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July 11, 1952 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1952-07-11

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FRIDAY, JULY 11, 1952

__ _ _ __ _ _ __ _ _ _ __ _ _ _,_

rRIDAY, JULY 1!, 1952

THE APPOINTMENT of a special vice
squad to combat gambling and narcotic
violations in Washtenaw County comes as a
rather belated admission that this area is,
not the lily white, idyllic country side ad-
vertised in Chambere of Commerce publi-
city blurbs.
Somewhat of a shock, perhaps, to the
proper, proud citizen, were the reports by
three local political and civic figures
which claimed that evidence of county
narcotic cases among both teen agers and
adults were mounting, and that there was
a correlation between dope addiction,
gambling and felonies.
The result of their reports was the ap-
pointment of a squad, if two men can be
called a squad, "to stamp out the evil be-
fore it really gets started."
Simultaneously with the squad's forma-
tion came statements of full cooperation
from Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti police, both
of whom, however, made it a point to re-
lapse into the attitude that narcotics are
1 really not a problem in Our Towns, Michi-
This familiar attitude has perhaps
done more toward creating 'the general
impression that delinquency doesn't ex-
ist in Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti than any
organized attempt to beat down crime.
This impression still remains only a myth
-witness the widely publicized murder of
Nurse Pauline Campbell last fall and the
innocuous petty thefts that occur regularly.
As for the narcotic traffic, nothing can
be definitely proven, but there have been a
perpetual series of rumours that some high
school students involved in juvenile delin-
quency take dope.
It is reportedly available in Ann Arbor
and in Ypsi if you know the right people
and the right places.
A 1951 state-wide report on narcotic's
cases showed that violations had jumped
100 per cent over 1950 and 500 per cent ov-
er 1946. With the rest of the state experi-
encing such a violent increase, it seems
somewhat naive to say that Ann Arbor
and Ypsilanti have remained snow-white.
Even Bill Morey admitted smoking one
Marijuana cigarette.
The fault more likely lies with police
failure to take effectiveaction or to report
known cases. Such an incident was dis-
closed in one of the final issues of the now
defunct Washtenaw Post-Tribune.
In April, 1951, an Ann Arbor couple
complainedhtothe policethat they had
been told their son, at the time in the
county jail for drunkeness, had been ob-
taining dope in Ypsilanti. The police
took no action on the report even though
the alleged supplier was named.
Other vices rumoured to have infiltrated
the county include teen-age chloroform par-
ties and prostitution.
Admittedly there is the chance that these
rumours are nothing more than just that,
that much of the vice is imagined by thrill
seekers. But with the stories cropping up
so often there is more than a chance that
there is some basis to them.
If the newly formed vice squad is honest
and diligent in its worl, Ann Arborites may
receive a new picture of their community,
one that might shock them at first, but
through knowing about it, one that they
can effectively change by direct action.
If the vice squad, however, is being set up
as a political promotion stunt, or if it is in-
tended to serve as either the whitewasher
or the scapegoat of community inefficiencies,
then Ann Arborites and their neighbors will
continue to enjoy their own brand of pipe
RepubI can

Foreign Policy
BEFORE THE Republicans convened in
Chicago there was a good deal of talk
about a new G.O.P. approach to foreign af-
fairs. The old isolationism was to have been
thrown aside for international cooperation
and bi-partisan foreign policy. Up to this
point of the convention, this supposedly new
Republicanism ihas been noticeably silent.
The most obvious thing that the Taft-Eis-
enhower debate has not concerned itself
with is isolationism versus internationalism.
The isolationists have gone unchallenged.
Herbert Hoover'es speech, for instance,
will no doubt be reprinted in every for-
eign Communist newspaper. At a time
when the Reds are striving, and with some
degree of success, to create a cleavage
between the United States and Western
Europe, the ex-president blasted our allies
for not having amore bellicose attitude
toward Russia, and advocated removal of
American ground troops from Europe.
It is worth noting that the twenty min-
utes of cheers that welcomed Mr. Hoover
came from no particular group; or faction
at the convention. It was unanimous.
The struggle within the Republican party
is one of men for power. It is over delegates,
not policy. Whoever wins will do so because
his supporters will have been able to sell
the idea that he can get the votes in No-
Regardless of who receives the Republi-
can nomination he will go before the vot-
ers tainted by the fact that he received
it at the hands of a convention that gave

