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June 29, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-06-29

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Latest Deadline in the State

Da3 ti4




Regents Give
Budget Final
Total Amounts
To $22,225,150
President Harlan H. Hatcher
announced yesterday that the gen-
eral operations of the University
will be carried on for the 1952-53
year under a budget amounting to
Regents' approval of the Uni-
versity's' General Funds Budget
became final yesterday. Tentative
approval had been given at the
June 13 meeting but Regents' by-
laws require a waiting period of
two weeks before the budget re-
ceives final approval.
THE BUDGET, which covers
the instructional, research, admin-
istrative and plant operation and
maintenance costs, is $2,663,650
higher than the one adopted for
the 1951-52 year.
Despite this increase, the new
budget must be regarded as an
economy one," Vice-President
Marvin L. Niehuss, chairman of
the budget committee, said. Ma-
jor factor in the larger budget is
an item of $1,400,000 for salary
adjustments for the faculty and
staff, made necessary by in-
creased living costs. This in-
cludes an increase across the .
board of six percent, effective
last January 1, and selected mer-
it increases effective for the
next college year.
Also included is an item of $162,-
000 added to the Medical School
to provide instruction for an en-
larged enrollment. Last fall the
University admitted the largest
first year medical class in the
country, and by carrying that
group into the second year and
again admitting 200 first year
students the University will be-
come the largest Medical School
in the country.
To provide the necessary ibco e
to balance the budget, the Univer-
sity will receive an annual appro-
priation of $16,936,650 voted by
the State Legislature and antici-
pates additional income from stu-
dent fees a n d miscellaneous
sorces of $5,288,500.
THE STATE appropriation is
$2,091,650 higher than the one re-
ceived last year. Fee income, bas-
ed on an estimated 16,000 students
enrolled next fall, is expected to
be $562,750 more than for 1951-
52 because of an increase in sem-
ester fees which goes into effect in
In announcing the budget,
President Hatcher said, "The Uni-
versity of Michigan received uin-
derstanding consideration by the
Legislature representing the peo-
ple of Michigan. By rigid internal
economics the University has con-
centrated its resources on the
things that count most, and will
be able to serve the state as one
T of the ranking institutions in the
Supplementing the q e n e r a1
Funds Budget are several self-sup-
porting educational service enter-
prises, including the residence
halls, Michigan Union and Lea-
gue, Intercollegiate Athletics, and
Student Publications.
The Regents also approved a
budget of $7,351,802 for University
Hospital, which is operated on a
self-sustaining basis and does not
receive any appropriation from
the State Legislature. The new

budget is $351,513 higher than the
1951-52 budget.
Late Scores
Brooklyn 4, Boston 2
Philadelphia 7, New York 2
Detroit 5, St. Louis 2
English Panel
To Be Held
The second meeting of the Con-
ference for Teachers of English,
dealing with basic skills in com-
munication for pupils not going on
to college, will be held from 4 to
5 p.m. tomorrow in the Rackham

Of One Mind

-Daily-Jack Bergstrom
RESOLVED-These summer school coeds do not intend to let
the abundance of males deter them from their studies.
t s
Summer Session Ratio
Fails To Excite Coeds
Female freshman attendance here this summer has jumped 75
per cent over last summer's enrollment.
Although only four women got their first glimpse of University
life last year, the Class of 1956 boasts seven coeds. This does not in-
clude an eighth who dropped her only course Friday because she
"was doing too many other things."
* * * *
BEING ON THE SHORT end of the much discussed male-female
ratio does'not seem to have had much effect on these independent

students however.

Two women had gone home for
the weekend-obviously to the
advantages of their position.
Janette Nylen a literary college
student felt she had been here too
short a time to comment on sum-
mer social life prospects. She did
admit, however, that the ratio
might "possibly" detract from
more scholarly persuits.
She hastened to add that she
hadn't made her choice of schools
on the basis of a ratio, however.
SUZANNE McCotter, also enroll-
ed in the literary college, admitted'
that "it looks like a very good sum-
mer" when informed that she was
considerably outnumbered by the
opposite sex.
Both coeds emphasized that they
planned to get some studying done
in spite of the men..
One studious woman said she
heard that "during the regular
school year the ratio is a little
under 3-1 and that of the three,
one is married, one studies all the
time and the third doesn't date
She wouldn't divulge her name
-"in case I have been misinform-
ed," she explained.

