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July 18, 1951 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1951-07-18

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WASHINGTON-Shrewd political observ-
ers-including, privately, some of, the
most astute Republicans on Capitol Hill-
are becoming increasingly convinced on two
points. First, Harry S. Truman will run
again. Second, Harry S. Truman, despite
his current low standing in all the polls, will
be a hard man to beat.
One reason for believing that Truman, if
he runs, will be no easy mark, is the simple
contrast between the electoral situation in
1948, and the situation which seems likelyj
to prevail in 1952. In 1948, after all, Tru-
man won despite the fact that he lost four
states-South Carolina, Alabama, Louisiana,
and Mississippi-to the Dixiecrats. This
accounted for the loss of thirty-eight elec-
tor.al ballots.
There have been renewed mutterings of
Southern revolt, especially since Senator
Harry Byrd's rebellious speech in Atlanta.
But it seems wholly improbable, as of to-
day, that a new Southern party will be or-
ganized. The fact is that the Dixiecrats.
captured four states in 1948 only because
they tightly controlled those states' poli-
tical machinery and organization. And
what has been generally overlooked is the
fact that the Dixiecrat organization has,
since 1948, been virtually destroyed.
In South Carolina, the Dixiecrats took a
near-mortal blow when J. Strom Thurmond,
Dixiecrat Presidential candidate, was re-
soundingly defeated last year for the Sena-
torial nomination. Governor James Byrnes
is no lover of Truman, but he ,is a regular
to his fingertips, and far from likely to bolt
his party.
In Alabama, the Dixiecrats in 1948 were
strong enough to rule Truman's name
right off the ballot. But the whole Dixie-
crat organization has now been ground
into mince-meat by Alabama's two anti-
Dixiecrat Senators, Lister Hill and John
Sparkman. In Louisiana, national Dixie.
crat leader Leander Perez, who supplied
much of the tactical direction and finan-
cial sinews of the 1948 movement, led the
fight last year to unseat anti-Dixiecrat
Senator Russell Long. Perez was just
about finished politically when Long
romped through with every Louisiana par-
ish save one-a greater triumph than his
father Huey Long ever enjoyed.
The Louisiana state organization is now
firmly in the hands of Long and anti-
Dixiecrat DeLesseps Morrison of New Or-
leans. Even in Mississippi, the Dixiecrat hold
has been slipping fast. In view of the above,
it is difficult to see how the rebellious
Southern mutterings can take any form
Editorials published in The Michigan Daily
are written by members of The Daily staff
and represent the views of the writers only.

more decisive than a futile convention walk-
out. This is so especially since the Truman
administration has no intention whatsoever
of seriously pushing the hatred civil rights
proposals before the Democratic convention.
* * *
ON the fact of it, therefore, this seems to
add up to a thirty-eight-ballot plus for
Truman. 'Add the fact that Truman almost
certainly owed the loss in 1948 of the forty-
seven New York State ballots to the exist-
ence of the Communist-organized Progres-
sive-party. Henry Wallace has long since
retired to his chicken farm, and the Com-
munists are now more capable or organ-
izing even the thin shadow of a national
party than they are of capturing the Re-
publican nomination. The sinking without
trace of the Progressive party is also surely
a plus for Truman.
Other pluses which political seers count
off on their fingers are a Korean truce--
if there is one-and Secretary of State Dean
Acheson's forthcoming departure, which is
now as certain as such things can be. The
Taft-MacArthur wing of the Republican
party s certain to attack a Korean armis-
tice, after the event, as "appeasement."
Even so, an end of the fighting will help
Truman politically, if only because the Kor-
ean fighting, with its heavy casualties, has
undoubtedly been hurting him badly.
A Korean truce will also give Acheson
an opportunity to depart, if not in a blaze
of glory, at least against a background of
solid achievement, which is how Acheson
has wanted to leave all along. It is signi-
ficant that Truman now discusses the pos-
sibility of Acheson's departure without
the former outbursts of Presidential fury.
It seems to be tacitly assumed that Ache-
son is too heavy a political burden to carry
in a campaign year.
Presently leading the list of possible suc-
cessors is John J. McCloy, who would make
a brilliant Secretary. And whether or not
McCloy is to be handed the poisoned chalice,
the Republicans seem pretty certain to be
deprived of "the Acheson issue." This has
been a fake "issue" from the start, but it
has nevertheless been highly useful to the
Right-Wing Republicans.
There are, of course, plenty of Truman
misuses, like the current bitter farm revolt
against the Administration-and it was a
last-minute switch by the farmers, after all,
that elected Truman in 1948. Other greater
misuses may well develop-more and bigger
mink coats, or, for that matter, more and
bigger Koreas. But the greatest minus of
all is the simple fact that most people are
tired to death, far more than in 1948, of the
atmosphere of mediocricity and smallness-
of -mind which pervades the Truman admin-
istration where domestic policy is concerned.
The trouble is that the Congressional Re-
publican leadership, consistently displaying
a smallness-of-mind all its own, seems con-
stitutionally incapable of exploiting this, the
greatest single Republican asset.
(Copyright, 1951, New York Herald Tribune, Inc.)

