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August 06, 1952 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1952-08-06

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WASHINGTON-A great many voters--
perhaps enough to determine the out-
come of the election-are anxiously await-
ing the answer to a simple question. What
is Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower going to do
about Wisconsin's Sen. Joseph R. McCar-
Eisenhower and his chief advisers, ac-
cording to Republican leaders close to
the Eisenhower high command, have now
agreed on at least a tentative answer. The
Eisenhower plan for dealing with Mc-
Carthy and McCarthyism starts with a
major speech early in the campaign. In
this speech, Eisenhower will warn solemn-
ly of the dangers of internal subversion
and Communist infiltration into the gov-
ernment. But at the same time he will
also voice an equally solemn warning of
the dangers of indiscriminate hate-mon-
gering and character assassination.
He will not mention McCarthy by name,
but his meaning will be clear enough. It
will become clearer as time goes on, in that
Eisenhower does not intend, according to
this present plan, to appear at all in McCar-
thy's native Wisconsin. Eisenhower also at
present does not plan to appear in Indiana,
when Sen. William Jenner is running for
* * *
THE REASON JENNER, among several
other cut-rate McCarthys, has also been
chosen to receive the silent treatment from
Eisenhower, is rather obvious. McCarthy has
as much as said that Gen. George Marshall
is a traitor, while Jenner has said it out-
right, calling Marshall "a living lie" and
"a front man for traitors." Marshall is, of
course, deeply admired and respected by
Eisenhower, who perhaps owes . more to
Marshall than to any other man.
The silent treatment for McCarthy and
Jenner is only the first part of this plan,
however. The second part is to do every-
thing possible, from personal appeal to
public indorsement, to appease the ex-
treme right wing of the party. Thus Sen.
Everett Dirksen, the protege of Chicago's
Col. Robert R. McCormick, has been in-
vited to take his place u .the inner
Eisenhower circle.
Dirksen bitterly attacked Gov. Thomas E.
Dewey, and by implication the whole mod-
erate wing of the Republican Party, at the
recent convention. He used an unpleasant
mixture of McCarthyism and phony evan-
gelism in his election campaign in 1950.
Editorials printed in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writer only.
This must be noted in all reprints.

Wisconsin's powerful Tom Coleman, a chief
McCarthy backer, is also to be appeased.
Wayne J. Hood, a Coleman aide, and a.
McCarthy man, has been made executive
director of the Republican National Commit-
Meanwhile, the Vice-Presidential nomi-
nee, Sen. Richard Nixon, has been given
the special assignment of binding up the
wounds inflicted on the right wing of the
party at the convention. Nixon set to
with a will at the recent convention in
Sen. Robert A. Taft's native Ohio, dis-
tributing handsome compliments whole-
sale to the Taftites present. Finally, Sen.
Taft himself has agreed to take a major
part in the campaign, making a number
of important speeches.
In short, the intention is to try to iso-
late McCarthy and Jenner only, and to
unite the rest of the party firmly behind
Eisenhower. It remains to be seen whether
the plan will work. The Eisenhower man-
agers are certainly wise to avoid the mistake
made by Wendell Willkie, who conspiciously
snubbed the regular leaders and leaned
heavily on his amateur admirers, undoubt-
edly losing hundreds of thousands of votes
in the process.
* * *
C ERTAINLY, if Eisenhower is to win, the
- regular organization workers, most of
whom were Taft men before the conven-
tion, must be persuaded to work hard and
enthusiastically for Eisenhower. The trouble
is that, despite the surface show of amity,
many of these people are still bitter about
what happened in Chicago. Any deviation
by Eisenhower from the true faith of "anti
me-too" Republicanism will increase this
Sen. McCarthy, moreover, especially
since he was invited by the Taft managers
to address the Republican rally in Chi-
cago, has been accepted by this faction as
a high priest of the true faith. Thus there
will be much pressure on Eisenhower to
abandon his present plan for dealing with
McCarthy, in the name of party unity.
The outcome really depends on whether
Eisenhower will remain true to himself. If
he does so, it is downright impossible to
imagine Eisenhower, a warm-hearted man
and a sincere idealist who instinctively hates
the mean and second rate, embracing a Mc-
Carthy or a Jenner. And in this situation
as in so many others in this campaign, be-
ing true to himself is undoubtedly the best
politics Eisenhower can play. The ten mil-
lion or so independent voters will elect the
next President. A great many of them cer-
tainly very much want a change in Wash-
ington. But a great many more could not,
bring themselves to vote for any candidate
who had embraced Wisconsin's special
(Copyright, 1952, New York Herald Tribune Inc.)

