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June 28, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-06-28

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Student Attempts To Find Gold Here

Law Institute Speakers
Discuss AEC, Industry

"There's gold in them there riv-
banks r"
With this gleeful shout, a finan-
ally hard-pressed student hur-
d along the banks of the Huron
ver yesterday searching for
aces of the precious metal in the
.cient glacial till which covers
e Ann Arbor area.

> a* * * *

LAUNCHING into a long-wind-
ed geological explanation, he re-
lated how his geology 12 lecturer
had revealed that nuggets may be
found in the glacial material.
"Going to college is pretty ex-
pensive," the student remarked,
"so I thought I'd dig up a little
extra money this summer."
He would not reveal his name
for fear that other prospectors
might force him to divulge the
secret place where he is currently
panning gold. However, he added
that some people call him "Yukon
4 An economics major, the
hard-working digger knows ex-
actly where his finds will end
up-buried at Fort Knox.
"Economists say it's a waste of
resources to dig the stuff out of
the ground only to bury it back
at Fort Knox," he commented,
"but as long as the government
pays $35 an ounce for gold, I am
going to consider their charge an
academic argument."
So far the ambitious gold digger
has covered several hundred feet
of gravel deposits along the Hur-
* * *
HIS WEIRD assortment of tools
includes a rusty pan for washing
the gravel, a rock breaker and a
huge tub which he keeps "in case
I find any big nuggets."
He said that one day he saw
a glint of gold flashing in the
pan, but it turned out to be a
gold fish. Last week he trapped
several dozen minnows and had
"a fine time fishing."
"I also am accumulating a fab-
ulous rock collection," he remark-
ed, "and there is an amazing var-
iety of shells along here."
Like every other prospector,
"Huron Harry" has jubilantly dis-
covered pieces of shining metal,
only to find that it was "fool's
gold" or pyrite.
Dauntlessly working onward up
the Huron, he expects to find sev-
eral hundred dollars worth of gold
by the summer's end, but failing
this, he hopes to at least get a
good sun-tan and a few dozen
Interest In
SL Revived
On Campus
(Continued from Page 1)
dent government between World
War I and II resulted in a post-
war demand for an effective or-
ganization to reflect student
opinions and provide services for
the overflowing campus popula-
Amidst a raging controversy of
rallies, editorials and speeches,
the campus in the spring of 1946
chose two to one a Congress-Cab-
inet form of government in which
the main body was elected by the
campus at large. The rejected
Council-Forum set-up placed au-
thority with a group madeup of
leaders of existing student or-
* * *
INTEREST in the new SL was
at a high pitch among those who
felt the group could cure all the
crowded campus' problems.
But warnings came from sev-
eral sections of campus that a
continuing interest would be
needed if SL were to acquire
the power, without strings, that
it needed to become actual stu-
dent government.
The most publicized committee

in SL's early days was the "Gripes
Committee" (now the influenti-
Campus Action Committee) which
acted as little more than a sound-
ing-board for students' pet peeves.
SL found itself largely concerned
with such matters as putting up
convenient pencil sharpeners and
sponsoring pep rallies.
Controversies over SL's worth-
lessness and fraud in student elec-
tions arose. Consequently interest
lagged and SL had trouble get-
ting student cooperation.
FIGHTING campus apathy, SL4
in 1948 and. 1949 focused its at-
tention on specific issues: it at-
tempted to revamp election pro-
cesses by cutting down "bloc vot-
ing"; it streamlined its own or-

-Daily-Jack Bergstrom
GOLD DIGGER-"Huron Harry" seeks summer income along the
Huron River where The Daily photographer caught him by sur-
prise in his gold panning operations.
Socil-Psychology Possible
Strike Cure, Says Cartwright