CONGRESSIONAL opponents of the Ad-
ministration's economic controls program
which is currently being crippled on Capitol
Hill, would do well to take a look at the
results of a survey on public attitudes to-
ward big business which was recently com-
pleted by the University's Survey Research
Those Congressmen who are hacking
away at the controls bill using the blind
that "the American people don't like con-
trols" to cover their sell-out to special
interests, may be in for a big surprise at
the next election, according to the survey
which was made public on Sunday.
Far from being opposed to controls, the
survey showed that 71 percent of those
questioned in a representative national
sample held that the government should
have some degree of authority to curb the
power of business over the consumer. Sig-
nificantly, of this total, 53 percent ex-
pressed themselves without qualifications,
as feeling that government control of bus-
iness was a good thing.
The survey turned up other interesting
facts which give further support to the no-
tion that the majority of Americans look to
the feleral government for economic pro-
tection. Seventy-one percent, for instance,
declared in October, 1950, that they thought
big business could sell its products at lower
prices and still make an adequate profit.
Questioned as to the most desirable bal-
ance of power between the Federal govern-
ment, state governments, big business, labor
unions and small business, 62 percent said
that they wanted the national government
to be in the dominant position.
NOW OF COURSE, the survey which was
taken last fall, did not deal specifically
with the currently-debated controls pro-
gram and therefore, it is quite impossible
to say that 71 percent of the American peo-
ple favor the Administration's program. It
would seem, however, that a public which
was in favor of the general idea of govern-
mental controls and which felt that big
business profits were too high and which
wanted the Federal government to have
more power than business, labor or local
governments, could be expected to approve a
Federal controls program which was neces-
sary to the national well-being.
As far as the necessity for strong con-
trols now, there should really be no doubt.
When former big businessmen like Charles
E. Wilson and Eric Johnston plead for
government interference in the civilian
economy, it shouldn't take much more to
convince even the most conservative that
the situation is dangerous.
Apparently those Congressmen who are
voting the special interest ballot hope that
they will be able to pin responsibility for
the inevitable price spiral on the President's
administration of the watered-down controls
law he appears likely to receive.
Mr. Truman's ability to dramatize the
shortcomings of Congress has already been
demonstrated, however, and it seems justi-
fied to suggest that the men who are voting
against controls now are risking both na-
tional economic ruin and personal political
** * *
IN THIS SAME LINE an interesting back-
flip on the philosophy of governmental
control was executed by members of the
Ann Arbor City Council in their weekly
meeting Monday. Many of the Aldermen
who voted to end Federal rent controls had
argued that the controls interferred with
the free enterprise rights of property owners.
At the same meeting, however, the
Council approved, with one lone dissent by
Prof. Arthur Bromage, an ordinance mak-
ing it a misdemeanor to employ various
time-tested devices of house-to-house ped-
dlers. From now on, peddlers can be
arrested for entering premises which are
posted with a "no soliciting'' sign.
Fortunately, however, the Council was able
to draw the line when it came to an ordi-
nance proposed by Ald. A. D. Moore, a pro-
fessor in the engineering college. Ald. Moore,
a foe of rent controls, wanted to prohibit
citizens from placing "for sale" signs in the

windows of their cars either while parked
or in motion.
Moore said that he favored the proposal
on "esthetic grounds" because cars carrying
such signs make the city "unattractive"
(translation: "injurious to property values").
With an effort, the Council rejected the
law, 10-3.

