Court fine of $16.85;
no action taken in case of 1 student
required by Municipal Court to restore
broken window.
For Drinking in Student Quarters and
Disorderly Conduct: 1 student fined $25
and warned.
For Conduct Unbecoming a Student:
1 student fined $15, warned, and re-
quired to write a letter of apology after
being fined $10 by Residence Halls
council; 3 students fined $10 and re-
quired to write a letter of apology; 5
students placed on probation; 1 student
For Falsifying University Records: 1
student fined $15 and warned; 1 student
fined $10 and warned.
For Theft from the Library: 1 student
fined $25 and warned.
For Auto Violations (special and ex-
traordinary cases): 2 students fined $20
and warned; 1 student fined $35, den-
ied future permit, and warned of imme-
diate suspension; 1 student fined $25
and warned of immediate suspension;
1 student placed on probation, and
warned after paying Municipal Court
fine of $31.85.
For Driving While Intoxicated: 1 stu-
dent placed on probation and warned
after paying Municipal Court fine of

For Illegally Acquiring Duplicate Foot-
ball Tickets: 1 student required to re-
imburse Athletic Association $21.60, fin-
ed $25, and warned; 3 students required
to reimburse Athletic Association $21.60
and to submit to a course of counseling
by Joint Judiciary Council, and warned.
Two'group cases were heard and judg-
ed to constitute no violation.
Fines were levied by the councils in
the Men's Residence Halls and approved
by the Joint Judiciary Council as foI-
For Drinking in the Residence Halls:
19 students fined $10; 4 students fined
$15; and 2 students fined $25.
For Disturbing the Peace: 2 students
fined $25.
-Sub-Committee on Discipline
La Petite Causette: All students and
summer residents who are interested
in speaking French are invited to join
this very informal group every Tuesday
and Thursday afternoon between 4:00
and 5:00 o'clock in the Tap Room of
the Michigan Union. A table will be
reserved and a French-speaking mem-
ber of the staff will be present, but
there is no program other than free
conversation in French.
Standards of Conduct
ALL students, graduate and under-
graduate, are notified of the following
standards of conduct:
Enrollment in the University carries
with it obligations in regard to con-
duct not only inside but outside the
classrooms and students are expected
to conduct themselves in such a man-

-Daily-Bill Hampton
The coed situation is pretty poor, Schultz, but I can fix you up
with my high school biology teacher.



Washington Merry-Go-Round


' i



WASHINGTON-Some of those on the in-
side with General Eisenhower figure the
battle over Texas delegates could have; been
prevented if the cards had been played a
little differently last October.
In the first place, Ike, a newcomer in
politics, had sent word to Guy Gabrielson
last year to use his influence to have Jack
Porter of Houston made Republican Na-
tional Committeeman for Texas. This was
a rather naive message on the face of it,
for Gabrielson has little influence in elect-
Ing national committeemen, especially in
This put Ike squarely in the middle of a
hot inter-party row, and alienated Henry
Zweifel, whose job as national committee-
man, Porter wanted to take.
But another development put Ike even
further in the middle and made it certain
he would lose the support of Boss Zweifel.
Senator Duff of Pennsylvania, pioneer
in campaigning for Eisenhower but not
too familiar with Republican feuds and
factions in states outside Pennsylvania,
went to Texas last October. There he
called on Ike's friend Jack Porter and
proceeded to kick Zweifel in the teeth.
"He is a contemptible political boss of
the type I have been fighting all my life,"
said big, bluff, redheaded Duff at a press
Whereupon John G. Bennett of Roches-
ter, who had been helping Duff mastermind
the campaign for Ike, telephoned Duff long
"Senator," remonstrated Bennett, "what
we're interested in is delegates, not Jack
Porter. You're just alienating the Texas
Republicans we have to have vote for us
it Chicago."
"Boy," replied Duff, who is about forty
years older than Bennett, "you're in
Washington. I'm in Texas."
And he slammed down the telephone.
Note-Ike's letter to Porter supporting
Texas on Tidelands Oil also helped further
to alienate Zweifel and the Texas regulars.
V *

