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July 14, 1951 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1951-07-14

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____________________________________________________ U

Ciu4 lete
IN A CURRENT REVIEW dealing with a
number of recent books on insects in the
New Yorker magazine, Edmund Wilson re-
marks that at last insects are coming into
their own in being represented as more ra-
tional at a time when the activity of human
beings gives the impression of becoming
more instinctual.
Corroboration for this statement, if any
is needed, can be found by reading several
of the books which Mr. Wilson recommends
and glancing at any newspaper this past
week. For the first time since 1933, the
governor of Illinois has had to call out the
National Guard to quell a civilian disturb-
ance. Reason: a mob of thousands, mclud-
ing many minors, has been swarming over
a four-block area in a Chicago suburb in
order to throw bricks at an apartment house
which was shortly to have received its first
Negro tenant.
The racial tension which now requires
the services of more than 500 state militia-
men and law enforcement officials has
been building up ever since early in June
when Harvey E. Clark, Jr., 29-year-old
Chicago bus driver and veteran of World
War II attempted to move himself and his
wife into an apartment in Cicero, a sub-
urb of Chicago.
Clark charged that police prevented him
from moving into his apartment at that
time. This week, a local judge ordered police
to protect Clark and his wife in their at-
tempts to take possession 'of their 60-dol-
lars-a-month apartment.
On Tuesday, when the Clarks tried to
move into the apartment, a mob of agita-
tors prevented them and since then the
crowds have grown nightly.
* * *
the riots has been charged, and it is en-
tirely possible that this may prove to be
the case, for this is the sort of violence which
is made to order for Communist propaganda
But the fact remains, that regardless of
the originating cause, there is enough irra-
tional, "instinctive" race hatred among the
populace of Cicero and adjoining communi-
ties to stir up an outrage which would be
considered a disgrace even in some parts of
the South.
If it were possible to credit a thing of
this sort with a beneficial aspect, it would
be the mere fact that the Cicero incident
can serve to remind thinking people in the
North how fine is the line which separates
us in our treatment of the Negro from the
actions of Southern citizens.
There are recurrent and ominous reports
from Detroit about the state of racial ten-
sions there, and many observers believe that
all that is needed for a repeat of the last
bloody race riot is a little serious competi-
tion among races for employment opportuni-
An interracial tennis tournament was
recently quashed by a parks board in
Baltimore, and here in Ann Arbor, local
barbershops continue to bar Negroes from
their chairs. Campus fraternities and
sororities continue their discrimination
against Negroes either openly by restric-
tive clauses or secretly through gentle-.
men's agreements.
With the cold war growing hotter every
day and with Negro GI's giving their lives
In Korea to defend a country where, by and
large, they have the status of second-lass
citizens, our shameful treatment of Negroes
becomes more shameful and dangerous every
What continues to be a source of amaze-
ment to many is that there are so relatively
few Paul Robesons and Benjamin Davises
and so many loyal Americans among U. S.
Negroes. It would be a mistake to think that
incidents of the type which is proceeding at
Cicero do not represent a serious threat to
our national security.

The Weekend
In Town
Arthur Miller, '38, from the angry play by
Henrik Ibsen is the second offering on the
speech department's summer schedule at 8
p.m. tonight at the Lydia Mendelssohn Thea-
tre. First nighters and critics have agreed
on the excellent quality of the campus pre-
BERNIE STRONG will play the balanced,
smooth music of which dreams are made for
dancers at Walled Lake tonight.
Harrison and Linda Darnell is set for the
second of the Student Legislature's Cinema
Guild's summer slate. This film should
prove no exception to the Cinema Guild's
usually fine program. Two performances,
7:30 and 9:30 in the Architecture Auditor-
SHOWBOAT, with Kathryn Grayson,
Howard Keel, and Ava Gardner is brought
to the screen with all the splendor of the
original stage production tonight at the