"flow Do I Know You're A Good Security Risk?"
1 4'
,,a'" Ga NLY 6t7
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words in lengthi defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be. condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the


Truman To Campaign
On Liberal Program

'Showboat' Review .. ,
To the Editor:
WITH THE recent review of the
movie "Showboat," The Daily
has plumbed the depths and come
up with a new low in reviewing.
Aside from the fact that the
first sentence as it appears makes
no sense whatsoever, and ignor-
ing the fact that a "foating show"
is something that few people have
ever heard of, the rest of the piece
still does not give any sort of a
comprehensive idea of the picture,
its good or bad features.
The second paragraph is a mass
of contradictions and allusions
that mean very little to a person
who is considering seeing the mo-
vie. Who cares about "most of the
musicals to come out of Holly-
wood," or the talents of the "im-
mortal Helen Morgan." What the
reader wants is some definite in-
formation about the movie being
The reviewer attempts to give
this information in the third from
the last graph, but in the two suc-
ceeding paragraphs manages to
present singularly contradictory
ideas, which serve neatly to leave
the reader, provided he has read
that far, with a puzzled feeling of
utter 'huh'?
How does The Daily pick its re-
viewers? Are they just people who
want to see a free movie, and who
paper their walls with their names
in Daily print? Or does The Daily
try to select persons who have
some degree of critical acumen,
and who are able to present a con-
cise picture of a film's merits or
One can only say, after reading
the review by Miss Tepperman,
that when a reviewer for "Show-
boat," at least, was needed, every-
one else was out to lunch.
-Carol Cunningham
'U' Administration).-.
To the Editor:
MATS OFF TO John Briley for
ais editorial in the Daily of July
11. Like many students he has
been made aware by recent ad-
ministrative vetoes, service cuts
and double-talk that at Michigan
"University" and "students" are
words related, but not, in prac-
tice, closely integrated. Unfortu-
nately, I am afraid Briley's will
remain one of the many voices in
the wilderness calling for reform.
The University has increasingly
grown apart from the students
for a couple of reasons in recent
1. Michigan is becoming more
and more a graduate institution,
which means much emphasis is
placed on this more mature,
transient, less-spirited type of
student-and programs appealing
to him.
2. The school is highly interest-
ed in maintaining its standing as
a base for top-notch research.
This at times -may hinder develop-
ment of policies strengthening ad-
ministration-faculty-student rela-
But regardless of whether these
or any other reasons for the
breach are legitimate, many stu-

dents are fuming about the situa-
tion. They are tired of the long
lines outside the many offices
filled with red tape they must en-
dure to get administrative blass-
ing on some student project.
These are the least of their
complaints. Far worse is the utter
disregard, often disrespect, of stu-
dent opinion. The Student Legis-
lature may argue and vote meas-
ures until it is blue in the face,
but try to get the head office to
listen seriously (witness the bias
claus action, the library closing
The legislators, along with the
rest of the student body are treat-
ed by a large part of the admin-
istration and faculty as a bunch of
muddle-headed kids. This is prob-
ably true at first. But over time
students and their representatives
-at least some of them-grow. It
is continually amazing to me that
the University protects and conde-
scendingly pats the student on his
pure, innocent, tender head until
he graduates. Then, overnight, he
becomes an intelligent, level-head-
ed leader of the adult universe.
What apparently has to happen
is a change in University thinking
brought about from the outside:
it will not come from within. The
pressure will have to come from
the students-with a loud united
roar. In the past, however, unless
the shoe of restriction and disre-
gard pinched hard, students have,
as John said, given in-or more
likely grown disinterested, as all
humans seem to do easily.
-Vernon C. Emerson

