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July 18, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-07-18

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Latest Deadline in the State


Ask Franco
For Loan of
Naval Bases
Sherman Seeks
Spain's Terms
MADRID - (A) -- U.S. Admiral
Forrest P. Sherman has asked
Generalissimo Franco what he
would want in return for United
States use of Spanish air and na-
val bases, reliable informants re-
ported yesterday.
The sources said the American
Chief of Naval Operations asked
Franco at their two-hour meeting
Monday for the right to use four
naval bases and three to five air
AMERICAN sources said the
talks were "evploratory"-mean-
ing that Sherman is feeling out
the Spanish asking price.
Franco's price is likely to
come high. He wants the means
+" for improving Spain's poor high-
ways and railroads, dollars to
get materials and machinery for
industry, modern planes for his
airforce and heavy equipment
for his army. .
The United States is likely to
find Franco's asking price too
f high. The bargaining will then
No official confirmation of this
outline of the Sherman-Franco
tks could be obtained yesterday
from either Spanish officials or
the American embassy.
However, usually well-informed
sources said Sherman told Franco
the United States . wants naval
bases at Cadiz, northwest of Gib-
ralter; Cartagena on the Mediter-
ranean coast; Ferrol on the Bay
of Biscay north of Portugal; and
Santa Ciruz De Tenerife in the
Canary Islands; and airfields at
Barcelona, Madrid, Seville and
possibly Valencia and Lugo, south-
east of Ferrol.
He is said to have told El Cau-
dillo that the United States was
ready to put these bases into
condition to handle American
warships ahd planes,
Franco was reported by high-
level sources last week to have told
his cabinet that a far-reaching
government reorganization must
be carried out to cooperate with
the West against Communism. His
plans were reported to include
greater press freedom and other
measures to make his regime less
objectionable to democracies.
Price Drops
To Be Upheld
By McGrath
WASHINGTON -(P)- Attorney
General McGrath yesterday
hreatened criminal prosecution
for anyone attempting to force
cutrate merchants to raise their
He said he intends to take
prompt action under the anti-
trust laws against producers,
wholesale distributors or retailers
using coercion or pressure to pre-
vent free price competition.
IN A FORMAL statement, Mc-
Grath appealed to the public to
report any such instance of which
they have knowledge to the near-
est FBI office or the Justice De-
nartment's Anti-Trust Division.
The announcement disclosed-
that the Department is already

investigating a wide variety of
alleged attempts by commercial
interests to get around the su-
preme court's decision of last
may on so-called "fair trade"
The High Court's May decision
knocked the props out from under
the "Fair Trade" laws in about
45 states. Under these laws all
retailers were required to sell pro-
ducts at not less than a fixed min-
imum price set by the manufac-
turer, whether or not they had
signed a "fair trade" agreement
with the manufacturer.
Draft Lecture
Slated Today
The outlook for employment and
the draft, two big problems facing
June and August graduates, will
be discussed in the Counseling and

Rent Decontrol
Df initely Set
Local rent controls entered upon their last few days of existence
after a last ditch fight to save them failed in the City Council.
After a short discussion, the Council Monday night voted, 11-2
to defeat a motion by Democratic Alderman James E. Green to retain
rental curbs. Republican Ald. Arthur W. Bromage joined Green in
voting for the motion.
THE COUNCIL action means that Federal rent control lids will
expire on Saturday in accordance with the Council's demand that