CHICAGO - If Sen. Robert A. Taft is If it had not been for the polls, a lot
beaten at this convention, the man he of people might have shouted loud and
must chiefly blame is President Harry S. long that "Taft can't win." But with no
Truman. For the day when the Senator's simple, seemingly solid evidence to sup-
Truany Fosrteday nwen egport their argument, the argument never
carefully constructed bandwagon began to would have overcome the inherent prefer-
slow down was the day when the President once of the Republican professionals for
announced he would not run again. the Taft brand of Republicanism. With-
out the polls, the "Taft-can't-win" charge
Truman's withdrawal was such a mor- could have been shrugged off by the
tal blow to Taft for two rather simple rea- Taftites.
sons. First of all, with Truman out as
the Democratic candidate, the Ohio Sena- It may be against sound public policy, and
for lost the ideal target for the kind of it probably is. It may be silly, and it prob-
no-holds barred campaigning that he ably is. But the fact remains that the polls
practices. Second, and much more im-
portant, it was really Truman's with- gave substance, in the minds of great num-
drawal which created the "Taft-can't bers of the delegates here assembled, to the
win" psychology, picture of Sen. Taft as an election-loser.
If you talk to many of the delegates here Next to President Truman, whose withdraw-
assembled, you discover a peculiar difference al changed the polls, Sen. Taft owes his
between the Taft people and the Eisenhower heaviest debt of resentment to the men who
people. The Taft people are mostly pas- took them. Those close to him report that
sionate personal admirers of their man, his feelings on th point are extremely
whose brand of Republicanism they regard fiery.
as the only "real Republicanism." The Eis-
enhower people, on the other hand, do not
waste breath on theological discussions of ANYONE WOULD be a fool to forecast
"real Republicanism." They talk about how the outcome of this convention at this time.
the Republicans can win the November elec- Perhaps Sen. Taft will overcome the "Taft-
tion. can't-win" psychology after all. But anyone
* * * * who has sounded the minds of the many
PERHAPS HALF the Eisenhower people delegates here, can easily foresee that if
. pthe Senator is nominated, he is going to
genuinely dislike Sen. Taft's political have a lot of trouble with the Republican
viewpoint, record and associations. This faction-perhaps 25 per cent of the total
group actively desires a moderately pro- here-that genuinely and deeply fears iso-
gressive Republican party purged of isola- lationism, McCarthy and excessive conser-
tionism and McCarthyism. But the other vatism. By the same token, if Gen. Eisen-
half of the Eisenhower people would be yell- hower gets the nomination, he may have
ing for Sen. Taft this minute, if they even worse trouble with the truly religious
thought, as one of them remarked to these believers in Taft Republicanism, who per-
reporters, that "Bob Taft had a tinker's has copriseplmany sm40wpereo
in hel ofgettng t theWhis comprise as many as 40 per cent of
chance in hell of getting to the White the delegate total.
It is very hard, at least for these prob-
This great swing group did indeed be- ably obtuse reporters, to understand the
lieve that Sen. Taft had a chance of being fundamentally theological approach to
elected while they also believed that politics of these right-wing Republicans.
President Truman would be the Demo- For them, the Republican right-wingers,
cratic nominee. It may be remembered the ordinary language of politics has ac-
that the public opinion polls taken prior quired a lot of queer new meanings. Op-
to Truman's withdrawal showed the Ohio ponents of Sen. Taft and backers of Gen.
Senator with a slight but definite edge in Eisenhower are "Democrats," "concealed
trial heats against Truman. New Dealers," and "millionaire Socialists."
A single opinion poll showing Sen. Taft The General himself, whose political
A sngl opnio pol sowig Sn. aft speeches have been so markedly conser-
with the slightest edge over any of the ,ative, is none the less a "leftist." In
other potential Democratic nominees would sot, anone wh iss f en. Iaf
havebeenworh unoldshort, anyone who is not for Sen. Taft
hraebeen worth untoldgold to the Taft should be investigated by Sen. McCarran.
organizers here in Chicago. Instead, the
moment Truman withdrew, the test polls in- And all of this means, in turn, that even
variably showed Sen. Taft trailing far be- if the desire to win the November election
hind the men the Democrats may nominate, determines the Republican choice, the party
Cruelly enough, the same polls showed the will have a very hard time closing its ranks
Democrats trailing far behind Gen. Eisen- for a winning campaign.
hower. (Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)
Ilse Strength, Growsl
CHICAGO-The parade of the governors old weakness of theirs, the Taft forces have
who are elected to their jobs stemmed been publicly thrown back and they have
the Taft tide set in motion by the nonelec- illuminated the one argument they fear
tive National Committee. most: Taft can't win.
In state after state governors matched not ts fashio hle at th opGovernor ee
their words in favor of the rules change ofNwo rkea e willnoree
with delegates to procure,it. This was the of New York, and he will not address the
convention. But he made his contribution
grass-roots support always claimed by the of a whim of iron to the decision to give
Eisenhower forces. Had it failed to come battle at once and never retreat; it was he,
through, Ike would have been through. also, who fixed upon the successful modifi-
It came-and the delegates, who know cation of the rules change to provide that
their politics, will be suitably impressed. contested delegates could not vote unless
Nor will the near-unanimous votes of Cali- they had been upheld by two-thirds of the
fornia, Michigan and Pennsylvania be lost National Committee.
on them. Naturally Senator Taft is making as

