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August 08, 1952 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1952-08-08

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ter Ddi an
Latest Deadline in the State


4 1




Bulgarians Leave

Greek Mortar Fire Pushes Small
Communist Patrol From Gamma

ATHENS-(IP)-The Greek general staff said Communist Bul-
garian troops withdrew last night under Greek mortar and machine-
gun fire from the tiny, disputed islet of Gamma in the Evros River,
which forms the Greek-Turkish-Bulgariandrontier.
After A day-long pounding of the island, the general staff said
the Bulgarian troops-probably no more than of patrol strength-
were seen evacuating the island.
THE ANNOUNCEMENT said no Greek troops were sent to the

island, since the only objective
F ire Cause
Still Stum ps
SU.S. N\avy,

of the gunfire was to get the Bulgar-
ians out. The Greeks had given
. the Bulgarians an ultimatum to
get off the island - which both
countries claim - and then open-
ed up when the demand was ig-

TOKYO-V)-Far East Naval
headquarters early today for the
first time revealed details of the
roaring fire and explosions aboard
the aircrAft carrier Boxer Wednes-
dar which killed nine men.
It said the cause of the ccident
is still undetermined.
The account varied in some de-
4' tails from the version of the dis-
aster announced earlier in Wash-
ington, which attributed the acci-
dent to an exploding jet below
* * *
NAVAL headquarters in Tokyo
said nine men were killed and 32
injured when the hangar deck was
swept with flames and clouds of
Navy headquarters gave the fol-
lowing account:
The initial fire was discov-
ered shortly after dawn on the
hangar deck one deck below the
flight deck near the Number 2
elevator on the port side of the
27,000-ton carrier.
Within a few seconds the flames
swept down the deck, igniting gas-
oline, bombs and ammunition in
planes being readied for the day's
Plane crewmen rushed to the
loaded aircraft to strip them of
bombs and ammunition.
- - -
OVERWHELMED in the sudden
' smoke and flames, 63 men were
forced to leap'into the sea. Heli-
copters and small boats rescued
all but one.
In the engine rooms, the
sweating crewmen donned masks
to remain at their stations.
The Boxer was cruising with
Task Force 77 about 90 miles east
of Wonsan. When the flames and
explosions were quelled, the ship
was reported able to continue in
action, but she was ordered to
Yokosuka, Japan, for repairs.
The ship was under the com-
mapd of Capt. Marshall B. Gurney
of Portland, Maine, and Glenview,
Ill. He had just taken over from
Capt. Dennis J. Sullivan of Butte,
Mont., who presumably was still
* * *
UN Intensifies
Air War Over
North Korea
SEOUL-()-The Allied air war
rose in fury yesterday with hun-
dreds of fighter-bombers sowing
destruction across North Korea
and Sabres- destroying four MIG
jets that tried to interfere.
The fifth Air Force said five
MIGs also were damaged, bring-
ing Red losses to 15 destroyed and
19 damaged in four days of torrid
combat. Allied losses, if any, are
announced weekly.
THE AIR FORCE was not talk-
ing, but it seemed obvious the in-
tensified air blows were designed
to put pressure on the Commun-
ists to quit stalling at the armis-
tice table at Panmunjom.
Great numbers of fighter-
bombers took off from air fields
laden with bombs, rockets and
jelled gasoline and headed for
the skies over North Korea.
The Air Force said the total
number of flights against enemy

Aside from the announced
withdrawal, the general staff
blacked out all information as
to the size of its forces, the
gravity of the situation or
whether either side had suffered
Unofficial reports from the
scene said the Greeks, moving up
troops to the Bulgarian' border,
were backed by artillery.
* * *
A GREEK diplomatic source at
Istanbul, Turkey described the in-
cident as local-a continuation of
a series of flare-ups in the area
over the last five years.
* More than a week ago Bulgaria
announced that she had sent a
letter to the UN protesting that
Greek forces stirred "provoca-
tions" along the frontier. This
complaint as recorded in the So-
viet press charged the "provoca-
tions" coincided with the visit to
Greece of American Gen. Matthew
Ridgway, Atlantic Treaty Com-
Bulgarians claim, the boarder at
its disputed point changed when
the Evros shifted its course five
years ago and the island was thus
theirs. Greeks dispute this.
Czech Cities
VIENNA, Austria-M)--Reports
from usually reliable sources last
night said the Czchoslovak gov-
ernment is deporting thousands of
members of the former middle
class from the nation's key cities.
The reports compared the wave
of deportations to those in Hun-
Sx ,*
THOUSANDS of families were
said to have been forcily driven
from their homes in Prague, Bra-
tislava and other cities in the past
two or three weeks.
The reports said lawyers, ar-
chitects, former factory owners
and persons who held similar
jobs before the Communists
squeezed them out were the
prime targets of the Czech gov-
At least 10,000 persons were re-
ported forced to leave their homes
in Prague and Bratislava during
the first week of the deportations.
* * *
THE REPORTS received here
said the first homeless families
had left the two cities about July
18. Since then trainloads of de-
portees were said to have been
leaving two or three times a week.
The reports said the Czech Com-
munist government's aim appear-
ed to be the same as in two other
Soviet satellite states, Hungary
and Romania-to destroy the mid-
dle class and to make housing
available for favored Reds.
Removal of what the Hungarian
government called "undesirables"
from Budapest began May 21, 1951.
The U. S. State Department radio
estimated at the time that 30,000
persons had been evicted from
their homes by early August of
last year.
New Schedule Set
For Cinema Guild
SL Cinema Guild's final summer

