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June 29, 1952 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1952-06-29

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SUNDAY, JUNE 29, 1952



South African Crisis

The New



NOW AT LAST a dark storm has broken
over the horizon of the Union of South
Africa, and democratic forces are resisting
the fascist government of Dr. Malan. The
Joint Action Committee of the African Na-
tional Congress and the South African Con-
gress under the leadership of Dr. J. S. Ma-
roka has launched a campaign of passive
resistance in defiance of 'Pastor' Malan's
apartheid policies.
At the inception of this resistance pro-
gram over 10,000 Africans, Indians and
persons of mixed blood have volunteered
to violate the segregation laws in order to
court arrest and imprisonment. The storm
of apartheid is steadily gaining momen-
tum. The. violent passion which has ac-
tuated men to fight and crush the evil
forces of oppression and political strangu-
lation has found a new expression in the
hearts of the 8,000,000 Africans who have
been denied a decent livelihood even in
their native land. -
Nearly a century ago, the vast African
continent had been partitioned by certain
European powers. They declared at the
fateful conference of 1885 held in Berlijn
that it was their earnest intentions to 'civi-
lize, christianize, educate and prepare the
backward people' for eventual self-govern-
ment. It also entailed the development of
their natural resources. Today, Great Brit-
ain, France, Portugal, Spain, Italy and Bel-
gium still have possessions in Africa. What
they have really done is to consolidate the
status quo, and divert or suppress any as-
pirations of the African people for political
The atrocities which are being per-
petrated by the Nationalist Government
of the Union are a typical example of the

malignant attempts by colonial powers
to virtually enslave Africans, and convert
the continent into their vineyard. The
once impregnable frontier of the white
man's grave has evaporated. Malan has
conceived a new empire in the heart of
Black Africa. But he has miscalculated.
Surfeited by rabid nationalism, he is blind
to the inexorable lessons of history. He
and his club associates cannot bring them-
selves to accept the mathematics of social
and political awakening amongst the
people of Africa.
Malan may be able, for the present, to
reduce the 8,000,000 Africans in the Union
to the status of serfs, but unless and until
he can equally enslave the other 192,000,000
Africans in other sections of the continent
he might as well give up his visionary de-
sign. Whether the passive resistance move-
ment succeeds or fails is not so important
as the fact that it has provoked the neces-
sary emotional stimulus in a virile people
whose patience has been misconstrued for
indolence, and whose hospitality has been
taken as a mark of stupidity.
This is a momentous pekiod in African
history. The fate of the rising generation
hangs in the balance, and posterity anx-
iously but quietly watches from a dim fu-
ture what men everywhere with a sense
of democratic responsibility are doing now,
to bring pressure to bear upon Malan in
order that the world of tomorrow may be
better and worth living for.
Well thinking people should begin to rea-
lize that imperialism cannot continue indefi-
nitely in Africa. The chains of bondage have
begun to fall off and to crumble into the
dust of time. Alas, Africa is awake!
--Ojeamiren Ojehomon

