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September 17, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-09-17

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By CRAWFORD YOUNG to print that will fit finds its way into the
Daily Managing Editor columns.
COMMUNISTS - fascists - bigots - Supervising the editorial page is Cal Sam-
pseudo-liberals - rabble-rousers - de- ra of Flint, originally Khalil Mohammed
viates of various descriptions - these are Najeeb Abusamra Pasha of Syria. His job is
a random sampling of the epithets corn- to exercise a benevolent supervision over the
monly applied to the ogres that work- on editorials written, attempting only to aid
The Daily. Inasmuch as the most imposing the writer present his viewpoint most effec-
of monsters loses some of its monsterness tively.
when closely inspected, we would like to In charge of training our freshmen
briefly pass in review before retreating be- and sophomores are Harland Brtz of
hind the anonymity of an occasional by- Toledo and Donna Hendleman of Chicago.
line. Over the course of three semesters, Daily
Our senior staff has an average age of reporters are trained in the fundamentals
20.7, hails from various stopping points of newspaper writing and the various
from New York to Chicago, are six-sevenths technical aspects of putting out a paper.
male, two-sevenths affiliated, five sevenths Rejoining the senior staff a little later
in upprtof tevnsn, ndprobably could will be Barnes Connable of Kalamazoo,
In support of Stevenson, and r prys.l temporarily academically indisposed. The
not qualify as 100% American under pres- seventh member, whose name appears at
ent definition. We include four Political the head of the column, will in the interests
cience majors, with maverick editors study- of staff morale not reveal the exact nature
ng in education, English, and pre-medical of his duties at the moment, except insofar
In charge of day-to-day functioning of as the title gives some subtle clues.
te new colurg s o fythe-d erayrenid In toto, over 100 assorted students pool
the news columns of the paper are Sid their efforts towards issuing The Daily every
Klaus of Detroit and Zander Hollander of morning except Monday while classes are
New York. They post assignment sheets in session-and incidentally maintaining our
daily, write an extensive and detailed criti- record as the country's oldest college paper
cism of the previous day's paper, and gen- with uninterrupted publication. Space limi-
erally make sure that all the news that's fit tations unfortunately forbid giving full bio-
graphical credit to all those who labor at
Editorials printed In The Michigan Daily the Publications Bldg.
are written by members of The Daily staff Over the course of the year, we hope most
and represent the views of the writer only. of you will meet some of us. As a start
This must be noted in all reprints, towards this, we hope as many as possible
will drop in on our open house this Thurs-
NIGHT EDITORS: SID KLAUS day for a guided glimpse at what we try
and ZANDER HOLLANDER to maintain as the best college newspaper
____in the land.
WASHINGTON - The forgotten man of with Stevenson, Truman is almost as eager
this campaign, for the moment, is the to see Stevenson elected as though he him-
occupant of the White House. But Harry self were running. And he has certain
S. Truman does not intend to remain a for- doubts, shared by other astute political ob-
gotten man very much longer. For the fam- servers, that Stevenson's speeches, for all
ous Presidential dander is now up. Truman their brilliance, are really going over with
will keep his promise to Gov. Stevenson to the voters. He believes that he himself, lam.
stay out of the limelight throughout this basting the Republicans in his famous "give-
month. But according to those close to him, 'em-hell" manner, can supply the missing
he can hardly wait to mount the hustings ingredience which will put Stevenson over
when this month ends. in November, and thus, in Truman's eyes,
There are two reasons for this Presi- vindicate Harry S. Truman for all time
dential eagerness for the whistle stops. ACCORDINGLY, the chief business in the
In the first place, the kind of campaign White House these days is the prepara-
Gen. Eisenhower has been waging, espe. tion of the Truman counter-attack, with
cially in the last few days, has thoroughly ticular eman forn policy. Like
enraged the President. As Truman has
said many times, he has always liked and vantages of his office. There have been hints
admired Eisenhower; and Eisenhower's vtaertaineaperm aeesi to
"fighting" campaign, which has so de- that certain papers may be declassified to
lighted many Republicans, has seemed to prove that Gen. Eisenhower himself recom-
Truman ingratitude "sharper than a ser mended the withdrawal of American troops
ent's tooth." from Korea, over the objections of the State
Perhaps Truman expected Eisenhower to Department. Likewise, the war-time cables
Perhps rumn epectd Esenowe to and messages of Gen. Douglas MacArthur
wage a lofty, non-partisan "national unity"am essaepoblGe,.toulaseMaherthur
campaign. Instead, Eisenhower has been may be made public, to deflate the Republi-
slamming.teTruadnE dinh isratioase can charge of a "betrayal at Yalta." Mac-
hard as Truman himself used to slam the Arthur is said to have recommended paying
"do-nothing 80th Congress." What particu- a higher price than any paid at Yalta, in
larly infuriates Truman is Eisenhower's order to get the Russians into the Pacific
criticism of the Administration's handling war.
of foreign policy, and above all Eisenhower's At any rate, Truman is angry enough,
charge that Administration "bungling" led according to those close to him, to crack
to the Korean war. And now Truman is back very hard indeed on the foreigne
thirsting for oratorical revenge. policy issue. As for domestic policy, the
In the second place, it is no secret that Truman line will bred" to the right wing of the
certain aspects of Gov. Stevenson's cam- Rpbia at.A i rs ofrne
paign have not pleased the President. He Republican party. At his press conference
a week ago, Truman refused to commet