Douglas Hits
Truman on
WASHINGTON-(P) -- Senator
Paul Douglas (D, Ill.) yesterday
challenged President Truman's de-
cision to go over the Senator's
head in nominating two Federal
Douglas asked the Chicago and
Cook County Bar Associations to
take a poll to decide which two
men are better qualified-the Sen-
ator's candidates or the men the
President nominated.
* * *
THE CONFLICT arose from
Truman's July 13 nomination of
Judge Cornelius J. Harrington and
Municipal Judge Joseph Drucker
to fill two new posts in the Fed-
eral District Court for northern
This was nearly six months
after Douglas, acting according to
what he called "time honored
practice," had recommended the
appointment of William H. King,
Jr., and Judge Benjamin P. Ep-
stein. Douglas complained that
the President did not consult him
on the judgeships.
Congressional insiders inter-
preted the President's appoint-
ments as another indication of
a growing coolness between him
and the Illinois Senator.
They attributed the !apparent
widening rift between the two to
Douglas' critical attitude toward
some Administration policies.
For one thing, the Illinois Sena-
tor has plugged away for cuts in
Federal spending although some
of the proposed cuts pinched at
Administration programs.
S* .
THERE HAVE been reports that
Douglas may become a contender
for the Democratic Presidential
nomination in 1952 if Truman
does not run.
Douglas has denied he seeks
the nomiation but the talk per-
Truman was on an air inspec-
tion trip of the Kansas-Missouri
flood area and there was no im-
mediate comment from the White
House on Douglas's statement yes-
The Senate, which confirms
judgeship nominations by a ma-
jorityi vote, is not expected to act
on the Illinois candidates for sev-
eral days.
Douglas said he had "no desire
to become engaged in a struggle
with the President for whom I
have the kindliest feelings and
who is bearing a heavy load."

O Federal housing Expediter Tighe
Woods decontrol local rents under
the "local option" clause of the
present Federal rent law.
Woods had previously rejected
a request by the Council that he
decontrol rents "voluntarily,"
thus giving him the option of re-
imposing controls should the ren-
tal situation get out of hand.
Woods said that results of a sur-
vey by his office indicated that
the demand for rental housing
had not been adequately met.
In refusing to rescind its "local
option" request Monday night, the
Council moved to establish a
"watchdog" committee to check
rental complaints after the decon-
trol order goes into effect.
The Council ordinance commit-
tee also was asked to report in a
new law that will require owners
of rental units (not including
rooms) to file reports with the city
clerk showing rentals prior to de-
control and any increases made
from time to time.
* * *
COUNCIL President Cecil O.
Creal named seven aldermen to
serve on the "watchdog" commit-
tee. They are: Ald. Russell A.
Smith, chairman; and Alds. George
Sallade, Clare Fenn, James Green,
Arthur Bromage, A. D. Moore and
John Dobson.
In the short lived discussion
which prqeded the affirmative
decontrol vote, Ald. Green declared
that Woods' refusal to lift con-
trols was a "common sense" ap-
proach and one ,which the Coun-
cil should follow until they have
proof that the city's housing
needs have been met.
Ald# Smith, chairman of the
committee which recommended
to the Council that rents be de-
controlled, replied that the
Woods survey was invalid be-
cause it surveyed only housing
within the city limits.
Smith also complained about a
"three pronged attack"' by The
Daily. He said that accusations
that his committee in first asking
Woods to deconrol "voluntarily"
was "attempting to pass the buck"
were unfounded.
There was no buck passing at-
tempt at all, he asserted. "We
were merely trying to get decon-
trol with the right of reimposi-
The Council's refusal to rescind
its previous action insures the re-
moval of rent controls from the
city. The housing expediter said
late last week in a letter to Mayor
William E. Brown, ir., that, unless
the Council rescinded or modified
its earlier resolution, rents will
be decontrolled in Ann Arbor as
of Saturday, July 21.
The action will leave Ann Ar-
bor township as the only section
of Washtenaw County in which
rents are still controlled.

