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July 04, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-07-04

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FRIDAY, SUET 4, 1952


FRIDAY. 3ULY 4, 1952


Women Broken at Early

Age by Life of Drudgery

* a s

s s s

* * *


Living with a history of poverty
has given the Korean male a re-
source that cannot be matched by
many other people--this inimit-
able asset is his wife.
To many American men the Ko-
rean woman would be the perfect
mate, the ideal satisfaction of his
ever-seeking ego. She will cater to
her husband, respond complai-
santly to his every wish, wait on
him, and, above all, work for him.
* * *
THE INHERENT submissiveness
of Korean mama-san stems from
a pattern of long-established cul-
tural mores and religion. Confu-
cianism, the dominant religion of
Korea, advocates the superiority
of the male. It gives the woman a
secondary place.
From the moment of birth she
has been traditionally kept in
the background, looked upon as
inferior, and simply as a con-
venience for bearing offsprings.
But if the Korean woman does
not commend a pedestal of hon-
or in her society, she, neverthe-
less, maintains a position of im-
Such ordinary household chores
as caring for the children and
home, and preparing the family
meals are only a part of her daily
ritual. When the man of the house
needs some assistance in his farm-
ing labors, he calls upon his wife
to help him plant the fields, glean
the young crops, harvest and
thresh the grain. In certain in-
stances, when the family does not
own an ox, she will pull the plow.
* .* *
SHE ALSO keeps a tight hold
on the family purse strings. If her
husband's farm has any extra
crops at the end of the growing
season, she will play the part of
saleswoman and merchant at the
village market.
Between market days, farm-
ing, and cooking she can be
seen squatted among the rocks




Armed with a sturdy stick, her
bundle of washing balanded deli-
cately on her black hair, she jogs
upstream. After selecting a desir-
able pool where several flat rocks
are easily accessible, she beats the
dirt from her wash with a stick.
Call it ingenuity or pure orient-
al intuition, but long before the
American boby-soxer appeared on
the scene, the Korean mama-san
had solved the baby-sitting prob.
To her, no such problem ex-
ists, because she carries her
child wrapped in a papoose-
fashion on her back. Whether

Constantly busy, the Korean
woman's work day is never done.
Perhaps her greatest desire in life
is to see her children grow tall
and strong enough to care for her
and relieve her of her weary la-
If this happens she will be for-
tunate indeed, because the cruel
burden of life seldom allows her to MAMA-SAN CARRIES*HER CHILD INTO THE FIELD WHILE
live beyond the age of 40 or 50. SHE WORKS


Names of Students Earning
All-A Records Announced


Day Formerly
Festive, Noisy
(Continued from Page 1)

STUFFED, tired, but still en-
thusiastic, the townspeople once
xhore gathered in the afternoon
for a "military parade." Early in
the evening there were more pic-
nics and dinners and later on a
huge fireworks display.
Winding up the day's activi-.
ties was a huge dance sponsored
by the German Workingman's
Association which lasted well
Into the neif day.
In summation of the gala day's
events, the newspaper commented
that it was a Fourth of July which
"Ann Arbor will long remember."
"There were but a few fights,
no accidents and but one arrest
was made during the day," the
account added.
DURING THE 1850's fire de-
partments played a big role in
the Independence Day activities.
Contests were held between the
crews of rival cities with cash and
"silver trumpets" as prizes.
The files of the Michigan His-
torical Collection in the Rack-
ham Bldg. reveal a charge of
"barefaced dishonesty" in one
competition at Albion in 1858.
An anonymous letter writer
charged that an adverse wind
caused the best crew to lose the
water throwing contest. Judges
took no account of wind velocity
in awarding the prizes.
Small-town newspapers devoted
large amounts of space to detailed
accounts of Fourth of July fes-
tivities. The Marshall Statesman
prefaced its story in 1858 with the
remark "It seems that the na-
tion's birthday is not entirely for-
gotten by the degenerate sons of
noble sires."
Later in their story they paid
tribute to a speech by one George
C. Bates. "It was a splendid, chaste
and eloquent production, and de-
livered in a style peculiar to
Bates," the paper related. "He has
no equal in this country on the

