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July 04, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-07-04

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Progressive Party
The Progressive Party, the only third party to collect a substan-
tial vote in 1948, convenes in Chicago for three days beginning today
to draw up what they announce as a "people's platform for peace,
freedom and security."
Abandoned by their 1948 candidate Henry Wallace who polled
1,156,103 votes, the Progressives' Presidential support this year will
go to a West Coast lawyer, Vincent Hallinan. Hallinan is currently
serving a six-month contempt of court sentence incurred during his
defense of longshoremen's union~







leader Harry Bridges.
THOUGH Party representatives
admit they have slim chances of
polling a determining vote this
year, seretary C. B. Baldwin
claims the Progressives will be on
the ballot in 35 to 40 states and
will hold the balance of power in
some of them.
According to Baldwin, New
York, Pennsylvania, Michigan,
California, and Missouri among
other states will include Pro-
gressives on their ballots, "de-
spite severe tightening of state
ballot laws since 1948 designed
to keep us off."
Somewhat obscured by the ac-
tivities of the Republican Con-
vention slated to begin July 7,
the Progressive Convention will be
held in Chicago's West Side Ash-
land Boulevard Auditorium. Ap-
proximately 3,000 delegates are
expected, Baldwin said.
A NEWCOMER to th'e American
political scene, the four-year-old
Progressive Party got started dur-
ing the pre-convention days of the
last election when Henry Wallace
decided to run for President.
It was formed as an off-shoot
of the Progressive Citizens of
America when that organization
split between Wallace and Tru-
man supporters.
When Wallace left the party be-
cause of his disagreement with its
opposition to the Korean War,
Hallinan became the Progres-
sives' choice for President.
Mrs. Hallinan is now cam-
paigning for her jailed hus-
band, who will be free in Sep-
According to Dave Luce, Grad.,
one of Ann Arbor's four delegates
to the Progressive Convention, the
Party's objective this year is to
"present a third party candidate
with an alternative platform" and
to "educate voters along lines of
independent politica'l action."
Objecting to the Korean War,
unemployment, high taxes, and
the two-party system in which
"new faces mask old policies," the
Progressives are expected to stand
for: an immediate end to war in
Korea; protection of civil rights
of all minorities; a "free labor
movement"; and a chance to
"raise standards of living and se-
cure the welfare of the people."
Berlin Reds
Free Priests;
Held 30 Hours
BERLIN - (A) - Russia handed
over to United States authorities
yesterday three Chicago Catholic
priests and a German woman sec-
retary who had oeen arrested and
detained for 30 hours behind the
Iron Curtain.
In a press statement, the three
said they were seized by Russian
troopers at gunpoint while they
stillrwere in American sector ter-
THEY WERE standing on the
border, taking photographs - a
point on which the Russians are
particularly sensitive-when they
were ordered to cross over into
the Soviet zone and accompany
Russians to two different Soviet
headquarters, they said.
"We were not mistreated,"
they said.
But they admitted they were
"afraid and anxious because we
did not know whether we would
wind up in Mosow, Potsdam,
1' Washington or Siberia."
Their release made unnecessary
a sharp protest the United States
authorities in Berlin had planned

HST Calls
Steel Strike
WASHINGTON- -AP)-President
Truman yesterday accused 'the
major steel companies of "a con-
spiracy" to prevent settlement of
the steel strike.
He said the situation does not
call for the use of the Taft-Hart-
ley Act.
Trumap read to his news con-
ference a prepared statement say-
ing he understood many of the
steel companies were ready to set-
tle with the union on all issues
but were being prevented from do-
ing so "because of pressure being
put on" by others.
He added:
"It appears to me to be a con-
spiracy against the public inter-
est and not a labor dispute."
He went on to say that the
situation "in my opinion.. . does
not call for the national emergen-
cy provisions of the Taft-Hartley
Act" but for "honest, collective
Truman said those companies
now in agreement with the union
on issues should conclude agree-
ments "and begin producing steel
for the welfare of the country,"