California is a special case in the sense much capital as possible of the "Dewey
that it has a favorite son, Governor Warren. influence." Cards are being circulated in
En route East, its delegates, however, had paraphrase of Dewey's "I request and dir- ,
all but given up and were debating their ect" to the national committee to permit
second and third choices. Arriving here to TV in its hearings. They say that "Gover-
find the bitter Taft-Ike contest, they closed nor Dewey requests and directs the nom-
ranks. At least for the present they will ination of General Eisenhower."
hold intact their valuable 70 votes. Inevit- Governor Dewey will never be able to
ably there is talk they will be used to obtain
the icepreidecy or Snatr Kowlnd-compete with Calvin Coolidge in Republican
the vice presidency for Senator Knowland; hearts; perhaps, however, not all Republi-
the Attorney Generalship for Warren. cans blame it all on him. Jimmy Walker
The other two are cold business-the once said "Americans don't love a loser,
business of winning the election. Neither they love a winner"; but as a rule they
objects to Senator Taft; their leaders and don't forever rub it into losers.
supporting financial interests just don't In any case the great risk succeeded. Eis-
think he can win. enhower is very much in the race in an im-
By overestimating their own strength, an proved position.

I' l

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The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notiee to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (11 a.m.
on Saturday).
Employment Opportunities: The Uni-
versity of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas,
announces part-time instructorships in
English. An A.B. or higher degree in
English is required. Teaching experi-
ence is desirable but not essential.
The State of Michigan announces
Civil Service examinations for Educa-
tion Consultants. There is a minimum
requirement of three years of teaching
experience and a master's degree in
education. Application must be filed no
later than July 23.
For further information contact the
University Bureau of Appointmens and
Occupational Information, 3528 Admin-
istration Building.
M.A. Language Examinatio-Friday,
July 11, 4-5 p.m., 1007 A.H. Sign list in
History Office. Can bring a dictionary.
Make-Up Examination in History-
Saturday, July 12, 9:00-12:00 a.m. 1007
A.H. Obtain written permissioa from
your instructor, and then sign iist in
History Office.
Department of Astronomy. Visitors'
Night, Friday, July 11, 8:30 p.m. Dr. Guy
C. Omer, Jr., Visiting Professor from the
University of Chicago, will speak on
"The Birth of our Universe" After the
illustrated lecture in 3017 Angell Hall,
the Students' Observatory on the fifth
floor will be open for telescope obser-
vation of Mars, a star cluster, and a
double star, if the sky is clear, or for
inspection of the telescopes and plane-
tarium. if the sky is cloudy. Children
are welcomed, but must beyaccompn-
ied by adults.
Summer Camp Opportunities: A girls'
camp located near Ann Arbor is seeking
an assistant director for the summer.;
The salary is $35 per week and room
and board.
The University of MichiganaFresh Air
Camp has an opening for a kitchen
helper during the summer.
For further information contact the'
University Bureau of Appointments and1
Occupational Information, 3528 Admin-l
istration Building.
Personnel Interviews
The Girl Scouts of America will have
a recruiting representative on campus
Tuesday and Wednesday, July 15 and
16. Any women students who are in-]
terested in having an interview may
make appointments by calling the Bu-
reau of Appointments, extension 371,
There will be a representative on
campus from the Wayne County Bu-1
reau of Social Aid on Thursday, July
17, for purposessof interviewing people
interested in social work as a career.
Please call the Bureau of Appointments
if an appointment is desired.1
Procter & Gamble Company has need
for young women to do field work and
market research. No specific degree isI
required, but girls must be willing to
travel. Interviews will be arranged if
several people are interested. All can-
didates forvthis position must be will-
ing to drive a car.
Personnel Requests
The Chase Aircraft Company, Inc.,1
Willow Run, Michigan, has need forc
accountants and engineers, both new{
and experienced.I
For additional information, appoint-c
mnents for interviews, and other data
please come to the Bureau of Appoint-
ments, 3528 Administration Building, orI
call extension 371.
Physics Symposium. "V-Particles and
Other Particles in Penetrating Cosmicc
Ray Showers." Professor Carl D. Ander-
son, California Institute of Technology,
10:00 a.m.; "Meson Physics," R. E.1
Marshak, University of Rochester.11;0 r
a.m., 1400 Chemistry Building.t
Symposium on Heat Transfer. "Liquid
Metal Heat Transfer." H. F. Poppen-{
diek, Oak Ridge National Laboratory.
3:00 p.m.,' 311 West Engineering Build-a
Conference on Elementary Eduction
"What the Secondary School Expects of
the Elementary School." Stanley E. Di-
The Beginning x