W ASHINGTON-Both parties plan to "run
scared" this fall. Each admits the other
is not going to be easy to beat.
It's a far different mood than prevailed
here last spring when Democrats as-
serted that Senator Taft was a set-up and
Republicans were sure the party in power
would fall back on President Truman.
Both sides were taking a lot for granted
in those days. Now nobody is taking any-
thing for granted.
The fact is that the campaigning abilities
and appeal of all four national candidates are
an unknown quantity, taking the country as
a whole. Only one-General Eisenhower-
can be certain of ready recognition on any
main street of the United States and per-
haps when out of uniform, he can't. Any-
way, his fame rests on his prowess in an-
other field than government. Governor
Stevenson admits candidly that his biggest
problem is that he is not better known. The
two Senators-Nixon and Spakman-have
only local fame.
This means that both national tickets
will lean heavily on the party organiza-
tions. They are certain to pay more at-
tention to state contests where popular
party figures are running in the hope of
cashing in on that popularity.
Thus the prospect is for a different kind
of campaign than has been seen in recent
years. In 1932, Mr. Roosevelt ran against the
depression; after that he ran on his record
while the Republican candidate had to run
against him. In 1948, President Truman
fought much alone with the result that as-
tonished the relaxed Republicans and the
It will not be quite the same kind of fight-
ing campaign the Taft followers wanted since
General Eisenhower cannot, even if he want-
ed to, go back on his own record in Europe.
But it is already clear that he is a Kansas
Republican conservative in domestic affairs,
a position that may well put him to the right
of Taft. This should certainly tend to call
home the rebellious Taft following as the
campaign develops.
Since neither the General nor the Gov-
ernor are such highly controversial figures
as Truman and Taft, the prospects also
are for less emotion, prejudice and pas-
sion in the campaign.
The President and Senator Taft often ap-
peared to have a catalytic effect on one an-
other. It is hard to believe that they had as
little respect for each other's abilities as
they pretended; they certainly had the pow-
er to drive each other to extremes.
On his own word, Governor Stevenson is
neither the close friend nor associate of Gen-
eral Eisenhower that he has sometimes been
pictured. It's still impossible to imagine
either nominee snorting at the mention of
the other. Nor is either tied to the extrem-
ists in his party, or likely to encourage them.
Not all the state tickets are lined up
yet, so it is not possible to weight probable
advantage to each candidate there. The
bare majority of governors are now Re-
publicans and they seem on the whole more
impressive than their Democratic opposite
numbers. States under G.O.P. control in-
clude New York, Pennsylvania and Cali-
fornia where the Senate situation also
favors Ike.
Democrats can look to Michigan, Indiana
Missouri and Massachusetts for strength
from the statehouse. Generally speaking,
they also have stronger candidates for sen-
ator. However, the loss of Senator McMa-
hon is a great one in Connecticut where he
had been expected to bolster the incumbent
Senator Benton. Now Democrats must fight
for two seats there. They do not have a
strong senatorial candidate in New York as
yet, and California is already lost senate-
wise with Senator Knowland nominated on
both tickets.
(Copyright, 1952, by the Bell Syndicate)

Si lent General,
THE JOB to which General Shoosmith is
going in Tokio will not be easy. He will
be the only senior officer on General Mark
Clark's staff who is not American, and his
colleagues will know that he has been sent
partly because America's allies have been
uneasy about some decisions taken in Tokio.
They would be less than human if they
were not slightly suspicious of the out-
sider arriving among them. But General
Shoosmith is a good choice for the job.
He has lately been leading the British
Joint Services Mission in Washington,
where he must have become familiar with
American ways of working, and he has
plenty of tact and experience.
It is also a good thing that the Govern-
ment on Monday made completely clear
what his position will be. He is to be a nor-
mal staff officer, with his first loyalty to his
commander, and he is not to be in any
sense an agent of the British Government.
No other arrangement would have worked.
No commander could be happy at having
a staff officer who was also a foreign in-
vigilator, and if anything of the sort had
been tried the British officer would inevit-
ably have been left in a backwater aside
from the main stream of the headquarters.
He would not have heard the things he was
there to hear.
But as a normal staff officer General
Shoosmith should be able to earn the con-
fidence of General Clark, and, having

"Independence Day"

9S93 "JANUARY _ 1953
I - -" I
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.. ..