The Daily Official Bulletin is an
official publication of the University
of Michigan for which the Michigan
Daily assumes no editorial responsi-
bility. Publication in It is construc-
tive notice to all members of the Uni-
versity. Notices should be sent in
TYPEWRITTEN form to Room 3510
Administration Bldg. at 3 p.m. on the
day preceding publication.
VOL. LXI, No. 15-S
Personnel Interviews:
A representative of the United States
Government will be on campus for a
few days beginning Tuesday, July 24,
to interview people interested in posi-
tions in Intelligence. Positions are in
washington and overseas. Salaries vary
from $3100 to $7600 depending upon age
and experience. Men between the ages
of 25-45.emarried or single, with train-
ing or experience in any of the follow-
ing categories, are eligible.
1. Foreign commercial experience.
2. Foreign residence.
3. Foreign area specialists.
4. Military Intelligence Research Spe-
5. Air, Naval, or Strategic Intelligence.
6. Foreign Affairs Analysis.
Appointments for interviews should
be scheduled through the Bureau of
Appointments 3528 Administration
Building, where complete details are
Approved student sponsored social ac-
July 18-
Graduate Outing Club
Hillel Foundation
July 21-
Alpha Kappa Kappa
Lloyd Hall
July 22-
India Students Association
Academic Notices
Students, College of Engineering:
The final day for DROPPING COURS-
ES WITHOUT RECORD will be Friday,
July 20. A course may be dropped only
with the permission of the classifier
after conference with the instructor.
School of Business Administration:
Students from other Schools and Col-
leges intending to apply for admission
for the fall semester should secure ap-
plication forms in Room 150, School of
Business Administration, as soon as
Schools of Education, Music, Natural
Resources and Public Health
students, whotreceived marks of I,
X, or "no report" at the close of their
last semester of summer session of at-
tendance, wil receive a grade E in the
course or courses unless this work is
made up by July 25. Students wishing
an extension of time beyond this date
in order to make up this work, should
file a petition addressed to the appro-
priate official in their school with Room
1513 Adginistration Building, where it
will be transmitted.
All applicants for the doctorate who
are planning to take the August pre-
liminary examinations in Education, to
be held in Room 4009 University High
School Building, from 9:00 a.m. to 12:00
N,, August 20, 21, and~ 22, 1951, will please
notify the Chairman of the'Committee
on Graduate Studies in Education,
Room 4019 University High School, Im-
Lectures Today
Education Conference. "Implications
of the White House Conference for
School Guidance and Counseling." W.
C. Kvaraceus, Professor of Education,
Boston University. 9:00 a.m., Schorling
Auditorium. "The Employment Out-
look," Ewan Clague, Commissioner of
Labor Statistics, United States Depart-
ment of Labor. 4:15 p.m., Rackham
Lecture Hall.
"The Selective Service Situation.-
Brig. General Louis H. Renfrow, Dep-
uty Director of Selective Service. 8:00
p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall.
States Army, Director of Selective Serv-
ice. 8:00 p.m., Rackham Lecture Hall.
Linguistic Program. "The Phonemic
System of Old English," Robert Stock-
well. 1:00 p.m., Rackham Amphithea-
Speech Assembly. Demonstration by
Speech Clinic, 3:00 p.m., Rackham Am-
Growth and Differentiation Sympos-
ium. "The Behavior of Cells in Tissue
Culture." C. M. Pomerat, Professor of
Cytoligy and School of Public. Health
Lecture. "The Modern Irish Theater."
by Eric Bentley, critic and author of
The Playwright as Thinker and Bernard
Shaw, advisory editor of The Kenyon

Review. Auspices of the Dept. of Eng-
lish. Wednesday, July 18, 4:15 p.m.
Architecture Auditorium.
Professor Eric Bentley, distinguished
critic and teacher, will lecture at 4:15
p.m. on Wednesday, July 18th in the
Architecture Auditorium. His subject
\iill be "The Modern Irich Theatre."
he public is cordially invited to at-
Events Today
Fellowship Luncheon, Lane Hall, 12:15.
Immediately following, the group will
go to St. Mary's Chapel to hear The
Rev. Frank J. McPhillips discuss Roman
Catholic beliefs in the second of the
'What We Believe' series. Reserve by
calling Lane Hall not later than 10:00
Roger Williams Guild: Tea, Talk, Ta-
ble Tennis 4:30-6:00.
La p'tite causette meets today from
3:30 to 5:00 p.m., in the South Room
of the Michigan Union Cafeteria.
The Department of Speech presents
The Young Ireland Theatre Com-
pany in a series of Irish plays at
the Lydia Mendelssohn Theatre,