mond, Professor of Education. 9:00 a.m.,
Michigan Union Ballroom.
Sociedad Hispanica. Lecture and dem-
onstration of some audio-visual aids by
Mr. A. Lavistida, of the AudoVisual
Section, July 15, at 8 p.m., East Con-
ference Room, Rackham Building.
Academic Notices
Teachers' Seminar in Pharmaceutical
Chemistry. 9:00 a.m., 10:30 a.m., 1:00
p.m., 2:30 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater.
Biological Symposium: Technical Se-
minar by Professor Frank H. Johnson
on "Some Recent Advances in the Anal-
ysis of Drug Action," Friday, July 11
4:15 p.m., 1300 Chemistry Building.
M. A. Language Examination-Friday,
July 11, 4-5 p.m., 1007 A. H. Sign list
in History Office. Can bring dictionary.
Seminar in Aeronautical Engineering
Friday, July 11, at 10:00 a.m. Gilles M.
Corcos will speak on "The Stability of
Poiseuille Flows."
Tennis and Golf Instruction: The
Department of Physical Education for
Women will offer the following classes
beginning July 14 for ten lessons: Golf,
MTuWTh. 3:30, Tennis MTuWTh. 4:30.
Anyone interested should register for
these classes in Office 15, Barbur Gym-
Student Recital Cancelled: The recital
of Glenn Walker, Clarinetist, previously
announced for Monday evening, July
14, in the Rackham Assembly Hall, has
been cancelled.
Student Recital Postponed: The re-
cital by Harriet Wilson, Organist, pre-
viously announced for Friday evening,
July 11, has been postponed until Wed-
nesday afternoon, July 30, in Hill Au-
Faculty Concert: John Kollen, pianist,
will play a program of Schubert Sona-
tas at 8:30 Tuesday eening, July 15, in
the Rackham Lecture Hal. It will oen
with Sonata No. 18 in G major, Op. 78,
followed by Sonata 19 in C minor, and
Sonata No. 20 in A major. The recital
will be open to the general public with-
out charge,
The Summer Session Concert Band,
conducted by Dr. William D. Revelli,
will present an outdoor concert "On
the Mall" (the steps of the Rackham
Building) on Wednesday, July 16, at
7:30 p.m. In case of rain the concert will
be held in Hill Auditorium at 8:30 p.m.
Museum of Art. The artist's view-
point. July 8-28.
Rackham Galleries. Children's art
from the schools of Michigan. July 9-18.
General Library, main lobby cases.
Books which have influenced the mo-
dern mind.
Museum of Archaeology. Ancient
Egypt and Rome of the Empire,
Museums Building. Rotunda exhibit.
Some museum techniques.
Michigan Historical Collections, 160
Rackham Building. The changing Cam-
Clements Library. American books
which have influenced the modern mind
(through September 1).
Law Library. Atomic energy.
Architecture Building. Student work.
Events Today
The Fresh Air Camp Clinic will be
held at the camp oni Patterson Lake,
Friday, July 11, at 8:0 p.m. r, Rabin-
ovitch, Assoc. Prof., of Psychiatry: in
Charge of Children's Service, Neuro-7
psychiatric Institute, will be the dis-
cussant._ _
S.R.A Luncheon Group meets at Lane
Hall at 12:15 p.m. Discussion: The Re-
publican Platform. All interested stu-
dents are invited.4
S .R.A. International Punch Hour,
Lane Hall, 4:15-5:30 p.m. Students from
other countries will be special guests.
Graduate Mixer Dance: From 9 to 12j
p.m. Earle Perason's orchestra. Refresh-
muents served. Graduate students and
their friends are invited.
For good theatre entertainment seej
"Harvey" a hilarious comedy by Mary
Chase presented by the Department of1
Speech at the Lydia Mendelssohn the-1
atre tonight at 8 p.m. Tickets on salej
at the box office from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m.
Coming Events
S.R.A. Inter-cultural Outing, Kensing-
ton Recreational Area, Saturday. Leave
Lane Hall 11:00 a.m. Call Lane Hall for
reservations. All Students welcome.

