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July 14, 1951 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1951-07-14

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f 4 '

Latest Deadline in the State




Dogs Keep City Police Busy

It's a dog's day for dogs every
day in Ann Arbor, according to
police reports.
At least three or four calls are
received daily from people com-
plaining of dogs biting, scratching,
snapping, straying or barking.
But reports from fraternities,
where the large majority of cam-
pus dogs are kept, indicate that
there is no basis for complaint
with one exception.'
"YOU CAN TAKE our collie,
Amber Shadow, if you want her,"
Bob McPhee of Theta Delta Chi
offered. "She's kind of dumb,
barks all the time and especially
dislikes uniformed men carrying
packages. She has bitten the laun-
dry man twice," he added.
Every other house questioned
had nothing but praise for its
canine boarders.
The cook at the Beta Theta Pi
house put in a kind word for
Jiggs, their bulldog. "He sure
looks viperous and ugly," she ad-
mitted, "but he's calm as a
At the Sigma Phi house the only
trouble with the great Dane, Reil-
ly, arises when he is "viciously at-
tacked" by his two brothers, mas-
cots of other fraternities, accord-
ing to Jim Zagelmeyer, '54.
** *
FROM GERMANY a new type
of exchange visitor, Landa Von
Lahtenberg, German shepherd, has
come to the Tau Delta Phi house,
where she observes the scheduled
study hours, reports Ed Smith, '54.
Prof. Michael Chiapetta, on
the visiting staff of the educa-
tion school, alumni of Trigon,
who is staying at the house this
summer calls their dalmatian.
Dagmar, "most unobtrusive."
"If there have been complaints
it must have been about someone
else's dog." Chuck Stowe, '51 of
Phi Kappa Sigma said. "Our dach-
shund, Kapper, doesn't bite, bark,
shed, orscratch the furniture. The
disturbance must come from un-
educated .non-college dogs," he
DETROITERS TOO, have their

-Daily-Robert Lewis
IT'S A DOG'S LIFE-Buzz, the Chi Phi boxer, is a dog with a
bone to pick and he pours his complaints about a group of noisy
snapping humans outside his window, into the sympathetic ear
of the Ann Arbor police.
* * * * *

share of dog troubles and have
been registering their complaints
through the editorial pages of
their local newspapers.
Some of the suggestions they
have offered for solving the canine
problem have been fining owners
who refuse to train their dogs, a
curfew prohibiting letting dogs
out between 9 p.m., and 7 a.m. and

a luxury tax on dogs and their
Back in Ann Arbor turn about
was fair play yesterday when Buzz,
mascot of Chi Phi fraternity, in-
dignantly phoned the police de-
partment. "There were some hu-
mans outside my window last
night behaving quite boisterously,
and one of them snapped at me."
the boxer complained.

U. S. Wants
Buffer Zone
iBy Parallel
Acheson Reveals
ted States is seeking a Korean
armistice agreement which would
establish a buffer zone along the
present battle line-mostly north
of the 38th parallel.
This was indicated in a question
and answer exchange at Secretary
of State Acheson's news confer-
ence yesterday. Acheson also en-
dorsed fully Gen. Matthew B.
Ridgway's demand on the Com-
munists that Korean truce talks
must be resumed in a completely
neutral zone with free access for
negotiating teams of both sides.
* * *
IN DISCUSSING the present
disruption of the talks-which of-
ficials here hope may be resumed
shortly-Acheson declined to go
beyond what Ridgway, the U.N.
commander, h a s already said
about the conduct of the Com-
Specifically he declined to com-
ment or re-state in his own words
a charge by the Voice of America
that the Communists had shown
"bad faith" before the talks were
interrupted and that this in fact
caused the interruption.
Acheson, did say, however,
that performance is the test of
the Reds' attitude and that the
world will be able to judge by
their performance what they in-
tend to do.
The 38th parallel issue came into
the news conference discussion
when Acheson was reminded that
the Communists had published
their requirements for an armis-
tice agreement including estab-
lishment of a buffer zone along
the 38th parallel boundary be-
tween North and South Korea. He
was asked what the opposing
American demands are but de-
clined to say.
While his comments were care-
fully restrained, the Voice of Am-
erica struck out hard at the Com-
munists, aiming its blows in part
at Premier Stalin on the apparent
theory that he is responsible ul-
timately for what happens. It
asked Stalin:
"Do you want the shooting, the
killing, in Korea to stop or do you
want it to continue?"
The voice-the State Depart-
ment's radio to overseas-said the
Communist "buildup of 500,000
troops in Manchuria" and "the
1,000-plane air forcebeing as-
sembled in Red China" are proof
of bad faith.
House Shoots
Holes in Price
Controls Bill
WASHINGTON-(iP)-A rebelli-
ous House shot new holes in the
Administration's economic con-
trols bill yesterday.
By a vote of 92 to 39, the cham-
ber rejected President Truman's
request for unlimited authority to
set up new Federal corporations to
spur defense production or assist
in control measures.
Once again the Republicans
took the lead in blasting away at
the already tattered controls mea-
sure. A few Democrats joined
Rep. Crawford (R-Mich.) told