was so angered by Stevenson's "mess in w°-
W nein on Eisenhower's indorsement of Sen. Wil-
Wasiungton" gaff that Stevenson himself, iam Jenner and on Sen. Joseph McCar-
after much burning of the wires between thy's primary victory. This was not be-
Washington and Springfield, had to tele- thyseprimaryovigto sa, ot bes
phone the President in order to mollify him. cause he had nothing to say, but because
he was husbanding his ammunition for
Since then, Stevenson's defense of the October.
Administration record seems to Truman, Truman's whistle stop plans for October
and with some reason, distinctly pallid. have. now reportedly been welcomed and
While Gen. Eisenhower has been hammer- approved in the Stevenson camp. And it
ing away at "corruption," "the mess in may indeed be that the Truman-Stevenson
Washington," and "Trumanism," Steven- combination will prove distinctly formid-
son has been calmly remarking that the able, with Stevenson "educating and ele-
Administration has made mistakes and vating" the voters, while Truman "gives-
that "there will probably be more." This 'em-hell." It is a curious political formula-
is reportedly not Truman's notion of a. the candidate acting like a President, while
spirited defense of the Administration, the President acts like a candidate-but it
and he is eager to go to his own defense. may very well work.
Moreover, despite moments of irritation (Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune Inc.)

Polio Cases
A POLIO EPIDEMIC hit Washtenaw
County last summer, crippling some
150 men, women and children. It was by
far the worst incidence of the disease that
this area has ever seen, the previous high
being about 30.
Most of the patients were sent to Uni-
versity hospital, where, in spite of over-
crowded conditions and a shortage of
trained and untrained help, all but 50
have been discharged.
Those remaining are the more serious-
ly involved patrients, such as respirator
cases. The hospital staff, well trained and
adequate in normal situations has found
it nearly impossible to care for the per-
sonal needs of their charges.
As a result, the patients have no one to
wheel them around, talk to or even to
scratch their backs when the itching be-
comes unbearable.
To help ease the situation the Hospi-
tal has issued a call for students to serve
as volunteer untrained help. There is no
pay. All that is required in the way of a
physical is a chest X-ray.
And, according to Hospital attendants
there is no more chance of catching polio
in a ward than there is of contacting it on
a city street.
Volunteers will have an opportunity
to bring a little light into the lives of
these people by helping feed them, writ-
ing their letters, reading or just talking
to them.
Students who would like to give some
spare time to this humanitarian effort
may contact Miss Ruth Locher, 3035 Hos-
pital Administration Bldg. or call 22521,
extension 641.
-The Senior Editors
'Red ucators'?
Editor's Note; The following excerpt is tak-
en from an article by Claude M. Fuess, for-
mer headmaster at Philips Academy, writing
in the Saturday Review on "An Educator's
IT IS CHARGED intermittently by super-
patriots that the faculties and under-
graduate bodies of our independent schools
are "shot full of Communism," or "tinged
with pink." I am not sure that I should rec-
ognize a Communist if a met one, although
I have conversed with two or three who have
been labeled as such by other people.
We had on the Andover teaching staff
several Democrats-which I know is very
bad-even some who voted for FDR-
which apparently is worse. I have even
heard of some headmasters who don't like
Senator McCarthy. But as I have watched
teachers through two world wars, as I have
listened to their talks in chapel, as I have
heard them on the public platform, I
doubt whether we have, even in the Senate
of the United States, a more genuinely
loyal group.
In a school not very far from Boston a
real, live Communist was invited by an un-
dergradate organization to come and speak
to them. He delivered his address with a
good deal of noisy eloquence. Then the boys
bombarded him with questions. They re-
futed his arguments, proved that he had
misquoted his authorities, and sent him
back discomfited, with the remark, "Those
damn kids are just like a swarm of mos-
quitoes." That's the best way to deal with
Communism, or indeed totalitarianism in
any form. It cannot long stand up against
the truth.
NEW YORK-Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhow-
er's troubles with the issue of Mcar-
thyism have only just begun.