Acheson's Martyrdom

ALTHOUGH the storm over the firing of
Gen. Douglas MacArthur has in a large
part subsided, a bitter remembrance of the
debates which accompanied it still lingers
in the national political scene.
Republicans and certain Democrats con-
tinue to level attacks at Dean Gooderham
Acheson, Secretary of State and the man
responsible for many of the Administration's
international policies in the past few years.
Free speech is something which particu-
larly needs safeguarding in these days of
red-baiting and headlong persecution of
the outspoken, but the unlimited abuse
heaped upon Acheson is one of the great
tragedies of American politics.
The kind of thing to which the man has
been subjected is not an uncommon occur-
rence. In the past, able men have refused
to enter public life, or have been driven
from it, by the brickbats thrown their way
by critics.
The Acheson example is amazing in a
great many ways. Here is a man who is
eminently qualified for his position, who
had been known and is known for his quiet
integrity, brilliant mind, and capacity to
keep his temper.
HIS RECORD speaks for itself. In the re-
cent Senate investigations, he argued for his
policies so flawlessly that he had his bumb-
ling critics searching for misplaced commas
in lieu of real material for debate.

OME friends and many foes agree that the
only blot on the Acheson record during
his tenure as secretary was his now-famous
statement: "I shall not turn my back on
Alger Hiss." Whether or not this was a wise
thing for a man in public office to say, it
has little to do with Acheson's capabilities
in directing foreign policy.
After all, the statement was made before
Hiss' conviction for perjury, and it is a
little bit like Monday-morning quarter-
backing to label Acheson a Red for this
bit of Christian charity.
Acheson's record, in its entirety, is a good
one. American foreign policy, never noted
for its lucidity and directness, has at least
been comprehensible while he has been di-
recting it.bT
And the man has obtained results. The
Berlin airlift, the North Atlantic Pact, the
Korean decision have yielded some fruit
insofar as peace is concerned.
It seems, nevertheless, that even success
can't succeed where partisan politics domin-
ate the scene. Even Acheson's supporters
are urging him to resign these days, and
only such a stubborn man as Harry Truman
prevents the inevitable.
This nation can never hope to get the best
in leadership as long as that leadership is
subjected to illogical and emotional barrages
by the opposition. It is only to be hoped
that the present trend of McCarthyism and
muckraking will be repudiated by those
whose clearer heads make them our only
hope in national politics.
-George Flint

"He Never Knew What Hit Him"
no- -

Kaesong Procedure SNAFU
Shows American Naivete
Associated Press News Analyst
THE SNAFU over operational procedure at Kaesong is another case
of American assumption that the enemy will respond to elastic
and generous tactics.
The exact conditions which were to surround the truce negotia-
tions were not nailed down. As a result, a dispute over details now
threatens the really important matters involved.
The same thing happened when Roosevelt and Churchill left the
details hanging at Yalta regarding the forms of government desired
in what have now become the Soviet satellite states of Eastern Europe.
It happened when the military demarcation line was fixed
in Germany without detailed agreement about access to the Berlin
enclave. It happened when a military line in Korea was left
to become a political boundary.
It happened at Potsdam regarding operational procedure for post-
war Germany. It happened when Stalin agreed to a settlement of the
Berlin blockade and the allied negotiators left the Kremlin without
nailing down the details, which were immediately scrambled by the
Russian representatives in Berlin.
* * * *
GEN. Ridgway's message to the enemy commanders in Korea indi-
cates that the matter of press coverage has become a test case in
a situation which was already fouled up by assumption that a neutral
meeting place meant a disarmed meeting place, with equal freedom
of movement and communication for both sides.
With the Communists-and it is hard to see how this lesson
could have gone so long unlearned-you can't assume anything.
And they will stop in even the most turbulent of midstreams to
argue endlessly over any sort of change in what they consider
agreed procedure.
The failure of the Washington Administration to provide Ridgway
with counsel from among its experts in dealing with the Communists
already had been the subject of comment among observers before the
SNAFU arose. Dulles, Jessup and others experienced in picking up the
nuances of Communist words and deeds have been conspicuously ab-
sent from the Korean planning picture.
The United States left Ridgway to deal on a strictly military basis.
With the Communists, nothing is strictly military. Military and poli-
tical pressures are combined in one concerted drive toward their ob-
The Daily welcomes communications from its readers on matters of
general interest, and will publish all letters which are signed by the writer
and in good taste. Letters exceeding 300 words. in length, defamatory or
libelous letters, and letters which for any reason are not in good taste will
be condensed, edited or withheld from publication at the discretion of the