Police Free
ROK_ Council
PUSAN, Sunday, June 29-(A3)-
The Korean National Assembly,
held captive by an angry mob for
more than five hours, finally was
released late yesterday 'by police
under the personal direction of
home minister Lee Bum Suk.
More than 80 assembly members
including one woman were held in
the assembly hall by about 500 rep-
resentatives of town and city
councils and provincial assemblies.
Police stood by and watched
the blockade of the Korean Con-
gress without intervening from
1:30 p.m. until Home Minister
Lee, one of President Syngman
Rhee's closest advisers, took
charge personally. Earlier ap-
peals for police aid from high
government authorities had been
It was generally agreed that the
five hour siege of the Korean As-
sembly and the forced detention of
80 legislators, all of them pro-
Rhee or middle-of-the roaders,
had erased almost completely any
hopes for a compromise settle-
ment of the political crisis.

House Votes
Cut Foreign
Aid Measure
Omnibus Bill
Goes to Senate
House passed and sent to the Sen-
W;te yesterday a $10,122,840,780
omnibus appropriations bill.
It was $3,731,205,250 below Pres-
ident Truman's requested figure.
by Democratic absenteeism, knock-
ed out a total of $308,993,000 in
two days of spirited debate.
Major cut was $243,993,000
from foreign aid. Another 65
million was sliced from TVA
funds for new atomic power
The House approved funds for
a $6,031,947,750 foreign aid pro-
gram for next year. It was a total
cut of $1,917, 853, 250 from Presi-
dent Truman's requested total of
The House Appropriations Com-
mittee had recommended approval
of $6,275,940,750. But Republicans
aided by some Democrats, sliced
another $243,993,000 from the bill
on the floor.
was part of an overall bill which
now totals $10,122,840,780-a net
reduction of $160,293,000 from the
$10,283,133,780 recommended by
the Appropriations Committee.
The measure is to finance
foreign aid, armed forces, atomic
energy, and a variety of other
programs. The money is supple-
mental-in addition to funds al-
ready voted for many of these
The principal foreign aid re-
ductions rammed through yester-
day were in the funds for military
aid to Europe, the Near East and
Africa, and technical assistance to
the Far East. Efforts to cut aid
to Asia, the Pacific and Latin
America were defeated.
The House voted $1,200,000,000
-a cut of 568 millions-for Amer-
ican air bases at home and over
the world, upholding Committee
recommendations on this.
Other main points in the bill
as finally passed:
Atomic energy expansion-the
House voted $1,485,000,000 to be-
gin a six year program designed
to double atomic capacity. The
President had requested $3,191,-
000,000. The House also voted a
provisio limiting the funds to be-
ginning projects which the admin-
istration can fully finance now.
Opponents of this provision said
it would set back development of
the H-bomb by perhaps two years.
Military construction - the
House approved $2,187,899,840 of
supplementary funds after cutting
$805,968,600 from requests by all
three services. A total cut of 568
million dollars was made in money
to finance Air Force construction,
including secret bases from Japan
to England.
World News
By The Associated Press
LONDON - The three Western
Foreign Ministers yesterday con--
clded their round of conferences
which left the question of a Four
Power Conference on all-German
elections in the laps of the Rus-

Western diplomats were divided
on whether Russia would accept
their strictly limited offer to talk
about free elections. None of the
Western Big Three believed the
conference, if held, would bring
any result.
BERLIN --1U.S. Secretary of
State Dean Acheson arrived in
Berlin yesterday fot a well-timed
24-hour morale-boosting visit to
this isolated city in the Russian
* * *
SEOUL, Sunday, June 29-Chi-
nese Reds hurled two assaults at
a pair of hills on the Western
Korean front during a torrential
rain last night but booming Allied
artillery turned them back.
* ' *
ed Steelworkers said yesterday it
has signed a total of 33 new con-
+rn o+-. anhnclxri no the wna ff 1A_- n

PROTEST MEETING-Womert fall to the ground as baton-wielding police charge a protest meet-
ing in front of the city hall in Johannesburg, South Africa. The melee ensued after police arrested
E. S. Sachs, veteran labor organizer, who was addressing a meeting called to demonstrate against a
IMinistry of Justice order to Sachs to quit his post as general secretary of the garment workers union.