Wednesday through Saturday, July
18-21. Lauded as Ireland's most out-
standing theatrical group, the com-
pany will give four evening perform-
ances here and two matinees. Their
repertoire of one and two-act plays
includes W. B. Yeat's The Player Queen,
Words upon the Window-pane, and
Purgatory; J. M. Synge's Riders to the
Sea, and Shadow of the Glen; Lady
Gregory's Rising of the Moon; and Sean
O'Casey's Shadow of a Gunman.
All evening performances begin at
8:00 p.m. Thursday and Saturday mat-
inees begin at 3:15 p.m. Tickets for all
performances may be purchased at the
Lydia Mendelssohn box office, open
Monday through Saturday from 10 a.m.
to 5 p.m., on days of performance until
8 p.m.
Hillel - Coke Hour at Lane Hall, Wed-
nesday 3 to 5.
Coming Lectures
Thursday, July 19-
Education Conference. "Education for
All American Youth-Midcentury and
Beyond." Francis L. Bacon, Professor
of Education, University of California.
9:00 a.m., Schorling Auditorium.
Growth and Differentiation Sympos-
ium. "Nervous Tissue in Vitro." C. M.
Pomerat, University of Texas. 4:15 p.m.,
School of Public Health Auditorium.
Linguistic Program Lecture. "Prob~
lems in Siouan Person Markers." Hans
Wolff, Assistant Professor of Linguis-
tics, University of Puerto Rico. 7:30
p.m., Rackham Amphitheater.
United States in the World Crisis.
"The New International Economic Chal-
lenge." Willard L. Thorp Assistant
Secretary of State for Economic Af-
fairs. 8:15 p.m.. Rackham Lecture iall.
Friday, July 20-
Education Conference. "Purposes and
Possibilities of the Midwest Co-operative
Program in Educational Administra-
tion" Maurice F. Seay, Chairman of th
Department of Educalton, University o
Chicago, and staff member of the Mid-
west Admiistration Center. 9:00 a.m.,
Schorling Auditorium.
Speech Conference, sessions in Rack-
ham Amphitheater. "The Banker
Speaks." Leroy Lewis, National Educa-
tional Director, American Institute of
Banking, 10:00 a.m.
"The Audience Factor in Broadcast-
ing." Harrison B. Summers, Professor
of Speech and Director of Radio Pro-
gramming, Ohio State University. 11:00
a .m.
"Thespis in the High School," Dina
Rees Evans, Director of Cain Pak The-
ater. Cleveland. 1:30 p.m.
"Broadway and the American Theater
Worker." Lee Mitchell, President of
American Educational Theater Associa-
tion and Chairman of the Theater De-
partment, Northwestern University. 2:30
Coming Events
Speech Conference, July 20-21.
French Club: meeting Thursday, July
19 at 8:00 p.m,, in the Michigan League.
Mr. Gilbert Beguin, graduate of the
Polytechnic School of Lausanne, Swit-
erland, will speak on "University Life
at Lausanne." French songs, games,
On Thursday, July 19, at 3:15 p.m.
movies, prepared by the veteran's Ad-
ministration, on the diagnosis and
training of aphasic people, will be pre-
sented at the Kellogg Auditorium. All
Interested are invited to attend.
U of M Sailing Club: important meet-
ing Thursday, July 19 7:30 p.m., Room
3D Union. Transportation arrange-
ments to go to Wisconsin regatta. Dues
are dye; deadline Thursday, July 26. No
pay, no sail. '
. Members of Delta Kappa Gamma at-
tending summer session classes at the
University, are cordially invited to at-
tend a picnic given by Beta chapter of
Ann Arbor and Ypsilanti on Saturday,
July 21. Please make reservations with
Miss Margaret I. Smith or Agnes N.
Tysse at the Reference Desk, Main
Reading Room, of the General Library.
Student Recital. Walter Evich, vio-
linist, 8:30 p.m. Rackham Assembly Hall.
Student Recital: Arthur Tennent,
Tenor. will present a recital at 8:30
Wednesday evening, July 18, in the
Rackham Assembly Hall, in partial ful-
fillment of the requirements for the
Master of Music Degree. A pupil of Ar-
thur Hackett, Mr. Tennent will slg
compositions by Faure, Samuel Barber,
Vaughan Williams, Arnold Bax, H. Wal-
ford Davies, and Schumann. The gen-
eral public is invited.
Student Recital: Helen Nelson, grad-
uate student of piano with Joseph
drinkmafl, will present a program of
compositions by Scarlatti, Beethoven,

David Diamond, Bartok and Chopin, a4
4:15 Wednesday afternoon, July 18, "in
the Rackham Assembly Hall. Played in
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the degree of Master of Music, the
recital will be :open to the public.
Carillon Recital by Percival Price,
University Carillonneur, 7:15 Thursday
evening, July 19. The program will in-
clude selections from The Marriage of
Figaro by Mozart, Variations for Caril-
lon on 14th Century Melodies; selections
from Brahms' Rhapsody for Piano, and
three religious melodies.
Student Recital: David Hildinger, pl-
anist, will be heard at 4:15 Thursday
afternoon, July 19, in the Rackham As-
sembly Hal, in a program presented in
partial fulfillment of the requirements
for the Master of Music degree. A .pu-
pil of Marian Owen, Mr. Hildinger will
play compositions by Schubert, Bach,
and Debussy. The general public is in-
Student Recital: Dorothea Lathers,
pianist, will present a program at 8,:30
Thursday evening, July 19, in the Ar-
:hitecture Auditorium, in partial ful-
fillment of requirements for the degree
of Bachelor of Music. A pupil of Helen
Titus, Miss Lathers will play composi-
tions by Bach, Mozart, Chopin, Brahms,
and a group of American Ballads by
Roy Harris. The general public is in-
Summer Session Band Concert, 8:30
Thursday evening, July 19, Hill Audi-
torium, William D. Revelli, Conductor.
The program will include, works by
Alexander, Bendel, Smith, Massenet,
Bennett, Wood, Weinberger, Strauss,
Simon, List, and Shostakovitch. The
general public is invited.