the House that the requested
authority would take away the
right of Congress to control the
"chicaneries" of any new govern-
ment agencies which the President
might see fit to create.
Ur.4er the corporations control
act, passed several years ago, only
Congress itself can charter new
agencies such as the commodity
credit corporation, which supports
farm prices, or the home owners
loan corporation, set up in depres-
sion days to aid hard-pressed
home owners.
The vote came on an amend-
ment by Rep. Hardy (D-Va.)
striking the proposed power out
of the new bill.




Red Radio
Silenit for
24 Hours

UNDER WATER-The business district of Marion, Kansas, city of 2,100, is shown with the Cotton-
wood River running down its Main Street. Swollen by a four inch rain fall overnight, the river
swept into the city for the third time in a month. The worst flood in Kansas' history has already
caused more than $300,000,000 damage.




New Faculty
Ninety-four faculty promotions
effective with the start of the fa
semester, were announced yester
day by President Alexander G
Twenty-nine of the promotion
are to the rank of professor, thir
ty-four to the rank of associat
professor, one to the rank of su
pervisor, and thirty to the position
of assistant professor.
* * *
THE LIST of promotions fol
College of Literature, Scienc
and the Arts: Gardner Ackle
(economics), Arno L. Bader (Eng
lish), Lowell J. Carr (sociology)
Dorwin P. Cartwright (psychol
ogy), Donal H. Haines (journal
ism), Amos H. Hawley, Jr., (so
ciology), Kenneth L. Jones (bo
Ronald Lippitt (psychology and
sociology), Rogers McVaugh (bo
tany), Bruno Meinecke (Latin)
Horace M. Miner (sociology), Fe
derico y E s c r i b a n o (Spanish)
Mischa Titiev (anthropology),
Frederick S. Turneaure (geology)
College of Engineering: Ernes
F. Brater (hydraulic engineering)
Lester V. Colwell (production en-
gineering), William W. Hagerty
Jr., (engineering mechanics), Mar-
tin J. Orbeck (mechanism and
engineering drawing).
Medical School: Charles R
Brassfield (physiology), Henry C
Eckstein (biological chemistry)
Dr. Moses M. Frolich (psychiatry)
Dr. Herman M. Pollard (interna
School of Education: Orlando
W. Stephenson.
Law School: George E. Palmer
School of Business Administra-
tion: William J. Schlatter (ac-
School of Music: Philip A. Duey
(voice), Oliver A. S. Edel (violon-

National Guard Halts
Riot Threat in Illinois

CICERO,Ill. - ) -- Seventy-
five quick arrests by patrolling po-
1, lice.squads and a show of strength
by National Guardsmen nipped in
the bud last night any new riot-
ing at an apartment house where
s a Negro family rented quarters.
- No mob had formed by 11.p.m.
t to challenge the barbed wire bar-
- ricades around the apartment
n block and 400 steel helmeted
guardsmen armed with bayonets,
rifles and tear gas grenades.
THE ROVING police squads saw
R to that. They pushed back and
e forth in paddy wagons dispersing
y small groups and picking up any
- persons wyho refused to move along.
, Some 200 policemen and deputies
- were on duty.
- The strings of barbed wire,
- forming a fence five strands deep,
- barricaded all street and alley
entrances in the square block
d around the building. Some 350
- steel helmeted guardsmen armed
, with rifles and tear gas grenades
- manned the barricade.
T' Budget Set
At2 $19,561,500
- For 1951-52
The Board of Regent's approval
of the University's $19,561,500 gen-
, eral fund budget became effective
, yesterday.
1 Action by the Regents was talen
at a special meeting June 29 butt
it did not become final until noon
yesterday, following a two week 1
period required by the laws of theE
The major source of income forr
the general fund budget will be
an appropriation of $14,845,000
from theM ate L T.q Iaren .7n -_