Douglas - White House
Political Rapprochement

WASHINGTON - Sen. Pau Douglas of
Illinois brought the olive branch into
the White House Wednesday and laid it
in front of President Truman.
The Senator said plainly to the President
what he has so often told friends: that any
breach between them is not of his making
and that Mr. Truman has his good wishes
and good will.
The President responded politely and plea-
santly. He avoided personalities and his
caller followed suit. As a result the three
vacancies in the federal courts of Illinois
for which Sen. Douglas long since recom-
mended candidates were not mentioned.
The next chapter in the Truman-Doug-
las saga will be public and it cannot be
long delayed. The federal court calendars
in Chicago are piling up and the incum-
bent judges are pleading for help. Senator
Douglas's trio were cleared by him with
the organization and have the blessing of
the Illinois National Committeeman, Jake
If they are not nominated by the President
the rebuff to Sen. Douglas, who has asked
only what ancient Senatorial custom dic-
tates, will be a pointed one. It will be up
to him what fight, if any, he will choose
then to wage with the President of his own
Party whose program he almost wholly ap-
s . .
ANY permanent breach between them
could have national results. The Presi-
dent is none too strong at best with the in-
dependent voters who have made a hero of
the former Socialist and ex-marine. But
political history has often proved an axiom
laid down by former Sen. Burton K. Whee-
ler of Montana when he took on President
No Senator, said the experienced Wheeler,
ever gets great by fighting the President of
his own Party. He may inflict wounds but
he will get plenty and he will lose ground
nationally for sure and probably at home.
Senator Wheeler was not too long proving
his own case.
The differences between the President
and Sen. Douglas are the hardest kind to
heal in politics, however, because they are
not on issues but largely matters of per-
sonality. Sen. Douglas was a Fair Dealer
when Mr. Truman was an obscure member
of the Pendergast political organization;
he has not only supported the President's
program but often led the fight, as in the
case of the Kerr Gas Bill and price control.
Penny Shortage
NEWS COMES from Washington that the
government is disturbed over the penny
situation. It appears that the coppers are
disappearing from circulation at an alarm-
ing rate.
Vanishing funds are, of course, no novelty
in Washington, but the Administration pre-
fers to monopolize this sort of disappearing
act itself. Hence the appeal that has gone
out to proprietors of piggy-banks, sugar
bowls, old socks and similar penny reposi-
Frankly, we doubt that the government
is going to get very far with its campaign.
Piggy-bank holders are by nature suspicious
of all attempts to deprive them of their
property; they have been known to put up
a terrible outcry when any one so much as
approaches their hard-earned hoards. A
penny saved is a penny earned, Ben Frank-

of the President's program but often led
the fight, as in the case of the Kerr Gas
Bill and price control.
But he led a battle for economy when the
President was daring Congress to cut his
budget. He is a member of the. Fulbright
subcommittee which unveiled the RFC prob-
lems, including the mink coat and the role
played by White House aide, Donald Daw-
son. He is now conducting public hearings
on ethics in government.
He has helped put the President on the
spot with the Marines again by pushing
through the Senate a bill to expand the
Marine Corps greatly, which Gen. Mar-
shall and the Joint Chiefs of Staff oppose.
Some Truman advisers want the President
to sign it and avoid another skirmish with
the leathernecks but there can be very
little doubt that, if the Generals and Ad-
miral Sherman wish it, the President will
veto the increase.
The public is pleased by all this but the
White House has made it clear that it is not.
An incautious admission by Senator Douglas
that he viewed Secretary of State Acheson as
a casualty of war who should be replaced
plus some indications that he viewed Gen.
Eisenhower as fine Presidential timber did
not help.
Human nature being what it is, various
Party leaders who named Douglas as their
second favorite Presidential candidate after
Mr. Truman also made their contribution to
the feud which the Senator now seeks to re-
(Copyright, 1951, by The Bell Syndicate, Inc.)
Hatcherian Ode
(After Sir W. S. Gilbert)
am the very model of a modern college
I'm always on the job, though nearly al-
ways a non-resident.
I tour about the country to assemblies
And make all sorts of speeches from sub-
lime to broadly comical,
I keep the trustees calm and the alumni
all benevolent,
Restrain all signs of riot and publicity
I know the market-value of each wage-
slave professorial,
And how much less he'll take for honorar-
ium tutorial,
I'm on to all the low intrigues and ri-
valries divisional,
An on the budget how I wield my foun-
tain-pen excisional.
So though I pile up mileage being gen-
erally non-resident
I am the very model of a modern college
* * *
I MIX WITH all the business kings-the
Lions and the Rotary,
Of heiresses and oil-tycoons I am a hope-
ful votary.
I'm fond of giving dinners in a lay-out
that is squiffycal ,
And talking on th radio in accents quite
I use the phrase "distinguished guest" at
every opportunity,
I welcome all alumni to my parlor every
June at tea.
And though I like to see the neutrals' lone-
ly hearts-that-burn at ease,
I always have a kindly word to say about