Recent developments show how he has
failed to satisfy the divergent elements
of his own support. The New York Times
says frankly it is unhappy. The Chicago
Tribune has bolted the Republican Party.
Within this range, discord and confusion
grew as the candidate proceeded from
Sen. William E. Jenner's Indiana to Sen.
Joseph R. McCarthy's Wisconsin to Sen.
James P. Kem's Missouri.
Democrats are jubilant. They think they
perceive an area in which they can make
the war hero, whom they neither care nor
dare to attack personally, bleed from a
thousand wounds.
General Eisenhower's misfortune is that
Senators McCarthy and Jenner, with their
insensate attacks upon Gen. George Mar-
shall have posed the divisive issue between
Republicans in a form that does not permit
his evasion until a happier day when as
President he can shape his party into his
own image.
The nominee is trapped personally be-
cause Marshall is more than his mentor. He
is the friend who made Eisenhower's career
The nominee is trapped politically be-
cause McCarthy, Jenner and like-minded
isolationist senators are up for re-election
in states vital to Republican success. Thus,
he is not only under the pressure of his
natural ambition to win but of the insist-
ence of politicians within those states that
he must not take risks with their for-


-Dave Leslie

The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste, Letters exceeding 300 words in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld ftrom publication at the discretion of the

(EDITOR'S NOTE: The following
letters are selected examples of the
kind of correspondence The Daily gets
throughout the course of the year.)
S Must Lead ...
To The Editor:
SEVEN weeks ago, as presidents
of the five campus political
clubs, we urged the student body
to 'Vote Yes'. Two-thirds of the
voting students joined us then in
opposing the principle and prac-
tice of the restrictive authority of
the Lecture Committee.
We now urge the Student Legis-
lature to act on this statement of
public will. The SL must join and
lead the struggle to remove the
Regents rule which empowers the
Lecture Committee.
We are particularly disturbed
over the growing extension of re-
strictive authority, loose defini-
tions and contradictions evidenced
by the Committee's latest actions.
We endorse the SDA's appeal to
the Board of Regents to reverse
the banning of Mrs. Shore from
the genocide debate, and we urge
full campus support for this ap-
We believe that the Lecture
Committee's purpose and proce-
dure is alien to the University's
spirit and that the Committee
should be abolished. So long as it
remains on the scene, the Regents
should at least clarify their direc-
tives and reverse the dismaying
series of hasty and unnecessary
bannings by University authorities.
-Floyd Thomas, YR
Gene Mossner, YD
Marge Buckley, YP
Joe Savin, CLC
Ted Friedman, SDA
Barring Speakers ...
To the Editor:
LET US EXAMINE some of the
arguments used against permit-
ing student organizations com-
plete freedom in selecting their
speakers. First, "No one should be
free to advocate the overthrow of
the government by force and vio-
lence." Quite so. But the question
is a rather academic one, as no
speaker is likely to do that to a
university audience and, if he did,
he might need the protection of
the police! It is a very different
thing to say that no one shall
speak on other topics who belongs
to an organization which has ever
advocated such action. Shelley,
Godwin, Tolstoy, and Nietzsche
were all anarchists; some anarch-
ists have been assassins; would we
not like to have heard one of
those four discuss some literary or
philosophic topic? Why should
not a Communist talk on race re-
lations or Marxian economics or
peace with Russia?
Second, students will be led
away into communism. That is to
imly either that the communist
doctrine is so strong that no one
must be allowed to hear it, or that
students are so weak that they
have no power of resistance even

