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June 25, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-06-25

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Today for




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Latest Deadline in the State




I - I - . - olmom

VOL. LXII, No. 172



U m

Joi Summer Daily
i numr D11Ann Arbor seems p etty quiet
,nt es m e.It's hot, and it rains, and there
isn't much to occupy the time of'.':<.:":.
summer school students
There's one spot on campus,
however, where it's anything but}
quiet and its always alive and$
functioning with people working
hard and enjoying it. ;... .'.'-,
It's the Student Publications
Bldg. at 420 Maynard where the
Michigan Daily is printed five>
nights a week. ;:

THAT'S ALSO where summer
school students, freshmen and
grads included, can pick up a lot
7:30 p.m. Today
Student Publications Building
of valuable editorial and business
experience during the course of
eight busy weeks.
Working on the Daily during
the summer is even more advan-
tageous than during the regular
semesters, since after a few days
training tryouts are in the full
swing of things-writing head-
lines, constructing advertise-
iments, reading proof, supervis-
ing circulation and doing other
night desk and business staff
work, in addition to covering as-
signed "beats" that take one
into the remote parts of the
campus, to pick up interesting
There are positions open on all
Daily staffs-editorial, business,
women's, sports, and photography
with opportunities galore. All the
details -can be learned at a special
meeting for prospective staffers at
7:30 p.m. today at the Student
Publications Bldg.
Many former Daily members now
rank among the top journalists and
business leaders in the country.
According to the Daily alumni file,
dating back to 1890, the date of
* the first publication, many not-
ables including Frank Gilbreth
author of "Cheaper by the Dozen,"
C. L. Jackson, Detroit columnist;
Denis Flanigan, editor of "Scienti-
ficnAmerican;" Stan Swinton of
the Associated Press, and Thomas
E. Dewey, got their start on the
' Daily.
Operating with "the latest dead-
line in the state," the Daily is pub-
lished in one of the finest college
newspaper plants in the country,
with a new $70,000 high speed ro-
tary press, Associated Press wire,
four Linotype machines and other
valuable equipment.
The Daily also functions under
the authority of the Board in Con-
trol of Student Publication with
no censorship or limitation of ex-
Taft Charges
'Set Up Stali'
By The Associated Press
Sen. Robert A. Taft of Ohio
lashed out yesterday at what he
termed "blunders" of the Truman
administration which he said "set
up Stalin with the' power he has
The Ohio Republican-in a
Pennsylvania speech attacking the
administration's foreign stand-
also criticized Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower for what he described
^ as his failure to condemn the pres-
ent American foreign policy.
Taft charged "the administra-
tion took all the Communist
promises. They were apparently
" bamboozled. The result was they
set Stalin up with the power he
has today." And he added the
administration apparently "still
thinks Communism is a pretty
good thing."
Meanwhile in Denver Eisen-
hower yesterday advocated an end
to all economic controls as rapidly
as possible.
He said he would favor eliminat-
ing "every single control" with the