House Votes
TO Continue
Price Drops
Truman Wins
Controls Battle
House yesterday voted to sustain
the present rollback on live beef
prices and to permit, a 10 per cent
cut in the price of all other farm
products selling above parity.
The vote was 207 to 123.
IN A SUDDEN surge of strength,
Administration forces rammed
through a compromise to that ef-
fect and also beat down three ma-
jor attempts to curb price roll-
backs in the bitter house fight over
The compromise is still sub-
ject to a final vote when the
controls bill is completed.
With a few exceptions-notably
beef-most farm products are now
selling below parity. Parity is the
government-fixed formula for giv-
ing farmers a fair return for their
products in relation to the things
they buy.
* * *R
AFTER THE four major votes,
the House went on to reject an
Administration request for author-
ity to license businesses. The vote
was 127 to 27.
The chamber next turned
down an amendment by Rep.
Talle (R-Iowa) to give the Sec-
retary of Agriculture a veto over
ceiling prices imposed on farm
prices by the Office of Price
Stabilization. The count was 87
to 61.
The big vote on price rollbacks
came as a dramatic last-ditch vic-
tory for Administration forces who
had been severely buffeted in pre-
liminary tests before the show-
down yesterday.
It was also a partial victory
for Price Director Michael V.
DiSalle, who has argued that
the 10 per cent rollback on beef
cattle prices is the heart of the
entire stabilization program.
However, the compromise bars
DiSalle from carrying out two fur-
ther beef price rollbacks of 4%
per cent each which he had or-
dered to go into effect on Aug. 1
and Oct. 1.
up unexpected strength from city
Republicans - as distinguished
from farm state Republicans -
and from some southern Demo-
crats in the vote for the com-
A Dixie-GOP coalition which
rad ridden roughshod over Ad-
ministration forces in earlier
clashes suddenly broke ranks
when It came to the showdown.
The compromise does not affect
rollbacks, present or future, on
non-farm products. In this re-
spect, it .does not alter the roll-
back on auto prices put into effect
by the Administration last Jan-
World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON - The National
Production Authority yesterday
dropped its three-month rubber-
saving ban on spare tires.
* * *
BRUSSELS, Belgium-Twenty-
year-old Baudouin became the
bachelor king of the Belgians and

the African Congo yesterday in a
solemn oath-taking before Parlia-

DISASTER REIGNS-A series of explosions which has accom-
panied the catastrophic prairie floods demolished this section in
Kansas City. Yesterday, President Truman flew over the area
and got his first glimpse of the wide-spread destruction.
* ,.4 *
Truman Visits Disaster;
Aid Increase Refused

_._ t«

KANSAS CITY, Mo.-(')-Presi-
dent Truman made an aerial tour'
of the vast flood area from St.
Louis to western Kansas and into
eastern Oklahoma yesterday and
declared the disaster was "one of
the worst this country has ever
suffered from water."
In a statement before he took
off again for Washington at 7:57
p.m. (CST), Mr. Truman said fed-
eral officials are "expecting to
work together to see if we can al-
Break Urged
Unless Reds
Liberate Oatis
WASHINGTON - (P) - Senator
Monroney (D-Okla.) urged last
night that the United States break
off diplomatic and economic rela-
tions with Communist Czechoslo-
vakia unless that country frees As-
sociated Press correspondent Wil-
liam N. Oatis within 90 days.
Monroney made the proposal as
demands multiplied in both Houses
of Congress for this country to halt
trade with Czechoslovakia until
Oatil is liberated from prison.
* * *
THE OKLAHOMA Senator in-
troduced a resolution calling for a
complete break in relations and de-
claring: "Persecution by the Gov-
ernment of Czechoslovakia of an
American citizen is deplored by the
people of the United States and
throughout the free world."
Earlier, Senator O'Conor (D.-
Md.) introduced a resolution to
bar all foreign Communist news-
men-ineluding Russia's-from
the United States.
O'Conor proposed as well that
the Government "make suitable re-
presentation to the United Nations
for consideration of the Oatis case
by that body."
Rep. Beamer (R.-Ind.) urged the
Government to ban all imports of
goods from Czechoslovakia in re-
prisal for Oatis' imprisonment.