Stanley Quartet . . .
last of three excellent concerts of cham-
ber music last night in the Rackham Lec-
ture Hall. The program was a rewarding
one, both from the standpoint of musical
interest and aesthetic enjoyment.
Emile Simonel joined the group in the
opening Quinet for two violins, two violas
and cello by the younger brother of Joseph
The presence of the second viola changed
the quartet conception completely, with the
result even more classically balanced, as the
pairs of violins and violas oppose each other
on either side of the axis provided by the
The viola was the "black sheep" of the
string family when this was written, and
few orchestras could boast more than two.
Besides this initial innovation, the muted
instrumentation of the second movement
also gave added interest. In this the first
viola and violin played a duet, against a
pizzicato background provided by the other
three instruments which made a perfect
trio. The effect was charming, due in no
small part to the sympathetic performance.
The frothy final movement was dispatched
with great gusto. Mr. Simonel blended well
with the ensemble, and his solo passages
exhibited an excellent sense of phrase line.
Hindemith's Third Quartet proved some-
what easier on the ear than others by his
contemporaries. It was a sincere expression,
worked out in a craftsmanlike manner. In
most respects a virtuoso piece, it was given
a virtuoso perfomance, with a logical cli-
max coming in the recapitulation of the
second movement, which was entered at
breakneck speed and produced a thrilling
experience. The toccata introduction to the
final movement was probably the highest
point of sheer technical display.
Beethoven's Quartet, Opus 127, was the
major offering of the evening. This is gen-

opening movement, giving a sense of re-
turn and completion.
In retrospect, the Stanley Quartet is
worthy of the highest praise for a com-
mendable series of summer concerts. The
programs have been well-balanced and their
performance carefully thought out and
tastefully executed. Special mention should
be made of the factual yet interesting anno-
tations by Clyde Thompson.
-Tom Reed
Robe t Noehren ..
SUNDAY'S PROGRAM of contemporary
organ music, by- Robert Noehren, ex-
plicitly pointed up one fact, the lack of
distinguished modern organ literature. Ex-
cept for two possible exceptions, the works
by Milhaud and Koechlin, I found nothing
of any real musical value. That the works
were mediocre was even more unfortunate
when it is considered how they failed to
supply ample or sufficient material for the
performing artist. Mr. Noehren is an ex-
cellent musician, as his many other recitals
will readily testify, but with second-rate
music, not even superhuman powers can
provide musical interest.
The music performed can generally be
fitted into two categories, although it, all
lacked the organic stuff, the basic ma-
terial and creative imagination that gives
a musical composition artistic signifi-
cance. The first category was academic. It
showed composers trying to reflect pre-
vious centuries by superficial means, nam-
ely the strict formal structure of the
eighteenth century. The works played here
were a Prelude and Fugue by Schmidt, a
Passacaglia by Andriessen (this piece did
show a little subtlety of texture) and a
Chorale Prelude by David.
The second category relied on effects and
tricks. It substituted novelty and cleverness
for substance, as exemplified by the pieces
of Messiaen and Langlais. The Toccata by