Law Institute Told of Hioh
Safety Rate in Atomic Field
The safety record achieved in the atomic energy field is twice as
good as the rest of the nation's industry, John C. Bugher, director of
the Division of Biology and Medicine of the Atomic Energy Com-
mission told the Law School Summer Institute yesterday.
In both the wartime operation of the Manhattan District starting
in 1942 and the subsequent activities of the AEC since 1946 there
have been only two deaths and less than ten serious injuries. Bugher
S* * *
"THE SURPRISING safety record" included both "the everyday
type of industrial accident as well as those resulting from atomic re-
action," he continued. Bugher at- -_

tributed the record to the safety
standards established in the in-
dustry and the fact that the AEC
is empowered to enforce the stan-
Also addressing the meeting,
Rep. Henry M. Jackson (D-
Wash.) predicted that a power-
producing atomic reactor cap-
able of supplying all the elec.
tricity needed for a city of 100,-
000 can be in operation by the
end of 1954.
A member of the House-Senate
Joint Atomic Energy Committee,
Jackson said that the power plant
he proposes could be built for
$30,000.000 to $40,000,000 and
could sell electricity at "commer-
cially attractive rates." '
The legal aspects of possible
injury or damage from radiation
exposure were discussed by 0. S.
Hiestand, Jr., assistant counsel at
the Oak Ridge operations of the
Declaring no employee at Oak
Ridge is known to have suffered
a radiation injury, Hiestand said
that considerable case law will
have to be developed for this new



age, Pric

N Bill Awaits


Receive Fines
Three Cicero, Ill. officials have
been fined for violation of the
Civil Rights Statute in connection
with the three-day racial disturb-
ances there last summer.
Cicero's Superintendent of Po-
lice, Erwin Konovsky, was fined
$2,000 and costs-$1,000 on each
of two counts: conspiracy to de-
prive Negroes of their civil rights,
and depriving Harvey E. Clark,
Jr., a Negro, of his civil rights by
preventing him from occupying an
apartment he had rented.
Police Sgt. Roland Brani and
Policeman Frank Lange were fined
$250 each',and costs on the second
Meanwhile, Mrs. Camille de
Rose, who owned the Cicero apart-
ment building where the riots oc-
curred, was judged insane by a
criminal court jury. A test of her
sanity was ordered June 13, when
she carried a loaded pistol into a
courtroom and made demands for

Gets Pubtic
Department apologized publicly to
Owen Lattimore yesterday and re-
voked the order barring the Far
Eastern affairs specialist from
leaving the country.
In a formal statement the De-
partment described as false a tip
it received to the effect that Latti-
more was planning a trip behind
the Iron Curtain. It was on the
basis of this tip that the Depart-
ment directed customs officials to
stop the Johns Hopkins University
professor from leaving the United
yesterday's statement said, "ex-
presses to Lattimore its sincere re-
gret over the embarrassment caus-
ed him."
Lattimore expressed apprecia-
tion for the State' Department's
action but said assurances should
be forthcoming that $ach a
"monstrous and un-American
injustice cannot happen again."
The public apology by the State
Department followed the indict-
ment by a Federal Grand Jury at
Seattle Friday of Harry A. Jarvin-
en, 32-year-old travel agency exe-
cutive, on a charge that he gave
a baseless tip to the FBI and the
Central Intelligence Agency that
Lattimore had arranged to buy
tickets for a trip to Russia.
When issuance of the supposedly
confidential State Department or-
der was disclosed by the Balti-
more Sun on June 20, and then
officially confirmed, Lattimore de-
nied categorically that he ever in-
tended to make such a trip.

