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July 06, 1952 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1952-07-06

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SUNDAE", JULY 6, 1953

________________________________________________ I

ONE INDICATION of how low our two
major parties have fallen is shown by
the choice of the keynote speakers for both
conventions. The Republicans have chosen
General Douglas MacArthur, an aged man
who rose out of the Pacific to be heralded
by one of the most emotional receptions ever
given a returning hero. The Democrats have
chosen Governor Paul Dever of Massachu-
setts, a product of big city politics and the
possessor of a most undistinguished career.
MacArthur, by far the more famous,
typifies the extent to which the Republi-
can Convention has been rigged for a
Taft nomination, and how the Old Guard
still controls the Republican party despite
the hopes of the liberal element.
Dever, in his turn, signifies the mediocrity
of the Democratic party, its deep immersion
in the principles of patronage and its firm
ties to the political maneuvering of the big
city machinery.
For a brief period, General MacArthur,
possessing a preacher's gift for speech, ap-
proached the stature of a modern prophet
and rocked the foundations of presidential
authority. Not being a consistent person-
in his Pacific command there was only one
authority-MacArthur soon talked his way
off his pedestal.
His Lansing speech, in which he warned
that "It would be a tragic development
indeed if this generation was forced to
look to the rigidity of military dominance
and discipline ... was an extreme parti-
san attack on General Eisenhower. Re-
cognized as such by Ike boosters, it cost
MacArthur the support of Henry Luce's
Life-Time syndicate, which for the first
time in memory, laced into the aged
warrior, one of the architects of the T-L
Pacific policy.
The General's brief Ann Arbor visit this
spring, gave him another chance to lose
friends. When his five minute "hello" speech
on the steps of Hill Auditorium was inter-
rupted by the bonging of the Burton Tower
bells, the General after a brief pause, dra-
matically told how the chimes would etch
this visit in his heart etcetera, etcetera.
Eisenhower and Burton Tower aside, Mac-
Arthur is a man whose personal ambitions
far outdistance even the public's estimation
fo rhim. His entrance in today's political
scene is the grandiose return of a previous-
ly unwantedcontender. For MacArthur,
though he believes a military man won't do
today, was eagerly anticipating a Republi-
can "Mac for President" draft in '48. Nor
would he turn down a similar request in '52.
As for the Governor from Massachu-
setts, Paul Dever was raised in one of the
cheapest of political arenas - Boston.
Though called an "astute political ob-
server" by the Alsop Brothers, he has con-
fined his politics to being a middle man in
disputes and to sponsoring as many char-
ity and social functions as possible.
His main asset, and the reason for his
re-election to a second term, was his much
needed road building program. Signs read-
ing "Excuse the inconvenience while Massa-
chusetts builds a bigger and better highway
system-Gov. Paul Dever" dot every high-
way in the state. There is not a section of
Massachusetts that did not get its overpass
or its four-lane scenic route. At the rate
he is trvelling Dever's million dollar a mile
roads w' eep him in the governorship per-
But he Is far from being an astute ob-
server, or an inspirer and furthest of all
from being a leader.
Meanwhile the Democrats, faced with
the outside charges of corruption and a
needless foreign war, are split within by
the Dixiecrat-Fair Dealer band. Though
this struggle is worn by age and lacks the
drama of the GOP split, its healing will
be one of the major concerns of the party.

What this leaves the Democrats and the
Republicans with are two keynote speakers,
who, though they reflect much that is wrong
with each group, give little indication of a
way for improvement.
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.

Steel Strike

Pre-Convention Roundup

THE SENATE Thursday unanimously re-
quested that the United Steel Workers
and the steel companies end the present
Strike and begin collective bargaining. A
week previous Congress requested that Pres-
ident Truman invoke an injunction against
the strikers under powers given him in the
Taft-Hartley Act. Unfortunately, by merely
making known their sentiments, congress-
men cannot set idle steel plants in motion.
Congress' first request to the President
came during a week characterized by con-
fused, illiberal, anti-Truman legislation.
The President's refusal to use the Taft-
Hartley Law left him open to a barrage of
criticism and an intensification of famil-
iar name-calling.
Those congressmen, industrialists and
journalists who belong to the Taft-Hartley-
is-a-panacea school should, however, take a
better look at the present situation and at
the legal instrument they wish to make use
A Taft-Hartley injunction would take at
least four days to go into effect under nor-
mal conditions. There is reason to believe
that the union would appeal an injunction
causing a lengthy legal battle. If the injunc-
tion were declared legal there are strong
hints that at this stage of the dispute the
individual steel workers would not comply.
In addition, all the Tqft-Hartley Act
could do, at best, is what the steel workers
have already done twice, voluntarily. The
men might be requested to get back on
the job for a sixty to eighty day period,
but last December when they had original-
ly planned to go on strike they voluntarily
complied with a government request for
postponement. On March 23 they com-
plied with another such request. Two post-
ponements brought no satisfactory solu-