SL Survey

WASHINGTON-One week after Senator
Brewster of Maine, a pillar of the Taft
Senate leadership, is beaten for renomina-
tion, Senator Langer of North Dakota, who
often votes, with the administration, wins
renomination against the determined oppo-
sition of a regular Republican, a congress-
man and recent governor, Fred G. Aandahl.
Conceding that North Dakotans are
consistently inconsistent in their voting-
patterns, Senator Langer won a remark-
able victory against heavy odds and his
colleagues uneasily wish they knew the
answer to it. Some stubborn facts which
can't be ignored are:
Generally speaking, Senator Langer cam-
paigned in favor of the administration's
domestic program and against its foreign
policy, especially the war in Korea. Instead
of apologizing for his votes for New Deal
measures like public power, he defended
them, but of the Korean war he said: "we
should get out and come home."
For the special reason that North Dakota
is in the midst of an oil boom, the Senator
also had to contend with the Tidelands Oil
The Langer camp also charges that Sen-
ator Taft lent aid and comfort to Aandahl,
and says that the Senator's Nebraska lieu-
tenant, Senator Butler, took an active part
in the campaign. Senator Langer's colleague,
Senator Young, openly campaigned for Rep-
recentative Aandahl, who, as governor, ap-
pointed him to the Senate.
As in other one-party Republican states,
the conservative vs. liberal fight is carried
on by factions within the G.O.P. Senator
Young and Aandahl belong to the Republi-
can organized committee, Senator Langer to
the non-partisan league.
Rep. Aandahl, three times governor, suf-
fered his first defeat in four elections.
He not only lost to Langer in the rural
areas, but was barely carrying the cities.
As there is virtually no industrial labor
in North Dakota, this cannot be attributed
to labor support for Langer.
Senator Langer, 'a colorful character and
shrewd politician, is a superb campaigner
and runs an efficient office here which never
neglects the customers. Anti-Langer news-
papers, like the Fargo Forum, concede, how-
ever, that they were surprised he won so
lopsided a "victory.
One observer suggested that Democrats
must have added to his plurality and that
North Dakotans were peculiarly susceptible
to personalities.
Sources close to the campaign, however,
were emphatic in their view that the
Roosevelt social revolution-call it New
Deal, Fair Deal, Trumanism or what you
will-is popular. They said firmly that
Republicans had better get any such no-
tion out of their heads before they meet
in Chicago, stop quarreling and pick a
winner. As for foreign policy, the Sena-
tor's attitude was felt to be somewhat
special because of the large German-Rus-
sian ethnic groups in the state.
The conclusion still was: Forward is the
best word, not backward.
(Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate)

WITH THE bitterly contested
Republican Convention com-
ing up next week, jittery candi-
dates and campaign managers are
making every attempt to capture
the undecided delegate votes.
As the political picture stands
toay, control of the GOP rests
with three key men: Gov. John
Fine of Pennsylvania, who holds
25 to 32 votes; Gov. Earl Warren
of California, with 70 delegates,
and Committeeman Arthur Sum-
merfield of Michigan with 26 to
Impartial tallies give Taft 482
votes and Ike 404, despiterTaft's
claims that he alreay controls the
necessary number (604) needed
for nomination. Thus the 121 to
135 votes tied up by the three
enigmatic politicians can either
give Taft the party nod or push
Eisenhower to the brink of a no-
Fine, Warren and Summer-
field have been actively wooed
by both factions, and offers of
cabinet posts, ambassadorships,
vice - presidential nominations
and positions on the Supreme
Court have been rumored as
prices for delegate votes.
Warren supposedly leans toward
Ike, while Fine is reported to be
favoring Gen. MacArthur or Taft.
However, the Pennsylvania gov-
ernor, like all other politicians,
must look beyond the nomination
to next fall's election and try to
determine which of the contenders
has a better chance of becoming
This is the big selling point for
Eisenhower backers. They have
plainly been disappointed during
the last few weeks, for the mass of
delegates who were supposed to

. . . waiting for the delegate rush
* * *
flock onto the General's bandwa-
gon upon his arrival have failed to
materialize. Therefore, his man-
agers capitalize on the old, but
convincing, theme that "Taft just
cannot win in November."
Recent polls have borne out
this contention, for they show
Taft will have a hard time beat-
ing either Kefauver or Steven-
son, while Ike could win in a
breeze over either man. So John
Fine and the others must decide
whether it is better to back Ike
and make sure of getting party
patronage in the fall, or whether
to take a bigger chance at re-
wards come out for Taft.
Of course no one can tell what
each side is offering these men in
patronage, but each man knows
that due to the psychological
''bandwagon" appeal, the first one
to announce his preference will re-
ceive greater rewards from the
candidate than will the others who
just tag along later.
Here in Michigan, Summer-
field is doing a good job of keep-
ing his mouth shut, a rare vir-
tue in politics or anywhere else.
It has been said that his main
interest is in getting a winning
candidate in November, but oth-
er sources indicate that all
things being equal, he'll go for
The Democrats, meeting two
weeks after the GOP conclave,
have an advantage in knowing
who their opponent will be. Since
this is the first battle in more than
20 years in which there is no cer-
tain candidate in either party, the
advantage is a great one.
As Democrats move to conven-
ing time Adlai Stevenson looks like
the potential candidate. A dis-