sham literature in one mail delivery. .
Congresswoman Bolton of Ohio has intro-
duced a bill providing for five million dol-
lars to train nurses. The nursing shortage is
getting acute. . . . College graduates this
year are moving into the best jobs in his-
tory. Openings are at an all-time record,
with salaries at an all-time high for grad-
uating engineers, physicists, chemists, ac-
countants, mathematicians. The least open-
ings are for majors in personnel and pub-
lic speaking.
* * .
setts has served notice that the econ-
omy bloc plans to slash five billion dollars
off military appropriations. He disclosed
this at a'private luncheon a week ago with
Assistant Secretary of Defense Charles
In alarm, General Bradley invited the
Senate armed services committee to a se-,
cret luncheon at the Pentagon on Friday.
He warned the senators that Russia is
building up her strength around the globe
faster than we can catch up and that a cut
in military appropriations would be dan-
gerous and foolhardy.
. . *
the Senate Armed Services Committee,
General Omar Bradley flatly refuted the
loose talk that Chiang Kai-Shek's forces
could invade the Chinese mainland. He
claimed that the Chinese Nationalists are
in no shape to defend Formosa, let alone
invade the mainland, without American
ships and troops to back them up.
Chiang's Navy, Bradley said, couldn't
land more than a thousand troops onkthe
China coast.
Senator Knowland of California demand-
ed to know why Nationalist troops have not
been used in Korea.
Bradley replied bluntly that Chiang's
soldiers are barefooted, bedraggled, and

At The Michigano.. .
SCARAMOUCHE, with Stewart Granger
and Eleanor Parker
'HERE DOES NOT SEEMi to be a great
deal' wrong with this picture as "sum-
mer entertainment." Personally, however,
having just finished reading Lillian Ross'
hatchet job on MGM in the last five is-
sues of the New Yorker, it was a little
hard for me to look at Metro's "Scara-
mouche" without thinking of all those New
York financiers rubbing their hands glee--
fully over the box office receipts while
poor John Huston flees to Africa so he
won't have to watch them taking all the
fire and music out of "The Red Badge of
Courage." Even the villianous Marquis de
Main began to look like a Wall Street
Actually, "Scaramouche" seems to be
a pretty faithful and vigorous transla-
tion of the well-known Sabatini novel
about sword play in eighteenth century
France. Its virtues are the familiar ones
for such pictures when they are at their
best: high spirits, lots of action, and a
sense of humor. In essence, life is re-
duced thereby to the elemental issue of
who is the best fencer.
Here, this immense simplification goes
so far as to parody itself near the end when
a whole sequence of action is confined sole-
ly to the ungarnished description of a se-
ries of sword fights in which the hero bests
a succession of anonymous aristocrats. The
finale, of course, involves the hero with the
top-dog nobleman in a duel to end all
duels. Unfortunately, someone felt com-
pelled to tack on all sorts of silly things
after it, involving revealed secrets, trips
to the altar, and even Napoleon Bonaparte.
This is evidently calculated to make you
believe that it was the confusion of the
narrative that fundamentally made for
such a good time.
Probably, the most confused and the
least entertaining member of the cast
was hero-clown Stewart Granger. In spite
of his athletic derring-do, he seemed mis-
cast. Eleanor Parker is, on the other
hand, unexpectedly effective as an "act-
ress" (Eighteenth Century usage). She.

ciplinary action by the proper Uni-
versity authorities. Specific rules of
conduct which must be observed aie:
Intoxicating beverages. The use or
presence of intoxicating beverages in
student quarters is not permitted.
(Committee on Student Conduct, July,
Women Guests in Men's Residences.
The presence of women guests in men's
residences, except for exchange and
guest dinners or for social events or
during calling hours approved by the
Office of Student Affairs, is not per-
mitted. This regulation does not apply
to mothers of residents. (Committee on
Student Conduct, January, 1947.)
(Fraternities without resident house
directors and fraternities operting as
rooming houses during the summer
have no calling hour privileges and may
entertain women guests only at ex-
charge or guest dinners or for social
events approved by the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs.)
Registration of Social Events:
Social events sponsored by student
organizations at which both men and
women are to be present must be ap-
proved by the Dean of Students. Appli-
cation forms and a copy of regulations
governing these events may be secured
in the Office of Student Affairs, 1020
Administration Building. Requests for
approval must be submitted to that of-
fice no later than noon of the Monday
before 'the event is scheduled. A list
of approved social1events will be pub-
lished in the Daily Official Bulletin on
Wednesday of each week.
Exchange and Guest Dinners may be
held in organized student residences
(operating a dining room) between 5:30
p.m.-8 p.m. for weekday dinners and
between 1 p.m.-3 p.m. for Sunday din-
ners. These events must be announced
to the Office of Student Affairs at least
one day in advance of the scheduled
date. Guest chaperons are not reqired.
Calling Hours for Women in Men's
Residences. In University Men's Resi-
dence Halls, daily between 3 p.m.-10:30
p.m.; Nelson International House, Fri-
day, 8 p.m.-12 p.m.; Saturday 2:30 p m.-
5:30 p.m. and from 8 h.m.-12 p.m.; Sun-
day, 1 p.m.-10:30 p.m. This privilege ap-
plies only to casual calls and not to
planned parties.
Women callers in men's residences are
restricted to the main floor of the
Applications for Fulbright Awards for
graduate study or research abroad dur-
ing the 1953-54 academic year are now
available. Countries in which study
grants are offered are Australia, Austria,
Belgium, Burma, Denmark, Egypt,
France, Greece, India, Iran, Iraq, Italy,
Japan, the Netherlands, New Zealand,
Norway, Pakistan, the Philippines, Thai-
land, Turkey, the Union of South Af-
rica, and the United Kingdom. The
grants are made under Public Law 584,
79th Congress, the Fubright Act,
which authorizes the Department of
State to use foreign currencies and
credits acquired through the sale of
surplus property abroad for programs
of educational exchange with other na-
tions. Grants are made for one aca-
demic year and generally include round
trip transportation, tuition, a living
allowance and a small amount for
necessary books and equipment. All
grants are made in foreign currencies.
Interested students who hold an A.B.
degree or who will receive such a de-
gree by June, 1953, and who are pre-
sently enrolled in the University of
Michigan, may request application forms
for a Fulbright award at the office of
the Graduate School. The closing date
for receipt of applications is October
Persons not enrolled in a college or
university in the spring or fall of 19-
52 should direct inquiries and requests
for applications to the Institute of In-
ternational Education, U.S. Student
Program, 1 East 67th Street, New York,
21, N.Y. The last date on which appli-
cations will be issued by the Insti-
tute is October 15.
Registration of Student Organiza-
tions: Student organizations planning
to be active during the Summer Ses-
sion must register in the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs not later than July 3.
Forms for registration are available in
the Office of Student Affairs, 1020 Ad-
ministration Building.
(' ,rnl - . en-ca T n ~ , T.rr~i