tion. There is no reason to believe that
further postponement would be of any val-
ue in clearing up the muddle.
It is most unusual that it should be neces-
sary for the Senate to issue a special request
that collective bargaintg begin. Collective
bargaining ; a method of settling labor dis-
putes has been legally recognized for almost
twenty years. Yet, last winter when the steel
workers' contracts came up for renewal, Ben-
jamin Fairless, president of United States
Steel said: "Whether our workers are to get
a .raise and how much it will be if they do
is a matter which cannot be determined by
collective bargaining."
At the time the steel owners hoped for a
settlement in Washington. But when the
Wage Stabilization Board made its recom-
mendations the industry accused it of par-
tisanship and refused to adhere to its re-
port. Since then the steel companies have
made no honest attempt to bargain collec-
tively. Big Steel (U. S. and Bethlehem) is
using all its influence in the industry to
prevent smaller producers from settling.
Labor's requests are reasonable enough.
They demand a union shop, which has long
been an operating principle in many In-
dustries. Their wage demands were de-
clared just by the W. S. B. and by price
director Ellis Arnall, who proved his point
in a detailed report to Congress which
has yet to be successfully refuted.
The nation's needs make it essential that
the steel walkout end. If production does
not resume immediately, Congress will have
to stop issuing "requests," shake itself free
of the influence of manufacturers' lobbies
and grant the President emergency powers
to take over the mills and force an equitable
-Dave Kornbluh

* * *

. . such goings on!

B EHIND THEIR smoke screen of bitter charges and counter-charges
Taft and Eisenhower forces are girding for two crucial battles
this week.
The most obvious is, of course, the actual presidential nom-
ination balloting which is scheduled to begin sometime Wednes-
day, but a more decisive fight will be the struggle on the conven-
tion floor over contested delegates. It will be here that the Eisen-
hower forces may either be totally routed or force Taft to an
early defeat.
In its three day session the GOP National Committee gave 69
contested delegates to Taft, 20 to Eisenhower and referred seven
Louisiana votes to the credentials committee for a final decision.
Eisenhower forces hold no illusions about taking their case to
the, credentials committee which is loaded against them. They plan
an ultimate appeal to the convention floor over the contested dele-
gates. Crux of this dispute will be a decision- by the convention on
whether temporarily seated contested delegates should be allowed
to vote on permanent seating of other contested delegates.
Under rules of the convention which have prevailed from
1912, contested delegates have this voting privilege. Thus Taft
with his 69 temporarily seating delegates will be able to have them
help vote each other in as permanent delegates. With his present
margin plus these contested delegates, it might be almost impos-
sible to stop such a development. Therefore, Senator Lodge, one
of Ike's campaign managers, is expected to move that this rule
be removed.
His motion will be the first test of Eisenhower's strength against
Taft among the delegates. At the moment the United Press vote
tally shows Taft with 530, Eisenhower with 425, Warren with 76,
Stassen with 25, McKeldin with 24, MacArthur with five, Wedemyer
with one and 120 uncommitted or unknown.
However, Eisenhower still can win this fight and probably
will. Here is how he can do it: the *arren, McKeldin and
Stassen blocks can be expected to go almost en masse for Ike,
and present estimates give him over half the uncommitted votes.
Assuming that he gets exactly half of them and the sympathetic
favorite son votes go to him, he can beat Taft 610 to 596 over this
issue. Then with the contested delegates out of the picture until
they are given a final ruling, Eisenhower forces can probably win the
contested delegates which by all evidence are theirs. This means
that Taft will not get 22 Texas delegates, but only about five. In
Georgia and Louisiana he will lose further strength.
FURTHERMORE, there are signs that the 120 uncommitted dele-
gates are slowly coming over onto the Eisenhower bandwagon.
Reports leaking out of Michigan indicate that National Committee-
man Arthur Summerfield, who controls about 32 votes, is ready to
come out for Ike. Conservative estimates give Eisenhower at least
35 votes and Taft 11 out of the 46 man Michigan delegation.
Governor Fine of Pennsylvania, who has set a record for
fence straddling comparable to Summerfield's, is reputedly in
less control of his 70 man delegation than was originally thought.
According to reliable reports as many as 53 votes are for Eisen-
hower and only 17 for Taft.
Considering this background, It would not be surprising if the
nominating contest proved an easy victory for Eisenhower. The first
ballot is likely to be fairly even with Taft at around 500 votes and
Eisenhower with 550.
The favorite sons will probably hold their own for the first
round. Then they will go over to Eisenhower on the second or
third giving him more than the 604 needed for nomination. Fol-
lowing this the usual unanimous ballot will be cast and delegates
will consider vice-presidential nominees.
Gen. Douglas MacArthur, who will deliver the keynote address
tomorrow at 8:30 p.m., has been mentioned both as a deadlocking
breaking presidential choice and as a possible vice-presidential nom-
inee if Taft should win. Since Taft now appears to be losing out,
MacArthur fades as well,-for he would not be acceptable on an Eisen-
hower ticket. The nomination, in all probability, will go to some
person such as Governor Warren or Senator Knowland of California;
perhaps to Senator Dirksen of Illinois or, less probably, to Fine.
-Harry Lunn