The use of social-psychological
techniques on a large, organized
scale could improve conditions be-
tween management and labor,
thereby leading to the prevention
of strikes such as the current steel
dispute, according to Prof. Dorwin
Cartwright, director of the Re-
search Center for Group Dyna-
However, he said there isn't
much chance of securing govern-
ment approval of such a plan at
the present time because of the
highly political implications of
the strike.
SL Appoints
26 Deleoates
To NSAMeet
A large 26 person delegation will
represent the University student
body at the Fifth National Stu-
dent Congress held under the aus-
pices of the United States Na-
tional Association at Indiana Uni-
versity August 18-27, 1952.
The Congress theme is: "The
Crisis in Education." Workshops
and conferences will take up top-
ics on student government admin-
istration and organization; selec-
tive service policies affecting stu-
dents; universal military training;
academic freedom; student rights;
federal aid to education; discrim-
ination; student athletic, cultural,
and educational programs; inter-
national student relations and
travel programs.
PARTICULARLY the alleged in-
roads made upon academic free-
dom and student rights, increas-
ing student apathy and the charge
that this generation of college
students is "silent" will be con-
sidered as focal points of the "edu-
cational crisis."
Delegates will be: Howard
Willens, '53; Philip Berry, Grad;
Sue Popkin, '53; Bob Neary, '54;
Roger Wilkins, '53; Sondra Dia-
mond, '53; John Baity, '55.
Alternates will be Sue Wladis,
'53; Audie Murphy, '53; Jean
Jones, '53; Lee Fiber, '53; Mike
McNerney, '53; Ruth Rossner, '54;
Shirley Cox, '54; Janet Netzer, '54;
Joe Sullivan, Grad; Lisa Kurez,
'53; Bob Reardon, '54; Herb Co-
hen, '53; Charles Reifel, '55; Rob-
in Renfrew, '55; Enid Stenn, '55.
Willens, SL President, will head
the delegation. League President
Phillis Kaufman, '53 Ed. and
Crawford Young, '53, Daily Man-
aging Editor will accompany the
official delegation as observers.
Leonard Wilcox, Grad. will.
attend the Congress as Chair-
man of the Michigan Region,
USNSA, and Leah R. Marks,
'55L will also attend as Regional
Public Relations Director
The University student body has
belonged to the USNSA since 1947.
The USNSA is composed of three,
hundred student bodies through-
out the United States representing
over 700,000 American students.
It serves as the students' sole
voice in national and international
educational affairs.

to the school of social-psycholo-
gists throughout the country who
favor establishment of a non-
partison, independent commission
of scientists to study the social
conditions that provide the basis
for strikes.
Psychologists and sociologists
agree that since strikes are a
symptom of social disease, the
cause behind the malady can
be diagnosed and remedies pre-
One psychological consultant
has worked out a prescription for
emergency s t r i k e treatment
whereby two groups, made up of
representatives of each level of
management and labor, would be
brought together for an agree-
Some work of this type has al-
ready been done by individual so-
cial-psychologists in small indus-
tries. As this plan is increased and
expanded it will become increas-
ingly possible to set up a special
body of scientists under the gov-
ernment to work out strike agree-
ments, Cartwright said.
Paton To Talk:
At Conference
Prof. William A. Paton of the
economics department will deliver
a series of lectures on "Contem-
porary Problems in Costs, Prices,
and Investments" in the week be-
ginning June 30 at an Economxics
in Action conference in Cleve-
land, 0.
The conference is sponsored by
the Case Institute of Technology
whichhas given study grants to
50 college economics and social
science teachers to participate in
the six week session.
Held for the purpose of getting
industry and education better ac-
quainted, the conference will in-
clude lectures, discussion sessions
and field trips to various indus-
trial plants.