to the most fallacious arguments.
Frankly, I believe that the com-
munist arguments are weak and
that the students are mentally
much stronger. The proper answer
to false propaganda is simply the
statement of the truth.
Third, that the university might
be disgraced by charlatans, dema-
gogues, mountebanks, who would
be advertised as having spoken on
the Michigan campus. That could
happen. But it gives such persons
fifty times the advertisement to
be barred from the Michigan cam-
pus, and the resulting publicity
has never been of advantage to the
university. The university may
well be careful as to whom it in-
vites under its official auspices;
but merely talking to a student
group on the campus is a very dif-
ferent matter. One is like an edi-
torial in a newspaper or magazine,
an official declaration; the other
is like a letter to the editor to
which the paper merely allows
space. No sane person holds the
Detroit Free Press or News respon-
sible for every crackpot letter that
appears in its columns. On the
whole, the "prestige risk" of bar-
ring speakers is much greater than
that of letting them appear.
-Preston Slosson
* * *
Convention., .
To The Editors:
I HAVE JUST returned from the
Mid West Young Republican
convention where I was a delegate.
As a self designated "Liberal Re-
publican," I was completely dis-
gusted with the reactionary spirit
that dominated the entire conven-
Here are some prize examples
of that extreme conservative
spirit. I was told that: (1) Joe
McCarthy was a "real" gentleman.
(2) Herbert Hoover is our greatest
living American, and (3) Democ-
racy is anti-liberal because it
authorizes lynchings which are
controlled by mobs.
After three days of this "rattle-
trap," I was forced to ask myself
the question of whether or not I
really belonged to this party. Af-
ter much soulsearching, I came to
the following conclusions:
1) To preserve. our two party
system and to restore honesty and
sanity to government, without re-
verting to the "horse and buggy
days," we must overturn the old
guard and nominate a liberal Re-
publican this July.
2) The liberal wing of the Re-
publican party, which descends
from Abe Lincoln and Teddy
Roosevelt, is best exemplified to-
day in the person of that great
American, Dwight D. Eisenhower.
3) Only with the nomination of
Eisenhower, or a similar liberal
Republican, can millions of citi-
zens, like myself, regain confidence
in the Republican party.
In view of this, I would like to
urge everybody to join me in the
crusade for "IKE."
-Mal Schlusberg
Sec. "Students for Eisenhower"

WASHINGTON-The Republican command has worked out a high-
powered publicity campaign which will be unique in the history
of American politics, and is calculated to bring victory in Novem-
The plan is to ask national advertisers, most of them friendly
to the GOP, to surrender radio and TV advertising "spots" to the
Republican National Committee during the last three weeks of
the campaign, and' then saturate thhe airways with "platters"
or transcriptions from General Eisenhower.
The "spot" announcements, usually one to two minutes long,
would consist of a question asked of Eisenhower by a voter, with
his reply.
"The general's answer," according to the GOP plan, "would be
his complete comprehension of the problem and his determination to
do something about it when elected. Thus he inspires loyalty without
prematurely committing himself to any strait-jacket answer."
The high-powered publicity scheme was first evolved by
Fred Rudge of the consulting firm of Fisher, Rudge and Nebet
of New York, who first sold the idea to Walter Williams and Jock
Whitney. It was discussed by various GOP leaders on Aug. 25,
and on Sept. 2 Gen. Eisenhower himself gave his personal O.K.
He is setting aside half a day when the transcriptions are to be
Republican leaders felt they would have no trouble getting big
advertisers to relinquish their radio and TV spots three weeks before
elections, since all but two of the big advertising agencies in New
York are considered Republican, and most of their clients.
The text of the GOP publicity plan, which speaks for itself, fol-
lows :
"Getting spots on radio and TV can be accomplished by asking
national advertisers to surrender their spots for these three weeks,
thus throwing their purchase open to the Republican and Democratic
parties from the station and the networks. Since the Republican plan
would be organized and the Democratic. would not, the Republicans
could obtain the lion's share of the good time.
"It has been proven over and over in the course of radio-TV
experience in this country that spots are the quickest, most/ef-
fective and cheapest means of getting across a message in the
shortest possible time.
"It is recommended that $2,000,000 be spent in three weeks on
this campaign. This is at the rate of $34,000,000 a year for a national
advertiser-an unheard-of saturation campaign in the radio-TV
field. Then again when it is remembered that this $2,000,000 would
be spent in only 49 counties, the pressure probably increag to that
equivalent to spending at the rate of $135,000,000 a year-a tremen-
dous message-leverage in key areas.
"These spots will consist of questions raised by people speak-
ing in the accents of the various areas, answered by the General
with all the warmth and charm of which he is capable. They will
be aired at the rate of roughly once an hour over the pick of 56
TV and 244 radio stations in these 49 areas....
"This ties in with a further recommendation that the spots not
be made until the first week in October. This permits the greatest
latitude in assessing what the problems are at that time, rather than
risking political changes ensuing after the spots are made."
The publicity survey then proceeds to outline the "critical,
the key, the indecisive" states as follows: California, Oregon, Colo-
rado, Idaho, Nevada, Wyoming, South Dakota, Wisconsin, Ipwa,
Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Connecticut, Delaware, Mary.
land, New Jersey, Ne wYork, Pennsylvania.
"If the Republicans took all these states," the publicity plan con-
tinues, "they would end up with 308 votes, more than enough to win.
However, they must take a good part of them, and it is the purpose
of this plan to suggest those which must be taken, as well as the way
in which their taking may be assured.
ONE INSIDE STORY on the Chilean presidential election, in which
former dictator Carlos Ibanez won a thumping victory, is that
the Communists, acting on secret orders from abroad, deserted their
own candidate to throw almost 50,000 votes to the authoritarian gen-
eral whose nickname ,is "The Horse."
Officially, Chile's Reds were supposed to be supporting Dr.
Salvador Allende, a socialist senator and president of the coun-
try's medical association. But it was evident months ago that
Allende didn't have a chance. On Aug. 12, Communist Party
chieftains in Santiago received coded instructions from fame
Brazilian comrade Luiz Prestes, Moscow's No. 1 man in South
America, to put their strength behind Ibanez.
Ballot totals now make it clear that the Red leaders did a
thorough job of getting the word around. Although their party has
been outlawed for the past four years, President Gonzalez Videla's
regime did not crack down on open Communist activity during the
campaign, and Stalin's boys were able to line up most of the 60,000,
voters they controlled in 1946.
The socialists had an of icial registration of 46,00. It is
known that this number gave practically 100 per cent support
to Allende. Yet his total was only M.,000. Meanwhile, Ibanez got
almost that many votes more than his most optimistic backers
had privately predicted. In other words, he got about 50,000
Communists votes.
A significant repercussion of this timely assistance was the
triumphant candidate's declara-