Pays Tribute
ing for Northwestern Michigan
College a prosperous future, rich
in service to the people, Uni-
versity President Harlan Hat-
cher, extended best wipes to
sponsors of the new institution
at ground-breaking ceremonies
on the new college campus here
' hursday.
.. President Hatcher paid trib-
ute to the ambition and industry
of area residents in transform-
ing a lumbering center to a
land of varied industrial com-
mercial and recreational acti-

To Hold Third
"Biological Regulation" will be
the topic of discussion at the third
annual Biological Symposium to
be held in Room 1300 of the Chem-
istry Building, July 7-18.
Speakers at the symposium,
sponsored by the Division of Bio-
logical Sciences, will be: Dr. D. J.
Ingle, research physiologist, the
Upjohn Company, Kalamazoo; F.
H. Johnson, associate professor of
biology, Princeton University; Jack
Myers, professor or zoology, Uni-
versity of Texas, Austin; and Car-
rol M. Williams, associate profes-
sor of zoology, Harvard University.
Each of the four participants
will deliver two public lectures and
lead a technical seminar on recent
developments in his research field.
The public lectures will cover such
subjects as "The Relationship of
the Adrenal Cortex to Growth"
and "Biological Optima."

Names of 111 students who
earned all-A records for the spring
semester have beenannounced.
Students who made the perfect
records are: Shirley J. Swegles;
Patricia A. Arden, '52 SM; Robert
R. Ashley, '52 SM; Barbara L.
Boyer; Robert B. Carback; Irene
F. Dess; Robert H. Hunt; Ellen
Kurath; Martha J. Mitchell, PhB;
Mary C. Razgunas, Ed.; Elizabeth
S. Uhr; Nancy K. Watkins, '52;
Lloyd T. Wiegerink, PH.
* * *
THE LIST continues with: Se-
vero K. Guerrero, Jr., '52; Alan
R. Krueger, '52 BAd.; Helen R.
Beatson; Charles D. Fisher, NR;
Margot J. Abels; Hugh B. Ander-
son; Bernard H. Backhaut; Ruth
L. Baker, PbH; Joseph M. Bick-
nell; Evelyn R. Grossman; Fre-
derick Horwitz; Alice M. Kretz-
schmar; Vivien D. Milan, SM;
Stanley M. Millman.
Sondra Platsky; Joan M. St.
Denis, SM; Leenard S. Sand-
weiss; Donald E. Sarason; James
A. Sellgren; Patricia J. Shaw;
June H. Stone; Shirley A. Swin-
son, P; Arthur Jt Vander; Joyce
J. Winter; Lillian M. Vaughn,
Martha N. Neff; Donald E.

Pierce, '52PbH; James B. Moran,
'52; William J. DeJarlais; Marion
L.. Nowlin; Joyce A. Mersereau,
Ed. ('52); Constance Newman, '52;
Irving B. Weiner; John R. White,
'52; Harry A. Eason; Richard G.
Knapp; Beverly B. Cole, SM;
Nancy L. Bonvouloir; Donna A.
George W. Myers, Jr.; Richard
J. Ball; Lawrence C. Sweet; Allen
M. Abrams; John R. Bassett, '52
NR; Jack A. Brown; Randall 0.
Zempel, BAd.; Carol V. Lutz, Ed.;
Charles W. McGary; Robert E.
Reid; Betty J. Brown, '52; Donald
W. Haapala; Angelo Cantera;
Carl A. Heyer, '52; and Donald E.


Photos by Corporal Edward H. Johnson


3 Plans Filed
For 'Balanced
LANSING-(P)-Two rival plansT
for reapportioning the Legislature
appeared yesterday to have securedt
a place on the November election
The second one was added yes-.
terday when the Michigan Com-
mittee for a Balanced Legislature
filed 290,424 signatures with the
Secretary of State to gain a ballot
place for its proposal, similar to
the Coleman plan which was de-
feated by the 1952 legislature.
EARLIER, a CIO-sponsored
committee had filedIts petitions
to obtain a ballot spot for a dif-
ferent proposal.
The "balanced Legislature" or
Coleman plan would retain the
present apportionment system
generally, adding two seats in the
32-seat senate and 10 seats in the
100-seat, house. It would cut De-
troit into legislative districts and
provide a mandatory method of
periodic reapportionments.
The CIO plan would divide the
state into 33 districts, each of
which would elect one senator and
three representatives. It also would
divide Detroit into legislative dis-
tricts and provide for mandatory
reapportionment in the future..


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