The Atomic Energy Commission
and its relationship to industry
was discussed by speakers yester-
day at the Law School Summer
Institute on "Atomic Energy-In-
dustrial and Legal Problems."
The same conditions now exist-
ing in the mining and milling in-
dustry in regard to atomic energy
will probably still exist when the
* * *
FBI Probes
Remove 330
Atom Workers
Three hundred and thirty ato-
mic production and research
workers or appointees were re-
moved or denied Federal employ-
ment, J. Edgar Hoover, director of
the Federal Bureau of Investiga-
tion, revealed this week.
These cases came up during the
1951 fiscal year as the direct re-
sult of FBI loyalty inquiries,
Hoover said.
DURING THE year ending June
30, 1951 FBI loyalty investigations
totaled 840,803, with a "signifi-
cant increase" in requests for in-
vestigation of atomic bomb job-
Hoover said that the rise was
attributed to expansions of pre-
sent atomic energy installations
and development of new ones.
Civil Service Commission re-
ports showed, he added, that
1,837 individuals had resigned
during loyalty investigations and
1,503 others had quit before their
cases were "adjudicated."
The FBI chief sounded an omi-
nous note when he asserted that
legal curbs have sped up the un-
derground movement of Commun-
ist party members during 1951.
Estimated p a r t y membership
dropped from 51,785 in the pre-
vious fiscal year to 37,000 in the
period for which he reported.
* * *
FURTHERMORE, he warned
that "thousands of ex-members
who left the party of their own
accord still-feel themselves Com-
munist," though they are not ac-
tual members now.
Hoover said that anti-Com-
munist laws and prosecution of
Red leaders made the party
organization "increasingly se-
curity conscious" and has caus-
ed an increase in its "clandes-
tine activities."
As examples of these activities,
Hoover cited party utilization of
courier services, discouragement
of public meetings, and disguising
of public meetings as other than
Communist, as well as destruction
of party records identifying mem-
The FBI director noted the
effectiveness of the Smith Act
and the Internal Security (Mc-.
Carran) Act in curtailing sub-
versive elements.
Under the provisions of the
Smith Act, which metes out jail
sentences for conspiracies looking
to the overthrow of the govern-
ment by force and violence, eleven
major Communists were convict-
ed in New York. Following the af-
firmance of. the act by the Su-
preme Court, 21 more party lead-
ers were indicted.
From the time the loyalty pro-
gram started Aug. 1, 1947 to the
end of the 1951 fiscal year, 3,674,-
649 loyalty forms had been com-
pleted, 17,050 field investigations
and 19,410 preliminary inquiries
had been made.
Loan Prints
Student Loan Prints that have
been signed for in the Rackham

Bldg. may be picked up from 8
a.m. to noon and 1 to 5 p.m. Mon-
day, Tuesday and Wednesday of
next week in Rm. 510 Adminis-
tration Bldg., according to Doro-
thea Leonard of the Office of Stu-
dent Affairs.

new power is used to produce elec-
tricity, Carroll L. Wilson president
of the Climax-Uranium Company,
* * *
tute, Tyrone Gillespie, chief se-
curity officer for the Dow Chemi-
cal Company, urged use of the
lie detector test for the purpose
of eliminating "a lot of the chances
for espionage agents to creep into
atomic research work."
Although he approved the se-
curity effort of the AEC in gen-
eral, Gillespie suggest that more
emphasis be put on personnel
security. "All the major breaches
of secrecy about the atomic pro-
gram have taken place in this
phase," Gillespie said.
The mining and milling indus-
try, according to Wilson, is a
"Guinea Pig" in the efforts of the
AEC to encourage the investment
of private capital in the field.
The initial impact of atomic
energy has been beneficial for the
industry, he added, since a val-
uable material, uranium, is be-
ing recovered from the waste
products of previous mining for
radium and vanadium. A stabil-
ity of operation has also resulted
in the process, since there is a
ready market for all fissionable
material that could be mined and
sold at a fixed price to the AEC
with no sales problems, Wilson in-
* * *
HOWEVER, the second impact
of atomic energy on industry-
the Atomic Energy Act, has pro-
duced problems. As the known re-
serves of uranium pass into the
hands of the government, much of
the new technology of ore proces-
sing goes along with it.
With only one outlet for the
product, Wilson said, private in-
vestors must depend heavily on
the attitudes and policies of the
Atomic Energy Commission.
Wilbur E. Kelly, manager of the
AEC's New York operations office
outlined the duties of the office
in setting the health, safety, se-
curity and accountability stand-
ards for the whole industry.
New facilities at Fernard, Ohio
are presently being constructed
for the refining and processing of
uranium at a cost of $54,000,000
to date, Kelly disclosed.
Schools Lack
Proper Aiim,
Educator Says
Education today lacks realism
from the standpoint of the mo-
dern workaday world, according
to Prof. Ralph C. Wenrich, of the
education school.
"It is a mistake to give all
young people the same kind of in-
struction," he said.
"If we insist on giving all youths
a general or college-preparatory
secondary school education, we
are not giving them an equal op-
portunity to succeed in life."
LESS THAN eight per cent of
Michigan's labor force is engaged
in the professions, he pointed out,
while approximately 65 per cent
is in industrial pursuits, about 20
per cent in business and fewer
than eight per cent in agriculture.
"Educational opportunities in
Michigan high schools are de-
finitely slanted in favor of stu-
dents planning to go to college
to study for a profession," the
educator charged.
"But, unfortunately," he said,
"less than 25 per cent of our
youth are attending high schools
which provide the opportunity to
get an education for work in in-