its students. The restrictions on the
use of automobiles do not apply to the
following students of the summer ses-
sion who are in an EXEMPT category,
but even students of this EXEMPT ca-
tegory must register their automobiles
with the Office of Student Affairs,,
Room 1020 Administration Building.
The following students are in an EX-
EMPT category:
1. Those who.in the academic year1
are engaged in professional pursuits,
as, for example; teachers, lawyers, phy-
sicians, dentists, nurses. That is, those
who in the preceding academic yenr
were engaged in one of the above occu-3
pations or professions and not en-
roll'ed as a student,
2. Those who are 26 years of age or
3. Students holding a faculty rank of
teaching fellow or higher.
Students who are NOT EXEMPT in
accordance with the above listings mays
apply for permits in the Office of Stu-1
dent Affairs, Room 1020 Acministrations
Building. Each application will be con-,
sidered upon its merits. A Recreational
privilege is available for participation"
in outdoor sports such a's golf, tennis,,
swimming, etc.
All students who in the academic
year 1951-52, held either EXEMPT or
SPECIAL privilege permits will be en-"
titled to the same privilege for the
summer session provided clearance for
such privilege is obtained at the Of-
fice of Student Affairs.
All students, including those who are
in the EXEMPT category, must carry
Public Liability and Property Damage1
and furnish the name of the insuring1
company, the policy number, and ex-
piration date of the policy before per-
mission to drive is granted. Any student
under 21 years of age must present a
letter from a parent giving him per-
mission to operate a car.
NOTE: Any student who drives with-
out first having secured anpermit is
subject to disciplinary action.
Registration for Positions: The Bu-
reau of Appointments will hold a meet-
ing at 3:10 Thursday, June 26, in Room
231 Angell Hal for all students who
wish to register with the Bureau for
positions after summer school. This
applies to those interested in the Teach-
er Placement Division or the General
Placement Division. Registration is op-
en to both seniors and graduate stu-
dents. Any student who will be avail-
able for permanent employment after
the summer session may register, even
though it may be his first term in the
University. I
For further information concerning
registration for positions contact the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin-
istration Bldg., or call extension 2614.
Summer School Elections: All stu-
dents who have been registered previ-
ously with the Bureau of Appointments
are asked to come to the office, 3528
Administration Bldg.; and give us your
elections for this term in order to bring
your record up to date. Current address
and telephone are also essential.
Personnel Requests
The Eaton Manufacturing Company,
Cleveland, Ohio, has an opening for a
young woman who is interested in in-
dustrial editing, as assistant to the edi-
tor of employee publications. Persons
qualifying for the position should be
able to type and do correspondence and
have some training in journalism.
The Philadelphia Quartermaster De-
pot, U.S. Army, Philadelphia, Pennsyl-
vania, is currently recruiting Physical
and Organic Chemists and Physicists
with Ph.D's to conduct basic research
on items related to the Quartermaster
The Joseph T. Ryerson & Son, Inc.,
need a strctural or civil engineer for
work in their Detroit plant.
Armour and Company, Chicago, Illi-
nois, is in need of chemists in its lab-
oratories which is a training ground
for advancement to research depart-
ment. Application blanks are available
at the Bureau of Appointments.
The Sinclair Pipe Line Company,
Marion, Ohio, would like to receive ap-
plications for employment from elec-
Academic Freedom
edit filler .. 14 bit Academic M3