WASHINGTON-Not peace but a sword.
That will be President Truman's policy
in 1952 toward right-wing Southern Demo-
crats who have been collaborating with Re-
publicans to ruin his program in Congress.
Administration Democrats expect him to
run again as a fire-eating liberal interna-
tionalist, defiant alike of foes in his own
and the opposition party. They predict he
will stand fast in the National Convention
and wage a flaming campaign against the
coalition which is thwarting the grand Tru-
man design of peace in the world and sta-
bility at home.
The President is described as feeling
that any Republican candidate will be the
captive of that coalition. He himself will
disavow it utterly and let the electoral
votes of the South fall where they may.
He still thinks he can win.
Those who insist that the President has
made up his mind to such a boat-burning
course admit its hazards but profess belief
that it is the only solution open to him for
the present do-nothing Congress. It is a
burden too great for him to carry into the
election, they think, and the attempt to
shift it to the other candidate is his best
* * *
TRUMAN partisans profess to believe that
the President can turn it equally well
against Senator Taft or Gen. Eisenhower.
They figure that Mr. Republican cannot es-
cape the record of Congress which he does
* so much fashion and that he will not in any
case be able to resist the temptation to de-
fend it against a Truman onslaught. This
will injure him by making him appear more
conservative than he really is, they say.
Democrats may be wrong but they are
confident that a conservative is not going to
be elected President.
houl f n_ F icpnh .wp . r.vp in ho fh

him these days by those interested in his
candidacy is not that he is needed to save
the Republican Party. It is conceded that
would not interest him particularly.
What he is being told is that the prestige
of the Truman Administration has fallen so
low that a Republican surely will be elected
President next year. That Republican, it
is further argued, may well be a man too
isolationist to maintain the program of col-
lective security on which Ike thinks the
peace depends. Therefore, it is Ike's duty
to run to save the natibn.
Mr. Truman is in trouble now and he
seems determined to do everything the hard
way. But he knows the record intimately
and he has a policy, however badly his own
immediate circle backs him up and however
rebellious the Congress is. A campaign
against him will require something more
than merely being against, which is the
coalition's program.
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)






Sixty-First Year
Edited and emanaged by students of
the University of Michigan under the
authority of the Board in Control of
Student Publications
Editorial Staff
Dave Thomas .........Managing Editor
George Flint ............Sports Editor
Jo Ketelhut..........Women's Editor
Business Staff
Milt Goetz ..........Business Manager
Eva Stern .........Advertising Manager
Harvey Gordon .......Finance Manager
Allan Weinstein ...Circulation Manager
Telephone 23-24-1
Member of The Associated Press
The Associated Press is exclusively
entitled to the use for republication
of all news dispatches credited to it or
otherwise credited to this newspaper.
All rights of republication of all other
matters herein are also reserved.
Entered at the Post Office at Ann
Arbor,eMichigan, as second-class mail
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J OHN KIRKPATRICK, who gave last eve-
ning the first of two recitals devoted to
modern American piano music, revealed
himself an artist of achievement, taste, and
nobility. Certainly he has no place among
those pianists to whom 'modern' connotes
lone and level savagery. With unusual im-
agination of tonal variety, he makes the
piano his personal instrument, projecting
the dissonant element more with a sense of
pain than intent to inflict it.
Plainly he believes in according a com-
poser the full shade of his human expres-

premiere of it. Everywhere he carefully
outlined the rich impasto of Ivese' sonor-
ity with two all-unifying themes. One did
not take amiss even the elaborate pro-
grammatic explanations quoted from the
composer's book. Rather, a sustainedly
poetic interpretation gave him a sense of
magnificent discourse, of things human
and divine.
After intermission, both listener and per-
former had fun with Gottschalk's march,
musical leanness stretched out to trans-
parency. The program finished off with a
series of short pieces that showed the pian-



- - ---
Let's be logical. There's no gingerbread
... ...., .. . . L - a L 1! ... -

I - - - - -
That was another wrong phone

And t guess a No, Gus got sfuck

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