Washington Merry-Go-Round
, * * ,
CHICAGO-For a man who knew almost nothing about politics, Ike
Eisenhower has done pretty well at Chicago.
Lounging in a dark red bathrobe and a pair of shorts, Eisen-
hower sat in his suite at the Hotel Blackstone getting reports
from division commanders in battle. There was not the same
tension, of course, and it's also doubtful that Eisenhower under-
stood all the political jockeying of his campaign commanders
as he would the feints of his division commahders.
But, in politics as in war, victory usually goes to the man with the
best organization-plus a cause. And though Senator Taft has had 12
years of careful party organization, behind him, together with some
of the most devoted leaders in the GOP, here are the factors which
Eisenhower has had backing him:
1. A SKILLED CHIEF OF STAFF-What Gen. Omar Bradley was
for the Normandy landing, Gov. Tom Dewey of New York has been
for Ike's political battle. Though unpopular with many leaders, Dewey
knows the political moves, has built up a smooth machine, and it
really functioned at Chicago.
2. A CAUSE-It wasn't until Taft handed Eisenhower the
"vte steal" slogan in Texas and Louisiana that Ike really began
to gather steam. This gave him a chance to argue that the Re-
publicans should not go in for the corruption that they'd pinned
on the Democrats. The argument carried weight.
since that which nominated Wendell Willkie in 1940 has seen any-
hting to equal Ike's ballyhoo. It was done by some experts from Gen-
eral Mills in Minneapolis and from Young and Rubicam in New York,
There's been a lot of merely spontaneous Ike sentiment, too. Pretty
girls boosting Ike have been everywhere, passing out buttons by the
handful. Taft buttons were passed out parsimoniously, only one at a
4. MONEY-Though Taft seemed to have most of the cash at
first, and the Eisenhower forces were slow in paying their hotel
deposit, someone has really taken the rubber band off the Eisen-
hower bankroll recently. Taft claims that Wall Street opened up
for Ike are probably correct. Winthrop Aldrich, head of the Chase
Bank and a member of the Rockefeller family, is an old and
faithful Dewey supporter.
5. ECONOMIC PRESSURES-In every convention, whether Re-
publican or Democratic, it's the deals and the last-minute pressures
that swing big blocs of delegates. FDR got the nomination in 1932 by
promising two cabinet post to William Gibbs McAdoo for his friends
and the Vice-Presidency to John Nance Garner.
At Chicago today, the Michigan delegation was swung into line
chiefly by General Motors and Ford. Four years ago, the head of the-
Michigan delegation, Arthur Summerfield, was strong for Taft. Even
when Michigan Republicans held their convention this year, Summer-
field still held out for Taft. But Summerfield is a General Motors
dealer, in fact, is reputed to be the biggest Chevrolet dealer in the
world. So, when General Motors notified Summerfield in no uncertain
terms that he had better be for Eisenhower, it gave him cause for
Simultaneously one of Henry Ford's executives sent word to
Summerfield that if he wanted any money for the GOP in Michi-
gan he had better get off the Taft bandwagon. So, at Chicago,
swing-man Summerfield helped swing Michigan delegates to Ike.
Swing-man for Pennsylvania, Gov. John Fine, started out lean-
ing toward either Taft or Eisenhower. But the steel industry of Penn-
sylvania is the most potent in the state, and also happens to be for
Eisenhower. Its executives can be persuasive. Also persuasive were
some talks which Governor Dewey had with local political leaders in
Pennsylvania and which they in turn had with Fine. They told him
that with Ike on the ticket it made the difference between winning or
losing their districts in November, and they wanted to win.
These were some of the moves by which Ike Eisenhower, the
naive and none-too-happy politician, learned that when it comes to
politics there's more than one way to skin a candidate.
MORE HAS LEAKED OUT on the New York caucus at which Tom
Dewey really cracked the whip. To keep his delegates in line on
the question of changing the old 1912 rules on seating contested
delegates, Dewey urged: "It's all right to have a difference of opinion,
but I'm a regular Republican and a great believes in party regularity.
You can still be a Republican and disagree with me in this fight, but
not a New York Republican."
State Chairman Bill Pfeiffer echoed Dewey: "I also have a
long memory and I won't forget those who desert us on this
issue." . . New York's Sen. Irving Ives was milder. He said: "If