The outer perimeter-a four
blocks square area--was patrolled
by police and sheriff's deputies.
Only 100 persons were in the
area in the evening.
Governor Adlai E. Stevenson
told a news conference in Spring-
field that he was considering re-
placing the guardsmen now on
duty with Chicago guardsmen, if
the situation does not improve.
The Chicago guardsmen are in
summer training at Camp Gray-
ling, Mich., but will return this
week end. The guardsmen on duty
now are from nearby cities.
The governor said in a telegram
to Sheriff John E. Babb of Chica-
go that "I am advised that order
is restored in Cicero within a ra-
dius of 300 yards of the apartment
STEVENSON SAID he believed
the guard troops who put down
last night's rioting were deployed
"too late" to prevent formation of
large crowd. He said he believed
they arrived at a rendezvous at
the Cicero Town Hall in time, but
found no local officials who could
say what was required of them.
He said the troop commander
finally deployed his men on his
own initiative.
In New York, Executive Sec-
retary Walter White of the Na-
tional Association for the Ad-
vancement of Colored People
said he would fly to Chicago to
conduct an on-the-spot investi-
gation of the riots.
"From the investigations made
to date, it is clear that the Cicero
rioting has been planned for a
long time and there is evidence of
expert agitation in the leadership
of the riot," White said.
The height of disorder occurred
Thursday night and early yester-
day when 450 guard troops moved
in to help 200 Cicero and Cook

World News
By The Associated Press
WASHINGTON-A secret bil-
lion dollar Air Force building pro-
ject in Europe and areas rimming
Russia was approved yesterday by
the House Armed Services Com-
GUATAMELA, Guatemala -
This capital city quieted down
yesterday after two days of riot-
ing in which four persons were
killed and 61 injured.
The government suspendedj
constitutional guarantees for 30
days in a decree dated Thursday.
It described the rioting as part
of a plot against the regime of
President Jacobo Arbez Guzman.
DETROIT-President Harry S.
Truman will make his second
presidential visit to the motor city
July 28, as a part of Detroit's
250th birthday celebration.
Advance troops of the "Hell on
Wheels" Armored Division land-
ed here from the United States
yesterday "to keep the Russians
out of Western Europe."
That's the way Maj. Gen.
Williston B. Palmer described
the mission of his famed.Second
Armored Division as 1,100 sol-
diers walked down the gang-
plank of tre Navy Transport
General Gallan. Other trans-
ports are carrying the rest of
the second's 15,000 men across
the Atlantic.
WASHINGTON-Averell Harri-
man took off yesterday on his
Presidential mission to oil-troubled
The military plane will carry
President Truman's foreign affairs
adviser to Iran, for talks intended
to help solve the British-Iranian
oil dispute.
LANSING - Michigan's Aug-
ust draft call yesterday was upped
by 859 men to a total of 2,298.


KANSAS CITY-(P)-The worst
flood in Kansas' history surged
into the twin cities of Kansas City,
Mo., and Kansas City, Kas., yes-
terday bringing near paralysis to
this metropolitan area of 900,000
With three major industrial dis-
tricts under water and fire burn-
ing in an oil storage tank area of
two square blocks, the City Coun-
cil proclaimed a state of emer-
and City Manager L. P. Cooking-
ham-n earlier had requested that all
non-essential businesses close in
Kansas City.
Residents were asked to re-
main in their homes unless on
essential business. -
The water supply in Kansas
City, Mo., and suburbs supplied
by that city's water plant were
reduced sharply by the flooding
of Turkey Creek Pumping Sta-
tion, which supplies half the nor-
mal water supply for 600,000 per-
Meanwhile, Army Engineers re-
commended evacuation of North
Kansas City, an industrial area
north of the Missouri River from
the Kansas City, Mo., business
* *
THEY ALSO advised the Mu-
nicipal Airport to move all of its
equipment to higher ground. The
airport is adjacent to North Kan-
sas City, although within the cor-
pgrate limits of Kansas City.
North Kansas City is a newer
heavy industrial district with
many factories and warehouses,
but has a population of onlf
about 5,000.
The evacuation was ordered
after the weather bureau pre-
dicted a flood crest half a foot
higher than the 1903 top-great-
est Kansas flood on record here-
tofore. This would .pour the
water over the dikes.
Maj. Gen. Lewis Pick, Chief of
the Army Engineers, told reporters
in Washington that damage from
the flood, which devastated much'