-Daily-Matty Kessler
FRUSTRATED FOURTH-George Gillooly,''52, feverishly works
on his smokeless, flashless firecracker in a secret corner of the
Quant Lab. His plans for a glorious and noisy Fourth were ruined
when he learned of the Michigan state law forbittind use of fire-
Fireworks Bpan Halts
Chem Major's Research

Today is the blackest day in
the life of George Gillooly, '52.
It is the Fourth of July and he
has no fireworks.
The industrious chemistry ma-
jor sadly explained to The Daily
yesterday that he had spent the
past fiversemesters in the Quant
Lab feverishly working on a flash-
less, smokeless firecracker.
"BUT TESTERDAY," he whis-
pered, "I learned that it is illegal
to shoot them off in the state of
Michigan and I don't have a car
to go to Ohio where apparently
they are legal."
Thus he was forced to dis-

Williams, Moody To Climax
Ypsilanti Fourth Celebration
Fourth of July celebrations for the local area, held traditionally
in Ypsilanti, will be highlighted today by the appearance of Gov. G.
Mennen Williams and a United States senator.
The ten-day celebration, which began last Friday under the
auspices of American Legion Post 282, will reach a climax at 6 p.m.
today with patriotic speeches by the Governor and Senator Blair
Moody, of Detroit.
* . * *
THE NOTABLE GUESTS will speak at Waterworks Park, site
of a frolicsome carnival and other-

mantle his apparatus in the
secret corner of the lab where
he has lately been working far
into the night in anticipation of
a glorious and noisy Fourth.
His notes-the fruits of two
years of Chemistry - have been
stored away in a safe deposit box
-"until happier times," he said.
Gillooly explained that one of
the more sensational aspects of
his new discovery was that by add-
ing jello to the ingredients, a fire-
cracker would be produced that
could be carried conveniently like
a jello salad.
THE CHEMIST also revealed
that his discovery about the law
forced him to give up plans for a
"Homebrew" and a "Chemists De-
light" firecracker.
Both are relatively easy for the
layman to prepare, he said. The
latter can be produced simply'by
nitrating Pentaerythritol through
a Cannizzaro reaction into PETN
-the finished product, he pointed
The "Homebrew" is prepared
merely like orange juice. "There
is the risk here," he warned, "of
an explosion, so this is the least
desirable firecracker."
In spite of the dangers inherent
in the production of fireworks,
Gillooly has only come close to
destroying himself once.
Lake Ferries
DETROIT-(M)-Officers man-
ning automobile and railway car
ferries on Lake Michigan and the
Detroit River were scheduled to
strike at 12:01 a.m. today, it was
announced last night by Herman
Booth, Jr., marine director of the
Great Lakes licensed officers or-
ganization (Ind.).
Ferries operated by four rail-
roads are affected. About 250 of-
ficers are involved.

Ikse Attacks
Taft Forces
As 'Ruthless'
General On Way
Chicago Battle
LINCOLN, Nebr.-Gen. Dwight
D. Eisenhower accused the Taft
forces in Chicago of ruthles "iron
curtain" tactics yesterday and
then charged that unscrupulous
men in public office have misled
the American people.
"If I know the American peo-
ple," the General said, "this ruth-
lessness in Chicago will boomer-
THE FIVE STAR retired gen-
eral hammered at the convention
tactics of Sen. Robert A. Taft of
Ohio all day long as his special
train rolled through the midwest
toward Chicago where he sets up
his command post today at the
Blackstone Hotel.
At every stop, large crowds
turned out to cheer the General
and some 30,000 people jammed
the streets here as the General
ended the first day of his journey
towards Chicago with a speech on
the steps of the State Capitol.
In his prepared notes for the
speech here, Eisenhower called
for adedication of the people
to the fight against "A Godless
force bent on the destruction of
our freedom."
Then he charged the American
people "have been confused by
ruthlessly ambitious men whose
only cause is to serve themselves."
And he said: "We have been
disillusioned by unscrupulous men
who have used public office for
private gain."
* * *
THIS WAS plainly an attack on
the Democratic Administration-
but earlier in the day, Eisenhower
had centered his bitterness and
anger after the Taft forces in Chi-
He made his accusations at
McCook, Neb., from the rear of
the 13 car special train rolling
across the Midwest to Chicago.
Then a short time later at Mc-
Cook, he let loose with his blast
at the Taft forces and their con-
vention tactics. He said the Rus-
sians ha dthrown up an Iron
Curtain to prevent Americans
from getting a good look at Rus-
sia-and to prevent Russians from
seeing the true America.
He added: "unfortunately, the
Iron Curtain mentality is not
wholly unknown in our own
country. Right now, some de-
votees of that mentality seem
to be at work in Chicago.
"They've put up an Iron Cur-
tain so that we can't see what
goes on in the credentials com-
mittee of the Republican National

