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August 09, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-08-09

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Dutch Government Centers at Hague
______* * * *0
Special To The Daily
THE AGUE-They don't call
this the capital because the royal <;~
palace is at Amsterdam.
But the world knows The Hague4
as the seat of the Dutch govern-
ment and the International Court}
of Justice. This seven-centuries-h
old city is half as big as Amster-
dam but countless times as Im- }dIW i
portant. y2* v .¢f. %
, ,*#! ,,$?i ~'.:ii;:5} , 3 <:-". ., : '"t4A i

THE PEACE palace has seen as
many chiefs of state as any build-
ing in the world. Just the other
day, a few men walked into the
stone structure and came up with
the historic Iranian oil decision.
Aside from the palace, which
symbolism compels you to at
least get a glimpse of, The Ha-
gue can't claim the impressive-
ness of Washington, D. C. It is
a pleasant, shaded town with a
number of old buildings.
But age gets to be old stuff af-
ter a few weeks in Europe.
Main purpose of our visit here
was to pay social calls on the
American ambassador, the Mutual
Security chief and the Dutch For-
eign Minister.
AMBASSADOR Selden Chapin,
who holds the politically perilous
job of a foreign representative, has
headquarters in building owned by
a large American oil company. We
had only a brief appointment with
him and found him to be extre-
mely cordial and very much in
love with The Netherlands. -
MSA Chief Hunter, who han-
dles your money in Holland, is
an elderly gentleman with a
very keen sense of humor. Ile is
a Republican, aretired banker
who knows Europe well and we
would judge him a very good
Holland's Acheson, Diku Stik-
ker, retiring chairman of the Eu-
ropean Council of Ministers, is
one of the most respected men on
the continent.'A shrewd and able

* * * <S * *

politician, he is a strong member
of the coalition cabinet, although
he belongs to the small VVD par-
ty, a slightly right of center group.
t* s
WE WERE In Holland during
the recent elections and the qui-
escence was a striking contrast to
the Ike-Taft, North-South feuds
across the Atlantic. Aside from
posters and an "occasional boat-
load of campaigners blaring down
a canal, you wouldn't know demo-
cracy was about to swing into ac-
For one thing, the Dutch, like
the Americans, aren't great ora-
tors-except they admit it. And,
too, there really isn't much to ar-
gue about.
When the election results
came in at the dam, Amster-
Squaredam's Times Square, it

State Police Will Be Withdrawn

nom Jackson, Williams


LANSING (M)-State Police will
be gradually withdrawn from the
State Prison of Southern Michigan
next week, Governor Williams said
The Governor said that while
the prison still was not back to
normal, Warden William H. Ban-
nan reported it was "gradually
coming under control."
* 0.
ONE POLICE lieutenant and 24
men still are on duty at the pris-
on, scene of two riots since last
Bannan reported to the Gov-
ernor that he has been concen-
trating on strengthening the
custodial staff and marking
out the line of authority among
his deputies.
The prison had been criticized
because there was no clear-cut
line of authority.
THE STATE Building Division
has been asked to inspect the pris-
on with the idea of making a rec-
ommendation that the gutter
laundry building and the stores
building be razed. Plans also are

was close to what everybody ex-
pected-just about the. same.
Religious influence plays a large
part in politics here. A fair-sized
lump of parties are Protestant
Christian. The huge Catholic
group comprises every shade of
political belief, held together on-
ly by allegiance to the church.
But the Catholics, as represented
in the cabinet, have generally
seen eye-to-eye with Labor, so
there is no formidable opposition
The Monarchy in The Neth-
erlands functions much like Eng-
ECONOMIC conditions under
the present regime we don't pre-
tend to understand. It's hard for
us to comprehend how most of
the peol;e live.
Labor is dirt cheap and has
encouraged the rise of American
concerns-here. The Dutch are
good workers but even the most
skilled of the lot are grossly un-
It would take considerably more
than a fast journey to find out
how they get along. But in one
area-transportation-it's pretty
easy to .see.
* s.
IN HOLLAND, everybody rides
a bicycle. Those few who have
cars own bicycles too. It's econo-
mical and in this flat country it's
fairly easy going.
Struggling against the swarms
of swerving cyclists in traffic
is an experience you're not like-
ly to forget. But after a while
you begin to realize the Dutch
handle their vehicles better than
you can control your car and
you just ignore them.
The bicycle is used for every-
thing, including dates. It's a com-
mon sight to see a Dutch boy and
girl holding hands while wheeling
along, or even undertaking more
involved grappling in their pre-
carious positions. The tourist mar-
vels at this spectacle doubly be-
cause Dutch girls are certainly riot
the world's most attractive.