Blatt Named
To New U'
opera Post
Met Director
To JoinFaculty
Joseph Blatt, assistant conduct-
or of the Metropolitan Opera Com-
pany and now visiting lecturer in
the School of Music opera work-
shop, has been appointed director
of opera production for the 1952-
53 academic year.
He has directed the current
speech department-music school
production of "The Merry Wives
of Windsor," in addition to mak-
ing the English translation of the
opera. He made his University de-
but last night, conducting the
comic opera.
BLATT'S appointment as lec-
turer and director of opera will
permit the School of Music to ex-
pand its voice curriculum to in-
clude a major in opera, according
to Dean Earl V. Moore. Training
in roles for the standard operas
will be given at the junior, senior
and graduate levels.
During his active musical ca-
reer, Blatt has conducted opera
and symphony orchestras and
composed, in addition to doing
formal teaching. He has been di-
rector of the Vienna Conserva-
tory and has lectured at Vassar
and other schools in New York
and Vienna.
He began studying piano when
he was only three years old and
started conducting officially at
the age of 19, assisting in a Czech-
oslovakian opera house. Since then
he has conducted opera in Ger-
many, Italy, France and Eng-
land, in addition to the United
* * *
BLATT HAS ALSO been guest
conductor of many major orches-
tras in the United States and
music director of a radio station,
WABF-FM in New York City.
Recently he conducted the
popular revival of "Die Fleder-
maus" at the Metropolitan. He
has conducted nearly all the op-
erasin the Met's repertoire, and
before coming to campus in
June, toured with the opera com-
Blatt has described the differ-
ence between American and Eur-
opean opera: "In Europe there are
operas; in America there is only
He compared American schools
of music to the many small opera
theatres in Europe, saying that
the graduate in this country is
on the same level as the small
opera performer of the Old Coun-
He also said that the Univer-
sity's School of Music is superior
in providing the student with a
complete musical education.
Late Scores
St. Louis 5, Detroit 4
New York 8-5, Brooklyn 2-7
St. Louis 7, Cincinnati 4
Philadelphia 2-10, Boston 1-2

Saucer Fees
BOISE, Idaho - (P) -- The
Boise City' Council met this
week and-with a straight face
-aproved the following sche-
dule of airport landing fees for
flying saucers:
$50 per non-scheduled land-
$10 for the first three min-
utes of "hovering rights:" $10
for each additional minutes at
less than 1,000 feet.
$1 tiedown fees for saucers
less than 1,000 feet in diame-
ter: $1 for each additional 50
Hits Bigotry
In .Politics
DENVER-(1)-Gen. Dwight D.
Eisenhower yesterday denounced
appeals to prejudice and bigotry
in political campaigns.
He said "those are the tactics
of the Communists."
The Republican Presidential
nominee made the statement in
expressing wholehearted approval
of a resolution calling on all GOP
candidates for public office to:
1. Reject political arguments
and appeals based on religious
or racial prejudices.
2. Censure attempts "to subvert
the American tradition" through
such appeals.
* * *
ed by the Minnesota GOP State
Executive Committee, which also
urged Eisenhower to endorse it.
A copy of the resolution was pre-
sented to the general Thursday
by Mrs. Elizabeth Heffelfinger, Re-
publican national committeewom-
an from Minnesota.
After conferring with Eisenhow-
er, Mrs. Heffelfinger told report-
ers her state has been "flooded"
with anti-Semetic literature at-
tacking both Eisenhower and
President Truman. She called it
Mrs. Heffelfinger also said she
told Eisenhower he will have to
speak out on farm problems dur-
ing the campaign if he wants to
carry the farm belt states in the
November election.
She said she had stressed to the
general that the farmers of Min-
nesota are anxious to have specific
answers on farm matters.
Mrs. Heffelfinger said that in
1948, Gov. Thomas E. Dewey of
New York, then the Republican
Presidential nominee, had talked
about such things as social se-
curity when he visited Minnesota,
and that the farmers were disap-
Lady Marine
Gets New Post
rine Corps yesterday announced
Col. Katherine A. Towg, director
of women Marines, will retire next
May 1 to become dean of women
and associate dean of students at
the University of California at
Gen.Lemuel C. Shepherd, jr.,
Marine Corps commandant, ex-
tended his personal regards to the
retiring colonel. "We shall miss
her greatly but I am happy she will
be in a position to continue her
illustrious career as a leader of
women," he said.