Washington Merry-Go-Round
WASHINGTON-The White House was considering a plan to send
VTr Supreme Court Justice William O. Douglas to Iran as special
mediator, when two published items suddenly knocked these plans in-
to a cocked hat. One item was in Winchell's column, the other an ar-
ticle in Life magazine.
The Winchell item read: "Personal memo of Tito of Yugoslavia,
nvehru of India and other chiefs of foreign nations: when a 'Bill
Douglas' (of Oregon and Washington, -D.C.) calls on you soon-all
courtesies extended will be appreciated by this column. Mr. Douglas
will file copy exclusively to us . . . It will be relayed to all I.N.S. cli-
ents under the byline: 'by Bill Douglas, Special Correspondent of
the Daily Winchell.' "
This did not go down well at the White House. Nobody re-
ally believed that the Supreme Court Justice was going to send
newspaper dispatches back from India and Yugoslavia where
Douglas is 'ow traveling, through Walter Winchell. Nevertheless,
Winchell is not popular around the White House, and even a
remote association between him and Douglas didn't help.
On top of this, the State Department learned that the Shah of
Iran was blazing mad over a recent article in Life Magazine in which
Justice, Douglas portrayed Iran as a land of crooks and grafters.
Though many agree with Douglas, the Shah apparently doesn't. For
last week an urgent cable sent to the State Department warned Doug-
las to stay out of Iran if he valued his life.
Obviously he was not the man to mediate in Iran.
T WILL PROBABLY be denied, but the Navy has refused to take
part in bombing Russia, in case of war, rather than submit to Air
Force command.
This is another flare-up in the bitter, Navy-Air Force feud
over whose planes should drop the atomic bomb and spearhead
the air offensive. The Navy has sought the strategic air role for
its carriers, but the Joint Chiefs of Staff have repeatedly over-
ruled the Navy and assigned strategic bombing to the Air Force.
However, Chief of Naval Operations Admiral Sherman came up
with a new offer at a recent meeting of the Joint Chiefs. He accepted
a secondary role for his carriers, but offered naval air support in case
of strategic air operations against Russia. The Joint Chiefs in turn
agreed to use carriers for strategic bombing, provided they.took their
orders from the Air Force.
This was too much for Admiral Sherman. He flatly refused to
take part in strategic bombing unless the Navy commanded its own
flight missions.


Mr. Briley .

0 .

