Oral Language Courses Supplemented by Laboratory
To further understanding of
languages more effectively than
by the classic method of transla-
tion teaching, the romance lang-
uage department launched a ser-
ies of oral courses in French and
Spanish shortly after the end of
the last war.
Today class work in these cours-
es continues, supplemented by
work in the language laboratory,
which was started in September,
** *
"ACHIEVING A free exchange
of thoughts and ideas with other
nations of the world without the
interference of a language bar-
rier is of major importance to the
United States," according to Prof.
Lawrence B. Kiddle, summer ses-
sion chairman of the romance lan-
guage department.
Prof. Kiddle explained, "The
need for persons well trained in
foreign languages was heighten-
ed by the globe-shrinking dur-
ing the last war."
"It was the war which gave im-
petus to the movement for ex-
panded teaching of the spoken
language," he added.
StJDENT attendance at the
language lab averaged about 15
or 20 a day the first year. Now,
more than 100 students a day
make use of the recorded textbook
lessons, commercial language
courses and wire recording appar-
atus which are available.
Originally established as a lab-
oratory for French and Spanish
students, the equipment is now
being used by the Russian, Near
Eastern and German departments
and the English Language Insti-
When the lab is moved into
its new headquarters in the An-
gell Hall addition, it will be ex-
panded to include all language
LANGUAGE LABORATORY-Students make use of the photograph and recording equipment in the
University's Romance Language Laboratory to supplement class work being done in many language
departments on campus. Located in the first floor of Angell Hall, the lab provides a collection of re-
corded textbook lessons, commercial language teaching records and records of various dialects.
* . .* ~ * * *
departments,. and it is hoped
that all commercial teaching
records will be on file there. The
lab now occupies a limited space
in the first floor south wing of t
Angell Hall.
The success of the oral program
is evidenced by the marked im-
provement in language skill evi-
denced by students of these class-
es, according to Prof. Kiddle.
* * *
are available in the lab where
students may play records which
explain the texts and may follow
the speakers using the texts. Dur-
ing provided pauses on the rec-
ords, students may repeat the
words and copy the pronuncia-
tions of the recorders. They may
also use the wire recording ap-
paratus to make permanent rec-
ords of their own voices to enable
them to hear their mistakes and
correct them.
Peace Festival
Will Be Held
A "Festival of the Arts for
Peace," featuring an exhibit of
paintings and drawings on the
theme of world peace, a report
from the recent Chicago Peace
Congress and a musical program
Will be held at 4 p.m. Sunday at
523 Packard.
Included in the program will be
a modern dance by a member of
the University physical education
department, a reading of an origi-
nal poem and folk songs by a Chi-
nese student. All art included in
the exhibition is done by local
professional or non-professional
Sponsored by the Ann Arbor
Council of Arts, Sciences, and Pro-
fessions, the festival will be held
in the garden of the Packard St.
Persons desiring reservations
for dinner, which will be served
from 5 to 7 p.m~., should tele-
phone 3-1358 or 3-0425.
Cocktail Lounge
Transportation by plane direct
to a cocktail lounge will be the
main attraction of the new bar to
be operated at Willow Run Air
Permission for the lounge was
obtained at a meeting of the Ypsi-
lanti township board when Super-
visor Henry Hicks broke a 3-3 tie.
Time's News Presentation
Defended by Staff Member
Although Time Magazine is of-
ten accused of slanting the news,
its reports are no more biased than
those of any other news source,
Allan B. Ecker, former Time staff
writer, asserted at a lecture spon-
sored by the journalism depart-
However, Time approaches the
news from a preconceived stand,
Ecker admitted. This stand was
determined by the editors of Time
when the magazine was first
" s s
DISCUSSING THE function of
the weekly newsmagazine, Ecker
said it is useful primarily to point
up what is significant in the news.
The newsmagazine has an advan-
tage over the daily papers be-
cause its writers are given a week
to work over their stories and to
sift and weigh the news, he added.