Sixth Peace Session Held;
Red Troop Buildu oted

leviate suffering and put the com-
munity back on its feet again."
MAJ. GEN. Lewis A. Pick, chief
of Army engineers, briefed the
President on the awful destruction
during his flight west of here.
Defense Mobilization Chief
Charles E. Wilson, who flew here
with Mr.-Truman, said the Pres-
ident has ordered "an organiza-
tional setup that we hope is go-
ing to enable us to cope with
the situation."
General Pick said, "These floods
need not have occurred. We have
got to impound these flood waters
up in the upper reaches of the
basins. It can be done." He told
the President the flood would be
the costliest in history and dam-
age would top $75,000,000.
BUT AT Lincoln, Neb., yester-
day, A. E. McClymonds, Regional
Director for the Soil Conservation
Service, estimated Kansas agricul-
tural losses, alone, would run up
to $500,000,000. If this estimate is
borne out, the overall flood dam-
age might eclipse General Pick's
As the President made his
flight the major affected areas
were just beginning to dig out
of the muck and wreckage left
by the torrents and the fire that
has burned seven blocks in Kan-
sas City since Friday noon.
As his plane paused at Grand-
view Airport on the outbound por-
tion of his trip the President, who
had just flown over the lower
Missouri, commented: "The flood
is terrible-awful. It's the worst
thing I have ever seen."
Just before the President left
Washington the Senate Appropria-
tions Committee voted to hold the
bill to the original $15,000,000.
Senator Saltonsall (R, Mass.) said
the action was unanimous. How-
ever, he said this did not mean
radditional funds might not be
voted later. He said the Commit-
tee felt that it would be more
sensible to wait for complete data
on needs and then take whatever
action might be necessary.

Twin Hal
McRAE, Ga.-(P)-Two burg-
laries in the same store at the
same time came to light yester-
Joe Copland, 18 years old, and
Willie Copland, 17 years old,
were arrested after McBride's
General Store was broken into
the night of June 6. Officer
H. M. Spurlin said they helped
trace the goods they admitted
taking. Other, articles were
missing but they denied taking
anything else. They might have,
they said, but they heard some
one on the other side of the
store and ran.
The mystery cleared today,
Spurlin said, with the arrest of
Jesse Williard Stephens, 38
years old. He was in the other
side of the store the night of
June 6.
All three are in jail on burg-
lary charges.
Red Leaders
Jailed Again;*
Lack Bonds
NEW YORK-(iP)-Thirteen in-
again, out-again second string
Communist leaders were jailed
again yesterday for lack of proper
Also ordered back to jail was
their millionaire financial angel,
Frederick Vanderbilt Field.
* * *
FIELD'S $10,000 bond was re-
voked for his refusal to reveal
where the Civil Rights Congress
gets all its bail money for Com-
munists. He is p6trustee of the
Congress' bail fund.
Similar bail for two other
trustees of the fund also was re-
voked for the same reason. They
a r e mystery writer Dashiel
Hammett and W. Alphaeus Hun-
ton. They had been entitled to
bail but stayed in jail because
they couldn't furnish it.
After the 13 Communists were
locked up, two came up with bail
and were released, leaving 11 still
behind bars.
As of now, the other Reds can
gain their freedom by posting sat-
isfactory bail from some source
other than the Civil Rights Con-
gress. But the three trustees are
denied bail from any source.
IN ALL, four federal judges
figured in the day's complicated
proceedings. The cases have shut-
tled back and forth between dis-
trict and appeals courts for two
For the 13 Reds, it was their
third trip to jail during a legal
merry-go-round that led to the
outlawing, of t h e i r original
bondsman, the Civil rights con-
Federal Judge Sylvester J. Ryan
Monday outlawed the Civil Rights
Congress as bondsman for 14 of
the indicted Communist second
team. He revoked their bonds and
gave them until noon yesterday to
dig up fresh bail money.
Originally, 21 second string
Communist leaders were indicted
on charges of conspiring to teach
and advocate the violent over-
throw of the U. S. government.
Four never were found.
The 17 in custody spent a few
days in jail before the original
bonds were posted.
JudgekRyan revoked this bail
last week and the 15 spent two
nights in jail. Then Appeals
Judge Learned Hand overruled
Ryan and told him to finish his
bond hearing before revoking the
bail. This decision freed the 15.

