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August 07, 1952 - Image 4

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Michigan Daily, 1952-08-07

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. .........---

Hague Resort Area Seen after Dark
Special To The Daily
-We spent an evening at the
Hague's resort area on the North
Sea, a town so hard to pronounce
that the Dutch underground used
it as a password during the occu- -
Dinner was at an Indonesian4
restaurant where the dark, broad-
nosed waiters heaped gigantic "
portions of unknown quantitiesu
on the table, It was seasoned and
strange, but after a few weeks in
Europe nothing from a kitchen is
surprising anymore.{
* * *

AMERICAN FOOD must taste
pretty flat to a European. When
you're 'used to having your let-
tuce wringing wet with olive oil,
it would no doubt be a shock the
first time you entered a New York
The Dutch we talked with
who had visited America were
quite fascinated with such
things as the hamburger and
the milk shake. But as a steady
diet, they're sure it would cor-
rupt their refined appetites.
They look with scorn over here
on a glass of milk with your meal.
We tried to get some in most of
the places we went and they
either said they didn't have it or
displayed surprised, and even con-
temptuous, frowns.
* * *
WINE IS the assumed beverage.
In every good restaurant you go,
the man with the grapes embroid-
ered on his coat will advise you
on just what vintage goes with
how well done your meat is.
Some things you can enjoy
with a degree of familiarity.
Cheese, for instance, you know
something about. And Dutch
cheese doesn't send you for a
gastronomic loop-It's just bet-
One experience you're not likely
to forget is your first jigger of
Dutch Gin. You either like it or
you don't. You can't mix it with
anything. It defies description.
* * * s
WE WANDERED into a couple
of night clubs where Dutch jazz
musicians do their best to imitate
American 'cats. The result is
often amusing.
Amercan songs are the rage
over here. They become hits
generally between six months
and a year after they've started
sliding toward the cellar in the
Right now, "Cold, Cold Heart,"
"A Kiss to Build A Dream On"
and "Go'in Fishin'" are among
the favorites. And the Dutch sing
the English lyrics, although at the
Amsterdam Student Festival we
were told many of the boys didn't
know what the words actually
We talked with a promising pi-
anist who was up on all the latest
88 trends of his contemporaries
across the sea. The musicians we
Annual Meteor
Shower Will
Arrive Soon
With many parts of the nation
already seeing strange objects in
the skies perhaps it's wise to re-
port now that August will bring
with it the annual shower of me-
Prof. Hazel M. Idosh of the as-
tronomy department reports that
the Perseid shower of meteors will
reach its peak around the evenings
of August 10 or 11.
"The flashes of light from these
shooting stars may be seen in any
direction of the sky during the
peak period," Prof. Losh pointed
out. "But when you trace back
their paths, the meteors seem to
follow trails that intersect in the
north-eastern part of the sky
where the constellation Perseus
rises about 10 pm. This fact has
acounted for the name of this an-
nual display," she said.
The shower of meteors takes
place each year when the earth
encounters the swarm of shooting
stars as each is making its year-
long swing around the sun. Enter-

ing the earth's atmosphere at a
high rate of speed, the bits of iron
and stone that make up a meteor
are slowed up and the resulting
friction sets them burning at such
a high temperature that a brill-
iant flash is produced in the sky.
Most of these meteors burn
themselves out when they enter
the earth's atmosphere, although
a few frequently fall to the
Stevenson Group

GROCERIES-Dutch farmers carry their cheese to the market.


* * *

heard here were pretty good and
the influence of changing Ameri-
can styles is evident in every note
they play.
S, * * *
THE MOST fascinating guy to
watch in the dining rooms and
the niteries, however, is the wait-
er. He carries out his profession
with all the dignity and pomp of
of a grenadier guard.
The servant class concept was
one of our chief concerns as we
began traveling through Europe,
but good sources tell us the
waiter is solidly emplanted in
the middle class.
He is a social superior to the
laborer and the pride of his life
is when his son grows up to hold
down the same honored position.
* * *
WE MADE several other ven-
tures into Dutch darkness. One
was just a walk, the most signi-
ficant development being the dis-
covery that Holland is a nation of
Another was the Student Fes-
tival at Amsterdam which made
American magazines when they
lined up 17 of the noisy "Piere-
menten," the big barrel organs
that haunt the streets of. the
city, and had a contest.
On the more esthetic side, there
was the Holland festival at the
Hague and Scheveningen run by
the Ministry of Education which
doesn't seem to celebrate anything
in particular except the arrival of
the American dollar.
Amsterdam's w o r 1 d-famed
Concertgebouw Orchestra was
there. So was the Rotterdam
Philharmonic, the Royal Dutch
Military Band, the Netherlands
Opera, the Belgian National
Orchestra and the New York
City Ballet.
We were lucky enough to grab
seats for the large national dance
group of Yugoslavia which gave a
moonlight performance at the
edge of a forest across a stream
infested with swans.
BUT AS the tourist is lost in
the color provided for him, there
is the danger of losing sight of
Dutch life as it really is. We'll
have to admit we can remember
Survey Finds
Studies, Jobs
Don't Mix Well
Earning one's way through col-
lege is not a "bed of roses"; in-
stead, a student's scholastic per-
formance is usually penalized.
This is the observation of Wil-
liam J. Brownrigg, director of test
ing at Michigan State Normal Col-
lege, who yesterday announced the
results of his case study involving
110 MSNC students with full-time
jobs. The students were engaged
in a full-time occupation and
also persuing a standard semes-
ter's course at the college.
Forty-one of these students
failed to attain a "C" average. An-
other 30 students had an average
of slightly better than "C," while
the remaining 39 students earned
grades averaging midway between
"C" and a "B."
Brownrigg concluded that only
one out of every 10 students with
full-time jobs may expect to earn
an average of "B" or slightly high-
Two out of every 10 such stu-
dents will probably attain grades
between "C" and "B," while three
in 10 may expect to earn barely a