"An associate editor of Time once
wrote the f.irst paragraph or lead
of a story more than 138 times
before it was submitted for publi-
Time, Ecker said, is typical of
most newsmagazines in that it is
not as concerned with the timeli-
ness of an event as its signifi-
cance. In addition, he noted that
Time departs from the usual news
style and tries to imply chrono-
logical sequence in stories.
Commenting on Times' tradi-
tional accent on adjectives, Ecker
claimed that the Luce-owned
weekly is attempting to discard
this method and plans to use more
vigorous verbs in its place. How-
ever, certain adjectives such as
the "late great president" and "the
good, grey New York Times" will
probably never be abandoned, he
Ecker worked on various staffs
of Time from 1946 to 1950 and is
now on the summer staff. He
spends most of his time conduct-
ing round-table discussions at
journalism schools throughout the
Korean Arrival
2,092 servicemen aboard, and some
200 civilian passengers, the trans-
port Gen. J. C. Breckinridge ar-
rived yesterday from the Orient.
Instructors go over the wire re-
cordings with the students thereby
providing individualized training
which is impossible in the typical
language course, Prof. Kiddle said.
Not only records of the text
books being used by the Univer-
sity are available in the lab, but
there are also commercial lan-
guage records in languages from
Spanish to Chinese. Records are
also made which illustrate the
various .dialects.
Pollock Urges
A unicameral legislature for
Michigan was proposed by Prof.
James K. Pollock, chairman of the
political science department, at a
forum on state and local govern-
ment at Michigan State College.
Prof. Pollock suggested that a
move for a one-house legislature
might force action on such issues
as reapportionment of represen-
tation and a revision of the pre-
sent system of check and balance.
"The theory has been tested and
found workable," Prof. Pollock
said. "A unicameral government
gets away from interhouse bick-
" *
OPPOSITION to the so-called
Missouri Plan for selecting judges
was expressed yesterday by panel
members at the forum and Local
The Missouri Plan provides for
appointment of the judges by
the governor after recommenda.
tion by a non-partisan nominat-
ing committee. Voters decided
whether the judge shall be re-
placed or remain in office when
he comes up for reappointment.
Panel members admitted that
one advantage of the plan would
be that judges would have no ten-
dency to be influenced by politics
in making decisions.
Reds Won't
Russian leaders might have a
difficult time persuading their
people to fight vigorously, if the
conflict couldn't be shown to be a
war of defense, according to Prof.
Fred W. Neal, visiting professor
in the political science depart-
"We must remember that the
men in the Kremlin also have a
morale problem among their peo-
ple," he continued. "I don't think
the Russians want a world con-
flict at this time."
NEAL, WHO IS an assistant to
Harvard University President
James B. Conant on the Commit-
tee on the Present Danger, a State
deparment consultant on Russian
affairs and chief of foreign re-
search for eastern Europe, was
stationed for two years in Siberia
as a liaison officer for the United
States Naval Air Corps, during
World War II.
"There are people in the Bri-
tish foreign office who have rea-
son to believe a major worry of
the Russians is that the Chinese
would like to have the world
headquarters of Communism
shift from Moscow to Peiping,"
Neal said.
"There is no definite proof that
Red China will follow in the steps
of Tito, but the conditions under
which the Communists came to
power in both countries have
many similarities and such an
event could happen," he pointed
Prof. Neal expressed doubt that
Russian leaders give direct orders
to Red China. "Russia isn't in a
position to give Red China direct
orders, but I do think that the
Chinese take their cues from the
Kremlin. Russia does have some
leverage with them because of the
aid Red China has received in the
Korean conflict, he said.
Neal, born in Northville, Michi-
gan, graduated from the Univer-
sity in 1937. He served as the Wall
Street Journal's Washington cor-
respondent for four years preced-
ing World War II. He won a Ful-
bright scholarship to France in
1950 and was a Nieman fellow at
Harvard in 1942. He also has ser-
ved as an assistant to the presi-
dent of the University of New
York State.