DURING BACKSTAGE talks in the State Department the question
has arisen more than once: "What if the cease-fire moves in
Korea could be the prelude to another Pearl Harbor?"
It was just before Pearl Harbor, of course, that Japan sent
special negotiators to Washington, ostensibly to patch up our rup-
turing relations. Suppose history repeats, now ask some of our
Unfortunately certain world developments appear to justify this
question mark. One is the steady concentration of Chinese troops on
the French Indo-China border. Another is the heavy shipment of
kerosene from Manchuria south toward French Indo-China. Kerosene
is used to fuel jet planes.
Another is troop concentrations north of Iran. Another is con-
tinued reports of troop maneuvers on the Yugoslav border, plus Red
army movements in East Germany and Poland. The latter have gone
on for some years, and may or may not mean anything.
However, it is important that the United States is winning
the friendship battle in both Japan and Germany, while the So-
viet is losing out. And when a nation finds itself slipping, the usual
move in a dictatorship is military action.
Another suspicious factor is the sudden flag-waving for peace now
inspired by Communist groups. Word is reported to have gone out from
Moscow that the new Communist line is to plug for peace at any price.
This is what makes sincere and genuine peace negotiations more
difficult. Ninety per cent of the American people devoutly want peace.
An equal proportion of West Europeans also want peace, are even
more devoutly anxious for it than we-because they are tired, extre-
mely war-weary and would not follow us in a war that came too soon.
Furthermore, they would not follow us even now if we did not bend
over backward to accept any and all Communist peace moves in Korea.
This was one reason why General Ridgway accepted the Com-
munist proposal to meet in unneutral Kaesong rather than on a
neutral Danish hospital ship. This was also why he has put up
with the rebuff of having our negotiators surrounded by armed
Communists. For, when the pubic and your allies are peace-
hungry, they expect their military commanders to meet almost
However, what the American public has to remember is that
peace obtained at any price is never a lasting peace, and that as far
as preparedness is concerned, this is no time for us to relax.
(Copyright, 1951, by the Bell Syndicate, Inc.)

To the Editor:
MR. BRILEY! I am amused at
how verbosely you disguise
your immaturity and inexperience.
I am even more amused at the'
amount of spaoce you devoured
with your editorial, "U Adminis-
tration," when you could have ex-
pressed your criticism so much
more adequately and decently in
a few words and still remained a
I can agree with you in so far
as this University is not perfect
or entirely faultless, but neither is
any other institution of higher
learning, large or small. I know!
Four years ago, I set out on a na-
tion-wide search for the perfect
college you dream of. Since then
I have attended four academic
colleges, one business college, and
visited at a half a dozen other
colleges from the East Coast to
the West Coast. They varied in
size from a student population of
200 to 25,000.
I became well-enough acquaint-
ed with the members of the ad-
ministration, teaching staff, and'
student body to provide ample
proof on a comparative basis that
this university is organized and
functions for the benefit of the
individual student and that its ef-
forts are aimed in the direction of
providing closer teacher-student
rapport, but that, my friend, is a
two-way proposition.
This University is not designed
to pamper and coddle those indi-
viduals who can not and will not
express and uphold their own con-
victions. It is building mer and
women to meet the future with
courage and forthright. It is a
future that demands men and wo-
men of positive action resources
and not namby-pambies weeping
cynically through words.
You are the fool not to take
advantage of the opportunities the
University offers for meeting with
the administration officers and
faculty - and expressing yourself.
Their motives for instigating them
are irrelevant. You are fortunate
for their existence. Leaders are
made, not born. The leaders any
place on this campus will be no
better than we, the students, make
them. They can not be expected
to pull out opinions from students
like teeth.
This is a big University. This is
a big world, too.. The channels you
will wade through in the largei
world to get what you want are
even more numerous and longer
than you suggest of this Univer-
sity. It takes perseverance. This
University might be a good place
to begin practicing it in prepara-

tibn. Moreover, I am certain that
the mud-slinging and fault-find-
ing methods you employ to obtain
action out of the University will
never substitute for it.
Since I have come to this Uni-
versity I have never failed in re-
ceiving the attention and consid-
eration that was due me. I have
always been able to express my
opinions. I have received direct
and fair answers to my questions.
I have been treated with respect
and human decency. The worth of
the individual has been tried, test-
ed, and proved in my case, and it
is my hope that my testimony will
stand as proof for other students
who have been falsely endoctrin-
ated by the cynical writers and
speakers on this campus with feel-
ings of fear and discouragement
concerning administration and fa-
culty. I say only to them that if
they don't like something, to say
so, but with sincerity of purpose
to fight for, not against. We can
not ever achieve democracy with-
out using it.
-Georgia M. Rese




Sixty-First Year
Edited and mxanaged by students of
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authority of the Board in Control of
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D Editorial Staff
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Let's see what the children have painted.
!'m sure they've forgotten about Barnaby's

They all seem to have painted the same thing!g!uclm r./


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