tion, on Sept. 3, that "Communism
does not represent a danger in
any country where an effectively
functioning government exists."
Ibanez, who will be 75 in No-
vember, became Chile's president
25 years ago in a one-man election.
He soon abolished congress and
ruled by decree until overthrown
four years later by revolution. He
was long a fervent admirer of
Mussolini, had Juan Peron's ac-
tive backing during the recent'
campaign, and is a loud critic of
"Yanqui imperialism."
Perhaps the most important
point of all is that Ibanez' vic-
tory marks the fifth occasion in
the pas't two years on which
South American voters have reg-
istered their approval of ultra-
nationalist, totalitarian mind-1
ed candidates.
First was Getulio Vargas' amaz-
ing comeback in Brazil. Then came
the re-election of Juan Peron;
then the triumph of Bolivianj
"strong man" Victor Paz Estens-
soro. (Although the latter seized
power in a bloody revolt three*

Sixty-Third Year
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board of Control of
Student Publications.
Editorial Staff ,
Crawford Young .....,Managing Editor
Cal Samra ..........Editorial Director
Zander Hollander ......Feature Editor
Sid Klaus....... Associate City Editor
Harland Britz........Associate Editor
Donna Hendleman ....Associate Editor
Ed Whipple.............Sports Editor
John Jenks ... Associate Sports Edjor
Dick Sewell ....Associate Sports Editor
Loraine Butler ........ Women's Editor
Mary Jane Mills, Assoc. Women's Editor
Business Staff
Al Green...........Business Manager
Milt Goetz .......Advertising Manager
Diane Johnston ...Assoc. Business Mgr.
Judy Loehnberg..Finance Manager
Tom Treeger...Circulation Manager


At The Michigan...
THE MERRY WIDOW with Lana Turner
and Fernado Lamas.
MUST FRST apologize for an inadequate
knowledge of the original stage version of
this movie; its authenticity will have to
pass unquestioned.
Franz Lachar, who supplied the music for
"The Merry Widow" in its operetta form,
still stands out as the leading figure of the
film presentation. However, his melodies
sm4a rrafm . .. aii.Ahi .. v an

rich widow of a Marchovian immigrant,
giving her the opportunity to display her
classic beauty in a collection of very be-
coming black finery. When the Impover-
ished Marchovian king learns of her
money he sees a chance to pay off the na-
tional debt by marrying her to his
nephew, supposedly an irresistable wom-
an-killer. Fernando Lamas is wholly in-
capable of the role. His distinctly equine
features and wooden acting mark him
immediately as a misfit in just about
anything but a Frankenstein-Dracula
type of movie. Despite all this the Widow
.. _J _1_ r _1... ___ S__. _ ... .- . .3 . - 1V





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