Eleventh Hour
Renewal Voted
House yesterday passed, 194 to 142.
and sped to President Truman a
compromise 10-month extension of
price and wage controls due to
expire at midnight tomorrow.
The Senate had approved the
measure earlier in the day on a
voice vote. The compromise had
been hammered out by a Senate-
House conference committee in a
gruelling night session that ended
early yesterday.
* * *
ALTHOUGH the Administration
did not get all it asked, by any
means, the bill was regarded as
something of a victory for Presi-
dent Truman. The Senate-House
Committee knocked out a House
amendment by Rep. Talle (R-
Iowa) to remove controls from alt
commodities not under rationing
or allocation.
Since nothing is rationed now,
and few things are allocated,
this would have been a body
blow to the Administration con-
trols plan.
The conferees also drastically
modified a provision by Rep. Cole
(R-Kas.) to guarantee selles
their price markups based on in-
dividual rather than industry-
wide profit margins before the out-
break of the Korean war.
The version adopted by the
compromise on this point amounts
to a restatement of present law.
The Administration suffered a
blow when the conferees decided
to retain a provision exempting
processed fruits and vegetables
from price controls.
IN THE BRIEF House debate
preciding last night's vote, no-
body seemed happy with the new
bill. Some Democrats thought it
didn't go far enough anP didn't
give the Administration enough
control authority to do the job'
However Administration lead-
ers inthe House called the bill
workable and predicted the
President would sign it.
Some Republicans thought it
gave the President more control
over the people than is needed.
One of them, Rep. Cole of Kansas,
urged that the compromise be de-
feated. He said that if Congress
doesn't assert itself, there will be
controls for 20 or more years.
The measure sailed through the
Senate with only a scattering of
"no" votes. In the House the de-
cision was closer, as had been ex-
pected all along.
Foa To Speak
On Near East
"Social and Political Develop-
ments in Israel and the Near East"
will be the subject for the third in
the Summer Session series of lec-
tures on "Modern Views of Man
and Society" at 4:15 p.m. tomorrow
in Architecture Auditorium.
Uriel G. Foa, executive director
of the Israel Institute of Applied
Social Research, will be the lec-
turer. He has been executive di-
rector of the institute since 1949.
A native of Italy, he holds degrees
from the University of Parma in
Italy and from the Hebrew Uni.
versity in Jerusalem.
Ann Arbor News
To Raise Price
The Ann Arbor News yesterday

announced a price increase, "due

Hunter To Direct First
Summer Series Play_

Prof. R. D. Hunter, guest direc-
tor for the speech department's
production of "Twelfth Night"
which opens at 8 p.m. Tuesday,
is no stranger back stage at Lydia
Mendelssohn Theatre.
Chairman of the Department of
Speech at Ohio Wesleyan Uni-
versity, Prof. Hunter directed a
group of the college players in a
guest summer production here
four years ago.
* * *
WORKING ON a full schedule,
he is teaching two classes, inaddi-
tion to directing "Twelfth Night"
and "Winterset."
Prof. Hunter was graduated
from the University in 1917 and
received his Masters in 1923.
During this time he participated

Viola. The huge Sir Toby Belch
will be played by Richard Bur-
win, Grad; the comical Sir Ague-
cheek by Conrad Stolzenbach,
Grad.; Feste, the clown, by Herb-
ert Rovner, Grad. and the mis-
chievous Maria by Shirley Shep-
ard, Grad.
Carole Eiserman, Grad., will
play the part of the countess
Olivia; William Hadley, Grad.,
will be Viola's brother, Sebastian;
Vernon Lapps, Antonio and James
Briley, Fabian.
Costumes for the summer series
are being prepared by Lucy Bar-
ton, of the University of Texas
faculty. The author of several
books including "Historic Cos-
tumes for the Stags" and "Period
Patterns" written with Doris Ed-

First Concert To Be Given Tuesday

* * *

* * *

The first faculty concert of the
summer session will be presented'
by Prof. Emil Raab, second vio-
linist in the Stanley Quartet, and
Prof. Benning Dexter, pianist, of
the School of Music, at 8:30 p.m.
Tuesday in the Rackham Lecture
- ipr;:il lar mr nn fc n


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