trical, mechanical, and civil engineers
for general engineering, design and
Armour and Company, Chemical Di-
vision, Chicago, wants new or recent
graduates with chemistry background
for sales field and ultimately for man-
agerial positions. Would like'apeople
with training in marketing, saes pro-
motion and economics along with or-
ganic chemistry background.
American Metals Products Company,
Detroit, Michigan, would be intereste.
in receiving applications from Metal-
lurgical or Chemical Engineers, for job
as assistant to lab director.
Kelvinator, Detroit, Michigan, desires
young man for advertising and sales
promotion field.
General Exchange Insurance Corpora-
tion, Detroit, Michigan, is interested in
college men who would like to become
insurance adjusters.
For more detailed information, data
and application blanks come to the
Bureau of Appointments, 3528 Admin-
istrationr Building, or call extension 371.
Symposium on Heat Transfer. "Con-
ditions in Heat Transfer Problems
Which Create High Thermal .Stress."
Alan S.Foust, Chairman, Department
of Chemical Engineering, Lehigh Uni,-
versity. 3:00 p.m., 311 West Engineering
Modern Views of Man and Society.
lecture. "The Critical Function." An-
thony West, novelist and critic. 4:15
p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall.
Atomic Energy: Industrial and Lega
Problems. Lectures. Thursday, June 2
at 10:00 a.m. 2 p.m., 100 Hutchins Hall.
Academic Notices
Sociology 51s. Room Change, Section
2, 10 a.m., will meet in Room 2, Eco-
nomics Building, Instead of Angell Hall.
Algebra Seminar: First meeting -
Thursday, June 25, in Room 3010 A.H,
from 3:00. to 4:30 p.m. Dr. M. Suzuki
will speak on "Lattices of Subgroups."
Topology seminar: Friday, June 27,
at 3:30 p.m. in Room 3011 A.H. and
thereafter on Tuesdays, at 3:30 p.m. in
Room 3010 A.H. Seminar topic: "Fiber
Student Recital: Frank Porretta, Ten-
or, will present a program in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
Bachelor of Music degree at 8:30 Wed-
nesday evening, June 25, in the Archi-
tecture Auditorium. A pupil of Harold
Haugh, Mr. Porretta will sing works by
Handel, Donaudy, Bizet, Schubert, Mo-
zart, Chudacoff, Respighi, Cimara, and
yerdi. His recital will be open to the
general public.
Recital Postponed: The recital by Ro-
bert Thompson, pianist, originally sche-
duled for Thursday, June 26, in the Ar-
chitecture Auditorium, has been post-
poned until Monday evening, June 30.
Carillon Recital: Sidney Giles. Assist-
ant University Carillonneur, will open
the series of summer carillon programs
at 7:15 Thursday evening, June 26. It
will include his Prelude 1 as well as
works by Lefevere, Nees, Clemet, Han-
del, Gossec, Boccherini, MacDowell, and
The second program will follow at
7:15 p.m. Friday, June 27, with Ronald
Barnes, Carillonneur of the .Tniversity
of Kansas, as Guest Carillonneur.
Museum of Art. Sixth annual exhibi-
tion, Michigan Water Colr Society.
General Library, main lobby cases.
Early and important works pertaining
to philosophy.
Museum of Archaeology. Ancient
Egypt and Rome of the Empire.
Museums Building. Rotunda exhibit.
Some fungi of Michigan (through June
Michigan Historical Collections, 160
Rackham Building, The changing Cam-
Clements Library. American books
which have influenced the modern
mind (through September 1).
Law Library. Atomic energy (through
July 5).
Architecture Building. Student work
(June 11-July 7).
Events Today
Speech Assembly and Tea. 3:00 p.m.
Rackham Amphitheater and Assembly
Coming Events
Luncheon-Discussion, 1215-2:00 June
26, "The Place of Ritual in Religion."
Leader: Rev. Bruce Cooke. To be held'
in the Fireside Room, Lane Hall.

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Sixty-Second Yea?
Edited and managed by students et
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Leonard Greenbaum... Managing Editor
Ivan Kaye and Bob Margolin
...................Co-Sports Editors
Nan Reganall....... Women's Editor
Joyce Pickies..... Night Editor
Harry Lunn ...............Night Editor
Marge Shepherd..........Night Editor
virginia Voss..............Night Editor
Mike Wolff.................Night Editor
Tom Treeger.......Business Manager
C. A. Mitts.........Advertising Manager
Jim Miller......-... ..Finance Manager


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