S* *

.. . the horse laugh

The Stanley Quartet

THIS TUESDAY, in Rackham Lecture Hall,
the Stanley Quartet will resume its ser-
ies of summer chamber music concerts, a
series which over the past three years has
become one of the outstanding events of the
summer session..This group is truly unique
in that over thirty-five per cent of its rep-
ertory is given over to contemporary music.
Among the composers who have been
played are Arnold Schoenberg, Bela Bar-
tok, Anton Webern, Paul Hindemith, and
Ross Lee Finney, to name a few. But even
more outstanding the commission is
awarded to a contemporary composer each
year. In the past these commissions have
been given to Walter Piston, Quincy Por-
ter, and Wallingford Riegger. This year
the quartet has commissioned a string
quartet from the French composer, Dar-
ius Milhaud.
That Arin Arbor should be an audience
to such a group is indeed an honor. Very
few communities can hear each year the
world's premiere of a major chamber work,
and likewise, through groups like the Stan-
ley Quartet, Ann Arbor, along with Cham-

paign-Urbana and other college communi-
ties, is becoming a leader in sponsoring and
promulgation of new works of art. The ef-
fects of this contemporary stress can be
quite far-reaching. For a long time now
much of contemporary artistic creativity has
been concentrated in the metropolitan cen-
ters, the major one being New York City.
Certainly the best way for contemporary
art to increase its understanding and recep-,
tivity, is to enlarge its audience. The resi-
dency of a major string quartet in a com-
munity such as Ann Arbor is a big step in
that direction.
Moreover the quartet does not limit their
concerts to Ann Arbor. Through the pro-
gram of the University Extension Service,
they enlarge their audience even more by
giving recitals in various parts of the state.
The idea of a string quarte tin residence at
a university is not new, but it is compara-
tively rare in midwestern states. Certainly
the opportunity of hearing this quartet is
something no concert-goer would want to
--Donald Harris

. whose hand?

... "no military man"


. . . darkhorse

... Taft all over


At the State: "Wait Till the Sun Shines
THE ONLY MOTIVE Hollywood could have
had in producing this picture was to
prove that all technicolor musicals( this was
a pseudo-musical) do not have completely
happy endings.
However, their attempt only showed
more convincingly that the motion picture
industry is incapable of sustained good
Like so many other. films of its type "What
Till the Sun Shines Nellie" opens in the midst
of a huge civic celebration-the anniversary
of the founding of a small Illinois town. We
find the central character, a barber, getting
a shave. Evidently he falls asleep in the
chair and the whole sordid story of his per-
sonal life (and the town's history) opens
before our eyes.
We are on a Chicago bound train in 1895
with the hero and his bride. She thinks they
are going to Chicago, but instead he has
bought a barbershop in the hick town. Other
surprises follow. Before the last reel closes
with the hero marching in a gala parade, the
audience gets a look at the following:

1) At least five joyful barbershop scenes
during which the inevitable quartet sings
the movie's theme song.
2) The hero's wife boarding a train to
Chicago with another townsman (naturally
he is the hero's best friend) while the hero
is fighting the Spanish American war as a
camp barber. The wife and the "other man"
are conveniently killed in a train wreck.
3) The barber shop burns down.
4) His son turns out to be no good. First
he is a dancer but his career ends with
wounds sustained in the first World War.
Then he enters the rackets, and gets his,
due in the most ghastly scene ever created.
A rival mob shoots a Chicago gang leader
and his associates (including the son) in
papa's barber shop. While papa looks on
horrofied the others sink to the floor with
virulently red technicolor blood streaming
from their mouths.
Having run the gamut of sex, murder and
music the audience is assured by the barber
that he has become truly happy with his
granddaughter, Nellie, his wife's namesake.
-Larry Hyatt

The Daily Official Bulletin is ans
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan s
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510+
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (11 a.m.
on saturday).'
Graduate Students expecting to re-
ceive the master's degree in August,
1952, must file a diploma application
with the Recorder of the Graduate
School by Monday, July 1. A student
will not be recommended for a degree
unless he has filed formal application
in the office ofthe Graduate School.
Lane Hall will be open Monday, Tues-
day and Wednesday evenings for the
Television Broadcast of the Republican
Convention. Any interested Faculty and
Students are invited to drop in.
Scientific computation meeting.
Representatives of the Statistical
Research Laboratory and the Tabulat-
ing Service will discuss applications of,
and programming for the I.B.M. Card-
Programmed Electronic C al c u 1 a t o r
(CPC) now available on campus. The
CPC is a moderate-speed, moderate-
storage-capacity sequential electronic
digital computer. Detailed problem dis-
cussion welcome. Faculty, research
staffs and graduate students with rele-
vant problems are invited. Tuesday, July
8, 4:15 p.m., Room 4051 (Projection
Room), Administration Building.
The Pi Lambda Thetas will have a
dinner meeting July 9th, 6:30 p.m. at
the Michigan Union. The price of the
dinner is $2.25. The speaker will be Dr.
Stanley E. Dimond, Professor of Edu-
cation, University of Michigan. Phone
reservations to Helen Ryder 2-2986 by
July 5th. Presiding officer will be Mil-
dred Loeffler. All members are invited
to attend.
"Harvey" smash comedy about a six
foot one and one-half inch rabbit who
is never seen by the audience will open
at the Mendelssohn Theatre this Wed-
nesday night at 8 p.m. A Pulitzer Prize
Award and one of the most popular
plays to run on Broadway, "Harvey will
run through Saturday night. Tickets
for all performances on sale at the
Mendelssohn box office from 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m. daily.

a sales promotion man in the lower
peninsula of Michigan. This work is
all done in connection with public andJ
private schools and does not involve;
direct sales. Experience in teaching orf
working with schools would be espec-
ially helpful. There is also a similar
opening in Southwest Ontario for a
man of Canadian citizenship.
The A. Bentley & Sons Company,1
General Contractors, Toledo, Ohio, want
a mechanical engineer with one or two
years experience or will consider a new
graduate for working with this well-
established general contracting firm.
The United Stove Company, Ypsil-
anti; has several openings for young'
women who can qualify as clerks, typ-
ists, stenographer and secretaries. Spe-
cific Information about these jobs may
be had at the Bureau of Appointments.
The United States Civil Service Com-
mission, Board of Examiners, for Scien-
tific and Technical Personnel of the
Potomac River Naval Command has
announced that they will accept appli-
cations for the following positions: En-
gineer, Chemist, Electronic Scientist,
Mathematician, Metallurgist, Physicist.
All positions carry civil service ratings,
Grades GS-5 through GS-15).
The American Viscose Corporation,
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has an-
nounced new and various positions of
engineering and scientific nature. Any..
one interested in details or locations of
these jobs come to the Bureau of Ap-
pointments, where a complete descrip-
tion of each is on hand.
Ford Motor' Company, Dearborn, Mich-
igan, is looking for a man with good
academic background to work in sta-
tistics. Should have at least five years
experience in business.
La Petite Causette: All students and
summer residents who are interested in
speaking French are invited to join
this very informal group every Tuesday
and Thursday afternoon between 4 and
5 o'clock in the Top Room of the Mich-
igan Union. A table will be reserved
and a French-speaking member of the
staff will be present, but there is no
program other than free conversation in
Teachers' Seminar in Pharmaceutical
Chemistry. 9:30 a.n., 10:45 a.m., 1:15
p.m., 2:10 p.m., Rackham Amphitheater.
Physics Symposium. "Mseon Physics."
R. E. Marshak, Chairman, Department
of Physics, University of Rochester.
11:00 a.m., 1400 Chemistry Building.