Allies Probe

Behind Lines
New Drive Seen
If Talks Cease
SEOUL, Korea-(A')-Allied and
Red cease-fire negotiators met this
morning for their sixth session in
Kaesong-while United Nations
thrces kept a wary eye on a Com-
munist troop buildup Northeast of
the conference site.
The U. S. Eighth Army dis-
closed that while yesterday's fifth
session was in progress Allied
tanks and soldiers drove inside
Red lines northeast of Kaesong.
The probing forces punched hard
at Red troop concentrations near
the Kaesong five-mile neutral
IMass flights of Allied fighter-
bombers earlier blasted Commun-
ist supply centers and arteries in
North Korea.
THE ALLIED negotiators, who
were confronted by the Reds with
one "new point" yesterday, went.
by road to this morning's session.
It opened promptly at 10 a.m.
(7 p.m., Tuesday, Ann Arbor time)
and recessed 55 minutes later un-
til 1 p.m.
Although there has been no
official reports other than that
the first five meetings were con.
genial with "some progress"
made,, it is generally believed
that the question of withdraw
of U.N. troops from Korea fe
holding up agreement on an
The Chinese-Korean Red 400,-
000-man army is arrayed across
the Korean front and back of it
to the Manchurian front er. It is
reported poised to strike if the
talks break down. Communist ne-
gotiators and repeated Red broad-
casts have made it clear they want
to discuss the withdrawal of "all
foreign troops" from Korea.
THE U.N. representatives, head-
ed by Vice Adm. C. Turner Joy,
were believed to consider this
political and out of their realm.
The possibility of increasing the
size of both delegations, once the
agenda has been set, was voiced
unofficially yesterday.
AP Correspondent Nathan Pb
lowetzky reported from the Allied
advance camp near Kaesong that
inclusion of Lt. Gen. James A.
Van Fleeet on the delegation was
a "possibility." His Deputy Chief
of Staff, Maj. Gen. Henry Hodes,
is one of the five Allied represen-
A spokesman at Van Fleet's
Headquarters was non-committal
on the question. He said that if
U.N. leaders thought it necessary
to have a bigger representation
"they undoubtedly will add a few
more people."
Gen. Peng Teh-Huai, command-
er of the Chinese "Volunteer Peo-
ple's Army" is not taking part in
the cease-fire talks.
Gunman Slays
Paper Official
In Automobile
CHICAGO - () - A $25,000 a
year paper company official was
slain by assassins yesterday and
police sought to determine if his
death was linked to the unsolved
killing of a wealthy fiber com-

pany executive three years ago.
Victim of a gunman wearing a
vivid green sport shirt was Charles
Crane, 37 years old, sales manager
for the Thomas Paper Stock Com-
pany. In 1949, he was a defend-
ant in the second largest income

Law School A lums Hold
Various Posts in world

Supreme Court Justices, cattle
ranchers, ministers, florists, ma-
chinists .. .
These are some of the occupa-
tions reported by alumni of the
Law School in the second edition
of the school's alumni directory
just off the press.
In the 99 years since the Law
School first opened its doors, 14,-
643 graduates have receivedtheir
diplomas and of that number, 7,-
536 are still living, scattered
among each of the 48 states and
19 foreign countries.
DESPITE THE wide range of
occupations reported by alumni
answering the directory question-
naires, however, most of them are
using their legal training directly
in earning their livings. More
than 66 percent of the alumni re,
ported that they were occupied
with general law practice.

Eight of the nine justices of the
Michigan Supreme Court a r e
graduates of the Law School and
three U. S. Senators and seven
Representatives hold University
law degrees.
In the field of education, 11
alumni are deans of law schools
around t h ecountry, including
Dean E. Blythe Stason, dean of
the Universiy Law School. Eight-
nine others are professors of law
at various institutions.
Four governors of the State, in-
cluding Gov. G. Mennen Williams
are graduates of the Law School
and three Associate Justices of the
U. S. Supreme Court have been
alumni, the most recent being the
late Frank Murphy.
Other alumni have made names
for themselves in the business
world and in he armed services.

WASHINGTON-Secretary of
Labor Maurice Tobin yesterday
urged the labor movement to
"concentrate its energy and
strength" on organizing the na-
tion's 15,000,000 white collar
goslavia told the United Nations
yesterday that the growing threat
of Russian and Soviet satellite ag-
gression against it prevents the
Yugoslavs from furnishing troops
now to any international UN army.
WASHINGTON-Two days of
World War III would match the
$2,000,000,00d'&cost of a year's
foreign aid that would go far to
head off such a conflict, Paul G.
Hoffman told Congress yester-

Political Literacy Can Prevent War-

Universal "political literacy"
will make war impossible as wellI

HE DEFINED "political literacy"
as the ability to understand one's

"Americans tend to be political-
ly illiterate, he said. "becanse we

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