. ..like a lamb to slaughter
* * *
creet silence veils his real inten-
tions, but old politics think Adlai
will be ready and willing to take
a draft from the Democrats.
There has' been considerable
feeling that Stevenson would
make an ideal candidate for 1956,
and his hesitancy to run in the
fall is explained on this basis. Some
Democrats see a slight advantage
in letting the GOP take over for
four years, believing that a re-
,cession, if not a serious depression,
is inevitable and that the GOP
would not take forceful measures
to correct serious economic trou-
ble. If this happens, the reason-
ing runs, the GOP will be bounced
out permanently come 1956 and
Stevenson can take over for a
Rooseveltian tenure.
* * *
PROBABLY the eventual deci-
sion of the Democrats rests on
the GOP choice. If Taft should be
the nominee, there would be strong
pressure from the party organi-
zation to have Stevenson run. Bar-
ring a Stevenson draft. Truman
might take the nomination. Ke-
fauver is unlikely to be tapped for
the job since Democrats feel Taft
would be a cinch and do not es-
pecially care to let the white-
plumed Tennessee reformer play
havoc with the party organization
or reap any rewards for embar-
assing party members (Truman
still smarts over the whipping Ke-
fauver gave him in New Hamp-
On the other hand, with Eisen-
hower as a candidate, there might
be an inclination for the Demo-
crats to lead Estes to a slaughter,
thereby removing him permanent-
ly and saving Stevenson for '56.
Whatever the solution, Kefauver

appears to be headea ror rough
handling by the Democratic or-
ganization, no matter how much
the rank and file admire nim.
Sens. Russell of Georgia, Kerr
of Oklahoma and McMahon of
Connecticut as well as W. Av-
erill Harriman seem well out of
the race. Russell quite possibly
will be the Vice-Presidential no-
minee with Stevenson to create
northern-southern harmony.
Looking past July and into No-
vember, the Democrats seem to
have the edge. Republicans will
decry the corruption and bungling
of 20 years of Democratic rule, but
will be faced with the argument
"we're in good times now, why
change parties?"
If there is no party schism
within Democratic ranks, they
will go into the election with 190
reasonably assured electoral
votes, contrasted with 152 for
the GOP. Since only 266 are
needed to elect a President, the
Democrats could win by pick-
ing up only two doubtful states,
New York and California.
This arithmetic seemingly is un-
impressive to Taft forces. Indeed
they were recenty horrified to find
that od Democrats had turned out
to support Eisenhower and Texas,
Observers have been pointing out,
however, that the GOP is defin-
itely a minority party with mil-
lions of voters ess than the Demo-
The large independent vote has
also been predominantly Demo-
cratic in the last elections and it
holds the real balance of power.
These are the facts Republican
politicians mst face when they
meet in Chicago July 7.
--Harry Luna




THE CONCLUSIONS drawn from the re-
cently completed poll of student atti-
tudes toward SL are generally just about
what would be expected. The considerable
interest in the students' main governing
body, the lack of specific knowledge about
what SL has accomplished, and the general
skepticism about the motives which prompt
students to run for SL, are neither startling
nor heartily encouraging.
But the survey gives no basis for any
widespread discouragement with SL as
a student governing organization from
either the student body, the faculty or
the administration. It does break down
the assumption of the administration and
certain sections of the campus that SL
doesn't reflect student interests and that
it exists largely as a talk-a-lot-but-do-
nothing organization.
Viewed historically, the survey indicates
that students recognize improvements SL
has made in procedural and jurisdictional
matters. Thus the skepticism registered in
the poll towards the motives which induce
students to run for SL is, though discour-
aging, an improvement over the widespread
apathy towards SL in 1947 and 1948 which
resulted from the exposure of voting frauds
and the "bloc-voting" procedure. In the
past few years, SL has striven and generally
succeeded in restoring faith in the honesty
of all-campus elections. The integrity of
personal motives may be doubted, but the
election process as a whole is thought to be
representative and trustworthy.
With regard to the "bloc-voting" proce-
dure, a majority of students still feel, and
justifiably so, that interest of special groups
-fraternities, sororities, housing units-de-
termines most SL members' votes. Nearly
as many students, however, think SL re-
flects the general campus interest. In the
final analysis, SL members should be elected
and should subsequently vote according to
specific issues, rather than personal or group
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.