we are going to fight corruption in the Democratic Administra-
tion we have got to keep our own house clean." . .. They won the
day. With the exception of one delegate, New York stuck with
Dewey on the contested delegates issue.
General MacArthur's cardinal mistake in his keynote speech was
making it too long. Remarked onel-




delegate: "I guess his speech was
all right, but I went to sleep."
Gov. John Lodge of Connecticut
made thenbest speech of the con-
vention-less bombast and more
appeal to reason. Guy Gabrielson
did a good job of presiding . .
Remarked one lady delegate from
Missouri: "All we Republicans do
is quote Abraham Lincoln and all
the Democrats do is run against
Herbert Hoover."
(Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate)
IN TIMES of shallow prosperity,
the conservative function is to
insist on distinguishing value from
price; wisdom from cleverness;
happiness from hedonism; rever-
ence from success-worship. In
times of defeat, conservatism re-
minds us that we must still res-
pect moral and social law, no mat-
ter how desperate our apparent
crisis and no matter how radiant
the ends that would "justify" our
using lawless means.
--Peter Viereck
Birth of the GOP"

i.C ti MYt Mt


At The Michigan .
SCANDAL SHEET, with Broderick
. Crawford, Donna Reed and John Derek.
THE TYPICAL, unrealistic, movie produc-
er's concept of a newspaper gets a
thorough going over in this considerably
worse-than-average film.
Broderick Crawford is cast as the hard
boiled managing editor of the Daily Ex-
press, a sensational tabloid newspaper. He
murders his wife whom he deserted 20 years
hbfnre when she reco-nizes him at the Ex-

His hero-worshiping protege, played by
John Derek, immediately swings into ac-
tion to trap the killer. He is aided by sen-
sible Donna Reed, who appears to be the
only level headed person in the wole movie.
The 'big shot' editor lackadaisically at-
tempts to stem the tide of Derek's en-
thusiasm throughout, but with no results,
as the young reporter comes nearer and
nearer to solving the murder.
In a melodramatic showdown, Crawford
is finally identified as the murdered in the
dimly lit offir of the Exnrese Trfore he is

Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Leonard Greenbaum...Managing Editor
Ivan Kaye and Bob Margolin
...................Co-Sports Editors
Nan Reganall..........Women's Editor
Joyce Fickies..............Night Editor
Harry Lunn..............Night Editor
Marge Shepherd.........Night Editor
Virginia Voss............Night Editor
Mike Wolff................Night Editor
Tom Treeger........Business Manager
C. A. Mitts.........Advertising Manager
Jim Miller...........Finance Manager
Jim Tetreault......Circulation Manager




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