The professor recommended vo-
cational programs to teach stu-
dents "such values as honesty,
appreciation of beauty, devotion
to truth, respect for excellence and
the pursuit of happiness."

Poio ests
To Be Tried
In Houston
HOUSTON, Tex.-(IP)-An es-
timated 35,000 children will be
used here in a test medical auth-
orities hope will prevent paraly-
sis from polio.
The children-aged one to six
-will take part in the biggest in-
oculation of a common blood frac-
tion (gamma globulin) ever at-
tempted as a means of fighting
* * *
ANNOUNCEMENT of the inoc-
ulation, which begins next Wed-
nesday, came as the sprawling big-
gest city in Texas was gripped by
a polio epidemic.
Four new city polio cases were
reported yesterday, two from the
county and two non-resident
cases brought up for treatment.
These raised the total so far
this year to 147 city cases and six
deaths, 94 county cases and four
deaths and 94 non-resident cases
and six deaths.
The National Foundation of In-
fantile Paralysis, which is finan-
cing the gamma globulin research,
regards 20 cases per 100,000 popu-
lation as a polio epidemic. The
City of Houston has an estimated
600,000 population and the county,
which will also be included in the
inoculation, has 200,000.
Dr. William McHammon of the
University of Pittsburgh will dir-
ect the inoculation, second ever
attempted but the first on such a
huge scale. He said the pilot test
last year at Provo, Utah, was tried
on only 5,768 children, not enough
to make a conclusive answer.
Appoint New
Notre Dame


, ..

With the coming of the summer
months big changes and additions
will be made in television and ra-
dio production.
One timely attraction for the
radio and television world is the
coming national conventions. This
summer will be the first year when
most of the nation will have a
chance to actually see a national
convention in action.
* * *
"NATIONS News Conference,"
a half-hour TV program, is a
Indicate Good
U.S. Relations
Harmonic relations between
Canada and the United States
are indicated by the type of news
printed' by newspapers on both
sides of the border.
Both Canadian and American
editors tend to stress constructive
news about their neighbor-nation,
with crime stories receiving very
little attention. Only three and
six tenths per cent of the total
U.S. news printed in Canada and
two and two tenths per cent of
news about Canada in American
papers was devoted to crime.
* * *
THIS WAS ONE of'the findings
in a "pilot study" released jointly
last week in 'Canada and the Unit-
ed States by the journalism de-
partments of the Ryerson Insti-
tute of Technology in Toronto
and the University of Michigan.
The survey relied upon a straight
numerical count of stories, mak-
ing no adjustments for the fact
that the population of the Unit-
ed States is more than 10 times
that of Canada.
In the American papers, inter-
national participation in events
by Canadians, sports and acci-
dents received about equal atten-
tion, accounting for three-quar-
ters of the news. U.S. sports items
were most popular with Canadian
editors, making up one-third of
the total volume of news about
Stories of national affairs
ranked second, with news of
business and finance third. Six-
ty-two per cent of the Canadian
stories in U.S. papers were given
top, display positions and the
Canadian papers printed 54 per
cent of the U.S. stories prom-
Professor Wesley H. Maurer,
chairman of the University of
Michigan Department of Journal-
ism, directed the study of Ameri-
can newspapers with technical as-
sistance on proper sampling tech-
niques from the University's Sur-
vey Research Center. The Canad-
ian side of the survey was under
the direction of Earl H. Beattie
of the Ryerson Institute.