It may also seem discouraging that stu-
dents think SL has only a meager influ-'
ence on students and the University ad-
ministration. But considering the apathy
and lack of cooperation SL has had to
overcome in the past few years and the
apparent disregard the administration has
for the work SL does accomplish (for ex-
ample the anti-bias resolution), this atti-
tude is inevitable. The students indicated
their interest in SL had increased; this is
tantamount to saying that SL's influence
has increased, at least among the student
There are, however, a few of the survey's
conclusions that are more provocative. Sta-
tistics showed a large number of "no opin-
ion" and "don't know" answers. About 23
per cent of the 300 students questioned
couldn't remember one thing SL had ac-
complished in the past year-a relatively
active one. Though a rather vague "inter-
est" is widespread, lack of knowledge about
specific SL activities and apathy towards
the group still governs adconsiderable por-
tion of students.-
Probably the most discouraging attitude
pointed out was the majority's conception
of student government as a sounding board
for student opinion rather than as a
decision-making body. In the past, SL
as a sounding board has accomplished
nothing. It has been most effective when
it has decided to investigate campus com-
plaints and set up corrective services. Even
this small area of legislation, excluding
major policy decisions on student affairs,
is an important step beyond the "sound-
ing board" function, and it is dishearten-
ing that the campus hasn't recognized the
On the encouraging side, students have
firmly adopted the idea of a representative
student government, acceptance of which
has taken the six years of SL's existence to
crystallize. And more important, student
interest in SL has increased in proportion to
that body's realization of the realm in which
it is most effective-campus affairs. Past
years have seen SL attempting to solve, or
at least pass resolutions on world and na-
tional affairs. This notion and the result-
ing confusion has been dropped lately, and
students have recognized it and approved.
--Virginia Voss


July may be easier than Nov.

1956 looks safer .





Washington Merry-Go-Round

At The State ,..
SOUND OFF, with Mickey Rooney.
SINCE THE inroads of television, Holly-
wood's Cheap Musical has been going the
way of the Dodo. The minor radio and re-
cording stars who used to inhabit these pic-
tures are getting their workouts on TV and
the studios have preferred to husband their
resources for the multi-million dollar tech-
nicolor blasts with six stars and a fifteen-
minute ballet.
This has put the crush on the small
factories like Columbia who have none-
theless braved the cyclonic competition
with a few modest pieces that have come
out better than you might expect. "Sound
Off" is an example of the effort to resist
the pressures.
The man assigned to bear the burden here
is none other than Mickey Rooney, who af-
ter ten years is still trying to live down
those man-to-man talks with old man Har-
dy and that woo-woo routine every time he
saw a young lady. Although he has not
completely recovered, the character he cre-
ates in this movie has enough extra dimen-
sion to keep boisterously amusing for most
of the distance. In view of the fact that
the comedy is chiefly old Army-camp-rookie
stuff, this is both pleasant and unexpected.
Milking laughs out of tough-sergeant situa-
tions is not easy.
As lagniappe, the supporting cast is com-
posed of a group of rather reasonable peo-
ple, most of whom are concerned with en-
dowing Mickey, the rookie, with a little
esprit de corps. This is finally accomplished
after a little slapstick and a few unpreten-
tious musical numbers which are performed
without undue concern about transitions.
The one thing I can't say much for is the
super cine-color which paints the world in
shades of turquoise and orange that are
neither authentic, nor particularly attrac-

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the Universit*
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPE WRITTEN form to Room 3519
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (11 a.m.
on saturday).
Permits to Operate a Motor Vehicle:
Students in the summer session who
expect to petition for driving privileges
should do so not later than Saturday,
July 5. Petitions cannot be accepted
after that date.
Automobile Regulations:
The University applies certain res-
trictions to the use of automobiles by
its students. The restrictions on the
use of automobiles do not apply to the
following students of the summer ses-
sion who are in an EXEMPT category,
but even students of this EXEMPT ca-
tegory must register their automobiies
with the Office of Student Affairs,
Room 1020 Administration Building.
The following students are in an EX-
EMPT category:
1. Those who in the academic year
are engaged in professional pursuits,
as, for example; teachers, lawyers, phy-
sicians, dentists, nurses. That is, those
who in the preceding academic year
were engaged in one of the above occu-
pations or professions and not en-
rolled as a student.
2. Those who are 26 years of age or
3. Students holding a faculty rank of
teaching fellow or higher.
Students who are NOT EXEMPT in
accordance with the above listings may
apply for permits in the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs, Room 1020 Administration
Building. Each application will be con-
sidered upon its merits. A Recreational
privilege is available for participation
in outdoor sports such as golf, tennis,
swimming, etc.
All students who in the academic
year 1951-52 held either EXEMPT or
SPECIAL privilege permits will be en-
titled to the same privilege for the
summer session provided clearance for
such privilege is obtained at the Of-
fice of Student Affairs.
All students, including those who are
in the EXEMPT category, must carry
Public Liability and Property Damage
and furnish the name of the insuring
. company, the policy number, and ex-
piration date of the policy before per-
mission to drive is granted. Any student
under 21 years of age must present a
letter from a parent giving him per-
mission to operate a car.
NOTE: Any student who drives with-
out first having secured a permit is
subject to disciplinary action.
Personnel Requests