"C" average, he said. I

* * *
entering only one Dutch home
during our stay in Holland.
There are 2,500,000 families in
Holland and they're buying
their cigarettes at 75 cents a
pack, or twice as much -for to-
bacco from the states, while
the American is carting around
his twenty cent packs in a suit-
And *while you're eating fantas-
tically heavy meals in commercial
dining rooms, the Dutchman' isn't
exactly gouging.
FOR BREAKFAST, for instance,
he usually has only tea and bread.
For lunch ("coffee-drinking, lit-
erally translated) there is some
more bread, maybe a little meat
like sausage anti the coffee.
There isn't too much meat at
dinner either and there's no bread.
But, as this is the big meal of the
day, there are big portions of po-
tatoes and vegetables.
Raw herring, another contro-
versial item to the foreign stom-
ach, is on every menu you pick
up. But despite all the fishing
off the Netherlands, Holland
could not be called a fish-eating
So you have to stack the home-
made clothes, the five meatless
days and the one hot meal with
your memories of the Spanish
step-gables and the Tenth cen-
tury town hall in Leiden. After
you've done that, you can leave
Holland with a clear conscience,
but to really know the land you
realize someday you'll have to re-

Job Outlook
For August
Grads Good
August graduates in the fields
of etementary education, library
science, business administration,
commercial and engineering won't
have to worry about getting a job,
according to T. Luther Purdom,
head of the Bureau of Appoint-
In fact, demands in these fields
are higher than at the end of the
spring semester when job oppor-
tunities reached a peak at the Bu-
reau, he said.
ELEMENTARY teachers a r e
needed so badly that Purdom re-
ceived a call for 60 teachers from
one school system.
The only graduates who will
have any trouble at all in se-
curing a position, Purdom said,
are those looking for a particu-
lar location or salary, or who
are seeking specialized jobs that
just aren't available now.
The call for engineers by com-
panies throughout the country has
been so great that many colleges
are no longer advising interview-
ers to visit their campuses, he
A large number of calls have
also been received for accounting,
physics and chemistry majors, it
was reported.
Concert Set
For Tonight
"Variations for Carillon on a
Chime Tune" by Jan Sibelius, the
first carillon composition to be
given international recognition
alongside works for other instru-
ments, will be played by Prof. Per-
cival Price as part of his concert,
to be presented at 7:15 p.m. to-
The chime tune was composed
to be played on seven bells in a
church in Berghall, a modern sub-
urb of Helsinki. The variations,
for large carillon, were selected by
the Canadian Arts Council for dis-
play this year at the Olympics
Music Exhibition. This is the first
time a carillon composition has re-
ceived such recognition.
Prof. Price will also play Bach's
tocatta "Glockenspiel" and seven
sacred melodies: W. B. Bradbury's
"He Leadeth Me"; a Polish chant,
"Nie opuszczaj mas (Lord, Have
Mercy Upon Us)"; the spiritual
"All God's Chillun Got Wings";
an American folk hymn, "Land of
Rest"; and H. Smart's "Lead On,
0 King Eternal (Lancashire.)"




I N 0 R D E R A C A I N--west German border guards wear
steel helmets for first time since end of World War II, at Bonn
after the Republic was given virtual sovereignty by Allies,

K E E P I N C I N F 0 R M-Sheila Lerwill, who has cleared
Eive feet, seven and one-half inches in competition, has one foot
tucked behind her as she high jumps in a London meet.


E Y E AlI D--Awnings of
light stainless steel, devised by
a Miami, Fla., aircraft engineer
to keep rain off eyeglasses, are
worn by Don L. Davis, in a Los
Angeles oddity content.

vacation time
t -A U J y
1Hi P .-r
p'0 5 -, p,-

C H U R C H ( I N A D A Y -- Clock shows completion time, just over five hours after 180
workers, donating ther labor. began to build this church in a suburb of Santa Rosa. Calif.


SAVE '/2 and more
on your vocation clothes and dozens of
wearobles for seasons to come.

T R U M A N S E R V I C E- Margaret Truman serves fruit
juice to Cpl. Irving Rosenberg, left, of New York, and Sgt. Harold
Henly, of Cleveland, Tenn., at White House lawn party given by
the President for disabled veterans from Walter Reed Hospital.

U N D E R 'M O T H E R' S E Y E-Babyhippotakes swim-
ming lesson under watchful eye of mama at Frankfurt Zoo in
Germany. Youngster, 120 pounds, is mouthful to guide in water.

Beautiful 100% wool suits
and coats, originally were
49.95 to 69.95 now 25.00
to 39.95.

Dresses of every kind, ma-
terial, color and size from
9-24 12 from 5.00 to 14.98.
Originally were to 35.00.
Skirts-cottons, rayons and
wools ... 2.98, 3.98, 5.98.
Handbags-straws at 98c
and 1.98, leathers and plas-
tics 2.98 to 5.00, originally
to 10.95.


ly 4.00 to

blouses original-
10.95, now 1.98

to 5.00.
Slips - beautiful nylons,
lace trimmed 3.98 & 5.00,
originally to 8.95.
Ravons ... 1.98 & 2.98.


Costume jewelry
kinds 49c, 98c to

of all





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