-Daily-Jack Bergstromi
Special Auto Permits
Available to Students
Students who wish to use their cars for such warm-weathet
activities as swimming or golf must obtain recreational driving per-
mits from the Office of Student Affairs, 1020 Administration Build-
ing, according to Assistant to the Dean Karl D. Streiff.
This permit, which is not given during the regular academic
year, does not allow driving in mixed company after 9:30 p.m.,
Streiff said.
* * * * *
TEACHING FELLOWS or students 26 years old or more do not
need this permit, however. They are permitted to drive freely after
first registering their car at the "
Student Affairs Office and ob-
taining an "exempt permit," he 12,400 Laid Off
added. In Auto Industry
Professional people who were
engaged in their professions dur-
in te at ea an whoareBy The Associated Press
tag the past year and who are The General Motors Corporation
now enrolled in the summer ses- yesterday ordered the layoff of
sion may have apermit regard- some 12,400 Chevrolet employees
less of age, according to Streiff, in Detroit and Flint in the first
Information necessary for auto- major layoff in the auto industry
mobile registration includes the since the steel strike began June 2.
name of the school in which the Meanwhile in Grand Rapids idle-
student is enrolled, his driver's ness attributable to the steel strike
license number and the license is expected to hit 1,400 workers
number of his car. by the end of this week.
* * Chrysler Corp. said the layoff of
ALL DRIVERS must carry pub- 4.500 employes working on Dodge
lic liability and property damage military trucks, announced for
insurance. They must give the Wednesday, would be postponed
name of their insurance company, for several days at least.
the number of their policy and its The GM action was the first
expiration date when registering major layoff in the auto industry
their cars, Streiff said. since the steel strike began June 2.
Students under 21 years of Other auto companies are expect-
age are required to present a ed to follow suit.
letter of permission from their
parents at the Office of Student RESOLUTION PA'
Affairs before they may obtain
a driving permit.
Special permits will be issued to
students under 26 who are mear- Lv F
ried or who use their cars for
See SPECIAL, Page 6
General Found In a special meeting held ear
faculty voiced opposition to the R
S hot in OffiCe sibility for passing on campus spea
Lecture Committee.
In spite of some opposition, th
WASHINGTON-(P)-Brig. Gen. Burton Thuma presiding, adopte
Francis G. Brink, veteran of two Lecture Committee "establishes a
world wars and a key figure in incomparible with the American tr
U.S. aid to embattled anti-Com- it is further the sense of this meetin
munists in Indo-China, was found and any faculty group should be
fatally shot in a Defense Depart- s faculty gdushoy e
ment office yesterday. speaker whose ideas they desire b
A pistol lay by his side and No specific action was deman
authorities said he apparently was forwarded to President Harla
committed suicide. officials.
Brink, who was 58, was rush- The Committee is composedt
ed from the Pentagon to the by the President. * *

UN Planes
Blast Four
Power Plants
Mark Continued
Bombing Attacks
By The Associated Press
Allied warplanes heaped destruc-
tion on four big hydroelectric
plants in Northeastern Korea yes-
terday for the second straight day
of relentless assault on the source
of power for Communist war fac-
The new blows fell at the end
of the second year of the bloody,
bitter-and now stalemated-war
on this devastated Asiatic penin-
* '. *
U. S. FIFTH Air Force and
Navy fighter-bombers again team-
ed up in the renewed mass pound-
ing of hydroelectric power houses
on Fusen and Changjin reservoirs
in Northeast Korea.
Smoke and flame mushroom-
ed from the stricken plants.
Pilots said destruction was com-
In Tokyo, Gen. Mark Clark con-
gratulated the Air Force and Navy
for their massive raids which a
defense department official in
Washington described as a "get-
tough" military policy.
The Defense Department offi-
cial said the blow at the power
sources for North Korea and parts
of Manchuria was a direct result
of Communist stalling at the Pan-
munjom truce talks.
(IN LONDON, Labor party
members in the House of Com-
mons protested that the attacks
on the Yalu River hydroelectric
plant threaten to extend the war.
(Prime Minister Churchill re-
plied that they did not repre-
sent "any extension of the oper.
ations hitherto pursued or to go
beyond the discretionary auth-
ority" of Clark, the Allied Su-
preme Commander.)
In Washington, in response to
news conference questions, Secre-
tary of Defense Lovett said yester-
day that in an extreme emergency
the U. S. Joint Chiefs could auth-
orize United Nations Air Forces
in Korea to bomb Communist
bases in Manchuria.
Gen. James A. Van Fleet, com-
mander of the Eighth Army, said
yesterday that if the Commun-
ists launch another major offen-
sive, it would probably be the de-
cisive battle that would end the
Korean war.
MEANWHILE in Munsan, truce
delegates meet again yesterday on
this second anniversary of the
Korean war with no sign of a
break in the prolonged and bitter
An attempt to assassinate Pres-
ident Syngman Rhee in Pusan
failed yesterday when police grab-
bed the would-be assassin before
he could fire at the South Korean
The attempt on Rhee's life was
made during ceremonies marking
the second anniversary of the Kor-
ean War.