More than a million Michigan
motorists are expected to be on
the highways today facing traffic
hazards which have been shown
to be about 30 per cent greater
than on an average weekend.
Fearing that the long weekend
and crowded highways will result
in a heavy accident toll, Michigan
Reds Lauftch
Heavy Attacks
A oainst Allies
SEOUL, Friday, July 4-(AP)--
Allied defenders atop Old Baldy
and a nearby hill on the western
front fought off three "'Naves of
Chinese attackers early today as
A m e r i c a n Independence Day
brought renewed fighting in Korea.
The Reds scorched the Allied-
held hills with heavy barrages of
artiller yand mortar fire before
they attacked. About 750 Reds
launched the assault. After the ac-
tion, an Allied officer estimated
100 Reds were killed and 200 were
wounded. .
The Chinese overran one Allied
unit in vicious close-quarters
Allied artillery pounded the Reds
hard but two hours after midnight
the ferocity of the Chinese assault
forced United Nations troops from
their log-and-earth bunkers.

colorful holiday exhibits.
Observance of Independence
Day will get off to a flying start
at 11 a.m. with a rousing parade
down Michigan Ave., Ypsilanti's
main street.
The event will feature 60 units,
including a thrill for the kiddies
in' the form of a "king" and a
"queen," both three -year - olds,
.winners of a baby contest pro-
gram Wednesday night at Water-
-works Park.
The carnival, going full blast
since last Friday, will open at 2E
p.m., and will continue to provide
entertainment for one and all un-
til midnight. Big attractions at
the carnival, continuing through
Sunday, are 11 rides, numerous
game booths and concessions.
Final highlight of the' full day
will be a fireworks display aat 11
p.m. in Waterworks Park, as well
as displays at various drive-In
theatres in this area.
Queried about the absence of
official Fourth of July celebra-
tions in Ann Arbor, a citizen here
affirmed that "there never have
been any here in my experience
... practically everybody goes over
to Ypsi."
Senate Passes
ForeignAid Bill
WASHINGTON, July 3-(A')-
The Senate last night passed a
10 billion dollar appropriation bill
in whnhthe l- +1a ..-1 r oa+tholn n

-Dauly-Matty Kessler
MOTORISTS WARNED-One person was killed in this car in an
accident on US 12. State police have warned motorists to exercise
extra caution in driving during the long Fourth of July weekend,
in order to avoid similar accidents.
M * P
Increased t raffic Hazards

Donaldson Asks
Postal Rate Hike
ter General Donaldson told Con-
gress yesterday that it will have
to raise postal rates if it doesn't
want the Post Office Department
to lose 670 million dollars this
next fiscal year.
He recommended increases for
second and third class mail -
principally newspapers, magazines
and advertising matter - which
he said was not paying its pro-
portionate share of post office

State Police have ordered all
troopers on patrol and highway
duty during the holiday. With all
leaves cancelled, headquarters
planned to have every man avail-
able on the job last night through
* * *
IN 1950, when the Fourth made
another three-day weekend, Mi-
chigan led the nation with 32
deaths.. Last year, when the holi-
day fell during the week, the high-
way toll was 19.
The National Safety Council
has estimated that holiday traf-
fic accidents in the last six
years have killed half as many
Americans as the Korean war.
The five holidays of Memorial
Day, Fourth of July, Labor Day,
Christmas and New Year's have
claimed -8,936 lives since 1946,
while the Korean war death tc-
currently is in excess of 17,000.
Throughout the nation, 40,000,-
000 passenger vehicles will be on
the move during the three-day
weekend, the Council predicts, and
they will roll up about 5,000,000,-
000 miles.
* * *
MEMORIAL DAY this year set
a new record for that holiday,
making predictions for the coming
holiday very pessimistic.
Harry N. Rogan, travel mana-
ger of the Automobile Club of Mi-
chigan said that traffic on the
Fourth will be heavier than on
the Memorial Day weekend, with
inquiries for road information up
at least 12 percent over the May
Russia Vetoes
Germ War
Russia's Jacob A. Malik grimly
vetoed yesterday an American
proposal for the International
Committee of the Red Cross to
investigate Communist charges of
germ warfare by the United States
and the UN.
The vote was 10 for the inves-
tigation with only Malik opposed.
This was the 49th veto cast by
the Soviet Union since the council