cerning the opening with this .lirnM
for an advertising manager.
The Quaker Oats Company would like
to hear from men interested in a career
in selling. Need immediately a man for
the Detroit area selling to retailers.
Prefer age around 23 or 24 years of age.
The American Cyanamid Company,
Detroit, Michigan has an opening in its
Fischer Building office for a young
woman secretary. Must be able to type
and take dictation. Good opening with
promise of advancement.
For more details and information,
come to the Bureau of Appointments,
3528 Administration Building, or call
extension 371.
Single tickets for all summer plays
to be presented by the Department of
Speech will go on sale at 10 a.m. to-
morrow at the Lydia Mendelssohn box
office. The complete schedule for the
summer drama series is as follows: July
2-5 "Twelfth Night," July 9-12 "Har-
vey," July 23-26 "Winterset," July 30-
Aug. 2 "Second Threshold" and Aug. 7,
8, 9, & 11 the opera "The Merry Wives
of Windsor." Box office is open daily
from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. except on Sun-
Student Legislature meeting, Tues-
day, July 1, 7:30 at the Student Legis-
lature Building, 122 S. Forest.
Any member who is unable to at-
tend this meeting, please call the S.L.
Building, 30553.
Cercle Francais: The Cercle Francais
of the Summer Session meets every
Wednesday evening at 8:00 o'clock in
the Henderson Room of the Michigan
League. The meetings offer a varied
program of songs, games,. and short
talks in French on topics of general in-
terest, as well as the opportunity for
informal conversation and recreation.
All students, faculty members, and
summer residents who are interested in
France and things French are cordi-
ally invited to participate in any or ail
of the activities of the Cercle.
La Petite Causette: All students and
summer residents who are interested in
speaking French are invited to join this
very informal group every Tuesday and
Thursday afternoon between 4 and 5
o'clock in the Tap Room of the Michi-
gan Union. A table will be reserved and
a French Speaking member of the staff
will be present, but there is no pro-
gram other than free conversation in
Monday, June 30 and Tuesday, July 1-
Physics Symposium. "Meson Physics."
R. E. Marshak, Chairman, Department
of Physics, University of Rochester.
11:00 a.m., 1400 Chemistry Building.
Monday, June 30-
Modern Views of Man and Society.
"Social and Political Developments in
Israel and the Near East." Uriel G.
Foa, Executive Director, Israel Insti-
tute of Applied Social Research. 4:15