of Eastern Kansas before pouring
into Kansas City, could reach
Thirteen persons are known to
have lost their lives since the
floods started three days ago, and
there were unconfirmed reports to-
day that three more died in Kan-
sas City, Kas., when a boat cap-
By Acheson
of State Acheson disclosed yester-
day that a number of State De-
partment employes have been sus-
pended in the last month or so.
These are in addition to the two
officials whose suspension-in con-
nection with security charges
against them-was announced last
* * *
many more have been suspended
or give any new names.
He said the Department tries
not to give out procedural infor-
mation in these cases, but that
when they become known any-
how, it feels it ought to say what
the facts are.
It had become generally known
among State Department reporters
that John P. Davies and Oliver Ed-
mund Clubb, high ranking offi-
cials specializing in Chinese affairs,
had been suspended before the
Department formally announced it
last night.
Acheson told questioners the
suspensions were under the appli-
cation of a statute which he under-
stood was only about a month or
six weeks old.
He said that officials or other
employes who have to face hear-
ings on loyalty or security charges
since the application of the law
became effective must be automa-
tically suspended pending hearings.
* * *
Wis.), Acheson's severest critic, ap-
plauded the two suspensions but
told a reporter he regarded the
Secretary's ban against giving out
information on others as "typical
of Anhon.n who never wants to

W orst Flood Paralyzes
I Twin Cities of Kansas,

Action Limited
On Battlefront
SEOUL, Korea-MP--Red radio
remained silent today on Gen.
Matthew B. Ridgway's demand
for fair play if the Kaesong ar-
mistice talks are to be resumed.
More than 24 hours after the
Allied Supreme Commander told
the Communists to pull their
troops out of Kaesong and show
other evidences of good faith,
Peiping Radio had not replied.
* * *
THE RED China English langu-
age voice-cast carried, instead, a
repeat of an earlier Communist
reply to Vice Adm. C. Turner Joy's
Thursday message regarding ad-
mittance of Allied correspondents
to Kaesong.
Ridgway's message, with firm
conditions for resumption of the
armistice talks, still was unans-
wered at 11 p.m. yesterday (Ann
Arbor time).
Allied armistice delegates
waited, meanwhile, at an ad-
vanced United Nations peace
camp. Six helicopters were held
in readiness-as were white-
flagged jeeps-to carry dele-
gates and their aides to Ka-
Since shortly after 10:15 pn.'
Thursday (Ann Arbor time) the
next move has been up to thq
* * *
AT THAT HOUR, radios beamed
to the Reds a statement by Gen-
eral Ridgway, Allied Supreme
Commander, on why there have
been no talks' since Wednesday
and the three "primary prerequi-
sites" for getting them started
SHe accused the Reds of ob-
jectionable tactics from the
start of the talks Tuesday.
In Washington, Secretary ofo,
State Acheson endorsed fully ther'
stand taken by Ridgway but de-
clined to go beyond what Ridgway
already had said about the con-
duct of the Communists.
Acheson indicated, however; th
United States seeks a buffer zone,
along the present battle line which
is mostly north of the 38th par-
allel. He stated emphatically at a
news conference that he has not
said anything that would indicate
he favored withdrawal south ofl
the parallel.
Also in Washington the Army
announced enemy casualties in
the Korean War have now risen
to 1,202,928.
Meanwhile, U. S. Eighth Army
Headquarters, reported Allied pa-
trol advances up to five miles se-
cured a ridgeline southeast of
Kumsong on the Korean East-
Central front yesterday against
stubborn Red resistance.
This limited-objective attack
was the only significant action on
the Korean front.
Judge Orders
Red Leaders
Freed on Bond
NEW YORK-(P)-Bowing to a
higher court, Federal Judge Syl-
vester J. Ryan yesterday ordered
15 second string Communist lead-
ers freed on bond.
He reinstated $176,000 bail post-
ed by the Civil Rights Congress.
Ryon revoked the bonds Wed-
nesday and outlawed the Congress
as a future bondsman in his court.
The 15 were locked up in Federal
detention cells.
Appeals Judge Learned Hand
reversed Judge Ryan Thursday
but the Reds remained in jail
overnight to await Judge Ryan's

"Judge Hand has ruled," Ryan

'U' Student Breaks World's Record

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