MT1usic Group
Will Convene
Demonstration teaching, forum
discussion, exhibits and concerts
will all be included in the three-
day music educators' conference
to be held today through Satur-
Sponsored by the School of Mu-
sic, the three sessions will deal
with string teaching today, school
and community orchestra tomor-
row and school vocal music Sat-
Highlighting the conference will
be a forum on the "Development
of String Department Service to
Schools in the State" today, a
symposium on "Orchestra Train-
ing Problems" and a forum on
"General Music Problems," both
Prof. David Mattern of the mu-
sic school will be conference chair-
Moody To Be Main Speaker
At Annual Confab Tonight
Michigan's Sen. Blair Moody
will be the main after-dinner
speaker at tonight's session of the
Anual Conference on Aging at
the Union.
The other featured speaker will
be Dr. Frank Kursen of the Mayo
Clinic who will discuss, "Looking
Back on Physical Medicine and
Ex-FBI Spy'
Names Cells
Virginia housewife, who served
seven years as an FBI spy in Com-
munist ranks, testified yesterday
Communist campus cells once op-
erated at two Maryland universi-
Mary Markward, 29 years old,
mother of two children, told the
H o u s e Un-American Activities
Committee that the Reds also
sneaked cells into Baltimore steel
plants in 1945.
* * . *
AND SHE NAMED a former
capital reporter f o r columnist
Drew Pearson as a Communist
Party member. Pearson replied he
discharged the man as soon as he
found out about him.
Mrs. Markward said one of
the campus cells was set up at
the University of Maryland, Col-
lege Park, Md. "There were only
four members, as I recall," she
said. "They were not really too
She testified the Communist
Party's white collar section estab-
lished another cell at Johns Hop-
kins University in Baltimore but
did not say how many members
it had.
** *
MEANWHILE, the Senate's In-
ternal Security Committee pre-
pared to go to New York City to-
day to question millionaire Fred-
erick Vanderbilt Field about the
bail put up for Communist leaders,
four of whom skipped.
Senator McCarran (D-Nev.)
Committee Chairman, told report-
ers the group had decided not to
try to take field "from the juris-
diction of the New York court."
The Senator said a Committee
subpoena for Field's appearance in
Washington had been issued be-
fore Field was cited and sentenced
to jail for contempt of court in
New York.
Mrs. Markward, who worked
in a Washington beauty shop
while she spied on the Com-
munists, said she believes the
Communist Party still has cel
operating in the District of Co-
lumbia and Maryland. She did
not say whether the Red cells
in Maryland's steel plants and
colleges were still operating.
The House Committee, which is
looking into Communist doings in
and around Washington and Bal-
timore, praised Mrs. Markward
for her courage.
Rep. Potter (R-Mich.) told her:
"I think the service you have per-
formed for your country merits
the same recognition as that of a
man on a battlefield."
Mrs. Markward s m il e d her
thanks as spectators in the crowd-
ed hearing room broke into ap-
Rehabilitation." A panel discus-
sion will follow.
* * *
THE THREE-DAY conference
on problems of the aged was op-
ened yesterday by John L. Thurs-
ton, deputy administrator of the
Federal Security Agency.
Thurston called for local ac-'
tion to utilize the productive ca-
pacity of handicapped and older
persons now unemployed. He
cited studies that have shown
virtually everyone is disabled
for some work, but practically
no one is disabled for all work.
Dr. Harold A. Rusk, speaking at
the opening session of the confer-
ence, emphasized that medical,
sociological and economic tools
must be used immediately to find
a productive niche in our society
for the handicapped and aged.
Dr. Rusk is chairman of the
department of physical medicine
and rehabilitation of the New
York College of Medicine.
"At present, there are eleven
and a half million in our aging
population," he declared. "By 19-
80 there will be one disabled per-
son or one unemployed person ov-
er sixty-five for every productive
worker, if we don't utilize these
people in a productive manner.