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in it is construc-
tive notice to all members of the
University. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Building before 3 p.m.
the day preceding publication (11 a.m.
on Saturday). \
Concert Tickets: Season tickets for
the Choral Union Series (10 concerts)
and for the Extra Concert Series (5
concerts) are now on sale over-the-
:ounter at the offices of the University
Musical Society in Burton Memorial
The following major concerts are an-
nounced for the coming University Year:
Choral Union Series
Richard Tucker, Tenor........Oct. 8
Yehudi Menuhin, Violinist......Oct. 22
Danish State Symphony Orchestra..
......... . ....................N ov. 13
Vladimir Horowitz, Pianist....Nov. 19
Bidu Sayao, Soprano..... ....Dec. 1
Vienna Boys Choir...........Jan. 16
Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra....
... . . . . . . . . . . Feb. 12
Gershwin Concert Orchestra.. Mar. 2
Artur Rubinstein, Pianist......Mar. 12
Boston Symphony Orchestra.... May 19
Extra Concert Series
Rise Stevens, Mezzo Soprano.. .. Oct. 17
Cleveland Orchestra.............Nov. 9
Caudio Arrau, Pianist,........... Nov. 25
Hefetz, Violinist,. ........ -... Feb. 17
Boston"Pops" Tour Orchestra.. Mar. 23
By purchasing season tickets a con-
siderable savings in cost is made. They
are now on sale at the office of the
University Musical Society Burton Me-
morial Tower.
Veterans enrolled under the G.I. Bill
who will receive a degree, change course,
or change institutions, at the end of
the summer Session and who wish to
take additional training under the Bill,
must apply for a supplemental Certif-
icate of Eligibility on or before August
8. Application should be made in Room
555, Administration Building.
Cercle Francais: The Cercle Francais
of the Summer Session meets every
Wednesday evening at 8 o'clock in the
Henderson Room of the Michigan
League. The meetings offer a varied
program of songs, games and short
talks in French on topics of general
interest, as well as the opportunity for
informal conversation and recreation.
All students, faculty members, and
summer residents who are interested in
France and things French are cor-
dially invited to participate in any or
all of the activities of the Cercie.
Kaffeestunde: All students of Ger-
man and others interested in spoken
German are invited to attend an in-
formal group which will meet in the
Michigan Union Tap Room Mondays
and Wednesdays from 4 to 5 o'clock.
A member of the department will be
present to assist, but no formal pro-
grams are planned.
Approved student sponsored social
events for the coming weekend.
August 9, 1952-
Chinese Student Club
Phi Delta Phi
Personnel Interviews:
A representative of U. S. Rubber
Company (Mishawaga, Indiana) will be
here Thursday, August 7, interview-
ing August graduates for the following
positions: Business Administration
graduates for production supervision
trainees, accounting, sales administra-
tion, or production management train-
ees; Chemists or Chemical Engineers
(male and female) for control of de-
velopment laboratory work; a journal-
ism graduate for public relations trai-
nee and assistant editor of plant publi-
cation management; and mechanical
and industrial and Chemical Engi-
neers for general engineering.
Personnel Requests
Bourns Laboratories, Riverside, Cal-
ifornia has a need for design and pro-
duct engineers (ME oe EE or Electron-
ics). They prefer persons in engineer-
ing honorary societies and can get mili-
tary deferments for men, company
manufactures airplane instruments.
Will pay expenses of moving out to
The Detroit Edison Company is cur-
rently in need of a young women with
a chemistry major or physics major
with chemistry minor to be employed
as a laboratory technician for its chem-
istry research laboratory.
Montgomery Ward, Chicago, Illinois,
is interested in hearing from return-
ing servicemen or August graduates who
would be available for employment in
the following fields: Merchandise or
(bner,,til 10Trinees.TIdus, trl En1i -