Vote Brings
Total to 510
Texas Dispute
Scheduled Today
Senator Robert A. Taft's poli-
tical powerhouse in the Republi-
can National Committee steamed
ahead yesterday to gain 13 nation-
al convention delegates from Lou-
The committee decided that
Eisenhower was entitled to two of
them but Taft got 11. Two other
Taft delegates were not challeng-
TODAY IT'S Texas and 38 mnore
disputed votes, with a showdown
on Eisenhower charges of "steal'"
and Taft complaints that Demo-
crats tried to "swamp" Republican
delegate picking in the Lone Star
The Taft-controlled National
Conmmittee late yesterday hand-
ed the Ohio Senator all of Mis-
sissippi's five votes and gave one
in dispute in Missouri to Eisen-
hower. There wasn't much fuss-
ing about that from either side.
The net result, aside from angry
flareups, was that Taft climbed
above the 500 mark on the Asso-
ciated Press tally sheet of votes
he will carry into the convention
when it opens Monday.
This is the line-up now: Taft
510, Eisenhower 414 and 151 still
undetermined. It takes 604 to win
the nomination.
* * *
THE GOP National Chairman.
Guy Gabrielson, told 23 Republi-
can governors the rules they pro-
pose for the convention "could be '
used by ruthless, unscrupulous in-
dividuals to prevent the holding of
a future convention."
Gabrielson rejected outright a
request from the governors-in-
cluding several who back Taft
-that he support a ruling that
no contested delegate may vote
on the seating of any disputed
delegation. It is Gabrielson who
will be presiding over the con-
vention when that issue arises
right at the start.
The Eisenhower Campaign Man-
ager, Sen. Henry Cabot Lodge, Jr.,
declared: "Only a partisan chair-
man would have so bluntly turned
down a request from the Republi-
can governors."
* * *
TAFT HIMSELF left things to
his lieutenants and headed back
to Washington by private plane.
He expects to return to Chicago
* * *
UN Policy
Named G.O.P.
CHICAGO -()-The Republi-
can Party last night was reported
aiming a lusty swat at the Unit-
ed Nations for failing to direct
member countries to give the Unit-
ed States more help in Korea.
And, in a bid to assure full
Taft-Eisenhower agreement with
the party's foreign policy plank,
platform drafters were said to be
ready to promise further economic
aid .to shaky freedom-loving coun-
tries-but aid of a "better qual-

This information was supplied
to a reporter by members of the
Foreign policy subcommittee who
asked not to be identified by name.
They had just left a two-hour
closed meeting at which chairman
Eugene D. Millikin said agreement
had been reached on the topics

Gala Holiday Once Shook Ann Arbor

* * * *

Although Ypsilanti is now the
official site for Fourth of July
celebrations in this area, there
was a time when Ann Arbor staged
rip-roaring Independence Day
Back in 1875 more than 20,000
people streamed into Ann Arbor
from all over the countryside for
an elaborate celebration which be-
gan with the firing of guns and
cannons at sunrise.
* * *
WITH THIS rude awakening,
the populace began a round of

WITH HIS formal apology out
of the way, he roared through a
traditional patriotic oration con-
cluding with three practical sug-
gestions which he thought should,
be regarded by Americans in the
1) "We must fight our heroic
battle to keep the dollar worth
one hundred cents. It may need
as much bravery as to face the
cannon's mouth, but it must be
fought or we go down as a na-
2) "We must heal the wounds

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