Economists say it would be impos-
sible to maintain our present
standard of living if we had to
bear such a burden."
* * *
A PLAN for the aged now being
used by a dozen hospitals in Bri-
tain was outlined at the evening
session of th'e conference by Dr.
Lionel Z. Cosin, of the United Ox-
ford Hospitals, Oxford, England,
a guest lecturer at the University.
Patients admitted to the geri-
atric units of these hospitals
are assessed from the psycholo-
gical, sociological and medical
standpoints, he said.
"We try to promote a full life
for old people by getting them to
think of a 14easurable future," he
added. "Old people should be re-
integrated into the family and
their independence in the com-
munity restored."
The conference will end with a
luncheon at 12:30 p.m. tomorrow
in the Union, which will be de-
voted to summary reports and a
talk by Clark Tibbits, former head
of the University's Institute for
Human Adjustment and now
chairman of the Federal Security
Agency's Committee on Aging and
Astronomy Tal
Prof. Otto Struve, chairman of
the astronomy department at the
University of California at Berke-
ley, and past president of the Am-
erican Astronomical Society, will
lecture on "The Evolution of
Stars," at 8:30 p.m. tomorrow in
Rm. 1025 Angell Hall.
Following the lecture, which is
part of the astronomy depart-
ment's Visitors Night program, the
Student Observatory on the fifth
floor of Angell Hall will be open
for telescopic observation of the
Moon and Saturn, if weather per-
3 Planets
On Exhibit
Not one, not two, but three plan-
ets in a row. That's the prospect
for late July in the southwestern
sky after sunset, according to Prof.
Hazel M. Losh of the astronomy
Dominating the trio of planets
will be the brilliant Venus, which
will be at its brightest July 28. The
planet has been visible in the West
during the early evening hours for
* , ,
MERCURY, which was in evi-
dence in April, will be to the right
of Venus and to the left will be
Saturn. The three will be almost
in a straight line.
Two bright stars will add
further color to the southwest-
ern sky, Prof. Losh added. Regu-
lus will be to the right of Mer-
cury while Spica will be just be-
yond Saturn.
"Mercury's position for observa-
tion will not be as good as it was
in April but it should be easily
identified in relation to Venus,"
she said. "It will reach its best
position on Aug. 3."
Early in July, Jupiter will be ris-
ing almost exactly in the east by
midnight, as Venus adisappears in
the west. By the end of the month,
Jupiter will be visible by 10 p.m.
"The Milky Way may be easily
traced during summer evenings,"
Prof. Losh said. "Starting in the
northeast, it may be followed
across the sky through the zenith
or mid-point in the sky and on
through its two branches."
Heavy Rains
LANSING--B-Excessive rains
complicated the Michigan crop
picture last week, the federal-
state crop reporting service said
The heavy rains caused a slow-
down in field work but crops still
made generally good progress.
Work on haying was progres-
sing despite the wet weather, corn
was making slow growth and beet
stands were good. High winds
caused some losses to cherry grow-
Showers were reported six days
out of seven in upper Michigan.
Lower Michigan had rain about
four days during the week. Tem-
peratures were generally below
Student Soloist
Joan St. Denis, '54 SM, will ap-
pear as soloist at a Belle Isle band
concert this summer as one of
the eleven winners in the Detroit
Department of Parks and Recre-
ation vocal contest.
* individually styled
9 five hair stylists,
Liberty off State
New Licenses
May Be Issued
LANSING-01-George Burke,
Ann Arbor attorney, Chairman of
the State Liquor Control Com-
mission told a legislative commit-
tee yesterday 3,500 new package
beer licenses and 300 new package
liquor licenses may be issued this
Both classes of licenses have
been frozen for two years.
Burke told the Administrative
Rules Committee that the Com-
mission staff is now working on
applications for the new licenses
following a Commission decision
to unfreeze them.
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