tion or Social Group work and exper-
ience in camping or club leadership
in a group work agency. Application
forms may be had at the Bureau of
The Buffalo Forge Company, Buffalo,
New York, is interested in receiving ap-
plications from recent graduates or Aug-
ust graduates in Mechanical Engineering
who are eligible for permanent employ-
ment. There are openings with the
company for sales engineers, research
and development engineers, and plant
The R-B-M Division, Essex Wire Cor-
poration, Logansport, Indiana, has need
for experienced electrical and mechani -
cal engineers capable of taking charge
of a design project and following same
through; to its completion. They also
need mechanical engineers who can de-
sign automotive accessory equipment.
This company is also interested in in-
terviewing June and August graduates
in the field of engineering who want a
career in product design, and will pay
expenses of an interview if applicants
show interest in having one.
The B. F. Goodrich Company, Akron,
Ohio, has several openings in its Ac-
counting Training Group, and also for
several Field Auditors. Would like to
hear from anyone interested in securing
employment with this company.
TheGeneral Electric Company, Sche-
nectady, New York, currently has a few
openings in its Business Training Course
for August graduates from among the
fields of Business Administration, Lib-
eral Arts, and Engineering. The train-
ing program leads to positions in the
Finance, Sales Promotion and Publicity,
Market Research, Community and Em-
ployee Relations, Sales, and General
Management activities. A bulletin with
ful details may be seen at the Bureau
of Appointments.
The Shreveport Child Guidance Cen-
ter, Shreveport, Louisiana, has a position
available in the Mental Hygiene Clinic
located in the E. A. Conway Memorial
Hospital in Monroe, Louisiana. This is
a State Operated Clinic supported also
by Federal funds. The need is for a
Psychiatric Social Worker.
Linguistic Forum. "Notes on Canadian
English." Walter S. Avis, Teaching Fel-
low in English. 1:00 p.m., Michigan
League dining room.
Symposium on Heat Transfer. "Heat
Transfer for Non-Isothermal Surfaces."
Myron Tribus, Director of Icing Re-
search, Engineering Research Institute.
3:00 p.m., 311 West Engineering Build-
Speech Assembly. Readings from
Tono-Bungay, by H. G. Wells. Louis
M. Eich, Associate Professor of Speech;
citation of graduate students. 3:00 p.m.,
Rackham Amphitheater.
Modern Views of Man and Society.
"Issues of the 1952 Presidential Cam-
paign." Panel members: Neil Staebler,
chairman of the Democratic State Cen-
tral Committee of Michigan; Owen J.
Cleary, chairman of the Michigan Re-
publican State Central Committee;
George Meader (Republican), member
of the United States House of Repre-
sentatives from the Second District of
Michigan; John P. Dawson (Democrats,
candidate for the United State House
of Representatives from the Second
District of Michigan; James K. Pollock
(moderator), Chairman, Department of
Political Science. 4:15 p.m., Rackham
Lecture Hall.
Lecture, auspices of the Department
of Slavic Languages and Literatures.
"Tolstoy, the Man, and His Family."
Marie Tolstoy, granddaughter of Count
Leo Tolstoy and Visiting Instructor in
Russian. 8:00 p.m., Rackham Amphi-
Academic Notices
Doctoral Examination for Joseph Wil-
liam Shepard, Chemistry; thesis: "The
Effect of Surface Roughness on Ap-
parent Contact Angles and on Contact
Angle Hysteresis," Wednesday, August
6, 1565 Chemistry Bldg., at 2:00 p.m.
Chairman, F. E. Bartell.
Doctoral Examination for John
de'Graft Duah Agyeman Dickson, Geog-
raphy; thesis: "Federation in West
Africa: A Study in Political Geogra-
phy," Wednesday, August 6, 210 Angell
Hall, at 2:00 p.m. Chairman, D. D.
Doctoral Examination for Gilles Marc
Corcos, Aeronautical Engineering; the-
sis: "On the Stability of Poseuile
Flows," Wednesday, August 6. 1077
East Engineering Bldg., at 7:30 p.m.,
Co-Chairmen, A. M. Kuethe and L. L.
Doctoral Examination for Paul Ray-
mond Barker, Physics; thesis: "Cosmic