TINY MONARCH AND FATHER-Walking the floor like any
other father, Egypt's ex-King Farouk totes his seven-month-old
son and successor, the newly-appointed King Ahmed Fuad II,
around the terrace of his Isle of Capri hotel.
world NVewus Roundup
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-The National Mediation Board last night asked
the chiefs of three rail unions to postpone a threatened strike against
the New York Central lines east of Buffalo pending the outcome of
federal mediation efforts.
No reply was received from the unions last night.
The board's action came shortly after the unions had authorized
their representatives in New York to call a strike-if necessary-as a
result of a two-year dispute over working conditions.
Government officials said the board is prepared to start media-

Sen. McKellar
Trails in Vote
NASHVILLE, Tenn.--(T,--Rep.
Albert Gore, 44-year-old Carthage
congressman built up what ap-
peared to be an insurmountable
lead over Sen. K. D. McKellar
last night as new returns poured
in from the Tennessee Democratic
senatorial primary.
The 83-year-old McKellar, seek-
ing an unprecedented seventh term
in the U. S. Senate, was trailing
Gore by more than 40,000 votes
on the basis of unofficial returns
from 1,624 of the state's 2,300 pre-
The tabulation gave Gore 134,888
votes to 94,213 for McKellar.
The Democratic nomination nor-
nally amounts to election in state-
wide Tennessee races.
Rep. Gore has campaigned long
and hard against the Memphis
Senator McKellar. He pulled into
an early lead in the state's pri-
mary election.

Walking the Baby

Truman May Call
Congress To Halt
Price Increase
WASHINGTON-UP)-President Truman said yesterday he is
considering whether to call a special session of Congress to try to halt
another upward price spiral.
HE ALSO told his first news conference in over a month that he:
1. Would have supported Vice President Alben W. Barkley had
the Kentuckian stayed in the race for the Democratic presidential
2. Never considered backing Averell Harriman for the Na-
tional ticket.
3. Believes the Democrats picked the best man and a winner in

stion efforts immediately in New
* * *
HONOLULU - The United
States, Australia and New Zea-
land Wednesday set up a military
organization for mutual security.
A decision not to make any
formal link now with other Pa-,
cific nations was announced at
the end of three days of confer-
ences by Secretary of State Ach-
eson and Ministers of External
Affairs Richard G. Casey of
Australia and T. Clifton Webb
of New Zealand.
* * e
CAIRO-Maj. Gen. Mohammed
Naguib, strongman commander-
in-chief of Egyptian armed forces,
said last night he would welcome
military supplies from foreign
powers, including United States,
if they are offered.
* * *
TEHRAN, Iran-The semi-of-
ficial newspaper Bakhtar Em-
rooz accused several high Army
officers yesterday of plotting a
military coup.
At least two of the officers nam-
ed are known to be close to Shah
Mohammed Reza Pahlevi.