special pre-conventions series be-
ginning Tuesday. The 7 p.m. show
is planned also to be telecast fre-
quently during the actual ,con-
At the Republican convention
in Chicago, Joseph Meyers with
assistance from 30 other com-
mentators, including Richard
Harkness, Morgan Beatty and
Merrill Mueller will broadcast
the various developments from
all vantage points of the hail.
Even the acception speech of
Stuart Hamblen, Presidential can-
didate of the National Committee
of the Prohibition Party, will be
broadcast Monday, from Winona
Lake, Ind.
Among the new television shows
starting this summer, are "Sum-
mer Theater," replacing "Studio
One," on Mondays and "News
Caravan," with John Cameron
Swayze in the first regularly sche-
duled coast to coast news telecast
series, beginning this Monday.
"LIBERACE, piano virtuoso"
will replace the "Dinah Shore
Show," beginning Tuesday, "All
Star Review" is starting today,
while Lynn Bari will star in "Boss
Lady," starting Tuesday.
Starting Thursday,. "Meet
Mister Peepers" will be on TV,
starring Wally Cox; the serial
"Guiding Light" will start Mon-
day; and the "Eddy Arnold
Show" is replacing the "Perry
Como Show," Monday, July 14.
A new summer radio program,
"Words We Live By," features the
reading of Psalms by Raymond
Massey as part of the summer ser-
ies of "Eternal Light," beginning
Sunday, July 6.
Two other new summer radio
programs are "Meet Your Match"
with quizmaster Jan Murray
starting Tuesday and "Hollywood
Music Box" with Robert Arm-
bruster and his music presented
from 9:35 to 10 p.m. on July 10,
24, and weekly thereafter.
Ceramics Course
To Be Offered
The Potter's Guild is now offer-
ing an eight week course to stu-
dents interested in ceramics.
The course in the wheel and free
forms begins next week. It will
cost $16 and will be directed by
Tom McClure.
Interested persons may obtain
further information by calling
Mrs. Daniel McHargue at 3-1275.
to Please:!
Specialty Styles for Men & Women
7 Stylists - No Waiting
The Dascola Barbers
Near Michigan Theater



SOUTH BEND, Ind.-(AP)-The1
Rev. Theodore M. Hesburgh, 35-1
year old former Army chaplain
yesterday was named 15th presi-1
dent of Notre Dame University.
The former Executive Vice Pres-
ident of Notre Dame, he succeeds
the Rev. John J. Cavanaugh, pres-
ident for the last six years.
Father Cavanaugh becomes a
member of the Provincial Council
of the Congregation of Holy Cross
with residence at Notre Dame. He
is assigned for special assistance to
the new president.
His term was terminated by
Canon Law because the President
of Notre Dame .also is religious
superior of the Notre Dame com-
Father Hesburgh, a native of
Syracuse, N. Y., is a graduate of
Gregorian University, Rome, and
the Catholic University of America.
MSC Names
Thurston Dean
LANSING - (M) - Dr. Lee M.
Thurston, State Superintendent of
Public Instruction, yesterday was
appointed Dean of the new School
of Education at Michigan State
Dr. Thurston will take his new
post a year from now at the end
of his present term as Superin-
The college announced that in
the interim Dr. C. V. Millard, dir-
ector of the old division of educa-
tion, would act as dean. When Dr.
Thurston takes over, Dr. Millard
will become research professor in
elementary education and director
of the Child Development Labora-
Dr. Thurston was first appoint-
ed State Superintendent in 1948
by former Gov. Kim Sigler and
was re-elected to the post twice



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Action to force a cleanup of pol-
lution in Ann Arbor fringe areas
was started yesterday in Milford
by the State Water Resources
The state board voted Thurs-
day to hold hearings, probably at
its Aug. 20 meeting in Lansing, on
proposed orders affecting the East
Ann Arbor - Pittsfield township
EAST ANN ARBOR will be re-
quired to submit engineering plans
by Oct. 1 and construct sewers
before June 1, 1954, under a ten-
tative proposal to connect with the
Ann Arbor sewage disposal plant.
Action against Pittsfield town-
ship was deferred for a month.
Milton P. Adams, executive secre-
tary, told the commission, "I'm
inclined to wait a month and see
if the township doesn't come
Information from a conference
with Washtenaw county govern-
mental officials Wednesday led-to
the WRC action.

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