Not Mayor
Jimmy, five years old, asked his
father, Mayor E. E. Wilson, to
play ball with him the other
But the city official explained
he couldn't because he had to
make a speech at a dinner
That night, the family re-
ported, Jimmy added a line to
his prayer as he went to bed.
"O God, please make my
daddy a man instead of a may-
Alger Backs
Owen Cleary
LANSING--W)--Fred M. Alger,
jr., Republican gubernatorial no-
minee, yesterday denied he had
any objections to Owen J. Cleary's
remaining as chairman of the
State Central Committee if he is
nominated for Secretary of State.
At the same time Alger en-
dorsed Cleary for the nomination.
* * *
ALGER, THE present Secretary
of State, had been reported as ob-
jecting to Cleary's holding the two
jobs. A new state chairman is not
elected until spring, but Cleary
seemed to have the inside track
for the secretaryship nomination
at the State Republican Conven-
tion Aug. 16.
The two met yesterday and
Alger issued a statement "urg-
ing his (Cleary's) nomination as
Secretary of State at the Re-
publican Convention in Grand
Rapids." ,
The statement said Alger was
"sure any questions about the
state chairmanship will be resolved
for the best interests of the Re-
publican party."
* * *
IN AN INTERVIEW, he ampli-
fied this by saying he would leave
the decision about Cleary's future
as state chairman to the State
Central Committee.
Alger, Rep. Charles E. Potter,
party nominee for, senator, and
State Senator Clarence A. Reid,
lieutenant governor nominee,
met today with officers of the
central committee to map pre-
liminary advertising for the fall
A statement, issued following the
closed meeting, said no final de-
cision was made on how much
should be spent.
Cleary said, however, that "ex-
tensive use will be made of news-
papers, radio and television."
Daily Classifieds
Bring Quick Results

Still Getting
Back on Feet
By The Associated Press
HIROSHIMA, Japan (P)- This
southwestern Japanese city - the
first populated area to be blasted
by the atomic weapon-is getting
back on its feet after seven long
years, but much remains to be
Seven years ago Aug. 6 the city
was flattened and burned, with
nearly half its 343,000 population
dead or dying. Today it has more
than 300,000 inhabitants and
most of its structures have been
replaced by new buildings.
DOWNTOWN Hiroshima buzzes
with business activity. Scores of
amusement places draw capacity
crowds. The city's people seem to
be happy and robust, but most ap-
pear to be poor.. Many of the new
homes and business establishments
are only flimsy, jerry-built shacks.
The well-built, imposing new
buildings which Hiroshima
boasts were partly or largely fi-
nanced by outside funds-in-
eluding considerable donations
from the United States. But the
roads and sewage system are in
bad shape. The city government
caijnot afford to fix them.
Hiroshima is situated in south-
western Honshu, Japan's main is-
land, and is on the delta of the
Ota River. The delta divides the
city into six islands which are con-
nected by 81 bridges.
* * *
THE INCREASE in population
since the closing days of World
War II does not mean there is a
big demand for manpower. It's a
situation common to all Japanese
cities. The average Japanese farm-
er, with only one acre to till, sends
his second and third sons or
daughters off to the city to seek
Many people here are Japanese
government employes or mer-
chants catering to them.
Communist influence in Hir-
oshima seems to be minor, des-
pite strong efforts by the Reds
to' make propaganda out of the
atomic attack.
A Communist artist held an ex-
hibit here last year with paintings
of "A-bomb atrocities" but only
a few people showed up. Those who
did go to see it said the paintings
did not depict the facts.
Another artist, Yoshiro Fu-
kui, one of the survivors of the
atomic blast, now is trying to
captua e on canvas :us impres-
sibns of that unforgttah t Au-
gust seven years ago.
Fukui, a sergeant in the Army
Medical Corps, said the blast
pinned him beneath a beam in an
army barracks. He described the
explosion as "beadtiful and dread-

* *

* * "

* * 0

Red China Reports Economic Advance

By The Associated Press
N. reports indicate important eco-
nomic advances are being made
in Red China despite the partici-
pation of the Chinese Communists
in the Korean War.
This information comes mostly
from official Peiping sources, but
it is generally accepted both by
U.N. economists and by Chinese
THE RECENTLY published
-World Economic Report, prepared
by U.N. economists, says indus-
Ar Chief Hits
LANSING ()-The State De-
partment of Aeronautics yesterday
hit back at a report to the "Little
Hoover" Committee terming the
department "extravagent and un-
The report, written by the Citi-
zens Research Council, recom-
mended that extensive changes in
the department be made by the
Joint Legislative Committee for
Reorganization of State Govern-
Grig. Gen. Lester J. Maitland,
department*head, pointed to the
state's "vast network of airports
and its outstanding safety record"
as proving the good work of the

trial production in Communist
China by thte end of 1951 had
reached or excelled previous peak
year levels in many industries.
A Soviet economist told the
U.N. Economic and Social Coun-
cil that Red China last year had
a favorable balance of trade for
the first time in 79 years.
With regard to the Soviet state-
ment, it should be pointed out
that despite the favorable figures
there has been a sharp change in
the trade of Communist China
both as to composition and direc-
tion. Because of the western boy-
cott, many vital items are not
available to the Peiping regime at
There is no doubt, however, that
Chinese Communists have been
able to increase the total volume
of their trade by rapidly increas-
ing the flow of goods to and from
Russia and other Red satellites.
* * S
U.N. ECONOMISTS attribute
the gains to several factors. First,
there has been a sharp rise in
employment (recent visitors from
India indicated much of this, was
slave labor); secondly, the Peip-
ing government concentrated on
importing critical raw materials,
fuel and machine parts. In 1950,
nearly 80 per cent of the total