I ====- == = ====
WASHINGTON-It is probably no accident that the planners in the
Kremlin have chosen the most hectic of all American election
summers to do some of their ugliest nose-thumbing.
Election years in the U.S.A. are always watched most care-
fully by those in Europe who have something ominous to put
It was no accident, for instance, that Mussolini, Hitler, and Japan
ganged up in the fall of 1936-an election year-to start unofficial
submarine warfare in the Mediterranean while Japan was pushing
farther into China. Roosevelt called a conference in Brussels to try
to stop the Japs, but worried politicians, including Cordell Hull, finally
induced him to pull his punches.
It wasalso no accident that Hitler picked the election sum-
mer of 1940 to drive into France and try to take England. He
knew that American isolationists would do their best to tie Roose-
velt's hand.
And had it not been for Roosevelt's courage in bucking the tide
in Congress and sending arms to England, a Nazi government might
have ruled the British Isles.
LIKEWISE, it is probably no accident that the Kremlin is making
some of its most telltale moves this summer-at a time when the
American public is thinking about the heat, summer vacations, and
who will be the next president of the United States. Here are some
of the moves spurred on by Moscow at this time:
1. Reported test of the first Russian Hydrogen Bomb. If this is
true, then the Soviet is ahead of us in developing the H-bomb. Bruno
Pontecorvo, who escaped behind the Iron Curtain, is reported to be
the scientist who developed it. Of course, thes reports could be an-
other part of the war of nerves. But if true, a Hydrogen bomb in
Russian hands will seriously upset the balance of military and diplo-
matic power in Europe. For nations like to be on the side of the
nation with the greatest power, and so far our Atomic power has been
2. Possibility that Iran will go Communist. Iranian riots
and the demand that the American arms mission pack up and
leave is no accident. Of course, incredible State Department and
British stupidity have played right into Russian hands. But Com-
munist agents, who now swarm all over Iran, are rapidly bringing
about a situation where the Shah will have to abdicate, and Iran
will fall into Red hands like a ripe plum.
When, that time comes, Communist influence is bound to march
down through neighboring oil-rich Iraq, to oil-rich Arabia, to strate-
gic Egypt and the Suez Canal. Thus, the Soviet by working around
Greece and Turkey, may circumvent the billions of American money
sent into Greece and Turkey under the Truman doctrine to block
off Russia from the Mediterranean.
3. Frenzied Soviet rearming of East Germany. This was spurred
on partly by our pushing of a West European army. It is also why
thousands of German refugees are fleeing into West Germany. They
want to escape conscription into the Red Army. But this rush by
Russia to build up an East German Army has brought great conster-
nation to other Germans regarding the most important, farsighted
project Europe has seen since 1870-the unity of French and German
troops under one flag.
ON TOP OF THESE, are some other factors attributable more to
bad luck or American stupidity than to Soviet astuteness. While the
men in the Kremlin can't take credit for them, they certainly are
benefiting from them. Here they are:
A. The economic illness of Great Britain. This goes hand-in-
hand with the split in the Labor party and the increasing strength of
the cut-loose-from-America group.
What's happened in England is exactly what's been happen-
ing in the United States. England now has an isolationist party.
It's somewhat comparable to the isolationists led by Senator Taft
and Colonel McCormick, except that, being Labor leaders, they
don't belong to the same economic strata. Nevertheless, they urge
with increasing vigor and increasing popularity that England can't
pay for heavy rearmament and must go it alone.
While this might save us a lot of money, it would also wipe out
our air bases in Britain and pull the props out from under our goal
of European unity against Communism.
B. The wobbly situation in France. What most people don't
realize is that American subsidies, both under the Marshall Plan and
later under the North Atlantic Pact, long have kept middle-of-the-
road leaders of France in power.
We have long benefited from a loose alliance between the
Catholio leaders of the middle, the non-Communist leaders of
Labor, and small businessmen of the middle. The chief factors
keeping them together are fear of Communism plus the fact that
the French government could balance its budget through subsi-
dies from the United States. While these have not been large
compared to the total French budget, they represented the mar
gin that kept the middle parties in power.
Today Congress has drastically cut this margin, and France may
be torn between the Communist left and the Fascist right of anti-
American General De Gaulle. This comes at a time when the Kremlin
is pushing its propaganda harder than ever and when we appear to be
within gunshot of attaining the great goal of a European army.
All these things also come at a time when the American public
is bored stiff with world problems and when it was difficult to squeeze
a line of European news into the papers during the Chicago conven-
tions, even with a crowbar.
Nevertheless, this undoubtedly is why the Kremlin has stif-
fened its truce talks in Korea, why inflammatory posters hae
been tacked up in Moscow showing American planes shot down

by the Reds, and why the Moscow radio has stepped up its hate-
America program to a new pitch.
In brief, we are pretty sure to face more trouble abroad this
Summer and fall-regardless of politics, the heat, and our own desire
to be let alone.
(Copyright, 1952, by The Bell Syndicate)


It will include the "Glockenspiel" Toc-
cata for Carillon, Air in D, In Thee is
Joy, and Sheep May Safely Graze, by
Bach; Variations for Carillon on a
Chime Tune by Sibelius, written by
Professor Price, and six sacred melo-
Student Recital. Donald Jackson, stu-
dent of piano with Benning Dexter, will
be heard at 8:30 Thursday evening, Au-
gust 7, in the Rackham Assembly Hall,
in a program of compositions by Bach,
Bartok, Beethoven, Brahms, and Cho-
pin. Presented in partial fulfillment of
the requirements for the degree of
Master of Music, the recital will be
open to the public.
Museum of Art, Selections from the
Permanent Collection.
General Library. Dictionaries.
Museum of Archaeology. Ancient
Egypt and Rome of the Empire.
Museums Building. Rotunda exhibit.
Some museum techniques.
Michigan Historical Collections, 160

Shty-Setond Yeta
Edited and managed by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications
Leonard Greenbaum Managing Editor
Ivan Kaye and Bob Margolin
........Co-Sports Editors
Nan Reganall ........ Women's Editor
Joyce Fickies. .....,..,... Night Editor
Harry Lunn ........... Night Editor
Marge Shepherd.........Night Editor
Virginia Voss..........Night Editor
Mike Wolff ....... Night Editor
rom rreeger. Business Manager
0 A Mitts......Advertising Manager
Jim Miller Finance Manager



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