Mr. Edward C. Kalb of the American
Music Conference will deliver an illus-
trated lecture, "The Promotion of
School and Community Music Activi-
ties," at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, July
2, in the Audio-visual Aids projection
room, 4051 Administration Building. The
lecture is being given under the spon-
sorship of the music department of the
School of Music and is open to the
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for John Fred-
erick Kantner, Sociology; thesis: "So-
cial Mobility, Fertility and Fertility
Planning," Tuesday, July 1, East Coun-
cil Room, Rackham Building, at 2:00
p.m. Chairman, Ronald Freedman.
Tuesday, July 1: Faculty Concert,
auspices of the School of Music. Emil
Raab, violinist, Benning Dexter, pianist.
8:30 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall.
Student Recital: Grace Ravesloot, So-
prano, will present a program at 8:30
Wednesday evening, July 2, in the Ar-
chitecture Auditorium, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
degree of Bachelor of Music. She will
be accompanied by Sherman Van Sol-
kema, in a program of works by Mozart,
Wagner, Ravel, Chausson and Lenor-
mand. Miss Ravesloot is a pupil of Ar-
thur Hackett.
The recital will be open to the public.
Recital Postponed: The organ recital
by Elizabeth Thomas, previously an-
nounced for Sunday afternoon, June 29,
in Hill Auditorium, has been postponed.
The new date will be announced later.
student Recital: Robert Thompson,
pianist, will be heard at 8:30 Monday
evening, June 30, in the Architecture
Auditorium, playing a program of works
by Bach, Beethoven, Brahms and Pro-
kofieff, in partial fulfillment of the
requirements for the Bachelor of Music
degree. Mr. Thompson is a pupil of
Helen Titus, and his program will be
open to the public.
Student Recital: Alberta Cohrt, major
in string instruments in the School
of Music, will present a program in
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Bachelor of Music degree at 8:30
-Sunday evening, June 29, in the Archi-
tecture Auditorium. Miss Cohrt studies
violin with Emil Raab, viola with Ro-
bert Courte, and cello with Oliver Edel.
Her recital will be open to the public.
Museum of Art. Sixth annual exhibi-
tion, Michigan Water Color Society.
General Library, main lobby cases.
Books which have influenced the mod-
ern world.
Museum of Archaeology. Ancient
Egypt and Rome of the Empire.
Museums Building. Rotunda. exhibit.

ing at the student Center, corner of
Hill and Forest Ave. at 5:30. Program at
7:00-Prof. Paul G. Kauper of the Law
Faculty will be the speaker.
Services in Ann Arbor churches.
Coming Events
Tuesday, July 1, Square Dancing,
Square and Folk Dancing instruction,
no admission fee. Lane Hall, 7:15 to
10:00 p.m.
Kaffeestunde: All students of Ger-
man and others interested in spoken
Germandare invited to attend an in-
formal group which will meet in the
Michigan Union Tap Room Mondays
and Wednesdays from 4:00 to 5:00. A
member of the department will be pres-
ent to assist, but no formal programs
are planned.
Modern Views of Man and Society
lecture. Nicholas Nyaradi, July 2.
Play, presented by the Department of
Speech. Twelfth Night, July 2-5.
Christian Science Organization. Tes-
timonial meeting. Tuesday evening, at
7:30 p.m., in the Upper Room of Lane
Hall. All afe welcome.
Young Progressives organizational anl
summer planning meeting. Tuesday, 8
p.m., Union. All interested wecome.


INSIDE STORY of President Truman's veto
of the McCarran Immigration Bill is
one of the most interesting this year. Power-
ful forces were brought to bear to get the
President to sign the bill-including the
Secretary of State Dean Acheson and At-
torney General McGranery.
Seldom does the President overrule his
Secretary of State, but this time he did.
Senator Benton of Connecticut, who with
Lehman of New York and Humphrey of
Minnesota deserves chief credit for influenc-
ing the veto, had an explosive conversation
with the Secretary of State. Benton, who
used to serve in the State Department with
Acheson, figured that Acheson had sup-
ported the McCarran Immigration Bill be-
cause he was afraid of having his appro-
priations cut by the Senator from Nevada.
"It looks to me as if you're being blud-

TRUMAN got another strong memo from
a cabinet member who owes his official
life to McCarran, Attorney General Mc-
Granery. If McCarran had not reversed his
original opposition to McGranery and mys-
teriously led the fight for his confirmation,
McGranery would not be in the Justice De-
partment today. So McGranery wrote a
memo strongly urging Truman to sign the
Immigration Bill.
Lined up with McGranery and Acheson,
inside the White House, were Presidential
Secretary Matt Connelly and, to some
extent, Charles Murphy, liaison man be-
tween the White House and Congress.
Meantime, however, the hypnotic influ-
ence of Senator Pat McCarran, which had
overcome congress in the immigration
ifiirht. w aentra tinr. the White House


Sixty-Second Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications.
Leonard Greenbaum... Managing Editor
Ivan Kaye and Bob Margolin
..........Co-Sports Editors
Nan Reganall.... Women's Editor
Joyce Fickies....,.........Night Editor
Harry Lunn .............Night Editor
Marge shepherd........Night Editor
virginia Voss.......... .Night Editor
Mike Wolff.................Night Editor
Tom Treeger........Business Manager
C. A. Mitts.......Advertising Manager
Jim Miller......... ..Finance Manager



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