Imports consisted of machinery
and scarce industrial raw mater-
ials, while prewar imports had
consisted mainly of consumption
Apart from the increases in
trade and production, two other
important economic changes
continued to develop insile
Communist China-the nation
alization program for industry
and the land redistribution pro-
U.N. economists say that by the
niddle of 1951 the Peiping gov-
ernment owned and operated
about one-half the total industrial
capacity of the China mainland.
By the spring of 1951, they say,
the land redistribution had been
carried out in areas embracing
more than two-thirds of the total
rural population.
* * *

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being made for rehabilitation of
the chapel and prison auditorium,
the Governor said.
In Alma, James Hudson, bur-
ly Negro leader of the bloody and
costly April riot, has gone on a
hunger strike in Gratiot county
Hudson, a lifer, claims he is be-
ing held illegally in the county jail.
r HUDSONdWENT on a hunger
strike Monday, following his re-
turn-from Jackson, where he was
arraigned on charges of kidnap-
ing guards held as hostages in the
April mutiny.
As he started his strike, Hud-
son boasted to officers that the
next time they came to get hint
they would do so in an ambu-
He and two other leaders in the
April mutiny, Jack (Crazy Jack)
Hyatt and Earl Ward all were
transferred to separate county
jails. shortly afterward. Authori-
ties sai dthey overheard the trio
urging fellow prisoners to a new

DESPITE THE intensification
of the so-called Communist revo-
lution, private trade still continues
on a large scale. Private trade,
however, is controlled through
government trading companies
which supply private industry with
raw materials and purchase their
products. These controls deter-.
mine the broad pattern of produc-
tion, consumption and investment
in the whole economy.







3 1/2Nouns
u~ 9:30 A.M. to 1 P.M.



1833 Washtenaw Ave.
9:30 A.M.: Sunday School.
11:00 A.M.: Sunday Morning Services.
August 10,-Spirit ,
11:00 A.M.: Primary Sunday School during the
morning service.
Sunday Evening Services will be discontinued during
the months of July and August.
8:00 P.M. Wednesday: Testimonial Service.
A free reading. room is maintained at 339 South
Main Street where the Bible and all authorized
Christian Science literature may be read, bor-
rowed, or purchased.
The Reading Room is open daily except Sundays
and holidays from 11 to 5, Friday evenings
from 7 to 9, and Sunday afternoons from 2:30
to 4:30.
State and E. William Streets
Minister-Leonard A. Parr
Student Work-Marilynn Paterson,
Robert Inglis
Director of Music-Harold Haugh
Organist-Howard R. Chase
10:45 A.M.: Junior Cqurch Chapel.
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship with featured

(Disciples of Christ)
(Tappan at Hill)
Rev. Joseph M. Smith, Minister
Morning Worship: Sermon "Three Environments"
by The Rev. H. Jackson Darst.
Music: Organist-Frances Farrar; Choir Director-
Howard Farrar.
We will have our fellowship supper at 6:00 P.M.
at the Congregational Church. It will be fol-
lowed by a discussion centered around Overstreet's
"Mature Mind." Fellowship hour at the Guild
House following.
Directors: Marilynn Paterson and Robert O. Inglis.
(National Lutheran Council)
Hill & Forest Ave. Dr. H. O. Yoder, Pastor
Sunday-9:15 A.M.: Bible Class at the Center.
10:45 A. M.: Trinity Church-10:45 Zion Church.
5:30 P.M.: Supper Meeting-Program at 7:00.
120 South State Street
Dwight S. Large, Erland J.- Wangdohf, '
Eugene A. Ransom, Ministers
10:45 A.M.: Morning Worship. "Life for Me
Is " Rev. Wangdahl preaching.
2:30 P.M.: Wesleyan Guild and Fireside Forum
will meet for a picnic outing. All- students and
young adults are welcome. Eats will be provided.
Welcome to-Wesley Foundation Rooms, open dailyl
11:00 A.M.: Sundays. Visitors welcome.

Variety of styles and colors;
sizes 9-15, 10-44, 121 to 2411.
Also short jackets, coats,
better blouses, skirts, handbags,

sweaters, costume jewel ry,



(Sponsored by the Christian Reformed
Churches of Michigan)
Washtenaw at Forest
Rev. Leonard Verduin, Director
Phone 3-4332
10:00 A.M.: Morning Worship.
7:30 P.M.: Evening Service.

Plus any two $2.98 sale items
or any three $1.98 sale items,
purchased together, for $5.00



3 .,

and The Episcopal Student Foundation
North Division at Catherine

u rt I"





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