Moody Asks
War on GOP
Hatchet Men
Sen. Blair Moody of Michigan
proposed yesterday that the Dem-
ocrats turn their campaign guns
not only against GOP presidential
nominee Dwight D. Eisenhower
but also against those Moody call-
ed the "hatchet men" of the Re-
publican party.
Moody made this proposal to
Democratic presidential nominee
Adlai Stevenson during a confer-
ence in which he invited the Illi-
nois governor to kick off his cam-
paign with a Labor Day speech in
A REPORTER asked Moody to
identify the "hatchet men" and he
replied: "You know them as well
as I do." Then he went on to men-
tion the names of Senators Mc-
Carthy of Wisconsin, Kem of Mis-
souri and Jenner of Indiana.
This proposal was among these
other developments:
1. Moody urged Stevenson to
challenge Eisenhower to a series
of radio-television debates dur-
ing the campaign.
2. Stevenson named Sen. Mike
Monroney of Oklahoma to succeed
Sen. John Sparkman of Alabama
- Democratic vice presidential
nominee - as head of the party's
National Speakers Bureau.
2. Reports from Stevenson's
headquarters indicated that the
name of former Sen. Francis P.
M. Myers of Pennsylvania is not
among the top four being con-
sidered for the post of Demo-
cratic national chairman.
4. The new Democratic national
chairman may be named Sunday
after Stevenson talks here with
the present chairman, Frank E.
McKinney of Indianapolis.
* * *
MOODY TOLD reporters he had
suggested Stevenson make an is-
sue of "political integrity" by
hammering at those Republicans
Moody claimed had "misrepre-
sented and distorted" to the
American people the facts about
the Democratic administration.
Asked to expand on his charge
of misrepresentation and distor-
tion, Moody said one example was
this: that the Democratic foreign
policy had stopped the Commun-
ists in Europe, Asia and the Middle
East-but that Republican critics
had made it appear as though this
policy was fostered by Commun-
Then Moody said: "It's going to
be a funny campaign train to see
Eisenhower and Jenner and Kem
on the same back platforms. And
I wonder whether Eisenhower will
throw his arms around McCarthy
and ask people to "Vote for my
boy, Joe?"
Auto mobile
Retail Ceiling os
To BeHalted
WASHINGTON-- (') -Govern-
ment officials said yesterday basic
dollars-and-cents retail ceiling
prices of new passenger automo-
biles will be wiped out in an order
to be issued within the next few
An Office of Price Stabilization
official told a reporter, however,
the action generally is not expect-
ed to affect retail car prices except
in Texas and possibly a few other

Gov. Adlai Stevenson. This was no
reflectionon the other contenders,
he added.
4. Will discuss with Stevenson
at a cabinet luncheon next Tues.
day all possible'steps to achieve
party victory in November includ-
ing the President's own part in
the campaign.
Truman has said he is willing
to get on the stump and range
far and wide, but says he is now
Just a buck private. Stevenson
has shown signs of not wanting
to be too closely identified with
the Truman administration.
The President would not elabo.
rate on the possibility of a spe-
cial session. He said he would
await developments before decid-
ing whether to call Congress back
and when.
* * *
nall said after a White House call
Wednesday that a special session
may be necessary "if food prices
continue to get out of hand and
skyrocket." Congress in June re-
jected administration requests for
tougher price controls, and there
has been no indication of any
mass shift of sentiment.
A firm no comment was the ;
way Truman handled a ques-
tion whether Arnall had sub-
mitted his resignation. He has
been reported ready to quit.
During the exchange with re-
porters, the President disagreed
with Duke Shoop, correspondent
for the Kansas City Star, that
Truman "took a beating" in Mis-
souri Tuesday in backing J. E.
Taylor for the Democratic sena-
torial nomination. W. Stuart Sym.
ington beat Taylor handily.
The President said the result did
not affect his standing in Mi-
souri, that he has a right to vote
for anybody he pleases in the pyi.
Sentence 14
In California
LOS ANGELES - (AO) - Cali-
fornia's 14 top-ranking Commun-
ists were sentenced yesterday to
five years in prison and fines of
$10,000 each.
They stolidly heard the maxi-
mum sentence pronounced by U.
S. Judge William C. Mathes after
he upheld the verdict of a jury
finding them guilty of conspiracy
to teach and advocate violent
overthrow of the government, in
violation of the Smith Act of
The 14 defendants immediately
filed notice that they will carry
the case to the U. S. Circuit Court
of Appeals.
Those sentenced are: Frank
Carlson; Dorothy Healey Connelly;
her husband, Philip M. Connelly;
Ben Dobbs; Ernest Otto Fox; Mrs.
Rose Chernin Kusnitz; Carl Rude
Lambert; Albert Jason Lima; Al
Richmond; William Schneider-
man; Frank E. Spector; Mrs. Lor-
etta Starvus Stack; Henry Stein-
berg and Mrs. Oleta O'Connor
Judge Mathes passed sentence
after denying motions for a dir-
ected verdict of acquittal -and for
a new trial.
Local Stevenson
Club Organizes
A group of independent voters
met last night for the purpose of
forming an organization to sup-
port the election of Governor Ad-

Sperber Analyzes U.S. Political Slang



Religious terms, Indian titles and animal names have all had a
part in forming the complex political slang which has grown up in
the American electoral system.
Prof. Hans Sperber of Ohio State University cited these weird
derivations as he traced the origins of such words as "platform,"
"Mugwump," "Michigander" and "doughface" at the Linguistics
Forum last night.
* * * * *
AN EXPERT on political word history, Prof. Sperber is currently
working on a dictionary of American politics with his associates at
Ohio State. No existing political dictionary gives extensive derivations
of these familiar slogans and nick-names, so research had to be done
from old speeches, writings and books.
On campus this summer to teach several courses in the Eng-
lish department, Prof. Sperber got his class interested in the
derivation of the words "Wolverine", and "Michigander."

- ~. , , . " .;.

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