i U1


The University sweated out
its second day of summer
classes yesterday as the mer-
cury soared to a near record
94 degrees, with no relief in
sight during the next few days.
Detroiters were worse off,
however, for the Motor City
was hit by a sizzling 96.8 which
broke an all-time June 24 high
of 94 which had stood since
Elsewhere in the nation Om-
aha and Phoenix, Arizona reg-
istered temperatures of 100 and
101 respectively while San
Francisco relaxed at a chilly 64.
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The Senate.
Appropriations Committee refus-
ed yesterday to go along with a
House-inspired move to bar dip-
lomatic relations with the Vatican
unless they are first approved by
* * *
Foreign Relations Committee
yesterday approved an agree-
ment making West Germany an
ally in the defense front against
Soviet aggression.
neers asked the House Public
Works Committee. yesterday to
authorize a million dollar study
of the high water problem in the
Great Lakes.
FARGO, N. D.-A freshman
representative in Congress from
North Dakota, Fred G. Aan-
dahl, was narrowly trailing
U. S. Senator William Langer
(R-ND) in their bitter battle
for the Republican nomination
for Langer's Senate seat in the
North Dakota primary last night.
MIILDE NHALL, E n g l a n d -
Eleven U. S. Air Force men died
yesterday in the flaming wreck-
age of a B-50 Superfortress which
dropped out of a formation of 10
bombers and crashed onto the
Suffolk countryside 1,000 feet be-
loW- * *
judge yesterday denied Ingrid
Bergman's request for a visit
with her 13-year-old daughter
in Italy this summer.
* * *
ed Auto Workers yesterday heed-
ed a government request not to
strike four plants producing Sabre
Jet fighter planes for Korea.



EXTENDED HOURS-University coeds will have an e
hour to enjoy the night air during the summer session,
hours for undergraduate women's residences will be exi
11 p.m. Sunday through Thursday, while Friday and
curfews remain at 12:30 a.m. Graduate women have midn
mission Monday through Thursday and 1:30 a.m. on the
Vari ety o Pro graT
To SupplementCoun
A diversified series of conferences, special programsr
tional meetings will supplement the regular University
this summer.
Of central interest is the symposium and program
"Modern Views of Man and Society" which combines;
symposium, special courses in eight depatrments, an ex
series and coordinate exhibits and musical programs.
* ** . *
THE MAIN course is Philosophy 320s. Graduate st
prerequisite for this course. Other departments such as En
.,ical science, sociology

Lower Than'
Last Year's
Further Reports
To RaiseFigure
Enrollment in the University's
59th summer session took a 15 per
cent dip from last year as Univer-
sity officials reported 6,468 en-
rollees yesterday,
However, late registration and
complete reports from eight sum
mer camps are expected to bring
the final figure to 7,500, off icial=
ae'd * " ** *
LAST YEAR 7,648 students were
registered when classes started,
but the final figure stood at 8,804,
Late registration is permitted
in the summer session because
closing dates for many schools
and colleges do not give some
teachers enough time to arrive
on campus before classes start.
Several dormitories are open thi
Bergstrom summer to accommodate students.
xtra half Men will be housed in the South
. Closing' Quadrangle for either six or eight
tended to week programs. Meals will be
Saturday served in the Quad.
ight per- Fletcher Hall will be open for
weekend. men with six week programs, but
no meals will be served there.
Graduate women students will
live either in Stockwell Hall or
Helen Newberry residence. Meals
will be served in Stockwell, but
not in Helen Newberry. Betsy Bar-
ses bour residnce will accommodate
undergraduate women and meals
will be served there.
and educa- The women's residences will
curriculum be open all summer for the full
eight week program.
of studiesVictor Vaughn House is being
a graduate used as a residence for persons
xtra lecture attending the English Language
Institute. In addition the East
and West Quadrangles will house
anding is a groups of people taking short
glish. polit- courses throughout the summer
ering either
se materiallnthon West
the centralA hW
such out- To Be First
xilbert Sel-
ey, Sidney
and many
be a spec- .Anthony West, British - born
on "The critic and novelist, will open the
al Implica- series of special summer lectures
day." at 4:15 p.m. today in Rackham
e President Lecture Hall.
nd the Rt. West, who is presently a book
rich, bishop reviewer for the New Yorker mag-
higan, Prot- azine, will speak on "The Critical
urch, Prof. Function." He is the first of a
English de- series of ten lecturers who will ap-
e. The panel pear as part of the special sum-
p.m. July 16 mer program "Modern Views of
Hall. Man and Society."
ll be at4:15* *
nounced in BORN IN 1914, West is the son
of Rebecca West and H. G. Wells,
nta rmis ca both noted writers. He came to