Symposium on Biological Regulation.
"Metabolic Achivities of the Algal Cell."
Jack Myers, Professor of Zoology, Univer-i
sity of Texas. 8:00 p.m., 1300 Chem-
istry Building.
Teachers' Seminar in Pharmaceutical
Chemistry. 9:00 a.m., 10:40 a.m., 1:00
p.m., Rackham Amphitheater.
Physics Symposium. "V-Particles and
Other Particles in Penetrating Cosmic;
Ray Showers,", Carl D. Anderson, Pro-
fessor in Physics, California Institute
of Technology, 10:00 a.m.; "Meson Phy-
sics," R. E. Marshak, University of
Rochester. 11:00 a.m., 1400 Chemistry
Lecture. "The Role of Art in the;
Schools." Robert Iglehart, Chairman,
Department of Art Education, New York
University. 2:15 p.m., Architecture Aud-
Education Lecture. "The Group: Its
Role in Education." Dorwin Cartwright,
Director of the Research Center for
Group Dynamics. 4:00 p.m., Schorling
Program of Near Eastern Studies.
"The Religious Outlook vs. the Secular
Outlook in the Near East," Bayard
Dodge, President Emeritus of the
American University at Beirut. 4:15 p.m.
Architecture Auditorium.
Symposium on Biological Regulation.
"Economic Explcitation of the Algae
Problem of Mass Culture." Professor
Jack Myers, University of Texas. 4:15
p.m., 1300 Chemistry Building.
Linguistic Forum. "The Application
of Structural Analysis to the Teaching
of Elementary Latin." Waldo E. Sweet,
William Penn Charter School. 7:30 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheater.
Student Recital: Alexander Popp, pi-
anist, will be heard at 8:30 Monday eve-
ning, July 7, in the Rackham Assembly
Hall, presenting a program in partial
fulfillment of the requirements for the
Master of Music degree. A pupil of
Joseph Brinkman, Mr. Popp will play
Bach's Partita No. 6 in E minor, and
Brahms Sonata in F minor, Op. 5. The
general public is invited.
Organ Recital: Robert Cato, Guest
Organist, will be heard at 4:15 Wednes-
day afternoon, Puly.9, in Hill Auditor-
ium, Mr. Cato is organist of the Fort
Street Presbyterian Church in Detroit.
He will play compositions by Bach,
Maleingreau, Brahms, and Widor, and
his program will be onen to the public.

Clements Library. American books
which have influencea the modern
mind (through September 1).
Law Library. Atomic energy.
Architecture Building. Student work
Events Today
Lutheran Student Association (Na-
tional Lutheran Council)-Meet at 4:00
at the Student Center, corner of Hill
and Forest Ave., for a picnic. In case
of rain meet at regular hour 5:30.
Congregational-Disciples Guild: Fol-
lowing a cost Fellowship supper at 6:00
p.m. Dr. Kamal Khalffa from Egypt
will speak on problems in the Israel
and Trans-Jordan areas. The program
will begin at 7:00 o'clock.
Graduate Outing Club meet Sun.,
Northwest corner of Rackham, at 2
p.m. for swimming, games and picnic
supper. Bring cars if have,
Coming Events
Christian Science Organization. Testi-
monial meeting. Tuesday evening, at
7:30 p.m., in the Upper Room of Lane
Hall. All are welcome.
Square Dance Group meets at Lane
Hall, 7:15 p.m., Tuesday. All students
Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under th.
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Leonard Greenbaum... Managing Editor
Ivan Kaye and Bob Margolin
...... Co-Sports Editors
Nan Reganall......Women's Editor
Joyce Fickies..............Night Editor
Harry Lunn ...............Night Editor
Marge Shepherd..........Night Editor
Virginia Voss.............Night Editor
Mike Wolff................Night Editor
Tom Treeger...... ..Business Manager
C. A. Mitts........Advertising Manager
Jim Miller......... ..Finance Manager


" - And Now Here Comes Another Delegate - "





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