ithis country in 1950. He is the
ersity. Sen- author of two novels, a biography
r number of of D. H. Lawrence and is cur-
a numbr on- rently writing a biography of his
pools are in- father.
h e course One novel, "Vintage," won the
s of weekly Houghton, Mifflin Award in
ey will be 1949. During the war West was
noons. One a news writer with the British
esented and Broadcasting Co. As a literary
ven at 4:15 critic, he wrote for Time and
July 1, in The New Statesman and Nation
ditoruim by before joining the New Yorker
f the State staff.
1 speak on
Westerni- .The second lecture in the series
will be given by Richard Shryock
ograms and at 4:15 p.m. Friday in the Archi-
esigned for tecture Auditorium. Shryock, di-


Prison Population
LANSING--(R) - A dangerous
new upswing in the Southern
Michigan Prison population was
reported to Gov. Williams yes-
terday by Corrections Commis-
sioner Earnest C. Brooks.
Williams seized the opportunity
to again deplore that the legisla-
ture had failed to provide the 122
new guards at the prison he had
asked for.

acuity Opposes Lecture Ban

and psychology are off
special courses or el
modified to cover t
Lectures featuring
standing people as G
des, Malcolm Cowl(
Hook, Peter Viereck,
others will be held p
In addition there will
ial panel discussion
Social and Education
tions of Religion To
Participants will b
Harlan H. Hatcher a
Rev. Richard S. Eme
of the Diocese of Mic
estant Episcopal Ch
Frank Huntley of the
partment will moderat
is scheduled for 4:151
in Rackham LectureI
All other lectures wi
p.m.. and will be ar
The Daily.
* * *
AN interdepartmer
in near eastern stud'
presented by the Univ
ialized courses from a
departments and sch
Supplementing t
work will be a series
public lectures. Th
given Tuesday after
has already been pr
the second will be gi
p.m. next Tuesday,
the Architecture Aui
Herbert Liebesny of
Department. le wil
"Religious Law and
A variety of pre
courses especially d

rly this month, the literary college
egents by-law which places respon-
kers in the hands of -the University
e faculty group with Associate Dean
d a resolution declaring that the
type of prior censorship which is
radition of intellectual freedom; and
ng that any recognized student group
free to invite to the University any
to hear."
ded by the group and the resolution
n H. Hatcher and other University
of five faculty members appointed
* *

the rule of the Board of Regents which specifies that the use of
University property by students and student organizations is subject
to several provisions, including a "guarantee" that during the meet-
ing there shall be "no advocacy of the subversion of the government"
and that the meeings "shall be in spirit and expression worthy of
the University."
Immediate protests to the ban were registered by the Young
Progressives and the Civil Liberties Committee.
*. * * *
A PRIVATE DINNER held March 6 at the Union resulted in a
series of iiquiries following which five students were placed on pro-
bation for "failure to give the Joint Judiciary the cooperation students
should reasonably be expected to give a student disciplinary body."
The Committee also denied permission to speak to Mrs. Ann
Shore, organizational director of the Civil Rights Congress, and
William Hod of Ford Leal 600. Mrs. Shore later appeared at a local
church in a four-member genocide debate.
Before the close of last semester, the Student Legislature voted

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